Justice League Unlimited Secret Wiki Unmasked by The Wrong Hands
by Alphaville Herald on 10/01/10 at 8:23 pm
Roleplay police recruit copies, distributes 1700-page wiki – JLU superhero threatens DMCA, legal action
by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk
The Justice League Unlimited's secret Brainiac wiki used to track suspected griefers, record JLU meeting chatlogs, and plot strategies to entice the Linden game gods into banning players was published to at least 5 public file sharing sites Friday. Based on what the Herald has seen of the 1700-page wiki's contents, this leak is a potentially crippling blow the the JLU, as the inner workings of the controversial anti-griefer group are on public display, along with significant amounts of misinformation and hints of what might be improper Linden Governance Team collusion with the JLU.
all ur JLU sekrets r belong to teh interwebs – thanks to Haruhi Thesbian and The Wrong Hands group
Word of the JLU papers' release has been circulating all weekend, but Justice League leader Kalel Venkman was unaware of this until Sunday when a new JLU recruit thanked the group for providing unfettered access to the gameplay superhero police manual. The recruit – Haruhi Thespian – tells the Herald that she was surprised to be allowed to join the JLU after a 4 day waiting period and then be given access to the Brainiac wiki – without a non-disclosure agreement.
Thespian says that this was part of what was apparently a planned operation by a group called "The Wrong Hands". Group infiltration followed by betrayal will be familiar to Herald readers as a standard part of virtual world gameplay.
But is everyone treating this as a game? Apparently Kalel Venkman is not. Mr. Venkman – who prefers to dress his avatar in virtual superman tights – is now threatening legal action against the player who leaked the wiki, blogger Prokofy Neva, and the Alphaville Herald, should anyone publish what Kalel believes is copyrighted material. We can only hope Kalel has been studying the fair use provisions of copyright law.
Virtual man and copypasta writer Prokofy Neva remained true to form and chose to copy and paste the tl;dr griefing suspect name list and technical specifications for an estate ban tool that the JLU hopes to develop to replace BanLink. However, Venkman claims his specification of an estate ban tool for Second Life regions is copyrighted technical material accessed in violation of US federal law – but said in an interview with the Herald the griefing suspect name list is not a problem. In any case, a sketchy design for an avatar ban tool is far from the most interesting part of the JLU wiki.
Contacted for comment, Venkman and Thespian differ sharply on exactly how the wiki was obtained – Venkman claiming fraud, and Thespian pointing out that Second Life is a game with a strong role play component – something that the JLU may have forgotten despite dressing their avatars as various Marvel comic book characters – a potential copyright problem which is discussed at length in the JLU wiki.
Those willing to download four large .RAR archives from the sharbee.com public file sharing site can judge for themselves after enduring a number of intrusive ads and clicking on the ZShare, RapidShare, DepostFiles, Badongo, or Megaupload links on these pages:
If the JLU is serious about DMCA takedown notices, expect them to be busy as the wiki archives continue to spread. When I spoke with Haruhi Thesbian, she was not concerned:
Pixeleen Mistral: I understand you had access to the JLU's secret wiki
Haruhi Thespian: Yes I did
Pixeleen Mistral: how did that happen?
Haruhi Thespian: Well the day I was added into the JLU group as a recruit I was given the option to make a password for my account on it, and so I told Kalel my choice and logged for the night. the next day I logged in and there was an IM waiting for me from Kalel, giving me the First & Second Layer Username and Password, along with the Url.
Pixeleen Mistral: that is pretty standard stuff for new JLU recruits so you can look at training materials I imagine
Haruhi Thespian: It is, I was also given the access to add and edit entries.
Haruhi Thespian: Along with a Hud that allows me to retrieve information from the wiki inworld
Pixeleen Mistral: did you have to make any sort of non-disclosure agreements?
Haruhi Thespian: I was told not to share the information, but that was after the fact I was given access and it was not a requirement or agreement, just a stated command.
Pixeleen Mistral: interesting
Pixeleen Mistral: Kalel claims that the information was "procured from a secure web site through means of deception"
Haruhi Thespian: Kalel is taking the assumption that my SL AV reflects my intentions IRL. Sl is just a way to make a False persona is it not?
Pixeleen Mistral: I have always assumed avatars could be different from real people and SL has a lot of role play so I would tend to agree
Pixeleen Mistral: how long did it take to become a trusted recruit for the JLU?
Haruhi Thespian: 4 days
Pixeleen Mistral: that doesn't seem like very long
Haruhi Thespian: Both me and the group who organized this whole operation (The Wrong Hands) were shocked to see it happen so soon
Pixeleen Mistral: so you have been kicked out of the JLU I sassume – when did you get thrown out?
Haruhi Thespian: After I thanked them, on behalf of woodbury, for the access to the wiki.
Pixeleen Mistral: when was that exactly?
Haruhi Thespian: 9:49 SL time today
Pixeleen Mistral: what did the JLU people say?
Haruhi Thespian: They were confused at first, a couple of what did she says and sorts, but then I was kicked from the jlu group and then ejected from their land.
Pixeleen Mistral: it is probably not the best news they have had today
Pixeleen Mistral: I was just interviewing Kalel and he was claiming that "the violator is afoul of U.S. Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 47, section 1030" and he said the pertainant postion of that law says whomever "knowingly and with intent to defraud, accesses a protected computer without authorization, or exceeds authorized access, and by means of such conduct furthers the intended fraud and obtains anything of value, unless the object of the fraud and the thing obtained consists only of the use of the computer and the value of such use is not more than $5,000 in any 1-year period"
Haruhi Thespian: I had authorization
Pixeleen Mistral: it does sound like you did if he gave you an account
Pixeleen Mistral: maybe he will start having legally binding non-disclosure agreements in the future
Haruhi Thespian: If I were Kalel, I would be more worried about the level of detail his article of Tizzers Foxchase has.
Haruhi Thespian: That was most alarming to me.
Pixeleen Mistral: yes – I understand that he seems obsessive in those wiki pages
Pixeleen Mistral: I heard there are also some troubling section where JLU people suggest that Lindens are revealing alt accounts to them
Haruhi Thespian: I cant say that for sure, I'm not certain of the claims they made reguarding that, but feel free to browse the copy and check.
Pixeleen Mistral: so – you are not worried about the legal action Kalel is threatening? he said something about going after your ISP as well
Haruhi Thespian: Well I dont know why he would, I dont think bringing this SL problem he has to RL is resonable. I hope he doesnt add my information on my IRL identity to his wiki, as that is personal
Pixeleen Mistral: I guess we will just have to see how this all plays out
Haruhi Thespian: I just want people to be aware of how far he is taking this. He made the mistake of giving access to me and he is trying to point fingers.
a sample of the leaked wiki – with Haruhi Thespian apparently logged in when the copy was made
Meanwhile, Kalel Venkman has his own take on the situation:
Kalel Venkman: (Saved Sun Jan 10 13:14:50 2010) I wanted to inform you in advance that if you post any information that you have received procured from a secure web site through means of deception that you will be held liable for criminal action under Federal privacy laws.
Kalel Venkman: (Saved Sun Jan 10 13:14:56 2010) Make no mistake on this.
Kalel Venkman: (Saved Sun Jan 10 15:10:35 2010) In particular, any technical information you publish will be subject to immediate DMCA takedown, so you may want to skip that step and simply not publish it.
Pixeleen Mistral: hi Kalel – its been a while since we talked – how are you doing today?
Pixeleen Mistral: Kalel – Prok has apparently got copies of your secret documents
Pixeleen Mistral: http://secondthoughts.typepad.com/second_thoughts/2010/01/woodbury-and-justice-league-goons-develop-new-larp-ar-vw-rp.html
Kalel Venkman: We know that. She is currently in process of receiving a DMCA takedown notice.
Kalel Venkman: This is legally enforceable, as the material is copyrighted.
Pixeleen Mistral: so you are claiming all that stuff is copyrighted?
Kalel Venkman: That's our assertion, yes.
Kalel Venkman: At least, the direct information from our documentation is.
Kalel Venkman: Her political commentary, of course, is not.
Pixeleen Mistral: I understand you have taken a number of Herald pictures and stories and included them in that secret thing of yours – should I DMCA you?
Kalel Venkman: The difference is that we have not published the information.
Kalel Venkman: She has.
Kalel Venkman: She's certainly within her rights to say anything about us she pleases, but this does not extended to publishing technical specifications for products under development.
Pixeleen Mistral: ok – so the theory of the DMCA is that Prok is disclosing technical specs about some anti-greifing device
Pixeleen Mistral: I'm scanning Prok's story now – it just looks like a list of names
Kalel Venkman: Look further down, to the bottom of the page.
Kalel Venkman: The names aren't copyrightable.
Kalel Venkman: As you can see, the technical specifications have been placed in a publically accessible blog, without access restrictions of any kind.
Kalel Venkman: This meets the legal requirement of having been "published".
Kalel Venkman: So for example, anybody copying this information without our consent in this way would also be subject to DMCA takedown notices.
Pixeleen Mistral: so are you also going to try to sue for damages?
Kalel Venkman: Aaah – hm.
Kalel Venkman: The fact that you ask this implies that you don't understand how the law works in these cases.
Pixeleen Mistral: like this was a trade secret that has been published?
Kalel Venkman: Ah, I see.
Kalel Venkman: Damages are awarded by the court in such cases where specific damages can be proven.
Kalel Venkman: In this case, we are simply requesting that this information be removed, as it was acquired under false pretenses, in direct violation of the Computer Fraud and Securities Act of 1984.
Kalel Venkman: And, further, that it is copyrighted material, and published without our permission.
Kalel Venkman: That's the foundation of any pending actions.
Pixeleen Mistral: how do you know it was acquired under false pretenses?
Kalel Venkman: Because we were directly told.
Kalel Venkman: By the person who accomplished it.
Kalel Venkman: So the admission of guilt is there.
Kalel Venkman: Therefore, publication of this technical information is at best a violation of our intellectual property rights, and at worst, a felony.
Kalel Venkman: The most applicable laws, however, have to do with the Digital Millenium copyright act.
Pixeleen Mistral: so a JLU member turned out to be a mole and turned things over to other people?
Pixeleen Mistral: I mean the only thing that makes sense to me is that either your sites is insecure -or- someone you trusted turned on you
Kalel Venkman: I will say that the security of our systems were temporarily breached, and that the violator is afoul of U.S. Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 47, section 1030:
Kalel Venkman: (a) Whoever—
Kalel Venkman: (4) knowingly and with intent to defraud, accesses a protected computer without authorization, or exceeds authorized access, and by means of such conduct furthers the intended fraud and obtains anything of value, unless the object of the fraud and the thing obtained consists only of the use of the computer and the value of such use is not more than $5,000 in any 1-year period;
Kalel Venkman: That's the section that covers this.
Kalel Venkman: We know who did it – we have the IP addresses, and these are being tracked down.
Kalel Venkman: Use of internet services for this kind of work is usually a violation of the terms of service of most major providers.
Kalel Venkman: Most ISP's, we have discovered, are happy to cooperate.
Kalel Venkman: In other words, this isn't our first rodeo.
Pixeleen Mistral: so in a nutshell your position is that valuable secrets about how a second life estate security product have been leaked
Pixeleen Mistral: a product that you have in development
Kalel Venkman: I suggest that you go back and reread my exact statements.
Pixeleen Mistral: the list of names is not the problem – it is the design
Pixeleen Mistral: I'm trying to make sure I understand this all
Kalel Venkman: That's all I can tell you at this time.
Kalel Venkman: I appreciate your inquiries, and your cooperation.
Pixeleen Mistral: ok – but it seems like there could be another theory of what happened – someone that you trusted and provided access to your secrets broke confidence and spread them around
Kalel Venkman: Anyone may invent any theory they like. Those who are in the business of working on nothing but speculation and rumor are usually just disregarded.
Kalel Venkman: Once again, I caution you not to distribute copyrighted information. You are on notice.
Jan 11th, 2010
@Lourdes Laysan And I have no idea who “Cid Jacobs” is. I never met him. I know he is a liar and you are too for defacing the GLC. The leaders Jeff and Cathy do wonderful things.
Thanks JLU Wiki
Jan 11th, 2010
“lol. Like I said in group chat, I was checking it out and was impeded in doing anything productive”
@Gaara Sandalwood: Looks like JLU labeled you right. Consider yourself banned from Jewish Sims in Second Life.
Lourdes Laysan
Jan 11th, 2010
@GLC Poozer
Iwasn’t threatening anyone. Your organizations did that. Blacklisting people and giving them the third mafia degree every time someone dared to think different or do something your org wasn’t. Look at the log you posted and you will clearly see that I was giving him the advice I had to learn the hard way. A way to avoid problems with the powers that be.
And if I was so fracking evil, why did your high and mighty dark former overlord Cid Jacobs continue on numerous occasions to get me on his side? If my tech is so bad, why am I on the call list the minute someone inworld needs something lantern related?
If I’m so horrible a person, why did the GLC APOLOGIZE? And let me say this, if you’re a member of the organization, then they apologized on YOUR behalf too. Which means you really should consult someone before you go shooting your mouth off about what you clearly have no clue about.
Thanks for putting up that Log, I’m sure anyone that can read can see what I was trying to avoid for someone else out of friendship and I’m sure you’ve just gone and proven my argument. Four years later and I’m still being dragged through the mud because no one has the balls to admit they fucked up when it came to the handling of a girl who showed up and found a near dead organization she thought she might want to help get better.
Jan 11th, 2010
You are new aren’t you? Mayhap you go back and read your history book before you open your mouth professor? I have YEARS on this. And Jeff and I used to hang out and write code together in the Labs there in New Oa. So please, go back to school before school comes to you.
Jan 11th, 2010
What are you new? Where have you been for the past four years? Might want to go back to hall and study the book of Oa again there Professor.
Jeff is a good guy and me and the GLC buried the hatchet long ago, but the JLU keeps using outdated incorrect and poorly researched ratty data to influence others. May I use you as my exhibit A.
Thanks for proving my argument by the way, that groups of this kind need oversight. So go back to school, before school comes to you.
Jan 11th, 2010
You attacked my family. I have NEVER seen you around at the Core. Our scripters are Jeff, Reymon, and Cathy. Our rings come from them, not you. I have training from the Core – you aren’t in our history books and Cid isn’t in charge! IN BRIGHTEST DAY…
Jan 11th, 2010
“I highly agree on Haruhi with this(just putting that out there). I mean for Christ’s sake, they got a dude’s hardrive contents listed, real life information listed, residential locations. And like someone said before this is only a small CHUNK of the shit that’s on here.”
Had no idea it was that bad. Haven’t gone over those yet – been super busy. If what you say is true, it’s probably actionable. There is a difference from publishing dox, and following a person’s every movement such as by going so far as to post aerial photographs of their home with their parking spot circled in red. The images could have been obtained from google maps, but most disconcerting for me at the time was the fact that my car wasn’t in those images. So how’d they know EXACTLY where I was parking?
Anyway, they have no idea where I am now. They (or someone else) tried to post my dox again on 4/1/09 along with a handful of other known griefers (most of whom where ironically still griefing, which I had long since stopped doing) including the PN founder, but those dox where seriously outdated.
Jan 11th, 2010
@Lourdes: Wow, people in the GLC are right to tell me not to buy products from you, you crazy lady. I went to school, they didn’t talk about you there. You must like it a lot. You mention it a bunch of times.
“If I’m so horrible a person, why did the GLC APOLOGIZE? And let me say this, if you’re a member of the organization, then they apologized on YOUR behalf too. Which means you really should consult someone before you go shooting your mouth off about what you clearly have no clue about.”
I am a member. And Cid is not. So, you’re lying lady.
[13:39] Cid Jacobs: So I’ve decided to just ignore the group and membership and hope that it doesnt come accross my SL again
You proved my case lady. Cid quit. You never got your apology. I owe you nothing. You’re made of lies. IN BRIGHTEST DAY…
Robble Rubble
Jan 11th, 2010
Hey did anyone see that Rodney Linden is on the known griefer list and the JLU doxed him? Come on they think they are better than the lindens now.
SL Historian
Jan 11th, 2010
@ Aree: I’m on that list and I’ve never griefed anyone other than my husband and he gave me permission to do it.
Was that before or after you received your:
“JLU Commendation Ribbon”
“A short-lived award given for exceptional service and contribution to the Justice League Unlimited. Aree Lulibub was the first recipient of this award, preceding Pierce Kronos by mere minutes at the League meeting of August 12, 2007. The ribbons were officially rescinded after Kronos and Lulibub had to be removed due to their attempt to overthrow the Justice League a mere four months later.”
This wiki is a good resource for revealing the really high level griefers who try to take over entire groups. I’m glad it’s available for everyone to see.
Jan 11th, 2010
“Jeff is a good guy and me and the GLC buried the hatchet long ago, but the JLU keeps using outdated incorrect and poorly researched ratty data to influence others. May I use you as my exhibit A.”
I looked at the pages like everyone else. But I’m not your exhibit. I was made aware of your games a long time ago through my friends and the GLC Forums. I know about your tricks with the Red Lanterns. And that’s info the JLU doesn’t have crazy lady.
Jan 12th, 2010
I have been promptly instructed by the Captain of the Honor Guard, Aree Lulibub, to defend the Green Lantern Core with any hostilities required per our internal processes. This is a notice to all posters in the Herald, especially you Laysan, that any attack on the Core will be responded to in kind with any force required. This is the will of the Core and the Guardians. Stand down or face a uniform and hostile response.
Jan 12th, 2010
Drama Fags
Imnotgoing Sideways
Jan 12th, 2010
Justicegate? (^_^)
Wikigate? (^_^)
Getlaidgate? (^_^)
Basementgate? (^_^)
C’mon… Work with me, people! =^-^=
Alyx Stoklitsky
Jan 12th, 2010
Oh, by the way Haruhi – you’re a dumbshit for not grabbing the talk pages.
Jan 12th, 2010
@~~GLCPoozer ~~ “I was made aware of your games a long time ago through my friends and the GLC Forums”
Uh…cool story bro, but you sound kind of gay. Sounds liek somewhere that needs to be hacked…
The Wrong Hands
Jan 12th, 2010
@Alyx Stoklitsky
llamo…at least Haruhi did something about the JLU. What did you do the last three years?
Jan 12th, 2010
SL Historian, watch yourself. Aree is an excellent leader and captain of the Honor Guard, a high position of power and respect. I am sure she and other will be happy to give YOU a proper history lesson.
Robble Rubble
Jan 12th, 2010
@ Thanks JLU Wiki
It dosen’t matter what a group is doing JLU is clearly violating numerous parts of the TOS to spy on “undesirables”. Look up some of their hud documentation, their function that allows them to hear local chat from 108~ meters away counts as remotely monitoring chat, a reportable offense. They talk frequently of using inside contacts to monitor groups, that counts as violation of disclosure for both parties involved. The huds they use also allow them to cage people, assault. On their jlu wiki they provide detailed instruction on constructing basic simcrashers. There is more information, I have been digging through this wiki for the last week and everytime I go through them I find some new offense to the tos. Groups like these who believe that they are above the tos are a much bigger threat to the grid than a group that plays childish pranks.
Robble Rubble
Jan 12th, 2010
I have been promptly instructed by the Captain of the Honor Guard, Aree Lulibub, to defend the Green Lantern Core with any hostilities required per our internal processes. This is a notice to all posters in the Herald, especially you Laysan, that any attack on the Core will be responded to in kind with any force required. This is the will of the Core and the Guardians. Stand down or face a uniform and hostile response.
tldr; The GLC are now resorting to having members threaten people posting on blogs.
At0m0 Beerbaum
Jan 12th, 2010
haha oh wow @ all the comments
someone has their spandex on too tight.
Also the one thing that has bothered me about the JLU the most is the fact they try to portray themselves as superheroes. With that image, they use it to harass, control, intimidate, and push their own personal views on everyone else.
I never read or watched that in the comics, with few exceptions. One notable one is the Justice Lords, which was the JLU (not the SL failures) from an alternate reality, where they got drunk with power and self image, and decided to subject the human race under their ideal views.
Sadly, this JLU isnt even that good, they are a group of people who like to drag others through the mud, and try to get rid of anyone they dont like because they feel empowered over everyone else because they wear superhero costumes, riding on the image of power.
Meanwhile, at the end of the day they work meaningless jobs, barely scraping along in life, while being subject to those really in power. Their only way of feeling big is to go on a videogame and try to ruin others’ experiences.
Hey I just described griefing in that last bit! What a funny coincidence!
Then if you say anything against them, you’re a griefer (like in the 50′s, you were a communist if you spoke out against that lunatic McCarthy, or more recently, a terrorist if you didn’t support Bush) oh and they get to break all the rules they often get others banned for.
TL;DR version:
JLU, more like Hypocritical controlling cunts.
Jan 12th, 2010
This is so friggin’ hilarious… please… continue. *goes to get a coffee and bagel*
Thanks JLU Wiki
Jan 12th, 2010
@Robble Rubble
I saw the chat range enhancers. How many products are sold though that do that though? Seems commonplace. I did not see “cages” listed in the manual. It looks like you need to go back and reread yourself. I’ll go back and look up the chat enhancers and dig for more.
“instruction on constructing basic simcrashers”
Go figure an anti-griefing group wants to know how the tools of the griefers work.
Thanks JLU Wiki
Jan 12th, 2010
“They talk frequently of using inside contacts to monitor groups, that counts as violation of disclosure for both parties involved.”
@Robble Rubble
I just looked up disclosure, and you’re wrong. Per the Linden Lab wiki: “Sharing or posting a conversation inworld or in the Second Life Forums without consent of all involved Residents is a violation of the Terms of Service. Please note: this does not include posting of chat to MySpace, or external websites”
Since this is an external website, it looks the JLU were fine to copy their chats there. Ethically it may have been wrong. The TOS though is clear. They did not violate Second Life’s TOS.
“I find some new offense to the tos”
Better keep reading. Disclosure wasn’t one of them.
Jan 12th, 2010
Watch out for 42.zip as it is a ArchiveBomb. Lol, JLU is all for truth and justice amirite? Kinda sad how outdated the info was; but something intresting came up. Check who the owner of the roleplay sim in tokyo was, and what they founded. Might make you understand why it was raided a year ago.
-Faglantern Core (SirLordChikkinz)
Gaara Sandalwood
Jan 12th, 2010
Actually, in that case this couldn’t possibly be any violation in SL since it’s an external website.
Robble pretty much summed up everything I was thinking on that matter.
And yes codec, they do. Aparrantly they managed to record N3′s HD contents one day as well as prying into the code of his custom SL viewer while he was on it. Pretty damn sure that’s hacking and somewhat illegal.
As for Chikkinz: I’ll look into that. So far the farthest I’ve gotten into their stuff is meeting and operation logs, one at a time sifting through crap. I’ll be getting back to it today to check out more. I haven’t even unpacked the last two yet.
And what’s this about 5 downloads, I only saw 4.
Gaara Sandalwood
Jan 12th, 2010
Oh nvm, I misread about the downloads.
Anyway, to go into a tad bit more detail I mean for the ones who leaked the wiki, this couldn’t possibly be a violation of the tos since it’s an external website. The tos loopholes don’t just swing in the JLU’s direction
SL Historian
Jan 12th, 2010
@ Robble Rubble
“JLU is clearly violating numerous parts of the TOS to spy on “undesirables”.”
It’s not a TOS violation to own a cage gun or a remote chat relay. If JLU uses those or other objects to violate the TOS, then their members would be suspended. Your accusation is like saying that if you have a keyboard, it’s a TOS violation, because you must be using it to post intolerant messages.
@ TheFurryLantern
“Aree is an excellent leader and captain of the Honor Guard, a high position of power and respect.”
Excellent leaders don’t have anger management issues. Excellent leaders don’t see enemies behind every prim. And “Captain of the Honor Guard” is an artificial title that never appeared in the comics. If you respect her, then you need to study her history.
Robble Rubble
Jan 12th, 2010
@Thanks JLU Wiki
Gonna start posting some comments from our skype from skeevy batman.
[19:32] Maverick Grunfeld: Figuring Woodbury is yelling in group chat that the “goddamn Batman is watching them” has a good flare to it.
- monitoring our group chat without being in the group
[20:08] Maverick Grunfeld: [20:03] Hydrogen2 Oxygen: Just wanted to say.
[20:03] Hydrogen2 Oxygen: Your new office.
[20:03] Hydrogen2 Oxygen: Looking Good!
[20:04] Maverick Grunfeld: Thanks, I’m glad you like it.
[20:04] Hydrogen2 Oxygen:
[20:05] Maverick Grunfeld: Care for a glass of lemonade?
[20:06] Hydrogen2 Oxygen: Sorry, I only drink leninade.
[20:06] Maverick Grunfeld: Of course. I forgot you fall into the a cowardly and superstitious lot.
-Maverick relaying an IM to his justice island cohorts
[20:14] Maverick Grunfeld: [20:13] Hydrogen2 Oxygen: heh

[20:13] Hydrogen2 Oxygen: I might be remembered for more than you think.
[20:13] Hydrogen2 Oxygen:
[20:14] Maverick Grunfeld: As a troll perhaps; a peon in a great scheme. Go back to your masters.
[20:15] DianaPrince Carter: that’s telling him!
[20:16] Maverick Grunfeld: [20:15] Hydrogen2 Oxygen: No thanks.
[20:16] Hydrogen2 Oxygen: I’m not into the whole slavery thing.
[20:16] Maverick Grunfeld: Ah, I expected you were. Tizzers can be a demanding “woman” from what I know.
-more of maverick relaying IMs to his justice island cohorts
[18:39] Haruhi Thespian: does that mean when you told me to tell you what tiz said, I broke TOS?
[18:39] Maverick Grunfeld: As that’s a bunch of folks (estate managers, other security types, etc)
[18:39] Kara Foley is Online
[18:39] Maverick Grunfeld: To be honest, yes.
[18:39] Haruhi Thespian: D:
[18:39] Maverick Grunfeld: No worried.
[18:39] Maverick Grunfeld: *worries
- admitting he is breaking tos, but hey guys it’s ok he’s an internet superhero
*bonus round of maverick threatening me in local chat*
[16:47] Maverick Grunfeld: Hey, you must not want them. I’d rather have your hide tacted to them, but I’ll take what I can get.
[16:48] Haruhi Thespian: hehe
[16:48] Robble Rubble: is that threat batman?
[16:48] Robble Rubble: batman are you threatening me?
[16:48] Maverick Grunfeld: Nope, just admiring your skin.
*note I was wearing a prim based avatar without visible skin.
Neo Citizen
Jan 12th, 2010
Well if the database thing were against the ToS, then BanLink would have been, and the W-Hat name to key database would have been, and probably most of the better security systems on the grid would be too, and the Lindens have never done anything about any of that stuff. So I’m going to guess they don’t have a problem with it.
Aree Lulibub
Jan 12th, 2010
“[13:40] Cid Jacobs: Yet this group
[13:41] Cid Jacobs: has turned into an instrument for mistreating people who do not fit into a perfect mold
[13:41] Cid Jacobs: who have little differances
[13:41] Cid Jacobs: and even attacking them for their religion, sexuality, ethnicity etc”
I’m not sure how posting that chat log would further your points regarding the JLU, Lourdes.
Cid left because there was differences of opinion regarding operations. Differences of opinion happen in large groups but adults are able to work them out.
The GLC is a forward moving group. We don’t discriminate on the basis of religion, sexuality or ethnicity. We have have representatives of all races, sexual preferences and religions within our membership.
We’re also adapting to the current SL climate by overhauling our methods of helping residents. Our training program is a living thing and always evolving. Some people don’t agree with our (the entire GLC’s) vision of the type of group we want to be, so we wish them well as they move on to other endeavors.
Jan 12th, 2010
Yeah just keep spewing that garbage Aree. Your GLC is fell apart because of you.
Gaara Sandalwood
Jan 12th, 2010
Okay, this Thanks JLU Wiki guy’s not just a dipshit, he appears to either have some power or influence(wow, imagine that). Aparrantly, yeah I really now am estate banned from Zeide Kamp and its neighboring sims, Gwampa Kamp, Gwampa Tropics, Gwampa Castle, and Gwampa’s Rock.
So I guess for trying to hang at a place of Jewish history I’m now a nazi? Ufufufufufu.
Anyone care to take a guess who our little fag is?
Thanks JLU Wiki
Jan 12th, 2010
Looks like Maverick Grunfeld did violate disclosure – if I believe the log you posted wasn’t toyed with.
@Gaara Sandalwood
The logs show you are a dirty, little troll, what did you expect me to do? The Jewish community connected and we will not tolerate you.
Whatevs, I made my bans and kissed them off in a notecard to others to ban. A little disclosure on a bunch of turds is no bug in my booty if it stops people from harassing.
Gaara Sandalwood
Jan 12th, 2010
Okay so I checked what no_cape said.
1748055 Gaara Sandalwood Yes Maverick Grunfeld 2009-12-31 03:51:02 Zeide Kamp http://slurl.com/secondlife/Zeide%20Kamp/77/148/22 Intolerance Intolerant Furry Statements in Picks
Basically I’m a griefer for having an opinion. lolz
Real worthy of multiple estate bans.
Jan 12th, 2010
@~Aree Lulibub~ “I’m not sure how posting that chat log would further your points regarding the JLU, Lourdes.”
No ~ makes you look liek a bunch of gay spandex tools same as JLU fags…
“The GLC is a forward moving group. We don’t discriminate”
@~~TheFurryLantern~~ “have been promptly instructed by the Captain of the Honor Guard, Aree Lulibub, to defend the Green Lantern Core with any hostilities required per our internal processes.”
Helpz! You need a Febreze shower.
Gaara Sandalwood
Jan 12th, 2010
And I take offense to that. As can be clearly seen in my profile picture, I am a dirty little goblin thank you very much.
Gaara Sandalwood
Jan 12th, 2010
Okay, pretty sure everyone knows by now but it’s pretty obvious this guy’s a JLU or related to them. I just had a nice chat with a sim owner in a Jewish based region who told me he was sent a NC listing supposedly major griefers(including my name)and went with it, I straightened shit out.
Yet again another fail attempt by the Justice Fags to slander people.
Aree Lulibub
Jan 12th, 2010
“JLU Commendation Ribbon”
“A short-lived award given for exceptional service and contribution to the Justice League Unlimited. Aree Lulibub was the first recipient of this award, preceding Pierce Kronos by mere minutes at the League meeting of August 12, 2007. The ribbons were officially rescinded after Kronos and Lulibub had to be removed due to their attempt to overthrow the Justice League a mere four months later.”
I still have my ribbon in my inventory
Also, we were not removed due to any attempt to overthrow the Justice League. We quit after attempting to have elections as we felt leadership was making unwise and embarrassing choices.
Ivy Tantalus
Jan 13th, 2010
I’d like to take a moment and say that anyone talking on behalf of the GLC are not representatives of the group. Anyone claiming otherwise is lying, no one has be given orders to come here. Those of you acting as agents of the GLC, please stop trying to stir up trouble.
SL Historian
Jan 13th, 2010
@ Aree
“Also, we were not removed due to any attempt to overthrow the Justice League. We quit after attempting to have elections as we felt leadership was making unwise and embarrassing choices.”
So (you say) you quit JLU because leadership was making unwise and embarrassing decisions. Then you joined GLC, wormed your way into a leadership position, and started making unwise and embarrassing decisions yourself. As a result, people are leaving GLC to get away from you. How ironic, and all the more so because the irony is lost on you.
Where does one register to vote in the GLC, and when are the next GLC elections to be held?
Jan 14th, 2010
More download links, containing the entire wiki in one file:
http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/5279193 <– seed the torrent!
Jan 14th, 2010
More download links, containing the entire wiki in one file:
http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/5279193 <– seed the torrent!
Jan 15th, 2010
“Also, we were not removed due to any attempt to overthrow the Justice League. We quit after attempting to have elections as we felt leadership was making unwise and embarrassing choices.”
That’s trying to overthrow them, dipshit.
Jan 15th, 2010
Immy sez:
Justicegate? (^_^)
Wikigate? (^_^)
Getlaidgate? (^_^)
Basementgate? (^_^)
C’mon… Work with me, people! =^-^=”
I prefer calling it the JLUtape Letters… its more literary… Though wikiBoating has a ring to it too… Then again, given The Wrong Hands got ahold of that the JLU wished they would not, its proper to call this incident, as they called it, The Royal Screw.
ooooh stretchy
Jan 16th, 2010
i vote for: SPANDEXgate
Jan 16th, 2010
the JLU is over and linden labs ignored there own posily i say sue em
Jan 17th, 2010
I really hate to be the bearer of bad news JLU guy, but I’m not entirely sure that your legal conclusions about prosecution or the way in which copyright infringement suits work are accurate. First, getting the U.S. attorney’s office to prosecute a minor case which they would most likely lose anyway is probably impossible. They are busy going after real criminals rather than dealing with your little SL squabbles. Secondly, a copyright infringement suit might be successful in this case, however, there is this thing called the fair use doctrine you might want to look up which would be an adequate defense to defeat your claim. That is, if you could even A) get into federal court, B) be able to sue under state law, or C) be able to afford attorneys to prosecute this. Welcome to $100,000+ worth of legislation, not to mention having to subpoena LL for information which will probably piss them off. Also, who are you going to name as your parties? Are you going to be able to settle? The legal snafu this would create is simply not worth the trouble. I sort of dislike it when people who don’t understand the law make claims of legal protections that frankly don’t exist or are unrealistic. I hope you at least paid the $35 copyright fee to the copyright office that you would need in order to bring suit. good luck finding an attorney willing to take such a weak case.
Jan 17th, 2010
“$100,000+ worth of legislation…” ????
Arguing on the interwebs makes you look retarded. You’re heart was in the right spot, but your brain didn’t come along for the ride…
Jan 26th, 2010
More e-lawyering – you obviously don’t know a damned thing about it. The DMCA is set up to make it easy to clobber people by accident and get away with it. Trying to e-lawyer your way out of trouble is just begging for it.