Archive for January, 2010
JLU Wiki Leak: Second Life Abuse Report Frenzy

Real and imagined offenses against the laws of the Metaverse? by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Resident conflict in Second Life is to be expected as quasi-anonymous avatars with different meta-games and loyalties play off each other, but detailed information about the extent of the problems have been hidden — until now. A partial snapshot [...]
Full StoryRole-Play Superman Tries Coverup Of JLU Wiki Leak

Kalel Venkman claims dozens of copyright takedowns — says Chan community corrupts minors by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk According to correspondence provided to the Herald, Kalel Venkman claims to have succeeded with copyright complaints to several dozen web sites redistributing the Justice League Unlimited “Brainiac Wiki”. The secret wiki was leaked after Venkman’s JLU [...]
Full StoryStarving Metaplace Game Gods Marooned In Facebook

Raph Koster's shipwrecked crew selling cabbage, farming supplies in FB avatar deathworld by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Raph Koster: "We're not talking about overall plans yet… first we learn" Game god survivors of the Metaplace world's apocalyptic loss of traction – Raph Koster and Tami Baribeau (Cuppycake) – did not perish when the Metaplace [...]
Full StoryWallace Linden Outs His Alt Account — Holy F.I.C. !!!
Alphaville Herald's Walker Spaight's secret alt is new Linden "Conversation Manager" Special to the Herald by staff reporter Idoru Wellman Wallace Linden shocked the metaverse with a tell-all Linden blog post acknowledging his close ties to the Alphaville Herald and his formerly secret alt account — none other than Walker Spaight. The announcement sent shock [...]
Full StoryOrchid Dollinger — Post 6 Grrrrl

[Icame across Orchid's avatar in Midian city, and then again at CARP. Iinstantly fell in love with her av's face!! I love symmetrical facesand well designed shapes, and HERS fit right in with post 6! I kept thecontrast to a minimum as requested.. and tried to show alittle of hersubmissive side with the poses and [...]
Full StoryLinden GTeam and JLU – Improper Conduct?

BrainiacWiki papers claim Lab staff leaks to role play game cops by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk A troubling pattern of what may be Linden governance team staff collusion with the Justice League Unlimited is beginning to emerge after the JLU's BrainiacWiki papers were leaked to the internet at large by the Wrong Hands infiltration [...]
Full StoryJustice League Unlimited’s BrainiacWiki Papers Coverup?

Kalel Venkman now playing whack-a-mole with file sharing sites by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk The leaked Justice League Unlimited "BrainiacWiki" papers have been yanked from 5 file sharing sites – an apparent coverup attempt by embattled JLU loyalists wielding copyright infringement claims – but it may be too late for this sort of damage [...]
Full StoryJustice League Unlimited Secret Wiki Unmasked by The Wrong Hands

Roleplay police recruit copies, distributes 1700-page wiki – JLU superhero threatens DMCA, legal action by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk The Justice League Unlimited's secret Brainiac wiki used to track suspected griefers, record JLU meeting chatlogs, and plot strategies to entice the Linden game gods into banning players was published to at least 5 public [...]
Full StoryIs Facebook Killing Avatars Again?
Shocking overnight account death toll! by Senban Babii Frightened Facebook users believe avatar hit squads are to blame for mysterious mass disappearances of e-friends from the popular MMO data mining operation social networking website's friends lists this week. Thisreporter can confirm that 45-50 people on her friends listvanished in the night – survivors who contacted [...]
Full StoryMetaplace – Pools Closed Due to Lack of Traction

by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Tizzers Foxchase got in the last word in Metaplace Central - “POOLS CLOSED DUE TO AIDS” – and seconds later Raph Koster’s user generated virtual world creation service closed permanently last weekend. What went wrong – and how did the end of the virtual world affect the community? Informed [...]
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