Archive for March, 2007

Simone’s Account Hacked

Prokofy Neva, Community Affairs Prominent Second Life designer Simone Stern reported to the Herald today that her work account had been hacked this morning and L$400,000 stolen (an estimated $1500 US) from the account. In a heist similar to another large theft two weeks ago at DarkLife, the hacker first transferred funds from Simone’s work [...]

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Toronto Star Reveals Plastic Duck’s RL Identity

by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Infamous uber griefer Plastic Duck’s RL typist was apparently outed this morning by Murray Whyte of the Toronto Star in an article titled (Virtual) reality bites. In addition to speaking with the elder statesman of virtual journalism – the Herald’s own Urizenus Sklar – and discussing the departure of [...]

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Residents of 8 Sims Homeless – Is Land Scamming or Illness to Blame?

by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk What appears to be one of the largest virtual land business failures ever threw residents of at least 8 sims out of their homes today – as the Azure Islands land company did a repo-man job on sims owned by Azure Islands but managed by lilly Margretts. Sources claim [...]

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Kaylia Burgess – Post 6 Grrrl

[Editrix’s note: Kaylia Burgess shows off her skills with the avatar shape editor this week, and to highlight Kaylia’s achievement we have my favorite SL photographer and artist - Marilyn Murphy - the photographer/visionary behind Players, SL’s in-world erotica magazine. After seeing how Kaylia can beautify the pages of the Herald, I’m sure our readers [...]

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Fear and Loathing in Second Life Part 9: Gideon Stays in Starwood Aloft!

[Yes yes, I know, we last left Gideon Television in the Big Brother contest, but that was so long ago and we at the Herald are so in the now, and more than that I'd like to think that Gideon was still there getting decorating tips from the Gorean mistress. So today we fast forward [...]

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AgePlay Sex Groups Grow 1% per Week

Linden crackdown not completely effectiveIntersexed avatar children up 57% in 21 days by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Second Life child sex ageplay involving mothers and sons has been dropping in popularity over the last three weeks – and is now down nearly 7% as compared to a Herald study 3 weeks ago. But all [...]

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China Zaps Internet Addiction

Low-voltage shocks help internet addicts sleep better – Lindens prefer herbal tea by Onder Skall Kids: when your parents tell you to get off the damned computer and get some fresh air, you’d better. If not, they might send you to China for treatment. When you arrive at the ‘treatment clinic’ you’ll be locked in [...]

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Usefulness Is Dangerous

Blingsider, Tard*Star, New World Goats Notes are completely safe by Bayesian TextBot be very very afraid of games – and the Second Life Herald Roderick Jones recently posted an article to Counterterrorism Blog entitled “MetaTerror: The Potential Use of MMORPGs by Terrorists“. The article is primarily about Second Life, and on the whole compliments Linden [...]

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The Light at the End of the Tunnel

by hotlips Tornado My heart really was pounding and my hands were shaking. At last, there was a light at the end of the tunnel and I knew what I had to do. Nervous, but excited, I walked up to the server and touched it. Up popped the familiar blue menu that I’d seen a [...]

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Ninja Looters of Infamy: Are The Patriotic Nigras Really Pathetic Posers?

In a shocking new twist to a story that already has more kinks than a pubic hair, reliable Herald sources inform us that despite their bragging on sites like 10 Zen Monkeys, the Patriotic Nigras did not initiate the attack on the John Edwards Headquarters in Second Life. According to our sources, the attack was [...]

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