Justice League Unlimited Secret Wiki Unmasked by The Wrong Hands
by Alphaville Herald on 10/01/10 at 8:23 pm
Roleplay police recruit copies, distributes 1700-page wiki – JLU superhero threatens DMCA, legal action
by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk
The Justice League Unlimited's secret Brainiac wiki used to track suspected griefers, record JLU meeting chatlogs, and plot strategies to entice the Linden game gods into banning players was published to at least 5 public file sharing sites Friday. Based on what the Herald has seen of the 1700-page wiki's contents, this leak is a potentially crippling blow the the JLU, as the inner workings of the controversial anti-griefer group are on public display, along with significant amounts of misinformation and hints of what might be improper Linden Governance Team collusion with the JLU.
all ur JLU sekrets r belong to teh interwebs – thanks to Haruhi Thesbian and The Wrong Hands group
Word of the JLU papers' release has been circulating all weekend, but Justice League leader Kalel Venkman was unaware of this until Sunday when a new JLU recruit thanked the group for providing unfettered access to the gameplay superhero police manual. The recruit – Haruhi Thespian – tells the Herald that she was surprised to be allowed to join the JLU after a 4 day waiting period and then be given access to the Brainiac wiki – without a non-disclosure agreement.
Thespian says that this was part of what was apparently a planned operation by a group called "The Wrong Hands". Group infiltration followed by betrayal will be familiar to Herald readers as a standard part of virtual world gameplay.
But is everyone treating this as a game? Apparently Kalel Venkman is not. Mr. Venkman – who prefers to dress his avatar in virtual superman tights – is now threatening legal action against the player who leaked the wiki, blogger Prokofy Neva, and the Alphaville Herald, should anyone publish what Kalel believes is copyrighted material. We can only hope Kalel has been studying the fair use provisions of copyright law.
Virtual man and copypasta writer Prokofy Neva remained true to form and chose to copy and paste the tl;dr griefing suspect name list and technical specifications for an estate ban tool that the JLU hopes to develop to replace BanLink. However, Venkman claims his specification of an estate ban tool for Second Life regions is copyrighted technical material accessed in violation of US federal law – but said in an interview with the Herald the griefing suspect name list is not a problem. In any case, a sketchy design for an avatar ban tool is far from the most interesting part of the JLU wiki.
Contacted for comment, Venkman and Thespian differ sharply on exactly how the wiki was obtained – Venkman claiming fraud, and Thespian pointing out that Second Life is a game with a strong role play component – something that the JLU may have forgotten despite dressing their avatars as various Marvel comic book characters – a potential copyright problem which is discussed at length in the JLU wiki.
Those willing to download four large .RAR archives from the sharbee.com public file sharing site can judge for themselves after enduring a number of intrusive ads and clicking on the ZShare, RapidShare, DepostFiles, Badongo, or Megaupload links on these pages:
If the JLU is serious about DMCA takedown notices, expect them to be busy as the wiki archives continue to spread. When I spoke with Haruhi Thesbian, she was not concerned:
Pixeleen Mistral: I understand you had access to the JLU's secret wiki
Haruhi Thespian: Yes I did
Pixeleen Mistral: how did that happen?
Haruhi Thespian: Well the day I was added into the JLU group as a recruit I was given the option to make a password for my account on it, and so I told Kalel my choice and logged for the night. the next day I logged in and there was an IM waiting for me from Kalel, giving me the First & Second Layer Username and Password, along with the Url.
Pixeleen Mistral: that is pretty standard stuff for new JLU recruits so you can look at training materials I imagine
Haruhi Thespian: It is, I was also given the access to add and edit entries.
Haruhi Thespian: Along with a Hud that allows me to retrieve information from the wiki inworld
Pixeleen Mistral: did you have to make any sort of non-disclosure agreements?
Haruhi Thespian: I was told not to share the information, but that was after the fact I was given access and it was not a requirement or agreement, just a stated command.
Pixeleen Mistral: interesting
Pixeleen Mistral: Kalel claims that the information was "procured from a secure web site through means of deception"
Haruhi Thespian: Kalel is taking the assumption that my SL AV reflects my intentions IRL. Sl is just a way to make a False persona is it not?
Pixeleen Mistral: I have always assumed avatars could be different from real people and SL has a lot of role play so I would tend to agree
Pixeleen Mistral: how long did it take to become a trusted recruit for the JLU?
Haruhi Thespian: 4 days
Pixeleen Mistral: that doesn't seem like very long
Haruhi Thespian: Both me and the group who organized this whole operation (The Wrong Hands) were shocked to see it happen so soon
Pixeleen Mistral: so you have been kicked out of the JLU I sassume – when did you get thrown out?
Haruhi Thespian: After I thanked them, on behalf of woodbury, for the access to the wiki.
Pixeleen Mistral: when was that exactly?
Haruhi Thespian: 9:49 SL time today
Pixeleen Mistral: what did the JLU people say?
Haruhi Thespian: They were confused at first, a couple of what did she says and sorts, but then I was kicked from the jlu group and then ejected from their land.
Pixeleen Mistral: it is probably not the best news they have had today
Pixeleen Mistral: I was just interviewing Kalel and he was claiming that "the violator is afoul of U.S. Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 47, section 1030" and he said the pertainant postion of that law says whomever "knowingly and with intent to defraud, accesses a protected computer without authorization, or exceeds authorized access, and by means of such conduct furthers the intended fraud and obtains anything of value, unless the object of the fraud and the thing obtained consists only of the use of the computer and the value of such use is not more than $5,000 in any 1-year period"
Haruhi Thespian: I had authorization
Pixeleen Mistral: it does sound like you did if he gave you an account
Pixeleen Mistral: maybe he will start having legally binding non-disclosure agreements in the future
Haruhi Thespian: If I were Kalel, I would be more worried about the level of detail his article of Tizzers Foxchase has.
Haruhi Thespian: That was most alarming to me.
Pixeleen Mistral: yes – I understand that he seems obsessive in those wiki pages
Pixeleen Mistral: I heard there are also some troubling section where JLU people suggest that Lindens are revealing alt accounts to them
Haruhi Thespian: I cant say that for sure, I'm not certain of the claims they made reguarding that, but feel free to browse the copy and check.
Pixeleen Mistral: so – you are not worried about the legal action Kalel is threatening? he said something about going after your ISP as well
Haruhi Thespian: Well I dont know why he would, I dont think bringing this SL problem he has to RL is resonable. I hope he doesnt add my information on my IRL identity to his wiki, as that is personal
Pixeleen Mistral: I guess we will just have to see how this all plays out
Haruhi Thespian: I just want people to be aware of how far he is taking this. He made the mistake of giving access to me and he is trying to point fingers.
a sample of the leaked wiki – with Haruhi Thespian apparently logged in when the copy was made
Meanwhile, Kalel Venkman has his own take on the situation:
Kalel Venkman: (Saved Sun Jan 10 13:14:50 2010) I wanted to inform you in advance that if you post any information that you have received procured from a secure web site through means of deception that you will be held liable for criminal action under Federal privacy laws.
Kalel Venkman: (Saved Sun Jan 10 13:14:56 2010) Make no mistake on this.
Kalel Venkman: (Saved Sun Jan 10 15:10:35 2010) In particular, any technical information you publish will be subject to immediate DMCA takedown, so you may want to skip that step and simply not publish it.
Pixeleen Mistral: hi Kalel – its been a while since we talked – how are you doing today?
Pixeleen Mistral: Kalel – Prok has apparently got copies of your secret documents
Pixeleen Mistral: http://secondthoughts.typepad.com/second_thoughts/2010/01/woodbury-and-justice-league-goons-develop-new-larp-ar-vw-rp.html
Kalel Venkman: We know that. She is currently in process of receiving a DMCA takedown notice.
Kalel Venkman: This is legally enforceable, as the material is copyrighted.
Pixeleen Mistral: so you are claiming all that stuff is copyrighted?
Kalel Venkman: That's our assertion, yes.
Kalel Venkman: At least, the direct information from our documentation is.
Kalel Venkman: Her political commentary, of course, is not.
Pixeleen Mistral: I understand you have taken a number of Herald pictures and stories and included them in that secret thing of yours – should I DMCA you?
Kalel Venkman: The difference is that we have not published the information.
Kalel Venkman: She has.
Kalel Venkman: She's certainly within her rights to say anything about us she pleases, but this does not extended to publishing technical specifications for products under development.
Pixeleen Mistral: ok – so the theory of the DMCA is that Prok is disclosing technical specs about some anti-greifing device
Pixeleen Mistral: I'm scanning Prok's story now – it just looks like a list of names
Kalel Venkman: Look further down, to the bottom of the page.
Kalel Venkman: The names aren't copyrightable.
Kalel Venkman: As you can see, the technical specifications have been placed in a publically accessible blog, without access restrictions of any kind.
Kalel Venkman: This meets the legal requirement of having been "published".
Kalel Venkman: So for example, anybody copying this information without our consent in this way would also be subject to DMCA takedown notices.
Pixeleen Mistral: so are you also going to try to sue for damages?
Kalel Venkman: Aaah – hm.
Kalel Venkman: The fact that you ask this implies that you don't understand how the law works in these cases.
Pixeleen Mistral: like this was a trade secret that has been published?
Kalel Venkman: Ah, I see.
Kalel Venkman: Damages are awarded by the court in such cases where specific damages can be proven.
Kalel Venkman: In this case, we are simply requesting that this information be removed, as it was acquired under false pretenses, in direct violation of the Computer Fraud and Securities Act of 1984.
Kalel Venkman: And, further, that it is copyrighted material, and published without our permission.
Kalel Venkman: That's the foundation of any pending actions.
Pixeleen Mistral: how do you know it was acquired under false pretenses?
Kalel Venkman: Because we were directly told.
Kalel Venkman: By the person who accomplished it.
Kalel Venkman: So the admission of guilt is there.
Kalel Venkman: Therefore, publication of this technical information is at best a violation of our intellectual property rights, and at worst, a felony.
Kalel Venkman: The most applicable laws, however, have to do with the Digital Millenium copyright act.
Pixeleen Mistral: so a JLU member turned out to be a mole and turned things over to other people?
Pixeleen Mistral: I mean the only thing that makes sense to me is that either your sites is insecure -or- someone you trusted turned on you
Kalel Venkman: I will say that the security of our systems were temporarily breached, and that the violator is afoul of U.S. Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 47, section 1030:
Kalel Venkman: (a) Whoever—
Kalel Venkman: (4) knowingly and with intent to defraud, accesses a protected computer without authorization, or exceeds authorized access, and by means of such conduct furthers the intended fraud and obtains anything of value, unless the object of the fraud and the thing obtained consists only of the use of the computer and the value of such use is not more than $5,000 in any 1-year period;
Kalel Venkman: That's the section that covers this.
Kalel Venkman: We know who did it – we have the IP addresses, and these are being tracked down.
Kalel Venkman: Use of internet services for this kind of work is usually a violation of the terms of service of most major providers.
Kalel Venkman: Most ISP's, we have discovered, are happy to cooperate.
Kalel Venkman: In other words, this isn't our first rodeo.
Pixeleen Mistral: so in a nutshell your position is that valuable secrets about how a second life estate security product have been leaked
Pixeleen Mistral: a product that you have in development
Kalel Venkman: I suggest that you go back and reread my exact statements.
Pixeleen Mistral: the list of names is not the problem – it is the design
Pixeleen Mistral: I'm trying to make sure I understand this all
Kalel Venkman: That's all I can tell you at this time.
Kalel Venkman: I appreciate your inquiries, and your cooperation.
Pixeleen Mistral: ok – but it seems like there could be another theory of what happened – someone that you trusted and provided access to your secrets broke confidence and spread them around
Kalel Venkman: Anyone may invent any theory they like. Those who are in the business of working on nothing but speculation and rumor are usually just disregarded.
Kalel Venkman: Once again, I caution you not to distribute copyrighted information. You are on notice.
Meif Ling
Jan 10th, 2010
Ground floor.
Intlibber Brautigan
Jan 10th, 2010
FYI “The Wrong Hands” group name comes from a JLU member who went on record saying, in regard to the JLU Wiki: “there’s a lot of private info and shit on there that if passed into the wrong hands, could ROYALLY fuck us!”
For once, a JLU member speaks the truth.
Also, FYI: for the record, I have never griefed any sim or person in SL, for the JLU to include my name on the list of griefers constitutes defamation per se under US law and will result in litigation if my name and all my alts are not removed from the griefer list immediately.
Fortunately I now live near Kalel IRL so suing his ass off and getting him served at work with a very noisy process server, is going to be entertaining… I’m looking forward to owning a residential home in Simi…
Gaara Sandalwood
Jan 10th, 2010
This, I must say, is a bit of an epic win in the senseless, retarded conflicts with the JLU. As far as my opinions go, Kalel should’ve stuck to the Marvel roleplaying. The JLU should’ve left people alone. But no, they do the shit they do. Even now though there’s no point for them to be around if there ever even was. So personally, I’m rather glad they’re being dealt such a crippling blow.
This is epic win indeed.
Neo Citizen
Jan 10th, 2010
Actually, since the material wasn’t published till it hit the Herald, you’d have to sue the publisher. That would be Pixeleen in this case.
Good luck with that.
Alyx Stoklitsky
Jan 10th, 2010
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Best shit I’ve seen on the Herald in months.
Jan 10th, 2010
Um, I happen to *KNOW* about the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1984 as I am currently facing a federal indictment under it for hacking into AveNews and compromising login credentials for 67 ALT weekly newspapers across the US with an SQLi vuln (I found about a half dozen other vulns in this same sw the week of new years, including other SQLi and numerous XSS vulns one of which was in their admin panel – I partied hard), and I happen to know that this doesn’t fall under it. Sorry kalol, you’re shit outta luck this time.
Just an FYI – the login credentials I retrieved from those database servers were immediately turned over to their owners. I was only proving that a vulnerability existed. I didn’t touch the credit card infos or modify any data in any way, or even attempt login to the administration panels with the login credentials. So yeah, the feds can suck my ass and so can the guy with the hammer dressed in that goofy dress. Take it to the bank.
Jan 11th, 2010
OK, so after you download that wad of stuff from Rapid Share, like I did, and get it all set up properly on your own household computer in the house, for examination purposes, bring up default_958.html, which is a Top Page kindof, then go down the left hand side down to where it says: Abuse Reports. When you go into that page YOU GET ALL THE NAMES OF THE JLU WANNABE POLICE FAGS WHO HAVE BEEN ARing PEOPLE, when and where they AR’ed you, and for what. I was living right next to one of those asswads and didn’t even know it. Well I know it now and so should you.
wolf brimm
Jan 11th, 2010
hahahaha what a lulzy fuck up im glad im back in sl
At0m0 Beerbaum
Jan 11th, 2010
haha oh wow.
I like how I’m on the griefer list.
What’s scary is the length and depth of tizzers’ info, and the fact they try to link almost every event, every person with some power over “evil” groups to tizzers.
reeks of obsessive compulsive disorder.
serious mental problems
Jan 11th, 2010
What makes this so dangerous is how deluded these JLU and GLC dipwads really are. They go around wearing capes in RL. THEY GO AROUND WEARING CAPES IN RL. Just wait until some of those photos contained in that secret wiki of the JLU and GLC wearing their Batman and Robin and Catwoman and Superman costumes at their RL superhero conventions start to come out. Talk about a riot. That dipwad Venkman has the gaul to take RL photos of his enemies, like Tizzers, and a host of others, and mark them all up with circles and arrows and paragraphs on the back saying what retards they are one minute, and is beating himself off with his lycra and cape wearing supertards the next.
Their big plans for a super new PHANTOM ZONE to replace Ban Link is straight out of the cartoons too, as it was where Superman sent his arch rival Lex Luther using this big gun like thing that had a handle and a lever on the side of it and was called The Phantom Zone Projector. THATS WHERE THEY WANT TO SEND EVERYONE WHO IS ON THAT GRIEFER LIST OF THIERS, which came from their BRAINIAC system, which was also right out of the cartoons too, the giant Silver Brainiac computer that looked like a big silver genie.
Talk about a copyrights violation, thats all the JLU and GFC is. They are cartoons, just cartoons trying to push people around in SL.
Jan 11th, 2010
Now I get to look back at all the stupid shit I’ve said in 07 when I barely knew how to work irc, because they literally took every quote and gave it an article. It’s like they never even tried organizing anything, I must be spread out across 20 or so pages.
So I’m a dog groomer that works at dreamworks, and some nameless guy who decorates his photos with dead seals.
What I love is:
“orbiting is a violation of the TOS”
“get your free orbiter here”
“________ has alts, report him for alt abuse”
“________ has alts _______ and _______ if you need to contact him for help”
“here’s plexus linden, he’s a cool guy, this is how great he is”
“here’s rodney linden, and his dox, he’s treasonous scum”
Robble Rubble
Jan 11th, 2010
Yeah groups doxing people seems to not line up with the expected activities of a “community watch group”.
Jan 11th, 2010
I laughed so hard it hurt. The level of cluelessness – about security, about people, about the law. It’s quite staggering for a group that’s set themselves up as an ad-hoc police force.
Very entertaining indeed… now to find out if anyone I know well is on the list…
Dum de dum…
And… ooh… I wonder if wikileaks wants a copy?
Senban Babii
Jan 11th, 2010
What I really find disturbing about the materials is the fact that this self-appointed group feels it is appropriate to gather data on the RL details of various individuals – the aforementioned obsessive intelligence gathering on Tizzers is particularly worrying. I mean what the hell is wrong with these people? There is role-playing and there is losing the plot. I’m sorry, I have no axe to grind with the JLU and have never had any dealings with them one way or another (or indeed any other SL ‘faction’) but having dug through these materials since they came into my possession, I now really worry that such people are allowed to carry on their activities, especially given the hints of collusion by certain Lab members that can be found in the files. This rogue insider has done a good thing by exposing the activities of the JLU in my personal opinion.
I mean, they have a certain editrix described as a griefer in their notes (which contain a lot of incorrect information incidentally). Will I too be labelled by the JLU as a griefer-by-association now that I write for the Herald? Will I be the subject of JLU plans to have me banned from the grid simply because I once visited the Woodbury sandbox? Will I too get given a page where they fap over my RL details and pictures as part of their roleplay? “Hurr hurr, our Bat-computer has t3h sekrits, we can has win against t3h forces of evilz and also has sekrit faps over Tizzerpics”.
In my considered opinion, you people (JLU members) are pretty messed up from what I’ve seen and should seek professional help because you’ve allowed your roleplay to leak past the edges of your screen.
kalel venkman and linden labs working together
Jan 11th, 2010
Yes, from reading these JLU wiki docs its clear that Venkman and the JLU had some kind of arrangement with Linden Labs to provide them with information on other avatars, like chat log summaries and Whos ALT belongs to whom, etc. I also notice what seems like a distinct writing style that belongs to a former Herald writer contained in these JLU docs, that of one Siobahn McCallen who is a GLC member. There is certainly a lot of dox on a lot of people in that JLU stuff, including their private sl KEYS are in there too, now made public. I’m now wondering if this ALLIANCE between the JLU and Linden Labs isn’t responsible for certain people and their sims being taken down at the urging of the JLU, their businesses being wrecked so they can’t pay tier, etc. Makes you wonder. If true it could be an even bigger lawsuit than stroker…
lnfo core
Jan 11th, 2010
Best day in SL for me.
Neo Citizen
Jan 11th, 2010
Okay – having read the article, and having read the stuff in the download (some of the links are already broken) I can see a few things here:
First, all this stuff was kept under lock and key. The biggest threat was if somebody like Haruhi here dug it all up and exposed all those griefer records to the whole world. So it looks like whoever was running this managed to dox not only themselves, but every other major griefing group on the grid. The headline should read TIZZERS DOXES HIMSELF AND ALL HIS FRIENDS IN MASSIVE RAID FUCKUP, because all that’s in these downloads, and is now in distribution and can’t be stopped. Lots of people hate that guy, and there are a lot of people who’ll think nothing of fucking with him.
And second, I see a lot of moaning about what’s in it, and I’ve been reading on the chan boards about the runup to this. If you didn’t want the dox made really really public, you shouldn’t have put them in distribution in the first place.
Everybody’s pointing at the spandex wannabees and crying foul, but where’s the real screwup here?
Toughlove Pixelmaid
Jan 11th, 2010
This is indeed an epic fail on the part of JLU. They have gotten so lax on stuff. 4 days? Hell people used to wait months to get that level of clearance. As of the past few months they have been calling the GLC ineffective and a joke, but I guess they are the ones getting laughed at now. Karma isn’t done with them yet I feel.
If you ever used to listen to what they rattled on about in Sandboxes, yes they did use members of the GTeam to enforce thier rules, hand over names, and make direct requests for something to be done – only filing the tickets after Plexus or another GTeam member agreed to it and needed the ticket to “justify the use of force” on nehalf of the JLU. Even those guys in the green tights didn’t get that overboard after like a quarter of the JLU leaders saw how crazy Kalel was getting and left JLU for the GLC. If you are in the JLU just remember this – if you ever stand up to Kalel or any of the other “Kryptonians” and leave, your name will probably be on the list of names after that. Be careful who you get in bed with, they have hidden fangs as this leak of info shows.
Also the SL keys aren’t private, since SL uses that for about everything in world, a simple script will show it, and even the Emerald Viewer will throw it up there when you view someone’s Profile.
lousy lindens
Jan 11th, 2010
There are many private chats in those dox between the Lindens and Kalel Venkman. That guy recorded everything. I bet even the Lindens are a little abhored this morning at their private IMs between themselves and the JLU having come out and are being passed around. Personally I get the feeling that there is some real mental illness at work here, and maybe now the Lindens are realizing what a monster they have helped to create.
theGenius Indigo
Jan 11th, 2010
Jan 11th, 2010
“…unless the object of the fraud and the thing obtained consists only of the use of the computer and the value of such use is not more than $5,000 in any 1-year period;”
$5,000 was lost in this?
Gaara Sandalwood
Jan 11th, 2010
I recall being added to their ‘secret’ griefer list after visiting a sim based on Jewish history and talking to two JLU who insisted I leave and how I was a major griefer. ‘Twas hilarious. I don’t even grief. I loiter with a “I just stand here” tag on while I’m busy or just bored. Excuse me for standing on your e-lawn Kalel. I’m sure I offended you so.
And if he really thinks he can get a lawsuit out of this, yeah……good luck with that. There’s no ToS or legal violation here, so he’s just acting tough(as always).
Anyway, I recall sending in a report to LL about the event where they harassed me. I gave evident proof that they had spies in groups. I was responded with a remark by Colton Linden about my profile pick about furries and he completely ignored everything else.
So yes, I’m quite glad this shit got out in the form of their full wiki. Kalel, I have one question if you read this. Why so serious?
Jan 11th, 2010
Hilarious. But, I got to laugh here because the only folks who think this is funny are the griefers. As an estate manager, I’m going to take this list of griefers and add you to my ban list. You shot yourself in the foot. This data is great.
@Senban – Roleplaying? I agree the RL info is scary, but it seems to scare those who need some fear in them. If WU wants to grief themselves, I don’t care. But when they visit my sim and attack my customers, I get pissed. If the RL info scares the piss out of them to stop, more power to JLU.
Jan 11th, 2010
God damnit, can someone please upload to megaupload or just about ANY other file sharing site. Sharebee SUCKS balls. Most of the time the content isn’t unlocked even when you do these stupid surveys. It’s the worst file-sharing site I have ever heard of. If you want the data exposed and in circulation, then rule number #1 is that you make the information accessible.
These sound so juicy, but after spending 20 minutes on that stupid fucking site I’m either going to wait for someone to upload to a half-decent mirror, or not bother at all. This is absurd.
Jan 11th, 2010
Its reminiscent of the German Stazi, keeping tabs on everyone.
This is the last we will hear of the JLU.
Neo Citizen
Jan 11th, 2010
Yeah, that’s what people said the last time, and all that happened was it scared the hell out of some griefers who were in their wiki, and a few griefer groups shut down. That was two years ago, and the JLU is still prancing around in their underwear, and this time a lot more griefer dox got exposed. Maybe Tizzers should join the JLU, he seems to be working for them now.
Neo Citizen
Jan 11th, 2010
It’d be a lot better if they’d actually gotten all of it though, instead of bits and pieces, so that it held together as a complete work. Huge chunks are missing from what I can tell, and there’s no way to tell if this stuff is actually what they wrote, or if the griefers wrote a lot of it and passed it out.
Haruhi Thespian
Jan 11th, 2010
Well, I am glad so many people agree with me that the JLU’s wiki is indeed shocking and obsessive. These people don’t look for justice. They seek and see injustice in all things. Now we sit and watch the JLU throw every book at TWH, Prok, and Pixeleen. Hey, while we are at it, try and catch one and throw it back
Senban Babii
Jan 11th, 2010
“@Senban – Roleplaying? I agree the RL info is scary, but it seems to scare those who need some fear in them. If WU wants to grief themselves, I don’t care. But when they visit my sim and attack my customers, I get pissed. If the RL info scares the piss out of them to stop, more power to JLU.”
Yes, roleplaying. These are self-appointed people who have taken it upon themselves to gather RL data on people and, allegedly, to create banlists which can see people added for spurious reasons and without due process. Is that right? In effect, these people are vigilantes and appear to conduct themselves as such. Wouldn’t you in fact say that someone spreading that RL information within a group of residents would count as…oh what was that word now…disclosure? Isn’t there some rule about that or something?
Also please note that I have the courage to sign my avatar’s name. I’m not hiding behind anonymity, even though no doubt my file has been freshly prepared by the JLU given their past actions reflected in their own documents – should I expect a volley of ARs shortly? Yet you decide to hide behind anonymity, presumably to avoid being griefed by people on this list, many of whom should probably not even be on there. Have you ever heard of innocent until proven guilty? Even superheroes have to answer to the law and have an understanding of what is right and wrong. Do we think the JLU do?
From Intlibber’s post above:-
“FYI “The Wrong Hands” group name comes from a JLU member who went on record saying, in regard to the JLU Wiki: “there’s a lot of private info and shit on there that if passed into the wrong hands, could ROYALLY fuck us!”"
Does that sound like the JLU doesn’t have a bukkit load of guilty secrets to you? Well does it? I genuinely don’t have a dog in this race one way or another but I hope that the JLU are taken to task over this wiki and its contents, the same as I would expect the same for any other self-appointed vigilante group.
Ange (a GLC member)
Jan 11th, 2010
The GLC and JLU are two very seperate entities.
The origins of our history include the JLU being the junior group aided by the GLC, but has degraded over the years to the point of the JLU infiltrating and attempting to manuever GLC policy and depose its leaders through auxiliary groups while the GLC has done nothing – admittedly a position that leaves it as bait.
@Funny: Several of those people are non-griefers, much like Andy Enfield who is the creator of HippoTech, and several are GLC members who’s only crime was simply to stand up against the JLU diatribes and lies, far from griefers.
Imnotgoing Sideways
Jan 11th, 2010
Doood! My name is totally not on the list. Does this mean… naw! … Does it? Does is mean that the lies about me are ACTUALLY lies? =^-^=
Meh. (^_^)y
Jan 11th, 2010
“Hilarious. But, I got to laugh here because the only folks who think this is funny are the griefers. As an estate manager, I’m going to take this list of griefers and add you to my ban list. You shot yourself in the foot. This data is great.” Because we can’t create alts right.
“@Senban – Roleplaying? I agree the RL info is scary, but it seems to scare those who need some fear in them. If WU wants to grief themselves, I don’t care. But when they visit my sim and attack my customers, I get pissed. If the RL info scares the piss out of them to stop, more power to JLU.” There is nothing you idiots could do with IRL dox even if you had them.
Stop trying to polish a turd you idiot, JLU can no longer be trusted.
Tummy Boo
Jan 11th, 2010
If you find quotes with your name on them, you can actually AR them. Quoting people without spoken constent by all parties is against ToS in all cases.
Aree Lulibub
Jan 11th, 2010
“Hilarious. But, I got to laugh here because the only folks who think this is funny are the griefers. As an estate manager, I’m going to take this list of griefers and add you to my ban list. You shot yourself in the foot. This data is great.”
I’m on that list and I’ve never griefed anyone other than my husband and he gave me permission to do it.
There are many people on that list who are not griefers.
It’s your estate so you can play with it how you want to, but you’ll be banning a lot of innocent people if you take that list as truth.
Neo Citizen
Jan 11th, 2010
Oh – yeah, the Lanterns. I read about you guys in the JLU dox too, and your tale is even sorrier than theirs is, if that’s possible. Nobody has time for the Lanterns anymore, you were over years ago.
Emperor Norton hears a who?
Jan 11th, 2010
Yes, roleplaying.@” These are self-appointed people who have taken it upon themselves to gather RL data on people and, allegedly, to create banlists which can see people added for spurious reasons and without due process. Is that right? ”
As the griefers say, hey, it’s only the internet. So it doesn’t matter.
Jan 11th, 2010
Yep Norton, they were gathering RL data on people, something which it is, in fact, illegal to do under federal privacy laws without a private investigators or attorney’s license, and even then, only if you are intending to use the information to assist in pursuing litigation against those persons. Publishing that data in any form, even to a closed group of people, if they are not similarly licensed, is also illegal. Because of Kalel’s poor security policies have resulted in this leak by a whistleblower (who is protected by federal whistleblowing laws, sorry Kalel, Haruhi is off the hook), the damages from this mass violation of privacy of a large number of SL users is grounds also for a class action lawsuit against Kalel, the JLU and any member of the organization that participated in these disclosure activities. This is the point where shit meets fan….
Debi Dastardly
Jan 11th, 2010
Funny:”Hilarious. But, I got to laugh here because the only folks who think this is funny are the griefers. As an estate manager, I’m going to take this list of griefers and add you to my ban list. You shot yourself in the foot. This data is great.”
@ Funny: I know some of the people on this list they are not greifers anymore than you or I am don’t be so easy to jump in and help JLU pursue personal vendettas.
In my experience both in rl and online arrogant people that would set themselves up as watch dogs never quit and get more angry when something like this happens If I were on their watch list I would be looking for them to attack me in a much more fierce and determined manner now than I did in the past.
I’m no law expert but isn’t their anti stalking laws that these JLU members could be charged with in most states for some of their activities here?
One more thing as a sim owner I have never needed a bunch of immature people wearing suits stolen from Marvel Comic books to protect me from real greifers. I take care of that myself, an organization like the JLU has no place in sl period.
Jan 11th, 2010
Da ToS disclosure olny workz inworld. LL liek doesn’t care shitz about it outside. >_>
Jan 11th, 2010
“Yep Norton, they were gathering RL data on people, something which it is, in fact, illegal to do under federal privacy laws without a private investigators or attorney’s license, and even then, only if you are intending to use the information to assist in pursuing litigation against those persons. Publishing that data in any form, even to a closed group of people, if they are not similarly licensed, is also illegal. Because of Kalel’s poor security policies have resulted in this leak by a whistleblower (who is protected by federal whistleblowing laws, sorry Kalel, Haruhi is off the hook), the damages from this mass violation of privacy of a large number of SL users is grounds also for a class action lawsuit against Kalel, the JLU and any member of the organization that participated in these disclosure activities. This is the point where shit meets fan….”
Not that I like the JLU – at ALL – but dox aren’t illegal. They’re unethical and certainly objectionable, but there is nothing illegal about gathering a person’s personal information from public sources, or people who are willing to disclose them. Notions to the contrary are absurd. Is using a phone book or whitepages.com illegal too, intblobber? What about forums and social networking sites? I rest my case. Get a fucking law degree or shut the fuck up. Your e-lawyer shit is irritating.
On another note though, I a betting that a lot of these dox may have come from Lindens. My dox were leaked in mid 2008 before I publicly acknowledged by identity. I suspected that Plexus Linden leaked them. I was notified about the leak by a video response on youtube where someone had placed an image of the aerial view of my old apartment complex and circled the spot were I parked my vehicle. The description said something along the lines of ‘criminals never win’, and was just the sort of ridiculous statement I would expect from kalol and his cohorts. Self replicating cubes in a video game, does not a criminal make. Anyways, the only other people who had them at the time were Pixeleen, Walker, and Uri and to date I do not believe that any of them leaked the information. That was a possibility I considered very closely in the beginning, but I was able to rule it out. The Herald is very sensitive about things like full disclosure. Pixeleen and other herald staffers/administrators may remember how that fiasco went down pretty well. I was pissed. I smell a huge scandal here. Whip out those old chatlogs, Pix. There is yet another story here. Now here’s a really good question: If Linden Lab staffers are leaking dox to vigilante organizations lead by unbalanced people like kalol, can the lab be held liable? This may warrant some debate. If I can ever prove that they leaked my dox and if I can make a case, I would sue their asses so fast. So fast.
In any case, if there is inaccurate information in there and it harms a person’s reputation and/or business, particularly in the case of business owners, the JLU could be sued for libel. Doesn’t matter if the information was only distributed securely among a small group of people. It was still published and ultimately, leaked, because of the JLU. If it had never been published, it would never have been leaked. If more than one person is given access to it, the information is considered ‘published’ whether or not people need login credentials to access the data.
All Seeeing Eye
Jan 11th, 2010
wtf is this sharebee crap with the mandatory surveys to dl the files?
Gaara Sandalwood
Jan 11th, 2010
The point is they’re STALKING. They obtain information about someone who doesn’t suspect it and track them, monitor their movements, and on a video game no less. Sure, I can look up a local person in the white pages. Doesn’t mean I can keep track of everything they say, where they go, like these bozos try and do.
I highly agree on Haruhi with this(just putting that out there). I mean for Christ’s sake, they got a dude’s hardrive contents listed, real life information listed, residential locations. And like someone said before this is only a small CHUNK of the shit that’s on here.
Thanks JLU Wiki
Jan 11th, 2010
@Gaara Sandalwood
Hm, from the wiki…
Chat Logs from WU Group
[18:49] Heinrich Arun: There is a Jewcamp [18:49] Heinrich Arun: on Sl [18:49] Gaara Sandalwood: Oh gawd seriously?
[18:49] Heinrich Arun: Zeide Camp
[18:49] Heinrich Arun: Yes
[18:49] KFCMan Nexen: so where are we trollin [18:49] Gaara Sandalwood: Okay screw these fail plans KFC’s been doign I’m checkign that out [18:54] Leebra Mai: backup [18:59] Gaara Sandalwood: JLU faggot right here [18:59] Gaara Sandalwood: In the zeide kamp sim [18:59] Heinrich Arun: Oh man [19:00] Heinrich Arun: On mein way [19:00] Gaara Sandalwood: WHOOOO [19:01] Heinrich Arun: Hey, shit getting hot down here [19:01] Heinrich Arun: Requesting /b/ack up [19:02] Gaara Sandalwood: Two JLU here [19:02] Gaara Sandalwood: Everyone fail plannign gtf here [19:02] Atheron Alter: Where are the JLU?
[19:03] Heinrich Arun: Zeide Kamp
[19:03] Heinrich Arun: Jew town
[19:08] Leebra Mai: and being drunk
[19:08] Lyra Gravois: I JUST ADDED
[19:08] Leebra Mai: please join us at WU [19:08] Lyra Gravois: COBY TO THE EQUATION [19:08] Lyra Gravois: lololol [19:08] Leebra Mai: oh shit
You were stalked for doing nothing? Right…
Darien Caldwell
Jan 11th, 2010
The allegation that LL is handing out chat logs is most troubling. Giving Real Life info, even more so. Frankly the rest of it is inconsequential in comparison. Of course the first step is to determine if those allegations are true. Unlike most government investigations though, there’s no documents which can be shred or disposed of. It’s all there for everyone to see.
Jessica Holyoke
Jan 11th, 2010
I think the most annoying thing about this article is that Kal El, JLU, Green Lantern and all of the rest are trademarks/copyrights of DC Comics, a subsidary of Time Warner. If they were a Marvel property, they would be owned by Disney and you would bet your ass they would have been stopped.
As far as publishing, if you told someone else, you published something. It doesn’t have to be publically accessible, you just have to show it to someone else.
Good luck with the fraud count because you would have to show that you lost a thing of value and you would need to show that the leaking of the technical details of the Phantom Zone, which no way you would be able to market that, would prevent you from selling it, at the least. You have to have lost a thing of value to be the victim of fraud. Copyright infringment is much different, but Kal El is suggesting she cost him something by copying some web pages.
And if the JLU list is populated with information leaked from Linden Lab, yes there is a problem.
download nao
Jan 11th, 2010
when you go the the Sharebee site, forget the survey stuff and notice the list further down, in yellowish text I think, and you will see about five different fileshare sites. thats what you want. i used rapid share and got all four. once you get them, for ease of use you can put each zip into a different directory and unzip it. then use the index.html file to move around. if you try to use the same index.html for all of it, it will seem like large parts are missing. its all there, from A to Z.
Robble Rubble
Jan 11th, 2010
Actually this counts as disclosure because brainiac is able to spit out information from their wiki in sl. From my first encounter with them I was able to determine this by standing next to one as they checked their brainiac by using commands in world.
Lourdes Laysan
Jan 11th, 2010
As someone who has been involved to a major or lesser degree over time with both the GLC and the JLU organizations, I am rather annoyed to still find myself in a position of having to clear my name years after the fact because of slights by various members within said organization who take it upon themselves to be judge jury and executioner of policies against various residents of SL. That said, there are alot of good things that these organizations can do but with no fundamental oversight, or opening up of records for objective analysis, records databases such as these are rife for the massaging of facts to fit the overrall truth they wish to project. Unfortunatley for them, I am not going to take this lying down.
Over the past several years, I was blacklisted for essentially being smart, outspoken, energetic and doing a job I took very seriously. I produced technology for use and put it up for sale because I didnt have a big group sponsoring my activities so I had to earn a living.
Several times throughout the JLU database, I have been referenced in a manner unbefitting and a general opinion was inferred that I was somehow so protective of my Power Ring business that I would attack anyone who got in the way of that and make up stories about how I was mistreated by the GLC and the JLU.
I didn’t do any of that.
In the one instance I tried to talk with someone about the problems I ran into so as not to run afoul of the same obstacles I was, IE blacklisting etc, I was taken for delusional and possessive.
I was not, and I am not possessive or delusional, nor am I making up stories to garner sympathy etc.
To that end here is a conversation with former Guardian of the GLC Cid Jacobs, APOLOGIZING for the GLC screwing me over and admitting that this is done regularly as personal vendetta’s rise and fall. This is the real reason the GLC had maligned me in the past (and they’re guardians did apologize privately) so I bear them no ill will, but the JLU is still using this poison in their records and therefore badly colouring my intentions or actions and therefore impressions of me with new recruits and members. And I won’t have it anymore.
Whilest I don’t agree with the method, perhaps a little more resident scrutiny should be paid the JLU’s way so we don’t run into bad investigations and horrendous garbage in a database that affects people on a personal and a resident level.
Last but not least, to all those contributors in the wiki entries who think the worst straight out of the gate. Screw you, I’ve seen your posts, and I thought you people knew me better than that. Out for money, out for power? Geez, feeling threatened much.
To Kalel Venkman, Mr. I can be impartial, In my opinion you seem to be such a lying bastard.
~Lourdes Laysan
April 16th, 2009 at 5:45pm
[13:21] Cid Jacobs: Hey Lourdes
Can’t complain today.
[13:22] Lourdes Laysan: Hello Cid
[13:22] Cid Jacobs: How’s it going?
[13:22] Lourdes Laysan: Goes well
[13:22] Cid Jacobs: That’s good to hear :}
[13:22] Lourdes Laysan: What you need Cid?
[13:23] Cid Jacobs: Don’t need anything, just making idle chat
[13:23] Lourdes Laysan: Mmmhmmm.
[13:23] Cid Jacobs: So you been up to anything new with the rings lately?
[13:24] Lourdes Laysan: I’m always in development with a myriad of things rings being one of them.
[13:25] Cid Jacobs: Sounds better than me, I’m just now getting back into SL, just got settled in after my move to XXXXXXX
[13:25] Lourdes Laysan: Wow, quite a move.
[13:25] Cid Jacobs: Yea, it’s about a 12 hour drive from the opposite side of the world
[13:26] Lourdes Laysan: indeed.
[13:26] Cid Jacobs: I know at times you have thought that I was “out to get you”
[13:27] Cid Jacobs: But shortly after you were rejected from applicants, I resigned from the GLC in protest
[13:27] Cid Jacobs: I still held some strong ties to the group, due to friendships
[13:28] Cid Jacobs: But as of today, my last ties to the group were severed, after uncovering some deplorable activity, I’ve had to completely remove myself from them, even as an outside consultant
[13:29] Lourdes Laysan: The scuttlebutt already reached me. through various locale’s.
[13:29] Lourdes Laysan: What was the ‘deplorable’ activity?
[13:29] Cid Jacobs: Yea, who knows how chinese whispers go
[13:30] Cid Jacobs: Just activity towards applicants and rookies that I did not agree with, basically the bashing of them on a personal level, very personal
[13:30] Cid Jacobs: Yea, it was not very nice
[13:31] Cid Jacobs: Reported it to some of the newer guardians, since the older ones are not very involved anymore
[13:31] Cid Jacobs: only to find out, they were the source of it
[13:31] Cid Jacobs: Needless to say, if something is rotten from the top to the bottom, not much you can do to save it
[13:31] Lourdes Laysan: Well Cathy was a very poor choice for guardian if you ask me. And she knows I feel that way.
[13:32] Cid Jacobs: Trust me, I agree
[13:32] Cid Jacobs: And it’s pretty liberating not having to worry about all of the baggage of that group anymore
[13:32] Lourdes Laysan: Ironic, the prodigal daughter of the GLC is first on your call list
[13:33] Lourdes Laysan: hehehe
[13:33] Cid Jacobs: Well, shes not first
[13:33] Cid Jacobs: tied for first though
[13:33] Lourdes Laysan: I was referring to me.
[13:33] Lourdes Laysan: That was a hell of a smear campaign (against me), and the start of the GLC’s fall from grace.
[13:34] Cid Jacobs: Hence the reason I protested it
[13:34] Cid Jacobs: unfortunatly the other powers that be did not agree with it
[13:34] Cid Jacobs: So they went forward
[13:34] Cid Jacobs: I am sort of torn though
[13:35] Lourdes Laysan: Well with known xxxxx users and power trippers in the fold, its not a wonder.
[13:35] Cid Jacobs: On one hand, a good number of them are people I recently called friends and would not want to hurt
[13:35] Cid Jacobs: on the other, i have the power to completely destroy the group and think it might not be too bad an idea with the direction it seems intent on taking
[13:36] Cid Jacobs: Ftp access to the forums, non exploits in the rings, founders are able to retake ownership of groups, etc
[13:37] Cid Jacobs: But I think it might be the more evil of the two evils if i did that
[13:37] Cid Jacobs: known exploits*
[13:38] Lourdes Laysan: Its not something I can recommend or condone you understand Cid.
[13:38] Cid Jacobs: Me either
[13:39] Cid Jacobs: So I’ve decided to just ignore the group and membership and hope that it doesnt come accross my SL again
[13:40] Lourdes Laysan: Its all you can do really Cid, Enjoy the change of scenery and stay clear of the corps.
[13:40] Cid Jacobs: yea hehe
[13:40] Cid Jacobs: You know, it just, I don’t know….
[13:40] Cid Jacobs: If you knew me in RL, I am probably one of the most liberal and diverse people you would meet
[13:40] Cid Jacobs: Yet this group
[13:41] Cid Jacobs: has turned into an instrument for mistreating people who do not fit into a perfect mold
[13:41] Cid Jacobs: who have little differances
[13:41] Cid Jacobs: and even attacking them for their religion, sexuality, ethnicity etc
[13:41] Cid Jacobs: makes me sick that I had a hand in the original formation
[13:43] Lourdes Laysan: Well it didn’t happen that way overnight and it might be worthwhile to look for the signs before problems arise in the future.
[13:43] Cid Jacobs: Indeed
[13:44] Lourdes Laysan: Well Cid I have a little less than an hour left in my day and I have to get back to things. Call on me tommorrow and we’ll chat.
[13:44] Cid Jacobs: Sounds good, it’s getting late here so im gonna call it a night, tc
[13:46] Lourdes Laysan: tc
[13:46] Second Life: User not online – message will be stored and delivered later.
Gaara Sandalwood
Jan 11th, 2010
lol. Like I said in group chat, I was checking it out and was impeded in doing anything productive by Maverick and Timtam.
Anyway, I can’t wait for further lulz from this.
Jan 11th, 2010
@Lourdes Laysan
[11:02] Lourdes Laysan: Basically, what the very real fear is is that this ring would be used with its one shot kills and hunter drones, as a griefing tool with that you cant get away from, and would make every lantern with a ring in sl, feared as a result.
[11:07] Lourdes Laysan: Oh i’m not saying you are. Its a respect for the content I am concerned about., a respect for what that ring represents.
[11:08] Lourdes Laysan: Its the same speech i got two years ago and the same one i gave to jack two months ago. and the one i got from the jlu.
[11:08] Reymon Thalheimer: so your sayin with this ring we arent respecting the parameters of the ring?
[11:08] Lourdes Laysan: what I am saying is this.
[11:08] Lourdes Laysan: No one is saying dont release an orange power ring.
[11:09] Reymon Thalheimer: why?
[11:09] Reymon Thalheimer: no one else has
[11:09] Lourdes Laysan: that said however, please don’t put a weapon like that out without some control over who might abuse it and please dont release it with hunter killers.
Sounds like you were making threats against other vendors using the JLU and GLC as a reason. Not too classy on your part. Why would a vendor want to scare other vendors from making a product? Sounds like you were threatened by new and better materials.
Reymon made great rings for the GLC, much better than your pieces of crap. And you used scare tactics. I hope his new power rings shut you down.