10 Zen Monkeys: “Patriotic Nigras” e-Terrorist Group Responsible for Attack on Edwards Headquarters

by Urizenus Sklar on 05/03/07 at 9:58 pm

Not Virtual Republicans, but pimply, attention starved, adolescent losers. Imagine that!

10 Zen Monkeys is reporting that there is strong evidence linking the recent griefer attacks on the Edwards Headquarters to the Second Life griefer organization known as the “Patriotic Nigras’. This would not be surprising if true. The attack certainly had the earmarks of their work. From the article:

“Guess what: we’re not Republicans. In fact, I’m one of the most hard-core liberals I know.”

A post on the John Edwards blog claimed credit for an attack on his campaign HQ in Second Life — saying that “We simply did it for the lulz… The fact you were so bent out of shape to make a blog post on the OFFICIAL JOHN EDWARDS BLOG about how some people placed a bunch of shittingdicknipples on your lawn is mighty telling.”

The post was deleted from Edwards blog. (Its last line was “Enjoy your AIDS!”) But the poster used the name Mudkips Acronym, which also turns up in a January entry on Encyclopedia Dramatica, identifying him as a member of a longstanding Second Life “invasion group.” Its name is given as “Patriotic Nigras: e-terrorists at large,” and Saturday the entry was updated to claim credit for the Edwards attack.

This would make the Edwards attack just the latest installment in a longer history of random assaults. The page describes the group’s first attacks as griefing pranks on Second Life’s “Gay Yiffy” virtual nightclub — blocking the exit doors on a disco’s private rooms, and filling its dance floor with an annoyingly large box. They returned to build a wall with a swastika of American flags, and eventually created a “Doomsday” weapon that creates endlessly replicating cubes.

The group also claims weapons like “the Dong Popgun” (which fires a barrage of penises), and the “Cosby Block” (a profilerating posters of the Jell-o pudding pops spokesman). One Second Life blogger accuses the group of distributing the infamous Goatse picture, a tactic confirmed by a Second Life newspaper.

61 Responses to “10 Zen Monkeys: “Patriotic Nigras” e-Terrorist Group Responsible for Attack on Edwards Headquarters”

  1. Economic Mip

    Mar 5th, 2007

    Why yes, this does explain the monkeys on keyboards rambling that has been occurring on the Edwards entry talking about this. While I personally see nothing “patriotic” about going after any candidate in a free and fair election they are entitled to their opinions, however racist and bordering on hate speech those views may be.

  2. Padijun Loll

    Mar 5th, 2007

    “patriotic” refers to one of their original stunts, blockading a furry nightclub with boxes textured with american flags

  3. Jim Schack

    Mar 5th, 2007

    Well being that it’s my blog they are referring to, i can say it was more than just goatse they were using. In fact i would like to add that goatse is probably one of the easier on the stomach image they pass around for “lulz.” Lemon party, muddy d***s and tub girl can make the average Joe hug the porcelain.

    I can applaud Linden for their unwilling to be a nanny government over Second Life. However when they keep opening the flood gates for griefers with every thing they tweak they makes my life harder. Like no e-mail verification or any security on creating unlimited alts for that matter. Sure an alt cost $10 USD, but not if you use a fake e-mail and lie about this being your first account. It’s time for Linden to get on the ball about allowing multiple alternate accounts, this could help TREMENDOUSLY on stopping these zit faced kids from damaging the SL economy.

  4. Prokofy Neva

    Mar 5th, 2007

    Um, I said this weeks ago when this happened? And every blog or paper like the Guardian that claims this job was “the Republicans,” I point out that no, it’s people who in fact are extreme leftists with Leninist tactics.

    Jim, it’s not about opening the floodgates at all. This group is a known quantity, the same quantity, a small quantity. The Lindens don’t ban them in part to watch them and infiltrate their groups, I guess. And it’s not about zit-faced kids, either. These are adults who are very organized and very persistent. The M.O. is exactly the same and it can be tracked and chronicled and has been for some 2 years now. It’s not really ‘about’ alts, it’s about the inability of the “hashmark” system to really work, and about the inability of the Lindens to step up to the plate and ban the *groups that harbour* griefers along with the griefers. There are some very highly placed oldbies and Lindens who keep backing up the right of groups to pretend that “it’s only a few bad eggs”. This is a very entrenched problem, and to see it as merely about floods of kiddies pulling pranks actually detracts from the seriousness and malice of this kind of cyberterrorism.

  5. Jim Schack

    Mar 6th, 2007

    Well I was on the radio with one of them a while back debating them and he claimed to be a lawyer, a claim i don’t refute. The person debated me is most likely rhubard triskaidekaphobia or looongcat Hax. The people organizing attacks are defiantly well managed and seem to have an adult way of speaking. However the bulk of these 4chan griefers are. Nep Plasma, their former leader for example, was banned for 15 not for his actions.

    The alts hurt not just Linden’s job of banning them, but us estate manager’s job as well.

    Another thing Linden can do it help us is creating some lsl language for estate controls. That would be beyond helpful.

  6. NobodyImportant

    Mar 6th, 2007

    Ah, the PNs didn’t actually make the Doomsday. That weapon’s a relic of ages past on 2L – they were hooked up wif’it early on in their Second Life experience.

    Since then, the smart guys in the PN have occasionally worked on modding it; but all reports I’ve heard of were pretty much nil success in making something truly awesome.

    ~*The more you know!*~


    Mar 6th, 2007

    Shut up Prokofy, no one likes you.

    I love how we’re constantly called cyberterrorists for the crap we do.

    We do it for the lulz. Often it’s just a way of smacking someone around to get them to realize “Hey, guess what, this is a GAME. It shouldn’t be taken so seriously.”
    Hell, nothing should be taken as seriously as so many people take SL.

    For god’s sake, what about your first life, eh? Do you hold yourself up with such a holier-than-thou attitude there, too?

    People need to relax, pull the stick out of their anus and just get on with life.
    It isn’t that bad.

    I’ll wait for your essay on just why we’re so evil.
    Remember: 500 words or more, and no useage of the letter ‘e’

  8. Mudkips Acronym

    Mar 6th, 2007

    “Nep Plasma, their former leader for example, was banned for 15 not for his actions.”

    Who the hell is Nep Plasma? I’m a co-leader. Zuki is a co-leader. Fapp is a co-leader. Even though I’m by far the most active one out of the three, Jim, I’m frankly baffled, as I have never heard of anyone named “Nep Plasma” in the leadership, and not even in the organization!

    You and IntLib need to stop spreading rumors about money conspiracies and mysterious former leaders. I’ve described everything we’ve done on ED, more so than any other group of our nature.

  9. Mudkips Acronym

    Mar 6th, 2007

    Also, to the fine upstanding individual who wrote this:

    Most of our group are people well into their 20s and even 30s. I’d imagine they’re past the whole “acne” thing, but perhaps you slept in biology class.

  10. Nacon

    Mar 6th, 2007

    oh gosh!… like um… does it matter?

    (duh, of course not)

  11. IntLibber Brautigan

    Mar 6th, 2007

    Ah, Mud, you got it on your face again. Nep Plasma, aka Nep Ng, aka Nep Butoh, leader of /b/tards, The /b/rotherhood of the /b/lade, and other 4chan raider groups. Any noob can do a seach for “The /b/rotherhood of the /b/lade” on the groups directory in SL and see his memberships there, along with Rhubarb Trisk., Hero An, Chirp Chirnov (now known as Enron Dagger since his B&), Crossandwich Commander, Lawdy Smashcan, ORLY Lawl, and the whole bunch (hey guys, sorry if I left your name out of the list…if I forgot you, its cause you are forgettable, lulz), oh and Moskau Makarov, now known as Moskau Matova, can’t forget you with your shiny cat head and Gestapo jacket, I just banned your butt from Surreal… and I think I have your TRUE NAME now too. Anyway, a pantheon of well known griefers, and yes “in it for the lulz”.

    Your problem in thinking this is “just a game” is that it isn’t. Its understandable to your idiot savant minds that anything with 3 dimensions must be a game, but thats the same sort of retarded thinking that gets you kids shooting up schools thinking its a video game.

    The difference is that games are for fun, they don’t cost you much to play. Life is not a game, cause it costs money, takes work, and is how many people earn their livings. If you want to keep using the “its just a game” meme, sure, professional football is “just a game”, but you grief one of their games, and you go to jail, period. Too bad you ‘tards don’t have the balls to do that for the lulz…

  12. SzalmaHalyek

    Mar 6th, 2007

    “We do it for the lulz.”

    What the heck is ‘lulz’.
    I opened Webster, I looked into Országh, but can’t find any english word like that.

    And if someone barricaded your house with bags and boxes just “for the lulz” would you lul?

    “Hell, nothing should be taken as seriously as so many people take SL.”

    Says a guy who takes it so seriously as to harass people in the game?
    If you took it as a game, you would just shrug and let people take it seriously.
    No harm in that I guess.

    Of course, then there were no “lulz” whatever it is.

  13. Jake Rasco

    Mar 6th, 2007

    ‘Your problem in thinking this is “just a game” is that it isn’t. Its understandable to your idiot savant minds that anything with 3 dimensions must be a game, but thats the same sort of retarded thinking that gets you kids shooting up schools thinking its a video game.

    Has there ever been a case where a kid shoot up a school where he really thought it was a video game? I can think of quite a few shootings where the media blew up the story that the shooter had a particularly violent video game in his room and that the game had made him violent or the media claiming that they learned how to fire a gun by a video game but I’ve never heard of a case of what you describe being actually true. In fact a quick check of the wikipedia entry for ‘School Shootings’ indicates that few very, if at all any, school related killings are video game related.

    Honestly, your comment is now far more offensive to me than any action these ‘nigras’ have taken or could take. You have moved the weight of blame of the murderous actions of killers from the slaughters shoulders to software. You have, in your mind, absolved them of their crimes and pardoned them for the crime of being dumb impressionable children rather the butchers they are. Sir, you are the cancer that is killing Second Life.

  14. Reality

    Mar 6th, 2007

    And you, sir Jake, are the cancer that is Killing Humanity.

    Some – not all – school killings are a result of one or more students that simply could not take any more of the BS they were being dealt by the other students. Personally? The school, the students whom kept pushing, the parents of said students as well as the parents of the ones who snapped, and the school board are all guilty.

    Remember dear sir – it takes two to tango.

  15. NobodyImportant

    Mar 6th, 2007

    Hey Hal- er, Mike; IntLibber, whatever the hell you want to call yourself these days:

    STILL WAITING FOR AN ANSWER (and proof) about the “frauded L$” the PNs threw into “sploder balls”.

  16. Anon

    Mar 6th, 2007

    I hate not to choose a side and group up on this one, but I think debating the validity of “for the lulz” and “don’t take life so serious” is completely irrelevant.

    The REAL ISSUE: this is an unkind thing to do.

    Making fun of people is unkind. Disrupting their work is unkind. So is insulting what they think and feel. Even if you don’t agree that they even have a point, you HAVE to agree that they have FEELINGS.

    What you’re doing here is trying to hurt those feelings, and you know it. You are intentionally causing distress.

    Now, if you don’t care about that, then fine, but don’t pretend that it isn’t reasonable for others to think that it matters.

  17. Anon

    Mar 6th, 2007

    I should also add, in case it isn’t obvious:

    Causing distress = Causing harm. For real.

  18. Magister Ludi

    Mar 6th, 2007

    Anybody who picks on women, girls and/or old ladies that are just trying to find some enjoyment is a no balls punk-ass twerp in my book. You guys have no manhood, and no respect for others, so don’t expect it anywhere you go. If I see you in prison someday, I’ll be sure to piss in your cheerios haha lulz.

  19. Prokofy Neva

    Mar 6th, 2007

    People who lecture and hector and terrorize others screaming at them that IT’S JUST A GAME YOU FUCK are the ones with the sticks up their asses, and the ones who are like Puritanical zealots. They need to relax and get off their goddamn jihad and get back on their meds.

    He was just a front man. Of course they use disposable kids for stuff like this, it is very much an organized, adult activity. BTW, we also have no way of knowing that this is in fact true, it’s hearsay.

  20. shockwave yareach

    Mar 6th, 2007

    When you punks get thrown out of the game and lose all your inventories and land ownership, just remember – it’s just a game.

    When you can’t get a new character one day because LL finally closed the door on the no-validation revolving door, just remember – it’s just a game.

    When people ban you from their stores or their clubs because they don’t like poo-flinging monkeys around, just remember – it’s just a game.

    And when your fellow lusers tear up something YOU spent weeks building, just tell yourself that it is only a game and that you need to get the stick out of your ass.

  21. N3X15

    Mar 6th, 2007

    Oh wow. People do seem to be taking the game seriously again. What’s next? “bawwwww my character was banned i’m going to go kill myself”?

    So fucking what if its an unkind thing for me to do? Falsely accusing people of being terrorists is pretty fucking unkind if you ask me. Falsely accusing all /b/tards of being members of a griefing group is pretty goddamn unkind, too, since not all /b/tards are griefers. If you take the game so fucking seriously, then yes, you will be distressed if someone fucks up your land instead of laughing it off like a mature person would.

    People like you is why we exist.

  22. N3X15

    Mar 6th, 2007

    BTW shockwave, none of us own land because of how stupid it is to pay real bux for digital estate. If LL would opensource the servers, you probably wouldn’t have to pay, huh?

    Linden does require validation. We know ways around it.

    Boo-hoo, someone banned me from a store for the 6th time. New account GET!

    And that last thing happens all the time. We laugh. People like you would probably slit their wrists and call their mothers.

  23. Jim Schack

    Mar 6th, 2007

    “BTW shockwave, none of us own land because of how stupid it is to pay real bux for digital estate.”

    That’s because you are too stupid to know how to make a return on an investment like that. Ohhh BTW, what was buying land off of us? That would make you stupid, stupid.

    “Hey, guess what, this is a GAME. It shouldn’t be taken so seriously.”

    Says who, your band of merry retards who think Mario partial spam is still funny? Lemme give you some proof of Second Life not being a game:

    Jed Smith, an early investor who sits on Linden’s board: “We decided then to be a platform and not a game.”

    Philip Rosedale CEO Linden Labs: “It’s not a game”

    Here are some interesting news stories with some very interesting titles:

    http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune_archive/2007/02/05/8399120/index.htm (It’s not a Game)

    Ohh also, once i find out where you all work, know I’ll be there handing your customers pictures of lemon party. After all, life is a game too right?

  24. Anon

    Mar 6th, 2007

    N3X15 – I never accused you of anything other than unkindness, which you’ve accepted as the truth. Please realize that isn’t something to be proud of.

    I understand that at the moment you don’t have it in you to accept that and face the truth of it, because it would really hurt to do so. It feels much better to say: “I hurt you because you could be hurt, so you deserved it.” (I’m paraphrasing you there.) I realize that beleiving that lie, that those who can be hurt should be, is important for you right now and you can’t let that go. I’ll be patient.

    Someday though I sincerely hope that you find the strength and courage to face up to the simple fact that hurting people, no matter what your logic, isn’t a good thing.

  25. N3X15

    Mar 6th, 2007

    Jim, my customers are people who know of Lemonparty well, and know how to laugh it off, unlike stuckups like you. And just because some dipshit is saying that its not a game doesn’t make it any less a game. Is it not an alternate reality where people can fuck around and do almost anything? Can you not clean up the shit that we have spawned on your estate? Can you not stop acting like a fucking retard?

    I know I’m an asshole, and guess what? I don’t care. Its the Internet. Stop weeping and get over it.

  26. Jim Schack

    Mar 6th, 2007


    I’m no “stuckup” I was passing around Lemonparty URLs to people until it got old about 5 years ago. How about I short circuit your breaker box and board up for 7 hours? Would that hurt your business? That’s essentially what you do with those doomsday guns.

    “Can you not clean up the shit that we have spawned on your estate?”

    I guess I can. I’ll be by your house tomorrow to dump off some trash and car parts. I mean you can clean it up right?

    Why do you guys have no concept of property rights? Oh, that’s right. A lot of you guys are either commies or Front Nationalists.

    Also, I am an asshole. I been an asshole while you were still picking daisies to get in girls pants. I take asshole as a compliment. You sir, are no asshole.

    You are immature, bigoted, violent, racist, and homophobic. I would add your a classic case of the Einstein definition of insane. You been doing this how long? Furries are still pouring into SL and land sales are up for us. keep trying i guess, it’s working in our favor. =/

  27. Lorelei

    Mar 6th, 2007

    Anon, whoever you are, you have my respect.

    Mean isn’t cool.

    Never was.

    Never will be.

  28. Mudkips Acronym

    Mar 6th, 2007

    By the way, your arguing about e-terrorism only makes it funnier, guys.

  29. Bedevere Octagon

    Mar 6th, 2007

    LOL attaching the word terrorism to a prank is even funnier.

  30. mongler

    Mar 6th, 2007

    Lulz = Lols = Laughter.

    We’re laughing at you.
    The more you whine, the funnier it is.
    We’ve told you this before, yet you still go insane over it all.

    I especially find this one funny:
    “When you punks get thrown out of the game and lose all your inventories and land ownership, just remember – it’s just a game.

    When you can’t get a new character one day because LL finally closed the door on the no-validation revolving door, just remember – it’s just a game.

    When people ban you from their stores or their clubs because they don’t like poo-flinging monkeys around, just remember – it’s just a game.

    And when your fellow lusers tear up something YOU spent weeks building, just tell yourself that it is only a game and that you need to get the stick out of your ass.”

    We already get banned and just come back, regain our stuff and move on. We really don’t care.
    We already have ways around validation (SL isn’t the first place we’ve ever come to after all).
    A ban is a ban is a ban. We’re banned from store, we find a new one or make new account to go in. We shrug it off and continue on having fun.
    We already get our stuff torn down all the time. Find a new place, rebuild, repeat.

  31. Anonymous Does Not Forgive

    Mar 6th, 2007

    Like Chris Ofili, the Nigras of Second Life use an unconventional medium for our art. Your criticisms are racist and an attempt to impose western imperialist values on expressions of our traditional culture. So I ask: why does John Edwards hate black people?

  32. jollygreen

    Mar 6th, 2007

    being rude to others IS NOT ART… your just ruining it for the other people

    how cna you explain this, are your politics so twisted. this is democracy?

    and im not racist for saying so!!!!!

  33. Prokofy Neva

    Mar 6th, 2007

    >So fucking what if its an unkind thing for me to do? Falsely accusing people of being terrorists is pretty fucking unkind if you ask me. Falsely accusing all /b/tards of being members of a griefing group is pretty goddamn unkind, too, since not all /b/tards are griefers. If you take the game so fucking seriously, then yes, you will be distressed if someone fucks up your land instead of laughing it off like a mature person would.

    >People like you is why we exist.

    Every single person on Something Awful thinks this. Every single person on W-Hat thinks that. Every single offshoot thinks this. None of them can repudiate it. None of them every disassociate themselves from this core Leninst belief. So yes, tens of thousands of people are implicated in this crime and this nihilist ideology and these crimes.

  34. Nacon

    Mar 6th, 2007

    OHH ME GOSH! The talk about e-terrorism and e-terrorist… is that like….. real?

    Of course not, ya bunch of clowns. The only real thing is programmers. Piss them off and you get yourself a personal “hacker” screwing right back at you.

    Terrorism is nothing when it come to digital world. Terrorism only stays in the real world…. because they can kill you, but not over the “internet”. Unless! you strap on bunch of wires to your head or your dick (whatever how you like it) and let someone decide how much voltages to send through that wires directly from your own computer. Although, that sounds even more retarded than you think you can safely read this post.

    None of them are real and you (everyone and Fox News) fell in that same hole for being retarded.

  35. desudesudesu

    Mar 6th, 2007

    Prokofy Neva doesn’t care about black people!

  36. Anon

    Mar 7th, 2007

    N3X15: “I know I’m an asshole, and guess what? I don’t care.”

    I remember saying this a few times in my life. More than a few, actually. I think I stopped saying it when I realized that I didn’t HAVE to be an asshole.

    Imagine spending your days looking for things that rock and ignoring things that suck. Imagine giving encouragement to people. Imagine endorsing creative expression. Imagine seeking out beauty.

    It changes everything. It changes your entire day. It’s yours if you want it.

  37. Reality

    Mar 7th, 2007

    Hmm, never thought I’d have to pop in on this one again … here is a dose of Reality for all involved here.

    This is nothing more than a vicious circle within which no one is mature enough to step back for even the shortest time. On one side you have those who wish to tell everyone else that it is a game – on the other those who take it far too seriously.

    Now, most simply see it as it appears: me? Both sides take it far too seriously. It is that simple.

    Both sides need to back off and rethink everything.

  38. Maria LaVeaux

    Mar 7th, 2007

    Noun 1. sociopathic personality – a personality disorder characterized by amorality and lack of affect; capable of violent acts without guilt feelings (`psychopathic personality’ was once widely used but was superseded by `sociopathic personality’ to indicate the social aspects of the disorder, but now `antisocial personality disorder’ is the preferred term)

    From an On Line Dictionary.


  39. Anonymous+1

    Mar 8th, 2007

    This place is an absolute lulz-fest whenever we get mentioned here.
    We should comment more often.

  40. MudkipsA

    Mar 8th, 2007

    Wow, Maria. So we’re sociopaths too?

    So, in total of everyone’s claims, we’re Republican sociopath terrorists on a mission to defraud the entire Linden Stock Exchange, cheat everyone out of their precious online moneys, racist sexist homophobes from Ebaumsworld.

    I love how it demeans everyone who died on 9/11, the entire mental health system, the entire right, those who suffer from real economic disasters, the civil rights struggle, gay rights struggle, and women’s movements ALL AT ONCE. Perhaps, Maria, you should find some other psychological terms for putting penises on someone’s house. DSM-IV would be a nice start.

  41. Nigra Lynch

    Mar 8th, 2007


  42. Nigra Lynch

    Mar 8th, 2007

    Hey, don’t forget that we’re Nazis, too.

  43. Padijun Loll

    Mar 8th, 2007

    “Every single person on Something Awful thinks this. Every single person on W-Hat thinks that. Every single offshoot thinks this. None of them can repudiate it. None of them every disassociate themselves from this core Leninst belief. So yes, tens of thousands of people are implicated in this crime and this nihilist ideology and these crimes.”

    hahahaha god i love your insane, paranoid ramblings more and more every day

  44. MrPants

    Mar 8th, 2007


  45. Maria LaVeaux

    Mar 8th, 2007

    MudkipsA, I reread my Posting, and don’t see where i directed it at any single person, or group. I merely quoted a Dictionary.

    What was it that made you assume i was referring to you?
    Did you perhaps see something Familiar in the description?


  46. Anonymous

    Mar 13th, 2007

    Got halfway and tl;dr

    Unkind thing to do. Have to laugh. Has been happening since forever. Will continue until the demise of conscious thought. Cry moar.

  47. theさいきょう5

    Mar 20th, 2007

    OH SHI- I AM AN E-TERRORIST LoL!Yiff in hell furfags also cocks enjoy your aids we are an heros enjoy your aids,pool’s closed lol wut I mean secondlife’s closed also cocks.desudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesuwakalakadesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesu

  48. theさいきょう5

    Mar 20th, 2007

    Oh yeah most of us are friends with the SA goons,we’re doin it for the lulz fgts,so enjoy your aids twice as hard with both our groups raiding your furfag sex clubs.

  49. Lawdy Smashcan

    Apr 8th, 2007


  50. LSF

    Apr 8th, 2007

    sorry guys i was just doin it 4 the lulz ok

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