Archive for 'Scammers, Griefers and Goons'

Love Affairs, Death Threats and Scandals, Oh My!

by Pat the RatHerald columnist Pat the Rat (right) with one of his many “sources” Recent comments on the Herald site have inspired the editors to send out little old me, intrepid columnist Pat the Rat, to find out what’s really going on! Keep in mind most mafia folks are tight-lipped about their business (well, [...]

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The W-Hat Birthday: Cake, Ice Cream and Murdered-Hooker Bloodbath (1/2)

By Neal Stewart 24 hours ago, the W-Hats celebrated their 1-Year Birthday in Second Life at their “W-Hat Super Happy Fun Time Land”. “Cake and ice cream for every girl and boy!”, read the event listing. In classic W-Hat fashion, a host of neon pigs, robots, smoking chimpanzees and wheelchair-bound Mad-Hatters laughed and danced away [...]

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‘R.I.P Ryan Dayton’ – Teenage ‘Air’ Profits (Part 2/2)

By Neal Stewart [Continued from Part I] Here is Part 2 of our interview with Ryan Dayton – the tech-savvy 14-year-old who claims to have made about $1000 US dollars in the 12 months he has been a Second Life resident. Ryan was banned 11 days ago when his mother revealed his real life age [...]

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‘R.I.P Ryan Dayton’ – Teenage ‘Air’ Profits (Part 1/2)

By Neal Stewart I’m sitting at a vacant, shiny blue conference table in a meeting room at the top floor of Dayton Technologies HQ. Through the heavily-tinted windows I can see birds flying above the swaying palm trees outside. On the floor beneath me is the freshly-built coffin of Ryan Dayton himself. It is a [...]

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Pushers Hit SL’s Streets as Diablo Cartel Declares Business First

by Gina Fatale Castiglione Ramona and Bebop Voxx of the Diablo Cartel Castiglione Ramona, Diablo Cartel big boss, had grown tired of seeing the proliferation of mom-and-pop mafias in SL, and requested a sit-down with the Herald to set the record straight on recent rumors of his griefing – and to boast about his brand [...]

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Op/Ed: Linden Labs and Griefers – Hands on or off?

by Neal Stewart OKKKAY? One of the perks of working for the Herald, other than the sex, drugs and heavy metal music… and the power… and the riches… other than those, one of… and the fame…. other than those, one of the perks is being able to pass your forum posts off as Op/Ed’s. The [...]

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Lindens Join W-Hats, Risk Self-Deletion

In a striking development, two employees of Linden Lab recently joined SL’s much-discussed W-Hat group, indicating that the roving band of refugees from Something Awful‘s forums may not, after all, be as dastardly as some have made out.

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Bonnano vs. Bellini: Round 2

by Marsellus Wallace The Heads of the Bellini Family The discussion of family hoppers, traditional Mafia values and real life versus virtual life combine in this follow up to the battle between the Bellini family formally of The Sims Online and the Bonanno family.

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Editorial: Simulating Free Speech In Virtual Lives

“If Peter Ludlow is a journalist,then I’m a railroad tycoon whenever I play Monopoly.”– Jeff Brown, Electronic Arts – Vice President for Corporate Communications Neal Stewart comments on Eric Goldman’s draft paper ‘Speech Showdowns at the Virtual Corral’, where under-age cyber-prostitutes, free-speech, corporate censorship – and our very own Urizenus Sklar – are the topic [...]

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Bonnano vs. Bellini: Round 1

by Jackie Brown It seems a war is brewing between the Bonnano Family, ran by expert weapon maker Vincent Stravinsky and former Kingpin Mafia associate Carlo Platini, and the Bellini Family ran by Stacy Maracas. We got word of this war brewing and requested interviews on both sides of the fence. So far only the [...]

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