Archive for January, 2007
LandBots Bought First Linden Land; Line Pockets

By Prokofy Neva, Dept. of Virtual Estate Try saying that headline really fast! But no matter how fast you move, you’ll never be able to control your reflexes as quickly as LandBot, who can purchase a parcel released to first land while your human eye is still slowly blinking. Yes, you’re heard of CopyBot, CampBot, [...]
Full StoryAgeplay in Second Life: Interview with Jailbait Manager Emily Semaphore

In real life, Emily Semaphore is 35 and works as a librarian. In Second Life, she roleplays as a 13 year old girl. Together, with Ian Manray (her real life husband, who she met in SL!) she manages Jailbait, a Second Life club dedicated to age-play – often involving cybersex between the participants. In this [...]
Full StoryFear and Loathing in Second Life, part 7: To whom it may concern…
by Gideon Television This note should be pretty easy to understand. All the warnings from the Second Life immersion courses over the months since my first introduction to the shall we say, ethics involved with online relationships in virtual worlds, it’s proven to be very true….
Full StoryDodge This, Tringo: Combat Cards Deals Itself Into SL Gaming Scene

Special to the Herald, by Onder Skall of Second Life Games It started with a couple of friends sitting at the kitchen table. Doc Boffin and Jaladan Codesmith wondered what it would take to create a kick-butt card combat game for an MMO. A deck of playing cards, some masking tape, a magic marker and [...]
Full StoryHaifeng Chu – Post 6 Grrrl

[Editor’s note: Haifeng Chu - our latest Post 6 Grrrl - shows off some of the most amazing one-of-a-kind tattoos I have seen in SL. I’m sure our readers will want to examine this work of art very carefully. Haifeng was photographed by another one-of-a-kind SL national treasure - Marilyn Murphy, the photographer/visionary behind Players, [...]
Full StoryTV: The Cappuccinos

Zee delivers crowbar-enhanced newspaper by Inigo Chamerberlin [On the previous episode of The Cappuccinos: Street-smart Zee, having just joined "The Family" is eager to prove himself one of the goodfellas, and starts looking for an informant to whack while working the family numbers game. Philip visits the consigliere and returns quiet and subdued - but [...]
Full StoryGangsta asks “She Lyin. What Ima Do? I Hella Mad!”

by Heartun Breaker, syndicated advice columnist. HEY HEARTUN ~ My wife, girlfriend, ‘partner’ whatever — I think she cheating on me. We ben talking about her livin Textas (sic) and moving up to me in Detroit and what not. We good together. We play alla time. But month ago she play that Wow (World of [...]
Full StoryA Day at the Virtual Races

by Jimbo Quality [Editor's Note: We sent Herald reporter Jimbo Quality out to cover the Second Life racing scene. His report below is presented as the first installment of his Traveling With the Idiot series. You'll soon see why.--Walker Spaight] The author wonders whether he’s made a wrong left turn To avoid looking like a [...]
Full StoryValley-Meme and the Crashed Drawing-Room

A pointy-eared polemic by Prokofy Neva Robbie Dingo’s Whisper Box Near Magellan’s Crash While it seems like a credible concept, the good professor’s “new media” concept reveals too much Chomsky-reading, and not enough McLuhan. Far from having a new streaming interactive pushme/pullyou immersivia to replace the old one-way pulp-and-electron media, we have something far more [...]
Full StoryThe Return of the Salon and the End of Mass Media

Pointyheaditorial by Urizenus Sklar Denizens of the internet have long noted that many online meeting places have served roles like those of the literary salons and coffee houses of the 18th century. Online conferencing systems like The WELL and Mindvox, MUDS and MOOs like Xerox PARC’s LamdaMOO and MediaMOO, and graphical social spaces like The [...]
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