Archive for 'Uncategorized'
PR Flack Busted for Having Feelings!

Those PR d00dz just can’t win for losing. First it was the kaffufle over false firsts, and the horribly unfair abuse they took from somebody over on Strumpette. Remember? When they got called fucktards and all? In the spirit of conciliation and good humor, Bubba Scaggs , irl Adam Zand of Topaz Partners PR firm, [...]
Full Story$655,000 Spent in 24 hours, but is it 80% (illegal) Gambling?

A few weeks ago, we reported an experiment by Anonymous, in which he wrote a script that allowed him to pass money back and forth between two avatars for an hour and a half. In that amount of time he was able to move the equivalent of $1 million US between his two avatars, and [...]
Full StoryA Visit to Le Pen’s Headquarters in SL

When we recently posted a story about a group associated with the French National Front Youth opening an office in Second Life we didn’t have any pictures yet. Well we can’t have *that*. Managing Editor Pixeleen Mistral and Urizenus Sklar went to visit the HQ and encountered another visitor who was happy to give us [...]
Full StoryAnother SL First? French Extreme Right Political Party Opens Office in Second Life

French National Front allegedly opens SL offices. Can a visit from Le Pen be far behind? Well, we’ve had our share of nazi’s and skinheads and whatnot in Second Life, but I do believe that if this is not a hoax it will be the first outside extreme right — some would say Fascist — [...]
Full StoryReality Check: Philip Admits to Wu that SL’s Got no Flow
For the first time Philip uses the C word: “clunky”. Is the Endgame near? I always wondered who was first going to pop the bubble. Not to show *us* that something was wrong, but to get Philip to admit to us that there was something wrong. I’m glad it was Susan Wu. It seems like [...]
Full StoryBig Brother Opening Hypervent Griefed for 4 Hours

Cages, fires, and guns, but “No Security Whatsoever”Anonymous crashes Big Brother house and griefs it for 4 hours. Leaves her photo as souveinir. reported by Urizenus and Herald Jessie Stringer DK Well, the SL Press corps is really good at hyping forthcoming hypervents, but they are not so good at telling us what happend at [...]
Full StoryBushmen Explore Second Life
The intrepid explorers of the Something Awful Forms have a new Second Life Safari posted – this time not led by the crew of the Star Ship Prokofy Neva, but rather by a tribe of bushmen. One really must go to the photo essay to get the full impact, but this little machinima summary is [...]
Full StoryPaparazzi Release Snaps from Herald 3rd Birthday Debauche.

Machinima mama Moo Money tugs on her blunt and stands guard over the Herald Meth Lab. Just one of the candid shots the Herald paparazzi got at our third birthday bash in October. Yes yes I know it was *months* ago, and in the age of hypervents and instapoof virtual architecture that sort of delay [...]
Full StoryBig Brother in SL: Rules that Even Orwell Could Not Anticipate
As one might expect, the blog-o-sphere is all a twitter over the upcoming Big Brother in Second Life hyperevent because …well… just because its a hypervent. You’ve seen the reports from our friends Adam Reuters and Mark 3.D Wallace, but now you’ve come to the Herald for the *real* story. You are asking: Uri, what’s [...]
Full StoryJudge in Sheep/Edelman Biz Plan Contest: SL Probably Not Sustainable

Well this is certainly interesting. Venture Capitalist Susan Wu, who has been tapped to judge the Edelman/Sheep business plan contest has a fresh blog post in which she says that Second Life is an incredible innovator, but probably not sustainable. Ouch. At first I saw irony in the idea of Susan judging business plans for [...]
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