Green Lantern Core’s Heroic Epic Poetry

by Alphaville Herald on 17/11/07 at 11:58 pm

Failure of PN’s rumored friday griefing raid causes super hero to wax poetic

[GreenLantern Excelsior sent this tale of online heroics to the Herald offices via the mojo wire saturday, with a note saying "I was inspired to write this after the big PN raid last night ended up fizzling like a wet firecracker". Is the heroic epic poetic tradition is being updated for the new media? -the Editrix]

Banned griefer’s ghosted avatar stuck in a walking animation is decorated with props in Sandbox Cordova

The Wreck of Operation Battlecruiser

by GreenLantern Excelsior

The Great PN Raid of November ’07
Was planned to be vicious and mean,
With sim-crashing style,
And “lulz” by the mile,
The worst Second Lifers had seen.

The Green Lantern Core and the great Justice League
Were prepared to observe and report.
With their shields charged to max,
They’d AR the attacks
By the griefers they’d promised to thwart.

The Lindens were ready, their steely eyes steady.
The Grid was in perfect repair.
At the first sign of trouble
They’d move on the double,
Protecting the residents there.

The sim owners, managers, vendors and guests
Were unsure of just what to expect,
So they locked down their sims
And inspected their prims
And security they double checked.

The day came at last, and the griefers moved fast,
But anarchy failed to ensue.
Lack of participation
Was SL’s salvation,
So PN’s big plans all fell through.

A couple of longcats were all that we saw,
And a singular Shiny Fun Friend.
With a scroll and a click,
The cleanup was quick,
And Friday night came to an end.

Now somewhere the griefers are vicious and keen,
And cunning and ruthless and smart,
But the Second Life kind
Are the ones we don’t mind,
For their plans always just fall apart.

So my friends, just remember sixteenth of November
Two thousand and seven the year.
With its Battlecruiser,
PN was the loser.
We winners have nothing to fear.

136 Responses to “Green Lantern Core’s Heroic Epic Poetry”

  1. Anonymous

    Nov 18th, 2007


    200+ sims down due to lindens panickingchanging IPs = Perfect repair.

    also, nice job, since I didn’t see a single green lantern during the raid.

  2. Waffle

    Nov 18th, 2007

    lol wut you think that battle cruiser was fail? we crashed 10′s of sims, at least twice that number were closed due to aids and spam and we caused basically all new users to get B& by the paranoid lindens. If you think that that is fail then you have no idea what you are talking about. Let me tell you, the definition of a win raid is when the lindens become so paranoid that all avatars less than a month old start to get baned, a win raid is when people are B& for standing around. all those things happened last night, because if was made of epic and win. Also the JLU and Greenfagot core didn’t do a damn thing it was all the racist lindens keeping our brothers down .

  3. anon

    Nov 18th, 2007

    Worse than a lot of the other poems the Herald’s been printing – not only is it self-masturbatory fluff, it has no sense of meter or rhyme. Do you people actually read these things out loud?

  4. FrizzleFry101

    Nov 18th, 2007

    1) Green lantern fags aren’t relevant, the one time I bothered lurking their little e-base in that beta quadrant sim, all they did was stand around and recharge their roleplay power rings. JLU are the only anti-greifers worth thinking about, they suck dick but at least they can somewhat stand up to us, lol.

    2) Operation Battlecruiser Online resulted in every target getting it’s share of raep, it also caused lindens to restart massive amounts of sims due to fear of more timebomb scripts, they banned just about every new account made by anyone that night (PN or not), while banning completely random people including a journalist from Wired (keep an eye out for the article coming up, lol).

    This looks like the green lantern fags begging for PN’s attention through an article.

    In b4 massive bawwwww’ing, I know it’s coming.

  5. urizenus

    Nov 18th, 2007


    but it is sad to see the PN trying to choke back their butt hurt buckets of tears with the invented bravado of allegedly crashed sims. pwned by a poet wearing virtual green tights. Can it get any worse?

  6. Rape-Ape

    Nov 18th, 2007

    Ive never seen anyone from Green Lantern Core show up during a raid or ever at all, im assuming its some spinoff from JLU or something even less important.

  7. Prokofy Neva

    Nov 18th, 2007

    Um, as if, Uri, it’s not true that it was a fizzle, because not only did it lead to things like masses of land being shut off to unverifieds, which was a massive form of totally unnecessary discrimination that is continuing even after this day of attack, the Lindens were moved to globally shut off scripts on the mainland on targeted sims and didn’t undo this for two whole days, which was a huge pain in the ass.

    And in fact there were sims crashing and junk and animate-my-avatar and particles all over the place. People were pre-panicking and feeding the panic by sending notecards all over the place — notecards originating with Angel Fluffy, who said his “intel” had discovered plans for the attack.

    The main effect of this exercise was to pump up Angel Fluffy and his Security State by getting everybody to react in this way. He got wierd tacit cooperation from the PNs and the anti-griefer groups who are often worse than the griefers in pumping up himself as the go-to security goon for pre-attack intel.

    The net effect is to close ever wider swathes of SL; to make people go vote for Fluffy’s security measures on the JIRA (he fanned them in the widely-distributed notecard) and to pretend that griefing is something “minimal”. Tateru also reported inaccurately that “only a small group of people were affected.” I wouldn’t call unverifieds “a small group of people”. You would think with all the shenanigans that Pixeleen pulled with the caddie shack unverifieds stuff that the Herald would be a little more attuned to all this.

    Uri, you should know this game better by now.

  8. Nacon

    Nov 18th, 2007

    “…The worst Second Lifers had seen….”

    It wasn’t for me. Maybe just plain retarded though…. but you really need to work on your poem writing.

  9. The Green Fox

    Nov 18th, 2007

    These fucking furry hating trolls are the cancer!! I’m tired of simply ignoring them!! I am going to FIGHT BACK!! no longer will I Simply block them! this is a war!! one that was forced on us, but one we must fight!! and WIN!! Muting and running away won’t stop them, It’s time to FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE!! show them how it feels to be constantly harrassed!! they say hate begets hate, but ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!! screw that turn the other cheek crap!! the gloves are off, they want a war, well they have one!! we must stand against them as one!! CUB FURS UNITED!! Together, maybe, just maybe, we can make a difference

  10. Supertalis

    Nov 18th, 2007

    pn you have gone to far if you fags hert my Friends i swear i will haunt you all down

  11. Why Bother

    Nov 18th, 2007

    !0? Only 10? I doubt it was tens as the PN claimed. So the PN crashed Furnation and their usual targets for the umpteenth time, big deal. Epic fail as usual PN. Don’t listen to the usual PN spin, they love to bravado it up when they get their asses handed to them.

  12. Mark (the other mark)

    Nov 18th, 2007

    “they suck dick”

    What, are you 12 years old FFS? Get picked on in school? Repressed homosexual who is a victim of self hate?

    My youngest child (12 years old)is more mature.

    I really hope that someday you look back on this time in your life and cringe at what a complete retard you were. That’s IF you ever grow up and leave Never Never Land.

    You should go check out WoW’s OT forum, I think you’ll fit right in with all the other pimple faced virgins trying to convince each other that they’re tough and clever heteros by calling each other fags, ghey, and so on.

    Cool rewrite of the song GreenLantern.


    Nov 18th, 2007

    lol the thing to remember here is they are GRIEFERS….. that is virtual terrorists.

    if you’re going to respond to these guys lindens need to beef up and keep beefing up their security… perhaps automating it?

    as you should damn well know, the more they hype and the more you respond the worse it will get, as it now stands lindens are claing a victory and the PN are doing the same because they made the lindens react.

    so… quite simply, the thing for the lindens to do is to keep all this bloody quiet and fight the PN on the sly by making little changes to the infrastructire, mor or less preventing the worst excesses that they can do.

    don’t announce it, keep it damn well quiet and the next time they pull a major stroke, have the tools there that will knock them so flat they will never recover.

    never show the enemy the hand of cards you have boys…….. that way you can win, to do any less is beyond stupid.

  14. failtard

    Nov 18th, 2007

    PN = fail. green tights FTW.
    go back to habbo and scare lil kiddies.

  15. Ownage Emmons

    Nov 18th, 2007


    The internet is pretty serious business, so I’m not surprised by all these lolcows reacting like this.

    PN may be fags, but they sure Steamrolled SL.

  16. Crimson Darcy

    Nov 18th, 2007

    That chat spam listing the jlu member’s names as a “JLU griefer list”, dropped at some of the busiest sims all over second life last night, was made of win.
    Also, I saw more asskick doled out by the PN then I saw losses on Friday.

    Gloating over a decorated avatar is some dumbass micromanagement buddy…

    All in all, from my position in the grandstands, Op:BattleCruiser was def a success. From the look of my grid screenshot…Waffle was damn right…10′s of sims.

  17. Arthur Fermi

    Nov 18th, 2007

    You know the grid is so unstable, its hard to tell between a griefer attack or just poor management by LL. I suppose it was possible the sim I’m on was being griefed when it restarted 4 times … or it could have been the server kept crashing. As for anti-griefers … they are griefers, just a different kind.

  18. d3adlyc0d3c

    Nov 18th, 2007

    We always crash way more than 10 sims, event when we don’t intend to (usually hundreds). Oh and many of us had fraps running meaning we have video footage of the raid. We won and now you fags are butthurt. Especially those furfags up there that threatened us and shit, lulz. We had furfgts coming to the forums and BAAAWing, threatening to ‘hunt us down’, we didn’t even ban them. For the lulz. Hell, don’t believe us though, just wait for the next Wired magazine to come out and see for yourself. Anyways, there isn’t a single anti-griefer group out there that can handle us. They barely ever show up. I’ve only seen JLUfags once in my entire career as a griefer.

  19. Mark (the other mark)

    Nov 18th, 2007

    ima fgt

  20. corona

    Nov 18th, 2007

    12000 sims and PN call crashing 10 a success ?

    it was not even noticed

    PN must stand for pathetic nobodies

  21. FrizzleFry101

    Nov 18th, 2007


    The raid was planned like a week in advance, if Angel Fluffy only shouted about it yesterday or whatever, his “intel” sucks, theres a ton of people out there who know more about whats going on with ni/gras than that kid.

    / > fail attempt at word filtering.

  22. Crimson Darcy

    Nov 18th, 2007

    I have a screenshot showing 61 sims in the red on a very small section of the SL grid map at approx. 5:30 pm PDT. (on friday)…that was only a portion of the total win…
    So those of you who did not zoom the map out to get the big picture, well, baaaawwwww!!!
    The one little group of sandboxes you fight so mightily to preserve and uphold, just simply do not do the entire grid justice when blindly benchmarking.

    And what’s more, GreenLantern Excelsior, when you were at sandbox island extension with Cathy Gabriel and all those JLU’s responding to MindOfA Razor’s “pn troll box”-building on friday…it was a DNW that saw total win in bringing that sim down on you and the 8 other JLU or associates fap fap fapping with MindOfA Razor.
    So put that in ur poem. Instead of calling it a poem, you can call it a pwned. The “pwn about bein crashed by DNW”.

  23. GreenLantern Excelsior

    Nov 18th, 2007

    The grid crashes yesterday were mostly due to Second Life rolling restarts that were in no way gang-related. And if crashing Sandbox Island Extension is someone’s idea of an epic win, maybe they’re not seeing the proverbial “big picture.” SIE crashes all the time. It didn’t hurt a bit, and we had already forgotten about it.

  24. d3adlyc0d3c

    Nov 18th, 2007

    The Win of Operation BattleCruiser
    by GreenFaggot Excelsior

    The Great PN Raid of November ’07
    Was planned to be vicious and mean,
    With sim-crashing style,
    And “lulz” by the mile,
    The worst Second Lifers had seen.

    The Green Faggot Core and the Fat Faggot League
    Were prepared to fap and report.
    With their shields made of fail,
    They’d BAAAAW and wail,
    By the griefers they’d promised to thwart.

    The Lindens weren’t ready, in yiffclubs yiffing steady.
    The Grid was in utter disrepair.
    At the first sign of trouble
    They’d fap on the rubble,
    Failing the residents there.

    The sim owners, managers, vendors and guests
    Were unsure of just what to expect,
    So they locked down their sims
    And inspected their prims
    And security they double checked.

    The day came at last, and the griefers moved fast,
    and the PN won once again.
    Antigriefers covered in prespiration
    could nevar be SL’s salvation,
    So PN’s big plans were epic win.

    They had thousands of lulz and media coverage,
    And a million Shiny Fun Friends.
    They would scroll and click,
    And then we were buried under many a dick,
    And Friday night came to an end.

    Now somewhere the griefers are vicious and keen,
    And cunning and ruthless and smart,
    They always win
    burying us in giant dicks again and a again,
    For Griefing is simply an art.

    So my friends, just remember sixteenth of November
    Two thousand and seven the year.
    When he tried to thwart them,
    but failed (cuz we leik men).
    Now Im thinking of removing that dogcock in mah rear.

  25. Gabe Palmer

    Nov 18th, 2007

    WOW! 10 WHOLE sims you crashed!??? Amzing? Out of what…. 20,000 now? That is an incredible attack. These griefers are nothing but social misfits in the real world, the kind of losers who don’t get prom dates and have no real loves, so plan these “attacks” in SL. Get a life losers.

  26. d3adlyc0d3c

    Nov 18th, 2007

    ‘WOW! 10 WHOLE sims you crashed!??? Amzing? Out of what…. 20,000 now? That is an incredible attack. These griefers are nothing but social misfits in the real world, the kind of losers who don’t get prom dates and have no real loves, so plan these “attacks” in SL. Get a life losers.”

    The n/igger dagger squad gon git u, ye, dey goan get u.

  27. Penance Sautereau

    Nov 18th, 2007

    DeadlyCodec calls Grefing a career. That boy’s even more pathetic than I thought.

  28. Alyx Stoklitsky

    Nov 18th, 2007

    Fail? I observed the raids up close and personal, and I must say it was probably the greatest success for PN since Operation: Longcat Shield.

  29. Pauleh Kamachi

    Nov 18th, 2007

    lame, and even lamer of SLH to still be reporting on this shit

  30. Machine Code

    Nov 18th, 2007

    Just a hunch, but I think Waffle meant to type “100s” as in hundreds.

    Lindens turning the mainland scripting off? Why, it sounds like a certain groups scripts might’ve gotten a little too hot to handle! Not to mention banning random innocents and unverified accounts, that’s just too hilarious. Epic fail my ass. There was nothing fail about this epic.

  31. d3adlyc0d3c

    Nov 18th, 2007

    “DeadlyCodec calls Grefing a career. That boy’s even more pathetic than I thought.”

    I lol’d at comment coming from 900 pound lesbian who whines about e-rape,hates men because she couldnt get any dick, and is easily trolled on a regular basis and whines about it even moar. We have published scripts dedicated to harassing her (oh cept we refer to her as dickgirl)

  32. Why Bother

    Nov 18th, 2007

    Hmmm. Knowing the PN’s history the more they trumpet something and try to make it sound big, the more of little fart it probably was. Notice how all the PN say different things? First they claim they crashed 10s of sims, then they claim they crashed 60 something, then 100s then they claim the entire grid. These twips can’t even get the story correct among themselves. As long as the average SL citizen can go about their business without a hitch, without knowing what the hell a PN is, then the PN aren’t doing as well as they think. They always go after Furnation and a few sims over and over again, that’s all they can do. So they can run in and crash a sim that comes back online withing a few minutes at most…oooo, how scary.

    Also, note one of them mentioned a magazine reporter (Wired to be exact). The PN have attempted on many occasions to get a reporter to string along with them on their “epic” operations. This was probably another attempt since why would the PN know about a magazine reporter getting banned? Then that commenter goes on to say keep an eye out for that article. These are the same people who claimed that they only do it for the “lulz” and not for “attention.” Uh huh, right. You can’t fool all of us.

    It should be general knowledge by now that whenever the PN say something went a certain way, it most likely went the exact opposite.

    They seem to be doing alot of BAAAAAAWWWWWing now since no one is believing them.

  33. Why Bother

    Nov 18th, 2007

    And one more thing. It seems the PN can’t take it when they’re the butt of a joke. Just look at their flood of comments. Pretty sad when you can dish it but not take it.

  34. FrizzleFry101

    Nov 18th, 2007

    @GreenLantern Excelsior

    They’re “sims”, not “grids”, try to get that right. Grid refers to all the sims as a whole, as in the entire game.

    Also, if you already “forgot” about some sandbox sim, why are you bringing it up AND complaining about it here?

  35. Why Bother

    Nov 18th, 2007

    I just getting sharted my friend and youre not as dumb as thoughs other known other dochebags out there maybe I might give you a chance backoff and avoid humilatation before its too late for you and youre little group know as fuck cunts talk cunts group oh and I hope youre not some basemet dwelling middle aged man who likes to put his chock to the tv all day while stuffing his doritos ups hes asshole and pretending to be so sexy and simply saying “oh yeah lay it to me babie let me show you how its done YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAHH OHH YEAH OH YEAH YES YES YES YESS YES YESSSSSSS AHHHHHHHHHH YEAH Yeah!!! comin babie give me some more there still more to do be done” or something like that in regard, so if I was you I would use that little noggin of youres and lay off me before I own you and little cunt bitches to the grave so you got me good

    so don’t fuck with me and youre little cunt group know as fags or faggots or little whine 18 year olds who act like little faggot pussys and I think thats what you little youre sad little group is called, so if you want to be fags for life so be it

  36. d3adlyc0d3c

    Nov 18th, 2007

    @Why Bother

    actually we are loling at fail anti-pn propaganda coming from the same fail sltards who BAAAWWW about us in every single SLH article they can. We were contacted by a reporter with Wired Magazine who was in our vent before I even came back. The reporter tagged along for the raid and watched us, took screenshots,etc,etc. Like I said, doesn’t matter whether or not you believe us its going to get published and then you’ll move onto another means to try to discredit us and fail moar, because your whole fail life revolves around obsessing with us and yiffing. We have never lied about what we did or didn’t do because we don’t do it so we can brag to you fags about it. We do it for the lulz, ITT we enjoy it. Even when I wasn’t a member for about a month or two I still raided on my own. Publicity serves for trolling you fags through the media and when a reporter contacts us we give him an interview if thats what he wants. The fact that we can make you so butthurt so as to make you try and troll us every chance you get means we do our jobs just fine.

  37. Crimson Darcy

    Nov 18th, 2007

    @FrizzleFry 101

    Also, if you already “forgot” about some sandbox sim, why are you bringing it up AND complaining about it here?
    *End Quote*

    I was wondering the same thing Re: GreenLantern…It’s not gonna be easy to forget, when you find out that a sim will be dropped simply because a GLC or JLU is in it from now on…

    JLU’s Pierce dropped the ball on having me banned as well as 3 of my team members in SL on Friday…and his move was unmitigated and showed his representation of the “JLU Itchy Trigger Finger” quite clearly. Because of that move, we’re grabbing the ball, and we gonna run with it.
    If we get 5 or more of you guys in the same sim, that’s a win, but Friday it was 9 or 10 – almost double win (not epic win)…and if we get a GTeam member too…it’s Bonus Points fo’ reals. (still not epic win)
    Friday’s crash of SIE was to simply throw a wrench in your nearly epic gang up on that trolling-guy and was called in as part of an ongoing retribution for the 4 DNW member’s banned earlier that evening.

    If you guys want to get people banned for just sitting there observing you, then what are you gonna expect? a thankyou card and fapping fruit basket?

  38. RoFLKOPTr

    Nov 18th, 2007

    1. @Why Bother:

    Wired Guy came to us. He wanted a story, so we gave him one. We didn’t ask him to put us in the magazine, he asked us to be in the magazine.

    2. We crashed 127 sims that night. There. All confusion is gone.

    3. We didn’t only attack our so-called “regular” targets. Because, first of all, Friday night was the first time in a long time that the PN has attacked FurNation. And secondly, we haven’t been paying very much attention to Gorfags lately, so we dropped some failguys on them, too.

    4. Angel Fluffy’s “intelligence” was horrible. This attack has been three weeks in the making, and he announced them merely a day before? As well as the Lindens’ “reorganization” of their servers’ IP addresses… yeah right… Those dumbasses were fucking PARANOID about our attacks. Anybody who used pnewell’s registration last night would get instab& upon first rez… they banned hundreds of innocent newbies, who, I’m sure, will never come again because they don’t want to hassle with being banned by a company who they were planning on giving money to.

    So, to those of you who said Operation: Battlecruiser Online was not a success… you fail. Evidence proves that the raid was epic win.

    That is all.

  39. Mark (the other mark)

    Nov 18th, 2007

    “ima fgt”

    Translation – I am PN and I touched my buddies penis and now I hate myself.

    Oh you SO burned me!

    I’ll never get over this!

    You better go deadly, mom’s calling – she has a disney FUR movie and some gummi bears for you and your PN buddies.

  40. Rofflcoptr = Nexis = Closet furfag

    Nov 18th, 2007

    Roflcopter, aka N3X15,
    Dude, go back to IRC and #inflate yourself. Then go take a shower and scrape off all that rotting skin and loss of hair you’ve been suffering from not bathing in months (as reported by nexie hisself). Then get into your fursuit and get back in the closet to spank off while beating on stuffed animals like you always do, “Jeannette”, then you can go do some more bawwing posts on Deviant Art, and maybe later meet up with mooty in spokane and molest his tight minor behind, you paedophilic loser.
    PN didn’t get in most anywhere because everybody shut off access to avs with no payment info, making the mainland the lagged up grieferfest it usually is, but the estates were peaceful without a single problem. IntLibber went to bed early from boredom.

  41. Nikola Shirakawa

    Nov 18th, 2007

    From what I understand, the wired article is about griefing in general, so, as purely attention grabbing move, it would probably be slightly less than a Hi,Mom sign in the Today Show audience. heck their Fox spot was probably bigger than this thing would be.

  42. KMeist Hax

    Nov 18th, 2007

    There was a raid last night?

  43. Mark (the other mark)

    Nov 18th, 2007

    ima fgt

  44. d3adlyc0d3c

    Nov 18th, 2007

    “ima fgt”

    Translation – I am PN and I touched my buddies penis and now I hate myself.

    Oh you SO burned me!

    I’ll never get over this!

    You better go deadly, mom’s calling – she has a disney FUR movie and some gummi bears for you and your PN buddies.”

    lol, you fail @ trolling. That is all.

  45. Mark (the other mark)

    Nov 18th, 2007


  46. GreenLantern Excelsior

    Nov 18th, 2007

    “They’re “sims”, not “grids”, try to get that right. Grid refers to all the sims as a whole, as in the entire game.”

    FrizzleFry101, you’re right and I’m wrong. I should have said “sims,” not “grids.” I apologize for the error.

    “Also, if you already “forgot” about some sandbox sim, why are you bringing it up AND complaining about it here?”

    I’m not complaining about it and I didn’t bring it up. I was responding to Crimson Darcy’s assertion that crashing Sandbox Island Extension when a few GLCs and JLUs were in it is defined as a “total win.” Since sandboxes are restarted regularly, it’s actually defined as “business as usual.”

    “It’s not gonna be easy to forget, when you find out that a sim will be dropped simply because a GLC or JLU is in it from now on.”

    Crimson Darcy, that’s what I call a good bargain. I have to restart Second Life (3 clicks) when the sim crashes. You get banned. Here’s the deal: I’ll go find an empty sim and contact you. You come along and crash it on me. I’ll play that game with you all day long – well, that is, until you run out of people. Don’t forget to keep score. :D

  47. Rofflcoptr = Nexis = Closet furfag

    Nov 18th, 2007


  48. Witness X

    Nov 18th, 2007

    “So, to those of you who said Operation: Battlecruiser Online was not a success… you fail. Evidence proves that the raid was epic win.”

    You chantards always pronounce something epic win. You can spout out all you want you have no proof, but the Green Lantern poet really didn’t have much proof either. Yet, judging from the non PN comments, you sure did fail. PN always inflates their numbers and such to make things out to be bigger than they are.

    “The fact that we can make you so butthurt so as to make you try and troll us every chance you get means we do our jobs just fine.”

    Seems that you’re the ones butthurt. I find it strangely ironic that you always have to come in and chime in with some sort of defense, d3adlyc0d3c, you and every other PNtard. Really now, if you PN and chantards were REALLY in it for the lulz, you would do your work, crash sims, grief, and shut up about your work and not care what anyone thinks and how they perceive you. You’d sit there and laugh at what goes down not trying to come here in defense, trying to spin things and “psyops”. Instead all of you are constantly around trying to justify and clarify what you do and what went on. If you were really in it just for the “lulz” you wouldn’t give a damn. Coming to these comments constantly countering other people just proves you do give a damn and that you are in it just for the attention.

    As for this reporter, doesn’t matter if who came to who. The PN saw this as their chance to finally get in on some extra magazine publicity after all their failed attempts otherwise. The attention you guys crave all right there. PN can no longer say they “do it for the lulz” it’s obvious they just “do it for publicityz’

  49. Mark (the other mark)

    Nov 18th, 2007

    “lol, you fail @ trolling. That is all.”

    Awww, is someone’s Tigger sippy cup empty again?

    I have it from a good source that deadly auditioned for the Mickey Mouse Club (between trips to MJ’s ranch) and was rejected.

    True story.

  50. d3adlyc0d3c

    Nov 18th, 2007

    “I find it strangely ironic that you always have to come in and chime in with some sort of defense,”

    We aren’t here to defend anything, we’re here to troll you. Also once again comments originating from another chronic BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW-er, stop crying, you do it in every single article.

    “judging from the non PN comments, you sure did fail.”

    HAHA, you mean other comments where people who are ordinarily our enemies even stated that our raid was epic. There, I just proved you’re BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWING.

    That or lurn 2 read.

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