Archive for October, 2004
The State of Debauchery: Herald Paparazzi Camp the Lindens

photos by Pat the Rat Well, they don’t call it the State of *Play* for nothing! Pat the Rat camped the Linden’s on their after-conference prowling on the Mean Streets of Manhattan, and may I just say: Move over Hollywood bad boys, cuz no one thows down like (or outmacks) a game dev! Read on [...]
Full StoryOctober Census of Dragon’s Cove vs. Alphaville
By: Father Callahan In this census, I calculated the top 10 houses of each category. I will also show the results of this months Alphaville census, so you can draw your own conclusions. Some interesting trends that I noticed were, most categories in Alphaville had half the number of hours than Dragon’s Cove. However, Alphaville [...]
Full StoryPat the Rat Rats the State of Play

We turned Pat the Rat loose on The State of Play with his/her camera. The candid shots follow. What, you wanted content? Go to Terra Nova. We’re all about the eye candy!
Full StorySecond Life Boxing to Reopen

By Gina Fatale After all the drama from Boxingmania, SLB is once again opening its doors for Friday Night Fights only this time around Tommy Rampal is the one and only manager of the complex, leaving out his former business partner/drama queen, David Jacobs. I was able to catch Tommy while he was preparing for [...]
Full StoryAhh, the crazy hijinks of GM created sexist NPCs
I was waiting for the situation to clarify before I posted on this, but it is really only getting more murky, and I do think it is very important that dedicated Herald readers check out the situation. Near as I can tell, the GMs in A Tale in the Desert 2 constrtucted an NPC trader [...]
Full StoryThe Herald is One Year Old!
Tomorrow, Oct. 23, will mark the 1st Birthday of the Alphaville/Second Life Herald. A lot has happened in the past year, ranging from bannings, spammings, account hacks, clonings, and international media stardom (for 15 minutes). But what were the top stories over the past year? I’ve made two top 10 lists ? one for TSO [...]
Full StoryStratics bans anti-Kerry .sig
Ohhhh Stratics, you’ve done it again! Just when you think the Stratics Thought Police have run out of speech to ban, a stratics user now claims that the following .sig was banned by the Mods:I mean, I’ll be voting for Kerry too, but it would never occur to me to ban a siggy like that. [...]
Full StoryHamlet the Fashion Maven
Hamlet Linden has been busy on New World Notes reporting on the New World Notes Fashion Expo, so if this is something of interest to you I highly recommend u check it out. Included are some extended discussions with our friend Mistress Midnight and a brief chat with Cherry Bomb Hare, who gets an honorable [...]
Full StorySL Escorts: Good Times or Virtual Sex Slavery?

In a topic recently opened on the Second Life Forums, Hiro Pendragon has raised the issue of whether the escorts in second life are not being exploited by club owners. As Hiro framed the problem: ?I think there are many clubs that exploit players, most of them new players, many female, that are “escorts”. Let’s [...]
Full StoryMiravoir Meets the Furries

By Miravoir PsaltryReprinted from Players Magazine, vol. 8 Crocodile Jack would be proud. After seeing many Lions, Tigers, and Bears, (Oh My), Mira put on her pith helmet and khaki shorts and braved the forest and jungles (and sl User groups) of the Furry kingdom and came back to tell you all about their wild [...]
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