Archive for 'Opinion'

It Has To Be Said: No Men Allowed

I have been walking around a few different sims looking for feminist leaning cafes and the like.  When looking for a feminist cafe, more often than not I run into clubs that says in big, huge letters "No Men." And really, those signs are saying "no male typists", not, "no male avatars".  Now obviously, this [...]

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Op/Ed: The Loss of Civility

by FoxM Ember Is it art that imitates life, or is the other way around? I forget, and perhaps with today’s technology they have become interchangeable.  At the risk of exposing my “old fashion,” I believe we have now become fully immersed in a self-created culture of declining morality and non-existent shared values.  We live [...]

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Op/Ed: The First-Hour Experience Before The First Hour

by Gwyneth Llewelyn Unconfirmed rumours claim that Mark Kingdon’s "stepping down" might have been caused by a failure to address the goals he had set for himself and for Linden Lab in two years. Of course we don’t know all the goals, but, besides the creation Enterprise division, we know of two others: introducing a [...]

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Op/Ed: How Supply Linden Games The L$ Currency Exchange

by IntLibber Brautigan Under a normal market, where there is a healthy flow of cash in and out of a given economy, those operating currency exchanges make significant profits in ways most people do not realize. With the LindeX, for example, the spread, i.e. the distance between the lowest sell price vs the highest buy [...]

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Op/Ed: Avatars Have No Feelings

by FoxM Ember Is love an emotion or is it a choice? If actions speak louder than words, then an act of love towards someone is profoundly louder than simply uttering those three little words. So, is love here in SL a feeling or an action, a noun or a verb? Although we each must [...]

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Op/Ed: The Linden Lab Mafia

by Intlibber Brautigan In his cyberpunk novel "Snow Crash", which Phillip Rosedale has said a number of times that Second Life is based on, the federal and state governments have imploded from fiscal irresponsibility and a refusal to face reality. In his prequel works, Stephenson’s heroes of the novel "Cryptonomicon" recover a massive cache of [...]

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Op/Ed: Narrative Games

by Bubblesort Triskaidekaphobia  Much has been written about whether SL is a game or something else. Most people I know in game call SL a “virtual world.” Most professors I know in real life call it a “serious game,” although I do not think the eggheads are deliberately implying that SL is serious as opposed [...]

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The Epic Fail of Second Life Groups

The hypergrowth needed to create an online mass media continues to elude Second Life – but why? If Second Life is meant to be more than a 3D Potemkin village construction kit, one might expect the group and chat systems to be top priority – yet chat remains perma-gimped due to basic architectural flaws which [...]

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It Has To Be Said: Internet Lawyers

In the United States, there are a few states left where you don’t have to go to law school in order to be an attorney.  In California, with some restrictions, you can be a lawyer over the internet.   Some states allow someone to "read the law" or simply work with a licensed attorney in order [...]

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It Has To Be Said: Second Life (R) Isn’t Addicting

As I have previously stated, I went to grocery bagger school in the Philadelphia area.  (I must be a grocery bagger, I read it on the Internet.)  And one of the funny things about Philadelphia, besides that the best cheese steaks are neither Pat’s nor Geno’s, is that the rest of Pennsylvania is pretty damn [...]

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