DarkSide Mafia Attacks BlackHand Mafia
by Alphaville Herald on 18/07/05 at 12:04 am
by Gina Fatale
In the last two weeks a series of attacks have been planned out and executed against what is left of the BlackHand Mafia. All from the orders of Boo Cinquetti, one of the Godfathers of DSM. Mr. Cinquetti was kind enough to grant the Herald an exclusive interview and provided some pictures of the attacks.
Gina Fatale: Hello Boo the Herald got a tip your family has been bombing and raiding The BlackHand Mafia on a daily basis is this true?
Boo Cinquetti: yes it is true but it is extremely hard to find them
Gina Fatale: First begin by telling our readers what initiated the attack on BH
Boo Cinquetti: well to be honest I was being constantly harassed by them and I just had enough
Boo Cinquetti: let me say
Boo Cinquetti: my bro cowboy steed is also a gf of dsm with me
Gina Fatale: BH has always had a problem with you? and what kind of harassment have they done to you in the past can you be specific?
Boo Cinquetti: well I like Santino and Aislyn, I wouldn’t say they have a problem with me, its just that they do things i do not agree with
Boo Cinquetti: lol im sure you want to know what things
Gina Fatale: yes be specific please
Boo Cinquetti: haha ummm alright I am allied with Genovese and TBH are constantly trying to pull some jazz over there
Boo Cinquetti: that is one reason
Boo Cinquetti: another is i was shot by the Underboss of TBH
Boo Cinquetti: and 2 different times they sent a soldier to DSM to get info
Boo Cinquetti: both times he was found out
Gina Fatale: what do you think they were trying to do to DSM?
Boo Cinquetti: lol well there may be people in DSM they do not like
Boo Cinquetti: i dont think it was an attempt to hurt DSM but it was an attempt to hurt our members
Gina Fatale: But you say you were cool with the GM and GF of TBH – yet they did these things to your family? this is what caused the attack correct?
Boo Cinquetti: yanno
Boo Cinquetti: i am still friends with them
Gina Fatale: So then why attack?
Boo Cinquetti: but i will not stand by and let them do as they please and neither will Costello or Bellini
Gina Fatale: Ok so tell us when was the first bombing and how many times in the last week or so have you hit BH
Boo Cinquetti: ok we have attacked now for 3 days almost around the clock
Gina Fatale: Have they retaliated back at all?
Boo Cinquetti: not hey have not, we have yet to be attacked on our soil
Boo Cinquetti: i am in the commission
Boo Cinquetti: we are all hitting RBH together
Gina Fatale: Can you tell us who the commission is made up of for those who do not know?
The Commission.
Boo Cinquetti: Costello, Bellini and DSM
Boo Cinquetti: Genovese is my ally
Gina Fatale: What has been the reaction of BH from all these attacks?
Boo Cinquetti: well i do not know they don’t seem to care since they have not hit back
Gina Fatale: Do you think that is it – that they do not care?
Boo Cinquetti: lol i can not speak for them I do not know what goes thru there minds
Gina Fatale: No I’m asking your opinion
Boo Cinquetti: in my opinion i do not think they have the right people in order to hit on a scale that we are hitting
Gina Fatale: Can you tell us what these pics show in detail, what was going on?
Boo Cinquetti: we went to there island and hit it hard
Gina Fatale: Were guns or any weapons used? Were any TBH members present during these attacks?
Boo Cinquetti: Yes, we were never shot at once and people were there they just was hit so fast they could not react
Gina Fatale: and they did nothing?
Boo Cinquetti: they tried
Gina Fatale: not even say a word?
Boo Cinquetti: lol yes i saw some words
Boo Cinquetti: like wtf
Gina Fatale: DId you crash the sim?
Boo Cinquetti: well it was real laggy and hard to move
Boo Cinquetti: i do not need to carry weopons to do a hit
Boo Cinquetti: DSM has soldiers to do this
Boo Cinquetti: and they did
Boo Cinquetti: i did fire a few times
Boo Cinquetti: but for fun
Gina Fatale: Do you declare victory over TBH?
Boo Cinquetti: lol i declared victory before we started
Boo Cinquetti: not even a challenge
Gina Fatale: So is the war over or there is more to come?
Boo Cinquetti: im sure we will hit them everyday till Santino, Cowboy and I can come to an understanding
Gina Fatale: But isnt Santino on life ban from the game?
Boo Cinquetti: well doll u have to talk to him about that I will not speak on that subject
Gina Fatale: Well we got a tip saying that may not be the case but it has not been confirmed or investigated.
Boo Cinquetti: oh isn’t boo on life ban from the game?
Gina Fatale: True
Boo Cinquetti: well there ya go
Boo Cinquetti: lmao
Gina Fatale: So what would be an acceptable agreement between the commission and TBH to end the war?
Boo Cinquetti: well for me to stop hitting TBH he needs to apologize to Kasie Costello and let up on my ally genovese
Gina Fatale: What did he do to Kasie?
Boo Cinquetti: he said a rude comment to her
Gina Fatale: Specific?
Boo Cinquetti: umm well lets say he wrote a check with his mouth and his ass can’t cash it
Boo Cinquetti: so until he cashes it we gonna continue
Gina Fatale: Any final comments to our readers and to TBH?
Boo Cinquetti: yeah to the readers kids do not do this stuff at home it is dangerous for your well being
Gina Fatale: lol
Boo Cinquetti: to Santino
Boo Cinquetti: bruhh stay cool i look forward to seeing u soon hola
Gina Fatale: ok Boo ty for the time
GF Bellini
Jul 22nd, 2005
Gotta love it when a bitch has to drag rl into it.
1. you fuckin play a hell of a head game..i will now and always give you that. you can fuck over anyone right before their eyes and convince them of your sainthood. it takes some time for most to see through your shit..but eventually everyone does…there isn’t a person in your life that you haven’t fucked over and i know this for a fact. i’m just glad that i got out of your little psycho world.
2.Bella is not second choice …there is no way in hell i would’ve lived rl with you..i can’t stand sitting in a locked room for that many hours at a time…gotta get out and enjoy the real world once in a while…not to mention the fact that the one i’m with now respects me and everyone around her (not just the ones that she’s trying to pin against someone else) and makes me happier than i ever have been..you were a fling mo..she’s the one who’s with me forever..doesn’t sound like second best to me.
3. We don’t hide behind anyone…we give our family the knowledge they need to know in order to make their own decisions..i’d be more than happy to take you all on my own..but we both know that mo can’t show up anywhere without her groupies who are having to prove their loyalty to her…we stand beside our family..don’t use them to our advantage when it’s convenient…we don’t sit there and talk mad shit about you because you aren’t worth the time or the effort that you think you are…all 22 of our kids have been with us consecutively.. most for a year now..i’m not gonna mention names…but its sad that every time you disown one that she comes to me asking how to get her mommy back cuz she disowned her again…and btw bryson…paulie lived with us in SL…whenever he’s around he is talking to bella and me..and you know and so does sennerz that we would walk on fire for her if we’d have to..your opinion about what you think you know means nothing..i don’t see senna or paulie complaining…
4. for those of you who think you know nikki..blah…i think i above all people i know nikki better than anyone in here…you all know what you heard or what someone told you…thats all you go off of is the shit people talk because they have nothing better to do (aka bored) …you all need to get a mind and opinon of your own. gets rather repeatitive when you hear the same old lame ass cut downs over and over.
Now..i’m going back to my rl..you know that thing outside of your bedroom.. and go curl up with muh baby on the couch and watch a movie..you all enjoy posting
GF Bellini
Jul 22nd, 2005
and LMFAO at Ais commenting about something she has nothing to do with when the entire article above was about how her and sonny continually get their asses handed to them. that is funny shit..ty for that laugh.
GM Bellini Bella Klein
Jul 22nd, 2005
mmk then lets begin…. =)
First off, I did nothing to Haley and I have convo’s to prove it. She was upset because I didnt “go out of my way to acknowlegde her” when she was a manager at Tijuana, and thats right, I didnt, because she never worked. And I was ALWAYS nice to her. Hell, I tried to help her when someone who loves her very much came to me for advise, but I will not mention names because I’m not a backstabbing person like some others I know.
Secondly, this is another one of you poor attempts to attack us for the very things YOUR going thru. ME? Jealous? What exactly do I have to be jealous about? I see him with my own eyes, not my AVIES eyes.. every single day…. I have kids that would die for me, and I would for them … and I love my family with all my heart.. so why would I be jealous of a woman who’s only form of entertainment comes from lying and trying her hardest to hurt people for the sole purpose of looking better herself? Not one that I can think of.
We have left you completely alone …. If anyone is jealous it’s you. It’s not my fault I have everything you never will.
To ashley, I dont blame you for your posts, and I will never hold them against you. Just another day your mother has twisted your head again, and if it was my mom, I’d stick up for her too if I thought someone was after her, so Ashley, I love you no matter what you say about me and I always will.
Bryson….. lol good lord….. I never disowned Senna or Paulie.. you passed them along from mother to mother every time you got married. I never knew if they were mine or not. And the incident you speak of….. seeing as I dont speak spanish or Italian or whatever the conversation was being had in, I had no idea what was being said to Senna, and when I found out I was pissed, and you senna and I all talked about it … again, having to drugde something up from deep in the past that was over and done with because you have nothing to go on except boredom and spitefulness.
And… lmao … youd like to believe that I’m faking the fact that i’m here, that im running both bella and mateo’s avies, I’m sure that helps you sleep at night in your cold and lonely bed…. but for those that have heard us live and in person, they know the truth, and they know how happy we are together =) Sad for you…..
The funny thing here is you two tell people we wont let things go and we keep it up… youre not worth the air I breathe…. your names do not cross our minds lol…. however, you cant seem to get us out of your heads.
So… my final words here…. those that know me, know the truth.. the ones that dont know me, and believe the vile ridiculous bs that comes out of your mouth… can go take a flying leap…cause i dont give a purple fuck about any of them. Victory is in the recieving of love from those that truly matter my dear, and YOU most certainly DONT.
*waves* =)
This will be my last post today in this “everyone bow down to mo” fest lmao … I have a rl life to live…
Mo, I really am so sorry to see that you’re still so bitter and hurt over losing the man you truly love….I know it’s hurts badly. But we are so happy, and we have you to thank for being together! =)
I’ll be on the couch with mah baby watching movies and talking about RL…. have fun you guys!
Monique Calliope
Jul 22nd, 2005
OMG LOL thanks guys …. God I love my family……Sis Aislyn you rock! I couldn’t have put that better myself…AWEEEE and my babies…Aren’t they fun to play with? Best toys I could have given you huh? LOL….Merry Christmas early lol..
stacy maracas
Jul 22nd, 2005
HAHAHAHA!! AKA Gormz, the only crackhead I know that so far up Boo’s ass he cant see nothing but shit……….
And Carmine, “the one and only” u want to call Me running MY family NOT REAL? hmmm, do WE really want to go there? Am I really the one u want to get on MY bad side? Dont call out shit here Carmine……..itwill only make you look bad, like you did before. Everything that happened to you you brought on YOURSELF, dont go forgetting that now…….I dont want to have to remind you. Lets not forget what has STILL been done for you despite all that you have attempted…….not a good day for it Carmz……..dont do it ………
Jul 22nd, 2005
K you guys, I’ve not been able to post some of your comments because they get way too far into real life issues. I don’t have time to explain each case, and even less time to deal with editing out the offending stuff, so let me keep this simple: when you start talking about real life stuff you are probably going to get your comment spiked.
More advice: rather than sit here and bitch at each other, why don’t you guys write up the histories of your families, complete with family trees, moves from tso etc.. That would be very interesting and we would be happy to publish them if they are readable.
Jul 22nd, 2005
It’s always the quiet ones you have to worry about.
Some say, walk softly and carry a big stick or for our purposes — Big Box for those kiddies who have lately attempted to rattle cages.
It must be frustrating when you do all that work only to see those you are wishing to annoy sit there with a soft smirk on their face, as they watch you do your damnedest to get a rise out of them. That irritating little nod of the head and knowing smile as you taunt, tease, throw temper tantrums and put all those large boxes out over and over and over again, only to watch them be scrolled back into your inventory with a single *click* by that big ol mean person. That must be when the name calling begins and the made up stories of how Lindens get called.
Good thing you got pictures or nobody would know what you did — right? And how thrilled you must be for helping the owners out with their Dwell, I am SURE they are laughing all the way to the bank with that hefty check, since as one member put it “ok we have attacked now for 3 days almost around the clock”.
Yummmy! That dwell is going to be grand indeed!
You do understand that you seriously are only attacking yourself — right? I mean, you do GET that don’t you? Seeing how the owner of any land can do the simple item return *click* and you get your 400000 items returned in a blink — where you have to individually delete them from YOUR inventory.
How many clicks does it take to get to the end of that inventory?? 400000!!!
But then, that gives you something to do as you sit there all pensive like, waiting for that BIG attack.
There you are, waiting and waiting…and waiting just knowing those people will retaliate. But nothing. Perhaps though, they do not wish to retaliate. Play dead. Or maybe they are sitting back and laughing at you. Maybe a lot of people are sitting back and laughing at you.
Then one day, a package arrives. My goodness!! Philip Linden has sent you something of GREAT importance. You must be special. Certain it is of value, you open this right away. And what do you find???
Such a mess — tisk tisk. So, who REALLY calls the Linden’s?
My my my??..wasn’t that lots of fun? Silly rabbit – Boxes are for Kids.
Be careful what you say the walls have eyes and ears S.L.O.C.O is watching you.
Stacy Maracas
Jul 22nd, 2005
Yanno Urizenus, basically, dont htink Tree in thsi situation, think BUSH, cuz no matter WHAT these people say, THEY ALL related to each other somehow, someway.
To be honest its just one big fat episode of ALL in the Family, cept instead of calling each other meathead they call each other cunt and hoebeast……..
Every single person here actually LIKED each other at one time, and for some reason or another changed their minds, and turned the real life things that were confided to them around sprinkled some extra drama on it and threw it back out there to make themselves feel better or look better whichever it may be…….
So again dont think Tree, think Bush……….cuz yea THEY ALLL related somehow…….whether they choose to admit it or not.
Cept for Gormz, dont Nobody claim to be related to him, I cant understand why…….
GM Bellini (retired) Stacy Maracas
boo parks
Jul 22nd, 2005
Well they tell me that I’m wanted
Yeah I’m a wanted man
I’m colt in your stable
I’m what Cain was to Abel
LINDENS catch me if you can “FUCK YOU”
boo parks
Jul 22nd, 2005
many of us are wanted by the lindens! well isnt that how its supposed to be? after all we are mafia right and it adds fun to my game! I wouldnt have it any other way
love you mom and dad love u fam jump steady mutha fuckers
Stacy Maracas
Jul 22nd, 2005
S.L.O.C.O. reminds me of Mocole, (pronounced MOCO) spanish for SLIMY BOOGER………..
Good name choice!! Try using a name pussy, we all know Who ya are ANYWAY!!!
Jul 22nd, 2005
it’s kind of sad when people think they r hot shyt when they know they have always been SECOND best in everything they do ::ahem:: eh bella? anywho… get a life n i do mean a real life of where u take care o ur own instead o livin off others.. and as for nikki BLOW HO BEAST! hahaha step de fook back befor i am forced to take u out.. heh jus like old times no? those who call my momma name (monique) only wish u could b half de woman she is.. thusfar.. continue wit ur endless hate on de real!! latex.. please use them!
bryson calliope
Jul 22nd, 2005
hmm.. my second post didnt go through (wasnt that bad sheesh).. let me try this again..
well… lol bella didnt come 2nd? I still have a convo of her crying to me about you loving mo and no one loving her.. pathetic. ive also seen all the logs of you begging mo back, telling her you would do anything.. hmm nope shes not with you guess she didnt want you.. oh and not to mention the very day that bella came back from moving.. she was “sitting on the steps” waiting for you.. where were you? yep you were in Mo’s IMs bitching because of the way she talked about me in her bio.. so sad.. lol @ how you say she was a fling when everyone on here knows how obsessed you were with her..
passed off my kids from mother to mother? you didnt know if they were yours? wtf kind of statement is that? how can you not know if your kids are your kids.. if i ever broke up with someone.. my kids would still be MY kids.. you think anyone could tell me my kids werent my kids? theyd get their ass handed to them real fast..
Aislyn.. couldnt have said it better myself
if any of you really knew skyllar you would know about her LACK of a sl sex life…..thats why she is such a whiney bitch lately she NEEDS to be laid
Jul 22nd, 2005
l1k3 0mG…a like…F0ruM5…71m3 2 f0rum WhOr3!!
Jul 22nd, 2005
Jul 22nd, 2005
Correction..When I said “REAL” family I was reffering to how another family i know..I wont give a name, is run..Stacey that wasnt verbal attack on you and your family..You know your in my close circle of good friends i have.. Stac no matter how much shit we been through it was all worth it since I have became closer to you..So lets go and play some slingo or sumthin lol..Much love and peace ^^
The Nudester
Jul 22nd, 2005
Yes i will take 1 ticket, 1 cookie , and a large cup of no drama
no wait that would mean no drama…..
Make that 2 tickets and a box of cookies
Stacy Maracas
Jul 22nd, 2005
WHy is Skyllar being drawn into this?? She came in defended herself and left…..
Jul 22nd, 2005
little late on posting i suppose…anyways..NiKKi who are you to say my mother needs schooling..when your buddy Miguel can’t even spell L-O-Y-A-L-I-T-Y?? need i say more? no i don’t think so..as for you Miguel..my mom was a fling? then WTF did you leave DSM? oh wait..thats right..cause your sorry ass couldn’t get over her..you call yourself a man? YOU don’t know what a man is…I’ll give the spelling lessons..daddy can give you lessons on being a man =)
Jul 22nd, 2005
Ok Miguel..time to get in line with the other illiterate pieces of shyt..SCHOOLS about to begin =) love you mommy and daddy!
and bella..lmao…pull your head out of Miguels ass..he doesn’t want you..he feels sorry for you..
*MWAHS* Princess
Jul 22nd, 2005
Ya know…this stuff used to at last be worthy of some popcorn chopping but……yawnnnn……
Jul 22nd, 2005
CNN ownz
Monique Calliope
Jul 22nd, 2005
Hmm damn it was such a good post too ….I wish you all could have read it …. I say we drug the editor and send one of our own in so the truth can be told …LOL
M you keep on with your lies lol
Bella yes you will be together forever cuz now that he has (how do I say this so it will get past the undrugged editor) parked his car in your garage where 65046504654605465 other cars have leaked their oil……..(maybe that will work for you mr. edior) you both have the same “issues” and don’t want to infect anyone else…. and that is the new meaning for Bella’s “Purple Fuck” …..
Jul 23rd, 2005
angela stfu this story was bout you gettin you ass kicked once again don’t come in here an play it off like you in with the crowd cause we all kno the truth and that is no one can’t stand your fat ugly ass inlcuding your reporting husband!
Princess Paxton
Jul 23rd, 2005
You guys are WAY too much, and now its MY TURN.
First…MO, wtf is your problem? you SAY you could give a shit less about my Daddy AKA Miguel, yet you seem to spend an INORDIANTE amount of time dipping into their business. WTH do you care? Your SO IN LOVE WITH BRYSON, wtf does it matter what Daddy does? It must REALLY hurt unca Gulchs feelings that all you seem to do is obsess over your ex…….grow up and get over it already.
Second…if Mom aka Bella is Daddy’s second choice, then it appears since at one time Mom & Bry were married, your apparently BRY’s second choice…..so that’s nothing more than the pot calling the kettle black.
Seems that in the basic scheme of things…..this Drama is old, and long past the let it die stage. If your Happy with Bry, and Mom & Daddy are happy, then why not just let this ignorant shit go?
you have your kids, your life, your family and we have ours.
seems EVERYBODY has forgot, that arent we ALL family?
Grow up
Sniper Rebel
Jul 23rd, 2005
Ok I’m sittin here laughin my ass off at all this funny shit. Oh wait let me go get a tissue b/c someone shot me or shot my wife or wait even better reported me!!! LMAO OMG OMG OMG too fuckin funny.. See I got my ass in trouble (not really just sounds good) for calling Skyllar an “inbreed cum guzzling cunt” but yet you all wanna sit here and cry about being shot at or being banned GET A FUCKIN LIFE!!!! I mean hell I love this game as the next person and when I get bored I’m like Boo (goin to cause trouble to give me something to do when I get on) so here is my opinion about all this: EITHER LEARN TO HANG WITH THE BIG DOGS OR JUST CANCEL YA FUCKIN SL ACCOUNT. And oh yeah Skyllar you still are in inbreed cum guzzling cunt!!!! What now? lmao PEACE POT MICRODOT IF YA GOT ANY OC’s DO A FEW FOR ME AND IF NOT NAME THAT LIL BASTARD CHILD AFTER ME!!!!
Sniper Rebel
Jul 23rd, 2005
Oh yeah I forgot to say this Boo and the onld crew from the Gazette Mafia that I know how the hell ya all been? I miss talkin to you all. So be sure to hit me up in IM or hell even SHOOT ME!!!! LMAO TTYL
stacy maracas
Jul 23rd, 2005
Im still sitting here like this at snipers comment:
hahaha, did he not just show himself out for the fag he is?
Ok yea thought so…….
Sniper, dont hate cuz nobody has ever sucked ure cum let alone guzzled it, damn baby just get yourself laid by something other than your family dog, then maybe you can speak with some coherency.
Damn yet another Boo lover whats up with all these peeps walking around with SHIT on the ends of their noses?
boo parks
Jul 23rd, 2005
sup sniper
ill hola in game man nice to hear from ya.
Monique Calliope
Jul 23rd, 2005
Paxton no this isn’t about M and Bella being together….that was the best thing that happened for me cuz he finally left me alone….I wish he would have realized he loved her long before he did and I would have not had to deal with his [elided by Uri] ass……this is about them wanting to play the role of a GF and GM when they have no clue how it is done and the only thing they have accomplised is hurting more people at what they seem to be good at……and yes ….those people….your family ….and I’m not talking about Bryson or myself…..you don’t know all the facts hun and that’s okay….just like Bella said about Ash I would expect you to come to their defense and be disappointed had you not….but you have no clue what is going on …..this has NOTHING to do with M and Bella being together and everything to do with them treating people like shit…….they seem to forget that when they were UB’s for us that they went and talked to GF’s and GM’s but now they are too good to speak to anyone below them?? Andddddd this is about Bella continuing to try to pull her power card on people and talk to them like shit just cuz she has a rank (something she has always been called down for in the past but gets away with it now cuz there isn’t anyone to stop her…..well not until now)…..and so much more I won’t get into….although there have been lots of comments about M and Bella …..those are just funny shit…..I love Bryson and could care less how many STD’S your parents share between them….what I care about is stopping them from treating anyone else like shit…well anyone else that is MY family……and no we aren’t ALL family….you can deny me if you like….but in my eyes I am related to you becuz my mother is your gma but I in no way claim your mother or father…Hell I can’t believe I ever considered them anything different than the dirt on the bottom of my shoe…that is what they are……..Good luck!
Jul 23rd, 2005
stacy its ok……..trust me i dont let this shit bother me anymore is funny to listen to……..hey nudie can i have a cookie and a glass of kool aid ?? this is getting to be entertaining.
Jul 23rd, 2005
Paxton……my daddy didn’t beg bella back for months..therefore.. you’re speaking two totally different issues….think before you post…your DADDY..begged my mother back..whined and cried when she sent his stupid ass packing (over and over again)..and then came back to do the same shit all over again..and on top of all that..he didn’t everything imaginable just to break them up..and fyi..my mother could give a shitless if Miguel and Bella’s together “rl”…they’re just fun to play with =)
Jul 23rd, 2005
hey sony im a gonna sing it
I got jewels and I bling bling it
look out now im just gonna wing it
yall know me but I know yall better
bitch u looked jacked up wearing your last years sweater
but look peeps it only gets better
yo he found out my name and wrote a dam letter
I ainit hiding fool just look your wife sucked my header
u can get on game and go find her
but first finish makeing my mutha fuckin grinder
yeah I want turkey and cheese a lil bit of pepper and some lettuce
now fuckin go get her OH dam I almost forgot
u dont even have a fuckin cock she dont get to lick thats why your girls on my mutha fuckin dick ohhh and she has been for quite some time I usually dont pay but ill toss u a dime. Hey bruhh yanno its all good im sure u would fuck my girl if u could but man first u have to go bye yer junk then u can uhhh clunk a clunk clunk. ya wanna know my name and how I play my game? well step up mutha fucker and call my name ill be right there up in yer grill but hold on g let me give yer wife her fill. umm ok now I feel so much better peace im out yall I know this lil ryme could be better but shit man I tired SONY CAN U DO BETTER since your a rapist oops I mean rapper hahaha u got your chance sukka lets here your jingle then come in game and ill lay ya down like a mutha fuyckin shingle! and tell yer wife I said tickle tickle and its almost time to buff my fuckin pickle.
P.S loose that ugly as sweater
P.S.S love ya fam
GF & GM Bellini
Jul 23rd, 2005
*waits for the next excuses to come to the surface….. wonders which bag of lies she grabbed the std story from….wonders if anyone is going to be stupid enough to believe more lies from the two most reliable sources in SL….Stormy and Mo* LMFAO
If anyone wants to see the rest of the convo in which I (bella) am being accused of telling Stormy that she cant talk to me until she’s a GM … IM me, I’ll be happy to show you lmao…OH, and Jac was there, you can ask him too
Thats enough for us, one a day, rl to live, enjoy your posting frenzy LOL
Princess Paxton
Jul 23rd, 2005
Mo mo mo, give me a m-f-in break. you tell me one time I havnt made my OWN mind up about anything, and this is no exception. I was around LONG before M was my Daddy & Bella was my mom, so yes, i do know way more than most, and you know this. I never took sides, i stayed outta your bs. but last i heard, you guys went to another game, now suddenly here you are Savior herself, out to save the whole of 2l from unspeakable evil. Who the hell elected you god? Everyone has an opinion, and will speak it, some bettter than others, And Ashley, i dont need you or anyone else to try to speak to me like i am an idiot. gets the facts child. learn to see both sides of the story, and make up your own mind. If people are unhappy with my mom and Dad, they need to take it up with my mom and dad. and Mo, i never denied you. *checks records* um, it was *your* side of the family that attcked me, and I am not even mafia…..Grams will always be my grams, and just like r/l, who she chooses to be her kids is not up to you, so claim them or not…….besides I twisted the family tree and married Drake…oh wait, i forgot to invite you……my bad……seems we had a drama free night that night……..wonder why that is?
remind me, i’ll send you pics or a link to the video
Jul 23rd, 2005
Well Bella… I can show you the shit where you said “talk to me when your GM” because I Notecarded it =) Soooo Here ya guyz go…
[long convo elided by Uri. You guys know we can't pub chat logs.]
That clear everything up? Okay… and While your at it guys… Get over your power trippin shit… No one is buying it… Bella, You have to make a family from scratch for it to be successful, you cant have a family handed down to you, and expect to be feared… You are nothing, and never will be, Now go play house with Mateo, and keep on with those lies =)
Oh Yeah… My mom, Stormy, Yeah you all know her.. She WOULD post on this website but.. well… Shes banned… Hmm Wonder why… She sends love though =)
Jul 24th, 2005
better fix that…DID everything*
Monique Calliope
Jul 24th, 2005
Am I supposed to be hurt that I wasn’t invited to your wedding Pax? Ummm one less gift to buy and 2 less boring hours of …. nvm….anyway…yes my mom can decide who her kids are but no I don’t have to accept them as family….you know…that uumm making up your own mind thing??? And nobody made me God but as long as you have known me I have never let anyone talk shit to my family and not starting now and Stormy IS my family along with the others….you are too but you don’t need protecting…YET….but when you do….auntie Mo will be the first one to put her boot in someones ass. My family didn’t attack you btw they attacked your parents and you put yourself in the middle I can’t help that….you choose to be there and that’s fine but don’t cry about it later….go with your mom and put your big girl panties on!!!
Tatum ~GM Forelli~
Jul 24th, 2005
hmmmm how long have I sat back and said nothing? tooo MFing long cause MFers took that as a sign to fuk with mah rl kids sorry this shyt isnt gonna happen!!!!
kiss no ass and give no respect where respect is not earned!!!
#1 Bella I read the MFing NC’s u have a prob with ANG and Stormy for having “mouths” ????? WTF is that YOU were the one nobody could ever control ur mouth and you too often jumped the gun and ran ur mouth when u should been listening….
So dun u dare talk shyt bout my kid for being a blunt person ….. So she wont kiss ur ass cause somebody GAVE u a family psshhhhh I’m very proud of u for that Ang
#2 tellin people to bow to u cause ur GM? LMFAO talk to u when their a GM??? LMFAo harder ok heres wut i got to say step the fuk bak from mah kid remember wtf u came from and earn that MFing title u keep tossin around…
AS far as people leaving Forelli to join other familys all I have to say is these r the well too known family hoppers of TSO anyways so who gives a fuk ……
please note due to the events that have taken place in the past weeks I am now out of retirement ANG my rl brat is also FORELLI although Jac will not back her (tryign to keep peace with a second rate family and not taken care of his own family in the process or w/e i could give a fuk) I BACK my family 98472359842375% so fuk with ANG or Stormy ur fukin with FORELLI remeber that!!!!!
GF & GM Bellini
Jul 24th, 2005
i thought forelli wasn’t a mafia, right GM forelli? damn more lies coming to the surface. this is all the time we have to give today to this wonderful display of recess etiquette…lmfao god i wish i had the time to respond to each one of your bs lies..the best part is that everyone in here can see how far your stories stretch…*tosses you another shovel* the one you have must be gettin dull.
GM Bellini Bella Klein
Jul 24th, 2005
Yea, this coming from my supposed “best friend” who was once again walking around with her knife waiting for someone to turn their backs.
Now, for any of you in this room, and that means ANY of you, that would like the whole story, and not just to sit here and read this one sided bs, please, feel free to IM me, I have no problems talking to any of you in here about this… that is if you are mature enough to actually WANT to know 2 sides to a story.
Lastly, Mo and Tat you are absolutely right about ONE thing. I did have a loud uncontrollable mouth, in both FORELLI and DSM. I spoke when I shouldnt have and I made an ass out of myself in doing so. AND I got my ass reemed by my superiors for doing…. and I didnt go have a heart attack about it… I LEARNED from it. It took me a long time to realize that you were right and that I couldnt fly off the handle and say whatever ignorant thing popped into my head, but I DID learn, and if it wasnt for you two telling me I was wrong and helping me, I would probably still be doing the same thing. SO, I can ADMIT when I’m wrong about something, and I was wrong for my actions back then and i FIXED them, and excuse the hell out of me for wanting to pass that knowledge down to two girls who I considered family the same way you both did for me… I guess its only worthy if it’s coming from you two LOL …..
Enjoy your day, I know I will.
Princess Paxton
Jul 24th, 2005
Big Girl Panties huh……lmfao you have no idea of even when i am talking about being attacked. I was not at mom & dads,
I was at My house. I dont need you to protect me, I never have, I never will. And no, i didnt need one more gift for the wedding, it was the LACK OF DRAMA that i was making the point about, but that, like everything else, was too obvious for you to pick up on. I have never understood your intenese need to reaffirm the fact the your someone, if your all that you say you are, wouldnt everyone know it already? DEFEND YOUR FAMILY MO, no one will fault you for that, the fault comes when you resort to petty childish shit, like mud throwing, name calling, and stirring up shit….but wait, my bad thats what you do best. It just never fails to amaze me all the way around, that all these grown people, #1need learn to gd spell, you think typing in ebonics (no mo, not you) makes you look tough? ohhhhhhhh a gangsta…now i’s shakin in ma boots…….#2. When r/l crosses over into game life, no matter what, NO MATTER WHAT, you should ALL be adult enough to leave r/l alone……..and your ALL wrong for dragging that shit in. This is a game…….but i guess for some its more of a life than they will ever have……and i pity them. now back to my r/l…………which i wont discuss here
peace out
Tatum ~GM Forelli~
Jul 24th, 2005
It sickens me at the number of NC’s i have read where GF’s and GM’s have stated to people I’m GM/GF know ur role dun speak to me unless ur spoken to yaddy yadda yadda,
wtf is wrong with u people????? being GM or GF of a family does not make u above NOBODY it makes u a mentor a leader of ur family to guide and protect them…
Are u people that fukin sad in rl that u look for any form of power u can to throw around u know i do beleive that docs can give u meds for this kinda disorder, i do beleive u must suffer from….
Stacy Maracas
Jul 24th, 2005
Okay quick question, so is Forelli mafia THIS week now? Cuz last week they werent……..
Not trying to start shit with you Taters, cuz u know i loves ya and all that, Im just curious, it seems that it depends on WHO asks on whether u guys are mafia or not…or what day of the week it is, or what situation it is…..I mean is Forelli Mafia or not, once for all a straight answer would be WAY COOL.
Tatum ~GM Forelli~
Jul 24th, 2005
Forelli has never been and never will be Mafia. Even with ur lil fake denied logs and wut not.. I have never said Forelli was mafia I’m prolly the only fukin person on Sl that will say it mafia is a myth liek the easter bunny or santa and I dun beleive in them either….. not start shyt hmmm ok then u may want to leave ur sarcasm out that post stacy but w/e i could give a fuk u dun know me…. Perhapse u migght wanna come to me and ask me instead of sittin in chat rooms i’m not in discussin mah family….
tatum ~GM Forelli~
Jul 24th, 2005
nuh bella I w3ent straight to u when u ran ur mouth…. u however never went to ang u went to jac talkin shyt bout her i read the nc and ur right best friends dun do this shyt to each other lets see fake nc’s bullshyt chat rooms and oh fukin with rl kids psshhh and fuk u M i’m the liar lets see which pic ur gonna send of urself today and oh yea lets see which singer/actor this time thats you lol fukin spare me and stay the fuk out this wut i’m posting has nothing to do with u it’s between me and bella
Monique Calliope
Jul 24th, 2005
Bella had you truly learned we wouldn’t be here in the first place……………………………………………………………………….
Angie Spice
Jul 24th, 2005
Well Since you guyz edit shit out…. *clears throat*
For having a Life, you sure do post a lot on this thing Bella… Now.. You want to keep the lies coming, thats great, whatever keeps you warm at night… But everyone has their day where everyone sees through the lies and discovers you for who you really are soo just a little hint, they will =) Oh yeah, I dont need you to teach me anything, Your not my mother, and your NOT family… You decided that when you trash mouthed MY Family, Bry and Tat, Mo and Stormy. So are we clear now? Okay Good… Now if you want to keep this up, Im game. NOW If anyone possibly wants to see the Notecard of Bella saying “Talk to me when your GM” IM me and Ill give it to you, AND no its not a fake, because I dont spend my time trying to make Bella look like a complete idiot, she does well on her own. Any other questions… IM Me.
Tatum ~GM Forelli~
Jul 24th, 2005
waiting to stab people in the back again huh bella?? well tell me who i ever stabbed in the back ??? or maybe we can talk bout NC’s of us that were altered by whomeever that u passed to people then when i confronted u u told me i never showed anyone a notecard tat …. ok spare me with the bs cause i aint gettin in all ur drama i’m jus tellin u plain and simple back off my kid!!!!!!!!!!! and pax u really wanna start with me ????? mah typin is no mfing concern to u …
Tatum ~GM Forelli~
Jul 24th, 2005
Anyways unlike some whome either dun work or live off a man i must go to work…. so trash me all u want lie as u feel u must… my post was about u backbiting my kid so turn that into whatever u want I wont be here to read ur lil comments but my family will so i’d be careful with ur lies and bs unlike the Bellini’s my family would go to hell and back before they let u diss me have fun