Archive for May, 2007
Post Sixxx Guy – Jimbo Quality?

[This week’s Post Sixx Guy is, uh, wtf? no way! Jimbo Quality? That can't be right - I don’t know what Marilyn and Walker were thinking, but whatever. It's late, I'm tired, and there is always next week. Enjoy? - the Editrix] The legendary Marilyn Murphy has fantastic taste in avatars and of course it [...]
Full StoryInterview with Callie Cline

SL Avatar and MAXIM 100 Girl by Tenshi Vielle, Fabulous Fashionista Congratulations CALLIE CLINE! Well, it some doing, but only the SECOND LIFE HERALD got to sit down with Callie Cline and savor her experience for all Avatar kind – being a MAXIM 100 girl! I’ve been a friend of Callie’s forever, and I’ve seen [...]
Full StoryPlaying With Magic

For some roleplayers, Hogwarts Reborn is enchanting by Luthien Biziou A charming classroom It’s 5 minutes until 5pm, SLT. I teleport to Oahu, change into my appropriate avatar, and quickly navigate my 1st year Slytherin through the halls of Hogwarts Castle. I take a seat in the crowded Charms classroom. A 3rd year Ravenclaw behind [...]
Full StoryZero Residents Online – Jeff Linden Eats Crayons!

Make more linden space bucks in your great new SL call center careerSPECIAL BONUS: LL’s web site’s super-secret insights!!! by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk The mojo wire had certainly been working overtime – unlike the Herald staff — so I sat in the office sorting through the incoming rumors, press releases, and expense reports. [...]
Full StoryOldAge Play

Grandpapa’s got a brand new bag by peppermint fizz Gerontophilia is a sexual attraction to the elderly by someone who is not elderly. Though it’s not nearly as catchy as “Hot for Granny”, more than a few residents of Second Life seem to have it, and more than a few members of the gray haired [...]
Full StoryHarry Potter Role-Play Drama!!!
Shock! – angry in-character and out-of-character role play results in shootings by Hermione Ferraris, concerned role player A conflict in-game has been going on for a while and some of us have never known. Oahu – a Harry Potter themed role play sim – has been experiencing difficulties with in character (IC) and out of [...]
Full StoryBeauty – part two: A Physical Place

by Aurel milesWhen Anne Rice was finished with Vampires and not quite ready for the Son of God, she turned her attention to fairy tales. In particular she chose one fairy tale, Sleeping Beauty and turned it into a story of a journey from one state of existence to another. It may seem like a [...]
Full StorySUN Working with Linden Lab to Port Second Life to Solaris?

Interview with a Sun storage engineer who wants voice and no morning downtimes by JayR Cela After reading a recent business magazine article about Second Life and “Value Added Integrators of Information Technology Solutions”, I decided to take a tour of several of the major players with established an SL presence. While most of the [...]
Full StoryClasses Start at Hogwarts

Students celebrate with a ball by Curious Rousselot, Magical Affairs desk Excitement abounds on the island of Oahu, home to Wizard’s Alley – the biggest Harry Potter fan group in Second Life. The builders, under the direction of Harry Prefect, are frantically finishing the castle while Darcy Rutledge has been busy organizing teachers and arranging [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Why The Lindens Won’t Listen

And why nobody else will, either by Tenshi Vielle, Thoughtful Fashionista Many residents have been asking, “Why won’t they listen to us?” …With all the in-world problems, programming bugs, and general nuisance issues, the Open Letter Project was introduced and thousands ran to sign it. I decided to take another look and figure out exactly [...]
Full Story
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