Archive for January, 2010
Class To Be Held…Inside a Facebook App???

by Idoru Wellman, Herald Education Desk On January 28, in what may be the first instance of a university course held inside Facebook, Northwestern University Philosophy Professor Peter Ludlow (known to Herald readers as Urizenus Sklar) recently attempted to hold his class, Conceptual Issues in Virtual Worlds, inside the Island Life application on Facebook. The [...]
Full StoryTypepad Threatens Takedown of Herald Justice League Unlimited Exposé
Will role-play superheros' copyright claims trump free speech? by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affair desk Typepad administrator Jen has given Herald a deadline of January 29th to gut our coverage of the Second Life Justice League Unlimited's wiki, citing a Typepad Terms of Service violation for "displaying copyrighted text and images without permission". The Herald has [...]
Full StoryJLU Wiki Re-Indexed and Republished

Second Life Superman's Abuse Reports indexed and regions ranked by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Sandbox superheros: Justice League Unlimited greatest hits for Abuse Reporting Although Kalel Venkman has been playing copyright whack-a-mole to limit the spread of the leaked Justice League Unlimited wiki, interested parties continue to study the the Second Life vigilante [...]
Full StoryShika Nakamura — Post 6 Grrrrl

[RegularPost 6 Photographer Timothy Morpork continues to gorge himself on thelido deck buffet while Daeynaries Lane keeps us stocked with Post 6Models.] (So if you guys couldn't tell, I've been picking quitea few roleplayers from the Carp and Midian community. This is becausewell.. I know a buttload of girls who deserve recognition. Shika beingone of [...]
Full StoryThe Horror, The Horror: Prim-Baby Graveyard!!!

SLebrity Children Found – Satanic Plot Possible by Pappy Enoch, Investigative Reporter Baby Philip? Now ya’ll thought—well, hoped—I might be dead, but I ain’t. I was just saving my strength and doing me some Woodward-and-Bumstead-style undercover reports on a terrible, awful thing. We all knows that Second Life’s fake world am full to the brim [...]
Full StoryOpenSim Regions Predicted to Overtake Second Life in 2011

OpenSim growth rates shame Linden Lab by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Citing an annualized OpenSim growth rate of 177%, Maria Korolov predicts the OpenSim grids will overtake Second Life in early 2011 in an article in Hypergrid Business. Ms. Korolov made her prediction after comparing the 29% increase in OpenSim regions between September and [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Facebook, IslandLife, Second Life, Lively, Metaplace – Why Worlds Fail
by Jessica Holyoke As previously reported, IslandLife, which looks a lot like Metaplace, has opened on Facebook. Metaplace is a virtual world that closed at the end of 2009. Metaplace looked a lot like Google's Lively, which also closed. What does IslandLife in Facebook and the failure of Lively and Metaplace mean? Consider one world that hasn't [...]
Full StorySecond Life Sex Clubs Hide in Plain Sight

Linden Lab turns a blind eye toward furniture store n00b sex shops by Senban Babii Second Life sex club owners are now playing a meta-game using faux furniture stores to circumvent the Mature andAdult land zoning rules and run their sordid sex dens unimpeded – a situation first brought to our attention by Lillie Yifu [...]
Full StoryPlexus Linden Gives Second Life Superman Copyright Dance Lessons?
Cozy, classified relationship and implausible deniability by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Did Plexus Linden encourage Second Life's copyright-challenged Justice League Unlimited to tap dance around potential IP infringement issues with a wink and a nod, while promising the JLU in-game super powers? JLU leader Kalel Venkman's vigorous pursuit of whack-a-mole takedown actions against sites [...]
Full StoryRachael Fraisse — Post 6 Grrrrrl

[Seriousbusiness guyths.. Rach has one of the only AV's I've stolen outfitsfrom. She probably has one of the best if not THE best selection ofclothing, accessories, hair, and av customization items of anyone Iknow. I HAD to shine alittle light on this lovely model. I hope youenjoy her as much as I do... *winks* -Daeynaries [...]
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