Are Furries Doomed?
by Pixeleen Mistral on 21/07/07 at 1:28 pm
Fallout from enforcing bans on “Broadly Offensive” behavior may threaten furry avatars
by Cinnamon Twist, spicy reporter
Can furries yiff without being offensive?
Great Britain had many rules on the books for many years that it didn’t enforce in the American colonies. They were there, sure, but they were largely ignored. When Britain started to enforce rules in order to make the colonies more profitable, the colonists rebelled. Is this the fate of Second Life’s residents with regard to the notorious “broadly offensive” clause in the TOS?
In a recent article by the Herald’s award winning syndicated advice columnist Heartun Breaker, a reader asked Where do I find animals in Second Life who want to play animals… and play with me as I am?
The answer brings us to a string of even more interesting questions – some not which could be not safe for work.
Where do I find animals in Second Life who want to play animals… and play with me as I am?
The answer to that is, of course, everywhere one looks in Second Life. As the Lindens look to clean up the “broadly offensive” behavior that has been allowed to grow and develop unchecked since 2003, one of the many questions that will surely be raised involves the line between Furries and bestiality.
mounting evidence of virtual bestiality?
Most Furries in Second Life have adopted the classic “anthropomorphic” animal, like a cartoon animal. The Lindens even offer such an avatar as one of the basic shapes you can choose when you are born in Second Life. If one uses such an avatar, and one has sexual congress with another avatar, either human or furry, is that bestiality?
straw poll indicates some SL players will cross species boundaries
More to the point of the original question posed, what if someone looks for an avatar that looks less like a cartoon and more like a real animal? With some shopping, one can find avatars that will turn one into an anatomically correct dog or horse. Having sex with one of these creatures for real in many US states and foreign countries is a crime. Certainly many people find the idea of coupling with a dog or horse to be offensive. Will these avatars soon be banned? Can we logically assume that if the realistic animal costumes are banned then a case can be made to ban all furries in order to avoid the “gray area” that would ensue should the Lindens choose to ban “realistic” animal avatars?
In many shops, people are able to buy animal props, with poses and animations, that allow them to simulate sex with dogs and horses. These “animals,” though they look realistic enough, are merely sexual props; no more real than a ‘dildo’ or a sexual pose ball. Having sex with animals, or appearing to have sex with animals, however, is far more offensive than using traditional sex toys, so do they need to be banned? If so, how do we differentiate them from the other sex toys?
Where will the community draw the line with regard to “broadly offensive”? Will dildos, sexgen beds and Furries soon be a thing of the past?
Nov 13th, 2007
Why do furs have to be gay? I am a furry because I support the PROTECTION of animals and THEIR life. Yes, I am a human (IRL) but I can fully express my care for wildlife protection through the furry avatar!
To say that furs are gay is an act of racism and an immoral act towards all of the programs set in place for animal protection. I personally do not condone sex with animals, but if a fox wishes to go at it with a fox, then what is SO BAD about PRETENDING in a VIRTUAL space? If it is so bad, why is it such a debate?
Besides, have you HATERS ever considered the things movie viewers and TV watchers are accepting to VIEW… ALL of the listed movies and shows either encourage Anthropomorphism (which according to other haters is a direct tie to sex) or yiffing (also with technology + man with animal + animal)…
SPORTS MASCOTS, LION KING, UNDERWORLD, STORM HAWKS, DINOSAURS (the movie), AEON FLUX, GREEK MYTHOLOGY AND THEIR GODS, EGYPTIAN MYTHOLOGY AND THEIR GODS, AZTECS, NUBIANS, and think about all of the famous European artists that depicted animals in human forms (or animals in this argument’s topic)…
…Oh, and man wanting to have technology infused to become an android, then FUTURAMA (for one example) that exemplifies a world that supports sex with robots (just as bad a yiffing)…
The list goes on and on…
I have friends, best friends, that know I am into yiffing, and they know it very well, but that does not stop them from doing (human) things with them! Because we are all human, there is a psychological equivalent or similarity between everyone’s mind.
Scientists still have to figure out the way the mind works, and people still slam others rather than ATTEMPTING to figure out what the h*** the other person is thinking! Wait, we already have tried to do that… it is called war. This is not a war, this is the same exact lust that you feel for your spouse (or fellow human).
…My bloodline is of Native American descent and my family, they all have a spiritual animal within them. Every so often, a relative is born with two spirits… I am a wolf and a hawk, the wolf controls my lust/rage and the hawk controls my thoughts/emotions…
For people who hate furries: How do you control YOUR emotions?
mudpaws thor
Nov 27th, 2007
you all need to chill ,, and think im a fur and been attacked by griefers thay are the guy’s who need to be band ,,, thy trapped me in a box that had pic’s of child porn in it and was saying things about me being a fur fag… and you call us nasty iv seen more human sim’s that make furry yiff sim’s look like a sunday school picnic .. you guys are the sick minded ones look in a mirror before you talk then think,, besides only sick minded people really look for the nasty stuff not the normal people .. sham on all of YOU
not all fur’s are that way if you want to hear the truth about furry’s you need to listen to a fur broad cast i now of one on SKYPE
Dec 3rd, 2007
I changed me mind. I cannot live a lie any more… yes, it’s true, I fap to yiff.
Iexo Bethune
Dec 4th, 2007
This is a rather fun subject to toy with, because not only is the term “broadly offensive” “offensively broad”, as Nacon pointed out, but LL has shown a distubing lack of support in the cases where someone took offense to an in-world sexual act, even if the person offended was breaking the ToS and the law by illegally evesdropping on the defendants. Under this example, it’s concievably possible that in the future, all sexual acts may be banned, and women may be forced to cover their faces, since not doing so may be considered “broadly offensive” in Islamic nations.
Iexo Bethune
Dec 4th, 2007
Pardon me, it was moses who said that. Sorry…
Dec 15th, 2007
Some of you seem to forget, that not all of us furs are actually “Beastiality go’ers” i myself am i fur because i believe in the native indian ways of Totems, mine being a horse and as such i choose to be one. going around calling every Anthro animal you see a furfag could actually be under the whole “Griefing act, in the SL clause” but dont get me wrong. i do agree that there are some extents Furs go to which i dont agree with. but come on, Tentacles??? what do you say about them??? they arent furry but they technically “could” be classed as a creature and not human, do you say TentacleFag to anyone who uses them, i probably think not. Judging books by their immediate cover deserves an ill fate later in life. would you go up to a 6ft gay body builder and call him a fag?… just keep in mind. that not all furs are here to have sexplay.
Dec 15th, 2007
Ashakan: congratulations, you’re delusional, but thanks for bumping this so I can set the record straight on a number of wonderful things! nobody cares about “TentacleFag[s]” because people that like tentacle hentai don’t go dress up as tentacles and go to conventions, or make “tentacle clans” in online gaming. The list goes on.
also, lol @ fake me, not only do I no longer post as a namefag because using reputation to win arguments isn’t how *chan boards work, mootykips is all lower case. I’m off to CapitalizationCon 08. I’m dressing up as a upper case U, it will be SO HOT.
finally, @ wolftomorrow, “yes, I’m a furry”, wildlife_protector, mudpaws thor: Hey, furries.
I understand you completely. I didn’t learn everything about you off CSI and MTV. I also know enough to say with full confidence that your claims of “furries aren’t all about sex” is a steaming load. I do know enough to understand that your whiny self-pitying claims supply 100% the daily recommended dose of horse shit and your outdated suppositions about your detractors is part of a complete persecution complex.
I have every right to judge you based on the group you belong to, because you actively chose to belong to it. It’s not a higher force like religion, and it’s not genetic like race. So stop trying to compare your internet mockery to groups who have had to face actual persecution and oppression, because you don’t fit that fucking bill.
And I’ve got plenty of reasons to make that judgment a negative one to your distinct person. I CAN see your affiliation as a sign of your stupidity. And the most prominent reason is the most obvious: if you weren’t stupid, you wouldn’t be fucking furries.
But, through all that, I’ll give you your request, considering you as a person (“we are all human”, right?) because I don’t have to judge you from your group. Not for a second. Because if you’d broken out of your whiny fucking shells for one second you’d have realized the thing I hate the most isn’t the porn – there are fetishes out there that disgust me more, both physically and morally.
No, the thing I hate most about furries is people just like you. Self-aggrandizing fucktards who think they’re the ones making that shit look good, instead of exactly what it is. Idiot furries claiming “you don’t understand us”, thinking that no-one could possibly understand you and dislike you. IMPOSSIBLE. So right now, I am judging you on an intellectual basis. And you just gave me more reason than I’d ever need to hate you.
I hate you – your quasi-intellectual bullshit and your nauseatingly asinine persecution complex is worse to me than any private sexual fetish.
Still want to keep this on an intellectual level? No? Then get the fuck out.
Also, cocks.
p.s.: “IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT? 20% OF THE WORLD’S POPULATION DEAD? ” – yeah, if 20% of the world’s population are furries. thankfully, they’re not. and if they are, they’re most likely the “better” kind, the kind that doesn’t let their life revolve around a kink and make it known to the world at large. Do whatever you want, but don’t assume anyone will accept it when it crosses the boundaries of the bedroom (where it belongs)
p.p.s.: thanks again for bumping this, that was really fun.
Dec 15th, 2007
Very interesting.
If the same laws are to apply in virtual worlds as in the real world, then consequently: speed limits must immediately be enforced in car racing games, particularly in games where racing is carried out in areas that are portrayed as normal streets.
Drivers who do 90 mph in a virtual built up area where the speed limit would be 30 mph must lose their driving licenses in the real world. Right?
There must also be heavy fines for virtual animal cruelty, for example every time a virtual monster is being killed in World of Warcraft. The alsatian dogs in the old Castle Wolfenstein are particularly badly treated (being fired upon) and must be protected from further abuse by excessively violent Wolfenstein players.
And of course, there has to be murder charges on each and every gunshot in Counterstrike where a virtual player of the opposing team is virtually shot dead.
Does it sound ridiculous?
If (weird) virtual sex is banned because it is “offensive”, then all of the above will become perfectly logical. What can be more offensive than shooting someone?
If there is no distinction between virtual and real, then it is the same thing.
My Point: I am amazed at the inability to distinguish between the real world and the virtual world (which is, hellooo: NOT REAL).
Dec 15th, 2007
You know, its people like you who cause world hunger isnt it?… thinking your so high up there with your own foot up your anus. just because you know how to read a dictionary doesnt mean you can make yourself sound more important than you are actually just a complete ponce gibbering about your own self determined Race war. quite frankly i dont hate humans, i dont hate furries, i dont hate anyone. apart from the ones like you that seem to find it amusing to pick on the “Generalised” groups. try walking into a group of American indians and telling them their beliefs are bollox, i garauntee you would be the one out on your ass. and quite frankly stating that my beliefs in that culture is “Actually” a breach of your own “High prestegious” TOS read noted section on Racism my friend and eat your own steaming pile. oh and we understand your type more than you know. Also one more thing, the need to persecute individuals because of their own beliefs, is more pitiful than a monkey picking his ass with your toothbrush.
but i totally agree with you “NoSexNoViolenceNoSpeedNoNothing” this is a virtual “GAME” Also it can also be used as a medium to express yourself. In return however, everyone should be allowed to express themselves in their own right withough the requirement of earmuffs from lippy Fucktards, sorry, thats not fair. even they have a sense of common decency.
Jan 15th, 2008
Jeeze. If it doesn’t happen in front of you, why the hell should you care?
“If no one knows about it, who is there to care?”
You don’t see people who -HATE- masturbating, trying to find some way to stop all forms of ejaculation, sex, or pleasuring of one’s self.
Technically, if you look at it, masturbation is a fetish.
But you don’t see anyone trying to stop that fetish in all ways shapes and forms.
So why in the hell is anyone trying to stop Furries?
It’s like me going on about how I hate how a lot of girls have hairy crotches, and trying to get it so it’s illegal for any girls to have hairy crotches.
You see how lame it sounds when compared like that?
Very lame.
Personal preferences vary from person to person. Live with it.
“If you can’t be happy for what you’ve received, be glad for what you’ve escaped.”
You COULD have a fat, hairy, and bald man raping you on a couch. BUT! You’re not. Be glad. C:
My main point is, if you don’t like it, and if it’s not happening to you, why the -hell- are you trying to make it so people who -ENJOY- it, can’t do it with others who enjoy it?
If you still say that you just don’t want it to happen, ever, just think about this: Maybe the president/king/queen/ruler(whatever in your area) Will decide next week, to outlaw masturbation, and maybe even sex in general, because they think it’s “icky” and they don’t want it to happen.
Jan 15th, 2008
Foxe: apparently reading comprehension is not your strong point
Jan 17th, 2008
Seems to me that a lot of people need to pull the stick out of their ass. What one does in one’s free time should be a totally personal choice. If the SL folks think furries are scaring away the “regulars,” a less drastic reaction might be to set up a special area where “anything goes” and disallow certain things outside that area. Then the poor, narrow-minded control-freaks can just avoid that area when they sit down with their dolls and teddy bears for a tea party. As far as bestiality is concerned, until you stop killing and eating animals in real life, I don’t think you have a right to say a _single_ word about harmless pleasurable acts others engage in with them, and doubly so when it takes place in a virtual world like SL.
Jan 21st, 2008
Wow. From the hilarious comments to the stern serious ones, that’s all I can say in comment.
Actually, that’s a lie. So hold on kiddies, here’s what I hafta say:
My fellow human beings, why must we all be so angry with one another? I see written above Hate, Prejudice, Idiocy, and Bigotry in their utmost worst forms. I see Strong, meaningful contributes to the subject torn down piece by piece for their acceptance of the subject, and I see reasonable understanding adversity shot down for their truthfulness.
Now, I can understand the love some have for furries, I can understand the hate some have for furries. But what I don’t understand is why these two opposing opinions are so heated and expressed far beyond their reason for being. From what I can see, it’s not the belief itself that is what turns so ugly; it’s the holders of it. You wish to love, do so; it’s your standing that makes you who you are. The same is said for those who hate. But it’s the forceful intrusion unto another’s life and belief that I see the friction begin. And the way I see this done is not in attempt to understand and rectify misunderstandings of the others’ ideas, but just to infuriate them. Doing this takes meaning from what you say, and what you believe. To do this is what causes excess hate and anger towards something that shouldn’t suffer such a way.
I hate. I think negatively about a lot of things. I despise many fetishes that are out there so much that I would literally vomit should I witness them. I mock lifestyles that I find silly, offensive, inhuman, etc. I even lose respect for the individual whom participates in such acts. The only difference being is that I treat them no different then I do myself, regardless of what their interests may be. Should I find their likes be too far outside my comfort level, I leave them be. It’s that simple.
The hate I see here is humorous, funny in a way that those who have little to say a lot in so little words.
Quote: “lolfurfags”
Ahh.. Classic.
But it’s these people who only fuel the fire (trolls, I believe they’re called) that both sides are responsible for starting. Like a never ending game of ping-pong. Useless in nature, and only causing anger between the players.
I say both sides are responcible because they are. Simple. the furry community has only their selves to blame for the incessant output of yiff and themed artwork/activities over the years that they are mocked for, and the antagonists for singling them out from all other known fetishes out there, saying it’s absurd and sick that they fantasies about something. Pitiful on both accounts if I might say.
To Furries:
I understand that you are who you are, that you enjoy being something you’re not to escape this crappy world we live in. I understand that some, not all of you, but a good majority has or are in it for the sexual aspect. Which is fine by me. However. The inability to control and have modesty over these acts is the reason furries are thought of as the way they are. There’s a line most of you cross, from sane reasonable fixation of the fandom, to the unsettling unhealthy obsession that dominates your life. And for the sex, no less. I see the fandom as being an excuses to be the sexual deviant master pet owner wolf hermaphrodite Bi etc. that people secretly wish to be. It’s not, but sadly it’s how it is seen. and it’s those of you who parade around begging for sexual acts and happily display your willingness to submit to this stereotype whom are to blame, I have no sympathy for you when you do the aforementioned then bitch about being made fun of. You made that bed, you sleep in it. For once.
To the Antagonists:
I understand your disapproval of the actions of furries. Some things people don’t understand are easy targets for ridicule. I know that some of you know exactly what it’s like, yet feel the need to mock it into utter submission, then kick it a little. But to do these things doesn’t help anyone but yourself to hate. You might enjoy that, to cause pain to others whom are different. The selfish aspect from with your hate derives makes you the most pathetic being on earth. It’s you who push people over the edge for your own sick amusement. Sicker then anything I’ve ever witnessed from the very furry community you so readily mock. Unable to accept and learn to evade that which disturbs you like others have learned to do probably because you don’t wish to. It might even be, dare I say, your fetish. There are worse things in this world you can expend this hate of yours on, but that’s just a little friendly advise.
To all of you. Your beliefs are your own, as are mine. What makes me me is that I am not you, and trying to change that by forcing beliefs, furry or anti-furry, on me will never change that. We all must learn to think and accept things as we can understand them, and that no body, no mater how similar, not matter how close or how deep they are to you, thinks exactly the same. And yes, I am a fur. And proud of it.
Jan 21st, 2008
Jack: hey guess what looks like you can’t read either, you stupid furfag
Jan 23rd, 2008
err… o..k then… maybe then murdering people in video games should also be banned, since it also is illegal in some places :\
Who the hell gives a flying **** what is legal and illegal in RL, this is SL!! A virtual world/game! If some people want to have virtual sex with an consenting animal (possible in SL not in RL), THEN I SAY “GO AHEAD!”. Hell do it infront of me, if I don’t like what I see, I’ll look in the other direction or teleport away, or logout. If I like what I see though then you have to let me watch, it’s only fair. I nor you have to watch it, and if it really bothers you and you don’t want to move on then ask nicely for them to stop and do it somewhere private. “Please! Get a room!” works.
Quoted in agreement: “As far as bestiality is concerned, until you stop killing and eating animals in real life, I don’t think you have a right to say a _single_ word about harmless pleasurable acts others engage in with them, and doubly so when it takes place in a virtual world like SL.”
True dat ^ We slice up animals all the time to eat, yet you all have trouble seeing DIGITAL IMAGES of animals enjoying having sex with humans. You just want them to be your food, not have any fun eh?
Furries have as much right to have sex in the middle of a room with a human in SL as humans do. And just like a pair a humans, if it bothers you… then wtf are you doing in SL, aka virtual fetish “strange ****” sex central.
Remember folks, it is just a bunch of polygons and textures ok. This isn’t real, not even close. It’s not the matrix, if you die in SL you don’t die in RL. If you have sex with a furry in SL you want have sex with a furry in RL (real life furries don’t look as cool…).
PS: I’m not even a furry and I think this is stupid.
Jan 23rd, 2008
What the fuck, why do you butthurt fags revive topics from months ago?
Does your ass really hurt THAT bad?
Maria Woods
Feb 14th, 2008
I can’t believe we have so many fucking assholes in USA… What fucking pissed in your cereal to act like this? Is there really that many stupid people out in the world? So stupid that you can’t realise the own arrogence of your ways? Not everyone is perfect, nor will anyone be. The main factor is genes and chromosones. If we all want to get scientifical, then I say let’s talk science… Everyone is built of the same thing, but everyone’s DNA is completely different. Furs, or supposedly “Normal” humans have the same damn DNA, but yet just because of a slight differental of what turns us on in likings. So Aussiedude,
shut the fuck up. You’re one of the stupid people in America, or if you’re not in America, you’re still (As you say) a fag. Go off to your mother’s basment you fucking, fat, piece of shit! Go to hell to all haters. Not just fur haters, all fucking racist idiots! All fucking sexist idiots! Any form of haters all should burn like they deserve! You’re taking too much of your sucking life worrying and hating others! Get your own fucking life and be happy!
Feb 21st, 2008
Look every one of you that are bashing “Furrys” does that keep you from watching old bugs bunny or even Micky Mouse? In proper terms those are also furrys. Every one needs to sit down and only be conserned with their lives and not worry about everyone else. That is what got this country all fucked up in the first place. You can’t make the world a better place by telling everyone else to live like you…. this is a free nation where everyone needs to focus on them selfs.
People will do what they like to if it makes them happy and it’s what they want. If you try to force them to change it will only make more people join behind them. If someone makes fun on me or looks down on me for being a furry in any form of reality virtual or not I’m going to tell them to fuck off and mind their own lives.
If you MUST attack a group of people you might want to sit back and think about what do you do that others might say the same about you. I bet they would love to tell you the same shit about how you are trying to force your shit on them. One day your likely to cross the wrong person with a mental disorder of some kind and they will pound you into a pink mist. So think of that before you decide to post any “Hate” style messages on any group of people. It might happen back to you worse.
Mar 27th, 2008
Stop using Furfags, you f**king humanfags !
Apr 6th, 2008
Why should anyone care what anyone else does. Also I hate people that accuse furries of doing it for sexual reasons. Maybe they think cat ears look cool. Its no different then dressing up like a wookie because you think it looks cool or your a star wars fan. Did they dress up like a wookie because they want to go wank to a picture of one? I think not. Also all of you saying that the struggle of online groups is not the same as those groups mentioned in real life i.e. gays blacks ect. are stupid. I have seen people receive thousands of pieces of hate mail for things like this. It is persecution. I am in agreement that if you disagree with something you can voice your opinion. You think homosexuality is unnatural say that. It doesn’t need to enter into the personal level. You can disagree with someones choice without hating them as a person. I think smoking is a horrible habit. Do I run around shouting Smoke-fag get your smoke out of here i hate you and your entire family you should all burn in hell? Disagree with their stance all you want just leave them out of it. Also derogetorry language is unneeded. It makes you appear unintelligent because you couldn’t find a more eloquent or descriptive word to use. Personally i feel it shows a small vocabulary and ignorance.
Apr 6th, 2008
i’m sorry you are so insecure about yourself you have to define yourself by your sexual fetish and then argue about it on the internet in a line of discussion that’s nearly a year old
maybe that’s why you’re “saddened”
Apr 6th, 2008
Wolf Tomorrow: “You don’t insult us, and we don’t kill and eat you. End of story.”
Congratulations my goo-err furfaggot sir, your BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWW is comedy gold. I will now proceed to enjoy the copious amounts of lulz i have extracted from these two comments.
A Nonny Muss
Apr 10th, 2008
Ah, the stupidity rages.
Let’s see what bullsh*t we can dig through, eh?
1. “Furfags” – Hate to tell you *channers, but not all furries are gay. I’m sure my fellows in the GBLT community would also agree that “fags” is much more offensive than some bloke in a dog costume. Maybe you should find another insult to use. Preferably one with 1 or 2 syllables, so your chatspeaking clones can spell it.
Of course, if you *channers really wanna stereotype, maybe you should turn on your own lolifags [see what I did there?] and their pedophiliac rape fantasies. And tentacles? Ew.
2. The “furry = sex with animals” bit – Wrong. Some furries are just normal roleplayers, and the few that I know actually think cybersex is pointless and stupid. Furthermore, the few I know don’t think they’re “animals trapped in human bodies,” they don’t take it to a sexual level, and they outright avoid “yiff.” Next, you’ll be claiming that all D&D players have a dwarf fetish.
3. “Fursecution” – Listen, furries, you’re not being forced into concentration camps. Yes, there are jackasses out there who flame you, act like big scary internet bullies, and say offensive things. But the majority of people don’t care what you do. It’s mostly full-time trolls and insecure teenage boys behind the flames. Don’t let ‘em get to you. I don’t care what you furries do, but please ask the vocal ones among you to stop comparing your fandom to Jews in the late 1930s.
4. “Animal avatar = furry = should be banned” – That’s so wrong, it’s almost painful. You wanna ban animal avatars, be sure to cover the whole spectrum. Werewolves, Egyptian gods, aliens, elves/dwarves/etc., dragons, robots, and anything that isn’t a typical adult human. Hell, by your logic, Chewbacca should be condemned as proof that George Lucas is a closet furry. I’ll wait for you to start a campaign to remove Star Wars characters from SL. I mean, there’s SW hentai out there, so obviously all Star Wars fans are into Wookiee yiff, right?
Well, that’s enough out of me. We now return you to your regularly scheduled [and barely literate] trolls.
Apr 14th, 2008
This makes me lol so much.
to the furfags.. less tears please.. realy furrys cry over eveything and think every one is out to get them
to the non furrys .. im a furfag and happy to be one. we are not all weerdo yiffers who love teh but sex with dogs. belive it or one some furrys are prity normal decent people :0 dont judge us all with the same standards, christ i hate alot of furrys coz they are dickheads but , same can be said for any one who plays Sl furry or not.
Apr 15th, 2008
“we are not all weerdo yiffers who love teh but sex with dogs”
yes you are you idiot furfag your “we’re not in it for the sex” excuse is BS through and through, if you _weren’t_ you wouldn’t associate with those who _were_. either you like anthropomorphic things and should go join a disney fan club or at least distance yourselves from the fetishists or you should stop trying to mislead
you must think we’re as stupid as you are
May 12th, 2008
freaking anons…this just goes to show how little most non-furries (especially ones that make it a big show/point to be anti-furry) actually know about the furry community. The real BS is that you think you understand and know people when really you just make snap judgements about them, insult them, make them mad/hurt their feelings, and then go on your stupid merry way. NO not all furries are into the sexual aspect of the culture and so what about the ones that are…stop pretending you’re better than other people (furries aren’t the only one who get targeted a lot by such media zombie/brainwashed snobs) and all knowing when you’re not. You are not better than a “furry”, “goth”, “nerd”, and anyone and everyone else you have a “problem” with even though you don’t even try to be nice to them, get to know, or understand them. You are not a god. You are not the most intelligent being on the planet. Accept this, grow as a person, and move on with your life. Furries are still people/people too. Just a different kind of people. Just like any “subculture” there’s all different kinds of furries
Just like sarin stated, not all furries are gay either
I may not agree with certain things/people or like certain things but I don’t…for example..I don’t go around calling tentacle rape lovers “tenrapefags” or something
I don’t like anything involving rape stuff even if it’s just a fantasy but I don’t go calling people that do like that stuff horrible names
As for a ban on all things furry, that’s just stupid and sad.
I agree, they might as well ban mythological figures too and all that, while they are at it. (not that I would want to see that happen but you get what I mean, right?)
Please don’t judge all Americans on a few stupid anons and please stop making a big deal about fat (man I hate that word) people and people who happen to still live with a parent or both parents. the whole basement thing is such hollywood BS
Who even knows what their actual nationality is and why care?
May 12th, 2008
I may not agree or like Troughton’s stance on the issue, but I liked what he(?) had to say about furry does not equal bestiality…because he’s right about that and he(?) has a point. You other haters should take notes from him/her and get your head out of your butt.
May 25th, 2008
I am of the honest and open opinion that ANY sexual activity done in a VR world behind closed doors, no matter how sick, twisted or perverse is ok. Someones going to how I can say that?
What about Age play, Medical Play, Snuff play, piss play,bukkake, Scat?
So What. First of all the main grid is for adults. Secondly the minors are on another grid. Third you cannot do this stuff on a pg sim without being kicked anyway.
What happens behind closed doors in SL, stays behind closed doors in SL.
I’d rather have the furries, who I feel are no problem as for 1/2 of them it’s nothing sexual.It’s more just having an attractive cartoon animal to play( ala looney toons or Disney’s Robin Hood. For those who it is a fetish play and are sexual who cares let em be happy.
I had a real life furry friend, who I didnt know was until a Sci Fi con 7 years later. He was cool. So he wants to dress like a fox when he has sex.. so what? It’s hurting no one and he’s having fun.
As for stuff like the age play ban.. Thats sucks.
again “HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT?!!!”
EASY! I’d rather have my unfriendly neighborhood child stalking predator, running around on SL , and getting off online to having virtual sex with an adult portraying a minor, than have him cruising the local school yard or apartment complex pool.
Besides SL is extremely addictive.
Let the Pervs run free in a cyberworld. At least you know where they are.. That’s busy running around in SL, eating cheeto’s in front of a sticky keyboard and off the street.
For some it’s not even that as Hentai anime has a lot of schoolgirl stuff with young ladies under 18. Hell i know a 15 year old in Japan who is married with a kid on the way.
SL is imposing rules and values that do not stand in all the countries which has access to it.
As for the Furries, god bless em ,( not only are some of them kinda hot in a kinky way) but they make the SL world a happier place to be in…
Jun 16th, 2008
It’s time to start taking out the bigot and control freak trash, we need to start removing politicians telling us all how to live, freedom is becoming smaller and smaller on a ever growing rate of decay.
If you say some one can’t do something you are pressing your views and opinions on them and you are there in a bigot and you best be glad you don’t know me for that reason, I’m a bigot against bigotry, bigots need to die, that simple.
Jun 19th, 2008
“Great Britain had many rules on the books for many years that it didn’t enforce in the American colonies. They were there, sure, but they were largely ignored. When Britain started to enforce rules in order to make the colonies more profitable, the colonists rebelled.”
I think I know what country the author of THIS article is from.
Jul 2nd, 2008
After reading all that has been posted here, mainly the word “fag” being thrown around, and then noticing the “Comments are moderated, and will not appear on this weblog until the author has approved them” line, I sense some serious BS going on around here.
SL Player
Jul 6th, 2008
just to all those out there saying you hate furries look in a mirror you have fur on your head and down between your legs and under your arms and on your legs and arms where do you think that fur came from yeah you may call it hair and body hair but it had to be somewhere and come from somewhere before it ended up as hair, that saying where we evolved from the chimp or gorilla could that be true? and Second Life is made up of more furries then human avatars if they were to ban furries they would lose alot of profit and also customers cause you have furry avatars and people that play furry avatars inviting their friends on and they happen to go furry as well some people go on that GAME just to get away from being themselves and want to see what they can do if they were different. Second Life is just a GAME nothing more and if you want to think it is bad to be furry or whatever then you must not have learned from your parents the difference between a game and real life and what is wrong from what is right. So please go ask mommy and daddy what is the difference so you will not go and create WW3 over a GAME. Thank you have a nice day, oh and yes I have furry avatars on second life lots of them. Have fun and Have a great and wonderful day.
Jul 7th, 2008
The damage caused by someone who goes around squawking ‘furfag’ is far superior than the damage caused by someone ‘yiffing’ it up.
Inability to not be able to see past your own viewpoint is dangerous. Much more dangerous than someone having sex with their pet.
Sex with animals, is close to, but not asthetically similar, to sex with a human. [b]The real problem lies in figuring out when you’ve pushed an animal, damaged, or manipulated it. This can be harmful, and does not contribute to happiness/love for all.[/b]
That same problem lies in regular human relationships all the time too, and that is where focus should be set upon.
[B]Not the act itself, but the intent of the individuals’ act and it’s repercussions should be weighted.[/B]
Lord Kamina
Jul 7th, 2008
God, you’re all so hardcore butthurt that you raised a thread from the dead JUST to BAWWWWWW. Jesus Christ. Go get a life.
Jul 24th, 2008
WTF, This may further raise this from the dead, but I doubt there will be an end to this.
It started with ARE FURRIES DOOMED, and continued down to “Bestiality, Furries = Bestiality, Furfags, Video Games, Religion, Racism, America, Nazis, Yiffing, Hentai, Tentacles, Sex, Sexual Preference, Etc.” Just too many things to name.
People; making points, pointing fingers, hating, anti-hating, blabbing, adding to racism, sexism and bigotry comments. Most of these comments added because of the remarks of others, and not the article in question.
I’m sure this will get a reply positively or negatively. (Most likely negative bullshit) And you may call me a idiot furfag, (although I am far from an idiot, certainly not gay, nor a furry) or an asshole the in USA (I may be an American, but in no way, shape or form am I a jerk, asshole, bastard, etc.),but I believe in such things as equality, although 85% of the world would say otherwise. And I’d agree that the world, at its current state, is far from perfect. But the idea as it is, is one that should be fought for. But I’m getting a little far from subject.
Second-Life in a sense is World of Warcraft mixed with The Sims 2. Except with more “freedoms”. The fact that someone or a group of people are upset with something that is “may be offensive to some”, although the “offensive” came along with SL package, doesn’t give you the right to extract something that was included for a purpose, even if not specified. And the fact of the matter you would have to be looking for the material or just a little “not all there” to find it.
This even came up when Sims 2 was accused of “allowing full frontal nudity” although this was not the case. As the content has to placed on there with a mod. You can see an article here:
Even though SL allows such content to be on there in the first place, it does not suggest that you can that you must see it. There are plenty of locations where you won’t see it especially when you start off. So I see it as, its a game you can play in it, you can do the impossible in it, but no matter what its a game.
Oh, and for all the anonymous cowards, here some information:
I’m 16, male, straight, Mexican/ Black/ Caucasian/ Vietnamese, a Capricorn, 6′ 2″, have a life, and am more mature than you’ll ever be.
Lord Kamina
Jul 24th, 2008
I can sum up EG’s post in much fewer words:
This is basically all furfags ever do.
Jul 24th, 2008
“Even though SL allows such content to be on there in the first place, it does not suggest that you can that you must see it. ”
That clause does not apply to the rest of the Internet – or at least _you_ people have not made it applicable. Stop posting your crap everywhere if you don’t want to be attacked.
Aug 13th, 2008
the funniest thing here,is that everything,told so far,is all about fandoms,interests,personal views,and all of those… Why you hate a person,just because he belongs in something,which you can’t understand? (You can’t understand the taste,until you don’t eat it,you can’t understand the scent,until you don’t smell it,that’s why you need to be a furry to understand it: me)Why do you blame someone,because he listen something different or watches different kind of movies? Why you get offended by what makes the other one’s d*ck start working,as we “live” in a culture world,where you don’t need to blame someone for those things?
It’s like hating black people,but it’s kinda different: black people are black,they were born like that,and they can’t,or at least can hardly change it (Michael Jackson),while being a furry is a personal choice,as it may be something related with DNA and such stuff… who knows,scientist haven’t found out yet about all this things… But it’s a choice,a choice of a person,who have chosen to be a part of something,like you choice to be a part of a working place,as you choice to be a part of a fan club of Harry Potter,or as you choice to be a part of the crew of the football team in your school… do people blame you for that? Unfortunately,there do are people,who can blame you for that,who are brain washed and don’t respect no one else,unless themself… well,guys,I won’t say nothing against you,because,you’re not right at all the stuff about the furries (personaly,I am one,and I’m proud to be one,and what,if I’m in the yiff? I can be,as you like to watch porn with Britney Spears or Angelina Jolly,I don’t blame for that you want to have a rich sex or anything)
About the bestiality stuff: It’s not right,that dogs or other animals can’t tell,that they are for or against it… at least not in the main way of “telling”: If an animal don’t like something,it will bark and try to bite you(for dogs),roar and scratch you (for cats),kick you (for most kinds of farm animals),and try to run away and avoid the thing (for all the animals)… If they stay put,that means they are ok with the idea,as there are some,who wants to do it (like a dog humping your leg,or a bitch (yeah,bitch,as female dog,as you can say love for the relationship and love for the sex) will rub herself in you (trust me,I have seen this,it’s rather disturbing)… It’s just not right,that animals can’t say they can’t tell,that they don’t like it or like it,and if you claim,that it’s like that,better look in a book about animals behavior… and all the stuff about the teddybear and the two years old kid… well,it’s not the animal,but the parents,who have let their kid be near the dog,as today’s parents are lazy assholes,who let their kids go to school,and then bitch around why their kids don’t listen to them and take drugs…
Well,that was pretty long,from what my opinion on the things is,and no,furries are not doomed,because stuff like Doom and Heaven don’t exists… ohh,please,take a look in the sky,do you see the gates to heaven there? Do you see God greeting yourself,who watch over everyone,even animals,and he’ll get offended,if you get lazy for a couple of days or wank on an orgy porn?I believe it’s overrated.
Well,the main reason why there will be no freedom in this world is because of the hate and the moral… if laws were taken without moral,stealing,hating and killing would have been the only and worst crimes ever.
And this is something more from me: Don’t blame the person for what he likes,what interests he have,but blame him by his persona
Nidol Slazar
Aug 13th, 2008
lol@old as fuck topic
anyway, in reply to A Nonny Muss
“1. “Furfags” – Hate to tell you *channers, but not all furries are gay. I’m sure my fellows in the GBLT community would also agree that “fags” is much more offensive than some bloke in a dog costume. Maybe you should find another insult to use. Preferably one with 1 or 2 syllables, so your chatspeaking clones can spell it.
Of course, if you *channers really wanna stereotype, maybe you should turn on your own lolifags [see what I did there?] and their pedophiliac rape fantasies. And tentacles? Ew.”
I laugh at how furries shout about channers being ignorant, yet spew stupid shit like this. If you knew anything about the chans, you’d know that WE DO turn on our own. Difference being, we (excluding failures) know how to laugh at ourselves. Furries get offended by the littlest fucking things. At least channers admit that they are fucked up in the head. Furries try to pass themselves off as normal and create massive amounts of drama to anyone who thinks otherwise. Keep amusing us, and we’ll keep pissing you off.
Aug 14th, 2008
Nidol, you’re going to be very very amusing. We’re going to get a great deal of amusement out of you. And a lot of the rest of you. All at once.
A furry named D.
Aug 14th, 2008
“Difference being, we (excluding failures) know how to laugh at ourselves.”
That’s not a difference but something furries and channers alike have in common.
I’m a furry. And I also cry out being ‘offended’ at articles here on the SLH, specifically those being negative about furries.
It’s called trolling.
We’re weird, yes, we deserve to be ridiculed, certainly. Go ahead and laugh all you want, I wont bitch about that… at least not in seriousness.
Furries on one end, channers and goons on the other end… It’s all entertainment for those in the middle.
And pissing me off, you never did. Au contraire, the best entertainment I ever had in SL was whenever a few afro toting, yiff in hell shouting av’s came to ‘terrorize’ us in our sims.
And ehm…. Any idea how many furries there are that are also goons and /b/tards? You can probably give a good estimate, but I bet you’re a bit off in your guess if you tried :3
Dont think every furry is like the few foaming at the mouth at each display of ‘griefing’, there’s more then a few of us who do have a sense of humour.
Sep 6th, 2008
wow… isnt sex in a game wrong to begin with…
Sep 8th, 2008
Its ok, everyone hates something. Non furries like hentai and watch tentacles come out of your mouth and spew endless amount of jizz then grow 8 pairs of testicles that melt open your clothes and even more tentacles come out until you turn into a 2 meter long cock slap. While furries fantasize about twelve pairs of breasts and a three cocked winged macro owl. Can’t you see the similarity? You guys are both hypocrits and frankly, your both the fags, particularly because you waste your time QQ’ing about how awful (lol wow) it is to see a girl getting fucked by a dog and how that guy didn’t like it (oh teh noes HAH). O_o i dunno about you but I’d go for anything that lays down the woman, so as long its not bleeding hentai furry blood vore cocks that tear you to shreds. We were all monkeys first, now be a monkey and start putting a banana up your asshole and find a crocodile with 3 inch pointy teeths to sink your small e-penis in. Maybe it’ll make you think awhile before posting like the social hypocrits you are.
Oh wait you want me to list it
step 1 : Find a banana
step 2 : Peel it
step 3 : Stuff it in your asshole (notice how much i use the a-word)
step 4 : hitch a plane to australia and find a crocodile
step 5 : wave to the crocodile
step 6 : taunt the crocodile
step 7 : insert penis
step 8 : smile
step 9 : ??
step 10 : profit
Required Name
Oct 3rd, 2008
They should just take down Second Life completely if they’re having drama issues with the mainstream world complaining over a little virtual sandbox of ones and zeroes.
Wolfie Rankin
Oct 6th, 2008
Ahh the haters, they can’t hate the jews, black people, women etc etc anymore, but they can hate the furries… apparently.
Low IQ [you can tell by how often whey use an insulting word], No Karma points, sad.
Nidol Slazar
Oct 11th, 2008
Why do you furfags always compare yourselves to other oppressed races?
Oct 11th, 2008
Wait doesn’t the bible also say that we’re not to work on the sabbath in Exodous 35:2?
Which is a few chapters from the one concerning furries.
So why follow one part,but ignore the rest?
Oct 11th, 2008
How many RL Furries are Into Beastality?
Oct 12th, 2008
Someone commented that maybe they should be isolated on “dweeb island.” Those islands exist with various names and owned by a certain deeply disturbed individual. I like how Goreans and Furries are diametrically opposed to eachother on every level but one: they are both deluded. If I am a Neko, I do not log out thinking I am a Neko in the real world, continue acting as one, thinking i have a “tail in spirit,” nor do I believe by some stretch of the imagination I should enslave non-Nekos and let them see the light by my divine right to control another person.
As far as furry sex is concerned, if your life is so bland, stale, and without excitement that only being sodomized by fluffy gets you off, by all means Alpo is on sale all week. Oddly, I see all the barrel chested avatars Goreans and wannabe Goreans create and think they are less realistic than the furries. At least the furries aren’t overcompensating for a lack. I better stop typing before I start a thread on all the “Domme Lesbian” men online and how they annoy me.
Jonathan Hughes
Oct 19th, 2008
Please don’t give the furry or the zoosexuals or the good beastialists a hard time, our four legged friends love sex just as much as we do if not more , and altering them affects them just like it affects us if we were altered. Inter species sex happens all the time. Sex is sex done with love and understanding can wonderful for both species, and is far better than the barbaric act of using a scalpel to attempt to help a problem. The old saying that says, by giving you will receive, applies when you assist in giving the four legged friends sex. So let’s look at the good the human is doing for the four legged animals. Furries zoosexuals and good beastialists are the best friends the animals could ever have. So Let us also love the furrys and their anatomically correct art, zoosexuals and good beastialists. Let’s embrace them, allowing them their rights to bring joy and gladness to the creatures around them.