Archive for 'Scammers, Griefers and Goons'

The Demi-Pharaoh Speaks!

A Tale in the Desert is one of those games that chooses to tread the dangerous boards of player-run government, at least to a limited extent. The game’s demi-pharaohs, of which there have been some 20 over the last three years, each have the power to exile up to seven of their countrymen, should they [...]

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Mafia Boss Torches Red Dragon Casino

by Dirk Diggler In a textbook case of how partnerships with the Mafia can go horribly wrong, Drax Lemieux’s Red Dragon Club & Casino was attacked at roughly 9:30pm game time Sunday night. Details of the attack are still sketchy, but it would appear that Sim Mafia Boss Marsellus Wallace was the purported attacker. When [...]

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Avatar of the Year, Third Place: Plastic Duck

The Herald Brain Trust was working overtime, struggling with the very difficult decision of who should be third place in the coveted SL Herald Avatar of the Year Award (the award given to those avatars who change the news the most, for better or for worse). Last year the third place winners were Mr. President [...]

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CBC Confirms Linden Attempts to Discredit Plastic Duck in RL

Wow, kudos to Tony Walsh (aka Rat Boy aka Zero Grace) for contacting the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and confirming that the document we republished in the Herald was in fact an excerpt from an actual letter send by Linden Lab to the CBC. According to Tony’s contacts at the CBC, the letter was sent by [...]

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Did Lindens Attempt to Prevent Plastic Duck from Talking to the CBC?

Several days ago we posted an announcement that a Canadian Broadcasting Corporation radio station in Toronto was looking for SL residents to interview about the game. They were looking to find residents without going through the Linden Lab filter. In the comment thread to that announcement, infamous SL griefer and Toronto area resident, Plastic Duck [...]

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Blogosphere Debates Philip’s Turn to the FBI

As first reported by Dow Jonas in this newspaper, a few days ago Philip Linden announced that he was turning to the FBI for help with griefers that were involved in global attacks on the grid – effectively taking Second Life offline. Since then the blogosphere has been all a gaggle over this move (assuming [...]

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Extra!!: Philip Calls the FBI. W-Hats Shit Themselves

by Dow Jonas Philip Rosedale, CEO of Linden Lab, announced at a resident virtual winter holiday party in Second Life’s Wengen today that he is turning to real-world authorities to investigate Monday’s deliberate crashing of his virtual world’s grid. When the party was bombed today by a griefer with pixelated C-4, Rosedale, whose avatar is [...]

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Gone in 60 Seconds

Even the Herald is bored with global attacks and grid crashings these days, there are so many of them. But the cleanup from Monday’s attack had an interesting side-effect. Many objects were wiped from the grid. Here is how the Lindens described what happened: Tonight started as a run-of-the-mill gray-goo style attack. We had essentially [...]

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The Furni Whores of Habbo Hotel

I must live under a rock. So many scandals and incidents of elemental weirdness manage to just pass me by. Yet, now and then I get a chance to play catch-up. Last night it was in an underground dive bar known as the 8-Ball, and a kindly grad student told me about the “furni whores” [...]

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W-Hats to Build Set for Next Presidential Speech?

That’s a suggestion posted to this discussion on the Democratic Underground web site (scroll down for a screen shot taken in Second Life). Yep, Bush and the W-Hats — imagine the possibilities.

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