Archive for June, 2009
Senban Babii — Post 6 Grrrl

[Senban Babii is, to my knowledge, the only Post 6 Girl to get hit by a train during her shoot. She was there on the tracks, she saw it coming, she threatened to haunt me if it hit her and then it hit her. Later in the shoot she accidentally started an animation that caused [...]
Full StoryPornosophy and Philip Linden – The Renaissance of Porn Part 2
by Bunny Brickworks She called and they all followed. Loglady Loon is one of the mostbanned non-griefing avatars in SecondLife. She is highly disputed, eitherloved or hated and the creative mastermind behind Freak Show. The firstexhibition of Freak Show was called Beauty vs. Paranoia and all SL artists wereinvited to participate by simply handing in [...]
Full StorySim Boundary White Line Fever – Bad Roads in Zindra

by Suzie Skybeam In Second Life, crossing a boundary between sims is slow, and, to be honest, a bit buggy. So most designers create their builds so that the sim boundaries are in places where there will be as few people as possible crossing across them, or where people won't mind a few seconds of [...]
Full StoryLocks of Love — Hair Fair 2009
Four sims and 134 hair designers for the next two weeks by Tenshi Vielle Hair Fair 2009 has successfully kicked off! Another year of raising L$ to donate to Locks of Love, a public non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children in the United States and Canada under age 18 suffering from long-term [...]
Full StoryPhotoLife Drama In Second Life

You mean I need permission to sell your Flickr photos in SL? by Tenshi Vielle Besides nameless SLobrities showing up at SL6B friday evening, the talk of SL6B has been claims that PhotoLife's recently violated the Flickr standards – and Darkley Aeon's artistic rights. The back story: Darkley Aeon was using PhotoLife's stage system – [...]
Full StorySLB6 Is a Crypto Copycat
Mysterious rot13 and secret decoder rings at SL birthday party by Tenshi Vielle SL6B is a copycat! Some darn robots copied Gigs Taggart's Shanti encoded promotion from last year for the Meerkat viewer, but twisted it, turned it, put it up on its side and included lots of fun puzzles – including a slider! Resident [...]
Full StorySL Ban in Oz Worries Chicken Little
by Tenshi Vielle Concerned Australians in Second Life are donning chicken little avatars and chirping that the sky is falling, with news of Australia's proposed ban on adult online games including Second Life circulating. The Sydney Morning Herald reports that Communications Minister, Stephen Conroy, has been nominated by the British ISP industry for its annual [...]
Full StoryJack Linden: Child Avatars Welcome In Adults-only Continent!
But sexual ageplay is not by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Friday, Jack Linden delivered a stunning rebuke to anti-child avatar advocates, saying “Child avatars are allowed on adult land as long as they are account verified like any other Resident. Those choosing to represent themselves with a child avatar do not represent a minor [...]
Full StoryAre Mainland IM and Chat Doomed To LL’s Naughty Word Filter?
Linden's new Community Standards include broad Adult Content powers by Jessica Holyoke Linden Lab uses the Big Six of the Community Standards as an addendum to the Terms of Service (ToS). Until now, the Big Six were Intolerance, Harrassment, Assault, Disclosure, Disturbing the Peace and Indecency. Now Indecency has been replaced by Adult Content. With [...]
Full StoryThe Renaissance of Porn – Part 1
by Bunny Brickworks If Second Life residents are one big family, surely istheir family album. Whenever something important happens, we take a snapshotand share the pictures with the community – our first, second and third wedding,a trip to a tropical beach, a party with friends and the fourth or fifthwedding. But as in every [...]
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