Archive for 'Op/Ed'
Op/Ed: The Crying Game

by Eloise Pasteur, European Affairs deskWe all know that search is down, classifieds are broken and so forth. For a lot of us that’s an inconvenience, we can’t find the new shop selling cool clothes, we can’t find shops that sell kinky pose balls unless we’ve got them landmarked. Of course all these new residents [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Beginning of the End? Or End of the Beginning?

by Doc Nielsen I haven’t been in world much lately, but what I’ve heard has been pretty grim, doesn’t really encourage anyone to log on. I’ve just dropped in to transfer cash from Ginko and logged out pretty promptly. The last few days I noticed something of an upsurge in complaints in various forums and [...]
Full StoryGor Is Not a Cult

[editor’s note: Our Gorean-theme week continues with a Gorean slave's rebuttal of Artemis Fate's 'Problem's of Gor' series.] by Tara Reardon Artemis Fate’s statement regarding Gor being a cult is entirely incorrect. Do you have first hand experience in a cult? Do you understand how they work? My guess is that you don’t quite get [...]
Full StoryThe Problems of Gor – Part 2

Beyond Roleplay – A Cult? [editors note: this is the second half of an abridged version of Artemis Fate's notecard on Goreans. Those interrested in more related readings should contact Artemis for a copy of the 'Problems of Gor' notecard.] by Artemis FateIn one form or another, all seven conditioning tactics outlined by Dr. Singer [...]
Full StoryThe Problems of Gor – Part 1

Philosophy, Society, Conditioning [editors note: Our Gorean-themed week continues with an abridged version of a notecard written by Artemis Fate -- contact Artemis for a complete copy of the 'Problems of Gor'.] by Artemis FateGor is an alternate-world detailed in John Norman’s “Chronicles of Gor”, a twenty-six novel series that combines philosophy and erotica with [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Let’s play a game of make believe

by Eloise Pasteur, European Affairs deskWe’ll start with the probably mutually exclusive ideas that: 1) I’ve got enough money to set up a rival for Second Life and 2) I’m nice enough to do it how we, the users, want. So, what do we want? As a minimum, and in no particular order: – Less [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: RL Press Needs to Respect SL Identities

Is it really news when SL residents do not provide RL names? Eloise Pasteur, European Affairs deskRecent weeks have seen an explosion of Second Life into the awareness of everyone in Real Life that follows the news. In the UK alone coverage snuck out from Newsnight, a reputable but not widely watched show in December [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Where does SL go from here?

by Inigo ChamerberlinThe past few months, and especially the past few weeks, have seen some amazing things go down in SL. In an attempt to get on top of what it all means I’ve been talking to people in SL, trying to get a feel for what the general perception is of recent events. The [...]
Full StoryFleeced [CORRECTED]

[Editor's note/Correction: Contrary to some passages in Prokofy Neva's Op/Ed piece below, the Electric Sheep Company informs us that it does not have a real-life apparel retailer as a client and was not involved in the creation and distribution of CopyBot or the Mannequin avatars. (See comments from two Sheep, Giff Constable and Satchmo Prototype, [...]
Full StoryA Piece of My Heart

“A stupid person can make only certain, limited types of errors; the mistakes open to a clever fellow are far broader. But to the one who knows how smart he is compared to everyone else, the possibilities for true idiocy are boundless.” – Steven Brust by Eloise Pasteur, European Affairs deskWhat is Second Life? It’s [...]
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