The True Story of How Plastic Duck Saved The SL Economy

by Alphaville Herald on 30/06/08 at 11:06 pm

History of the Voted5 goons includes amazing revelation — Philip Linden caught in-world accepting bug reports!!

by Mötör Vöted5

[this story appeared in a slightly different form at the Griefer Herald, where the author describes an exploit allowing free transfer of L$ spacebux - part of a tell-all account of a bygone era. While the exploit has presumably been patched, the level of close cooperation between dark lord of the goons, Gene Replacement, and Philip Linden, ex-CEO of the metaverse finally confirms what many have long suspected. - the Editrix]

I was a member of Voted 5 way before the great purge that razed Satyr to the ground and led to the revival of the then defunct w-hat. I joined sometime after the great w-hat civil war (where Voted 5 was splintered from w-hat) and many months before the removal of Satyr from the grid and the banning of several prominent members of Voted 5. Let me tell you, things back then were what one would consider fun. Back then was when griefing was an art.

Gene Replacement was a glorious leader. Gene Replacement, whom many know as Plastic Duck, was what made Voted 5 so popular and famous. The scripts, items, and everything that streamed from him was a marvel to behold. I can even remember Gene Replacement taking a few moments to modify the Linden popgun to exploit most Gorean combat meters. Everything was always done with a fluid motion including keeping all of the SA goons in check.

There was no faggotry allowed in Satyr. The second you came up with the idea to type a 4chan catchphrase was the second you were swiftly kicked from the sim by Gene Replacement. That was, unless you were part of the in-crowd. My memory is fuzzy in regards to those who were in the tight knit clique that circled Gene Replacement and maintained the majority of the power of the group. Names that I can summon from the top of my head are Schwartz Guillaume, Decomposing Monstre, and the “guy in the power ranger suit” whose name escapes me. People like NiceAaron Thetan and Ben Kerensky were overly prominent, but I’m unsure if they made it into the clique that surrounded Gene. Being from the outside one doesn’t know all of the facts.

The fall of Voted 5 was caused by many factors. I suspect, however, that many at the top knew it was coming. Before Satyr underwent a “tiki theme” that led to in-fighting (no one wanted to do a serious theme that wasn’t mocking something) there was a theme called “Tacowood” which was making fun of both the Gorean and Furry sims. The entire sim was cartoony and had a tree similar to the one you’d find in Lost Furest in the middle with everything made of megaprims. The entire ground was made of a megaprim.

The Tacowood theme was great because the description was the same as any other Gorean sim at the time. This led many Goreans to zone in with their slaves in tow and find a welcome of five to twenty weirdly dressed people shouting at them to nadu. A cage was added at the telehub so the Goreans were locked in and given the rules of Tacowood. The ones who escaped the cage (through sitting or reading the rules if I remember right) found themselves in a world that did not welcome them. The odds of their collars being diddled with, their sexgen being raped, and being told to nadu were extremely high. The major source of comedy was often when the slave would not leave because their “master” didn’t give them permission yet.

These were the times when Voted 5 shined for me. There was no mass grid griefing, there was no Patriotic Nigras running about, and the leadership was firm on good solid “goon values”. There was only one major griefing event outside of the sim and that was an invasion of FurNation with everyone dressed as Team Rocket throwing pokeballs at various furries while a Meowth blimp was floating about. Afterwards there was a raid on a few Gorean sims. It was good fun due mostly to the overreaction of the furries and Goreans to these strangers in their sim.

Other raids were simply finding people cybering and stopping in with some form of hilarious image. Often a band would roam about mainland exploring and finding two dots together before a teleport chain would occur. Outside of those two instances most everything was contained within Satyr. Satyr was a sim where you could hang out, talk with fellow goons, and fuck around all you wanted.

This all came to an end, however, when the crew wanted to create a serious sim after Satyr got a lot of publicity for their build. Many people argued and bickered, saying that themes should be for goofing off, but the tiki theme came about anyway. The zone was wiped and the tiki theme was being set up. No one but Gene and his crew were building for it. Eventually, to everyone’s relief, the tiki theme was all but lost to a giant face of Prokofy spewing particles out of her giant mouth. The map also contained a lewd drawing of King of the Hill involving Bobby Hill (a popular image in many “goon image packs”). Then, I would say, the leaders of Voted 5 knew their days were numbered. It seemed that they knew the inevitable was coming and we were giving one final hurrah.

After the purge, Gene Replacement was banned. Satyr was inaccessible. Gene Replacement didn’t go out without a fight though. He held a live funeral where he was buried in some random graveyard sim with build permission. Standing large beside him was a screenshot of his SL account being banned if viewed from the web login. He was still inside the game and a complete renegade from Linden Labs. Did the Lindens purposely not re-ban him? No one knows, but everyone knows he was awesome enough that even Linden Lab couldn’t stop him.

Afterwards everyone fled back to the “homeland” of Baku. Baku who had stagnated over the year was once again revived. The owners of the group returned amongst various rumors of Voted 5′s purge. Everyone left the Voted 5 group and construction began on a new theme for Baku. W-Hat was born again. However, it was born without the leadership that the others provided.

Soon, 4chan took over. You’d see them and their avatars hanging out in Baku land. Soon you could see the discontent of the older generation as they were dissatisfied with the current leadership. Many left SL, many went elsewhere and played with other SL friends, and some stayed. I don’t know specifically how w-hat changed after the few months I followed it passed Voted 5′s removal from the game. However, I do know I’m glad I left. The w-hat I see now is nowhere near as cool as Voted 5. They may want to distance themselves as far away from Plastic Duck as they can, but that won’t change the fact that Plastic Duck is a better leader then they could ever be.

For instance, rumors abound that Plastic Duck had a way to hack SL and steal Lindens from people’s accounts. That rumor is true and I’ve seen it for myself. Gene Replacement and the guy in the power ranger suit were there one night when Gene discovered how to pay someone a negative amount. When you payed someone a negative amount the game would give you the money and take it from them. The best part was that even if they had no Linden the game would still give the money over.

Plastic Duck could have ruined Second Life then and there. It could have been the end of the game. They could have kept the exploit secret and used it to send fake cash all over the grid with different accounts and IP addresses, exchanging those lindens for real world currency before Linden Lab could have noticed. They could have caused more damage than the grid crashing. They could have undermined the entire game and people’s trust into Linden Labs.

IM Chatlogs between Plastic Duck aka Gene Replacement and Philip Linden:

[7:10] Philip Linden: hey there!
[7:10] Gene Replacement: hi what’s up

[7:10] Philip Linden: can I come and talk to you about your reported exploit?
[7:11] Gene Replacement: ok sure but I’m not at a nice place

[7:11] Philip Linden: let’s go somewhere else then.
[7:11] Philip Linden: hang on.
[7:12] Philip Linden: actually let’s talk in IM to be really secure.
[7:12] Gene Replacement: secure :P

[7:12] Philip Linden: OK so can you tell me the time and source->dest of the test you did?
[7:13] Gene Replacement: honestly, I have no idea. I’ve been messing with packet shaping SL stuff for a few hours last night/today and was messing with various stuff.
[7:13] Gene Replacement: I debited two different avatars and paid them back to do the test.

[7:13] Philip Linden: OK which ones?
[7:14] Philip Linden: I want to look at our logs and see what is there?
[7:14] Gene Replacement: Tiny Marbles and Huns Valen
[7:14] Gene Replacement: I received their permission via voice chat
[7:14] Gene Replacement: I also debited NULL_KEY when testing it, as the idea originally came from modifying asset upload fees and the default avatar paid is NULL_KEY

[7:15] Philip Linden: OK are you referring to a transact between you and him at 3AM this morning?
[7:16] Philip Linden: that is what I see.
[7:16] Gene Replacement: yeah that sounds right
[7:16] Gene Replacement: I was messing with the upload fees a few days ago but wanted to try spoofing the payment source/destination today

[7:16] Philip Linden: there is a ‘gift’ transact of value 1L$?
[7:16] Philip Linden: is that correct?
[7:16] Gene Replacement: to Huns?

[7:17] Philip Linden: there is first a payment from huns->gene, and then backwards.
[7:17] Gene Replacement: yes that is correct

[7:17] Philip Linden: OK so what account were you logged in as when you sent the packets?
[7:18] Gene Replacement: Gene Replacement

[7:18] Philip Linden: So basically you were able to get Huns to xfer to you, though you were logged in as you?
[7:18] Gene Replacement: yes
[7:18] Gene Replacement: it’s really simple I could do it to you :P

[7:19] Philip Linden: OK
[7:19] Gene Replacement: you are asking me to debit money from you?

[7:20] Philip Linden: can you do it right now?
[7:20] Gene Replacement: yes

[7:20] Philip Linden: OK let’s do that so we have a good record.
[7:20] Philip Linden: XFER L$1 from me to you.
[7:20] Gene Replacement: ok it will take a few mins

[7:21] Philip Linden: OK
[7:22] Gene Replacement: there we go

[7:22] Philip Linden: Got it.
[7:22] Philip Linden: Let me check the logs.
[7:22] Gene Replacement: no I got it :P

[7:23] Philip Linden: OK I’ve got it confirmed in the logs.
[7:23] Philip Linden: Wow that is a really big problem.
[7:23] Philip Linden: I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the find.
[7:24] Philip Linden: Why we aren’t confirming that event at the server is beyond me,
[7:24] Philip Linden: OK so it looks like we’ve at least got good logs,
[7:24] Philip Linden: which would allow us to look for this happening.
[7:24] Philip Linden: I was still able to see that you were the one who initiated the transfer (from me to you)
[7:25] Philip Linden: so that makes me feel somewhat better in terms of the time it will take to fix.
[7:25] Gene Replacement: this is why an open policy on reverse engineering is a good thing :)

[7:25] Philip Linden: Obviously please keep under wraps. We’ll probably fix it today.
[7:25] Gene Replacement: yup, I don’t plan on telling anyone how to do this.

[7:26] Philip Linden: OK thanks.
[7:26] Philip Linden: We will be working on it within couple hours.
[7:26] Philip Linden: I
[7:26] Philip Linden: I’m in the office now.
[7:27] Philip Linden: OK talk to you soon.
[7:27] Gene Replacement: ok bye

Instead, Gene and his friend reported it after a long debate in Satyr with what few people were there at the time. The idea of free legit Linden for reporting the exploit was worth more to them then wreaking havoc on the grid. In the end, the exploit was reported and Philip Linden himself showed up and took them somewhere, and an epic screencap was taken. They were given the reward and the security hole was fixed.

Voted 5 wasn’t about griefing or crashing sims. It was about playing a game by goofing off, being silly, and having fun just like most goons do. Laughing at others was a prominent theme but for most of the V5 members it was simple enough to laugh at how lame they were without needing to poke them and make them do something funny.

I do not know what w-hat is like in its current state but the constant bickering with the 4chan group and the way I’ve seen the leadership handle 4channers shitting the place up, the SL Safari, the constant jabs at Prokofy just because she was funny awhile back, and constant press about their ill deeds I can only shake my head. Everyone out there can shun Plastic Duck/Gene Replacement but I would join any group he was leading. I would join even if it wasn’t restricted to Something Awful members. I would join because I believe he knows how to have fun in SL. That’s something lost on most of the playerbase and even the current generation of griefers.

71 Responses to “The True Story of How Plastic Duck Saved The SL Economy”

  1. The Griefer Herald

    Jul 5th, 2008

    @Isometric Bedlam

    Why don’t you tell us what information specifically is wrong?

    Those logs are completely accurate and we have images of some of the other stuff spoken of. In fact, Plastic Duck himself has posted copies of these logs on his site that I found through a google search the other day:

    Until recently Patrick’s site was the only one that I know of that ever had these logs.

  2. Lord Kamina

    Jul 5th, 2008

    Speaking of the grid…

    Little Known Fact: AID­S was originally known as GRIDS.


  3. Alyx Stoklitsky

    Jul 5th, 2008

    “Little Known Fact: AID­S was originally known as GRIDS.”

    Jesus christ I lol’d.

    Pure fucking gold, Kamina. <3

  4. Zerin Kiama

    Jul 5th, 2008

    kkkkow (1:41:18 PM): HAY
    xxxxxx (1:41:30 PM): whazzah?
    kkkkow (1:41:34 PM): I got permbanned
    xxxxxx (1:41:39 PM): again
    kkkkow (1:41:42 PM): and got away with a lot of LSL scripts
    xxxxxx (1:41:43 PM): ?
    kkkkow (1:41:55 PM): like the source code to the seburo and a bunch of other crap
    xxxxxx (1:42:04 PM): wait, how did you manage that?
    kkkkow (1:42:12 PM): hacked client
    kkkkow (1:42:15 PM): don’t tell anyone ok
    kkkkow (1:42:19 PM): do you want the source codes
    kkkkow (1:42:26 PM): I put them in a zip
    kkkkow (1:42:54 PM):
    kkkkow (1:43:04 PM): I got permbanned cause Nora reported me for being an alt
    kkkkow (1:43:10 PM): anyway in that zip are two SL clients
    kkkkow (1:43:13 PM): one that enables god mode
    kkkkow (1:43:17 PM): the other disables permissions
    kkkkow (1:43:40 PM): you can steal any object that is inside another object of a group you are in
    kkkkow (1:44:01 PM): I just IMed a bunch of mall owners and asked to be invited into the group
    xxxxxx (1:44:03 PM): so basically that means any script you have a copy of you can open?
    kkkkow (1:44:06 PM): and stole a SHITLOAD of stuff
    kkkkow (1:44:10 PM): yeah
    kkkkow (1:44:17 PM): and most stuff you can just jack without buying
    kkkkow (1:44:54 PM): I managed to get all this in like half an hour
    kkkkow (1:45:06 PM):
    xxxxxx (1:45:06 PM): and you got banned for being an /alt/
    kkkkow (1:45:10 PM): yes

  5. GreenLantern Excelsior

    Jul 6th, 2008

    “The facts here are that you went into someones private property to find their personal artwork…”

    I was originally invited to come to Longcat some time ago:

    [2008/05/27 0:09] Scout Detritus: you should come visit our sim
    [2008/05/27 0:10] Scout Detritus: its really fun, we just started a new build
    [2008/05/27 0:12] Scout Detritus: ill send you all tp’s! and set the kettle on

    “Community standards cannot be enforced within ones private enclosures/buildings…”

    Not true. From the SL Community Standards page:

    “All Second Life Community Standards apply to all areas of Second Life, the Second Life Forums, and the Second Life Website.”

    “Nobody appointed you the boss of the intergrids. Get off their e-lawn and out of their homes.”

    I was asked to go in there, and it was requested that I write the AR. Some of the people in there have seen what’s going on, and they don’t like it. But they thought they would get kicked out of the group if they wrote an AR, so I wrote it for them. What’s the worst that could happen? I could get banned from Longcat? Oh, right, that already happened. I did what I’m supposed to do and what my group is known for – writing ARs on griefers. In fact, I had the impression that’s why Scout originally invited me to Longcat – to give the place an air of legitimacy. If JLU is there, then things must be okay, right? But now, apparently, someone thinks writing ARs on CS violations by PN members is a bad thing, so I’m banned. Interesting, no? I wonder what the Longcat owner (Scout) would think about that.

    “…you claimed you didnt play the epolice game, and you would not do so in my sims.”

    I never said any such thing. I told you I hadn’t been looking into Friedman while I was in Badnarik, and that was and is the truth. But I’ll be damned if I’ll watch a CS/ToS violation going on right in front of me and look the other way, especially when people have come to me asking for help getting rid of it.

    “You have no proof that the individual in question was frizzlefry…”

    No I don’t, but this is what I was told by the resident, and apparently it was common knowledge within the group. They were afraid of him. I’m not.

    “Not once have you witnessed any Woodbury resident griefing anybody in another sim anywhere on the grid.”

    That’s true. It didn’t happen in another sim. It happened in Longcat, adjacent to the official Woodbury sim, and full of official Woodbury University members. The perpetrator was a member of the Woodbury group, and now he and his intolerant pictures are gone from Second Life.

    “I can assure the SL community that any actual member of Woodbury University who is caught griefing will receive an AR from me as well as an ejection from the group and I will ensure they are permbanned from SL.”

    Kraut Hienrichs was a member of Woodbury University, and although several people saw what he was building in Longcat, no one did anything about it, instead calling me in to take care of the problem. I’m happy to help, but this affair doesn’t give me a strong feeling that further violations will be reported by the residents. The crucified furry owned by Woodbury Moderator Duty Footman, and strapped to the back of day-old avatar Hichigawa Banufong just before she TPed out was not a good indication that residents are serious about keeping Longcat free of griefers. I’m still willing to help if I’m unbanned, and I’ll preserve everyone’s anonymity, but the future is not looking bright for the Longcat sim with what’s been going on recently.

  6. Witness X

    Jul 6th, 2008

    I saw that message too. That was not a private IM but a group message sent to the Woodbury group. You were not personally invited, it was incidental due to the fact that you were a member of the Woodbury group.

  7. Witness X

    Jul 6th, 2008

    Not to mention republishing of people’s messages at any rate is disclosure, not that the standards apply to a right-wing retard who gets a hard-on from dressing in colorful underwear.

  8. anonymous

    Jul 6th, 2008


    You should be afraid of Frizzlefry. You should ask around and find out why.

  9. General Drama

    Jul 6th, 2008

    GLE, furries dont just exist in SL, they exist in anime and their own videos, they exist in RL, and in other games. Unless you specifically name exactly WHICH furries were being assaulted in those depictions, then you have no case.
    Moreover, there are places in SL where you can hunt furries. The Furry Safari, for one, is a w-hat run facility.
    Besides, how do you know, even if there were specific individuals depicted in the images, that they were not consenting to the treatment? There are a lot of furries into snuff art, into cannibalism, etc. and as you also know, most PN members have been outed as closet furries (even N3X15 himself has admitted to being a furry by the name of “Jeannette” who founded the #inflateTF IRC group).

    PN griefing on furries is nothing more than another one of Angel Fluffy’s big capture role-play games, haven’t you gotten that yet?

  10. IntLibber Brautigan

    Jul 6th, 2008

    Griefing is NOT putting up controversial art work in ones own home. Shall we go investigate your house for Mapplethorpe pics?

    Griefing is about going to OTHER peoples sims and interfering in their enjoyment of their land. In this case, you were the griefer.

  11. Leo Batfish

    Jul 6th, 2008

    Here’s a slideshow of rare V5/Satyr images –

  12. Isometric Bedlam

    Jul 6th, 2008

    —@Isometric Bedlam

    Why don’t you tell us what information specifically is wrong? —

    Ok sure thing chief.

    – Gene Replacement was a glorious leader. –


    –Gene Replacement, whom many know as Plastic Duck, was what made Voted 5 so popular and famous.–


    –The scripts, items, and everything that streamed from him was a marvel to behold. –


    – Everything was always done with a fluid motion including keeping all of the SA goons in check. –


    – There was no faggotry allowed in Satyr. The second you came up with the idea to type a 4chan catchphrase was the second you were swiftly kicked from the sim by Gene Replacement. That was, unless you were part of the in-crowd. –


    – People like NiceAaron Thetan and Ben Kerensky were overly prominent, but I’m unsure if they made it into the clique that surrounded Gene. Being from the outside one doesn’t know all of the facts. –

    True. You don’t.

    – There was no mass grid griefing, and the leadership was firm on good solid “goon values”. –


    – Satyr was a sim where you could hang out, talk with fellow goons, and fuck around all you wanted. –


    – The fall of Voted 5 was caused by many factors. I suspect, however, that many at the top knew it was coming. –

    Wrong. It was really sudden, we had no idea it would happen. Most people that banned didn’t deserve it. (A few did.)

    – Before Satyr underwent a “tiki theme” that led to in-fighting (no one wanted to do a serious theme that wasn’t mocking something) –


    The tiki theme was only used because someone stole a bunch of World of Warcraft textures. No one wanted to build for it because it was a stupid idea. Had nothing to do with the ‘downfall’ of Voted 5.

    – Gene Replacement didn’t go out without a fight though. Everyone knows he was awesome enough that even Linden Lab couldn’t stop him. –

    True. He was pretty awesome.

    – W-Hat was born again. However, it was born without the leadership that the others provided. –


    – Soon, 4chan took over. –


    – The w-hat I see now is nowhere near as cool as Voted 5. They may want to distance themselves as far away from Plastic Duck as they can, but that won’t change the fact that Plastic Duck is a better leader then they could ever be. –

    Wrong. I would argue post voted-5 w-hat is more creative and clever than Voted 5 ever was in it’s heyday, (despite being in a little rut for the past couple of months). It’s also still basically made up of most of the same members.

    I love Plastic Duck like some sort of eccentric weird uncle but he was a terrible leader of Voted 5. Awesome guy, terrible leader. The reason why everyone got banned was the result of his actions. Using goons shared to group objects and using them to crash the grid, (essentially making it appear like it was an innocent goon that did it) is not a good leadership example, nor is it based on “traditional goon values.”

    He was pretty awesome at weeding out the idiots though.

    – Plastic Duck could have ruined Second Life then and there. It could have been the end of the game. They could have kept the exploit secret and used it to send fake cash all over the grid with different accounts and IP addresses, exchanging those lindens for real world currency before Linden Lab could have noticed. They could have caused more damage than the grid crashing. They could have undermined the entire game and people’s trust into Linden Labs. –

    He also could have gone to jail for fraud on a massive scale. Plus, he’s actually a really nice guy who just loves to get the goat of people and push their buttons. He knows the limits and the consequences of what he can do.

    Thank you for your odd love affair letter with Gene Replacement. That was 2 years ago. Move on please. All the rest of us have. Aren’t the PN spamming a furry sex dungeon with tubgirl particles somewhere? that sounds like A-material for the “griefer herald”.

    When did griefers start taking the internet so seriously, damn…

  13. Lord Kamina

    Jul 6th, 2008

    General Drama: “… most PN members have been outed as closet furries (even N3X15 himself has admitted to being a furry by the name of “Jeannette” …”


    Thanks for making it glaringly obvious that it was you IntLib.

  14. GreenLantern Excelsior

    Jul 6th, 2008

    “I saw that message too. That was not a private IM but a group message sent to the Woodbury group. You were not personally invited, it was incidental due to the fact that you were a member of the Woodbury group.”

    I am not now, nor have I ever been a member of the Woodbury University group (maybe joining is not a bad idea, though). Those messages were sent by Scout in public chat in Sandbox Goguen. They are considered disclosure only if posted in Second Life or on the Second Life forum or website.

    “You should be afraid of Frizzlefry. You should ask around and find out why.”

    We purged our fear when we removed the yellow impurity from the Great Power Battery on Oa. But thanks for the warning. I’ll keep my eyes open.

    “Unless you specifically name exactly WHICH furries were being assaulted in those depictions, then you have no case.”

    “YIFF IN HELL FURFAGS” is intolerance. No specific name is necessary. I didn’t know about the furry safari, but that’s not what the pictures were about. Take a look at them and you will see what I mean.

    “Besides, how do you know, even if there were specific individuals depicted in the images, that they were not consenting to the treatment?”

    Again, look at the slogans seen on those pics. There are several of those, so even throwing out the graphics-only posters, there’s plenty of evidence of intolerance. And since the posters are located in “Kraut’s fortress of fursecution,” I think we can assume the pictures are not consensual depictions. Maybe a jailhouse lawyer could argue that there’s no proof all of those posters are intolerant, and that’s fine. I just write the AR and let the GTeam judge whether it’s valid.

    “PN griefing on furries is nothing more than another one of Angel Fluffy’s big capture role-play games, haven’t you gotten that yet?”

    Oh yes, all Furnation residents request regular sim-crashing raids on their homes just to satisfy their “chase me” fetish.

    “Griefing is NOT putting up controversial art work in ones own home.”

    Correct. Griefing is not about controversial artwork at all. It’s about violation of the CS and ToS, in “all areas of Second Life, the Second Life Forums, and the Second Life Website,” including one’s own home.

    “Griefing is about going to OTHER peoples sims and interfering in their enjoyment of their land.”

    That’s what Kraut Hienrichs was doing, which is why I received requests to make him stop. I am not now, and have never been a griefer.

  15. Witness X

    Jul 6th, 2008

    “Griefing is about going to OTHER peoples sims and interfering in their enjoyment of their land. In this case, you were the griefer.”

    Funny how screwed your view is. As far as I understand it, the TOS is for ALL of Second Life. On top of that the sims Longcat and it’s neighboring Woodbury Sea are not set to private so any one can drop on in if they wish. In other words, while owned by a person, they are open to the public who wide public. This would be a whole different issue if they were closed off like a Gor sim but they aren’t.

    Also to the dolt that said GLE was committing disclosure. That only counts within Second Life and not in a third party blog such as the Herald.

  16. Witness X

    Jul 7th, 2008

    “That only counts within Second Life and not in a third party blog such as the Herald.”

    Then isn’t it interesting how Tizzers was banned for disclosure on a third-party website and Kalel, (who publicly released Tizzers’ information to members in-game) was not?

    I believe that’s Checkmate, my friend.

  17. Alyx Stoklitsky

    Jul 7th, 2008

    No, Tizzers was banned for disclosure in-world, and from what I remember, Kal didn’t disclose much of anything except the general part of the state Tizzers lives in. If you’re going to take stupid potshots, “Witness X” at least get the facts right.

  18. GreenLantern Excelsior

    Jul 7th, 2008

    I was informed last night that if I didn’t agree to look the other way in the face of CS and ToS violations, then my ban from Longcat and Woodbury Sea would continue. So it’s the end of the line for me. I want to help, but that’s going too far. Good luck to you folks in the Woodbury University group.

  19. Lord Kamina

    Jul 7th, 2008

    O lawd guise, I think Witness X has multiple personality disorder.

    We’re going to have to put him down.

  20. Witness X

    Jul 8th, 2008

    Hey, I resent that! Not all of us are dicks, lol.

  21. [...] under a number of names, pushing the envelope of the metaverse with a variety of high visibility exploits and a series of account bans, and winning third place in the 2005 Avatar of the Year awards – [...]

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