All Tizzers Must Die!!! — LL’s Firstname Ban Policy?
by Alphaville Herald on 19/08/08 at 9:18 am
Tizzers Aristocrat account gone before morning
by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk
Tizzers Aristocrat: your account has been activated – we will be deactivating it shortly
To kick off “National Register a Tizzers Alt Account Month”, I created an alt account named Tizzers Aristocrat to check Intlibber Brautigan’s claims that Linden Lab is banning all accounts named Tizzers. In under 12 hours my new alt account was gone – apparently due to a secret Linden firstname ban policy targeting any account named Tizzers, without regard to who created the account or what the account has done. In her short life, Tizzers Aristocrat barely made it through the orientation area and onto the mainland.
So despite the cheery e-mail the Lab sent last night with its promises of giddy times while pretending to snowboard, fly, surf, and pilot jet fighters in the metaverse, my TIzzers Aristocrat alt account now is gone from the search people list, and unable to log in. TIzzers Aristocrat has apparently been disappeared by the Linden secret police — without cause or explanation.
Previous day’s Tizzers have been disappeared – as more are created in protest
Meanwhile, Pixeleen Mistral lives on. This suggest that making Tizzers alt accounts is a mostly harmless amusement that helps provide full employment for under-worked Linden watchdogs who scour the people list looking for signs of resistance to their iron fisted rule. Unfortunately these sorts of bans without cause do not help with the dismal player retention statistics that plague Second Life – but perhaps Zorkmid gambling will address that issue.
Lab congratulates Pixeleen Mistral on creating Tizzers Aristocrat – shortly before Tizzers’ murder
Advocates of avatar firstname freedom continue to hope that M Linden, Robin Linden or one of the other adults at the Lab will look into their staff’s behavior. If that is too much to hope for, maybe it would be best to publish the list of banned firstnames and save everyone a lot of trouble?
Who else besides Tizzers must die?
Tizzers Artistocrat – cut down in the prime of life by Linden secret police!
Blak Hax
Aug 19th, 2008
Its strange, because other than wu-fags who will say “TEE HEE TIZZERS IS A GREIFER!!, PROK HATES HER!” whenever shes mentioned.
Tizzers doesnt do shit except bend over and let the failures at woodbury lick her asshole.
Its weird that the name Tizzers would get banned… Maybe claiming you’re a badass greifer is crime enough?
Corona Anatine
Aug 19th, 2008
Will Linden Lab also be banning any corporate interest in SL by the makers of the soft drink ‘Tizer’?
Tizzers Foxchase
Aug 19th, 2008
Every time I hear somebody label me as an “Notorious Griefer” I can’t help but smile. Truth be told, I’m pretty bad at griefing. This issue is bigger than the Tizzers Foxchase avatar, or any resident for that matter. This is an issue of too few people, having too much power in what Linden Lab claims is the “3D Web.”
We are living in an era where internet access is essential to keep up with this fast-paced society. Imagine a single company governing the entire 2D web. It would be nothing less than an oppressive, totalitarian system where the voice of the people would be squelched by the corporation’s censorship in an attempt to maintain what is in the best interest of said corporation.
The metaverse will continue to become an integral part of our society in the future. When do we wake up and realize that proprietary walled gardens are not the answer? When do we stop becoming customers and start becoming citizens? Let the voice of the residents be heard.
Linden Lab, take notes. You’re doing it wrong.
Aug 19th, 2008
in b4 MAC bans are handed out and regular SLFags resort to using PN methods of getting back in.
Aug 19th, 2008
Funny how SL is responsible for churning out griefers.
Thanks to overzealous anti griefer groups being buddied with lindens, this has happened, now LL is making griefers out of people who have actually never even griefed, where their worst crime was standing in someone’s e-lawn.
What started this mess was the JLU. They go around trying to tell other people how to run their sims, and when that fails, they come in, jot down names, AR everyone if no one does what they say. They dont do this as much anymore, but they grief, just in a different method. They dont do it for laughs, they do it for a personal power trip. This is the problem with all “anti-griefer” groups, they all are griefers who “act in the best interest” of SL. However, the hilarity here is, You can thank Voted 5, SA Goons, and the original PN (not the unfunny, serious business faggotry that exists today) who basically stirred everyone up and allowed groups like the SLPD to have any sort of power or protection in SL. Two wrongs do not make a right.
The problem here is one linden has a personal vendetta against another resident. Either he’s in bed with one of these anti-griefer groups (you may ask why would an all-powerful linden buddy up with lowly citizens, simple, they act as his eyes and ears because he too is on a power trip and likes to flex his dick as much as possible) That or the g-team is full of spineless assholes who just delegate the punishment of someone they dont want around to someone who has the balls to ban without prejudice.
In short, this whole thing is bullshit. You’ll also never get Linden Lab to “open up” or relinquish control. Even if they connect with other grids, they’re going to try to control those too.
Aug 19th, 2008
I bet it’s either Plexus or Harry that did it. I don’t like either one of them.
Nikola Shirakawa
Aug 19th, 2008
I find it hilarious that these kids know exactly how groups like the JLU were able to shut them out but have never thought to try the same thing back. I mean, if the AR flash mobbing was to blame, surely a similar tactic would work going he other way.
There’s a very simple solution to all of these problems.
Everyone out there is gunning for Tizzers and Woodbury and such, so why not try simply changing the names? No one is gunning for Forrest Terra, or Buried Grove, etc. Yes it would be a bit of an aggravation, and a concession for seemingly unfair reasons, but it would sure be a hell of a lot better than all of this futile defiance struggle.
General Drama
Aug 19th, 2008
It’s now become clear that LL has gotten so drunk on the Game God Gin that they have succumbed to Acton’s Law – that Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely. Nobody can now deny it, when Lindens ban ANYBODY, no matter who they really are, for registering an account with an unapproved first name.
Straight out of the novel 1984, or Soviet Russia, where individuals who are disapproved of by the state are made ‘unpersons’ who never existed. Dissappeared by the Game Gods in their Osiris system that is the god of life and death. What mere earthbound petty tyrant hasn’t dreamed of having a machine that let them erase from history anybody they didnt like and anybody named like them?
The rush of adrenaline rushing through the veins of every Linden today must make them feel oh so proud of themselves for having turned a world so full of promise and freedom into a dystopic world where all must bow before the LL Big Brother Ministries of Love, Peace, Truth, and Plenty, or face nothingness…
You will all learn to Love Governor Linden or you will simply…. not … be….
Aug 19th, 2008
Or better yet, why not just stop playing SL instead of paying for continued abuse and harassment from the company? It’s like saying “please sir, may I have another?”
It’s masochistic as hell.
Crunk Munster
Aug 19th, 2008
Why am I still reading this crap? Any crap, bottom line is, you don’t have to play [their] game. If you don’t like how the metaverse is governed(ugh I wish I could kill whoever came up with these lame ass terms, like “Meatspace”)go play something else. I hear Lively is Osssum!
You could write up all kinds of backass Linden abuse stories on here. Nothing will change. The United States Government could give a rat’s ass about you, or any other user on Second Life. Well except for those who are making super serious dough, with their Nippley-good Skins and such. That’ll change eventually.
But anyways, I’ll test out this who Conspiracy crap today. Let’s see what happens kids.
Peach Robotnaught
Aug 19th, 2008
My Tizzers account got banned/deleted too. Bye, Tizzers Hermit.
And along with that, my Main Peach Robonaught and Alt Peach Swashbuckler.
At least, they better just be banned. I spent a whole $10 on it! :<
Aug 19th, 2008
How long has it taken you idiots to figure out how evil, yet retarded LL is? In this economy, you have one simple fucking solution to stop them:
Stop paying them money. Vote with your wallet.
What I find intriguing is that, even though the PN are hosted on some kid’s DSL connection, they have better stability than all of Second Life. Seems to me that LL needs some advice from that kid…
Tizzers Rocks
Aug 19th, 2008
Love ya Tizzers!
Aug 19th, 2008
Just send your money to LL, obey them blindly and maybe the will allow you to enter the wonderfull world of Second Lag. If you are lucky you will meet a few gods and godesses called Lindens, these all powerfull entities are the devils hand or gods hand. They can either push you against one of the Dark walls in Toxia an rape your pixel avatar until they get bored and decide to freeze or ban you or they can suck your money until you have – 200L$, that’s when they ban you.
Have fun kids, go to Santa Linden and try to jerk off by enjoying the Second Lag !
- I’m not a weird furry.
Tizzers BnT
Aug 19th, 2008
How many accounts did Tizzers/friends make before this happened, or is it all based on Tizzers Foxchase alone? What other names are banned? Can I be a Torley? A Prokofy? Is that name Plastic banned?
GreenLantern Excelsior
Aug 20th, 2008
“What started this mess was the JLU. They go around trying to tell other people how to run their sims, and when that fails, they come in, jot down names, AR everyone if no one does what they say.”
For those who are new to Second Life or the Herald, you should know that the statement above is a lie. Justice League Unlimited is nothing more than a Second Life Neighborhood Watch. Just as any resident of a city can call 911 to summon the Police Department, JLU members write Abuse Reports to summon the Linden Lab Governance and Response Team. That’s all.
Aug 20th, 2008
Being somewhat new, and with nothing better to do, how do I unban myself?
They blocked my Tizzers account, but not my main + alt.
But LL has made it so I can’t log on (any account) with my computer. Halp??/
Lord George A. Zimmer IV, High Inquisitor for his Majesty God Emperor Frizzle of Fry CI
Aug 20th, 2008
>”The metaverse will continue to become an integral part of our society in the future.”
Sorry Tizzers, but this whole ‘metaverse’ idea is a load of horse shit, as is Web 2.0 and all of the other Internet buzzwords for trying to say that today’s Internet is different from the Internet of yesterday. Nor is ‘social networking’ a novel concept, as the idea has existed as long as computers have been interconnected.
Today’s Internet has simply been dressed up for what I like to refer to as the Invader Zim generation, whose attention spans are non-existent, whose Internet savvy and common sense is severely lacking, and whom will always stalk around a website if it is shiny, pretty, and popular enough.
>”This is the problem with all “anti-griefer” groups, they all are griefers who “act in the best interest” of SL. However, the hilarity here is, You can thank Voted 5, SA Goons, and the original PN (not the unfunny, serious business faggotry that exists today) who basically stirred everyone up and allowed groups like the SLPD to have any sort of power or protection in SL. Two wrongs do not make a right.”
JUST AS PLANNED. We’re all an evil JLU conspiracy to take over the Internets. Kalel Venkman is really Plastic Duck and Mudkips is really his son, and we would’ve gotten away with it too if it weren’t for you meddling kids.
>”What I find intriguing is that, even though the PN are hosted on some kid’s DSL connection, they have better stability than all of Second Life. Seems to me that LL needs some advice from that kid…”
It’s because we’ve spent the past few years negating raged furries and their botnets purchased with their mom’s credit cards.
Many of SL’s issues stem from the fact that the Lindens prefer appearance to substance. If LL would’ve devoted the time they spent on Windlight to making the game stable, there would’ve been a remarkable difference. Instead, they sat around dressing up the client and filling it with more spyware and backdoors so that it runs on fewer computers.
Simply put, they’re doing it wrong.
>”For those who are new to Second Life or the Herald, you should know that the statement above is a lie. Justice League Unlimited is nothing more than a Second Life Neighborhood Watch. Just as any resident of a city can call 911 to summon the Police Department, JLU members write Abuse Reports to summon the Linden Lab Governance and Response Team. That’s all.”
Hahaha, what a load. The JLU are basically the e-mafia of SL. They go around to places where no one wants them and spy on residents, building their Brainiac database of every resident, chatlog, and personal and credit card information they were given by their G-Team buddies. They also use their G-Team friends to unban them from places they are specifically banned from, to wage internet war against people who dislike them, and to protect their own self-interests.
Aug 20th, 2008
There seems to be a deepening sense of dread and a rising sense of paranoia everywhere in Second Life. Something evil has SL in its clutches I think. Something evil has this way came.
I cannot put my finger on it but I wouldnt be surprised if it had something to do with the JLU and the Green Lantern Core having something on Linden Labs. Like they know something secret that has given them power over the Linden Labs. Power to make Linden Labs bend to their will. Somehow the JLU and the GLC have owned LL and now LL must put up with the JLU and the GLC taking over social control of their grid. Linden Labs actually HAS TO take action on the 1000′s of AR’s a day coming out of the JLU and the GLC, they HAVE TO take acton on them or else have something very bad of their own exposed by the JLU or GLC.
Could you imagine what it must be like to be owned by a bunch of butthurt little 20 year old punk kiddies who for lack of brains or anything better to do, have shown up in your pool and are now running around Second Life wearing Superman capes, Faggot Wings or FurFag costumes bothering and harrassing the residents to the point where they either leave or form their own operations to try to fight back?
It would be Shit thats what it would be. A deep pile of maggot infested festering shit. It would keep getting worse and worse and worse until one day its all gone or someting big happens.
Its to that point I think. Its all begun to stink. Something is coming. Something is going to happen. Soon. But what will it be?
ho Neo Citizen
Aug 20th, 2008
What a load of tripe. All the Lindens would have to do is pull the plug. This was obviously written by some butthurt kid who doesn’t like getting busted every Tuesday by the JLU or the GLC.
Aug 20th, 2008
>JUST AS PLANNED. We’re all an evil JLU conspiracy to take over the Internets. Kalel Venkman is really Plastic Duck and Mudkips is really his son, and we would’ve gotten away with it too if it weren’t for you meddling kids.
you don’t need to DERP DERP strawman to see that at least this is right. it’s just so blatantly obvious to be ludicrous. really, without griefers there wouldn’t be anti-griefing groups? who would have thought?
you’re right that the “metaverse” concept will not ocme to fruition because a ‘virtual world’ for its own sake never works. it tends to work better when paired with something people actually want to do (i.e. a MMO). maybe if SL marketed itself similar to Furcadia or something it might work a little bit better. although, honesty in advertising isn’t exactly LL’s strong point: ten trillion players can’t be wrong (except when 90% of them don’t use their account)
ps if the *original* PN were lumped in with W-Hat etc I think I’ve done my job
the level of absurdity back in the day was hilarious. i think that’s really the only way to combat the similar absurdity of SL: getting too angry at it is “like a person who has put on full armor and attacked a hot fudge sundae or a banana split.”
Nikola Shirakawa
Aug 20th, 2008
The Lindens have to take action on the 1000s of JLU abuse reports because there are 1000s of Abuse Reports. The G-Team may have one or two corrupt members. I don’t know, so logically I can’t discount that possibility, but by and large the G-Team is not on anyone’s side. They’re just horribly understaffed. There are nowhere near enough G-Team members to actually govern the millions of residents SL holds, so they have to respond to what appears to be the biggest threat, and getting 1000s fo Abuse Reports on one target greatly increase the probability that it’s a major threat, so they quickly respond to what seems to be the biggest threat, which in many cases is. The JLU and the GLC don’t have any special connections. They just have enough people and working knowledge of the system to drive their reports up the chain of priorities. If you little idiots hadn’t taken such a “FUCK LINDENS” stance and rigged your Shooped Life to spam the Lindens with profanity instead of Abuse Reports, maybe you could have used that same system against groups like the JLU and the GLC. Probably wouldn’t have been upheld, but it might have lent a bit more credence to your statements that they are the true griefers.
Aug 20th, 2008
“Deepening sense of dread”, huh? FrizzleFry, don’t post this shit here, all it does is call attention to yourself for later.
Shit for brains.
Neo Citizen
Aug 20th, 2008
Mooty’s right on the LL marketing problems. But as bad as they are, upcoming MMO’s are worse. Blue Mars, for example, is SL without the user created content, making their planned MMO an almost entirely passive experience. You’ll be able to go there, but you won’t be able to do anything except use your credit card on big ticket purchases and talk. Whee.
Aug 20th, 2008
You may hate the PN but the moment you offend some secret Linden furry alt you’ll be relying on our superior client and knowledge to get back into the game, maybe you’ll even discover that shoopedlife had LUA scripting for custom addons such as aimbots or autopilots, ontop of the spam protection.
@Nikola Shirakawa
lol I see SOMEONE found out the hard way about shoopedlife’s old AR trap, fyi it isn’t there anymore since we’ve started making shoopedlife more slfaggot-friendly.
Im going to go sit over there and think about how fucking great us N.igras are.
Not Tizzers
Aug 20th, 2008
Some other enlightening questions to ask might be:
- How much negative attention did Tizzers Foxchase demand before he finally got banned in the first place?
- How many alts did Tizzers Foxchase HIMSELF create after he was permanently banned from SL?
- Who else has gotten in trouble (suspended if not banned) for creating alts FOR Tizzers Foxchase so he could access SL after his ban?
Mistakes stink and the Lindens should try to be more thorough than this. But honestly they HAVE had a lot on their hands in the case of this ONE user.
Neo Citizen
Aug 20th, 2008
“Im going to go sit over there and think about how fucking great us N.igras are. ”
He’ll be in the corner about two minutes, tops.
Pro-tip: You’re better at dog grooming than griefing, kid.
Nikola Shirakawa
Aug 20th, 2008
No, actually, I’ve never used it. I know that function because of all the open documentation on it.
Mony Markova
Aug 20th, 2008
LMAO – certainly LL has alot more on their hands they can handle, playing God, and playing, “Governor Linden on a high chair ” – whatever.
This is not easy right, I just talked to a friend, spent his early life being a “helper”, gets an AR by a moron that was being nasty at him, since the moron knows how this works, my friend gets suspeded for 3 days, no matter what his status has helper for many months was, no matter that he had no previous AR’s, off he went.
Like a nightmare country where you can call the cops and scream “that man is a rapist” and no matter what, that man goes to jail, suffers, etc.
LL is just not able to distinguish, so they being overwhelmed simply act.
When LL delets an account they shoulr provide: 1) a reason or a cause, a retribution in some case (for instance if you trusted them to create a personal identity and paid for it) …. Uff!!
TOS is their world’s Constitution but not like a real country, not the result of laws, and “thinking for a nation plan bla bla” but the more like a contract from a profit seeking company to their clients. (OMG how smart I am) its like a contract from a company… mmmh… I should get a job as a Country Secretary of economy or something…
Anyways, LL keep answering that “we building a new world” to lots of the drawbacks, its time they behave more like a nation or a world and loose some of their control.
Will they profit more? – Sure they will.
I wonder if they read the Herald, and just ***HATE IT***
Some go client feedback here…
Lord George A. Zimmer IV, High Inquisitor for his Majesty God Emperor Frizzle of Fry CI
Aug 20th, 2008
@Neo Citizen
Someone’s got to clean that poor dog off after you faggots abuse them.
Neo Citizen
Aug 20th, 2008
How’s your sister, by the way? Those braces off yet? It’s been a while.
The Real Kalel Venkman
Aug 20th, 2008
- “How much negative attention did Tizzers Foxchase demand before he finally got banned in the first place?”
I don’t recall ever having seen Tizzers ever “demanding” attention. Prokofy was the one that decided to make a stink about Woodbury.
- “How many alts did Tizzers Foxchase HIMSELF create after he was permanently banned from SL?”
Tizzers was permanently banned for copying and pasting chatlogs. Of course she’s going to feel entitled to returning to Second Life you fucking tool.
PASTING. CHATLOGS. A crime you are far more than guilty of yourself Kalel.
It’s like giving somebody a death sentence for having too many parking tickets.
Jesus Christ you people make me sick. Do you believe everything you read in the news?
dick burns
Aug 20th, 2008
just as e=mc2 is the equation to unlocking the secrets of the universe, i will now give you all the equation to unlocking the secret to the metaverse…. every time you’ve scratched your head and asked, “now why would LL do that?”…. every inexplicable ban, it all begins with this simple equation.
wattamellinz + chikkinz > LL + furfaggotry/srs bsns
or otherwise put…. griefing saves lives
Aug 20th, 2008
LMAO – certainly BLU has alot more on their hands they can handle, playing God, and playing, “Announcer Lady on a high chair ” – whatever.
This is not easy right, I just talked to a friend, spent his early life being a “soldier”, gets set on fire by a moron Pyro that was being nasty at him, since the moron knows how this works, my friend gets killed by a enemy as he was showing he was one of them, no matter if he had primary weapon out, no matter how many rockets he had shot, off he went.
Like a nightmare country where you can press voice command and scream “that medic is a spy” and no matter what, that man gets shot at, suffers, etc.
BLU is just not able to distinguish, so they being overwhelmed simply act.
When BLU calls ‘spy’ or shoots a friendly they should give: 1) a reason or a cause, a retribution in some case (for instance if you just ubercharged them) …. Uff!!
“Rush B” is their strategy but not like a real team, not the result of teamwork, and “i saw them building sentries at A bla bla” but the more like a cry from a heavy seeking credit to team. (OMG how smart I am) its like a ffpfpfpmmmpfpf… mmmh… mmmpfpfpfppfpfpfpfpfAHAHAHAHHAHA *raises flamethrower*.
Anyways, BLU keep answering that “we trying to push bomb cart” to lots of the drawbacks, its time they behave more like a team and build a dispenser here.
Will they spam “PYRO IS SPY?”, yes they will.
I wonder if when the guy doesn’t bleed they just ***HATE IT***
Some go client feedback here…
Aug 21st, 2008
I don’t see this as a “JLU gets power with LL” move.
I see it much more closely resembling a “Prokofy gets power with LL” move.
If you don’t follow the strict rules, such as even THINKING about a past member, you are immediately guilty by association, and should therefore be permanently banned.
She’s sure picked up on the capitalism, but doesn’t understand the freedom. She’s like Ayn Rand with an authoritarian kick.
Zamboni Driver
Aug 21st, 2008
are the kids bawwwwwwing?
r teh internetz srs bdnss nowz?
what a bunch of proksuckerz
it’s true, you’ve all turned into miniprokz
prok likens linden lab to the soviets and you samefagz compare them to orwell’s big brother
you’ve become what it is you claim to not like in others, dramafagz
Corona Anatine
Aug 21st, 2008
for Zamboni drivel
and some others=
Ten Trillion Players
Aug 21st, 2008
“ten trillion players can’t be wrong (except when 90% of them don’t use their account)”
Ten percent of ten trillion is one trillion. So there would still be one trillion accounts (bots or otherwise) active using SL. linden lab don’t care as long as money is coming in. If 1% of that one trillion was paying customers, then that leaves ten billion people.
I think linden labs would like your numbers.
Zamboni Driver
Aug 22nd, 2008
@Corona Anatine
fix your own grammar, cuntfaced bitch
let’s translate your comment, shall we?
“uhhhhm durrrrrrr… equal signs are now the same as colons, and even though i myself cannot be bothered to employ capital letters at the beginning of sentences, nor periods at the end of them, i suppose that i don’t care if that makes me a limp wristed hypocrite who needs to be kicked squarely in the nuts for trying so hard to look cool.”
put your bib back on boy, you’re drooling while daydreaming that you’re relevant and witty, again
Aug 26th, 2008
If you argue with each other – you dilute the point.
The linden Secret police chuckle with delight
You lose the battle.
Don’t bother to insult me, this thread is now null
I won’t read it again.
Aug 30th, 2008
It’s an unknown fact that Kalel Venkman and Samantha Lowell of the JLU have spent time in the past searching for Tizzers accounts to AR.
Oct 7th, 2008
I remember meeting “a Tizzers” about a year ago (not the one your all yappin about) and from memory she was a paid SL resident with her own shop, not in any way shape or form anything to do with Woodbury. So now there is a ban on Tizzers, all Tizzers are now deaders………… I wonder what justification LL gave this person when they killed her?
Long live censorship and “virtual world communism”
China would be proud
Witness X
Oct 7th, 2008
“It’s an unknown fact that Kalel Venkman and Samantha Lowell of the JLU have spent time in the past searching for Tizzers accounts to AR.”
Wooah, big surprise there, not-so-secret.
Like half the grid doesn’t do the same thing.
Lord Kamina
Oct 7th, 2008
Stop reviving dead threads.
Witness X
Oct 7th, 2008
Here’s the real deal – if you only read the Herald, you think Second Life revolves around Tizzers, his sugar-daddy IntLibber, the whiny PN, the whiny JLU, the even whinier furries, and a handful of fashionistas.
Jeebus, “Secret”, “Somebody keeps reporting me.” Go home, suck your thumb or whatever. Or both. Nobody cares.
The only ones who AREN’T whining are the fashionistas. I think that says something really sad about the rest of these idiots. It would be poignant if ANYBODY ACTUALLY CARED.
Tizzers Foxchase: Rock Fresh | The Alphaville Herald
Sep 30th, 2012
[...] the anti-griefers been trolled into damaging their beloved Lab's reputation by the notorious perma-banned Tizzers Foxchase and friends? Did the Woodbury/Wrong Hands/PN faction set up a win-win situation by [...]