Archive for July, 2007
Ginko Financial’s AVIX Buyout Blocked
Cash crunch and opaque accounting limits Ginko’s appeal by Jessica Holyoke The SL financial market was roiled today by news that the Ginko Financial Group, owned by Nicholas Portocarrero was attempting to buy a controlling interest in AVIX financials, owned by Investor Allen. After previous reports of Ginko’s inability to cover withdrawals from the “bank”, [...]
Full StoryUnstable Platform Rocks SL Markets?
Bank run on Ginko Financial, Dreamland fingers Linden Lab for unstable grid by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Dollars spent in Second Life – as tracked by Reuters Residents who play the fictional financial markets in Second Life were hard pressed to decide if the precipitous drop in in-world spending since Thursday is a rational [...]
Full StoryLove Letters To The Net
by Onder Skall Remember people putting “cyber” in front of everything? Remember articles defining what an “emoticon” was? Suddenly… VERY suddenly… everything changed. That network not only became mainstream, it also fundamentally changed the lives of a lot of people. The isolated had company. The uneducated gained knowledge. The dreamers touched their dreams. The Internet [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Civics for the Un-Civil
…Or How to Effectively Protest the Second Life Gambling Ban by Carl Metropolitan Linden Lab announced their new “no gambling” policy on Wednesday, and by Thursday afternoon, it had already provoked significant—but misdirected—protests from a normally quiet section of the Second Life population and the dozens lengthy forum threads. Cheers to the protesters and posters [...]
Full StoryIf Its Gambling – It’s Gone
Resident Reaction to LL Gambling Banby Jessica Holyoke know your limits The talk of the metaverse for has been the wednesday afternoon blog post in which the Lindens ban betting machines that rely on a randomly generated numbers to declare a winner – and also banned betting on real-life sporting events. Although the new policy [...]
Full StoryWeb of Berzerk Squids Guard SL
LL does not not study history – prefers to repeat it by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Unruly squids have created problems for Linden Lab in the past, and the beasts from the deep seem to have surfaced once again – inside the Second Life client. This morning attempts at entry to Linden Lab’s alleged [...]
Full StoryEkkeo Drake – Post 6 Furry
[Today our Post 6 feature is Ekkeo Drake, a super cute Ice Joguani. Be careful here - these pictures might lead some human avatars to take a walk on the wild side - possibly resulting in a permanent transformation. As always, this fabulous pictorial was created by the supreme artist of unabashed avatar art - [...]
Full StoryUser-Created Content
Graffiti and Web 2.0 by Onder Skall On my way home there’s this tunnel I pass through. It periodically fills with graffiti and then gets wiped clean. The really good graffiti doesn’t appear here. The good stuff ends up on a wall between two lanes of the highway that few but the most stalwart urban [...]
Full StoryThe Disneyification of the Second Life
Splashing bleach on SL – metaverse sanitized for your protection by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Your world, your imagination – except for gambling Robin Linden, v.p. for management and community development at Linden Lab, today announced an impressive new plan to sanitize gambling from the Second Life experience. While Robin was careful to point [...]
Full StoryThe Road to the Byte House
All chickens will have pot and steroids Jimbo Quality provides an update on the state of his campaign to become President of Second Life or something. We’re not sure. You won’t be either. by Jimbo Quality, presidential candidate It was troubling to go skipping and whistling past the jugs where we hold the reader comments [...]
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