Archive for April, 2008
Once Upon An Internet
by Nidol Slazar, WU poet in residence Once upon an internet,Lived a group of ruthless trolls,Whom began to pose a virtual threat,With their vile and treacherous souls, This vast collective of hate,Wearing masks of anonymity,Feared not one place to desecrate,With their state of unanimity, Unknown to the public eye,Existed the people behind the screen,That could [...]
Full StoryState of the Economy

Lowest profit per capita growth ever in Q1 2008 by Jessica Holyoke Zee Linden recently posted graphs reflecting the strength of the SL Economy here – and Zee is very happy to report that the SL Economy grew by 15%. However, the story is not that simple. By several other measures, the economy growing slowly [...]
Full Storypoem
by Artfox Daviau oh btw atm im in IMand a noob at it imho it seemscos the ppl in here chat in shorthandomg wtf does it mean? ni went 2 the puter this amand the msg in there that i seencd a bin abt ne ol topicomg wtf does it mean? o skuz me brb [...]
Full StoryClub Owner Slain

Police search for suspects by Femme Bleu freereed Freenote found dead Early the morning of Thursday April 17th, the body of club owner freereed Freenote was found dead in Birdland, Moondust. Although there were no signs of a struggle first responders on the scene said the cause of Ms. Freenote’s death is being ruled “foul [...]
Full StoryFirst In-World Sighting of M Linden

Exhausted emperor favors the simple look by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk ex-digital marketing agency CEO shows the metaverse how it is done – afk in t-shirt and jeans Melanie Kidd took what is likely to be the paparazzi photo of the year – a candid shot of the new emperor/CEO of Linden Lab demonstrating [...]
Full StoryPerri Prinz — Post 6 Grrrrl

[Note from Justine- I was out looking for a model for this week and it was my great fortune to meet Perri Prinz, who I'm sure you'll agree is as gorgeous a person as she is an avatar. /me shuts up now so you can enjoy her]. Hi. I’m Perri, a shy but friendly alien [...]
Full StoryGameCyte’s Journalism Lesson
GameCyte’s Sean Hollister invited to join Prokofy Neva as a Jr. Author at Second Life Herald To: Sean Hollister – Assistant Editor, GameCyst.comFrom: Pixeleen Mistral, managing editor- Second Life Heraldre: Re: Re: News tip: The TRUE story of NASA’s MMO Funding Sean, Apology accepted – assuming you add the link to the Second Life Herald [...]
Full StoryOFFICIAL: Second Life To Become Giant Advertisland
Unclear if Coke or Procter and Gamble will purchase avatar behavior patterns by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Any lingering doubts about the advertisland direction that Linden Lab has set for teh 3D Interwebs were erased last night when the new emperor of Second Life was named – Mr. Mark Kingdon, formerly of the e-vertising [...]
Full StoryGameCyte Needs A Clue
the Second Life Herald offers a PROTIP To: Sean Hollister – Assistant Editor, GameCyst.comFrom: Pixeleen Mistral, managing editor- Second Life Heraldre: News tip: The TRUE story of NASA’s MMO Funding Sean, Thank you so much for your e-mail. I did check out the story on your blog, and well, you can color me like just [...]
Full StoryGriefing Under the Old Regime

part 1: Reminiscing about days soon to be past by d3adlyc0d3c, ex-griefer Plastic Duck – a metaverse pioneer I still stand by my belief that Philip cannot be blamed for all of the Chaos in Second Life. Linden Labs has had so much to do in the last few years trying to fix so many [...]
Full Story
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