Archive for January, 2005

A False Economy? Lindens Fight for Economic Stability

by Matthias Zander Bonus decreases. Ratings price hikes. Event support disappearances. These three things that could be seen as catastrophies are the Lindens’ latest solution to the less-than-beautiful economy of Second Life. Robin Linden took the time to speak to a crowd of around 100 SL residents onthe afternoon of January 11.

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Editorial: Raise Taxes, But Do It Right

by the SL Herald editorial board Philip Linden is well intentioned, but he needs to put his money supply where his mouth is. Tightening SL monetary policy to stem a declining exchange rate and fight property price inflation is a good idea. Unfortunately, the measures announced by Linden early Tuesday morning in one Second Life [...]

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Introducing “Dear Abby”!

An etermal part of newspapers and journals around the world has been an advice column. One has finally come to the SecondLife Herald, thanks to the lady known only as “Abby van Helsing.” This first column from Abby covers both the topics of the connection between SecondLife and Real Life relationships and a cross-dressing boyfriend.

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Op/Ed: Enough with the Clubs!

Artemis Fate The following essay by Artemis Fate appeared in Players, vol. 9. We are grateful to both Marilyn Murphy and to Artemis for permission to republish it here. It is, in our humble opinion, a spot on critique of the rise of club culture in SL, and how it signals a kind of failure [...]

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Korea Investigates Poor Customer Service in MMORPGs

Why can’t we have what Korea does? Our sister publication, the Korean Herald (well ok, it does have Herald in the name), is reporting that Korean Fair Trade Commission is looking at online gaming companies that are failing to deliver on promised service. Dan Hunter summarizes its investigation as follows: Korean consumer protection authorities are [...]

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Flyin’ the Free Culture Flag

After Bill Gates described Free Culture advocates as modern day commies, Boing Boing’s Xeni Jardin whipped up a flag for the movement. Nice! Meanwhile, Lawrence Lessig (Mr. Free Culture) waves the flag and blasts Gates: “It’s one thing to read this sort of thing from a studio exec, or head of a record label — [...]

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The Second Life Crusades

The Second Life Crusades: Lindens Crack Down on BallerMoMo’s Crew in the UAE by Mr Fairplay and Walker Spaight While the motivation behind the move remains unclear, it seems that Braveman Drago incurred the Linden wrath on Friday and was subject to the same ban that took the Second Life of infamous gang leader BallerMoMo [...]

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Cory’s Predictions for 2005

Cory Linden has offered his Predictions for 2005, including a challenge to Urizenus (Swami) Sklar. His prediction number 9 is that he will get more predictions right than me. Hmm maybe I’ll take him up on that. Shall we say 10K lindens?

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Post Six Grrrl Star Twilight

We’re happy to introduce to you the latest Post Six Grrrl, Star Twilight! Star is a successful model and trainer with the Dove Vogue modeling group who also enjoys numerous other activities around SecondLife such as working on her “Radical Dreamers” clothing line with her boyfriend, Avakrem Mars. As usual, thanks to Marilyn Murphy, publisher [...]

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Herald Announces New Editorial Board

I’m pleased to announce that the Herald has established an editorial board, allowing me more time to chill on the Herald Yacht and at the Herald Mansion in Florida. Volunteering to head up the board as Editorial Director is SL resident Walker Spaight. Reporting to him will be the new managing editor, Matthias Zander. In [...]

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