Archive for November, 2009
A View from the Back: The Hard Alley Protest

by Jessica Holyoke As previously reported, as part of the 16 Days against Gender Violence, a variety of groups, SL Left Unity, Feminists, and Stop Violence Against Women, (disclosure: I am a member of the latter two) descended on Second Life perennial popular area Hard Alley in order to protest the rape role play on [...]
Full StorySecond Life metaLIFE Market Grows at XStreet’s Expense

by Coke Supply Ever since XStreet was taken over by Linden Lab, there has been a demand for independent sites that offer the same services due to resident fears that Linden Lab would run their site into the ground. Now that the Lab appears to be doing just that with the introduction of their new [...]
Full StoryHRH Princess of Yaximixche Starts 90 Day Virtual World Tour

by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk The Princess of Yaximixche is embarking on an ambitious tour of virtual worlds beyond Second Life from December through February 2010. The tour marks Her Royal Highness's first major public appearances since failing gravely ill during the summer of 2009, according to the Royal Press office. Over the next [...]
Full StoryHard Alley Protestors Issue Press Release

16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence visits Hard Alley in Second Life by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Yesterday, about a dozen ham shaped avatars staged a protest in Hard Alley – a notorious role play sex sim – to warn against the objectification of women in the virtual world of Second Life. Could [...]
Full StoryAshyne Demonista — Post 6 Grrrrl

[AshyneDemonista hit me with an IM about becoming a Post 6 Grrrl at exactlythe moment I had decided to go find this Week's Post 6 Grrrl. Beautifulwoman at the right place at the right time- I love it when a plan comestogether. Ashyne exudes charm and bubbly fun, and it is a treat and anhonor [...]
Full StoryLinden Lab to Volunteers, Small Merchants: Screw You

by Mammon Linden In case you didn't already know it, Second Life wouldn't be anywhere near as cool as it is today if it weren't for our volunteers and small merchants who have vended their creations at low prices. That's why we just fired a bunch of volunteers and taxed the losers who give their [...]
Full StoryEgghead Studies Second Life Chickens – Clucks To Shocking Conclusion!!!

The Web Ecology of Sion chicken society explained by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Patrick Davison is part of several performance groups including What We Know So Far and MemeFactory and is also involved with the Web Ecology project at Harvard – exactly the sort of scholar that can bring meaning to the Second Life [...]
Full StoryLL To SL Mentors: Your Services Are No Longer Needed
"All official Linden Lab sponsored communication channels related to the Second Life Mentor group will be discontinued" by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desks Citing scalability issues, Linden Lab announced the end of the volunteer Second Life Mentors program on Wednesday evening with a wiki post on Some observers were confused by the references to [...]
Full StoryFlorence Raghilda — Post 6 Grrrrl

[Florence Raghilda contacted meseveral weeks ago and I became her friend very quickly. In addition tobeing a wonderful new friend, she is a magnificent model and a lot offun to work with. I am proud to present this week's Post 6 Grrrl,Florence Raghilda. -Timothy Morpork] Hi, my name isFlorence Raghilda, my friends call me Flo, [...]
Full StoryOpinion: I’m a PG
by Jessica Holyoke When the creation of an Adult Content policy first started being discussed by the Lindens, a campaign started saying "I am Adult Content." Residents were up in arms about losing their access to Adult Content. And it has happened more than once since I have become a resident here. But if everyone [...]
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