DarkSide Mafia Attacks BlackHand Mafia
by Alphaville Herald on 18/07/05 at 12:04 am
by Gina Fatale
In the last two weeks a series of attacks have been planned out and executed against what is left of the BlackHand Mafia. All from the orders of Boo Cinquetti, one of the Godfathers of DSM. Mr. Cinquetti was kind enough to grant the Herald an exclusive interview and provided some pictures of the attacks.
Gina Fatale: Hello Boo the Herald got a tip your family has been bombing and raiding The BlackHand Mafia on a daily basis is this true?
Boo Cinquetti: yes it is true but it is extremely hard to find them
Gina Fatale: First begin by telling our readers what initiated the attack on BH
Boo Cinquetti: well to be honest I was being constantly harassed by them and I just had enough
Boo Cinquetti: let me say
Boo Cinquetti: my bro cowboy steed is also a gf of dsm with me
Gina Fatale: BH has always had a problem with you? and what kind of harassment have they done to you in the past can you be specific?
Boo Cinquetti: well I like Santino and Aislyn, I wouldn’t say they have a problem with me, its just that they do things i do not agree with
Boo Cinquetti: lol im sure you want to know what things
Gina Fatale: yes be specific please
Boo Cinquetti: haha ummm alright I am allied with Genovese and TBH are constantly trying to pull some jazz over there
Boo Cinquetti: that is one reason
Boo Cinquetti: another is i was shot by the Underboss of TBH
Boo Cinquetti: and 2 different times they sent a soldier to DSM to get info
Boo Cinquetti: both times he was found out
Gina Fatale: what do you think they were trying to do to DSM?
Boo Cinquetti: lol well there may be people in DSM they do not like
Boo Cinquetti: i dont think it was an attempt to hurt DSM but it was an attempt to hurt our members
Gina Fatale: But you say you were cool with the GM and GF of TBH – yet they did these things to your family? this is what caused the attack correct?
Boo Cinquetti: yanno
Boo Cinquetti: i am still friends with them
Gina Fatale: So then why attack?
Boo Cinquetti: but i will not stand by and let them do as they please and neither will Costello or Bellini
Gina Fatale: Ok so tell us when was the first bombing and how many times in the last week or so have you hit BH
Boo Cinquetti: ok we have attacked now for 3 days almost around the clock
Gina Fatale: Have they retaliated back at all?
Boo Cinquetti: not hey have not, we have yet to be attacked on our soil
Boo Cinquetti: i am in the commission
Boo Cinquetti: we are all hitting RBH together
Gina Fatale: Can you tell us who the commission is made up of for those who do not know?
The Commission.
Boo Cinquetti: Costello, Bellini and DSM
Boo Cinquetti: Genovese is my ally
Gina Fatale: What has been the reaction of BH from all these attacks?
Boo Cinquetti: well i do not know they don’t seem to care since they have not hit back
Gina Fatale: Do you think that is it – that they do not care?
Boo Cinquetti: lol i can not speak for them I do not know what goes thru there minds
Gina Fatale: No I’m asking your opinion
Boo Cinquetti: in my opinion i do not think they have the right people in order to hit on a scale that we are hitting
Gina Fatale: Can you tell us what these pics show in detail, what was going on?
Boo Cinquetti: we went to there island and hit it hard
Gina Fatale: Were guns or any weapons used? Were any TBH members present during these attacks?
Boo Cinquetti: Yes, we were never shot at once and people were there they just was hit so fast they could not react
Gina Fatale: and they did nothing?
Boo Cinquetti: they tried
Gina Fatale: not even say a word?
Boo Cinquetti: lol yes i saw some words
Boo Cinquetti: like wtf
Gina Fatale: DId you crash the sim?
Boo Cinquetti: well it was real laggy and hard to move
Boo Cinquetti: i do not need to carry weopons to do a hit
Boo Cinquetti: DSM has soldiers to do this
Boo Cinquetti: and they did
Boo Cinquetti: i did fire a few times
Boo Cinquetti: but for fun
Gina Fatale: Do you declare victory over TBH?
Boo Cinquetti: lol i declared victory before we started
Boo Cinquetti: not even a challenge
Gina Fatale: So is the war over or there is more to come?
Boo Cinquetti: im sure we will hit them everyday till Santino, Cowboy and I can come to an understanding
Gina Fatale: But isnt Santino on life ban from the game?
Boo Cinquetti: well doll u have to talk to him about that I will not speak on that subject
Gina Fatale: Well we got a tip saying that may not be the case but it has not been confirmed or investigated.
Boo Cinquetti: oh isn’t boo on life ban from the game?
Gina Fatale: True
Boo Cinquetti: well there ya go
Boo Cinquetti: lmao
Gina Fatale: So what would be an acceptable agreement between the commission and TBH to end the war?
Boo Cinquetti: well for me to stop hitting TBH he needs to apologize to Kasie Costello and let up on my ally genovese
Gina Fatale: What did he do to Kasie?
Boo Cinquetti: he said a rude comment to her
Gina Fatale: Specific?
Boo Cinquetti: umm well lets say he wrote a check with his mouth and his ass can’t cash it
Boo Cinquetti: so until he cashes it we gonna continue
Gina Fatale: Any final comments to our readers and to TBH?
Boo Cinquetti: yeah to the readers kids do not do this stuff at home it is dangerous for your well being
Gina Fatale: lol
Boo Cinquetti: to Santino
Boo Cinquetti: bruhh stay cool i look forward to seeing u soon hola
Gina Fatale: ok Boo ty for the time
Brian Boyko
Jul 18th, 2005
Just out of curiosity, could you point me to a rundown of “mafias” in Second Life?
Richie Waves
Jul 18th, 2005
Why dont these idiots go back to counterstrike….
Mafia LOL
Jul 18th, 2005
lmao..omg…did it hurt.
.oh n DSM did you trade in your fuckin guns for boxes lmao
Jul 18th, 2005
Brian, I’m hoping that Gina or someone can put together a chart with the mafia families in SL and their relations. I can’t even begin to sort it out myself.
Gina Fatale
Jul 18th, 2005
Brian contact me in game i can help you with your inquiry
boo parks
Jul 18th, 2005
OMG I love Counter Strike
I think I will go play it a bit today
Sami Suavage
Jul 18th, 2005
I like Nova Logics DELTA FORCE for shoot em up fun …they have different killing games…been forever since I played …but I’ll be logging in today ! My favorite has to be the one that lets u kill everybody !..altho I do enjoy the team efforts u get going; thats if u have good team members ~ Sami ~
Jul 18th, 2005
I love boxes…boxes are our friend….boxes create very friendly lag….lag that crashes SIMS for hours. *raises glass* Here’s to boxes.
Kasie Costello
Jul 18th, 2005
CounterStrike? Never played it but thanks for the tip! Gotti if you had an ounce of brain left you would understand exactly what them boxes caused.Just ask Sonny/Santino he can further explain the story to you because it is hella funny! Those boxes made him so mad he even threatened to kill me so yeah theres a purpose for em. Why would DsM need guns? Guns are a thing of the past when you have better weapons…maybe when you finally get back in game you should brush up on that. TBH declares war and dont even fight it…no instead they set land to damage but turn off flying, scripts and everything else. They declare a war that they cant even fight. The only thing Sonny/Santino can do is sit in yahoo whining for us to stop…he has to do this on voice so that we can hear the “conviction” in his voice (his exact words) he claims he is like GW Bush and we are like the Al Quida well umm if thats true, I dont think I recall Bush begging for them to stop. *sigh* shouldnt ask for something you can not handle.
As for the idiots remark….Everyone chooses to roleplay the game differently for those of us who choose mafia, its a source of entertainment for us. We pay for our game ourselves so stop your bitchin on how we r/p it. You think your the first person to bash ppl roleplaying mafia? Nah we have heard for along time, it still doesnt change the way we play so why even waste your breath…move on and find something else to bitch about.
Hey gina if you want some more pics we have plenty from the past few dys I will be glad to send them to you =))
*waits for the rude remarks so I can giggle some more*
Jul 18th, 2005
*raise glass to roleplaying Mafia* AMEN sister *hiccups*
Jul 18th, 2005
don’t way that its another game they’re fill with gangs and black style mafias which that say they’re
Stacy Maracas
Jul 18th, 2005
Big Pussy
Jul 19th, 2005
blackhand bunch of reporters pussies can’t take the heat so they run to linden
Bond Harrington
Jul 19th, 2005
Urizenus and Gina: would this chart also include the various so-called paramilitary groups, like the Alliance Navy and the Clone Troopers, etc.?
But yeah, I’d be interested too in a quick rundown of the various mafias, since I seem to run into people with various mafia titles on occasion.
Stacy Maracas
Jul 19th, 2005
Okay Question, wonder if anyone can help me?
ummmmmmmm, Boo does an article in the Herald……
Sonny gets mad, makes more threats THEN OMG THEN he does the ONE thing that he accuses EVERYONEEEEEE else of doing, yanno the little MOM AND POP Pizza Makin Families as he puts it…..
Well if ya wasnt enough of a joke before……I THINK you Definitely SHOWED urself on this one…..
Damn, and here ALL along i thought Santino was simply just a better Gangsta, not a nark…….dont they KILL you IN a RL MAFIA for that???
Just wondering……since Sonny DOES like the RL MAFIA Cosa Nostre role play……….
HEY can we KILL him now? Or are we gonna wait and laugh at him and his family for a few more days? Cuz yall gotta admit this IS the JOKE of the new year………
Costra Nostre acoording to TBH in a nutshell:
*He hit us!! OMG he HIT US!*
sonny: wait wait but he reports to me like eveyrone else in this game i didnt AUTHORIZE this!!!!!
*We have NOBODY to fight back!*
sonny: Thats OKAY, everyone CALM down, let me go over to Yahoo, and make some threats, and make them in VOICE so they can HEAR my conviction, they will be scared Trust ME, I know the streets and they know i Know the streets in RL, they will FEAR me as everyone else does……..in the game….
sonny: okay Yahoo didnt work hmmm, what would i do in the name of Costra Nostre, *lightbuilb goes on* OMG I GOT IT!!
*dials a Linden*
umm yes Hi, Boo is picking on me, and I cant fight back , and um, its making me look bad and umm thats not allowed, so umm go read the Herald! SEE?? SEE that? BAN him i SAY BAN HIM! I promise i wont fight back anymore, oh wait nvm scratch that I wasnt to begin with. Okay well just go read the Herald the mockery of it! and umm this isnt Santino Molinari ure talking to, this is George W Bush…..G e o r g e w b u s h
I giev the orders around here, Boo is out of line….i want him demoted and sent awa for good…..that will teach them!!
*sits back, eats more popcorn and twinkies for my FAT ass, and giggles my fuckin ass off………….
Stacy Maracas aka GM Bellini (ret.)
boo parks
Jul 19th, 2005
*Retired* GM DSM aka "THE BITCH OF DSM"
Jul 19th, 2005
OMG I should read more often. WTHHHHH LOL …..This paper I swear is soooo entertaining!!!! Hmmm number one rule always “no reporting”….. *scratches chin* Almost makes one want to come out of retirement hhmm
. See you all around… oh and GF, GM Bel. good luck with your new family
. God all these random thoughts….Hey GM Bel. isn’t it funny how a GM (or someone who thinks they can pull it off) has to post their resume in their profile becuse nobody will take them serious??? LMFAO…..Wanted to take over every family you have been in I see you finally got it lmaoooo now let’s see if you can handle the job….stay tuned for your true test. MWAH!
Monique Calliope
Jul 19th, 2005
LOL gotta fix that typo…. BECAUSE* Bella ….. sorry guys had to …she is lame enough to jump all over that seeing how she has nothing else….and to all that are in her family…sit back and enjoy the ride I can assure you it will be a rocky one….you will need no enemies because her and Mateo will distroy you from within!!
Second Life Organised Crime Opperatives
Jul 19th, 2005
Someone say something about large scale attacks? Banks open.
…………….the S.L.O.C.O. is born
19th of July, 2005
3pm PST
Stacy Maracas
Jul 19th, 2005
Stacy Maracas
Jul 19th, 2005
and to S.L.O.C.O
ummmmmm HAHAHHA okie dokieeeeeeeeee
Jul 19th, 2005
ok im tired of all this ass kicking we are doing and since they wont fight back im going to WOW. At least there they actually put up a fight when i kill them.
GM Bellini
Jul 20th, 2005
oh God lol what did we do now??
Jul 21st, 2005
Stacy, you’re such a hypocrit. You’re the one that called the lindens on us when we nuked your island. You ran to the lindens when we came to your home and owned Blaydon too. Maybe even the time I owned your ass twice at Las Vegas?
Monique Calliope (Retired GM DSM)
Jul 21st, 2005
You hurt people we care about…and that’s a HUGE NONO…So here is some advise for you even though you didn’t ask……
1.) Stop losing your family members
2.) Pray (Not that it will help you …. but)
3.) Get your “big girl panties” on.
4.) Have your man go to the School of Bryson Calliope and you might have a chance. LOL
No sorry that won’t even work… you are just pretty much SOL. LMAO
You WILL dismember and NOT start another family or your family will be tormented till you are left being GF and GM of yourself lmaoooooo…..Let’s see if you can be selfless…from what I know of you…you can’t.
GF Bellini
Jul 21st, 2005
Good fuckin lord…could you please turn the page. This story is gettin old. Why always accusations and no proof? And I’d like to know why it is that you would torment your own family..our family is your family
Cherry aka Nikki
Jul 21st, 2005
Nicely put Bella. I sat hear and read this whole thing now, and its so sad when you start having flashbacks of words repeating themselves. Can’t anybody put the least amount of thought into originality? This shit gets old real fast, especially when you have heard it all before. Ohhh and yea, Nikki is BACK! muah love ya fam
Monique Calliope
Jul 21st, 2005
LOL did you read Niki that was Mateo not Bella for one…and you were taken down in TSO and will be here to if need be…so you being “back” makes me laugh…..I wonder if we can get a “Niki Valentino Free Sex” hood in SL lmaooooo. Best for you to stay out of it lol. ….. As far as you M…you are not family and neither is Bella so your point is not even close to valid. I can’t help who puts themself in the line of fire………..so like I said…can you be selfless or not? How big of a man are you let’s see…and proof I have proof …….Oh yeah and Niki how did you like all those condoms and thigh master stuff that was sent to you and spammed to your email
..see it isn’t always the same we changed it up for you bitch …. LOL
Jul 21st, 2005
skyllar don’t you got some virtual dick to suck? or watch on web cam? =)
Jul 21st, 2005
See now this is where I must lower myself to this stupid bitches mentality. But trust me it won’t take long, cause I don’t like it at the bottom with the scum. First off MoHo, you need schooling, you can’t even spell a 5 letter name correctly, its NiKKi tyvm. Secondly,I’d honesltly like to thank you now for showing people how stupid you really are. What happened to your ‘deny deny deny’ theory? Looks like you openly admitted to something which you swore, til you were blue in the face, you had nothing to do with. See thats what happens when you age, you get rusty. Pathelogical liars can never keep their story straight for long huh. Now, do yourself a favor and crawl back under the rock from which you came from because I will not continue to lower myself to a no life, old, know nothing, wanna be hobeast. ~the end~
GF Bellini
Jul 21st, 2005
Mo~ this has grown old and tiring for everyone involved..you seem to be the only one who can’t let it go…move on…second, there is no possible way i could ever take instruction on being selfless from someone who just said they don’t care who they put in the line of fire…no loyalty to anyone do you have…also…don’t give me advice on how to take care of my family..i also do not need instruction on how to take care of mine from someone who disowns their kids more often than they change clothes…and as for my manhood…lol…only one woman’s opinion who matters on that and it isn’t yours!
P.S. *waiting for that proof*
Monique Calliope
Jul 21st, 2005
LMFAO “NIKKI” I SAIDDDD OR CAN YOU NOT READ STUPID BITCH. I wonder if we can get one here …no I didn’t do that (Bryson and Tommy love the credit for that one. They went and got a ton of temp accounts for the cannon scheme and used them to humiliate you in the process….high five to you guys lol) but GOD knows that was funny shit….and trust me you are not one to call anyone a ho…..trust me wanna bring out secrets let’s do it bitch….but anyway had I done that I would have taken FULL CREDIT just like the shit you got sent to your house…the herpes cream …thigh master shit…etc….all that yes THAT I did have a hand in…..I have no problem claiming my handy work…..and YOU were so fun I’d love to do it again……damn retirement is boring as hell this is gonna be a fucking blast…..stoop to my level? lmao….well I guess you are right on one point I will stop at nothing…do anything….stoop to ANY level to take you or anyone else down that get’s in the way….You get that GF GM Bellini????? GOOD!
Stacy Maracas
Jul 21st, 2005
LOL! Have never called a Linden love, you just got bustyed on your own,,,,cuz they watch for you, cuz your a dumbfuck like that.
You dont knwo when to keep your mouth shut and tell the whole world where your going, LOL You got reported by two commoners who were shopping BAHAHAHHAHA!!
And at Vegas? LOL!! I was laughing at your ass, everyone standing around you your pusssy ass got scared and ran away, so save your hypocrite comments for someone it might actually affect……like ur mama……
Jul 21st, 2005
yanno i am soo glad that there are still people that are concerned about my sl sex life. Obviously you dont get enough that you have to monitor mine. Is it simply cause what you have or lol dont have isnt satisfying you. Its sad…….ppl will worry about my sex life when they are the ones that are doing the actual sneaking. I havent had to sneak.
Kisses to the writer, now maybe you can find your own life to concern yourself with….cause honestly no one really cares about who i am or not fucking.
ta ta kiddo
GF & GM Bellini
Jul 21st, 2005
*still waiting for the proof* somehow all this messin around with people’s rl sounds extremely familiar *tries to turn the gd page*
GF Bellini
Jul 21st, 2005
oh..and last i hear..no one found humor in the “hood” thing..i believe that the only ones laughing (and for some unknown reason are still living off of what they did a year ago) were the ones that did it…*scratches chin*
Nikki UB Bellini
Jul 21st, 2005
Wow somebody really contradicts herself, geez can’t even get a story straight from one paragraph to the other in one day now Mo? Pathetic actually, better dust that old witch broom off. I have read your comment now about 6 times and it still looks like
a 12 year old typed it, to funny. And honey don’t step to GM and GF Bellini cause I’m standing in the way,,,matter of fact, I’ve never moved for 2 years. How many places have you hopped in 2 years? Pffft this is so old.
Monique Calliope
Jul 22nd, 2005
Man? You have no idea how to be a man. And the only reason that one woman can give an opinion is becuz no other woman wanted your sorry bipolar…thyroid excuse…suicidal ass….
Proof I don’t owe you shit…I made a promise to my sister to leave you alone becuz your pussy ass hid behind her…that promise was only good until you hurt someone else I care about….I owe you no proof….
Advise? God someone needs to lmao…like I said in an earlier post you really need no enemies becuz you two are taking your own family apart from within……
Funny you fucked up in every family you have been in both of you and now you think that tag makes you something? Please…you will never be someone who can successfully run a family….I know that you know that …hell most know that by now…your name is shit these days…you did this to yourself…at this point I’m just gonna help that door hit you in the ass on the way out!
As far as people in the line of fire you will put them there not me…I am coming for you and Bella….if you put people there around you to get hurt thats on you not me.
*HINT* Men don’t threaten suicide to keep people in their life. That is as weak as you can get….you play that role well… LMAO….HERE is your BULLET MATEO LET ME USE IT ON YOU!!!!
Jul 22nd, 2005
Nikki- you’re calling her a ho? how many people have YOU been with in the last 6 months or so? I can think of 4 off the top of my head.
Bella & M- you two want to talk about disowning kids or whatever? Bella when Senna and Paulie were your kids.. as soon as you got with Miguel it was like they didnt even exist.. I still remember when Senna was being insulted and you just sat there and let it happen.. as soon as the same exact thing was being said to Miguel.. you were all over that one.. didnt defend your own kid at the time.. whats that say about family? you both suddenly became godfather and godmother of a family and are acting a little too high and mighty.. time to take care of that
Oh and.. Bella is enjoying her little fantasy of being 2nd choice.. He didnt even want you until he finally got it through his head that Mo didnt want him anymore.. so whatever
Monique Calliope
Jul 22nd, 2005
And to you Bella (I guess I could have replied to you together considering most people think you are running your av and his running the family..hmm that makes you an IT)…Anyway….
I’ve done plenty to make a great name for myself but considering you yourself were laughing about that not to long ago I think your lying ass should just keep quiet…..You are such a joke…I guess it is a bit cruel someone like me messing with someone that is so unimportant like you but I guess that just comes from my anger of the way you have treated my family AND I’M FUCKING BORED!!!!!
Johnny S
Jul 22nd, 2005
welll it seems the true mastermind behind dsm has come out to play..i named and i inforced its laws…..but ooops i got told my gf at the time that she shouldnt report mo to a linden or id leave her…yeah i had mad loyality..i even appoligized for the missunderstaned i had with mos parents to make peace ….what does mo do backstabb me in the back the second i mess up and do something i really shouldnt had anyway….ppl make mistakes…. heh i was the brainchild behind nikkis hood too….now anyway she can find to hurt me she trys and i try to stay away from her personally…she believes every lie that is told bout me bout these silly siilly exes too…this is not the kinna person u wanna be around
Jul 22nd, 2005
so bella…how does it feel being second choice? seeing as…Miguel is and always will be obsessed with my mother..and the saddest part..if my mother snapped her fingers..miguel would come running like a lost puppy..so yeah…if i were you..bella..i’d be jealous too.. doesn’t jealousy make us all look dumb? but it fits you nicely lardass..free rent owns doesn’t it?…idiots
Monique Calliope
Jul 22nd, 2005
Backstabbing Johnny? Becuz I wouldn’t stand by and let you continue to fuck a 15 year old girl. Yes you are right I did step in and you were removed from the family and I got you away from her and from what I hear the things you did pretty much ruined her for life, so before you open your mouth about me you check yourself……you are lucky damn lucky the cops weren’t involved in that deal…..It doesn’t surprise me that I am not someone you would want to be around cuz I am one person that will hand your shit right back to you 10 fold!!!! Nikki…you are in the way? First of all …that is so funny that you would even think that would bother me…that just makes me happier….3 for the price of 2…but very much like them to be hiding behind yet another person….to bad this one can’t protect them. Stacy saved their asses and they couldn’t even be smart enough to keep it that way…..do the crime pay the time!!!
HOW FUNNY THAT YOU WOULD HAVE A PEDOPHILE VOUCHING FOR YOU…..WHAT IS IT WITH YOU GUYS THAT LOVE THESE MEN WHO THREATEN SUICIDE?? YOU ARE STILL AROUND JOHNNY FIGURED THAT BARREL WAS IN YOUR MOUTH ALREADY…..I HAVE A BULLET FOR MATEO AND I HAVE ONE FOR YOU TOO IF YOU NEED IT!!!! (hell I’m surprised you stayed off the drugs long enough to post in the first place….wtg…I’m sure that was a huge challenge. Baby steps Johnny baby steps!!)hhhmm that says it all….now why don’t you check around and see who all is behind me
Jul 22nd, 2005
oooh here we go again..WB Johnny..is the “devil” ready to play? or hide behind words…who are you to say what kind of person my mother is? You’re a nobody..simply here to look like an internet (get it I N T E R N E T) badass..and in this case..you’re not.. go pop some more pills, and be gone..
Jul 22nd, 2005
Now this is fucking funny.
Nikki ‘Dream’ calling people slut and ho? Bitch, you need to sit back and stfu about my sister. Aren’t you the same nasty ass skank that bragged her fake ass all over TSO, using internet ripped pics, claiming to be a stripper? Who the fuck are you to be calling anyone a ho?
And… since you brought up hopping and ironically “hobeast”, wasn’t it the real hobeast that caused your skanky attention whore ass to hop from X-Mafia after cyberfucking her way thru it?
This is the same slut that was laughed out of MF for making up fake men and marrying herself to try and make Stone jealous. Everyone knows why you ran to IH, fucking trick.
So, using Bella and Mateos favorite saying to Stormy…. Monique is a GM, and you Nikki, are an underboss. ” Talk to us when youre a GM”
Til then, sit back, shove your ho hands where they usually are when youre at the computer (back in your crotch) and STFU…..
*The One and Only* Carmine
Jul 22nd, 2005
STOP! SANTINO TIME!!! …SANTINO your a mark ass bitch..you run to lindens cause you cant protect your own familia lmao..You cant even keep what happends to your personal life out of discussion….I will make sure we destroy you…I will make damn sure I get the last shot at you..I will make DAMN sure we run you and your pussy family out…You are soooo fucking up my high to be honest…So let me hurry up and load my Deagle and get my blunt ready…PLEASE GIMME THE ORDER
..Just sad..Just make your sandwhiches at safeway, and live life geting high…I WANT TO SAY TO ALL MY DSM FAM I’M HERE NOW LETS REALLY GET SHIT POPPIN…I want to say THANK YOU to BOO and CB..Down 4 Life Always…OH YEAH..how could I forget to give a personal FUCK YOU to everyone who thought I wouldnt get back up after geting disowned and made to make my own way…I WOULD like to say to the ones who disowned me…might of brought me to hell and back and..back again..But EY I made it and my dreams came true got a LOYAL and REAL fam ran by the best two guys I have ever met and look up too..So ey who ever want to hold shit on me go for it….
If you want to beleive that I came on as a girl avie to start stupid ass drama go for it…if you want to beleive that I am a hot head go for it * Know that you will be looking at my hollow point*:)…if you want to beleive that you can BEG me to come at your sim because TBH attacks it on a regular bases go for it…but if you want to shoot me while I am unarmed on your sim and then say my GF approved of it go for it…But just know that in some way I will get my revenge in some way or another..If you want to take this as a threat or “fighting words” go for it..Just know this isnt a threat nor a call out..Its a promise babe..Just know who you shot cause shit wont end good for you…Under estimate me all you want i love it..anyways the REAL comeback heh heh.. is that young CARMINE is back so ladies leave your number in a detailed notecard explaining what you look like.Thats the REAL story and I’m stickin to it.
stacy maracas
Jul 22nd, 2005
*SIGH* ………..
Jul 22nd, 2005
I got one thing to say…My family rawwwksss…..and I meant to mispell that btw…..this article has been very enlightening to me…..and I am not talking about the actual interview…….Just a FYI not everyone make a opinion about someone based on what others are saying……I make/made my own opinion…it just turned out to be right on the money……
Stacy….I miss you and it saddens me that you stepped down…..I was a Bellini…..and you always made everyone feel welcomed and loved……true integrity and I have and alway will have alot of admiration for you…..
Bellini GM and GF….all I have to say is good luck….seems these days its about all you have on your side…..I have never seen a family ripped apart so quickly..perhaps you want to take a look at what the cause of this is……..and I do not appreciate you speaking to my mother like that…well hell its expected you speak to your own family like that why not mine right?
To everyone else..thanks for keeping me busy at work today…mwahahah….love ya’s all!!!!
The Nudester (DSM CAPO BOSS)
Jul 22nd, 2005
Jul 22nd, 2005
pass me a cookie!
this is great entertainment sluts calling each other sluts, men committing suicide, drugs, and produce workers. life don’t get better than this folks! here is my dollars worth of all you idiots:
Stacy – go kiss ass more
Bella – kiss ass and get off that high horse you jealous cunt you will neve be more than mateo’s doormat
Mateo – go kill yourself already
Bryson – stop cybering
Monique – get over it already another jealous cunt
Skyllar – go suck dick like the pro you are
Santino – quit your crying you lost just leave and go cyber
Aislyn – do as you are told and STFU
Boo – your a god keep up the good work lol
and as for the rest of you mafia wannabees yall can suck my dick