The Justice League of Second Life
by Pixeleen Mistral on 10/06/07 at 10:17 pm
Bad boyz ignore the Lindens – but stand down for Batman
by peppermint fizz
A little over a year ago, a couple of fans of superheroes started a group as a comic book interest group. In the time since, the group has developed into an actual security force in Second Life. The thing that makes them unique is that they do so wearing superhero costumes from comic books. Justice League Unlimited, (JLU), patrols public sims and responds to griefer attacks, just like good superheroes should; fighting crime and taking down griefers.
Kalel Venkman, one of the group’s founders, tells it this way. “It was going to be an RP group, but after about three weeks of us walking around dressed as superheroes, people started coming up to ask asking for help with various problems – griefers in particular. So we had two choices – drop back, or step up. We stepped up.We’ve been a public service organization ever since. Since that time, about 14 months ago, we’ve grown to nearly 70 members”.
Kara Timtam, another of the founders, adds ‘Somehow this has mutated into a public service organization, using the “superhero” images to identify what we stand for: Truth and justice for all. That’s ALL, from the newest newbies to the big sim owners’.
In fact, the group is quite busy, during the course of the interview, a member of the Green Lantern Corps, a similar comic based security group, was called away to deal with a griefing, and Timtam, dressed as Supergirl, explained that as she was answering my questions, she and another member of the group âhave also been communicating with group members about a griefing in a public sandbox.
In the fourteen months since formation, the group has steadily grown not only in membership but also in reputation. âJLU has been invited to participate in SL Banlink, a conglomeration of sim owners who share information about griefers in order to keep them out,â says Supergirl. “JLU has been the only non-property-owning group thusly invited”.
Despite the emphasis on physical confrontation in comic books, the JLU seeks to use no force in dealing with griefers. “Oh, we have a number of techniques. But our first line of defense is diplomacy. Sometimes, the “griefing” is just a new chum who has not figured out where it is OK to shoot guns for fun and where it’s not. We tell them nicely. Sometimes it’s two people having fun with each other. Other times, it’s devoted little sociopaths who think it’s fun to ruin everyone else’s fun. We have no “powers” that any other paying members of SL don’t have, but we use them with care’”.
Wonder Woman added that griefers often attack “for no other reason than they get their jollies from it, conveniently forgetting or ignoring the fact that there are living, breathing people behind each avatar”.
One member added that the JLU is not a group that seeks to push an agenda, just help keep newbies and sim owners from having trouble at the hands of griefers, and that with the exception of public sandboxes and welcome areas, the JLU will only go patrol where it has been invited. We dont have any power to enforce a code of behaviors, we mostly stop people shooting innocents, and trying to crash sims. We would never try to enforce a code of behaviour either even if LL wants people to do that now. We only go where we’re invited.
Hawkgirl added, “We are no different than anyone else-but we are committed to te rules and feel an obligation to help out. A lot of us had angels help us as new users-we believe in paying that back-or forward as the case may be. The costumes are fun, but they’re just symbols-people recognize them as the good guys”.
Supergirl noted here that “I’ve seen some bad boyz who were ignoring Lindens, stand down for Batman”.
With the success they’ve experienced in fighting griefers, the group is getting a lot more invitations to come patrol private land. In fact, Kalel Venkman is one of the keynote speakers at next week’s Second Convention. His topic, Sim Security.
The group is selective in who it will accept for membership. People seeking to become superheroes in the SL JLU have to show that they really are interested in comic books, and also in fighting crime. We have fairly strict entry prerequisites, said Supergirl, including a minimum duration of time already in SL, and referral letters from older members.
Once in, members can select the hero they want to be. Multiple people playing the same superhero is ok with the group, but doesnât seem to be a problem as most of the really active avatars have become associated with one specific character. When asked, several members rattled off the members they could think of off the top of their head. “Batman, Aquaman, Supergirl, Wonder Woman, Powergirl, Superman, The Green Lantern, Iron Man just for starters”, said one.
“We have a great Batman. His account got hacked but he’s back and fighting crime again!” added Supergirl. “Oddly, we’re short on X-Men, since the movies are so popular. We have Phoenix and Colossus and Storm”.
“And Silver Surfer, who is an amazing scripter too”, added Wonder Woman.
“And three Spider-Men”, added another.
The bottom line for these heroes is that they’re patrolling the sims that want them in order to make the residents a little safer. Hawkgirl notes “It’s our philosophy to draw fire. Better that I get orbitted, for example, than some poor soul who may not have training or experience. It sounds terribly corny, I know, but it really is beyond and bigger than us-the whole idea behind the League is public service-not bashing heads”.
As the heroes flew off into the night sky to fight crime and patrol some sims, I think all of us that saw it felt a little safer.
Can these superheroes keep you safe?
[Should I hire the Justice League to keep me safe at virtual BBQs? I'd hate to end up as the guest of honor in something like this, and it seems like a legitimate business expense, too - the Editrix]
Jun 12th, 2007
I had no associations at the time. Also, I’m not crying. SL is actually very fun now compared to what it use to be. Maybe not fun for the people who are cought in the crossfire though. Should I thank JLU for being douchebags? Dunno.
In my opinion, I think JLU is making the greifer community grow not shrink. Griefers strive for attention and JLU gives them just that.
Jun 12th, 2007
@You (are a) nOOb
Its ironic how much of a nub you are.
Tracking scripts have been around for a long time, we (PN) used them, JLU uses them, and even smaller “stalker” groups of used them. (stalker groups being the smaller “anti griefer” groups that cant actually do anything other than follow us around until we orbit them). Pretty much any greifer or anti-greifer knows this already.
You fail at scripting, go back to whineing about fursecution.
Jun 12th, 2007
You (are a) n00b:
They use those methods too.
Their wiki is full of mined data, as is Angel Fluffy’s database.
They even log information they come across in casual banter, such as “It’s my birthday next week”. They spy on everyone.
Neo Citizen
Jun 12th, 2007
It’s amazing how people can just make his junk up! Nobody can get you kicked off the grid if you haven’t actually done something – the Lindens have this thing called a DATABASE. They look you up in it. If you’re guilty, the evidence is there and they do something. Bada bing. You got kicked off the grid because the JLU actually caught you doing something you weren’t sposed to and you got reported? I’m crying in my beer. No, really, I am.
You can’t just make shit up and sell it to the Lindens and make them do anything. It’s their grid, they can see every frickin’ thing you do for or to anybody if they go look it up. You wanna blame somebody for your problems getting banned or your stuff wiped by the admins, you got nobody to blame but yourself.
People who have a problem with getting caught and blaming other people for it shouldn’t even be on the grid.
Not Hazim Gazov
Jun 12th, 2007
You (are a) nOOb, you are completely wrong, I do it all the time. They put tracking scripts in our weapons, we make no mod shields with tracking scripts in them that report their co-ordinates to me and pass them out to tards.
Hazim Gazov
Jun 12th, 2007
Oh, and because the JLU obviously don’t have anything to hide, let’s have a look-see at the partial dump of the wiki.
Open with Winrar, the password is ‘timtam’.
I think they really think they’re superheros, they take it so seriously that griefing is more appealing than ever.
Hazim Gazov
Jun 12th, 2007
Oh yeah, that dump contains a semi up-to-date list of their members and several chatlogs, among other things.
Jun 12th, 2007
Yeah, they tried to dig up shit on me and completely failed. I don’t live in “puget sound”, never met N3X15 IRL, and do not own digibase – cute guesses, even though I’ve said my location and all sorts of personal info on IRC multiple times.
“Not only don’t they use griefer weapons, they don’t use weapons at all, it’s against their code, I’ve dealt with these guys a lotta times and they’ve never been less than courteous, respectful and responsive. And if they’re run-of-the-mill, knee-jerk vigilantes, why do the Lindens listen to them? And hello, they’re not service moderators, so how can they ban anybody? The Lindens do that.”
They don’t use weapons, eh? That’s hard to believe considering I received a copy of one Carigorp “magikarp” Malzerath (or whatever the fuck his name is) and it contained tons of JLU-themed “weapons”.
Also, Kara Timtam is the size of a small moon.
“nigrasonmylawnBURNTHEM” – not only is that horribly racist, it wouldn’t work, considering we just make new accounts. Spoiler: we don’t actually play this game like you guys do, getting “banned” or “sent to a cornfield” or “kickbanned” from an estate doesn’t do shit to us because we can just make a new account in 5 minutes, grab our old inventory, and be the same as before. JLU was able to get a spy into PN, which was admirable, but we discovered him, got into his email, and got into his account, then kickbanned most members and gave all his money to random people on the People list. Turnabout is fair play – do you really want such stupid “anti-griefers” “protecting” your land when they can’t even make their email on our site different from the email they use in the JLU?
Jun 12th, 2007
Kids, don’t ever let the JLU set up a wiki or a webserver for you. It’ll let “bad people” in.
Kerian Bunin
Jun 12th, 2007
I have a friend that had nothing at all to do with PN, but because they visited the sim of woodbury they were added to banlink. The JLU wouldn’t listen to what they had to say. Though I haven’t had any personal interaction with them, their Orwellian intel practices, and their overzealous attempts at hunting people down are enough for me to classify them in the same basket as the police groups which harass people.
Jun 12th, 2007
Illegally obtained documents illegally obtained by forcing ones way into someones account. Hazim no one is falling for it. That data was obtained with public information and NOT used to harass anyone, unlike what the PN/Anonymous/Channers do but taking information in the public domain and using it to harass, and sometimes financially ruin, people. Gathering info that’s readily found and left by moronic people in the internet is not illegal, USING it to harass and torment people is (ahem, PN, and /i/ from 420chan and 7chan among others.) You PN types are just upset because the trail of bread crumbs is leading back to you and it might possibly cause you legal action in real life since you fools have threated people with physical real life harm and have stalked people in real life.
quote an Anonymous chan user “Anon’s power lies in the interbutts.” That says it all right there, you all have a warped sense of reality or no sense at all
Protip- WitnessX is more than one person.
Jun 12th, 2007
I like these kids that think they are being clever by going “lol cant taek wut u r dishin out hmmmm grieferz?” even though I don’t believe they have any trouble at all getting unbanned. I honestly think they could care less about it.
I’d also like to note that some people on here seem to believe that griefers do nothing to do but sit at their computers griefing others, even though that’s a pretty damn ignorant idea. I actually met two people inadvertantly at my school and another on my football team that go to *chan often. (often enough to not be gaiafags) They seem like completely normal people with completely normal social lives; I actually thought they were full of it at first. In people’s spare time, however, we do random things to entertain ourselves. Seeing as how the chans have evolved over time to be more of a “no rules” sort of site, it’s just the place people go to do these things. We find amusement in messing with idiots. In most cases, they don’t realize that we are trolling them, so they give us an amusing reaction. Of course, if they wanted to, the proper way to deal with a troll to to try to ignore them until we get bored. But most of the people they mess with don’t realize that.
Seeing as how bans seem to have little effect on them seeing as how… they have their ways, and seeing as how insulting them doesn’t bother (most of, at least the good ones) them, groups like this serve little purpose except stopping individual griefers who don’t know what they are doing. This “Justice League” would be better off finding a different way to act more like actual superheros, instead of “stoppin bad interwebz ppl” by telling on them. Doesn’t sound interesting to me. Go make a super hero modification of sorts and use a combat zone to have some sort of meaningful presence.
Jun 12th, 2007
Justice fags really believe that they are superheroes. They come to SL to be able to feel powerful, to keep watch over the mindless sheep of Second Life. They aren’t in this to help people, they are in here to inflate their egos and stroke their raging epenis. They dont respect Landowners, let alone the privacy of average citizens, and act like they have all the control of a Linden. In reality, they are a bunch of losers on a power trip, and this article made that trip just a bit longer.
Artemis Fate
Jun 12th, 2007
Wow i’m surprised how much information they have in their database, and that’s only a partial dump. Very partial from the looks of things.
The B& Dagger
Jun 13th, 2007
Believe Tizzers for she speaks the truth. I was there that fateful day. And I was banned just for being there… I wasn’t even in the PN. I was just a innocent bystander.
This is why I bring doom and destruction to the land. You made me….. You’ve had your fun. Now I have mine. And I win on an epic scale.
Neo Citizen
Jun 13th, 2007
Hey, pretty smart! Admit to several felonies in a place you can’t delete it from afterwards.
I’m notifying the FBI on this one – this should be fun to watch.
Jun 13th, 2007
Oh yes…this is sure probably stroking their egos…in a trash wannabe “newspaper” that’s really a tabloid or more like an insignificant blog.
By the way didn’t Mootykips/Mudkips Acronym declare the JLU destroyed and curb stomped? Hmm, once again out of touch with reality…that college education he’s getting really hasn’t helped him one iota in the common sense department.
You PN have no imagination at all. This was probably done to get your shit in a knot so you can run here and post your lies and spew garbage. Really now, come on the…the Herald? Come on, only you PN really love reading this trash blog and it mightily shows. You’re probably just upset that your little attack on the Herald HQ a few months ago didn’t show up here for your “lulz.” I find it funny that the PN have just been served and you they don’t like it.
Jun 13th, 2007
Go away IntLib. We know its you, since you reek strongly of old fish.
Jun 13th, 2007
“Justice fags really believe that they are superheroes. They come to SL to be able to feel powerful, to keep watch over the mindless sheep of Second Life. They aren’t in this to help people, they are in here to inflate their egos and stroke their raging epenis. They dont respect Landowners, let alone the privacy of average citizens, and act like they have all the control of a Linden. In reality, they are a bunch of losers on a power trip, and this article made that trip just a bit longer.”
…hmmm…sounds like the epitome definition of a PN to me. You guys should hook up and have babies.
Captain Pugwash
Jun 13th, 2007
This is like arguing about polishing the turd. Do the losers in Costume Club polish the turd, or should someone slightly more embarrassing help prevent the losers in Naughty Club from tarnishing the turd?
Everyone ends up covered in poo folks. Go mow the lawn, or talk to a real life person of the opposite sex for instance.
Hazim Gazov
Jun 13th, 2007
Neo Citizen, be my guest, I’m sure they’ll be all over it.
Also, my other server’s down due to PHP being a bitch, so the rar is on the backup server at
Hazim Gazov
Jun 13th, 2007
Kerian, Animom was added to the rainbow tiger list, that had nothing to do with the JLU.
Jun 13th, 2007
“Neo Citizen, be my guest, I’m sure they’ll be all over it.
Also, my other server’s down due to PHP being a bitch, so the rar is on the backup server at”
ROFLMAO!!! Weren’t you the same dork pointing out that these guys had poor intarweb skills? Yet Php/Apache/MySql is kicking your ass?!?!?!
That is some funny shit! You NOOB! LAWL!
Jun 13th, 2007
“@You (are a) nOOb
Its ironic how much of a nub you are.
Tracking scripts have been around for a long time, we (PN) used them, JLU uses them, and even smaller “stalker” groups of used them. (stalker groups being the smaller “anti griefer” groups that cant actually do anything other than follow us around until we orbit them). Pretty much any greifer or anti-greifer knows this already.
You fail at scripting, go back to whineing about fursecution.”
And you obviously fail at reading.
YES, there’s hundreds of ways to track people across the grid, I know this.
But it is impossible to put ANY script into anyone else’s objects in their inventory, as one of your nameless buddies suggested. And even more impossible to have that working while the scripted object is in the inventory and not worn, as was also suggested.
And ooh, isn’t that wonderful? Fursecution, what the hell are you talking about? I point out a piece of BS spread around by you guys, and that makes me a furry? So I guess everyone pointing out something stupid written by you guys is a furry? damn. I have to stop shaving now.
Seriously, get a life. Second, first, half, I don’t care. Whatever you do, please stop making yourself known for what you really are: a bunch of retards.
Oh wait, seeing each and every other post in the past by you guys… TOO LATE!
Jun 13th, 2007
“Justice fags really believe that they are superheroes. They come to SL to be able to feel powerful, to keep watch over the mindless sheep of Second Life. They aren’t in this to help people, they are in here to inflate their egos and stroke their raging epenis. They dont respect Landowners, let alone the privacy of average citizens, and act like they have all the control of a Linden. In reality, they are a bunch of losers on a power trip, and this article made that trip just a bit longer.”
…hmmm…sounds like the epitome definition of a PN to me. You guys should hook up and have babies.”
Jun 13th, 2007
“PN fags really believe that they are superheroes. They come to SL to be able to feel powerful, to keep watch over the mindless sheep of Second Life. They aren’t in this to help people, they are in here to inflate their egos and stroke their raging epenis. They dont respect Landowners, let alone the privacy of average citizens, and act like they have all the control of a Linden. In reality, they are a bunch of losers on a power trip, and this article made that trip just a bit longer.”
^^ fixed
AHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Did you mean to be so ironic PN retardo boy? Go wash your face and brush your teeth little one, it’s beddy-bye time. Don’t make me go get your father!
Fucking losers. PN, “Hazim”, et al, you can all go fuck yourselves (you prolly are right now anyway). You intimidate only other nerds like yourselves who have nothing in RL to be proud of, so you swagger around teh intarwebs to make up for your RL short comings.
Get a fucking life.
Jun 13th, 2007
You’re cute. ^_^ Crappy insults make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Jun 13th, 2007
“PN fags really believe that they are superheroes. They come to SL to be able to feel powerful, to keep watch over the mindless sheep of Second Life. They aren’t in this to help people, they are in here to inflate their egos and stroke their raging epenis. They dont respect Landowners, let alone the privacy of average citizens, and act like they have all the control of a Linden. In reality, they are a bunch of losers on a power trip, and this article made that trip just a bit longer.”
^^ fixed
AHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Did you mean to be so ironic PN retardo boy? Go wash your face and brush your teeth little one, it’s beddy-bye time. Don’t make me go get your father!
Fucking losers. PN, “Hazim”, et al, you can all go fuck yourselves (you prolly are right now anyway). You intimidate only other nerds like yourselves who have nothing in RL to be proud of, so you swagger around teh intarwebs to make up for your RL short comings.
Get a fucking life.”
No u
Jun 13th, 2007
No u
Jun 13th, 2007
Obviously, crappy insults do that for you, because crappy insults are about all you’re capable of. Thanks for proving my point, now go do your homework and keep your hands off that nasty thing dangling between your legs.
Hazim Gazov
Jun 13th, 2007
>>Fucking losers. PN, “Hazim”, et al, you can all go fuck yourselves (you prolly are right now anyway). You intimidate only other nerds like yourselves who have nothing in RL to be proud of, so you swagger around teh intarwebs to make up for your RL short comings.
You’re right!
Hazim Gazov
Jun 13th, 2007
>>Yet Php/Apache/MySql is kicking your ass?!?!?!
N3X’s bot was raping the server.
Hazim Gazov
Jun 13th, 2007
Oh yeah, I never said that the JLU had “poor intarweb skillz” I know it was a bug in mediawiki, and N3X15 was the one who said it. If you’re going to flame me, you can at least try to get your facts straight.
I don’t know if you guys are trying to enrage me or anything, because it’s not working. Seeing more people getting butthurt and turning the comments into an anti-pn crusade makes me laugh.
People are on Second Life to make up for their RL shortcomings, you faggot. Furries aren’t really wolves, goreans aren’t really from 90 billion bc, and you’re not cool.
That thing between your legs isn’t just for peeing, it’s for SRS BSNSS, AND YOU’D BETTER NOT LAUGH, OR I’M GOING TO GIVE YOU DETENTION.
Propane Tenk
Jun 13th, 2007
I’m sorry you seem to be so misinformed Mark, but there is another, wonderful function of that particular organ that you seem to be unaware of. Perhaps you should talk to your parents about how you arrived at this world.
Jun 13th, 2007
there, I invoked godwin’s law. please stop being gay or a serious infection of aids will fester.
Jun 13th, 2007
“Seeing more people getting butthurt and turning the comments into an anti-pn crusade makes me laugh.”
No one sounds butthurt really, seems like they’re just sick and tired of the PN and want them gone. No one needs to be anti-PN really because the PN are on their deathbed anyways and are full of more spies than actual members. The ONLY good thing the PN have done is pushed more and more people into getting better with anti-griefer tech and dealing with griefers. Now the PN are just pissed that they really can’t move within a world that helped harden and don’t they don’t have the ability to push through the barriers anymore.
That’s the PN legacy, that they pushed people so far and raised the bar so high with how people deal with griefing that the PN couldn’t keep up with the ball they started rolling. Just in the that case people need to thank the PN and that case alone.
Jun 13th, 2007
Harper Collas, "PN spy/ Money Launderer"
Jun 13th, 2007
Protip: WitnessX= Intlibber
By the way Intlib, I herd you lost 2/3 of your IRL monies yesterday. Good thing BNT stock certificates are printed on quilted northern.
The B& Dagger
Jun 14th, 2007
Oh ho ho ho I love an internet threat.
“I’m notifying the FBI on this one – this should be fun to watch.
Jimbo Quality
Jun 14th, 2007
Ok. I tied myself to an SL Railroad track and have been waiting three frickin days for Wonder Woman to come save me. Haven’t seen any heroes, but I did get rammed by a newbie and peed on by a reporter from SLNN. Now a virtual squirrel has been eyeing me suspiciously. I fear he may see my magnificent rock hard glutes a proper surface on which to crack nuts.
Please, Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Hillary…come save me.
Hazim Gazov
Jun 14th, 2007
>>”they’re just sick and tired of the PN and want them gone.”
Close enough to butthurt for me.
Beenthere Dunthat
Jun 14th, 2007
Ever been griefed? I have and I was not amused. It’s unfortunate that groups like the JLU have to exist. The one thing I’ve noticed about their detracters is that they offer no solution regarding those who seek to disrupt the legitimate activities of others; all they can do is put down other’s efforts, or, point the accusatory finger in the other direction. It’s a simple forumla actually … no griefers/no anti-griefers. Ever stop to consider which came first?
Jun 14th, 2007
:I’m sorry you seem to be so misinformed Mark, but there is another, wonderful function of that particular organ that you seem to be unaware of. Perhaps you should talk to your parents about how you arrived at this world.:
Not much for sarcasm are you? See, the lot of you act like you just figured out what your peepees were for yesterday.
Yes u.
Go fuck yourself. I am about as afraid of you as I am my 7 year old cousin with attention deficit – whole lotta noise, but really just a little kid driven by fears born of bad parenting.
Thank your parents losers! Just make sure they remember to have a will made so your drunk uncle doesn’t take over the trailer.
Jun 14th, 2007
No, most people are here as a diversion from the grind. You just can’t stand that they are having fun you miserable twat. Misery loves company, and you epitomize that. I’m really sorry momma pulled you away from the teats too early for your liking, and your now all angsty and have to act like a 13 year old, hiding behind fake curtains of post modernism.
Why don’t you go save something real, rather than make up for your RL shortcomings by hassling people who are simply recreating, fuck face?
Nothing more than a bunch of Gladys Kravitz’s with their noses glued to the window, raging inside at what the Joneses are doing. You’re a fucking simpleton, and you’ll never amount to anything until you shed the mantle of “the world is to blame for all my personal short comings so I am going to scream for attention like an abandoned crack baby” routine.
Go fuck yourself, hard.
Jun 14th, 2007
Mark, you won’t solve anything by using insults in that manner.
You simply drag yourself down.
It’s a stupid thing to use stereotypes, another when you try to twist words someone said into an insult back at them, and when you do both, it makes one look pitiful.
Don’t stereotype. “Griefers” are not all hicks, trailer trash, nor even basement-dwellers. Most of them are normal people who are simply bored, and have found something to do with spare time.
And believe it or not, but “griefing” can technically be described as simply another way to play the game.
I await your insults.
Jun 14th, 2007
I used to like the JLU until they decided to invade my sim and unleash several sim crashers on it for no reason whatsoever, they didnt even give me a reason. other than threatening me if I bitched I was a PN supporter and they’d have me and my sim banned.
They’re griefers, plain and simple.
The B& Dagger
Jun 14th, 2007
Dear Herald Writer/Comment Mod: You took a big chunk out of my comment there pal.
Nice job. I guess I know who is in charge here huh?
It’s Sad.. really.
And The Herald believes they are truly journalists… even more sad.
Now let’s see if ol’ Big Time Comment Mod has the balls to let this one thru.. i doubt it.
Chalk Stepavov
Jun 15th, 2007
I found this pretty interesting from Hazim’s link:
That’s JLU’s wiki entry for Nexus. Listed are his full name, home address, postal code, various email address, where he works, where he goes to school, what message boards he frequents, and speculation on his age and that he might be going bald(?). None of which has anything to do Second Life as far as I can tell.
This is creepy, creepy stalker shit. I’m really disturbed that there are people online that think that this is acceptible behavior.
Why Bother
Jun 15th, 2007
“I used to like the JLU until they decided to invade my sim and unleash several sim crashers on it for no reason whatsoever, they didnt even give me a reason. other than threatening me if I bitched I was a PN supporter and they’d have me and my sim banned.
They’re griefers, plain and simple.”
This is pure PN propaganda right there. I admit they’re good are trying to spin but that’s just about it, it’s their silly “psyops.” If the JLU actually did do that there would get logs of evidence of it and they would be banned out of SL for sure. The average SL citizens, and some who have been around awhile, who don’t like the JLU have even stated in these very comments that what something like what this commenter said about the JLU crashing sims is not something the JLU would do, it’s simply not their M.O.
Jun 15th, 2007
“Furries aren’t really wolves, goreans aren’t really from 90 billion bc, and you’re not cool.”
Funny how people always feel the need to point out furries are not animals IRL.