Archive for 'Uncategorized'

Jolie May — Post 6 Grrrl

[Editor’s note: This week, Marilyn Murphy, the photographer/visionary behind Players, SL’s in-world erotica magazine - introduces Herald readers to Jolie May - a delightfully Irish addition to the metaverse. I’m sure everyone will be excited to see more of this classic celtic beauty.] Hi I’m Jolie May, I’m still a relative newbie on SL only [...]

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YouTube Bans Another Second Life Safari Vid. Sort of.

An anonymous source forwarded us the following communications with YouTube, in reference to a request that a Second Life Safari (by our sometimes misguided friend Petey) be taken down because it (i) violated copyright (Harry Potter and Ron Weasely being trademarked characters) and (ii) depicted sex with between minors (Harry Potter and Ron Weasely being [...]

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No Hard Feelings? Herald Wishes Big Things in New Year for All We Pissed Off

Here’s new years wishes to all we pissed off, We hope you’ll enjoy our dick in a box. We’re really sorry for all we offended, Let’s start the year with fences mended. So …

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You Can’t Make this Shit Up! AvaTards Blame “technical problems” for stolen content!

The content pilfered from Cheri Norton has been removed from AvaStar (Cheri’s screenshot on left, and original version of AvaStar on right). You really can’t make this shit up. AvaStar has removed the stolen content from its site, claiming that it was, and I quote, “caused by technical problem with the server that led to [...]

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Is AvaStar Stealing Content from Other Sites?

Busted!!! Cheri Horton claims that the AvaStar image on the right is ripped and flipped from her screenshot at left. Is the new Axcel Springer-owned Tabloid AvaStar ripping content from other Second Life News Sources? That’s the Charge being made by Cheri Horton of PixelPulse Magazine. And is she ever P.O.ed. We quote: The AvaStar, [...]

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Fear and Loathing in SL, Part 2: Gideon in Vegas

As you can imagine, being the founder and contributing editor to the Second Life Herald I get a lot of hate mail. But nothing prepared me for the avalanche of hate we received over the first story by Gideon Television several days ago. But why? I have to say, I’ve never seen anyone be sweeter [...]

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The Unthinkable Happens: People Start Hating on Torley

Yes its true. The Lindens thought they had found someone so lovable, so cuddly, so godawful cute and sweet and vulnerable and … did I say lovable? .. that not even the biggest tool in the metaverse could hate on him/her. Not *even* the Herald could get smacktalky. And truth be told, no one really [...]

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The Dark Lord Speaks: Interview with Dimentox Travanti

In this interview we talk with Dimentox Travanti, who is the author of the Dark Combat System that some of you have seen in operation around the grid. In its current state it includes numerous races, and virtually any weapon in SL can be integrated into the system, since the damage system operates on collision [...]

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Fear and Loathing in Second Life, part 1: I’m Gideon, Fly Me

I met Gideon Television at a tattoo parlor in Wuhan China — one of those specialized niche tattoo places that will tattoo your heart with radioactive dye. You know, so that ‘mom’ or ‘Molly’ or, as the case may be, ‘Amanda’ shows up on your next post-gunshot-wound chest x-ray. We struck up a convo, and [...]

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2 million residents customers served visitors accounts created

The explosive recent growth of Second Life continued today, with the total number of residents customers served visitors accounts created crashing through the two million mark, as shown in this graph. Ooops, wrong one. Here we go…

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