Interview with Gorean Mistress Maria LaVeaux and her slave, Toy
by Alphaville Herald on 02/01/04 at 9:55 pm
In this interview we talk with practitioners of Gor, Mistress Maria LaVeaux and her slave Toy. They discuss their pre-Alpha careers as cyber-escorts in other TSO cities, their arrival in Alpha, and their introduction when Lady Julianna called Mistress LaVeaux to mediate a dispute between two Doms in the Alphaville BDSM community. They discuss the practice of Gor, its culture, history and language (as well as the fictional/literary origins of Gor), and explain the ways in which it differs from other forms of BDSM. They explain how Gor is a projection of their inner selves and is not inherently wedded to any set of doctrines and they reject the claims of some vocal Alphaville residents that they are a BDSM cult.
Urizenus: I’d like to start by asking how you two got into TSO. Let’s start with Maria.
Mistress LaVeaux : I have played off line sims since the start,
Mistress LaVeaux : Playing with real people interested me.
Urizenus: was this your first MMORPG?
Mistress LaVeaux : it is the first time I have interacted with anyone on the net.
Mistress LaVeaux : I mostly downloaded reading matter before.
Urizenus: So what was your first city on TSO?
Mistress LaVeaux : I lived briefly in Interhogan, my first full life was in Blazing Falls as Angelique DuPres.
Urizenus: And were you a Domme from the beginning?
Mistress LaVeaux : Yes, there, I was a Domme, a stripper, and part time Hooker.
Urizenus: lol, that’s quite different from your AV persona.
Mistress LaVeaux : Not Really,
Urizenus: Ah so you were a Domme for hire?
Mistress LaVeaux : Yes. , it worked out nicely.
Mistress LaVeaux : I have always been very free sexually in here…
Urizenus: lol
Urizenus: can I ask what you charged?
Mistress LaVeaux : Around $5000 a sim Hour. [about 15 minutes]
Urizenus: that doesn’t sound like enough for a sim hours work, but maybe “work” isn’t the right word.
Mistress LaVeaux : Lol,
Mistress LaVeaux : I gave it up because it was very lonely work.
Urizenus: wait, being a hooker was lonely work? How so?
Mistress LaVeaux : I would be with women,, some I liked almost immediately, but they rarely came back…
Mistress LaVeaux : there were many who just wanted to experiment, but few who wished to have a continuous affair…
Urizenus: so most of your customers were women? why was that?
Mistress LaVeaux : I only do women chere,, I am Very Gay.
Urizenus: oh right, sorry
Mistress LaVeaux : No need to be sorry,, I am not.
Urizenus: lol
Urizenus: When did you move to alphaville
Mistress LaVeaux : I moved to AV about 8 months ago after losing a sub i was very fond of.
Urizenus: Toy, how did you discover TSO?
Toy: toy played UO for almost 4 years before leaving ‘cause of the awful scamming……..
Toy: toy had the sims and liked it so gave TSO a try
Urizenus: scamming?
Toy: yes, cheating among some players
Urizenus: Was there a BDSM community on UO?
Toy: if there is toy wasn’t aware of it….. UO is a bit more involved than TSO is.
Urizenus: Why do you think TSO gave rise to a large BDSM community while UO apparently did not even after 4 years?
Toy: perhaps the lack of things to do…. lets face it.
Urizenus: lol
Toy: skilling greening and making money gets very boring
Urizenus: did you come to AV immediately toy?
Toy: no, toy lived in JP at first.
Urizenus: was there a BDSM community there?
Toy: again, if there is toy wasn’t aware of it. toy was a escort in JP hehehe
Urizenus: lol
Urizenus: ok, escort for men or women or both?
Toy: both
Urizenus: when was this?
Toy: last january
Urizenus: ok, since I asked Maria I have to ask you. How much did *you* charge (let’s compare notes, hehe).
Toy: hehehe. toy got up to 25k for an evening
Urizenus: was it vanilla cybersex or BDSM oriented?
Toy: a bit of both…. it is how toy found her interest in BDSM
Urizenus: you discovered it while working as a cyber-escort?
Toy: yes… toy found it then…. toy knew of it before but never had had any contact with it
Urizenus: so some customers asked you to r/p as a bottom and you liked it?
Toy: yes, some asked to be topped also but toy was uncomfortable doing that
Urizenus: you preferred bottom.
Toy: its what is inside this girl
Urizenus: so you both arrived independently in AV, and how did you find each other?
Mistress LaVeaux : I had been exploring the cities BD/SM community…
Mistress LaVeaux : I made friends with Lady Juliana at Dementia almost immediately.
Urizenus: and you met Toy there?
Mistress LaVeaux : One night, she asked me to mediate a dispute between two Doms…
Mistress LaVeaux : toy was a witness, along with two or three other subs.
Urizenus: Let me ask some questions about the mediation Maria. First of all, why was Lady Juliana involved, and second, why did she ask you to mediate, and third, is this a typical way for disputes to be resolved in the BDSM community in alpha?
Mistress LaVeaux : Lady Juliana was a resident in the house, along with the two Doms in question, as the owner of the house at the time had been AWOL for some time, and peace needed to be re-established, she asked me, as a neutral party to see if i could clear things up.
Urizenus: So it was a one time thing — you being asked to mediate a dispute?
Mistress LaVeaux : I have been asked on several occasions to help with disputes, or just to give advice…
Mistress LaVeaux : I seem to impress people,, God knows why,, as someone who can give clear advice. Lol.
Urizenus: let me bring in Toy now….
Urizenus: so Toy, you met Maria and then what happened?
Toy: well, toy belonged to a Dom at the time but wasn’t happy….. he is still a good friend but not what this girl needed…
Toy: toy needs a short leash hehehe and he just didn’t seem able to accomplish that
Urizenus: how did you know that Maria would keep you on a short leash?
Toy: toy didn’t actually but had been very impressed by Her while she was settling that dispute……
Toy: toy didn’t like run off to be with Her either. toy was given to her
Urizenus: ok, how did that come about?
Toy: the Dom had been told this by another sub that she thought Mistress Maria could be much better for toy… toy wasn’t involved in this at the time
Toy: didn’t actually find out about it till it was all done
Urizenus: ic, so he gave you up because he thought it would be best for you?
Toy: yes.. this is what toy has been told
Mistress LaVeaux : May i add something?
Urizenus: please
Mistress LaVeaux : The relationship between Dom, and sub is , or should be, a very caring one, apart from everything else…
Mistress LaVeaux : toy’s former master put toy’s wellbeing before his own desires,, an act of genuine caring, for which, he has my deepest respect and admiration.
Toy: also……..
Toy: at first toy was told she would just be given to Mistress for training.
Urizenus: is Toy collared?
Toy: yes
Urizenus: Did that happen immediately Maria?
Mistress LaVeaux : As soon as she was given to me, I knew she was something very special…
Mistress LaVeaux : Within a week of her being given to me, i offered, and she accepted my Collar. that was nearly 8 months ago.
Mistress LaVeaux : something of a record I believe.
Urizenus: Let’s back up a second, what does it mean to be collared?
Mistress LaVeaux : toy and I talked about it,, and it was she who first delved deeply into it’s meaning…
Mistress LaVeaux : For a Domme to Collar a sub is roughly analogous of a Vanilla Marriage with one very important difference…
Mistress LaVeaux : A Marriage is an equal partnership,, when a sub is Collared, they are forever taking up a submissive position. Not equal at all….
Mistress LaVeaux : (The main reason why I, personally, think it is an error for a Dom to Marry their sub.
Toy: to this girl her collar is the most important thing in her life….. it has been called a bit like a marriage but toy feels it goes much deeper, its a total commitment, so many things are involved. loyalty, honor, trust, commitment……. a way to serve that has made this girl very happy
Urizenus: Were you both students of Gor at the time of the collaring?
Mistress LaVeaux : No.
Mistress LaVeaux : I had heard of it before,, being a very stern Mistress by nature, people assumed I was Gor…
Urizenus: When did you two discover Gor?
Mistress LaVeaux : Within weeks…
Urizenus: who found it first?
Toy: toy read about it and talked to Mistress about if she could be allowed to learn more about it
Mistress LaVeaux : I knew of it,, toy explored the writings out of curiosity, and we both decided to incorporate it as our life.
Toy: and its not like.. finding Gor, its more of a discovery of what is inside oneself.
Mistress LaVeaux : I agree toy.
Urizenus: And what are the writings?
Mistress LaVeaux : The books of John Norman, and various addenda by enthusiasts.
Urizenus: so there are fanfic addenda to the Norman books?
Mistress LaVeaux : Yes,, a great deal of it.
Urizenus: Maria and then toy, can you explain some basics about Gor?
Mistress LaVeaux : Gor put a Name to what i already was.
Mistress LaVeaux : The basics are this…
Mistress LaVeaux : Gorean culture is based on the culture of an alien world where slavery is an ingrained and culturally accepted practice…
Mistress LaVeaux : Gorean slaves are primarily, though not exclusively female, while the Masters are primarily, but also not exclusively male.
Mistress LaVeaux : there is a language, a culture, a history that we honour.
Toy: so many think of Gor as mainly ‘by the book’ but that is limiting oneself to really discover what it really is to be Gorean.
Toy: Goreans, both men and women, are deeply passionate and emotional people, and openly express that passion….Their deep love for life and freedom of
their natural selves is neither hidden or suppressed……. Gor is about honesty as to who you are and why……. It is a life of free men, women and slaves…….
A life that’s built with Honor, Trust, Respect and Loyalty
Mistress LaVeaux : it gives substance to what we already are.
Mistress LaVeaux : Mainstream BD/SM practitioners do have a certain mistrust of us..
Mistress LaVeaux : We are viewed as brutal, and uncaring of our slaves wellbeing…
Mistress LaVeaux : all patently untrue.
Urizenus: What do you say with the assessment of Anonymous (a Rose Thorns community member) that Gor is a kind of cult? Maria, then toy
Mistress LaVeaux : Normally, i do not answer such comments at all being that they are usually made by the woefully uninformed….
Mistress LaVeaux : As a cult,,, we have no charismatic leader,,, no Common aims,,, we are, in cultural terms not dissimilar to other BD/SM practitioners…
Mistress LaVeaux : We only embrace a set of cultural mores that lend real substance to what we already are.
Urizenus: toy?
Toy: toy would answer that anyone can label something they don’t understand.. and a cult has leaders but, Gor is about being what one is…. and in doing so there can be no leader.
Mistress LaVeaux : Get three or more Gor Masters/Mistress’s in a room, and you will see just how NOT a cult we are.
Urizenus: What about critics that say you guys are taking a cheesy novel way too seriously?
Mistress LaVeaux : Any hobbyist takes what they do seriously.
Toy: toy would agree if, and only if, it was strictly adhered to as ‘holy writ’ from the books…. all we do is take basic concepts from the books and apply them to our daily lives.
Mistress LaVeaux : today is new years day,, thousands of people are camped in front of T.V.’s taking football way too seriously.
Urizenus: Well, Maria, earlier you said that “there is a language, a culture, a history that we honour”. What could that possibly mean, given that the language, culture and history are all from a fictional work?
Mistress LaVeaux : As I said twice before,, it adds flavour.
Mistress LaVeaux : What matter where it comes from as long as we enjoy it?
Mistress LaVeaux : You are familiar with Star Trek?
Urizenus: Hmmm, but do you think there is a kind of reality to the language and culture beyond its fictional existence?
Mistress LaVeaux : Only the reality we choose to make of it.
Mistress LaVeaux : Like the trekkie that speaks fluent Klingon.
Mistress LaVeaux : None of them REALLY believes in a Klingon home world,, but it makes things just a little less mundane for them.
Urizenus: So this is similar to trekkie fandom?
Mistress LaVeaux : After a fashion,, yes.
Toy: learning the language to toy is furthering her skills to be a better slave…….
Toy: much of the Gorean language that has been added to what is in the books comes from some Native American Indian languages.
Mistress LaVeaux : To expand toy’s point…
Mistress LaVeaux : The structure we practice makes her a better slave, and I a better Mistress,, far more focused.
Urizenus: toy, can you give us a sample of the Gorean language?
Toy: toy uses it mostly when serving Mistress such as…. Jaw goha kari hani Avan’shea…….
Toy: toy is simply telling Mistress her dinner is served.
Urizenus: What is the literal translation?
Toy: Your meal is ready Mistress… or close to that it’s been awhile since toy did it literally
Urizenus: Avan’shea is mistress?
Toy: yes and Vana’she is Master
Urizenus: so ‘a’ is the feminine ending?
Toy: yes it usually is
Urizenus: what does ‘kari’ mean?
Toy: kari braksa means be well
Urizenus: so kari means ‘be’?
Urizenus: and then ‘hani’ means ready?
Toy: it would yes. some of the words can have multiple meanings as to how they are used. toy still has much to learn of the language
Urizenus: Is the language being developed in the Gorean fanfic?
Toy: it is used in TSO by many Goreans just to add to our feeling of what we are.
Toy: toy could give you a web address where the language is broke down and where toy is learning it
Urizenus: that would be great
Urizenus: ty
Urizenus: How many Goreans do you suppose there are in alpha?
Toy: hmmmm…… a hard question. but ones who have been there awhile and have stayed are probably less than 10
Urizenus: some have left?
Toy: well, left or were not really Gorean and weren’t committed to it
Toy: its the same with the D/s community.. many come and leave but it basically stays the same core
Urizenus: Do you think that when you engage in r/p in alpha you are engaged in a kind of extended Gorean fanfic?
Toy: since toy looks at TSO more as a MUSH than a MMORPG she would say yes
Urizenus: Do you feel you are helping to develop the basic doctrines of Gor?
Toy: toy has no such thoughts. toy will answer questions about Gor or as much as she knows……
Toy: toy feels one has to have Gor inside oneself or its just playing and then toy hasn’t the patience for that
Urizenus: Didn’t Toy write a Gor collaring ceremony?
Mistress LaVeaux : More after a Gorean outlook.
Toy: more M/s than D/s is basically what it is
Urizenus: ic
Toy: a basic difference between Gor and D/s is the idea of a sub giving the gift of submitting
Mistress LaVeaux : If your previous question was meant to ask if we recruit,, the answer is no.
Urizenus: no, it wasn’t about recruitment
Urizenus: I was thinking that perhaps the doctrines of Gor were very much a work in progress…
Urizenus: and that you could think of your activities on TSO as developing the practices and doctrines of Gor
Toy: toy just likes to share what she has learned to any who are truly interested
Mistress LaVeaux : for some,, yes… mainly for those who want to tailor Gor to fit what they are, rather than find in themselves if they are Gorean or not.
Urizenus: think of tso as being a crucible in which you can forge the doctrines of a new religion
Mistress LaVeaux : No,, not at all.
Urizenus: you disagree with that
Mistress LaVeaux : Of Course…
Toy:…….. Gor is what one is.. it isn’t something can learn to be. the learning only is for knowledge of what one is……
Toy: they are just to help this girl know what is acceptable behavior and how she must behave……
Mistress LaVeaux : You can convert to a religion,,,
Mistress LaVeaux : but a deer cannot convert to wolfism.
Toy: toy believes and often says. knowledge is the only protection a slave has
Mistress LaVeaux : Gor is not what you believe,, it is what you are.
Mistress LaVeaux : I was a Gor Mistress long before i even heard of Gor,, because that is how i did things.
Toy: toy would also say if there were just us two in AV or all of TSO so be it…. toy would still be what she is and wouldn’t need more Goreans around her.
Urizenus: ok, both of you express your Gorean identities in your in game bios. Why?
Mistress LaVeaux : No doctrines here,, only a set of words used to describe what we really are.
Toy: toy believes what she has in her bio in game. toy used to change it weekly from quotes from the novels
Mistress LaVeaux : I describe myself in accurate terms…
Toy: toy may start doing that again since things are returning to a normalcy
Mistress LaVeaux : You asked why we use Gorean terms to define ourselves for others….
Mistress LaVeaux : My response is,, those Gorean terms are the most accurate description of what we are…
Mistress LaVeaux : If i was going for just a near thing,, i would use BD/SM terms,,,
Mistress LaVeaux : Language is a growing, and changing tool, when a word does not exist that accurately describes something, a new word, or one from another language is coined for the purpose.
Mistress LaVeaux : For example,, the light at the setting of the sun had no name in the english language until William Shakespeare called it Twilight.
Urizenus: ok, so do either of you remember what is in your bios at the moment. (for illustration)
Mistress LaVeaux : I have three Bio’s in three cities,, each is slightly different.
Urizenus: so what do they say?
Mistress LaVeaux : One is a quote from a song by sting,, “Moon over Bourbon street”…
Mistress LaVeaux : One is a quote from Paradise Lost by Milton.
Mistress LaVeaux : I don’t remember the other off hand.
Mistress LaVeaux : “It is better to rule in hell than serve in Heaven”
Toy: the top part of this girl’s is in Gorean language
Toy: they say in english “this red silk salve belongs to Mistress Maria LaVeaux…….. collaring date May 10th, 2003
Toy: and toy’s quote is from the novels…. “You may judge and scorn the Goreans if you wish. Know as well, however, that they judge and scorn you.
They fulfill themselves as you do not. Hate them for their pride and power.
They will pity you for your shame and weakness.”
Urizenus: Do you get harassed in any way because of your bios?
Mistress LaVeaux : No.
Toy: no, toy is often asked what language it is is all.
Mistress LaVeaux : I think people are too frightened to harass me. Lol.
Toy: hehehe
Urizenus: I know that Maria and I have talked about the problem of minors that chase adults for sex. Maria, do you still think that is a problem, and do you think you get chased in part because of the themes you emphasize in your bio?
Mistress LaVeaux : No.
Urizenus: to which part of the question is that no?
Mistress LaVeaux : The teens use a scattergun approach to trying to find sex…
Urizenus: but you’ve had a real problem in at least one case, right?
Mistress LaVeaux : Yes,, but that young person had No idea what I was, or what I liked,, they just wanted sex.
Mistress LaVeaux : they go to every house in the love category looking for unwary partners,,,
Urizenus: So how persistent were they? Did you shake him/her off eventually?
Mistress LaVeaux : It is like the many young males who approach me unaware that I am gay.
Urizenus: Do you run into this too Toy?
Mistress LaVeaux : Unlike many,, I try to talk to them,, make them understand why I cannot give them what they want,,,,
Toy: once in awhile toy does but toy uses the embarrassing them technique
Mistress LaVeaux : In truth, I think they hate that more than an adult just banning, and ignoring them. Lol.
Urizenus: what is the embarrassing-them technique?
Toy: ummmm well for instance…….
Toy: a guy IM’d toy once saying he had ’12″ of dick for her”…….
Toy: toy replied……..
Toy: You do???? OMG… spit it out your gonna choke!
Urizenus: rotflmao
Mistress LaVeaux : I would have asked where the other 11 guys were?
Urizenus: lol
Toy: that usually ends it by toy being called names hehehe
Urizenus: So what is the solution to minors in alphaville. Or is there no solution?
Mistress LaVeaux : No,, there really isn’t.
Toy: there is no solution.
Mistress LaVeaux : They are out there,, and we just have to cope.
Urizenus: not even to make it an adults-only server
Mistress LaVeaux : How?
Toy: nope
Urizenus: dunno. lol
Mistress LaVeaux : Even if you do,, teens have many ways to get past verification.
Toy: kids are very smart, they know how to get around blocks
Urizenus: right… but this is advertised as a game that is rated Teen. They could at least change the rating on the game.
Toy: good grief. on kazaa one can download adult verification passwords
Mistress LaVeaux : You cannot rely on big brother to take responsibility for you,, they are out there, and if it means you have to be careful,, then BE Careful.
Mistress LaVeaux : Oh yes,, we all know how much ratings will help. Lol.
Urizenus: lol
Toy: parents have to gain control of it…. if they have a teen, the computer they use can’t be tucked away in their own rooms.
Mistress LaVeaux : Be Honest,, most people want to be ruled,, it is uncomfortable for them to take responsibility,,,
Urizenus: ok, let me ask both of you now about whether you think a Gorean community might emerge in Alphaville, or whether it will stay small.
Mistress LaVeaux : To me,, it is a small miracle that the BD/SM community is so large,,,
Toy: it will remain small toy believes…. it may grow at times by ones ‘playing’ at Gor but basically it will remain the same core as it is now.
Mistress LaVeaux : We are by nature,,Dommes AND Masters,, very independent.
Mistress LaVeaux : Getting us together in large groups is difficult.
Toy: or agreeing on anything hehehehe
Mistress LaVeaux : Goreans are far more arrogant by nature,, that is why we will remain spread out.
Toy: arrogant??? moi??
Urizenus: I think this is a good place to stop. Do either of you want to discuss anything that I didn’t cover?
Mistress LaVeaux : I just want to say this,,,
Mistress LaVeaux : As Goreans,, we are strict,, and stern,, but we are not Monsters…
Mistress LaVeaux : There are no plots,, no organized subversive activities…
Mistress LaVeaux : We are just people,, we love, we laugh,, we disagree.
Mistress LaVeaux : We are no threat to anyone any more than any other common group in TSO.
Toy: toy would only add that this girl has never been happier than she has been in the last 8 months serving is what this girl loves doing and finds her own happiness in doing so….. “wonders if perhaps Mother Theresa was a bit of a submissive”
Mistress LaVeaux : Accept us if you can,, or leave us alone if you can’t, that is all we ask.
Jan 2nd, 2004
Great, yet another one-sided, tabloid style interview from our dear professor. I would have to say that as even a pretend “journalist,” Urizenus certainly does “lol” way too much and serves as a cheerleader to his interviewees. He’s the Geraldo of AV. And certainly as a RL professor supposedly studying a “subject,” he is far too appreciative of a sub-culture that shouldn’t be promoted by a professor of what is supposed to be a liberal arts university.
Yes, Gorean is a cult. A cult doesn’t need a charismatic leader, when it has neatly figured out how to make each dom or domme in the relationship the leader of a restrictive, authoritarian society, when it has provided a ready-made template with language and rituals to indoctrinate people, and when there are a few figures who control the whole community anyway, despite all this claptrap about “we have no leaders”. It is a newfangled Internet cult, so it isn’t going to look like an old-fashioned religious cult.
When a person refers to themself in the third person, as Toy does, they are brainwashed into thinking they are a thing, less than human, a slave, a toy for others’ pleasures. It’s wrong and it is sick. There’s a name for that in the psychiatric manuals — disassociation, depersonalization. It is the result of cult-like activity on a young, ipressionable mind. They accept slavery, and think that the love-bombing and indoctrination and mesmerization they have experienced hasn’t rendered them choiceless. They think it is consent. And the fact that someone as young as Toy can brag that she has been in this lifestyle for a long time, and is only 19, means that RL Goreans in RL cults attract minors.
*These people NEVER NEVER NEVER say “OOC” [out of character]. If it is role-playing, they have made it so all-encompassing that you have to ask the question about how much of a cult it really is. Even if you want to call it merely a kind of intense sort of sub-culture, you have to ask: why should it be allowed to spread in AV and attract impressionable young people — or old, confused people for that matter — and destroy society?
I don’t see why we have to tolerate, let alone celebrate, some dorky science fiction cult that makes people slaves and runs hours of their life. If they have to be tolerated, they should be on a separate adult server. I don’t care if people can download adult passwords on KAZAA. At least if Maxis admits they have hardcore sado-masochist slave cults on their server, they could at least have the courtesy to their patrons who bought a “teen-rated” game to ZONE them on a NEW OR EMPTY SERVER NOT AV. Then others could be free of their menace and harassment.
And I do want to point out that merely for challenging these goons and freaks on this blog, I am stalked, hunted, and harassed constantly in the game. They think it’s funny to come and taunt me and say that I might really enjoy a whipping. They urge me to come back to their lots and experience their violent lifestyle and take a beating. They glove me, although I have a policy of never gloving anyone. Well, that’s certainly not consent, and constitutes proof positive that they are willing to use violence on people without their consent, demanding that I come back to their lot and practice their violent cult. These people are vicious cultists and it’s very important to push back against them in the name of a free society in AV.
Mistress Maria LaVeaux
Jan 2nd, 2004
Another uninformed tirade from AV’s leading Jackass.
Chere,, I would have thought you had had enough humiliation from the last thread, why don’t you take your Moral Majority of One, and find a more surmountable “Sin” you are just not intellectually up to this one.
Jan 3rd, 2004
“And I do want to point out that merely for challenging these goons and freaks on this blog, I am stalked, hunted, and harassed constantly in the game. They think it’s funny to come and taunt me and say that I might really enjoy a whipping. They urge me to come back to their lots and experience their violent lifestyle and take a beating. They glove me, although I have a policy of never gloving anyone. Well, that’s certainly not consent, and constitutes proof positive that they are willing to use violence on people without their consent, demanding that I come back to their lot and practice their violent cult. These people are vicious cultists and it’s very important to push back against them in the name of a free society in AV.” ~Dyerbrook~
The word for today is….paranoid.
Can you say paranoid?
Try it…paranoid.
Now, let’s all use it in a sentence.
I’ll go first.
Dyerbrook is paranoid we will whip him without consent when we are only sims and sim whips don’t really hurt only for paranoid people.
Very good class….tomorrow, a new word.
Jan 3rd, 2004
labels, labels, labels…….. its all You know Dyerbrook. lining everything and everyone up in a neat line and labeling them.. perhaps You should think about how so many have labeled You for a change.. the narrowminded, self appointed saviour of all…. problem being is no one really cares what You think
You have become a very nice laughing stock of 90% of Av if not all of TSO
be well, rest well. toy certainly will because she likes herself and is content. are You?
falara kajira toy
Lady Julianna
Jan 3rd, 2004
Dyer, YOU GLOVED ME!!! Everyone knows it, and you just prove yourself a liar everytime you say that.
And you did it in my home, on my property, not out in the vanilla community. I did not invite you; you came of your own free will. You are not a poor little victim, but a harasser.
Jan 3rd, 2004
I did not glove you. Meanwhile at least 2 of the BDSM goons have gloved me, and I counted something like a dozen of then coming on to lots where I was, to the point where one owner put up “NO BDSM” and began booting them all out. They are harassers. They are cultists. So, Lady Julianna, you run all of these people? Are you the cult leader?
Jan 3rd, 2004
Once again i feel the need to again tell about the “cults”. Three ideas seem essential to the concept of a cult. One is thinking in terms of us/them with total alienation from them. The second is the intense, though often subtle, indoctrination techniques used to recruit and hold members. And the third is the charismatic cult leader. Cultism usually involves some sort of belief that outside the cult all is evil and threatening; inside the cult is the special path to salvation through the cult leader and his teachings. Once again…W/we don’t cut O/ourselves off….you are the one trying to. Second, i was the seeker…i wasn’t sought after to become a submissive……i am a submissive…..plan and simple. Third, there is no cult leader. Your saying so, doesn’t make it so.
To reiterate a previous post of mine:
As long as someone says something, or doesn’t follow what you or someone else believes to be the one and only truth…then it must be a cult? That seems to be what is being said by you. And also…just to clarify some information in regards to being a cult
As as been stated before, BDSM is something that is done. D/s and M/s is a lifestyle. Once doesn’t necessarily include the other. Get the facts straight before hand.
Three ideas seem essential to the concept of a cult. One is thinking in terms of us/them with total alienation from them. The second is the intense, though often subtle, indoctrination techniques used to recruit and hold members.And the third is the charismatic cult leader. Cultism usually involves some sort of belief that outside the cult all is evil and threatening; inside the cult is the special path to salvation through the cult leader and his teachings.
W/we are not trying to alienate O/ourselves from others. You are. W/we invite all to come as long as are respectful and curtious. Does this mean that they have to believe or practice what W/we do? No. Just tolerant as W/we are of their life choices. Was i “indoctrinated”? Was i recruited? As i have stated above in a previous post, i am the one that went looking for BDSM, D/s not the other way around. Do W/we practice some sort of belief that outside the cult all is evil and threatening; inside the cult is the special path to salvation through the cult leader and his teachings? No. If i did, i most certainly wouldn’t expose myself to skill lots, money lots, stores that weren’t inside the BDSM, D/s community. Hmmm…based on this… then is what i do a cult? As was stated, when being married, the wife is told to obey…or being told to submit to her husband….well….? Why can i not choose to submit to my wife instead? Why is that so wrong? It’s what i want, need and wish for.
Jan 3rd, 2004
~gives dyer a bone so he will hush~
Jan 3rd, 2004
~gives dyer a bone so he will hush~
Jan 3rd, 2004
Shakes head at Dyerbrook. You are the one landed on a BDSM lot, harrassed the owner there. Hmmm…
yes i have vanilla friends too. That support me because they wish me to be happy. Can you say the same?
And just which lot is it that placed a NO BDSM allowed on their description? Hmmmm.? Only one i have ever heard spout off about BDSM members being booting off of property is you with no proof. Shakes head. i’m so tired of all the lies flying about. You are full of them, for you know not what you talk about and you back talk over yourself constantly. How is anyone ever going to believe a word you say? You did glove Mistress on O/our property. You did land on a BDSM lot, harrass the owner there…and yes…you were gloved….i know of no one purposely seeking you out to “stalk” you. That’s your paranoia(sp). I guess if i wish to make money or skill…i should ask them if you are there to avoid you altogether? i think not. i will not trouble busy lot owners with pettiness as it seems that you are enjoying doing. Once again, i ask as O/others have……where are these many lot owners that back you up? Why are they scared of one such as me? i am not a threat to you or anyone else. i have never threatened to “glove” you nor anyone else. So, why am i such a “threat”? sighs deeply….i am not and A/all know it, including you…please look in the mirror …look deeply at yourself before you decide to start throwing insults and harrassing O/others. i will not leave AV simply because one such as yourself decrees that it should be so. If you dislike the community so much, then you are the one should leave AV. i’ll not leave and start from scratch when i have many here to care for me, and i do NOT mean just my Mistress and O/others in the Rose Thorn Community. i refer to my vanilla friends as well.
Jan 3rd, 2004
Well, yes, Mikal, you’re making sense, and describing in fact your world.
“One is thinking in terms of us/them with total alienation from them.”
Most people in the BDSM world believe a priori that they are surrounded by a hostile universe. They all set up lots that say “Keep an open mind” and “Mind your manners” and “Here you’ll be safe from all those hostile comments from the vanillas”. They do this even opening a lot fresh, with a 0-day Sim, before they could have possibly had any negative experience. Or they assume, actually erroneously, that the world will judge them, and so they pre-empt this judgement with a hostile blast that everyone is a “bigot” if they don’t accept their worldview.
“The second is the intense, though often subtle, indoctrination techniques used to recruit and hold members.”
Well, that’s just my point. BDSM has an elaborate, sometimes subtle, sometimes not subtle, set of rules, habits, practices, forms of address, modes of dress, blah blah blah. It draws people in — like Lord Cougar’s “41 steps” and retains them. It’s us against the hostile world. It’s us who understand the oh-so-special secret knowledge of how to make endorphins work for you. Etc. etc. All those vanillas are just boring hypocrites.
“And the third is the charismatic cult leader.”
Well, maybe yes, maybe no, but as I’ve said, each dom/sub relationship has that built into it. A person who will make all your choices for you. You turn over everything to them. You cater to their every whim, etc. etc. Sure sounds like a cult to me. *Every aspect of the dom leader is like a cult leader.* It provides a template to spawn a million cult leaders.
“Cultism usually involves some sort of belief that outside the cult all is evil and threatening; inside the cult is the special path to salvation through the cult leader and his teachings.”
Exactly. That is EXACTLY what you see on EVERY BDSM lot, if you would just look around you. It’s everywhere.
No, it’s not a question of getting facts straight. Indeed, that’s one of the classic cultish methods of the BDSM argument. We are always being told to “get our facts straight”. We’re always being told that we are hopelessly clueless. There’s always a web site or a book or a person we have to study or heed to “get it”. Our own rationality, our own judgement, is for naught, and hopelessly out of step with the BDSM “correct path”.
Jan 3rd, 2004
I suppose I ought to call forth like 20 witnesses who saw every single Gorean freak in AV related to Darksoul and his minions come and harass me? I did not go on any BDSM lots and glove anybody. I do not even have gloves to give out because my links are used up. If I went on a lot that turned out to be a BDSM lot that was not labeled, and the people taunted me, and I called them a “bitch” for being annoying, I hardly think that qualifies as “harassment”. Harassment is doing what Darksoul is now doing in the game, and ganging up all his freaks to pile on. I don’t care. And yes, there is a lot owner who had “No BDSM” regarding his roomie search for months, long before this dispute. I know it may come as a shock to you, but in fact, the majority of people in AV are made uncomfortable and dismayed by your violent cult ad find it distressing. They feel very bad about what is going on, but they feel they want to stay out of your way *because they see how viciously you harass people* and they *don’t want to be erroneously labeled as bigots*. You’ve shown yourself for what you are: cultists.
Lady Julianna
Jan 3rd, 2004
Dyer, you have already admitted that you gloved me as Lord Cheetah. And I suspect that you are Mary Queenofheaven who gloved me again. This is a stupid lie when you have already admitted it and whined and complained when Maxis removed your comment on your red link to me. You are proving yourself a liar. That is dumb. I thought you were more intelligent than that.
Jan 3rd, 2004
Let me go over it again, because you seem to be dense on this subject and so constantly suspicious that all the posts about ME being paranoid ought really to be laid at your door.
I was not the only person playing “Lord Cheetah”, as I’ve said time and again. He was a spoof, and there was even a second Sim on his lot who was also a spoof but the 30 days of the account ran out, I guess. I did not glove you. Yes, I complained about the comment being removed because I felt a proprietory sense over that comment having discussed it although I personally don’t believe in gloving as an effective method. Lord Cheetah filed a complaint about your URL as a test, to see how the system worked. I myself never use the complaint system because I don’t support its construction on the KGB informers’ principle, but I thought it was a worthy experiment for those willing to do it in your case because here my site was banned, AV Herald was banned, but you got to link to a RL sex club promoting the violent slave lifestyle — go figure! I think we can all declare “mission accomplished” because you’ve taken your URL off your profile. Lord Cheetah deleted and formed St. Peter. I don’t run him, somebody else runs him, I have no interest in staying in an empty heaven. No, I am definitely not Mary Queenofheaven but I have to say for a virgin, Mary QofH kicks ass, as she has already gloved 3 of you. Did she glove you? I hadn’t noticed. Well, I would say, don’t let it get to you. Kids who glove people usually get tired and delete after a few days so they can do new gloves. And even adults who want to make a point usually have RL to keep them busy and they don’t seem to have the endless time you and your cronies have to hang out and build your violent cults. And keep in mind that people share information. I saw the screenshots and discussed your conversation with Lord Cheetah’s operator at that time, and got the bit about 85 percent and your other “factoids”. I know it may be hard to live with the fact that I’m not a one-man-band but there are at least a few people who find your presence in AV reprehensible and want to do something about it.
Jan 3rd, 2004
I’ve just been taking a look at this sick-making exchange: “Urizenus: I was thinking that perhaps the doctrines of Gor were very much a work in progress…
Urizenus: and that you could think of your activities on TSO as developing the practices and doctrines of Gor
Toy: toy just likes to share what she has learned to any who are truly interested
Mistress LaVeaux : for some,, yes… mainly for those who want to tailor Gor to fit what they are, rather than find in themselves if they are Gorean or not.
Urizenus: think of tso as being a crucible in which you can forge the doctrines of a new religion
Mistress LaVeaux : No,, not at all.
Urizenus: you disagree with that
Mistress LaVeaux : Of Course…”
So eager is Prof. Urizenus for an ‘accelerated laboratory’ of what he THINKS Gor is – just some lifestyle sub-culture growing on line — that he is willing to put words into the mouths of people who even, with all their slavery and all their dominion, find it too much pressure.
The Gorean “doctrines” are already fully developed, thank you very much. They were concocted in these books by John Norman, who, BTW, is John Langue of Queens College in NYC ,a professor just like Urizenus of the very dubious sort, who glorifies the BDSM lifestyle and whose books were even banned for a time because feminists went after him. The books are described often as badly-written but they have a cult following. He was in disfavor for awhile, but now is making a comeback because the wondrous Internet helps spread his dubious creed. The only “forging” going on in TSO is that now we have the books enacted with the use of Sims, something we’ve seen a million times before with everything from “Survivor” to “Big Brother” to “Cheers” to “Lord of the Rings”. Yes, it’s ever-so-fascinating popular culture. THIS is something that a respected university should be paying someone to study?
Jan 3rd, 2004
Dyerbrook – I can tell you right now I have no problem with BDSM in AV. I can not answer that for others, but I personally let them play how they want. If they want out of the lifestyle they have, I’m sure it’s not hard. Please speak for yourself
on the accounts of you not tagging…
Total and complete bullshit Dyer, your account’s linked to at least 20 different “temporary” accounts (hahaa yes I’m no fool on how to get these things Dyer) Including Memphis, Lyrix, Granny Mable, Johnny Appleseed, Bailey, and Lord Cheetah . (sorry Juliana, but I did not see anything about Maryqueenof Heaven…but I’m sure that he was Cougar from his account relations
(yes Dyer, little hint, next time don’t use your rl name on all the accounts, makes it easy to figure out the main one of theres
by the way – Speak for yourself. your own far-fetched mind has it thinking that your respected and listened to, and that others actually listen to you. Well a reality figure here – Your not
as someone (forget who, and this is to long for me to check back LoL) put it: you are the laughing-stock of 90 % of alphaville, perhaps all of TSO
SPEAK FOR YOURSELF!! Not for others
You are an insane 60 year old women Dyer, and I really am sick of your stereo-typing.
What they do is not vicious…as you have so constantly reminded Sim Shadow Government, it’s a *GAME*. They do not use whips, it’s words that they use. If this is vicious, please explain to me.
Also I would like to see the house in which you claim “banned all BDSM members” – Or is this another one of your own matrix of a world?
hehehe *rings bell* it’s med time Ma’am…Do you need help standing up??
(lol no one is secret on her Dyer)
Jan 3rd, 2004
ok a post from the *goon* who tagged _yerbrook
first of all i went to visit….a BDSM home that had only two people in it…..both women….clearly stating on the house bio the home harbors slaves…….which is why i went to visit….
you landed and ran into the house…..never saw me land behind you….and i didn’t have a chance to see who you were but ……..when you called one woman out of her name……..
You Bitch….This is one of those BDSM Houses…
i felt the need to tag you and let all know what you did…..
of course the little im to me calling me You Sick Little F _ _ K ….now that was just what…a prelude to more psycho babble….
what you did _yerbrook was to show your true self and what i see is……
a sad closet gay person….who is ashamed of what he/she is…..we tolerate and embrace the gays in our community which is why i don’t really understand your reluctance to come out of your closet and be loved by those who see the joy in being gay……..
your links are all gay oriented so that proves that _yerbrook…..
also you are miserable and your twisted mind will turn anything and everything around for attention…as you never get any….and this is probably the first time in a very long time anyone has paid you any…..
i think perhaps that not responding to anything you say here again would infuriate you more than anything else……for us to read our posts and others and completely ignore yours would make you bonkers…..and the posts would get angrier and angrier as you saw you were not being addressed and had to crawl back into the hole you had come out of to seek attention…..
just the thoughts of a goon that felt the need to tag….red laytex….hit…..whatever you want to call it ……..a little person calling a lady a bad name in her own home….for no reason other than she thought differently than he did….
Sir Matthews Girl…..brigit
Jan 3rd, 2004
enough please we will not change his mind so why continue humoring him.. but what really bothers me is this
everyone in BDSM is a violent cult member in his eyes so that is what he belives
he also therefore using that logic
Everyone living in San fransico is gay
Blacks dont work
Jews are wealthy
sterotyping sucks
I am BDSM I did not get my belief from Gor I did not get my belief from TSO I was into BDSM activities in 1994 before there was TSO but yes I like gore belive in Honor Respect and love
HISlaH wa’netlh nuvvo’le’wa’ mutbe’wI’.
teHqu’, joHwI’
pe’vIl targh lomDaq SISDI’ ‘otlh vID gharghHOM nenmoHchugh, yInroHHom notlhHa’moHlaHchu’mo’ woj’a’
that being said may I remind my friends that there is no Honor in fighting the weak…
Dyerbrook has proved beyond a shadow of a doubt to this one just how weak he is..
Pity to you Dyerbrook may the Goddess show you the way to lay aside your haterad of that which you do not know…
oops now I guess in his eyes I belong to three different cults oh well
Lady Julianna
Jan 3rd, 2004
You are pathetic Dyer. I talked to Cheetah, and I have listened to you. The Cheetah I spoke to on that day and you are one and the same. There is no doubt of that in my mind or anyone elses. To stand up and say “I have never gloved anyone…” claiming a superior moral stance and victimhood… Pathetic, hypocritical, and stupid. And no-one believes you, so give it up.
My website links to a real life sex club? It took me a while to stop laughing after that. I live a very conservative life. I have been married for 21 years, probably longer than you have been alive. I directed a teen choir in my church for five years, have been a Sunday School teacher, have a public and highly responsible job (substance abuse and anger management treatment in a prison), am an adoptive mother, and right now I am at home caring for my sick mother. I am a good Presbyterian girl, lol. Do you see any email addresses or meeting places and dates on my website? A list of members? Get real.
Catseye, I agree with you. His ears and his mind are closed. He will hear no-one else but himself.
The truth is that I was enjoying myself a bit. Dyer, you truly don’t understand what you are messing with when you play with Dom/mes. Something that we enjoy doing is spinning the heads of the weak minded, messing with the heads of the stupid. You know, like a cat plays with a mouse.
You have been a riot Dyer. But you bore me now. You are dismissed.
Lady Julianna
Jan 3rd, 2004
Oh yes, and I would also like you to know that I proudly served my country in the military before working in prisons.
I am a contributing member to Alphaville and real life society Dyer. So, what have you done besides whine and complain and harass people that is worthwhile?
Jan 3rd, 2004
this girl completely agrees….. no longer will toy reply to that persons rantings simply because they have been proven over and over again to be complete lies and falsehoods
toy doesnt need to seek anyones approval for what or who she is, especially from some paranoid…. toy does wonder thought after visiting a few of his web sites and seeing the poor typing skills and poor language skills at them, just who is doing his editing here?
wishing everyone well,
falara kajira toy
Jan 3rd, 2004
I had to laugh at Storm’s account of all these alleged temporary Sim accounts I allegedly have. I don’t have a single one of those Sims he named (I shared Lord Cheetah but he’s deleted) and I’m certainly not a “60-year-old” woman. That’s just preposterous. And how does Storm “know” how to hack into the Maxis/EA server and obtain players’ personal information, anyway? But it’s all a lie anyway, and typical of the SSG method of telling a whopping lie, and knowing that at least some of the people will believe it. Well, any journalist worth his or her salt can call up Maxis/EA and ask them if it is true that there is one person behind those accounts and ask if it is the same person as Dyerbrook (I never heard of most of those Sims and I’m not even sure they’re in the game). Maxis/EA will tell them to go fish, because they don’t give out personal information but Maxis/EA certainly has my permission to confirm or deny whether that string of Sims are me or not, because they surely aren’t. And if Storm can provide us with a copy of the paths of his hacking so we can see if this is true, he’s welcome to do this. It’s just plain hilarious and SO typical of SSG propaganda.
As for Lady Julianna and her good works, I don’t care how many Sunday school classes you teach and starving homeless people you feed in your soup kitchen, Lady Julianna, you are a cult leader, and you are presiding over the indoctrination of people into a violent and enslaving lifestyle. You influence many people in the game and many people take their cue from you in establishing a violent, coercive lifestyle. That isn’t somehow offset by all your Sunday-school and prison visits. It’s a distraction, even if it is true. Your website gives instruction in how to demean human beings and depersonalize them by turning them into ponies in races, and has many other things glorifiying the violent BDSM lifestyle. The sex club doesn’t have to be something in the physical world with an address near your Sunday school or not near your Sunday school, it is on the Internet, duh, and that’s where you have even greater influence then you’d ever have in some backward town in Canada. That’s what’s pathetic.
Another player had a good insight into the nature of the BDSM practitioner. She said the doms and dommes have no will. That seems counterintuitive, and I had to think about it. But her point has some merit because it is precisely because they were made to feel powerless at some time in their life, and have no real internal power, that the BDSM people have to adopt this highly restrictive and prescriptive lifestyle and “exchange power” with others to somehow fill that emptiness. *You said as much yourself*. The idea that you can go on a blog and say you are playing with peoples’ minds and then dismissing them, as if the whole world was your sub! It’s just pathetic.
And I see no need to describe the details of what I do or do not in RL or prove that I do or do not contribute to society because this is a game about being somebody else, not a contest to see who will get into heaven first. You’re not going to shame me into the classic error of Internet use, which is to give out RL information, so that other people can harass you. It doesn’t matter if I teach Sunday school or help out in the soup kitchen, I have a set of views which you are welcome to debate or not, which are mainly expressed to help persuade confused and weak people who seem to be falling for this crap in the game and on the Internet.
It’s also hilarious that because I challenge your cult and your violent and enslaving practices, that I’m somehow also prejudiced against blacks, Jews, and gays. I surely am not, and they and all minorities and all who are different deserve every protection of the law from hate and abuse and every right. But what you are doing is something else. It is criminal to hurt and enslave other people, and prettifying it up with “consent” – a consent we can only remain extremely dubious about when we see your methods — does not change that in law or practice.
I think it’s hilarious that you can say my links are “gay-oriented.” Say what you will. But any one with half a brain who has visited all my sites see they have both hetereo and gay fictions and slideshows done in the Sims because our site has different contributors.
It simply infuriates you that someone who is open-minded and liberal in the classic sense has drawn the line at violence and slavery. You can’t bear it, when you crave legitimacy and believe that by ringing every politicaly-correct chime in our society’s lexicon you can bully or shame me and others into giving you a pass. Non passerant!
Jan 3rd, 2004
Evening E/everyone, i just want to thank Ma’am Maria and sister toy for the interview i enjoyed reading it and i learned more about Gor
it is all i have to say .. Have a nice day
naadirah sub to Master Darksoul
Jan 3rd, 2004
Boy, your circular logic amazes me. And yes I do mean boy as you may be of legal age but on an emotional level you are but a child. BTW you are not being chased or harassed, if you happen to be in a house and I land there so what. Once again boy this is not about whether BDSM is a cult it is about you and your twisted view. I simmed here as vanilla and gladly joined the community my husband is a part of to be around people who are intelligent thoughtful and caring. You see in O/our communtiy Wwe frown upon scammers, spammers and taggers and do not tolerate those who do such.
As has been pointed out many times to you boy, W/we do screen ages on O/our lots. If your concern is for teens the build your house to be teen friendly and cater to them. W/we do not claim to be other than Adult Lots. The reason being is a lot of U/us are parents and do understand that BDSM is not for children. As for thinking W/we are cult like get over it. If you got 10 of U/us in a room to gether it would end with 6 of U/us arguing. It is the just that way W/we are and you just need to live with it. BTW you are not on ban at my property feel free to play the man and drop by sometime:)
I could use the visitors bonus
Lady Julianna
Jan 3rd, 2004
Maria and toy bring up an interesting point about marriage and BDSM. I have noticed an interesting thing. Almost all Doms who practise in real life are married to their subs and are raising families. Dom/me to sub marriages are more than just common in real life, but are almost the rule.
In the game, Dom/me to sub marriage is less common. You see many Dom/mes with mulitiple subs, or married to another Dom/me, each of them with their own subs, forming an ingame family.
When you think about it, it is not difficult to understand. The game is an escape from the real world, a place to play out fantasies that many of us would never live out in our real lives. And in the game, sister and brother subs cannot really scratch each others’ eyes out, lol. Just kidding my friends, I know it can work very well. *Big smile*
I did have three male subs at one time, but the truth is that this is very demanding and difficult to manage, especially in terms of looking after everyone’s feelings. That is important to me, that all be happy, cared for, and have their needs met. Maria saw me scramble to try to accomplish this, and one day she said to me, “Take a rest my Lady, get off your back.” I laughed, and still do when I recall that, but there is truth there.
I am now married to my one and only love in the game, my submissive Mikal, in a beautiful Cherokee wedding ceremony to honour Mikal’s heritage. I am very happy and content with this arrangement, and so is he. I can better focus on his needs.
When I collared him, he submitted to me formally and became mine. Some have asked what difference there is since I have married him. The way I see it is that in marriage, I gave myself to him. He now has a claim on me that normally a submissive would not have on his Mistress. I am his wife, and I have promised fidelity to him. I consult with him on major decisions that would affect our life together in game. As the dominant partner, final decisions are mine in the end. But normally subs would not be consulted in decision making. That is not to say it would never happen, for it could in very close relationships.
Anyway, that is the way I see it. But look around at the real life Dom/mes you see in the game. Most of them are married to their submissives. It is only in the game that it is not so common.
Lady Julianna
Jan 3rd, 2004
Oh there is one more difference. As a sub, I had given Mikal permission to play with other subs. Our marriage took away that permission.
Jan 3rd, 2004
yak yak yak…
Mistress Maria LaVeaux
Jan 3rd, 2004
Once again dyerbrook, you prove yourself a liar, and a paranoid, Being one of the first Goreans in AV, and by accountas of others, rather well known, I had not even heard of you before three or four days ago. Was i among the group of Goreans?
A Mass of us chere?? Name Names!
Don’t tell us your witness’s names chere,, tell us of your attackers?
Or were they the nameless, faceless demons of your own, obviously delusional mind?
I have, since your posts, presented myself on several Vanilla lots. NONE of the “Anti-BD/SM feelings you expound upon were in evidence.
Contrary to your twisted view of the world, the people of AV are an open, and tolerant group. Intelligent and, Yes, curious but they are FAR from terrified of us or wanting to drive us away. And as for your claim that “Most people in the BDSM world believe a priori that they are surrounded by a hostile universe.” Wrong again. We beleive we live in the 21st century where we and others of differing lifestyles can, and should live as openly as they choose. what we know for a fact is that, on occasion, we will encounter some cerebral pygmy with arrested emotional and intellectual development who beleives the whole world should conform to their narrow view of “Normal”.
“These people are vicious cultists and it’s very important to push back against them in the name of a free society in AV.”
What sort of “Free society” is that chere? Describe it for me? What are your rules for a Free society? What is “Normal”? and just how free is it when you beleive that people should be “Restricted” for their beleifs or practices?
You calim to be educated, as i have read. Can’t you see the TOTAL hypocricy in a statement like that??
Say it out loud chere, instead of couching it in a bunch of inane doublespeak. You Want the World to Follow Your Rules! Anything That Doesn’t is Evil.
I, not being a Charismatic cult leader can only speak for myself. I have had enough of this Mental Midgits paranoid and infantile ramblings.
He Lies, he obfuscates, and he has clearly adopted the principles as laid out in Mein Kampf that “If one shouts a Lie long enough and loud enough, it will become the truth” I will not respond to any more of his posts because he has shown himself for what he is. and one of the doctrines i follow is “Don’t waste your time arguing with an idiot”. I will only address myself to Rational comments and queries regarding this interview, and i will NOT let Dyer hijack the thread to make it a forum for his Bigotry.
Mistress Maria LaVeaux
Mistress Maria LaVeaux
Jan 3rd, 2004
Thank you My Lady for commenting on the interview.
As i said regarding Dom/sub Marriages. “In My Opinion”… I always preface my statements thus so people understand they are not chapter and verse.
I have known several D/s Marriages including my own. I had the Honour, you recall of presiding at your ceremony along with My dear friend Lord Cougar.
I did, and do beleive it is a Mistake, for the reasons i have stated. However, i also beleive that to every rule, there are exceptions. To Date, and most happily, you and Mikal have proven yourself the exception. I Must however say, i know of few others.
Contrary to some outside beleifs, we in the community do not all practice our arts in the same way. You and Mikal have found a Balance that allows you to be happily wedded while maintaining your roles. Not all of us, myself included, are on that same wavelength.
as we have all said, there is no set of rules that encompasses us all.
Marry if it is right for you, i still have my beleifs.
One Ring.
Jan 3rd, 2004
toy has never before came across any group of people who celebrate life so much as those in the D/s, M/s, Gor community… toy would be a much poorer person if she had never meet these people and will joyously continue to celebrate her life to the fullest
toy loves Y/you all
Lady Julianna
Jan 3rd, 2004
One ring Maria, always, and that ring cannot be broken. I love you my friend.
Jan 3rd, 2004
Quotes it again :
“BDSM has an elaborate, sometimes subtle, sometimes not subtle, set of rules, habits, practices, forms of address, modes of dress, blah blah blah.”
Please explain them to me dyer, nobody has taught me those, I am only who I am.
“*Every aspect of the dom leader is like a cult leader.* It provides a template to spawn a million cult leaders.”
Template? stamp…there’s a leader…..stamp….there’s a leader….stamp….there’s a leader…….I don’t think so dyer, leaders are born, or possibly taught, but simply reproduced…nope. t pains me to say this, but you show signs of intelligence sometimes and possible leadership skills….perhaps one day you’ll make a wonderful Grand Dragon.
“who saw every single Gorean freak in AV related to Darksoul and his minions come and harass me?”
harass you….hardly……I landed on a property and was booted, I never said a word to you or any others there. I did see however a roommate ask why you were bringing P/people like me to their lot.
As for any O/others, I have no idea who’s doing what, to whom and where, not My business. Oh and Gorean….no I’m not, I don’t even speak Gorean. there you go again, speaking of that which you don’t know.
Jan 3rd, 2004
oops, posted as the wife lol….dyer, the last post is from Me
Jan 3rd, 2004
Mistress, when i accepted Your collar, You made me a very happy man. When You and i were married, You made me even happier. i am proud to be Your husband, Your submissive, Your partner, Your friend. As for what Dyer or Phil think about it, it matters not to me. i need NO justification from close-minded people to be happy with You.
You have made me happier in game then i ever thought possible. As for the comment above made by Storm, that’s not the only person i’ve heard make comments about you being the laughing stock in AV. And for your information, those comments were made in the open.
Oh,and, Dyer to quote you “Players should form neighborhoods, free of pressure or harassment. They should nominate presidents or leaders of neighborhoods. Those leaders should themselves form a constituent assembly or provisional parliament, and then have AV-wide elections only among property owners and free Sims with architectural privileges. Such a government needs a radio free of the interference and skewed, propagandistic news that we get from Shadow Radio and its take-overs.
Do you get my point? Or do nothing. Most people just want to have fun and don’t want the boring and time-consuming trappings of RL. ”
Based on this quote, made by you Dyer, any group that was to get together and form communities with what you have outlined, would, by your standards and your standards only, be considered a “cult”. As i stated in the other forum, a cult isolates themselves from others. i am neither isolated nor am i “made” to isolate myself from others. i go to lots freely to skill, to visit with my friends, vanilla or BDSM or SSG whatever. i go to money lots and visit. i am NOT being cut off from society as described in the “cult” description. You are the one wanting me to be cut off. Second, NO ONE, i repeat NO ONE, has told me that the rest of AV is inherently evil. The only spouting of evil that is being said is by you against myself and O/others who believe differently than you and yes Dyer, that is being a bigot. To quote Miriam Dictionary – a bigot is “a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices”. This seems to apply to you quite well.
And on the third note, a “cult” by all definitions, no matter what your view may be, as everyone has their own opinion, when is defined by the dxperts in the fields, claims to have a definitive leader with many followers. That can never be the case in regards to U/us. i will not do what another Dom/me tells me to do simply because They are Dom/me, because i did NOT submit to following them. i submitted to and married my Mistress and only do i follow what she asks me to do. Does this mean that no matter what i’m told to do i will do it? No it does not. i have limits just like everyone else in the world does. i have principles that i will NOT under any circumstance break. Guess what?!? In a cult, that would NOT be the case.
Shakes head, i’m done with you Dyerbrook. i have had my say, and what i say is truth. i am NOT trying to convince you to “join” and practice BDSM nor become a member of D/s. i could care less whether or not you were truly interested in it, or whether you’re gay or not. i could care less whether or not you leave the game. What i do care about, is that one such as yourself, has tried to appoint himself as savior to people who are completely happy and whole within themselves. Only one who is so totally dissatisfied with his own life, looks to demean the lives of others. Hmmm…..sounds like i’m describing a playground bully doesn’t it.
Billy Bob Thornton
Jan 3rd, 2004
ok _yerbrook…I refuse to answer to your continued lies, as everytime someone does you twist their answers to your truths…now this is a fact…Fact, the house you entered..Was labeled did call the woman a Bitch….Fact…you threatened My slave, so YES…I did show up where you were to confront you and you left…Fact..I IMed you to ask about the incident in the BDSM home..(keyword Ask)…all I said was Hello dyer..Bam….auto ignore…only to be removed for you to use some very colorful words
…and _yer…I do wish you would update your list of Goreans….I am in fact one yes…Darksoul…sorry bud,…NOT…that was the first time I went to where you were as We do take care of Ours..Stalking…NOT…its called protection..just as I am sure ..that A/any married Husband…would protect H/his wife from an attack…so Yes I did come after you…and I will every time you threaten one of Ours..and I am soo glad you think all are slaves in BDSM…as I am sure that many here will tell you straight up..they are submissive…not slave..what ever….I will not tag you dyer…but if you continue to harass..then..I will persue your account to be I am Sure Maxis would love the screenshots…for that My friend…Is Harassment, so pls continue with this unwarented ~Crusade~
Be Well
Jan 3rd, 2004
Once more if i may reinterate……our best course here in this thread and all others like it is to completely ignore _yerbrook Sir Darksoul and others that may see things that may upset them…..
we only give him the chance to become a part of our discussions……and WAIT…he knows absolutely nothing about them…..or our world so we do not want to listen to his comments on these threads about an interview with Lady LaVeaux and Toy…because he will try to take it in a different direction this we already know…
we want to learn and comment on the THREAD TOPIC ONLY or we defeat the purpose of having them…
so please all refrain from even reading _yerbrooks posts….then we can watch him disappear into the shadows…..the muck and mire of which he emerged from…….back into the darkness ….alone….paranoid….and needy….
needy you ask……………..why needy for us to talk to….why do you think he posts….
with much grace and poise……*delicate hands grasping her gown…..she bends from the waist right knee slightly bent as to lower her head to eye level……her head bowed down with expressive deep brown eyes resting at His feet as soft thick curls frame her face* i bow to all the Master/Mistresses that Post here and pay my respects ……….
Lady LaVeaux ….*curtsies*….i loved the things i learned from the interview….most about the Gor world i already knew….because i ask questions and pay attention……but i thought it a very informative interview….and to do it with Toy….well it made it so much more interesting ……*laffs*…oh where are the other 11 men….and…..*dying here*…oh my you better take it out of your mouth you will choke…..roflmao……and with the comments…yup been there done that…..
ps….Sir Catseye…do You remember me Sir…i used to visit You in BF as ANA…… vanilla character……so very long ago…….i remember You Sir….*smiling*
Sir Matthews girl………….brigit
Jan 3rd, 2004
It makes no difference to me if I am the laughingstock for 90 percent of AV, because I live for that 10 percent : ) That makes it worth it. If I have warned away one person or changed one mind, it was worth it.
I seem to recollect that I was invited into that house while gnoming. There was a player called TheFragile who was striking up an acquaintance — I see that person either gone from that house or deleted, whatever. No, it did not have BDSM labeled on it, and just glancing at it, it didn’t really strike me at first. Only looking more closely I saw something about “looking for slaves” but that could have been a joke, not about BDSM (the letters were NOT on the profile.)
If someone wants to follow me around and tag me, that’s your problem, you merely discredit yourself. And please don’t give me that guff about how you just all “happened” to barge into a vanilla cooking skills lot and just “happened” to arrange yourselves like flies buzzing around my head in the AFK idle position as is your habitual slave pose, instead of sitting and skilling and helping the percentage level for that lot. Please. And if I’m visiting a friend on the offbeat list, and you all pile in, it’s not because you just “happen” to be visiting. You are such transparent frauds.
It’s VERY interesting to note: The only people who come to defense of BDSM are its practitioners, and the SSG. Interesting, eh? You don’t find any of the other fine citizens of Alphaville stepping up to the plate and saying, “These are great neighbors. We love them.” You don’t find that because people are repulsed and dismayed but merely intimidated into silence because they get a blast about being a bigot if they so much as raise a question and they see how someone who really takes you on is slammed on a blog and bullied in the game. So you don’t have much, you have only your own recruited numbers, and no real support, but only an uneasy tolerance, with EVERY SINGLE PERSON saying that while they tolerate you THEY WISH there was another server for adult hardcore play or failing that, a willingness for BDSM just to stay in their own neighborhood on their own lots and not fan out through all of AV looking for prey.
If Mikal feels he is not in a cult, that’s his business. He’s an adult. If he wants to be in a relationship where someone dominates him and uses force on him, what can you do? But people can critique this choice, just as they might critique any choice, and point out its dangers.
BDSM involves performing activities that in any other setting — and often in this one — would be crimes of assault or kidnapping or enslavement. So why should it be accepted? The overemphasis given on this “safe sane consensual” stuff shows how deadly it is when it goes “wrong”. So society is well within its rights to question and challenge this, and frankly, rather than polite assurances that it is alll “SSC,” what we are getting is shitloads of taunting, ad hominem attacks, fraudulent claims, specious claims of not actually ganging up on a critic in the game (“I just ‘happened’ to go skill on that lot”), and so on. The tactics, the behavior, the characters are all exposed here for all to see. These are not people you want to trust not to tie the noose too tight — they are mean, nasty, and murderous.
I don’t claim to “save” Alphaville because it is beyond salvation. But I will stand up for civility. Let Alphaville be shut down eventually
but let the record show that at least one person stood up to the ills represented by the SSG and BDSM with no consideration of the slander and slamming to be suffered. And let the record show that a few friends of that person also stood up, or at least tried to investigate, and for their troubles were booted and banned — yay, even unto the second separation of balloons…
At issue is not only whether some elements of BDSM appear to be a cult — indeed they do. Even if NOT a cult, they represent a coercive relationship, and a negative phenomena for society. Society should not be founded on beating and enslavement like a John Norman planet. It’s just fine to argue against that and advocate peace, freedom, and equality. BDSM wants to exploit the peace, freedom, and equality that existed in this controlled game and RL society, but that’s no reason why no one can challenge them. Just because they say a thing, doesn’t mean it is true — and frankly, we only hear them saying it, and the SSG saying it, and not a single other soul.
Many people tell me they try to live their Sim lives out of the reaches of the SSG, BDSM, the mafias, etc. They hope if they stay off the top 100 list, if they don’t attract attention, if they stay away from the top skill lots, and skill more slowly on residence lots among friends, then they will live their lives happily. They don’t seem to care about the circumscriptions they have made in their lives for the purpose of avoiding all the negativity.
Alphaville — most cities — lived an entire year — an entire year! — before BDSM came. No one invited it in. It was not sought. It was never desirable. It came in after AV was softened up by the SSG and by boredom and by the overly restrictive TOS and ROC which made it impossible for players to raise a peep on the official public forums that it was inappropriate for a teen-rated game. It came en masse, seeking safety in numbers, anticipating a challenge. I will continue to make sure that it gets that challenge.
Jan 4th, 2004
Yes brigt I remember Ana
mayhaps I missed the part in the article but I do not recall reading it though
I kinds would figure there would be something stating the differences between the two styles of play.. maybe toy or Marie would care to expand on that aspect of Gor
Jan 4th, 2004
whew…… dont get this girl started on the differences. she tends to upset many when doing that hehehe….. toy perhaps will expound on that tomorrow its getting very late now
just remembeer. when toys speaks of the differences it is not this girls intention to upset anyone they are after all this girls opinions
until tomorrow
kari brkasa
falara toy
Jan 4th, 2004
I am posting because I have first hand knowledge that there were BDSM houses in AV from as far back as January or February of last year. That would discredit the entire year Dyerbrook. Also, you claim that only BDSM and SSG have come forward to make comments. I am neither. And where are your supporters? I have seen no BDSM players who hassle anyone. They are received onto property just like everyone else is. You are just arguing the same points over and over again and are not making a lick of sense. You have stated that you wish them to stay in their own community and get their own server. I think that to each his or her own. If this is how they wish to play the game, then dammit let them play it. They aren’t hurting anyone. I had a friend check out your friendship web. They saw two red links. One you agree that you were on a BDSM lot when that tagged occurred. You were on their property calling names, I do believe was stated. The other, was a non-BDSM player according to my friend. Where are all the other tags? Give the post a rest. Get back to actually playing the game Dyerbrook, and let others play it their way as well. I will post here no more. I agree with what was said about his only seeking attention. I hope that other, open minded players read this column and see for themselves what it’s all about. It looks to be a personal vendetta against a chosen few. That’s what they’ll see. Continue to play the game and enjoy, knowing only a few like Dyerbrook are in the game. The rest of us in TSO believe you should play however you wish, so enjoy.
Jan 4th, 2004
Ignorance is bliss! O/our continued aknowlegment of Dyerbrooks ingnorant, misinformed comments is mearly fuel for his fire. As with all pests, if Y/you ignore them, they will go away. W/we should no longer dignify is comments with a response…it only gives him the attention he lacks and craves. A/anyone who knows each one of U/us knows that W/we hold the most respect for one another and others outside of our community. We are known for our courtesy and consideration of others, as well as O/our tight bonds. Challengers prove time and time again to be utterly jealous and ignorant to our “lifestyle”. We, as human beings should not defend O/ourselves to ANYONE. And as O/our community continues to grow, let that be more proof that ignorance is deminishing and there is power in education.
Dont fuel the fire….let the haters suffer in silence. Nothing pisses them off more than getting no response at all.
Jan 4th, 2004
“Alphaville — most cities — lived an entire year — an entire year! — before BDSM came. No one invited it in. It was not sought. It was never desirable.” ~Dyerbrook~
Again, you are incorrect. I have been in AV since March. There were quite a few BDSM houses then. You just didn’t notice them. Dementia was here, Roissy was here, submission was here, Tiger Joe’s Place was here. If you were to speak with either Sir B or Lady Toria, you would discover that they have been living in the BDSM community in AV since December of 2002, over a year. Rose Thorn Gardens began small in the spring of 2003 and grew over the summer. We used to have three major BDSM communities, Rose Thorn Gardens, Thorns and Petals and Darkest Pleasures. Darkest Pleasures broke apart and most moved to either RTG or T&P. Yes, word has spread that AV has the largest BDSM community so it is growing with an influx from other cities but to say it was not here a year ago is again another lie from you, Dyerbrook.
Billy Bob Thornton
Jan 4th, 2004
Now…enjoying the interview with Maria and toy..very informative…and has some very amusing parts as well…but all in all ~Hats off~
perhaps some will further understand U/us Goreans much better …if not be it ..
Be Well E/everyone
Sim Crazy Laura
Jan 4th, 2004
I just want to add afew words here. I know for a fact that there was a small BDSM community from the getgo of TSO.
~smiles Ya’ll~
Jan 4th, 2004
toy decided not to go into differences but rather expand on ‘what Gor is’
toy wasnt in D/s for more than a month before discovering what she truely was, and Mistress, once again in Her infinate wisdom, allowed toy to learn more.
What a wonderful journey it has become. toy felt as if each day of her studies was opening her eyes further. also her heart.. sometimes toy would get annoying she realizes by constantly talking of Gor to others, girls heart was just to the bursting point and just had to keep talking about it
since that time toy has mellowed, just a bit, but still has her thirst for learning more.
the following is a short essay on what Gor is .. toy will do one later of what a kajira is
“You may judge and scorn the goreans if you wish. Know as well, however, that they judge and scorn you.
They fulfill themselves as you do not. Hate them for their pride and power.
They will pity you for your shame and weakness.”
—- What is Gor? ……..Gor was created in the novels of John Norman,
who presented an alternative style of humanity……..
Scientifically in the books, Gor is a planet, similar to Earth, on the opposite side of the sun…….
It is hidden from view from the Earth by the “Sun-Shield Theory”,
which states that the planet Gor has the same orbitital plane as Earth,
and maintains that orbit as to always keep the Sun as a direct block between Earth and Gor……
It is a barbaric world, ruled by steel and concerned with honor,
where the institution of human slavery is an accepted and integral part of the Gorean culture…….
In todays society however, Gor also exists on Earth,
as a daily part of life for those who live by the philosophy and beliefs set forth in the books of Gor…….
Gor is a State of Mind, a set of beliefs. Gor exists in the head, and in the hearts of Goreans.
We choose to follow the teachings and codes, the honor and beliefs in real life…….
Goreans, both men and women, are deeply passionate and emotional people,
and openly express that passion….Their deep love for life and freedom of
their natural selves is neither hidden or suppressed…….
Gor is about honesty as to who you are and why…….
It is a life of free men, women and slaves…….
A life that’s built with Honor, Trust, Respect and Loyalty.
Gor is Unjust. Gor is Unfair. Gor is just Gor.
toy thanks You all for your time
falara kajira toy
“We could learn a lot from crayons: some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, some have weird names, and all are different colors … but they all have to learn to live in the same box.”
Jan 4th, 2004
Merci beaucoup, Madame Maria LeaVeaux ~bowing deeply in respect, her fine features tied with a full red bow of a smile~
~blows a soft kiss to her sister toy~ you are amazing..and this girl is honoured to call you “sister and friend”.
” ‘Is it wrong for the tree to be a tree, the rock a rock, the bird a bird?’ I asked.
‘No, no,’ she said.
‘Why, then,’ I asked, ‘is it wrong for a slave to be a slave?’
‘I do not know,’ she said.
‘Perhaps it is not wrong for a slave to be a slave,’ I said.”
John Norman, Explorers of Gor, p. 176
“We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.”
Sir Winston Churchill
this girl is finished here.
~kneels deeply by her Higher Authority’s feet~
~whispering the words that so many hate, hiding her devilish little grin~
Freedom is Slavery
Pain is Pleasure
Love Always,
shi xo
Mistress Maria LaVeaux.
Jan 4th, 2004
I think that dyer has had his 15 minutes now, and in the end reason has prevailed.
I am generally glad of the response my toy and i have received from this thread. More than ever, people are coming to us from other parts of the community to learn our differences,(Some from outside as well) and have us share our outlook. While i Never expect everyone to see things our way,(And what a dull world it would be if they all did) I am gratified that so many have shown the respect, Tolerance, and curiousity I knew was out there.
Please,, keep the questions coming. As Socratese observed learning is best done by asking questions.
Uri,, one quick question chere,,,
“If you値l permit me to diverge from the ever-so-interesting topic of the social mal-adjustments and sexual deviancies of fake people…….”
Does this mean us chere,, and if so,, couldn’t you have found a Less derisive way of expressing this thought?
Jan 4th, 2004
You should take that up with squirrel, who posted that. I would do it in the Lazy Fare topic, where he posted those remarks.
Jan 4th, 2004
Yes, indeed, reason has prevailed — only not at Alphaville Herald. I would urge you all to hike on over to the Stratics board where a thread was opened about BDSM and then locked after 2 pages by the mod. In this thread you can see a number of people saying this is a teen-rated game, and BDSM has no place in it. You can see people expressing shock and dismay at how many houses there are. You can see people just expressing their ordinary, Yankee, common-sense dislike of the notion of “slaves” and “masters”. And so on. Quite the interesting debate. And I wasn’t even in on it. So you have to admit this is not “Dyerbrook’s 15 minutes of fame” or anything of the kind — the posters at AV Herald don’t represent the middle ground on this subject, or the average Joe in the Sims — who finds it a repulsive lifestyle, but isn’t willing to fight against it, but wishes somebody would do something. Go and read it, and stop deluding yourselves into thinking this is just the crusade of one Sim tilting at windmills.
Jan 4th, 2004
P.S. And I wrote this mod that if she felt the topic was so “raunchy” she had to lock the thread, then what is the topic doing inside the game?