The True Story of How Plastic Duck Saved The SL Economy
by Alphaville Herald on 30/06/08 at 11:06 pm
History of the Voted5 goons includes amazing revelation — Philip Linden caught in-world accepting bug reports!!
by Mötör Vöted5
[this story appeared in a slightly different form at the Griefer Herald, where the author describes an exploit allowing free transfer of L$ spacebux - part of a tell-all account of a bygone era. While the exploit has presumably been patched, the level of close cooperation between dark lord of the goons, Gene Replacement, and Philip Linden, ex-CEO of the metaverse finally confirms what many have long suspected. - the Editrix]
I was a member of Voted 5 way before the great purge that razed Satyr to the ground and led to the revival of the then defunct w-hat. I joined sometime after the great w-hat civil war (where Voted 5 was splintered from w-hat) and many months before the removal of Satyr from the grid and the banning of several prominent members of Voted 5. Let me tell you, things back then were what one would consider fun. Back then was when griefing was an art.
Gene Replacement was a glorious leader. Gene Replacement, whom many know as Plastic Duck, was what made Voted 5 so popular and famous. The scripts, items, and everything that streamed from him was a marvel to behold. I can even remember Gene Replacement taking a few moments to modify the Linden popgun to exploit most Gorean combat meters. Everything was always done with a fluid motion including keeping all of the SA goons in check.
There was no faggotry allowed in Satyr. The second you came up with the idea to type a 4chan catchphrase was the second you were swiftly kicked from the sim by Gene Replacement. That was, unless you were part of the in-crowd. My memory is fuzzy in regards to those who were in the tight knit clique that circled Gene Replacement and maintained the majority of the power of the group. Names that I can summon from the top of my head are Schwartz Guillaume, Decomposing Monstre, and the “guy in the power ranger suit” whose name escapes me. People like NiceAaron Thetan and Ben Kerensky were overly prominent, but I’m unsure if they made it into the clique that surrounded Gene. Being from the outside one doesn’t know all of the facts.
The fall of Voted 5 was caused by many factors. I suspect, however, that many at the top knew it was coming. Before Satyr underwent a “tiki theme” that led to in-fighting (no one wanted to do a serious theme that wasn’t mocking something) there was a theme called “Tacowood” which was making fun of both the Gorean and Furry sims. The entire sim was cartoony and had a tree similar to the one you’d find in Lost Furest in the middle with everything made of megaprims. The entire ground was made of a megaprim.
The Tacowood theme was great because the description was the same as any other Gorean sim at the time. This led many Goreans to zone in with their slaves in tow and find a welcome of five to twenty weirdly dressed people shouting at them to nadu. A cage was added at the telehub so the Goreans were locked in and given the rules of Tacowood. The ones who escaped the cage (through sitting or reading the rules if I remember right) found themselves in a world that did not welcome them. The odds of their collars being diddled with, their sexgen being raped, and being told to nadu were extremely high. The major source of comedy was often when the slave would not leave because their “master” didn’t give them permission yet.
These were the times when Voted 5 shined for me. There was no mass grid griefing, there was no Patriotic Nigras running about, and the leadership was firm on good solid “goon values”. There was only one major griefing event outside of the sim and that was an invasion of FurNation with everyone dressed as Team Rocket throwing pokeballs at various furries while a Meowth blimp was floating about. Afterwards there was a raid on a few Gorean sims. It was good fun due mostly to the overreaction of the furries and Goreans to these strangers in their sim.
Other raids were simply finding people cybering and stopping in with some form of hilarious image. Often a band would roam about mainland exploring and finding two dots together before a teleport chain would occur. Outside of those two instances most everything was contained within Satyr. Satyr was a sim where you could hang out, talk with fellow goons, and fuck around all you wanted.
This all came to an end, however, when the crew wanted to create a serious sim after Satyr got a lot of publicity for their build. Many people argued and bickered, saying that themes should be for goofing off, but the tiki theme came about anyway. The zone was wiped and the tiki theme was being set up. No one but Gene and his crew were building for it. Eventually, to everyone’s relief, the tiki theme was all but lost to a giant face of Prokofy spewing particles out of her giant mouth. The map also contained a lewd drawing of King of the Hill involving Bobby Hill (a popular image in many “goon image packs”). Then, I would say, the leaders of Voted 5 knew their days were numbered. It seemed that they knew the inevitable was coming and we were giving one final hurrah.
After the purge, Gene Replacement was banned. Satyr was inaccessible. Gene Replacement didn’t go out without a fight though. He held a live funeral where he was buried in some random graveyard sim with build permission. Standing large beside him was a screenshot of his SL account being banned if viewed from the web login. He was still inside the game and a complete renegade from Linden Labs. Did the Lindens purposely not re-ban him? No one knows, but everyone knows he was awesome enough that even Linden Lab couldn’t stop him.
Afterwards everyone fled back to the “homeland” of Baku. Baku who had stagnated over the year was once again revived. The owners of the group returned amongst various rumors of Voted 5′s purge. Everyone left the Voted 5 group and construction began on a new theme for Baku. W-Hat was born again. However, it was born without the leadership that the others provided.
Soon, 4chan took over. You’d see them and their avatars hanging out in Baku land. Soon you could see the discontent of the older generation as they were dissatisfied with the current leadership. Many left SL, many went elsewhere and played with other SL friends, and some stayed. I don’t know specifically how w-hat changed after the few months I followed it passed Voted 5′s removal from the game. However, I do know I’m glad I left. The w-hat I see now is nowhere near as cool as Voted 5. They may want to distance themselves as far away from Plastic Duck as they can, but that won’t change the fact that Plastic Duck is a better leader then they could ever be.
For instance, rumors abound that Plastic Duck had a way to hack SL and steal Lindens from people’s accounts. That rumor is true and I’ve seen it for myself. Gene Replacement and the guy in the power ranger suit were there one night when Gene discovered how to pay someone a negative amount. When you payed someone a negative amount the game would give you the money and take it from them. The best part was that even if they had no Linden the game would still give the money over.
Plastic Duck could have ruined Second Life then and there. It could have been the end of the game. They could have kept the exploit secret and used it to send fake cash all over the grid with different accounts and IP addresses, exchanging those lindens for real world currency before Linden Lab could have noticed. They could have caused more damage than the grid crashing. They could have undermined the entire game and people’s trust into Linden Labs.
IM Chatlogs between Plastic Duck aka Gene Replacement and Philip Linden:
[7:10] Philip Linden: hey there!
[7:10] Gene Replacement: hi what’s up
[7:10] Philip Linden: can I come and talk to you about your reported exploit?
[7:11] Gene Replacement: ok sure but I’m not at a nice place
[7:11] Philip Linden: let’s go somewhere else then.
[7:11] Philip Linden: hang on.
[7:12] Philip Linden: actually let’s talk in IM to be really secure.
[7:12] Gene Replacement: secure
[7:12] Philip Linden: OK so can you tell me the time and source->dest of the test you did?
[7:13] Gene Replacement: honestly, I have no idea. I’ve been messing with packet shaping SL stuff for a few hours last night/today and was messing with various stuff.
[7:13] Gene Replacement: I debited two different avatars and paid them back to do the test.
[7:13] Philip Linden: OK which ones?
[7:14] Philip Linden: I want to look at our logs and see what is there?
[7:14] Gene Replacement: Tiny Marbles and Huns Valen
[7:14] Gene Replacement: I received their permission via voice chat
[7:14] Gene Replacement: I also debited NULL_KEY when testing it, as the idea originally came from modifying asset upload fees and the default avatar paid is NULL_KEY
[7:15] Philip Linden: OK are you referring to a transact between you and him at 3AM this morning?
[7:16] Philip Linden: that is what I see.
[7:16] Gene Replacement: yeah that sounds right
[7:16] Gene Replacement: I was messing with the upload fees a few days ago but wanted to try spoofing the payment source/destination today
[7:16] Philip Linden: there is a ‘gift’ transact of value 1L$?
[7:16] Philip Linden: is that correct?
[7:16] Gene Replacement: to Huns?
[7:17] Philip Linden: there is first a payment from huns->gene, and then backwards.
[7:17] Gene Replacement: yes that is correct
[7:17] Philip Linden: OK so what account were you logged in as when you sent the packets?
[7:18] Gene Replacement: Gene Replacement
[7:18] Philip Linden: So basically you were able to get Huns to xfer to you, though you were logged in as you?
[7:18] Gene Replacement: yes
[7:18] Gene Replacement: it’s really simple I could do it to you
[7:19] Philip Linden: OK
[7:19] Gene Replacement: you are asking me to debit money from you?
[7:20] Philip Linden: can you do it right now?
[7:20] Gene Replacement: yes
[7:20] Philip Linden: OK let’s do that so we have a good record.
[7:20] Philip Linden: XFER L$1 from me to you.
[7:20] Gene Replacement: ok it will take a few mins
[7:21] Philip Linden: OK
[7:22] Gene Replacement: there we go
[7:22] Philip Linden: Got it.
[7:22] Philip Linden: Let me check the logs.
[7:22] Gene Replacement: no I got it
[7:23] Philip Linden: OK I’ve got it confirmed in the logs.
[7:23] Philip Linden: Wow that is a really big problem.
[7:23] Philip Linden: I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the find.
[7:24] Philip Linden: Why we aren’t confirming that event at the server is beyond me,
[7:24] Philip Linden: OK so it looks like we’ve at least got good logs,
[7:24] Philip Linden: which would allow us to look for this happening.
[7:24] Philip Linden: I was still able to see that you were the one who initiated the transfer (from me to you)
[7:25] Philip Linden: so that makes me feel somewhat better in terms of the time it will take to fix.
[7:25] Gene Replacement: this is why an open policy on reverse engineering is a good thing
[7:25] Philip Linden: Obviously please keep under wraps. We’ll probably fix it today.
[7:25] Gene Replacement: yup, I don’t plan on telling anyone how to do this.
[7:26] Philip Linden: OK thanks.
[7:26] Philip Linden: We will be working on it within couple hours.
[7:26] Philip Linden: I
[7:26] Philip Linden: I’m in the office now.
[7:27] Philip Linden: OK talk to you soon.
[7:27] Gene Replacement: ok bye
Instead, Gene and his friend reported it after a long debate in Satyr with what few people were there at the time. The idea of free legit Linden for reporting the exploit was worth more to them then wreaking havoc on the grid. In the end, the exploit was reported and Philip Linden himself showed up and took them somewhere, and an epic screencap was taken. They were given the reward and the security hole was fixed.
Voted 5 wasn’t about griefing or crashing sims. It was about playing a game by goofing off, being silly, and having fun just like most goons do. Laughing at others was a prominent theme but for most of the V5 members it was simple enough to laugh at how lame they were without needing to poke them and make them do something funny.
I do not know what w-hat is like in its current state but the constant bickering with the 4chan group and the way I’ve seen the leadership handle 4channers shitting the place up, the SL Safari, the constant jabs at Prokofy just because she was funny awhile back, and constant press about their ill deeds I can only shake my head. Everyone out there can shun Plastic Duck/Gene Replacement but I would join any group he was leading. I would join even if it wasn’t restricted to Something Awful members. I would join because I believe he knows how to have fun in SL. That’s something lost on most of the playerbase and even the current generation of griefers.
The Griefer Herald
Jun 30th, 2008
Wrong url up top there, the correct address is
Lord Kamina
Jul 1st, 2008
And continues the w-hat circlejerk.
At least you got some of the history right.
Jul 1st, 2008
The 4chan-SA dichotomy is a false one, the author should know that. Retards exist in both groups, geniuses exist in both groups. The old guard of the “4chan people” as they’re so condescendingly referred to here were just as skilled as a majority of the W-Hat and some of the Voted 5 goons.
Classifying 4chan by summer /b/ posters is like classifying SA by FYAD and GBS. Stop perpetuating this retarded bullshit.
Jul 1st, 2008
In This Topic: Writer attempt to place the blame for all of w-hat’s troubles on 4chan.
Dr. Internet
Jul 1st, 2008
The problem with groups like V5, W-hat, SA, 4chan, etc is the fact that they arent for SL.
That is, SL takes things too seriously, and is filled with people who have actually taken the “second life” name to heart and used it as a new way to live life. Staff and users alike.
Basically, SL is full of people who like to control what others say, do, or think. Any group that says, does, or thinks differently and freely, is going to be shown the door at some point.
Funny considering the lindens claim to be “transparent” yet get actively involved in various drama on the grid. Who remembers Plexus Linden’s permanent JLU platform in Sandbox Cordova?
Many of you will disagree and scream “TERRIBLE GRIEFERS, THEY SHOULD BE DEALT WITH ZOMG DESTROY THEM ALL” but I have to say, fuck you. You’re what’s not only wrong with SL, but with the world in general. You’re the type of person who believes in swift justice towards those you dont like, however, will scream foul when you get the very same treatment from someone who doesn’t like you.
Want to avoid being “griefed” ? ignore the problem, unlike IRL, you can avoid a lot of shit by ignoring someone or not allowing them to build either. Instead many people go looking for a chance to be victimized so they can have someone punished. It’s a form of empowerment. Which is why groups like the JLU exist and often believe they’re the masters of the grid.
The point is, want free speech? Want to be able to fuck around and not take things seriously and parody things? Dont do it in SL because SL generally dislikes such things.
Which is a very pathetic existence. However, if you like to challenge the system, go on ahead, but honestly it isnt worth your time and money.
Dr. Internet
Jul 1st, 2008
Should be noted that 4chan was founded by a goon, and was populated by goons in the beginning.
Sigmund Leominster
Jul 1st, 2008
Dr. Internet makes a few points worth commenting on.
“That is, SL takes things too seriously, and is filled with people who have actually taken the “second life” name to heart and used it as a new way to live life. Staff and users alike.”
Well, yes! Second Life is nothing more than a souped up version of MySpace or FaceBook in that is is a Social Network. For many people, the purpose of using Second Life is to create, sustain, and enjoy social interaction via the medium of the internet. In that sense, they take things seriously insofar as they take any human interaction seriously. Wombat Bunnythumper, a seven-foot-tall Wookie, and Angelina Jackhammer, a kitchen appliance, may look like the oddest pair of avatars anyone can imagine but they are a means of interaction between two people somewhere on the globe. If Wombat and Angelina’s idea of Second Life is to create an undersea love nest and have primmy babies to take to grunge music clubs while shopping for new clothes, they are entitled to do that. Who has the right to decide whether that’s a “good” or “appropriate” Second Life?
“Basically, SL is full of people who like to control what others say, do, or think.”
I don’t think “full” is accurate. Unless I live a charmed existence, the folks I interact with in Second Life are not interested in control but in the everday trivia of talking, exploring, shopping, dancing, buying, selling, arguing, and a host of other ‘-ings.’ Sure folks want to persuade others what to say, do or think (welcome to the Real World!) but it’s hard to force anyone to do anything. That doesn’t mean there are NOT people who have some desire to be controlling, just that they are a minority.
“The point is, want free speech? Want to be able to fuck around and not take things seriously and parody things? Don’t do it in SL because SL generally dislikes such things.”
By “SL” are you referring to specific individuals or groups or Linden Lab? Second Life is a great place to “fuck around” in and folks apparently do fuck around a lot. What people don’t like is being fucked around with. Wombat loves his furry lifestyle but to be subjected to abuse by folks who define “free speech” as being able to harass and harangue “avatars that are different” is an infringement on their enjoyment of their SL experience. As in Real Life, the issue of “freedom” comes around to being free within a community, which is different from that egocentric notion of “freedom” that is more inline with the definition of a sociopath.
“Which is a very pathetic existence. However, if you like to challenge the system, go on ahead, but honestly it isn’t worth your time and money.”
This sounds a little like YOU are taking things to seriously – and I mean no offense by that
“Challenging the system” sounds as if you see some giant conspiratorial entity that needs to be “taken down” so that someone can be “made free.” Underneath the pretty pictures Second Life is just a chat room with graphics. It is a Social Network that some folks pay to use. Scripts, prims, and all the things that make the virtual environment interesting are simply icing on the cake. It isn’t worth time and money to “challenge” it because there is nothing to challenge.
Some groups get so focused on themselves that they create a microcosm within SL that has a particular perspective and set of values that differs from other folks. That’s not the issue – it’s fine to create your own world. When it IS an issue is when those groups decide that their view is THE view and that they have to “help” the rest of the folks to see it and accept it. Which is what you said about control earlier.
OK, just some coffee-break comments from a naked bystander.
Vegna Fouroux
Jul 1st, 2008
You can’t simply say “it’s 4chan’s fault”
untrue as previous post said there were retards in both groups.
GreenLantern Excelsior
Jul 1st, 2008
“Who remembers Plexus Linden’s permanent JLU platform in Sandbox Cordova?”
At one time, JLU had a platform that would be set up regularly in Sandbox Cordova. It was a great idea, because newbies would come there to ask questions or take help notecards from the dispensers, or sandbox users would point out people who were causing problems. It was such a great idea that something similar was incorporated into Sandbox Cordova as a permanent fixture. The owner was Plexus Linden, but the platform did not have the JLU symbol on it and it was not a “JLU platform.” I still have a copy of the original platform. Maybe I’ll set it up in Cordova again and you can come to visit.
If you want to shoot and cage and deform other people, by all means do so…in your own sim, with consenting members of your own group. Fill it up with “Jellowned” cubes or fish followers or pornographic pictures. You own it, so do whatever you want in there. But if you do that in a place that you don’t own, where you’re victimizing innocent residents who don’t welcome such actions, then the residents get the privilege of writing Abuse Reports, and you get to take the consequences. Unlike Real Life, where your mommy allowed you to knock the cans off the grocery store shelves because you were “thinking differently and freely,” Second Life has rules, and there are consequences for violating them. It’s too bad you can’t just run around doing whatever you want, but adults don’t act that way.
Jul 1st, 2008
“Wombat loves his furry lifestyle but to be subjected to abuse by folks who define “free speech” as being able to harass and harangue “avatars that are different” is an infringement on their enjoyment of their SL experience.”
his furry lifestyle is an infringement on my right not to see pathetic fat dog-fuckers having gay e-sex
consequently, i have the right to throw boxes at you as it’s the way i enjoy your 3d chatroom
therefore, your argument is stupid and it can be applied to anyone hth
Artemis Fate
Jul 1st, 2008
I kinda miss the days where griefing meant pulling some elaborate raid on an unsuspecting sim, like the one described above with furnation and pokeballs, or another one I’ve heard of before with a gorean sim and everyone dressed like baywatch characters, asking the goreans if they needed mouth to mouth. That stuff could be genuinely hilarious and i’ve heard of times where the people getting raided were laughing their asses off as much as the raiding party.
Now it seems to be just dropping some grey goo particle rezzer, getting permabanned, going through the revolving door to get another account and repeating. Not really funny, not even annoying really since it’s so easily counteracted. It just kind of is. In Nexus Prime, a city that is right next to/shares a sim with the welcome area, particle spam and grey goo is like bad weather: happens often and is at best a mild annoyance.
Jul 2nd, 2008
dr internet is about as sharp as a balloon if he thinks that he is fooling anyone.
he tries to sell the ‘control freak establishment’ song and dance while glossing over the fact that he and others of similar disposition are those who actually wish to control other people’s experience via ‘performance art’!
piss off kid. do your own thing, unless your own thing involves interfering with others.
i’m really very sorry, poodledick. You don’t get to equate being sanctioned by LL and SL society at large with being somehow persecuted because your idea of fun is hassling people who are doing absolutely nothing to you.
I think gor is stupid and that furries take their roleplay too seriously and yadda yadda yadda as well. That doesn’t mean i get to fuck with them, act like a gigantic special needs twat towards them, and then claim that ~i~ am the persecuted one. i avoid them. and only pussies with no girlfriends or social life outside internutlulzlkidz memefagzklubz give a fuck what they do, let alone spend hours, days, and weeks of their lives, devoted to harassing them. Sigmund has it right. you are the obsessed retards who devote too much time and seriousness to SL.
dr internet is just another eddie haskellesque, spoiled, over entitled cunt, who has a case of cognitive dissonance which is off the meter.
Jul 2nd, 2008
“his furry lifestyle is an infringement on my right not to see pathetic fat dog-fuckers having gay e-sex
consequently, i have the right to throw boxes at you as it’s the way i enjoy your 3d chatroom”
well, it’s everyone’s right not to see that, but for me personally, I have a great solution for this problem, and problems like Gor and other things I dont wanna look at.
I stay out of their sims!
I’m not the smartest of people, but even that I managed to figure out all on my own… Seems to me you could have as well, amirite?
Artemis above makes a point I agree with. Griefing can be funny, but particle spam, meh. Seen it, next please!
Witness X
Jul 2nd, 2008
Then why is it, GreenLantern Excelsior, that whenever the 4channers try to do just that with their Woodbury, you JLU people bust your ass to shut it down?
Jul 2nd, 2008
The JLU is a Cartoon Series on tv where Cartoon characters pretend they can fly and shoot lasers from their eyes and other stuff that they do to screw with people. Seems like an infantile pursuit for adults to try to imitate a bunch of cartoons in Second Life. The Green Lantern Core, The Super Friends, The Justice League Unlimited, all just a bunch of butthurt tv Cartoon Characters who go around messing with people because they ain’t got anything better to do.
PS, FUCK social interaction in Second Life. Anyone who wants to find Social Interaction in Second Life is retarded. Social interaction means getting up off of your ass, taking your gay little cape off, turning off the computer and going outside where you might encounter another actual real person. Another actual real person who will beat the shit out of you if you mouth off half of the shit you spew in SL…
GreenLantern Excelsior
Jul 2nd, 2008
“Then why is it, GreenLantern Excelsior, that whenever the 4channers try to do just that with their Woodbury, you JLU people bust your ass to shut it down?”
I wasn’t a JLU member when the first Woodbury sim was online, but I heard that it was shut down due to multiple Community Standards violations associated with PN activity. The current Woodbury sim (Woodbury Sea) appears to be quiet, so there would be no reason to write Abuse Reports on it. The adjacent 4chan sim (Longcat) looks like a fun place. I went in to look around a few nights ago, and they had turned on damage there. A couple of the locals killed me about four times. By the time I changed clothes and came back with a gun to help them enjoy their combat, they had turned damage off. But hey, it’s their sim, and they make the rules, so if they want to kill visitors, that’s their choice. I chatted with them about it afterward, and it turns out that they had damage-enabled the place to allow members to get rid of any griefers who showed up and caused problems. Shooting at me was their way of having fun. No harm done, no offense taken.
While I was looking for a barricade to shoot from, I found a place in the basement called “Kraut’s fortress of fursecution” (Longcat, 50, 86, 5), where someone named Kraut Hienrichs had placed several drawings and pictures of furries being killed in horrendous and bloody ways. I did write an AR on that for intolerance, because that’s not allowed anywhere in Second Life. I’m not sure if Kraut is a 4channer, or if the sim owners knew he put that stuff down there, but it seemed to be out of character from the rest of Longcat.
Speaking only for myself, I would like to see Woodbury University succeed in Second Life. Except for the single issue of furry intolerance, in an area that’s not even the official Woodbury sim, it looks like they’re well on their way to achieving that goal.
KMeist Hax
Jul 2nd, 2008
Griefing is a feature, not a bug: In Second Life, it doesn’t rain water. It rains gay porn.
Witness X (not the IntLibber Toadie)
Jul 2nd, 2008
High horse talk coming from griefer central in SL.
Comedy gold.
TV's Steve Ryder
Jul 2nd, 2008
‘I think gor is stupid and that furries take their roleplay too seriously and yadda yadda yadda as well. That doesn’t mean i get to fuck with them, act like a gigantic special needs twat towards them’
Haha. My favourite Herald comment ever.
Jul 2nd, 2008
“I stay out of their sims!
I’m not the smartest of people, but even that I managed to figure out all on my own… Seems to me you could have as well, amirite?”
you don’t get it dumbass, they don’t *stay in their sims* just like they don’t *stay* in their stupid dog-fucking communities online. if they did, nobody would have a problem with them.
Derka Derka
Jul 2nd, 2008
“While I was looking for a barricade to shoot from, I found a place in the basement called “Kraut’s fortress of fursecution” (Longcat, 50, 86, 5), where someone named Kraut Hienrichs had placed several drawings and pictures of furries being killed in horrendous and bloody ways. I did write an AR on that for intolerance, because that’s not allowed anywhere in Second Life. I’m not sure if Kraut is a 4channer, or if the sim owners knew he put that stuff down there, but it seemed to be out of character from the rest of Longcat.”
That’s Frizzlefry101′s little hut. He’s a big slfag nowadays chumming it up with Tizzers and the gang in their happy pixelated homes of faggery daggery doo. Too bad PN is so blind as to the actions of their members or else they’d see all of them congregate in WU, get into the group, and then hang around being typical slfags. Truely pathetic.
GreenLantern Excelsior
Jul 3rd, 2008
“That’s Frizzlefry101′s little hut.”
Well color me extremely disappointed. They told me Woodbury would not allow the PN in their sims this time around, yet here’s the Big PN Kahuna himself sporting a Woodbury University group in his profile and allowed free reign to build his own Furry Death Shrine. Terrific.
It is a good thing that Kraut Frizzlefry Hienrichs is gone from Second Life and his intolerant pictures have been removed. It is a bad thing that they have been replaced in that room by a representation of a dead furry tied to a cross, with daggers stuck in his body and a note nailed to his head, owned by Woodbury Moderator Duty Footman.
I checked Longcat within the last few minutes and found only two people in there. One was standing in “Kraut’s fortress of fursecution” building something. His avatar was a tall African man in a suit with a huge afro. Frizzlefry again, probably. The other was a woman building something nearby. On her back she wore the crucified furry. Both avatars were born today. So it appears that Woodbury’s association with the griefer community is not as dead as I was led to believe.
The aforementioned Duty Footman was the person who banned me from Longcat and Woodbury Sea this afternoon, and wouldn’t respond to my IMs asking why. And I’m the JLU guy who cared about Woodbury’s success. I’m beginning to lose my caring attitude, guys.
Artemis Fate
Jul 3rd, 2008
PROTIP: Attaching “fag” to everything and saying it constantly makes you seem smart and distinguished!
Witness X
Jul 3rd, 2008
You don’t get it, do you? They don’t *stay in their sims* just like they don’t *stay* in their stupid 4Chan pedo boards or their sekrit skwerrel IRC’s full of mind-numbing LOLspeak online. if they did, nobody would have a problem with them.
Alyx Stoklitsky
Jul 3rd, 2008
“I’m beginning to lose my caring attitude, guys.”
Did you every honestly have one? Or is it just something you feign to get unbanned again, and then go spreading the usual discord until someone tires of you yet again.
I’ve seen your name bounce on and off the banlist a good four or five times now, and I find it funny that of all the time you have spent in the sim this week you cite THAT as theonly thing you saw, and then add “So it appears that Woodbury’s association with the griefer community is not as dead as I was led to believe.”
Sorry, but you sound like just another wanna-be private eye weasling his way in under the guise of ‘helping’ us when while you act nice and friendly in the sim, you come and post only the most negative shit you can find up here.
What’s more is that the building you refer to isn’t even IN woodbury. It’s in Longcat, which is owned by Scout Detritus, not Woodbury University.
Witness X
Jul 3rd, 2008
GLE basically proves a point yet again about the JLU and its less than stellar associations.
The JLU/Proactive clique is allowed to associate with Furzis (those would be furry nazis for special individuals like Plexus), Soviets, and other groups that glorify organizations responsible for the greatest examples of intolerance in human history, but it’s okay, as long as it isn’t furries being killed right?
When are morons going to see that people like Kalel and Angel are hypocrits that just want as much power as they can grab in an internet game. To that end, they go around like mafia bosses, storming places and using their influence with the administration to get people they don’t like “erased”, and they find any excuse they can to do so.
If I want pictures of dead furries on my land, I should be entitled to do so, especially if furries like Spotz Spork can run around wearing swastikas and glorifying the murder of the jewish people.
In the end, it’s just the JLU and Proactive using the threat of a PN boogeyman as a way to grab more power.
Lord Kamina
Jul 3rd, 2008
“His avatar was a tall African man in a suit with a huge afro. Frizzlefry again, probably.”
Hey GreenLantern, that’s called racial profiling. Not every black man in a suit is a Nigra.
IntLibber Brautigan
Jul 3rd, 2008
As I am someone who in RL is a gun owning, hunting, American, I should point out the recent DC vs Heller decision of the US Supreme Court, issued last week, which affirmed the 2nd Amendment protects my and everyones individual rights to keep and bear arms for self defense as well as hunting.
While hunting scenes may appear to PETA types as “pictures of furries being killed in horrendous and bloody ways”, the facts are that it is a residents constitutional right to hunt, and to express their love of hunting.
Conversely, beastiality is not constitutionally protected activity. Anyone who ARs a residents free expressions of their hunting culture, but ignores the beastiality elsewhere on the grid, is by no means deserving of membership in any “Justice League”.
Jul 3rd, 2008
You heard it here first – IntLibber is our comrade in arms in our fight for FURSECUTION!! Now that we know he openly supports the aims and goals of faithful nigras everywhere, we can use Woodbury Sea and Longcat openly as our base of operations against furfaggotry everywhere!
Jul 3rd, 2008
Alyx Stoklitsky
Jul 3rd, 2008
“While hunting scenes may appear to PETA types as “pictures of furries being killed in horrendous and bloody ways”, the facts are that it is a residents constitutional right to hunt, and to express their love of hunting.
Conversely, beastiality is not constitutionally protected activity. Anyone who ARs a residents free expressions of their hunting culture, but ignores the beastiality elsewhere on the grid, is by no means deserving of membership in any “Justice League”.”
A++ Gold
Witness X
Jul 3rd, 2008
See a pattern here?
The people doing the stuff they know nobody likes are pointing the fingers in all directions.
I’m with Alyx. Definitely comedy gold.
GreenLantern Excelsior
Jul 3rd, 2008
“Did you every honestly have one? Or is it just something you feign to get unbanned again, and then go spreading the usual discord until someone tires of you yet again.”
I do care about Woodbury’s successful return to the grid. And if I’ve spread any discord within those two sims, no one has said a word about it to me. If you have any examples, please bring them into the light for all to see.
“I’ve seen your name bounce on and off the banlist a good four or five times now”
Every time I’ve come to either of those sims I haven’t been banned. Apparently someone likes to play with the ban list.
“Sorry, but you sound like just another wanna-be private eye weasling his way in under the guise of ‘helping’ us when while you act nice and friendly in the sim, you come and post only the most negative shit you can find up here.”
Go read it again. I said that everything looked great in both sims except for Frizzlefry’s items.
“What’s more is that the building you refer to isn’t even IN woodbury.”
I know. I posted the coordinates in Longcat where the offending items were located.
“If I want pictures of dead furries on my land, I should be entitled to do so”
You can do so but you will be in violation of the SL Community Standards. Number one, right up at the top, is Intolerance:
“Combating intolerance is a cornerstone of Second Life’s Community Standards. Actions that marginalize, belittle, or defame individuals or groups inhibit the satisfying exchange of ideas and diminish the Second Life community as whole. The use of derogatory or demeaning language or images in reference to another Resident’s race, ethnicity, gender, religion, or sexual orientation is never allowed in Second Life.”
I admit that you can get varying opinions about intolerance depending on which GTeam member is on duty, but the latest interpretation I’ve heard is that furry death images are examples of intolerance, and thus in violation, regardless of where they are located.
“In the end, it’s just the JLU and Proactive using the threat of a PN boogeyman as a way to grab more power.”
Proactive Security doesn’t have anything to do with this. And if you want, I can wear a tag other than JLU when I’m in those sims. But the bottom line is that it’s not a boogeyman. It’s the actual leader of the PN we’re talking about here, with an established build in Longcat. Remember what happened last time with the PN? If this continues you can probably wave bye-bye to Longcat. I don’t know why the Longcat residents felt it necessary to allow it to continue, but I hope my AR saved your (Scout’s) sim for you. You’re welcome.
“Hey GreenLantern, that’s called racial profiling. Not every black man in a suit is a Nigra.”
It was the guy from the PN “Pool’s Closed” logo. It wasn’t racial profiling, just brand recognition.
“As I am someone who in RL is a gun owning, hunting, American, I should point out the recent DC vs Heller decision of the US Supreme Court, issued last week, which affirmed the 2nd Amendment protects my and everyones individual rights to keep and bear arms for self defense as well as hunting.”
I am a gun owning NRA member who counts DC vs. Heller as a huge victory for all of us.
“While hunting scenes may appear to PETA types as “pictures of furries being killed in horrendous and bloody ways”, the facts are that it is a residents constitutional right to hunt, and to express their love of hunting.”
I detest PETA. To me, the acronym should be “People Eating Tasty Animals.” The images didn’t show animals being killed. They were images of Second Life residents who happen to wear different clothing than most of us. That, along with the name of the building, is intolerance.
“Conversely, beastiality is not constitutionally protected activity. Anyone who ARs a residents free expressions of their hunting culture, but ignores the beastiality elsewhere on the grid, is by no means deserving of membership in any “Justice League”.”
Sexual activity of many types, including bestiality (*shudder*), is not against the SL rules in a mature sim. Images depicting the killing of fellow SL residents, however, are.
IntLibber Brautigan
Jul 3rd, 2008
“The images didn’t show animals being killed. They were images of Second Life residents who happen to wear different clothing than most of us. That, along with the name of the building, is intolerance….Sexual activity of many types, including bestiality (*shudder*), is not against the SL rules in a mature sim. Images depicting the killing of fellow SL residents, however, are.”
Please specify exactly which SL residents are being depicted in said imagry….
Vampire sims contain artwork of SL residents being killed and slaughtered by other residents who looked different from them. How is vampire art legal but hunting art is not? Thats a huge double standard.
While the SL ToS may not specifically say bestiality and other sexual activity is not allowed, but the ToS DOES say that you are subject to the laws of the state of California (Code Section 286.5 “Crime Against Nature” – misdemeanor).
For more on bestiality, also known as zoosexuality, I refer you to wikipedia:
In particular, zoosexual pornography is illegal in both Germany and Russia, as well as in the United States. In the US, furry porn generally does not meet the standards of the Miller Test, and as such it is illegal to distribute across state lines over the internet.
Meanwhile, imagry of killing humans dressed in furry outfits is perfectly legal (see CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, episode “Fur and Loathing”, which was broadcast on the public airwaves, depicting a furry getting killed).
IntLibber Brautigan
Jul 3rd, 2008
Oh, btw, if the land is set to damage (which you had previously stated it was), then assault and pictures of violence, are not ToS violations. Violence IS mature content just like sexual deviant activities, hence why the combat sims you and I both hang out in must be set to mature, and you and I both know that abuse reports of violence toward other SL residents are NOT valid complaints in damage land.
Artemis Fate
Jul 4th, 2008
I don’t think you can consider furries to be subject to either intolerance or beastiality laws, since furries are imaginary fantasy creatures, not a real thing and thus not subject to intolerance, and beastiality laws.
Might as well go after the makers of a fantasy game for intolerance against orcs or something.
Jul 4th, 2008
“It’s the actual leader of the PN we’re talking about here, with an established build in Longcat.”
Wait a moment, did I read that correctly? Are you really that ignorant to your enemies structure? Up until yesterday, it was _I_ that was the leader of the PN – Not N3X15, and most DEFINITELY not FrizzleFry101. Don’t believe me? Check out our blog some time, who knows, you may actually learn something.
Tizzers Foxchase
Jul 4th, 2008
“I don’t think you can consider furries to be subject to either intolerance or beastiality laws, since furries are imaginary fantasy creatures, not a real thing and thus not subject to intolerance, and beastiality laws.”
Thank you. At least somebody gets it.
GreenLantern Excelsior
Jul 4th, 2008
“Please specify exactly which SL residents are being depicted in said imagry….”
None of the residents were named, but it was obvious by the images and the slogans that furries were the targets. Also, the name of the building, “Kraut’s fortress of fursecution,” made it clear that it wasn’t a hunting lodge.
“Vampire sims contain artwork of SL residents being killed and slaughtered by other residents who looked different from them. How is vampire art legal but hunting art is not? Thats a huge double standard.”
Vampire art depicts adults engaged in consensual acts. The persons depicted are not belittled or demeaned. The furry death pictures are extremely demeaning, and are violations of the Community Standards. That’s probably why they and their owner are no longer in Second Life.
“Meanwhile, imagry of killing humans dressed in furry outfits is perfectly legal”
True, and you can say anything you want, legally, about African-Americans or Jewish people or Asians…in Real Life. The First Amendment to the Constitution protects such speech from government censorship. In Second Life, intolerant speech and imagery is a violation of the Community Standards.
“Oh, btw, if the land is set to damage (which you had previously stated it was), then assault and pictures of violence, are not ToS violations.”
While it’s true that violence in a damage-enabled sim is not a violation, that’s not what my Abuse Report was about. Also, my AR wasn’t written on “pictures of violence.” It was written on pictures of intolerance toward an SL group. In this case a picture really is worth a thousand words, so before the word count gets too much higher, let me post some pictures of Frizzlefry’s work in Longcat.
This is a picture of someone stomping on a furry, who is bleeding. The caption reads “GTFO OF MY INTERNETS FURFAG OR I’LL SHOW YOU MY MISTIC KUNG FU TECHNIQUES” (it’s interesting that he misspells “off” and “mystic” but spells “techniques” correctly).
Here is a picture of two furries being hanged. Like the other pictures, they are obviously not animals but humans dressed as furries. The top one is wearing clothing and the bottom one has…female attributes.
Next we have a picture of a man kneeling with a pistol pointed at his head. He is wearing a t-shirt that says “I ‘heart’ animal penises,” and he is saying “N-n-no…please don’t kill me, man…I’ll learn to like LOL, I swear…” The voice (presumably) of the person holding the gun is saying “Attention…all furries … After the “day of reckoning” fur fags will be the first to go…”
The next picture shows a man lying on a psychiatrist’s couch. He is wearing a fish costume and swim fins and is masturbating with a fish. The psychiatrist is saying “The first step in any successful treatment program is recognizing you have a problem.”
This is an actual photograph, presumably of a PETA protest. The lady in the cage is wearing a fursuit and holding a sign that says “I’m a criminal deviant.” Behind the cage, two people hold a large sign that says “Furries belong behind bars.” The sign shows a link to, which is an anti-circus website. Each sign has a PETA logo on it. The text on the big sign has been Photoshopped to make PETA’s message into an intolerant anti-furry message.
The next picture shows a cartoon furry in flames, with the caption “Yiff in hell, furfags.”
Here’s a Second Life screenshot of a furry slaughter area. Several furries hang upside down from hooks, partially skinned, while several people stand on the ground amid some miscellaneous furry parts.
The last picture is the worst. A cartoon furry lies on the ground, his hands bound behind his back and a look of fear on his face, as someone decapitates him with a hacksaw.
There’s no question that these pictures could possibly be part of an album depicting hunting activities.
“I don’t think you can consider furries to be subject to either intolerance or beastiality laws, since furries are imaginary fantasy creatures, not a real thing and thus not subject to intolerance, and beastiality laws.”
You’re correct if you’re referring to Real Life laws, but these are Second Life rules we’re talking about. At one time the Linden opinion was that intolerance applied only to RL human groups, like GLBT or racial groups. But LL’s interpretation changed to encompass SL groups as well. Maybe I’ll go to the next GTeam Office Hours meeting and see what their opinion is today.
“Wait a moment, did I read that correctly? Are you really that ignorant to your enemies structure?”
I confess my ignorance. I don’t have the PN organization chart taped to my dart board. It’s just not that important to keep track of which PN leader has been outed as a furry this week, or which one has horrible skin problems due to infrequent bathing. But the blog sounds interesting. Maybe I will register and update some of the JLU information.
Alyx Stoklitsky
Jul 4th, 2008
“Vampire art depicts adults engaged in consensual acts.”
You haven’t seen much Vampire art, have you?
“The last picture is the worst. A cartoon furry lies on the ground, his hands bound behind his back and a look of fear on his face, as someone decapitates him with a hacksaw.”
Actually, the last picture is the *best*, because it is infact furry snuff porn, drawn by furries, for furries.
Don’t believe me? Here’s a thread I just found within 10 seconds of looking on, full of images of furries being hanged:
They get off to this.
Witness X
Jul 4th, 2008
What’s awesome is those same intolerance standards apply to photobucket, which allows us to files reports against you Justice Loser.
Dr. Internet
Jul 4th, 2008
ITT: GLE makes up new rules to justify a new reason to harass an entire group for some random individual’s actions.
You could say GLE has intolerance for a specific group on SL
Jul 4th, 2008
>it’s interesting that he misspells “off”
I don’t think you know what “GTFO” stands for
Jul 4th, 2008
guys i know stuff about goons am i cool yet???
look I even dug up this chat log that was passed around to everyone 2 years ago
~so cool~
plastic duck will you marry me??
Pedro Naval
Jul 4th, 2008
man GLE, you’re making most of your teammates (JLU and GLC) look bad. Everyone is gonna think that all of them share the same mentality as you.
GreenLantern Excelsior
Jul 4th, 2008
“You haven’t seen much Vampire art, have you?”
“Here’s a thread I just found within 10 seconds of looking on”
Holy schnikes!
“What’s awesome is those same intolerance standards apply to photobucket, which allows us to files reports against you Justice Loser.”
You could, but why? I’m not your enemy.
“GLE makes up new rules”
Please elaborate.
“You could say GLE has intolerance for a specific group on SL”
Yes – griefers.
“I don’t think you know what “GTFO” stands for”
LOL, you’re absolutely correct. Please pardon my brain fart.
Isometric Bedlam
Jul 5th, 2008
Just chiming in to say some of this information is wrong, and I’m still amused to see that this bickering continues, 2 years on.
Also, w-hat several months post Voted 5 is probably the best/most creative goon group that have ever been in SL. Shoulda stuck around some more.
- Former officer of Voted 5. (aka that “power ranger guy”
The Balance
Jul 5th, 2008
Hey guys, I just finished a fly over of furnation where I AR’d every single fur-porn picture. I can’t believe such gross intolerance of my PETA lifestyle is allowed in Second Life.
IntLibber Brautigan
Jul 5th, 2008
The facts here are that you went into someones private property to find their personal artwork. This was not against community standards because none of the content was visible from the exterior, ergo not in a public or common area.
What people do in the privacy of their private property is their own business, period. Just as furries deserve to go yiff and whatever else they do in their own private sims, so to do /b/tards deserve to do what they do in their own private sims. Community standards cannot be enforced within ones private enclosures/buildings else SL is not a free world, it is a hyperfascist big brother world of thought police.
Nobody appointed you the boss of the intergrids. Get off their e-lawn and out of their homes. I unbanned you from my sims recently due to you expressing in a heartfelt manner that you were not interested in playing JLU gestapo in my sims, you claimed you didnt play the epolice game, and you would not do so in my sims. You violated your word and are now banned for your dishonorable, deceitful conduct.
You have no proof that the individual in question was frizzlefry, thats a mere allegation of some sociopathic paranoiac desperate to link Woodbury to him being swatted in his RL yiffden to excuse his own griefing and sim crashing of Woodbury’s sims (photo proof available on request).
IntLibber Brautigan
Jul 5th, 2008
GLE sez:
“”You could say GLE has intolerance for a specific group on SL”
Yes – griefers.”
Not quite. Not once have you witnessed any Woodbury resident griefing anybody in another sim anywhere on the grid. While there are PN alts who make up fake tags to try to implicate Woodbury, no name yet reported to us has ever been a WU member.
I can assure the SL community that any actual member of Woodbury University who is caught griefing will receive an AR from me as well as an ejection from the group and I will ensure they are permbanned from SL.