Second Life Faction Wars: Woodbury “Raid” or JLU Drama-fest?
by Alphaville Herald on 02/03/10 at 9:00 pm
Chatlogs from Ahern infohub conflict
by Senban Babii
Drunk and disorderly? Kalel Venkman and GreenLantern Excelsior particle spamming a club in New Grayson Station on January 1, 2010
While the Justice League Unlimited's formerly secret wiki claims that on January 5th 2010 a
"Woodbury University raiding party" descended on the Ahern infohub and
engaged in "taunting and harassing residents",
the truth may not be so clear cut – if a chatlog of the event obtained by the Herald can be believed. While the JLU's incident report paints a picture of superheros fighting griefer harassment, the situation seems to have been escalated by JLU member
Maverick Grunfeld with threats, intimidation
and boasts.
Our story begins when Woodbury University members Information Core and Robble Rubble ran
across Mr. Grunfeld in his famous Batman avatar (which bear a remarkable resemblance to those
of the Batman character found in the Arkham Asylum computer game) at the
Ahern infohub. Grunfeld was accompanied by Haruhi
Thespian, later to be revealed as a mole.
The JLU wiki states that Ugly Blokke, Whats Gruppman, Bebbs Frakture, Tizzy
Teardrop and Information Core were behind the taunts and harassing
behaviour that Maverick Grunfeld felt constituted a "raid", yet the Herald has come into possession of evidence which tells a
very different version of events — evidence that forces us to ask
whether Maverick Grunfeld is worthy of wearing the cowl of the Caped
Crusader he purports to emulate.
While most players agree the members of Woodbury University are meta-gaming trolls lovable scamps who have been compared to Karl Marx the Marx
Brothers, claims of "taunting and harassment of residents" are called
into question by chatlogs which tell a story at odds with the JLU's account. (readers should note that the background chatter of
the infohub has been removed for clarity).
[16:26] lnformation Core: Hey batman
[16:26] Hydrogen2 Oxygen: Yo
[16:26] Maverick Grunfeld: Evening.
[16:26] lnformation
Core: I love the av
[16:26] Maverick Grunfeld: Thanks.
lnformation Core: Where did you buy it?
[16:26] Robble Rubble: hey
[16:26] Hydrogen2 Oxygen: Looking good!
lnformation Core: Because i would like to buy that too
Maverick Grunfeld: Hm, I don't remember where I got it actually.
lnformation Core: and then hunt sculpted animals wearing the batman
av… Would be totaly chill
Already we can see that Information Core was paying Mr Grunfeld a
compliment and asking perfectly normal questions and even Hydrogen2
Oxygen, a fellow WU member joined in complimenting Mr. Grunfeld's
Batman avatar, of which he is known to be proud - yet he claims to not know where he obtained it?
Information Core went on to discuss arranging a simulated hunting trip
with Mr Grunfeld, suggesting they both wear similar Batman costumes in a show of superhero solidarity. Mr
Core even went so far as to offer to be Mr Grunfeld's friend so that
they could arrange such ventures. Mr Grunfeld however was dismissive of
the idea.
[16:29] Apollyon Sciavo: SoundID = be582e5d-b123-41a2-a150-
= bab277e2-55a2-49cb-b2c3-
ObjectID =
[16:29] lnformation Core:
Man your so pro at this game
[16:29] Apollyon Sciavo: i saw mr
linden whus making a sound
Readers should note that the logs show that there was some kind of
griefing incident in progress at the time with several residents
shouting at this person in open chat – yet no mention is made of this
in the JLU wiki. Perhaps because this person wasn't a member of the
"Woodbury University raiding party" their transgressions were overlooked?
[16:29] lnformation Core: Wanna be friends 8D ?
[16:29] Apollyon
Sciavo: …
[16:29] Apollyon Sciavo: o.0'
[16:30] Maverick
Grunfeld: Not especially.
[16:30] lnformation Core: :C
Apollyon Sciavo: .
[16:30] Hydrogen2 Oxygen: :<
lnformation Core: Aww come on
[16:30] lnformation Core: Dont be rude
Hydrogen2 Oxygen: Don't be mean to info
[16:30] Maverick Grunfeld:
I'm not a social type. Just how I am man.
[16:30] Hydrogen2 Oxygen:
Yeah info.
[16:30] Hydrogen2 Oxygen: He's batman remember?
lnformation Core: Ohh right
[16:31] Apollyon Sciavo is Offline
Apollyon Sciavo is Online
[16:31] lnformation Core: Soo batman what
ya doing here? I dont see any sculpted animals around
Maverick Grunfeld: The animals weren't what I was hunting.
Just what was it that Mr Grunfeld was hunting?
[16:32] lnformation Core: Ohh
[16:32] lnformation Core: But like if
you would be my friend I could tp you to other partys and stuff
lnformation Core: wouldent that be nice?
[16:33] Maverick Grunfeld:
I don't really party either.
[16:33] lnformation Core: But the
sculpted animal hunting was a great party and you joined too!
Ugly Blokke: wow well this blows
[16:33] lnformation Core: So whats
the problem?
[16:34] Hydrogen2 Oxygen: He's a party crasher.
lnformation Core: Aww
[16:34] Maverick Grunfeld: I am the nightlife
after all.
[16:34] Hydrogen2 Oxygen: Hey tizzy
[16:34] Tizzy
Teardrop: hai!
[16:34] lnformation Core: Well there are alot of
night partys that we plan
[16:34] lnformation Core: Its sad that you
cant join :C
[16:35] lnformation Core: Couldent you like be a
superman for a day and just join us for something?
[16:35] Maverick
Grunfeld: I join you guys a lot anyway. I've already been to two of your
Now Mr Grunfeld appears to be boasting of his previous exploits?
Unperturbed, Mr Core returned to asking about the Batman outfit he had
obviously taken something of a shine to.
[16:36] lnformation Core: How much did the av cost? I mean if its cheap
i could be a partycrashing batman too
[16:36] Venom Silverfall is
[16:36] Maverick Grunfeld: I forget how much I got for it.
You look pretty impressive though as is.
[16:37] lnformation Core:
At least now, Mr Grunfeld is being more sociable, returning the
compliment about Mr Core's instantly recognizable avatar. At this point, the conversation turned to Mr Grunfeld's partner, one
Haruhi Thespian.
[16:37] lnformation Core: Hey supergirl
[16:37] CmdrBlackCatz Xue
is Online
[16:38] lnformation Core: Do you like partys?
lnformation Core: Maybe hunt some sculpted animals with us?
lnformation Core: :C
[16:38] Maverick Grunfeld: Some of you may have
a hard time visiting there again.
[16:39] Apollyon Sciavo: why dont
u just mute him?
The readers should note that this point was in relation to the person
actually griefing the infohub during this entire conversation.
Apollyon, an alleged griefer, was in fact helping residents to counter
the activities of a griefer. And yet Maverick Grunfeld offered no help
to the residents in the slightest, preferring to focus on a group of
people simply talking.
[16:39] Robble Rubble: hey broheim
[16:39] lnformation Core: Your
just like batman! Such a meaner
[16:39] Apollyon Sciavo: than he
doesnt spam u anymore…
[16:39] Robble Rubble: pretty hard
Robble Rubble: mwah mwah
[16:39] Maverick Grunfeld: Sorry, I live
in a cave afterall.
[16:39] Maverick Grunfeld: You can't have high
Already Mr Grunfeld is returning to boasts of previous encounters with
these people who, so far, have simply asked polite questions.
[16:40] Robble Rubble: hey tizz
[16:40] Robble Rubble: Hi5!
Robble Rubble: hey batman
[16:41] Maverick Grunfeld: Evening.
Robble Rubble: howyoudoin?
[16:41] Maverick Grunfeld: Not bad,
[16:41] Navi Gearz is Online
[16:41] lnformation Core:
Robble this batman is rude :C
[16:41] Robble Rubble: I'm pretty
[16:41] Robble Rubble: oh man how is batman rude?
[16:42] Maverick
Grunfeld: I'm allegeric to hugs.
[16:42] Parchment Chatterbox is
The reader is no doubt puzzled about this alleged co-ordinated raid by
Woodbury University, given the fact that there is no evidence of
engaging in "taunting and harassment of residents". In fact, most of
the WU members are hardly acknowledging either the JLU members or the
other residents nearby. In fact, the closest so far to confrontational
behaviour would be Information Core's attempt to inspire discussion
regarding which Batman was best, in a variation of the old Kirk vs
Picard debate. It was at this point that Robble Rubble began to help
maintain the cover of the spy he had helped plant within the JLU ranks.
[16:43] Robble Rubble: Hey Haruhi are you a new jlu member or
[16:43] Hydrogen2 Oxygen: I'm guessing that's what a
recruit is
[16:44] Robble Rubble: yeah I guess
lnformation Core: Why would anyone join the supermans with such a mean
batman in theyr group?
[16:44] Robble Rubble: welp even if she
dosen't respond I'm gonna give her a gift
[16:45] lnformation Core:
this lag is so bad
[16:45] Robble Rubble: batman do you feel left
out do you want something too?
[16:46] Maverick Grunfeld: Depends
what you have in mind.
[16:46] Parchment Chatterbox is Online
Maverick Grunfeld: Can I add these to my trophy case?
Robble Rubble: that's creepy
[16:46] lnformation Core: ya dude
Robble Rubble: your a creeper adding people's things to a trophy case
Hydrogen2 Oxygen: Indeed
[16:47] lnformation Core: like what man
would keep another dudes underoos?
[16:47] Robble Rubble: esp my
[16:47] Robble Rubble: creeper batman
It was at this time that the conversation turned sour. The reader can
see for themselves the cause.
[16:47] Maverick Grunfeld: Hey, you must not want them. I'd rather have
your hide tacted to them, but I'll take what I can get.
Haruhi Thespian: hehe
[16:48] Robble Rubble: is that threat batman?
Robble Rubble: batman are you threatening me?
[16:48] Maverick
Grunfeld: Nope, just admiring your skin.
[16:48] Robble Rubble:
trying to intimidate me?
[16:49] Maverick Grunfeld: I'm sad if
that's all it took. I thought you were tougher than that. I'm sorry.
The reader will note that despite implied threats and boasts, the
alleged villains in this drama had so far done nothing wrong.
[16:49] lnformation Core: Batman is supergirl there your girlfriend?
Robble Rubble: batman your little sidekick is a cutie
Hydrogen2 Oxygen: She's pretty hot
[16:49] Robble Rubble: mwah mwah
Maverick Grunfeld: Nope. Glad you like her.
[16:49] Hydrogen2
Oxygen: I must say
[16:49] Haruhi Thespian: >.<
Maverick Grunfeld: I guess Tizzy needs to get better eye candy in Wu.
Robble Rubble: hey babbi how you doin gurrrrl?
[16:50] Haruhi
Thespian: I'm good, its laggy here though
[16:50] Maverick Grunfeld:
I guess she doesn't like your underoos.
[16:50] lnformation Core:
batman can we maybe keep your little supergirl?
[16:50] Hydrogen2
Oxygen: Gotta love welcome areas
[16:50] Haruhi Thespian: I'm
[16:50] lnformation Core: shush
[16:50] Apollyon
Sciavo: wow a batman
[16:50] lnformation Core: talking with batman
[16:50] Robble Rubble: it's ok maybe I can slip into her's

[16:50] Apollyon Sciavo: can we squash it?
Robble Rubble: welp I got stuf to do
[16:52] Robble Rubble: later!
Tizzy Teardrop: These JLU people are boring, they just stand there and
look stupid.
[16:52] Maverick Grunfeld: Take care.
Hydrogen2 Oxygen: Same here kinda boring
[16:52] Robble Rubble: you
The reader will note that Tizzy Teardrop, whom Mr Grunfeld felt worthy
of a written report in the wiki (already renowned for its unhealthy
level of detail regarding this person) has barely said a word to anyone
so far in this entire encounter.
[16:52] Apollyon Sciavo: stupid? is kinda soft said…
Hydrogen2 Oxygen: But I have to say
[16:52] Robble Rubble: have a
good one batman
[16:53] Haruhi Thespian: I loove beautiful tiz, tyvm
Apollyon Sciavo: they got noy! friends so they report everyone
Robble Rubble: have fun playing superhero
[16:53] Hydrogen2 Oxygen:
I enjoyed my time in in Justice Island.

[16:53] Robble Rubble:
[16:53] lnformation Core: I dont like you as much as the
last batman… He was prety cool but still please accept my frund
[16:53] Hydrogen2 Oxygen: But, you should have WU rebuild
it sometime.
[16:53] Tizzy Teardrop: What are you talking about that
doesn't even make sense Haruhi.
[16:53] Hydrogen2 Oxygen: No
offense, but are builders are a bit more skilled…
So there you have it readers. The infamous "Woodbury
University raiding party" at Ahern infohub. A co-ordinated raid? Or a
co-ordinated attempt to blacken the names of fellow residents, several
of whom never even spoke during the event? And observant readers will
already be comparing the names in these above chat log excerpts to the
listings in the JLU wiki and questioning whether the JLU's reporting procedures can be trusted
for veracity.
At a time when members of the general public are making comments like
"and he seemed like a sort of idiot to me, showing up in his hero
outfit, but with no power to do anything" and "they sounded like a bunch
of ridiculous tools" when questioned about the actions of the JLU they
had witnessed recently. However, it may surprise the reader to learn
that one member of Woodbury University actually has some regard for JLU
member GreenLantern Excelsior who is considered "not that bad of a guy".
Now the reader will no doubt be realizing that the JLU wiki files are
filled with inaccuracies and perhaps deliberate mischief but things get
even worse. For the Herald has come into possession of a photo showing
JLU members Kalel Venkman and GreenLantern Excelsior particle spamming
at a club in New Grayson Station on 1st January 2010. Are JLU members above the rules they attempt to enforce on others?
Seijin Roo
Mar 7th, 2010
@Gen. Populace:
“If it looks like one, acts like one, and talks like one…”
I’d like to not think you’re a complete fool, but if you are insistent upon this simplistic point of view, you might want to find somewhere else on the internet to hang out. Kiddoh’s got the right idea. Judging an avatar that could change radically in a few seconds only by the appearance is a poor way to approach things.
“Yeah, I know that, you know that, but here comes the point I been trying to make clear: Not everybody knows that, and that’s not really how it works in the real world.”
And if you continue to believe this, nothing will improve. Do you like being stuck in the same ruts over and over?
So if you act like a sheep and talk like a sheep, do you also bahhh like a sheep?
Back on the topic of this article, this just makes me glad I largely stopped getting involved with either “side” of this “conflict”. Better to sit back and watch you guys take shots at one another. Much funnier this way.
I would say it might be interesting to get video of some of these events too! If only for additional evidence value in whichever direction.
Gen. Populace
Mar 8th, 2010
“Oioi~ society at large? And yes, your logic is STILL flawed. You’re telling everyone to follow in the path of the stupid. No sound person would ever follow in such foot-steps.”
Let me make my point simpler and more clear.
that’s all I’m really saying.
You can continue on and on on how it really shouldnt happen, but it does.
It shouldnt. But it does.
Mar 8th, 2010
“Let me make my point simpler and more clear.
that’s all I’m really saying.
You can continue on and on on how it really shouldnt happen, but it does.
It shouldnt. But it does.”
Hey now, my point from the very beginning was that your logic was faulty. And unless you pull some bull-shit miracle out of your ass and suddenly turn everything you said into perfect logical sense, then everything you have mentioned so far has proven my point correct, especially the “shit happens” part.
Also; the minute you use “shit happens” to validate your point is the moment you forsake your point entirely and ultimately admitting that you are full of shit. Just sayin’.
GreenLantern Excelsior
Mar 8th, 2010
@ Senban
“Now you’ve said that the version of the New Grayson spamming is not what it appears. I reported the facts as presented to me by my sources. Those facts checked out and the evidence supports those facts.”
This article accuses Kalel and me of drunken griefing at a party. Here’s the particle-related chat from that evening.
[2009-12-31 22:17:20] Maggie Darwin: Got your particle system count up?
[2009-12-31 22:17:27] Haruhi Thespian: oh haha
[2009-12-31 22:17:34] Haruhi Thespian: particles
[2009-12-31 22:17:38] Haruhi Thespian: hehe
[2009-12-31 22:17:42] Haruhi Thespian: there we go
[2009-12-31 22:18:01] Siobhan McCallen: yeah, we have a few particles around here
[2009-12-31 22:19:22] GreenLantern Excelsior: I have some particles around here somewhere, let me see
[2009-12-31 22:19:57] GreenLantern Excelsior: Ah, there we go
[2009-12-31 22:20:04] Fenix Harbinger: Anyone wanna employ the particle suppressors? Hee!!! KIDDING!!!
[2009-12-31 22:20:13] Jakis Westminster: LOL
[2009-12-31 22:20:14] Fenix Harbinger: Ogh COOL
[2009-12-31 22:20:20] Fenix Harbinger: Nice lantern particles
[2009-12-31 22:20:25] Morgania Noarlunga: need..moar..particles.
[2009-12-31 22:20:44] Troy Ducrot: shameless self promotion GLE
[2009-12-31 22:20:46] GreenLantern Excelsior: Moar particles coming right up
[2009-12-31 22:20:59] Eugenia Burton grins. “Are they.. greeen? Yes, they are!”
[2009-12-31 22:21:02] Morgania Noarlunga: GLE, I want your particle babies.
[2009-12-31 22:21:17] GreenLantern Excelsior: Hee hee, they will be MONSTAH BABIES
[2009-12-31 22:22:48] Haruhi Thespian: lol particels
[2009-12-31 22:22:49] Haruhi Thespian: er
[2009-12-31 22:22:55] Haruhi Thespian: Particles
[2009-12-31 22:23:04] Siobhan McCallen: Just a few
[2009-12-31 22:26:39] Maggie Darwin: Hello, Rodimal!
[2009-12-31 22:26:42] Maggie Darwin: Welcome to Level Five at New Grayson Station!
[2009-12-31 22:26:47] Rodimal Axon: Hello Maggie
[2009-12-31 22:26:59] Maggie Darwin: And Lantern Particle Emporium
There were no complaints that I could see. It was a fun evening, as you can see by the following:
[2009-12-31 22:38:07] IM: Kalel Venkman: Three parrots, Juan, Jose, and Valdez are on their perches.
[2009-12-31 22:38:42] IM: Kalel Venkman: The first bird jumps off his perch and down his chute, the door at the bottom pops open and he comes flying out and lands on the perch across the room.
[2009-12-31 22:38:51] IM: Kalel Venkman: There went Juan.
[2009-12-31 22:39:33] IM: Kalel Venkman: Then Jose jumps off his perch down his chute, the door at the bottom pops open, and he comes flying out and lands on the perch across the room.
[2009-12-31 22:39:37] IM: Kalel Venkman: Then Valdez.
[2009-12-31 22:39:47] IM: Kalel Venkman: Every day this goes on, and the crowd just loves it.
[2009-12-31 22:40:48] IM: Kalel Venkman: Then one day at a performance Juan jumps off his perch, goes down the slide, the door at the bottom pops open, off he goes across the room.
[2009-12-31 22:40:55] IM: Kalel Venkman: Then Valdez.
[2009-12-31 22:41:11] IM: Kalel Venkman: And there’s no Jose.
[2009-12-31 22:41:34] IM: Kalel Venkman: So Juan turns to Valdez and says, “Hey, what happened to Jose?”
[2009-12-31 22:41:53] IM: Kalel Venkman: Valdez says “Tragic accident. Didn’t you hear?”
[2009-12-31 22:41:56] IM: Samantha Lowell: (brace yourselves, gang. Here it comes….)
[2009-12-31 22:42:00] IM: Kalel Venkman: “HIS PARROT CHUTE DIDN’T OPEN.”
[2009-12-31 22:42:08] IM: Samantha Lowell: ARGH!!!!!!
[2009-12-31 22:42:09] IM: Eugenia Burton groans.
[2009-12-31 22:42:15] IM: Heidi Stiglitz pulls out a big chunk of kryptonite
[2009-12-31 22:42:28] IM: Samantha Lowell: That was hideous! I love it!
[2009-12-31 22:42:29] IM: Gawyn Philbin: Good lord, Kal. That one physically hurt
[2009-12-31 22:42:34] IM: Heidi Stiglitz: I am going to AR that one!
@ Corsi Mousehold
“Here’s a bit of a story.”
Mostly fiction.
“IN years past the JLU were a welcomed member of the FurNation community. They didn’t bother anyone and no one really bothered them. That was until we were under a griefer attack and the JLU came over to “assist” and the first thing they did was report ME to the lab for griefing.”
There are no Articles (Incidents) written in the Brainiac database about Corsi, and no Abuse Reports either. Corsi’s entry is completely blank. This leads me to conclude that JLU has not written multiple ARs on Corsi.
“I was not rude to these people at all.”
I find this extremely difficult to believe, given what came later.
“Soon I had JLU members “patrolling” the sandboxes and abuse reporting anyone that they felt was disobeying my rules.”
This is a ridiculous statement. JLU does not do this, and the Lantern groups don’t either.
“In the end the JLU are a bunch of power hungry crazed nutjobs that think being an SL Police force gives them the right to get away with whatever they want. The GLC on the other hand have always been very respectful to me and my residents.”
It’s too bad that respect isn’t returned. The following log file from April 7, 2009 can be found in the leaked wiki files under “The Fray, 2009.” I have edited out some irrelevant statements.
Blue Lantern Corps Recruit Exedor Lament contacted me today and emailed me this chat log. Exedor was patrolling in one of the Furnation sandboxes and encountered Corsi Mousehold.
[8:01] Exedor Lament: Hey folks.
I hope you’re not suspicious of me!
Thanks for talking.

[8:01] Zagro Ferraris: hello exedor
[8:01] Corsi Mousehold: Good Morning.
[8:01] Exedor Lament: What’re you up to?
[8:02] Zagro Ferraris: lets see in SL comparative terms i’m about 3ft2inches
[8:02] Corsi Mousehold: Just the usual. Hanging out for a bit and making Porn.
[8:02] Exedor Lament: Making porn?
[8:02] Corsi Mousehold: Yes
[8:02] Corsi Mousehold: I am an animator. One of the few honest ones left.
[8:03] Exedor Lament: Oh, I see. You use… avimator?
[8:03] Corsi Mousehold: Poser
[8:03] Corsi Mousehold: And avimator
[8:03] Exedor Lament: Oh, I’ve done some animations but they never came out how I wanted…
[8:03] Corsi Mousehold: Keep at it. They will.
[8:03] Corsi Mousehold: You just have to learn a few basics.
[8:04] Exedor Lament: I went back to building primarily, but it’s hard to make the suits you want without animations you want, too.
[8:05] Exedor Lament: I built a pretty cool Big Daddy (Bioshock) avatar but it doesn’t look that great with default animations. D:
[8:05] Exedor Lament: But that’s just one example of course. ;r
[8:06] Exedor Lament: Do you folks frequently have trouble in here? If you don’t mind me asking.
[8:06] Zagro Ferraris: we handle it fine
[8:06] Corsi Mousehold: Yeah we have a great staff.
[8:07] Exedor Lament: Are there frequent raids? Nice avatar by the way.
[8:07] Corsi Mousehold: Griefers come. And they are gone before you can count to 60
[8:07] Zagro Ferraris: ya we kinda pride ourselvs on cleanup time lol
[8:07] Exedor Lament: That’s good, it looks like there’s usual several staff on at most times, based on the signs.
[8:07] Corsi Mousehold: About once a day. Sometimes more most times less
[8:08] Exedor Lament: Do they make a mess of things or just act like idiots and get kicked out with little effect?
[8:08] Corsi Mousehold: This is starting to sound like an interview
[8:08] Zagro Ferraris: both
[8:08] Zagro Ferraris: lol
[8:08] Corsi Mousehold: That upsets me.
[8:08] Exedor Lament: Hehe, just curious.
[8:09] Corsi Mousehold: Why be curious about griefers here?
[8:09] Corsi Mousehold: As part of Blue Lantern
[8:09] Corsi Mousehold: You looking to ‘defend’ someone?
[8:10] Exedor Lament: I’m just trying to get a feel of things, actually.
[8:10] Corsi Mousehold: Well we have had MAJOR problems with the Blue and Green Lantern Corp as well as the JLU.
[8:10] Exedor Lament: i remember times when there were frequent raids all over the place and times where there weren’t.
[8:10] Corsi Mousehold: You can come here and build but you do not work here.
[8:11] Corsi Mousehold: The Lanters and JLU have made false reports because they wern’t paying a lick of attention.
[8:11] Exedor Lament: I understand, I know I’m at least personally not for usurping authority at all.
[8:11] Corsi Mousehold: Harrassed my builders because they were doing as they put it … questionable things
[8:12] Exedor Lament: I suppose they’re used to sandbox griefers and some don’t have the tact it requires to help in private sims.
[8:12] Exedor Lament: I’m sorry to here that, I’ll have you know I’m not anything like that.
[8:12] Corsi Mousehold: Then why are you asking all about the griefers here to get a feel about it?
[8:13] Exedor Lament: Just to see if there’s help needed often here.
[8:13] Exedor Lament: I’m not saying we never want to help private sims, I just wasn’t aware there was problems like that.
[8:13] Corsi Mousehold: There is no help needed and thank you for offering.
[8:14] Corsi Mousehold: Have a nice day.
[8:14] Exedor Lament:
[8:15] Exedor Lament: Howdy.
[8:15] Exedor Lament: How’s it going?
[8:17] Exedor Lament scratches head.
[8:17] Gunny Waffle: …..i plea the 5th
[8:18] Exedor Lament pokes.
[8:19] Exedor Lament: Your avatar looks really neat Veluu
[8:20] Annabel Rhiadra: Horrible coloring job..
[8:20] Exedor Lament: Who did that?
[8:20] Annabel Rhiadra: Me..
[8:21] Exedor Lament: At least you didn’t go outside the lines and stuff.
[8:21] Gunny Waffle: atheron ish quiet?
[8:21] Annabel Rhiadra: I did partially XD
[8:21] Exedor Lament shrugs. “The shape makes up for it some too. :p”
[8:22] Gunny Waffle: atheron, ur fur fell off :B
[8:24] Exedor Lament: Looks pretty scary..
[8:24] Gunny Waffle: so does the algorithm im studying….
[8:24] Gunny Waffle: the math equation looks like abstract art D:
[8:24] Exedor Lament: Rofl.
[8:25] Gunny Waffle: im serious…75% of it is symbols and lines i have never seen before
[8:25] Exedor Lament: Math is annoying. Highschool or college?
[8:25] Corsi Mousehold: Sir.
[8:25] Gunny Waffle: and its in 10 size font…but the equation is 1 inch by 1.5 inches =S
[8:25] Exedor Lament: Yes ma’am?
[8:25] Corsi Mousehold: I know you think this is a great service you are doing trying to smooze it up with us here.
[8:26] Corsi Mousehold: You’re not
[8:26] Gunny Waffle: neither, its an algorithm im using for the physics engine im programming for my video game dev team
[8:26] Gunny Waffle: but i am in highschool
[8:26] Exedor Lament: No need to be rude, I’m off-duty and not here for BLc business.
[8:27] Corsi Mousehold: When I said we didn’t need help and to have a nice day that was my nice way of saying it’s been real now get the fuck out.
[8:27] Corsi Mousehold: Asking about Hey how’s the griefer attacks here need any help.
[8:27] Corsi Mousehold: That’s not off duty
[8:27] Corsi Mousehold: Now. Now I will act rude.
[8:27] Kazan Ahmed: grifer attacks
[8:28] Exedor Lament: It’s something I would ask about anyway. If you don’t want BLC help, I’m not going to throw a wrench in what you’ve got going on.
[8:28] Corsi Mousehold: You people are nothing more than glorified tattle tales nhave no power and waste more time than than watching the movie Biodome for eternity.
[8:29] Exedor Lament: If you’re looking for drama you don’t need to talk to me.
[8:29] Corsi Mousehold: You say you won’t yet the first thing you did when I dismissed you was to come over here and start the same thing you started with me over with the next group
[8:29] Kazan Ahmed: yup grifers
[8:29] Corsi Mousehold: You are drama
[8:29] Exedor Lament: I was talking about completely unrelated things.
[8:29] Corsi Mousehold: The griefers may have come because of us but they have stayed because of you
[8:30] Exedor Lament: Uhm, right.
[8:30] Corsi Mousehold: You started completely unrelated with us
[8:30] Kazan Ahmed: wait its about to get worse
[8:30] Corsi Mousehold: When the Lantern Corps and the JLU leave for good ….
[8:30] Corsi Mousehold: They griefers will eventually go away.
[8:31] Exedor Lament: If you know anything about why griefers came to Second Life then you’d know you’re wrong.
[8:31] Corsi Mousehold: Now. I am going to tell you to leave on your own peacefully.
[8:31] Corsi Mousehold: If you do not you will be banned and all the three groupos will be banned on sight.
[8:31] Corsi Mousehold: You have ten seconds.
[8:31] Corsi Mousehold: Nine
[8:31] Corsi Mousehold: Eight
[8:31] Corsi Mousehold: Seven
[8:31] Exedor Lament: All you had to say.
[8:31] Corsi Mousehold: Six
[8:31] Corsi Mousehold: Five
I liked Exedor. She didn’t deserve that kind of vicious treatment just for trying to be friendly. And here’s a protip: Griefers don’t go to Furnation because JLU or Lanterns are there. They go there because the furries are there. I used to go to Furnation too, patrolling and talking to the residents, and was always treated well because they were glad to see me. But I won’t go back as long as Corsi has any authority there, because that kind of behavior is inexcusable.
Gen. Logic
Mar 9th, 2010
okay then, tell me what is ‘faulty’ about my ‘logic’?
explain it to me cause I obviously am too full of shit to understand that. I pointed out a fact (Woodbury’s name) and the reason for that (woodbury members’ actions and words).
Am I so far off with that? Is it to blame on people other then woodbury members then? Was it that there were just a few rotten apples in the group? then why were the rotten apples allowed to speak for the group and not kicked out?
we can discuss this till the cows come home, but in the end, will that change anything? No, Woodbury will still be known as a group of troublemakers. And that’s not just because the JLU or the furries dont like them and their sense of ‘humor’.
PS I heard someone mention ‘all different flavours’ when I grouped PN, /b/, and goons together. There’s no different flavours. Just a little infighting between the same people, who like the same stupid memes. And Encyclopedia documents it all for them. The only difference in ‘flavour’ is that there are a handful of people with a sense of humour and a bit of creativitiy, the remainder is just dumb racist jokes, TITS or GTFO, porn, and more of the same lame shit.
Mar 9th, 2010
“okay then, tell me what is ‘faulty’ about my ‘logic’?”
It’s all one big assumption that you are trying to pass off as fact.
“Am I so far off with that? Is it to blame on people other then woodbury members then? Was it that there were just a few rotten apples in the group? then why were the rotten apples allowed to speak for the group and not kicked out?”
Show me an example of rotten apples speaking for the group if you please otherwise you are like I said, “full of shit.”
“No, Woodbury will still be known as a group of troublemakers.”
Which is why Linden Lab recently approved for Woodbury to have nine additional sims under the educational discount.
“And that’s not just because the JLU or the furries dont like them and their sense of ‘humor’.”
No, that’s exactly the reason. Most furries and JLU don’t even know why they hate Woodbury, they’re more-so thinking what they are told to think.
“PS I heard someone mention ‘all different flavours’ when I grouped PN, /b/, and goons together. There’s no different flavours. Just a little infighting between the same people, who like the same stupid memes. And Encyclopedia documents it all for them. The only difference in ‘flavour’ is that there are a handful of people with a sense of humour and a bit of creativitiy, the remainder is just dumb racist jokes, TITS or GTFO, porn, and more of the same lame shit.”
Hardly. If you tried any of that meme shit in W-hat you would get banned immediately; Woodbury doesn’t actively support memes either, but we’re more lenient about the people allowed in the group and sims (we won’t ban you, but we will make fun of you).
All Seeing Eye
Mar 9th, 2010
OK wtf is this? a JLU meetup?
Senban Babii
Mar 9th, 2010
“This article accuses Kalel and me of drunken griefing at a party”
Are you for real? If you want a technical article, I could give you that. But this is a tabloid that adds a tabloid twist to technical details. If you honestly think that we were saying you and Kalolcakes were drunk, I need to let you into a little secret. You can’t get drunk in SL
Incidentally, thanks for posting the chatlog of the particle spam event. But as I’ve pointed out previously, what you’re doing is focussing on a minor tangential issue that was mentioned in the article instead of addressing the actual content of the article. It’s easier to do that than admit that the alleged Woodbury Raid On Ahern was in fact a simple overreaction on behalf of Batcakes, right?
Thanks also for posting the chatlog involving Corsi. An superhero flies in and starts doing their thing. Corsi seems to have politely said thanks but no thanks. Then Corsi obviously felt it necessary in the circumstances to have to explain to the superhero in more blatant terms that they weren’t welcome. And look, Corsi also added several points about how the superhero groups brought drama, had filed false reports and so forth. Isn’t it funny how we keep coming across examples of this?
Gaara Sandalwood
Mar 9th, 2010
Indeed. Many griefers grief because the actually WANT to see the JLU show up and act the way they do. They want to cause the drama that may hopefully bring the JLU to their location so they can have more of a lulzfest. I’ve seen it done.
Mar 9th, 2010
@GreenLantern Excelsior
“There are no Articles (Incidents) written in the Brainiac database about Corsi, and no Abuse Reports either. Corsi’s entry is completely blank. This leads me to conclude that JLU has not written multiple ARs on Corsi.”
I don’t particularly know Corsi, but I think that if the JLU had gone in and AR Partied the owner of the sim, only to find out that it was the owner of the sim they were trying to “protect”, it’s possible if not likely that the records of those abuse reports would be taken off the wiki. I mean, supposing what Corsi says is true, what would they put there? Either they tell the truth and look like incompetent asses in their own wiki, or they lie completely and risk that lie being noticed. Taking it out completely and pretending like it never happened would be the best course of action.
Corsi’s story also seems to coincide with behavior of the JLU that I’ve seen, and the fatal flaw of the “Abuse Party” bullying, is that when you call in extra people to abuse report an event and person that they have no knowledge of, and are not involved in at all, any mistake or misconception is repeated through each additional person. So if one JLU member came in, decided to AR Corsi without realizing she’s the sim owner, and started an AR Party, unless any of the people coming had any knowledge of Corsi, they’d all repeat the same mistake of ARing her for griefing her own sim.
“I liked Exedor. She didn’t deserve that kind of vicious treatment just for trying to be friendly. And here’s a protip: Griefers don’t go to Furnation because JLU or Lanterns are there. They go there because the furries are there. I used to go to Furnation too, patrolling and talking to the residents, and was always treated well because they were glad to see me. But I won’t go back as long as Corsi has any authority there, because that kind of behavior is inexcusable.”
I read this like Senban actually, Exudar came in, talked to Corsi trying to get her to talk about griefing in the hopes of being able to get involved in it, then after she told him they didn’t need BLC’s help, he apparently started wandering off to “patrol” the sandboxes regardless. This was apparently after the supposedly event in which Corsi clashed with the JLU and GLC, so her antagonism against the groups seems understandable to me.
And yeah, her original statement was correct “The griefers may have come because of us but they have stayed because of you”. JLU and GLC attracts griefers, not because they’re trying to shut you down out of fear, but because they think you’re hilarious to troll. The furry sims already have enough problems with attracting griefers without adding the extra cherry on top of having the JLU around.
Gen. Logic
Mar 10th, 2010
“okay then, tell me what is ‘faulty’ about my ‘logic’?”
It’s all one big assumption that you are trying to pass off as fact.
Oh, of course. Yeah, sure.
I only *asssume* that people are judged mostly and firstly on what they seem to others, I only *assume* that society has worked like that for, oh I dunno, since EVER?
it’s completely a fantasy that black people get burning crosses on their lawn because they’re black, that Christians get entire flamewars on any forum over them because they’re Christian and their belief is evil, it’s only a figment of my imagination that Muslims get the same treatment as commies in the sixties. And the commies are laughing hard, selling us TV’s and videocameras.
You have opened my eyes, there *is* no such thing as guilt by association or predjudice in this shiney, rainbow, unicorn world where everyone is happy and absolutely nobody judges books by thier covers.
Wont you just quit your bawww and realize I’m not a sucker like intblubber?
Others made the bed for you, YOU *CHOOSE* to lie in it. and that’s where I can only assume (and to my experience, rightfully) that you and others are cut from the same wood.
“If you tired that meme shit in W-hat…” Oh, no, of course, cuz there are no such things aes memes in W-hat territory and w-hat twats dont liek memes. Communism HURRRRR. No 4 chan memes, cuz we no liek them, cuz they steal attention with their bullshit from our bullshit. An afro is fine, tho. Cuz everyone, including the rest of 4chan, 7 chan, Encyclopedia Dramatica, and Something Awful HEATS the PN so much everyone and their grandparents haz to wear them.
I’m not an idiot but I’m starting to feel that you really are.
And that’s not because you want to set the ‘records’ straight by convincing me that you are in reality NOT like all the other idiots coming from that same mold, but because you BAWWWWW like the nearest furry about how ‘you shouldnt let the actions of a few let colour your entire view of the group’.
Someone once told me that it’s that dramafest of ‘NOT ALL FURRIES ARE TEH SAME’ was the real reason why the chans dislike furries so much and pick on them mostly. It’s the same kind of behaviour you’re showing now.
Ironic in a way.
But it isnt helping you much now, about as much as it ever did the furries.
You’re all so full of shit.
(And just in case you ran out of arguments and realized it’s a lost casue, yes, I wuz trolled. Hurrrr durrr.)
Gen. Logic
Mar 10th, 2010
“Which is why Linden Lab recently approved for Woodbury to have nine additional sims under the educational discount. ”
Well, has LL EVER cared about what happens to sims and accounts, as long as the bills are paid? Come on. Them having sold you a virtual e-lawn, doesnt mean they fullheartedly approve of you.
May I remind you that they have sold sims to babyfurs and dolcett’s groups as well?
Oh there may be some goons opr /b/ tards among LL staff, but that doesnt mean anything. There’s furry Lindens as well, big FFing deal. Just means that there is someone you know to talk to first in case you want to bawwww about something.
and the cute little disclaimer you have in the group charter for Woodbury has but one function, trying to pass the responsibility to someone else.
And here are some examples to go with my comments.
Is that..? A reference to Goatse? Oh cant be this is from the W-hat page, cant possibly have the same kind of memes as 4chan. Cant be goatse, can it?
NO! that’s NOT AN AFRO! we haet PN.
Yeah, so beware kids, dont you try to pull ANY memes, or you’ll be instabanned. No goatse, no afro’s, none of that all is allowed! ZOMG! Its an exclusive club for exclusive memes. ye be warned.
I had a lot more, but the Herald doesnt like posts that look spammy because of the links. They’re not too big on spam, it seems.
But in the Herald alone there’s enough to find to tell you the story of how innocent and pure and polite the woodbury crew and the other tard groups in SL are. See for all of Woodbury’s outside of SL shit. /b/ is the board you want to see. Or not. I actually advise against it if you want to remain relatively sane.
Oh and a little glimpse of the history of Woodbury can be found in the PN and Mudkips Actonym articles on Encyclopedia Dramatica.
Judge Joker
Mar 10th, 2010
Perhaps Linden Labs needs to clarify that owning a Sim does not entitle you to police anywhere else other than that Sim.
More and more of these SIM owners seem to believe owning one or more entitles them to more power than they should have over the grid as a whole.
Examples might allegedly include to name just a few:
Anshe Chung
Ex-Corsi Mousehold
Ex-Intlibber Brautigan
Ex-Kalel Venkman
And naming your Sim Justice Island does not entitle you to hold a court there to judge other Second Life users also.
We don’t need to be watched over by such groups, we are not weak as the JLUs group about info seems to have been explicitly stated as such.
This also includes using a name such as Furnation, this does not entitle you to psychologically abuse others into believing they are part of some furry nation.
And that you have the power to ban and or ostracise any other user you don’t like, from anywhere else other than your SIM only.
What happens in Sim stays in Sim, Just like Vegas baby! fur….
Mar 10th, 2010
“This also includes using a name such as Furnation, this does not entitle you to psychologically abuse others into believing they are part of some furry nation.
And that you have the power to ban and or ostracise any other user you don’t like, from anywhere else other than your SIM only.”
Oh dont worry too much, Corsi speaks ONLY for the few sims on Furnation, and that name has been around for far longer then the entirety of SL. Or Corsi himself, for that matter.
It was named after a website with the same name, that allowed people to get their own little space to show whatever they wanted…
Actually it was just a collection of links to personal websites and not much more (when I was still active there, dunno if there’s anything left of it).
Corsi’s cmment about cleaning up after mocking the PN made me laugh a little, there is indeed some self importance leaking there that exists only in Corsi’s own mind.
If every single furry sim would be at Furnation, then maybe, yeah, there ould be some validity in being the Furry Nation, but as we all know, there are plenty of furry places, that have NOTHING to do with Furnation. And I wonder why that is? Maybe because there is no such thing as a Furry Nation. It’s but a name and nothing more. That Corsi sees himself as queen of all furrydom, is about as laughable as the tards that believe they are REALLY REALLY animals trapped in a human body, or that they are the world’s saviour against the Furry Threat.
Corsi doesnt speak for anyone in the fandom but himself, and if I would ever get a message like that from him, I’d only try harder to get Furnation attacked. For the lulz. Especially since he IS FURNATION and is sick of the shit. (kudos tho for ripping of Serpentine… better lulz then any griefer ever caused.)
Should have thought of that *before* he took on the admin task for the Furnation Sims.
With kind regards to everyone and a hearty HA-HA to all the dramafest loving furries like Corsi,
Robble Rubble
Mar 10th, 2010
@Gen. Logic
Goatse isn’t a meme, it’s an old friend. Goons have been goatseing each other for years and years. Also the picture of the guy with the afro is Bebbs who isn’t even in the w-hat group.
Mar 10th, 2010
“I only *asssume* that people are judged mostly and firstly on what they seem to others, I only *assume* that society has worked like that for, oh I dunno, since EVER?
it’s completely a fantasy that black people get burning crosses on their lawn because they’re black, that Christians get entire flamewars on any forum over them because they’re Christian and their belief is evil, it’s only a figment of my imagination that Muslims get the same treatment as commies in the sixties. And the commies are laughing hard, selling us TV’s and videocameras.”
Yes, because black people get burning crosses on their lawns 24/7 by everyone in the world and any anti-race groups are made up of the entire population of which they reside.
Yes, because were are still living in the 60′s and communism is to be feared like the plague.
Yes, because we didn’t see a video of the Muslim population celebrating the ammount of damage done on 9/11.
Yes, because commies have always desired to become the TV and Camera capital of the world.
I sure hope you can tell I’m being sarcastic. Even after spelling it out for you.
“If you tired that meme shit in W-hat…” Oh, no, of course, cuz there are no such things aes memes in W-hat territory and w-hat twats dont liek memes. Communism HURRRRR. No 4 chan memes, cuz we no liek them, cuz they steal attention with their bullshit from our bullshit. An afro is fine, tho. Cuz everyone, including the rest of 4chan, 7 chan, Encyclopedia Dramatica, and Something Awful HEATS the PN so much everyone and their grandparents haz to wear them.”
Can you say something that makes sense and doesn’t make you look retarded?
“I’m not an idiot but I’m starting to feel that you really are.”
And your mom tells you you’re cool every day.
“And that’s not because you want to set the ‘records’ straight by convincing me that you are in reality NOT like all the other idiots coming from that same mold, but because you BAWWWWW like the nearest furry about how ‘you shouldnt let the actions of a few let colour your entire view of the group’.”
“Someone once told me that it’s that dramafest of ‘NOT ALL FURRIES ARE TEH SAME’ was the real reason why the chans dislike furries so much and pick on them mostly. It’s the same kind of behaviour you’re showing now.
Ironic in a way.”
Hardly, you demonstrate acting pretentious does not automatically make your argument a good one. Again, my point from the very beginning is that your logic is faulty. You’re the one making the big assumptions and being totally wrong. Nothing ironic about it, you are just wrong, and so is your friend. Chans target furries because they cry the loudest, just so you know.
“(And just in case you ran out of arguments and realized it’s a lost casue, yes, I wuz trolled. Hurrrr durrr.)”
Troll? I’m being serious. Although I don’t know why I should be so serious, you are clearly a furry PN member because you like to use memes and “bawwwws” to support your arguments. :B
Mar 11th, 2010
Well, has LL EVER cared about what happens to sims and accounts, as long as the bills are paid?”
Doh~ sounds like someone’s jealous LL likes us more than they like you~. WU knows firsthand that LL cares about what happens to sims and accounts.
“Them having sold you a virtual e-lawn, doesnt mean they fullheartedly approve of you.”
Tizz met with them face to face to discuss the deal. It wasn’t your average “buy land from faceless linden” sorta of deal. Did you also know WU is also working with LL to fix crashing issues too?
“May I remind you that they have sold sims to babyfurs and dolcett’s groups as well?”
Did they even know what the sims were going to be used for when they sold them? WU let them know when they bought theirs. :>
“Oh there may be some goons opr /b/ tards among LL staff, but that doesnt mean anything. There’s furry Lindens as well, big FFing deal. Just means that there is someone you know to talk to first in case you want to bawwww about something.”
Yes, even Lindens themselves can’t be generalized. I like how your post has almost the polar opposite stance as the one before it.
“and the cute little disclaimer you have in the group charter for
Woodbury has but one function, trying to pass the responsibility to someone else.”
Yes, the responsibility goes to the one responsible, who would have thought?
Gen. Logic
Mar 11th, 2010
“I like how your post has almost the polar opposite stance as the one before it.”
Nah, still think you’re full of shit. Nice try tho.
Please, feel free to continue whining.
Mar 11th, 2010
“Nah, still think you’re full of shit. Nice try tho.
Please, feel free to continue whining.”
Bahahahahaha! No need to be a sore loser, Gen.
But thank you for conceding victory to me anyways~<3 ^_~
Mar 13th, 2010
“But thank you for conceding victory to me anyways~<3 ^_~"
Mar 13th, 2010
Oh dear, it would seem that I made Gen. go insane. :3
Obvious Schism
Mar 13th, 2010
Is this a particle article?
IntLibber Brautigan
Mar 13th, 2010
[2009-12-31 22:41:53] IM: Kalel Venkman: Valdez says “Tragic accident. Didn’t you hear?”
[2009-12-31 22:41:56] IM: Samantha Lowell: (brace yourselves, gang. Here it comes….)
[2009-12-31 22:42:00] IM: Kalel Venkman: “HIS PARROT CHUTE DIDN’T OPEN.”
[2009-12-31 22:42:08] IM: Samantha Lowell: ARGH!!!!!!
[2009-12-31 22:42:09] IM: Eugenia Burton groans.
See, documented proof that Kalel is the worst griefer of them all. lol.
Mimika Oh
Mar 31st, 2010
Being involuntarily involved in others role-playing, whether it’s talking pregnancy bellies or vigilante superheroes, is one of the most annoying aspects of Second Life. It’s just anti-social behaviour.
Bubblesort Triskaidekaphobia
Mar 31st, 2010
@ Mimika: Your av was … involuntarily… impregnated?!? 0.o
What, did they put a follower script in a prim pregnancy belly or something? LOL
hmmm… that might be a fun toy, now that I think of it
Mimika Oh
Mar 31st, 2010
No no not that, silly! I mean, when someone comes near to where you (and your friends) are, and their talking belly starts spamming chat with details of the development of their foetus. In that case they are trying to involve you in their role-playing. It is similar if someone comes to your sim and interrupts you because they want to role-play a superhero vigilante.
I think the problem with this role-play is that the superheroes need two more things: enemies, and victims. Since they all want to be heroes, they chose “griefers” as enemies, and everyone else as victims. But none of these people consented to be part of their game. This is a big problem for them. In order to play out their fantasy, they have to force these roles on others. That is anti-social behaviour.