Interview with Selene Moon on Wicca and Witchcraft in Alphaville
by Alphaville Herald on 21/01/04 at 12:54 pm
Recently, Selene Moon came by the offices of the Alphaville Herald and asked one of our staff members why we haven’t written any stories on the Wiccan community in Alphaville. Good question! And while there are some key Wiccan community members that we want to interview eventually, we thought we would start by talking to Selene, who is a 15 year old girl that has been seeking out some of the Alphaville Wiccans and witches to learn more about their religion and craft. Here is her story.
Urizenus: How long have you been on TSO?
Selene Moon: well, i played some on my cousin’s sim, but I’ve only had my own sim since Christmas
Urizenus: since this last Christmas?
Selene Moon: yeah, my cousin got it for me so I’d stop bugging her lol
Urizenus: haha, so how often were you on before?
Selene Moon: whenever she’d let me lol
Urizenus: every day?
Selene Moon: not every day…maybe twice a wk?
Urizenus: so how old are you now?
Selene Moon: 15
Urizenus: ok, and when you were visiting with your cousin’s account you got to know a lot of sims that were in the craft?
Selene Moon: well not as many as i wanted 2
Selene Moon: but i looked in AV and found piper [halliwell]
Selene Moon: she’s awesome…r/l witch in Chicago, she writes books [on witchcraft, her web page is here, -Uri]
Urizenus: lemme ask some dumb questions here…
Selene Moon: ok
Urizenus: do you make a distinction between witchcraft and Wicca?
Selene Moon: well yea
Urizenus: what is the diff?
Selene Moon: witchcraft is spells and stuff
Selene Moon: Wicca is the religion
Urizenus: which are you interested in?
Selene Moon: well Wiccans do witchcraft too
Selene Moon: so both
Urizenus: ok, makes sense!
Urizenus: Are your friends interested in both Wicca and casting
Selene Moon: my friends on tso?
Urizenus: yah
Selene Moon: well i just moved to av so so far yea
Selene Moon: piper and hippie and them
Urizenus: what city were you in before?
Selene Moon: jp
Selene Moon: with my cousins sim
Urizenus: is there a bigger community of Wiccans in alpha?
Selene Moon: i think so
Selene Moon: more places
Urizenus: what do you mean by places?
Selene Moon: more houses for witches
Selene Moon: pagan and stuff
Urizenus: oh, ok, but what makes a house witch-worthy — lots of gargoyles and such?
Selene Moon: well like
Selene Moon: one place has a circle
Selene Moon: and ceremonies
Urizenus: ok, what happens in the ceremonies?
Selene Moon: there’s one coming up for esbet
Urizenus: what’s esbet?
Selene Moon: moon holiday
Urizenus: oh, so what do they do at ceremonies?
Selene Moon: i guess they’ll do a Wicca circle
Urizenus: what’s a Wicca circle?
Selene Moon: prayers, invoking, stuff like that
Urizenus: invoking?
Selene Moon: well yea
Urizenus: invoking what?
Urizenus): or who?
Selene Moon: where u invoke the goddess or god
Urizenus: ok, explain this, who is the goddess?
Selene Moon: well
Selene Moon: which one lol
Urizenus: your favorite!
Selene Moon: its like…the Christians have their god, we have ours
Selene Moon: but we have more lol
Selene Moon: i like Aphrodite lol
Selene Moon: goddess of luv
Urizenus: ic, I thought she was a greek god
Selene Moon: well yea
Selene Moon: but Wiccans use them
Selene Moon: and Nordic too
Urizenus: ic,so you can borrow any pagan gods that you choose to?
Selene Moon: well yea, why not? lol
Urizenus: I dunno, maybe the Norwegian ones don’t work as well?
Selene Moon: it depends on what u want.
Urizenus: I mean, what is Thor going to do for you?
Selene Moon: give you strength
Urizenus: oh yah, I could use some of that
Selene Moon: make you strong lol
Urizenus: ok, well, do you guys cast spells in the game?
Selene Moon: not spells yet,
Selene Moon: haven’t seen one
Selene Moon: but did see a prayer
Selene Moon prayer to…?
Selene Moon: well, like light and health to a person
Urizenus: oh a prayer for someone. but who did they pray to?
Selene Moon: they sent energy
Selene Moon: she was sick
Selene Moon: its like praying for Christians
Selene Moon: but there’s no third party lol
Urizenus: but what deity did they pray to? oh no one?
Selene Moon: well if u have healthy energy
Selene Moon: u can send it to a friend who’s sick
Urizenus: ah, ok…
Selene Moon: the gods u pray to for stuff for yourself and for more power.
Urizenus: how many witches do you think there are in alpha?
Selene Moon: at least 3 lol
Selene Moon: 4…5…i met some
Urizenus: so who are they?
Selene Moon: piper [halliwell]
Selene Moon: …harley
Selene Moon: hippe…
Urizenus: just hippie?
Selene Moon: old hippie he’s a sweetie.
Urizenus:… so is he a warlock?
Selene Moon: NO
Selene Moon: male witches are NOT warlocks
Urizenus: ok, what’s the diff?
Selene Moon: warlocks…betray their coven and oaths
Urizenus: oh, so they are witches gone bad?
Selene Moon: yea
Selene Moon: u can have a female warlock
Urizenus: oic, how come we never hear about them?
Selene Moon: because ur not listening lol
Urizenus: hmmm, that’s what everyone says to me
Selene Moon: ask a real witch
Selene Moon: she’ll know
Urizenus: so how do I tell the diff between a real witch and a poser
Selene Moon: well, my aunt said u can see it in their eyes
Urizenus: hmm, but I guess I wouldn’t know what to look for
Selene Moon: u said some of your friends were Wiccans
Urizenus: yup
Selene Moon: are they different? in thier eyes?
Urizenus: I don’t look people in the eyes
Selene Moon: ru a coward? lol
Urizenus: yep
Selene Moon: that’s no good lol
Selene Moon: eyes r the mirror to the soul.
Urizenus: ok, so how do you tell online? you can’t look them in the eyes here
Selene Moon: hmmm.
Urizenus: lol, so how do you know that you aren’t hanging with a bunch of posers?
Selene Moon: even if they aren’t witches, they’re still fun lol
Urizenus: ok, but maybe they are just into r/p
Selene Moon: yeah, but what is that saying?
Selene Moon: stare in the void too long and it stares back
Urizenus: which means?
Selene Moon: sometimes r/p can become real
Urizenus: ic… did you experience that?
Selene Moon: real gods, real goddesses…if u call to them even in r/p, they might say hi back.
Urizenus: oh oh
Urizenus: good thing I gave up the satanic church then
Selene Moon: well yea lol
Urizenus: so what are you hoping could happen in Alphaville. Are you hoping to build a large community of witches here?
Selene Moon: not build, find
Selene Moon: but it would be nice to meet more.
Urizenus what happens when you find them?
Selene Moon: learn more
Selene Moon: always learn.
Urizenus: are some of the famous witches here — Piper for example — are they able and willing to teach you?
Selene Moon: i hope so lol
Urizenus: Well, has she been able to teach you some stuff?
Selene Moon: not yet but i did see her house
Selene Moon: it has….energy kinda
Urizenus: why is her house special?
Selene Moon: well
Selene Moon: have u ever gone somewhere and had a cold chill down ur spine? and its not cold?
Urizenus: yes, when I go in my bathroom
Selene Moon: ewwwwww lol
Urizenus: but I get it…
Urizenus: anything you want to add?
Selene Moon: just…to not play with stuff u don’t always understand
Selene Moon: no more Satanic churches ok? lol
Urizenus: hmm, haha, but that sounded a bit like the voice of experience
Selene Moon:
Selene Moon: u can get hurt too
Urizenus: I’ve heard this from a lot of Wiccan friends on TSO
Selene Moon: well, then u know
Jan 24th, 2004
toy would point out that it seems the ‘inane attacks’ have now switched to the professor simply because it failed miserably attacking BDSM/Gor ext.. ect…… more feeble narrowminded attacks now it seems
well toy would say to dyerbrook and friends…. have at it you will fail again since you never take the time to learn or understand what you attack…. just blindly strike out, switching from one item to another in your feeble attempt to gain the attention that is so obviously missing in your real lives and be damned with the truth
Lady Julianna
Jan 24th, 2004
Dyer, a liar? Nooo… I am sooo shocked, lol. I don’t believe you about Raisonneur either, no more than I did about the team of people who played Lord Cheetah. I think you may have multiple personalities perhaps hon.. you only THINK you are part of a team…
Lady Julianna
Jan 24th, 2004
Dyer, do you have children? I hope not. Poor kids if you do. Do the world a favour and do not reproduce Dyer.
Mistress Maria LaVeaux.
Jan 24th, 2004
Once again Dyer attempts to Propound a Higher Truth and support it with Lies distortions and deceit.
When my toy and i did our interview it was a candid attempt to have people understand something.
Dyers various posts Including his “Interview” have been Nothing but Falsehoods.
The man has no Honesty, and no Honour. Great qualifications for a Would-Be-Saviour of TSO.
My genuine concern for “Selene” was used and Twisted by this Petty minded little pervert, and I find that Personally Offensive.
Uri,, I understand your point of view in not blocking dyer-the-liar. and surprisingly, Despite how odeous i find the socially retarded little Misanthrope,, i respect and support your commitment to giving air to differing views unrestraind. but chere,, Open a Window,, the air is getting a little Foul in here.
Note to Coco,
A word of advice chere,, take it or leave it for what it is worth.
We are all judged not so much for ourselves, as the company we keep. Are you really sure Dyers Image is the one you wish to pe painted with? You struck me as an open Honest, and reasonable person. Surely you don’t condone this sort of deceit?
Mistress Maria LaVeaux.
Jan 24th, 2004
~shakes his head~
I am not surprised at Dyerbrook’s scam since he is apt to teching that which he does not know of.. stay tuned I hear he is giving a speach on brain sugery next week though he has no brain himself..
This format is here for some to post then discuss allowing us to make our own minds up on the subject matter if you think everything you read is “gospel” then you need to get out more..
there was a comment about other religions I do belive Osama attacked the WTC using his religion’s Holy War so that shoots another of Dyer’s arguments all full of holes..
someone stated that Wicca does not have a God for say they have a Goddess and fall upon other high powered intities for their ceremonies.. they have their beliefs as well one being do no harm.. but attacking an religion or setting it up in this manner to make a point is what is evil..
Do underage go out looking for sex? yes I have seen it and I have refused it each time that is my reponsibility to myself based on what I believe… is everyone this way no but at least Dyer didnt say it was the BDSM community that was IMing him..
Dyerbrook you are narrowed minded in assuming that your beliefs are correct and everyone else is wrong.. you are proving yourself over and over again to be a little man woman switch what ever label you claim for yourself.. you are shining a shadow on your mother father and everyone else that has taught you in life..
I can claim that Christanity is immoral stating Jimmy Swagart, Oral Roberts. the Bakers as proof as well but I am intelligent enough to realise that this is not the way of all christians just those in the limelight of their faith..
if I said let’s move all the Homosexuals to their own server.. or maybe lets move all the Ismlaics back to Iraq would you concur? but again you prove that everything you read is not gospel so what makes your statements about the BDSM or anything else you dispises and discriminate against correct? simple they are not…
read my posts to Phineas you shallow mind and see where it was proven that his beliefs are not fully correct in his thinking.. though I am tempted to belive that you were also phin just to save the name of dyerbrook
Jan 24th, 2004
toy would also like to add that tyhe only one further discredited is dyerbrook. he has once again proven that he is a liar…… yet feels it is alright for him to lie to try to prove he is right, so toy would ask.. is this someone who can judge others? absolutely not.. a liar has no honor, no respect and certainly no value when it comes to judging anything or anyone
Jan 24th, 2004
Dear LJ,
No, there really is a team of people. I obviously can’t simultaneously be in two states of the U.S. thousands of miles apart at the same time, can I? And Private Eye Uri can look at the ISP addresses of all the posters and figure it out himself. No, I don’t have multiple personality disorder, although I suppose anyone playing the Sims could be characterized as suffering at least a mild version of this disease — which is now described quite differently than it used to be from what you might remember from the days of “The Three Faces of Eve” — or were you aware of that? LJ, can any of us really be sure Mikal is a separate human being, and not your second Sim? Second Sims make wonderful subs. They do EXACTLY what you tell them, I’ve found. To a T!
Yes, I have my own son and other kids I take care of, and I certainly don’t let them near this game, and as far as I know, nobody is calling the men in the white jackets. And as far as I know, you don’t need a license from BDSM practitioners in Canada in order to reproduce here in the United States — not yet, anyway.
Lying? Er…it says on my box: “Be Somebody Else.” The Charter edition even has this cute little device you can put up on your refrigerator. One day you can be the Sim with the purple hair, the next day, that cool dude with the silver hair and the sunglasses, the day after that the clown — well,you get the idea. Be Somebody Else. It doesn’t say “be a sim that is sort of like yourself and be sure to advertise at 20 minute intervals that you’re really A/S/L X/Y/Z and not what this sim appears to be so that no one is misled.” It’s not “a lie” to make a Sim — it’s just a Sim, duh. It’s not “wrong” or “deceitful” to make a “Selene Moon” and waltz her around from moonrise to moonset. If somebody prints an interview with this Sim, that’s their problem.
I remain baffled by the Evangeline phenom. Go over to that thread to study all the things said about Van — 15 in Flint, MI? 17 in FL? An actor? A kid?. We don’t have the full story about Van yet and we may never have it. And perhaps we haven’t really plumbed the depths of Selene either…To be continued…
Jan 24th, 2004
Re: “This format is here for some to post then discuss allowing us to make our own minds up on the subject matter if you think everything you read is “gospel” then you need to get out more.”
This is similar to the hectoring comment Uri made to me before he banned me — yes, the Great Victim of Censorship himself — banned me — and from two different ISPs I tried within the hour! (I guess he thought better of it.)
This is the sort of crapola you get from the blogosphere. It works like this: my tribe gets a big drum to bang on that only makes a certain sound. Through an elaborate set of rules and rituals (look at the elaborate rules on Penny-Arcade’s forum, for example, which makes Stratics/The Sims Onlin look like a day at the beach), the big drum possessors let some people either come and bang on their big drum with their little sticks, or bring their own little drums tuned to the exact same pitch. Their drumming makes such a noise, the big people with the real radio stations and televisions start to echo their drumming. They have no way of checking — there are too many blogs and too many links and too much promiscuity in the linking. A big drummer here can say “I was Citizen Kane in AV and censored from the game” and the radios and TVs will repeat it because it fulfills some inner Marxian need of their leftwing journos to denounce capitalism in the form of game companies. Any *different* drummer who comes along is of course free to bang his drum, but he will be buried under 300 posts drumming with the big drum, and he won’t be linked to the radio station…
This is why I call it poisoning the well. The blogosphere has the right to poison the well, they say, invoking a “community of reporters and learners” which is heavy on the community — the tribe — and light on the reporters and learners. And they smugly claim that anyone who wants to pour in an antidote is welcome to do so, but not everyone has the connections and technolog or time. And the deed is done. In nearly 7 continents, there are people who think poor Urizenus is banned from this American game — although we all know he is right back in the game, that Sims are IM’ing to each other his URL address, and that he has more attention than ever.
I was just thinking of another point. What if I were a transvestite in RL, and doing this thing with Selene was “my thing” that gave me a real kick? All the ladies and gentlemen of the night from the BDSM crowd wouldn’t DARE say anything about that being wrong. If I were just a garden-variety Sim in the game, with a big lot called “TVs ‘R Us”, why, you’d all blow me kisses and call me hon. But if I make a Sim called Selene to expose the Alphaville Enquirer here, suddenly, I’m a “little man woman switcher” and a “fruitypants”. Interesting, huh? The viciousness and hatred of the orthodox toward “the other”. How far, how deep your political correctness really goes! And that’s because it’s not based on liberalism, but that kind of foolish consistency that was denounced as the hobgoblin of little minds a century ago, and which is merely the newest form of rigid orthodoxy.
Jan 24th, 2004
At the very least the interview was deceitful and manipulative, Dyerbrook, whomever you are. Sure, you can create any sim you like, but don’t go around acting like a self-appointed expert on Wicca, when you aren’t a Wiccan, and then attempt to mislead everyone with the nonsense you spout about something you know little or nothing about. Manipulative, deceitful and, so it strikes me at least, rather vindictive.
i honestly wonder what it is in your own real life that fills you with this vindictiveness, and i would encourage you to figure this out for yourself.
Jan 24th, 2004
AH Dyer I called you man woman switcher because I have not seen what you claim yourself to be.. I assume male but then there is the content on your website which allows me to believe switcher between the two genders it is not an insult it is trying to be proper…
what you did was improper and deceitful and only gives more power to our statements against you.. it is not your trying to prove you are right but trying to prove all else are wrong.. you have not stated what you think is wrong and why just using loose comments and generalised statements..
again I ask Dyerbrook why is Wicca wrong? why is BDSM wrong? and please do not use your self rightnous as reasoning
Jan 24th, 2004
ahh dyer a liar always brings out the worse in people. your lying has certainly proven that… proud of yourself?
someone in dire need of help is the only one that could be proud of feeling they make a point when outright lying….
so rest assured, once again you have proved one thing, and only one. that your a outright liar. and anything you post is suspect…. You did it to yourslef so wallow in the pigsty your own hands have created..
~awaits the next onslaught of dyer lies~
Jan 24th, 2004
*sighs, throws a side glance at Dyerbrook*
Guess THAT didn’t go well.
Jan 24th, 2004
“Sure, you can create any sim you like, but don’t go around acting like a self-appointed expert on Wicca, when you aren’t a Wiccan, and then attempt to mislead everyone with the nonsense you spout about something you know little or nothing about. Manipulative, deceitful and, so it strikes me at least, rather vindictive.”
You all are always blathering on about me being a messiah and a self-appointed expert when all I do is *dissent* with your political correctness and closed minds. Could you try to get that nuance straight? Why all this religious imagery? And who says I’m the one on our team who is the witch guru? I defer to some of the others LOL.
Er…could we say the same thing about self-appointed experts about someone who posed as a satanist and created “The Church of Mephistophles”? Can we say this about someone who posed as a journalist and created “The Alphaville Herald”? Of course, when it’s *my* simulation or the simulation of people *I* like, it’s ok, it’s just a game, it’s part of the Great Masked Ball. But if someone ELSE does it, why, it’s deceitful, manipulative and cruel.
Of course, all those dark ones in BDSM, etc. etc. who prance around and get young kids and naive adults to be attracted to them aren’t doing any damage, it’s just a game, hmmm? Whereas those who write about them are the hateful, vicious evil ones, hmmm? “Double standard” is the word that comes to mind here.
This is a good time to recall Shakespeare’s “Measure for Measure” (maybe the professor can get over his self-satisfied crowing about how only one blogger out got his sorry-ass Blake reference and look at some other literature):
(the Duke)
“Now shall we see/if power change purpose/what our Simmers [seemers] be…”
Oh, that Shakespeare! He was always changing his spelling…
Jan 24th, 2004
Dear Raisonneur,
Au contraire, my dear, it worked beautifully. Give it time to gel. But let’s not delete Selene *just* yet — I need to see if Piper wants a refund. In fact, if we delete Selene, we might be crimping Piper’s Mia-like project to collect balloons. So let’s not be too hasty there. But I was thinking…shall we move on to our next plot, oh, in about a day or two? Could you give a shout to the other members of the team?
Jan 24th, 2004
That I can most definitely do. We’ve already got the skeleton going, and it’ll be interesting to see how this one fleshes out.
Also, I’d find it interesting to see El Profesor’s opinion on all this. Not only is he the one that technically started it, but he’s also supposed to be an expert on linguistics…do you think our sentence structure is truly similar enough for us to be misconstrued as one person? Or, possibly, will he lend credence to your assertation that we are, in fact, a team?
“Is it not meant damnable in us, to be trumpeters of our unlawful intents?”
As always, All’s Well That Ends Well.
Jan 24th, 2004
What you did was impersonate someone and pretend that you knew something about Wicca when you didn’t and therefore engaged in deliberate misinformation. That is deceitful. you are trying to turn the camera around at the targets of your criticism, but in this instance at least your hands are quite sullied.
i would recommend taking a break and assessing what it is exactly you are after in these attacks, what need of your own you are trying to satisfy through them, and try to address it.
Jan 24th, 2004
~snickers at the 2 children back slapping each other for accomplishing nothing~
falara kajira toy
one who sleeps well knowing she isnt a liar
Lady Julianna
Jan 24th, 2004
Get help you sad little man.
Lady Julianna
Jan 24th, 2004
You should be hugging us and loving us. For what would you be without our attention? Absolutely nothing. We are your reason for being, you are soooo obsessed.
Jan 24th, 2004
AH Dyerbrook and his partners in crime let me remind you do unto others.. I also believe in what goes around comes around so no crying when you are decieved in the future..
oh my Dyerbrook is already doing that posting what he believes with no knowledge
you ignored my questions little one why is BDSM wrong? heck to quote one I have had recent talks to why is murder wrong? I can use the same statements to both
but this I ask to all why are your prespctives better than any others?
~smiles~ Dyerbrook will avoid this discussion with me as well for I feel he fears me.. and here I am with only a Highschool education…
Jan 24th, 2004
Re: “Why is BDSM wrong?” This isn’t a thread about BDSM. Go over to the other threads about that, and you’ll find plenty of answers to your questions.
Re: “What you did was impersonate someone and pretend that you knew something about Wicca when you didn’t and therefore engaged in deliberate misinformation. That is deceitful. you are trying to turn the camera around at the targets of your criticism, but in this instance at least your hands are quite sullied.
Um…did I? Or was that someone else driving Selene at that moment? Or??? A Fig Newton of YOUR imagination??? And did those who actually knew something about Wiccan complain before I exposed Selene as a fake? I didn’t notice any of them stepping up to the plate and saying, hey, this kid knows nothing, she’s a fraud. Interesting, huh?
And interesting, as I reflect upon it, that first, Uri tries to downgrade my hoax, and say, hey, it doesn’t matter what sort of A/S/L you have, what you’ve done is just be a pseudonymous reporter about wiccan in the game, so we all had a chance learn more about virtual circles blah blah, so you did a good thing. But as soon as I say, OK, if you’re playing that game, here’s what Selene, 15 year old witch, has to tell about people asking her if she’s wearing any panties, suddenly, the good professor whirls around and says, “Oh, but how can we find ANYTHING you say as credible! You’re a fake.” Interesting, that bit, innit?
Re: “i would recommend taking a break and assessing what it is exactly you are after in these attacks, what need of your own you are trying to satisfy through them, and try to address it”
Oh, the prudishness of our Calvinistic self-help culture! Why is there always some hydraulic psychological explanation for every simulation? It’s just a game. Or at least, that’s what the suits at Maxis are telling us.
Raisonneure, chere, we’ve got to keep it straight: Uri is a professor of *philosophy*. Not linguistics. Hey, I’ve been reprimanded on that one too! It’s just that nowadays, the newfangled philosophy is just a mangled linguistics study, as I’ve also pointed out.
[Enter Miranda]Oh, Brave New World! That has such people in it!
Jan 24th, 2004
This just in. Evangeline is still 17. Detroit Free Press just talked to his mom. This is consistent with his online modeling portfolio, his resume, etc. etc.
Dyerbrook, why don’t you at least come clean on the following claim that you made:
“the way in which adults in this game make blatant sexual overtures to other Sims, either not realizing they are only 15-year-olds, or else knowing, and not caring. I must say I hadn’t seen much of that before, but playing as the young Selene, I got IM’d all over the place, i.e. one time, within minutes of meeting a certain Sim I was asked if I was wearing any panties, told about debauchery, etc. This is the reality of TSO.”
Look we all know that Alphaville has its problems, but I find it very hard to believe your contention that you were propositioned etc. in this manner when playing Selene. So why don’t you make Coco and the other friends of Alphaville happy and admit that you completely exaggerated that part of your story.
Jan 24th, 2004
~nods~ ah yes see another avoidence.. why do you fear my words little one? but the question is posted as well in the other thread..
Unfortunally your posts here are not the topic of the thread either Dyerbrook did you really wish to dicuss Wicca? or just again prove how childish you are trying to make someone else look bad..
First off Wicca and Witchcraft are not the same related yes but not the same thing…
hmm maybe Dyerbrook is pretending to have christain morals as well.. now I am very curious about this little mind who steps before us in a futile to speak the words of wisdom he has not yet grasped the meanings of..
continue boy you ammuse me
Mistress Maria LaVeaux
Jan 24th, 2004
It is a precept of ANY civilized law that once a person has been proved to have lied, ALL that they have attested to becomes Unreliable.
Dyer-the-Liar wants us all to believe him now that he was propositioned. Another lie to support your greater truth chere?
From now on Dyer, Anything you say or do will be irreversably tainted with the lies you have told to date. Any “Good” you hoped to do is Lost. All that is left is what you indicated in your telling conversation with Raisonneur,,Mindless, Pointless Griefing.
Dyers stand of “Moral superiority” is Shot.
Mistress Maria LaVeaux.
Jan 24th, 2004
he will never answer You Catseye.. he has nothing to say, he only speaks of things he has no concept of.. then repeatedly lies to cover his lies… .toy will sit back and see just how high his stack of lies will reach
now his defense has become… “Its a game”….. wont wash dyer since your tried to force your ideals on others its only a game you play with yourself
falara kajira toy
Jan 24th, 2004
Could the Detroit Free Press *actually talk to Evangeline himself*? That’s what this Doubting Thomas would need to Believe.
Well, I could send the screenshots. But I don’t want to embarrass the parties involved. They know who they are. And they’d say they didn’t know Selene was just 15. Now they are probably searching for their barf bag now that they have found out it’s me. Well, it’s the Sims…
It bothers me not in the slightest if I am viewe as a discredited prankster full of lies. You believed that anyway because you couldn’t see yourselves. What matters is that Urizenus is going to think twice or thrice the next time he gets on Yahoo Messenger….Mission Accomplished.
Jan 24th, 2004
Problem is, how do we know you didn’t take photoshop to your screenshots?
Jan 24th, 2004
~lol~ actually yes the press can talk to anyone they wish to contact Dyerbrook.. you know the press looks for shock values.. and I seriously doubt your prank will affect Uri in the future he will keep interviewing those with stories and ideas .. just may add a disclaimer that the story above could be an act of Dyerism not from one who actually knows about it..
hmm Dyerism the act of making statements and teaching ideals in a field one does not have knowledge of.. kinda catchy
Lady Julianna
Jan 24th, 2004
I like it Catseye
Dyerism… the act of lying to maintain a publicly superior morality… the act of dictating to others what their beliefs and behaviours should be..
Lady Julianna
Jan 24th, 2004
Dyerism… the making of grandiose claims based upon fictional data or grossly distorted data, or just plain lies…
a lovely new game… definitions of our new word… Dyerism.
Jan 24th, 2004
hmm maybe Uri will give us a thread to discuss the definitations of the new word?
Dyerism the combination of self rightousness and paranoia
Jan 24th, 2004
W/we should ty to help this poor little man come to some rational understanding of himself, ISTm.
Dyer, listen to yourself. You are hurtinmg yourself with this behaviour. Listen to yourself. Try to understand why you are doing this, and address it – not because i don’t like to debate with you, but because it is the right thing for you to do.
i am concerned for you. Shocked? Don’t be. But please try to take care of whatever inside you is causing you to have this approach. W/we can all have O/our fun sparring with you, but i for one would like you to lay down your sword and reflect …. not a loss, or an admission, just a time-out to reflect on what is going on inside you.
trying to help u.
Jan 24th, 2004
Kelli read the two BDSM threads and learn about Dyerism
Jan 24th, 2004
Er, actually, the term is not Dyerism, but Dyerbrooked, as in “You’ve been Dyerbrooked” which means you have been pranked in the Sims with a fake Sim who has fooled you into behaving in some spontaneous way that reveals what you are in essence.
Re: “you didn’t take photoshop to your screenshots?”
Um, gee, what a good memory, Uri, in my very first e-mail to you, of which I have a copy, I was the one who pointed out to you that screenshots are not acceptable by Maxis as proof of any violation of the TOS, and yet, people do use them to make a point. You can look at the screenshots and determine if they show, when blown up, any of those tell-tale signs of being doctored. One sign is if it has one date when it was shot and another much later when it was doctored, i.e. it was not e-mail right from the game folder. But I guess anyone looking at my site will understand the crappy, samizdat nature of the design there and realize that I don’t possess the skills to doctor screenshots in Photoshop.
Maria LaVeaux
Jan 24th, 2004
“Well, I could send the screenshots. But I don’t want to embarrass the parties involved. ”
Another Lie??
He always seems to have Evidence, but Very good reasons for not showing it.
“I was the one who pointed out to you that screenshots are not acceptable by Maxis as proof of any violation of the TOS, and yet, people do use them to make a point.”
Just like you Dyer-the-Liar??
“What matters is that Urizenus is going to think twice or thrice the next time he gets on Yahoo Messenger….Mission Accomplished.”
I doubt this.
Uri will not slow down just because he was hoaxed by a Liar trying his best to stifle truth.
“Er, actually, the term is not Dyerism, but Dyerbrooked, as in “You’ve been Dyerbrooked” which means you have been pranked in the Sims with a fake Sim who has fooled you into behaving in some spontaneous way that reveals what you are in essence.”
See the Power he seems to want to ascribe to himself?? trying to create what he feels is an Intimidating image for himself?? Delusions of Grandure??
He is getting More Pathetic with each post.
I have a debate Going with some others in game,, Is it Paranoid Schizophrenia, or Megalomania?
Either way,, that tower scenario is looking more reasonable with each of his posts.
Tskelli, your suggestion that he get help will fall on deaf ears, he feels himself a Superior being, Beyond such considerations, he won’t understand an Honest attempt to help someone, even him.
Sad really.
Mistress Maria LaVeaux.
Jan 24th, 2004
~smiles then chuckles~
Dyer when will you learn that I view your statements as full of holes ..
it is Dyerism for yours is a way of life not just one solo instance of a prank
Stella Dives
Jan 24th, 2004
please die Dyerbrook . . .
“Fruitypants? Is that supposed to mean I’m gay? You’re not intolerant, are you?”
ummm I never claimed at any time that I was a tolerant or unprejudiced person. I dislike people who are ignorant by choice. I guess you could say Im kinda a bigot against DUMBASSES LOL Moreover, I wasnt using fruitypants as a reference to your GAYNESS. But dont worry. Even if you are, WE WONT JUDGE YOU FOR BEING GAY DYERBROOK. YOUR SECRET IS SAFE HERE. Too many other reasons to be disgusted by your presence.
who the fuk is Raisonneur? WHO CARES . . .
“I have seen both the BDSM lifestyle and the Wiccan practice firsthand. They both stem from the same desire: the procurement of power.”
“Wicca, as with many religions, also gives the aforementioned illusion — if you believe you can make something happen, and it does, you feel as if you’ve got some sort of control over yourself and your immediate surroundings. The rituals of either lifestyle are simply the vestiges of a life out of control.”
“I’ve been there, done that . . .”
*shivers* i HATE when people say that. So obnoxious. please die.
Id also like to agree with everything Catseye said LOL
OMG I cant respond to all the shit these idiots are slinging I dont have the time. I wouldnt know where to start. All I know is I feel dumber for participating in this thread.
Stella Dives
Jan 24th, 2004
I’ll miss you Dyerbrook *sniff* *cries*
No more carefree laughter
Silence ever after
Walking through an empty house
tears in my eyes
Here is where the story ends
this is goodbye
Knowing me knowing you
There is nothing we can do
Knowing me knowing you
We just have to face it
this time we’re through
Breaking up is never easy I know
but I have to go
“Knowing Me Knowing You” ~ Abba
Jan 24th, 2004
You may find me just a little strange
Like dancing barefoot in the pouring rain
My mind is racing at the speed of light
I dance around you like a satellite
I’m breathless…you’re speechless
Scream, shout, I stand my ground
I feel the need to stand out in the crowd
Nothing’s wrong with me.
Scream, shout, I have no doubt
Nothing in the world is gonna keep me down
Nothing’s wrong with me.
Pixel Girl by Zettabytes
Jan 25th, 2004
I have known Dyerbrook in the game for probably close to a year now, and I have never known him to lie. I may not agree with his views on many subjects, or his enthusiasm for those views, but I have never found him to lie on any subject.
Stella Dives
Jan 25th, 2004
everything is OK
the sky is not falling
youre ok im ok
you dont need zoloft
or therapy
they are all jealous of you
your enormous intellect scares them
they have to react
dont let anything keep you down
nothing is wrong with you
is it working Dyerbrook? do the other personalities that live inside your deviant mind actually buy the bullshit you feed them?
i know im not impressed
Jan 25th, 2004
Much fear I sense in that one
Jan 25th, 2004
Well, I could send the screenshots. But I don’t want to embarrass the parties involved. They know who they are. And they’d say they didn’t know Selene was just 15. Now they are probably searching for their barf bag now that they have found out it’s me. Well, it’s the Sims…
Coco question how can you state that Dyer has not lied when his own words above states that he was posing being a 15 year old girl or wait is Dyerbrook actually a 15 year old girl? enquiring minds are wanting a deeper look into this cult of Dyerism…
Jan 25th, 2004
hmm Dyerism – The belief that anything that you do not agree with should be ridiculed and made a joke of i.e. Wicca in this case
Jan 25th, 2004
Dyberbrook faked a sim with the express intention of gaining an interview with the professor.
He got his interview then admitted to what he had done and why.
By the way, I wouldn’t call Dyerbrook a liar. A man with an agenda yes, but not a liar; he came full circle and explained what he was up to.
Does anyone remember why he did this? He basically said he wanted to illustrate the professor’s method of acquiring interview subjects, whether or not any background information was looked into, and whether or not the interview subject’s words had any semblance of truth.
Dyberbrook’s INTENT has been totally lost in this conversation and has not been addressed.
What about the initial point Dyberbrook was trying to make:
1)interview subjects
2)the way they are acquired
3)the information they give
4)background checks on the part of the interviewer for validity.
You’re all very good at gang attacks of a personal nature, but what about addressing the issue of reportage here?
Stella Dives
Jan 25th, 2004
Ummm Calso? I believe Uri did address the issue of reportage . . .
“Well Dyerbrook, hoaxes are supposed to be things like pet island or fat busters. Their contents are supposed to be *false*. The problem here is that Old Hippie and Piper exist (and if anyone has a beef with you it should be them and not me). The other problem is that the way blog reporting works is that the fact checking and error correction happens in the comment section of the blog. Finally, it doesn’t matter if the avatar is named Dyerbrook or Selene, what we are interested in is what she says about the wiccan community, and we want to user her words as a way to launch a discussion and learn more, with a broad audience participating. It’s about a community of reporters and learners. Get it?”
We all accepted Uri’s rationale and so can you. Completely acceptable explaination for Uri’s methods. Moreover, no one is “ganging up” on anyone. OK, buddy? We just all happen to agree Dyerbrook is off his nut. DUH. wake up. We are way ahead of you.
Jan 25th, 2004
You all accepted that rationale? I must have missed that in the lack of discussion concerning his rationale.
What a proud person you must be to be so far ahead of me. Your rudeness is uncalled for.
Jan 25th, 2004
I dunno, I find Stella’s rudeness kinda sexy!
Anyway, Calso, here is Stella’s point. The hoax part of the pet island story is this: There is no pet island!
Here’s what we don’t get about this “hoax”:
1) It seems to be true that Piper exists and is a witch and has an instructional web site and is a DJ for the Duck with a show called the Witching Hour. She has an impressive pagan castle in game called Amethyst Garden Castle that is indeed atmospheric. She even has a friendship link from Selene (who was presenting herself in the game as a 15 year old). She has been in the game for over 400 days and is currently the 2nd most “popular” sim.
2) Old Hippie does indeed exist and has a property in the Witches Circle called Pagan’s Moon Shadows. Not only does he have a link *from* Selene, but he *gave* her a friendship link. So far as we know, these links were exchanged when she was presenting herself to him as a 15 year old girl.
3) Witches circles exist in the game and prayers and ceremonies are held.
So where is the hoax part? That the typist for the 15 year old presenting avatar is the same as the typist for Dyerbrook? That’s it? That’s the hoax?
Stella Dives
Jan 25th, 2004
You are full of all sorts of opinions. Well, sweetheart, I have opinions of my own. I believe my rudeness is called for.
A. I dont appreciate people coming on here and making a mockery of my religion. Dyerbrook did that. It’s not funny or clever to me. And, I’ll respond any way I damn well choose. Get over it.
B. You outright accused all of us of “ganging up” on Dyerbrook. We merely pointed out the obvious. Dyerbrook is a nutjob and so are you for defending him. You forfeited your right to be taken seriously the moment you started accusing us of behavior we did not exhibit. We just happened to all agree Dyerbrook was full of shit. So, you know say whatever you want. Its doesnt make you right.
And, yeah, we did all accept Uri’s rationale. Why? Because it was reasonable to us. We didn’t take issue with it. And, that’s why no one addressed the topic further.
And, I am proud of myself. At least I paid attention to what was said in this thread before I started posting.
Jan 25th, 2004
let me correct something in what I said.
Actually, I don’t find Stella’s rudeness *kinda* sexy, I find it *unbearably* sexy. And most wiccans don’t do that for me!