Archive for March, 2009
Blizzard’s War Against Addon Makers
You can make our game better, but you can't make money for doing so! by Dr. Legion, staff reporter Last week Blizzard made an announcement that has been causing a buzz in the usually politically comatose World of Warcraft community. WOW players are probably familiar with addons such as for Zygor Guides, Carbonite and QuestHelper, [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Second Life Smut Must Be Purged!
End Linden orgies for a better, more decent world by Miss Petunia Amaryllis Courtney Taliaferro, Second Life League of Decency LindenLab has decided to uproot the nefarious weeds sown by Second Life’ssalacious Sybarites. My sisters and brothers in the League of Decencywill assist in the painful process of purging perversion from ourpresence. Caveat Lector: Dear [...]
Full StoryWill the Confusion Never End?
SL Fanboiz confooz cashing out with earnings! by Urizenus Sklar, just off the the phone with Tim Geithner, and TARP money or not, Herald staffers are not giving up their phat bonuses! In a recent post on New World Notes, Hamlet Au attempts to recharge the Second Life hype cycle by headlining the news that [...]
Full StoryAradia Hextall — Post 6 Grrl
[Note from Delora: This week's model is a true example of kindness andgenerosity, something that SecondLife's residents have been sorelylacking in as of late. I found her at a free sex area, assisting a newresident in... let's just say, she was teaching him how to useposeballs properly. After the initial disgusted reaction (Why would a2 [...]
Full StoryHerald Invite Key Opens Metaplace Closed Beta
by Idoru Wellman, staff writer The game gods at Metaplace have provided the Herald with a powerful spell – a secret key – able to open the invitation-only closed-beta doors to Raph Koster's latest effort – until the magic of the invite key wears off from overuse. Enter the invite key "ALPHAVILLE" here – then [...]
Full StoryUri Gets All Sparkly
3D on iPhone3G — Genkii asks "Where the angels investors at?" by Urizenus Sklar, from the 30,000 iPhone apps and counting desk. So there I was, reading TechCrunch on the Herald yacht, when I saw that there is a new iPhone app named Sparkle that will let me chat with my Second Life friends without [...]
Full StoryMMO Project Entropia to Get Banking License
Real life banking license for spacebux? by Idoru Wellman, staff writer Project Entropia has long been known as a hype machine rivaled only by Second Life, and it has also been known as a de facto online virtual casino. Now, according to Ars Technica, it is applying for a banking license – as in a [...]
Full StoryAnd the Metaplace Hype Cycle Begins
BBC in the pool early with fanboi hype Special to the Herald, from Urizenus Sklar on the Herald Yacht Now the BBC has joined the Metaplace hype with this story. One wishes that traditional media would leaven their hype with a bit of critical discussion at the outset. That might help save them from feeling [...]
Full StoryADV: Broken Angels Gallery features Bunny Brickworks Art
Rage N Revenge, Desire N Despair The exhibition The currentexhibition of pictures made by Bunny Brickworks focuses on the series'Rage N Revenge' and 'Desire N Despair'. Both series were produced inDirt Town, a setting that was built on the former Night Flower sim – anartists' collective and gallery and a playground for some of SL's mosttalented [...]
Full StoryThe Graphics on Metaplace are Crap! Or maybe not…
Utopika World by The Allseeing Eye, staff reporter While Pixeleen and Uri sit in Metaplace and marvel at its egalitarian tools and its democratic Terms of Service and its we-are-of-the-web philosophy, I've been wondering about something else. Given that it's more or less flash based or whatever, aren't the graphics going to be craptastic? That's [...]
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