How Varied In Traffic Is The Second Life Bot Experience?

by Alphaville Herald on 05/01/09 at 11:00 pm

SL Strip Bot is NOT about inflating traffic – Pop Bots have so many uses

by Omelette Meow, New World Notetaker

Bot rental 5

Most bots in SL exist simply to artificially inflate Traffic numbers and simulate Resident traffic activity. 

Other bots provide traffic, information, traffic, instruction, traffic, entertainment, traffic, or even act as showroom mannequins that increase the traffic on your land. This is all so confusing and perplexing – could bots have anything to do with why the average number of resident hours spent in-world goes up at the same time residents are leaving the world?

I just read about how e-business demands bots, but I knew that couldn’t be right, so I dashed off this story to clarify matters – Both M Linden and Philip told me that the bots sometimes might have other uses, too. 

Take the On Line Technologies Rent a Bot – the sign says these bots give glamour to your site. I understand they have a stripper bot coming soon, too. That will certainly not be about traffic.

Bot rentals

That’s all functionally comprehensible, as far as it goes. Did I mention that Linden Lab also can claim higher concurrent users when you get some extra traffic and improve your search ranking by parking some of these purely informational, instructional, entertainment, and showroom mannequins on your land?

The traffic boost is coincidental, of course. What an aggravating mystery!

9 Responses to “How Varied In Traffic Is The Second Life Bot Experience?”

  1. Graves

    Jan 6th, 2009

    Three bot articles in less then a week =/

  2. Baloo Uriza

    Jan 6th, 2009

    If they’re NPCs, then why not just program them in-world and let them fly like the bot at the Ama Gi Coffeehouse? It’s confusing and disappointing to new users to see areas highly populated, only to discover them to be brainless bots.

  3. ImmortalitySou Ballinger

    Jan 6th, 2009

    try talking to Halo Rossini on Daden Prime or Abi. They are driven by our chatbot engines (also can try them off our website). Hamlet Au had quite a funny conversation trying to pick up Halo on our island. :)

  4. And why should we care? What ever the total number of avatars on the gird are the ones in the sim I am in at the moment are the ones who count. More faux drama like how many girl avatars are really boys (the answer is they all are, but that’s fine since most of the boy avatars are really girls).

    Second Life just shows deep down people just want to sit around all day, screw, attack each other and find something to whine about.

  5. Anonymous

    Jan 6th, 2009

    or instead of caring about numbers, actually offer something interesting instead of yet another strip club or something lame like that. if you need bots to boost traffic, you’re doing it wrong.

  6. Pop Bot

    Jan 6th, 2009

    I’m a Pop Bot,
    He’s a Pop Bot,
    She’s a Pop Bot,
    We’re all Pop Bots,
    Wouldn’t you like to be
    A Pop Bot too?
    Be Pop Bot,
    Please be a Pop Bot…
    (but not a furry one)

  7. Orion Keynes

    Jan 6th, 2009

    I recently bought some skin purely because I could see how it actually looked on a mannequin bot. Best use for a bot I’ve seen so far.

  8. bot porn star

    Jan 7th, 2009

    I divorced my sl wife and married a bot, she scripted to respond to my every command, rolling over for the vinegar stroke

  9. Emperor Norton Hears A Who?

    Jan 7th, 2009

    I tried the bot wife Bot Porn Star, but it fell apart when she started complaining that we didn’t talk anymore.

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