Go Support Relay for Life, Bitches.
by Alphaville Herald on 16/07/11 at 9:35 pm
Second Life land squatter takes a virtual walk for charity
by Debbie
My friends told me that my first article was so good you'd like more. Here. Me and a friend went to check out the Relay for Life in Second Life. It's pretty cool. I recommend you check it out, but don't go there and be a douche, or plug up the track because this is about cancer, which is not funny.
They give you a pedometer and you walk around a track. We were there for the survivors and remembrance laps. If you've ever been to a Relay for Life Walk irl, you know it's pretty powerful stuff.
They also have a buddy walking thing, like a chim so that one person actually walks and everyone else gets dragged along like a collared slave. It's handy so that you can type and shit while you're logging laps. You can see how many avatars have walked laps here: http://slrfl.maintree.com/
Like the real life Relays for Life, Relay for Life in Second Life has areas where teams can camp. I hung out at the weenie wagon while my friend walked a lap in remembrance, and then went on about some typhoon she saw. I missed it, because I was taking pictures of myself. I did also get one of the people walking.
Check it out. The welcome area is here: http://slurl.com/secondlife/RELAY%20FOR%20LIFE/93/130/22/
The track is here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/RFL%20Courage/12/139/23
I got a notecard that lists all the activities going on and I was going to copy/pasta it here but it's insanely long. There's like everything happening; dances, concerts, yacht races, art shows- you name it they have it.
Go to one of the in-world locations above, or their website
http://main.acsevents.org/site/TR?pg=entry&fr_id=34810 and for God's sake give them some lindens to help make a difference.
It's this weekend only, get your asses moving!
Jul 21st, 2011
Debi said “I happen to be 1/2 Cherokee, it amazes me when people say that this one or that one discovered America. But on the other hand I also recognize that we wouldn’t be much if the Europeans had not found us. Despite the atrocities that happened.”
Indian people lived in North America for over 10,000 years with a sustainable ecology, no jails, no internet, no anti-depressent medication, no courts, no Europeans, no bombs, no Walmarts…. yeah they wouldn’t be much without Europeans eh?
Jul 21st, 2011
True, very true that the continent and it’s people have existed for *nth number of years before any Europeans set foot on it. But, before Europeans did set foot on it, was it already the united States of America, or was it just the land the people lived on and which was not owned by anyone…?
Anyway. Education you call brainwashing, yet you said that Americans (lets assume you mean the current population, and not the Cherokee and others that used to live there) invented flight. Even after some discussion you and Dread Judge insisted that the Wright Brothers or at least someone else from America invented flight and/or the aircraft. (I’m assuming you mean the W0right brothers since I’ve not seen any other names mentioned)
Let me educate and/or brainwash you a little then…
5 BC (estimated) invention of the kite.
13th century: Da Vinci developed the airscrew, which later led to the propellor (that spinning thing that powers aircraft…) and the parachute, and both an ornithopter (a flapping wing aircraft) as well as a fixed wing glider. That his designs never actually flew, matters not, the point is that he thought of them first, and they were, by all stretches of the imagination and/or definitions of the word, aircraft.
19th century: the British George Caley designed both a helicopter and a fixed wing aircraft.
The British Francis Herbert did windtunnel tests, and predicted correctly the use of multiple wings above eachother (as the Wright Flyer had and all other early functional, practical aircraft)
The equally British John Stringfellow built a steam powered aircraft which demonstrated lift (importaint detail!) but failed to climb. Steam engines are rather heavy…
And here it comes ladies and gentleman from the Americas:
1891: The British born, Australian Lawrence Hargrave built a compressed air powered fixed wing aircraft which flew… take note here: it FLEW 312 feet.
1903: the American (yes, here you guys come into play…) Samuel Langley built a 53 horsepower, 5 cilynder radial engine that flew. This was just days before:
December 17th, 1903, Kitty Hawk: The Wright flyer took off for a flight of 120 feet, and a duration of 12 seconds.
Now. Who again invented flight? Uneducated is less brainwashed… How brainwashed are you, if you think the Wright Brothers were the first humans to fly, or even the first to think of a way for humans to fly?
I don’t care who lived where for how many years before Europeans came along Paul and Debbie. That remark of me stating that it was Europeans who invented America was nothing more but a joke. I never took this conversation seriously, and have stated that in more then one of my posts. The only part of this convo here I do take seriously, is the FACTS which don’t lie as Debbie already said.
Simply give credit where credit is due. And the credit for inventing flight does NOT go to the US. Period.
Now who invented the computer, heck, I still think it was BOTH Babbage and Alan Turing. But, since computers is not really my field (aviation on the other hand is…), I’ll be the first to admit I am wrong about that if presented with some evidence that they in fact did not invent the computer but someone else entirely.
However, sofar I have only heard denial of Babbage and Turing, but not seen any evidence or even a name or date on which and who *did* invent the computer who came from the US.
So, please, enlighten me. Who invented the computer?
And while you’re at it, *why* don’t Babbage or Turing count?
I’ve not said this yet… But I find it rather remarkable that this all began with someone stating (and I quote)
“she is probably too ignorant to know what i’m talking about. Or an American”
Then Debbie came along, and to disprove the statement that American = ignorant, told of great inventions of Americans. TWO out of three were in fact not invented by Americans. Can we call that ignorance? Let’s look up the dictionary…:
ig·no·rant [ig-ner-uhnt] –adjective
1. lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned: an ignorant man.
2. lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact: ignorant of quantum physics.
3. uninformed; unaware.
I guess we could state that Debbie and Dread Judge are lacking in knowledge about the history of aviation. In other words, yes, you two are ignorant. And you just happen to be Americans…
Funny how coincidence works.
Now, again, just to be really really RLLY clear: I dont hate Americans, and I dont think that Americans are ignorant as a nation’s populace. There are really really intelligent Americans, just as there are really really ignorant Europeans. I see no reason at all to like or dislike anyone based on something as stupid as where they happened to be born.
I have no problems with America as a continent.
I have no problems with America as a nation.
I have no problems with Americans as a pupulace.
I have no problems with the governing body of America.
I do have some issues with some of the actions of the government of America, but I have some issues with some of the actions of ANY government of ANY country. Yes, our own as well.
I do have a problem with people simply denying facts as if they were lies and fantasy, and telling me to my face that facts I present to them, which can easily be verified, that I am a liar.
I have no problems with anyone’s education or lack thereof: this problem is your problem, Debbie, and Dred Judge, not mine.
Jul 21st, 2011
I know better but I just have to.
Debi (sorry for spelling your name as Debbie in the previous post(s), I was ignorant about the correct spelling of your name. But I got educated.)
Anyway. As Debi stated in her first post: “the next time some tyrant is breathing down your neck don’t call us we are to busy listening to all you American haters out there to really give a damn anymore!!!!!”
Wasn’t it the USA who asked the UN and NATO for help in Iraq, to take care of some tyrant who was breathing in someone’s neck…?
There was something about that in the news, around 2003-2004. There’s also some European army guys doing something in the middle east where Bin Laden was recently killed.
Seems we’re not too busy, despite having to listen to all the people who think were American haters out there.
Debi Dastardly
Jul 21st, 2011
@Paul Indian people lived in North America for over 10,000 years with a sustainable ecology, no jails, no internet, no anti-depressent medication, no courts, no Europeans, no bombs, no Walmarts…. yeah they wouldn’t be much without Europeans eh?
Yes and we all died at the ripe old age of say 30 or 40 it wasn’t as glamorous as some people made it all out to be. In my opinion, I still don’t need anti depressants. The fact is what do you think Native Americans would have been if left to our own devices?
Debi Dastardly
Jul 21st, 2011
@ Senban Babii No, that’s incest. Incest is a relative thing.
Funny how the uneducated decry education as brainwashing, usually right before they start their shift at McDonalds…..
You know, I do find it amusing that what started out as a bit of tongue in cheek humour about bad eighties music being used as a weapon of war only turned sour when you came along and started honking about how everyone hates America and how you all invented everything from rocks to the colour orange.
Still, we don’t need no education. We don’t need no thought control.
This tells me three things, 1 you are losing whatever point it was you were pathetically trying to make. And 2 you aren’t as smart as you think you are. Also I work in Emergency services . 3. Scroll back up and you will realize that the stupidity about the eighty’s music didn’t start until well after my slapping of American hated.
Usually people make a post like yours before they head off for their shift on the stripper pole.
Anything else your halogen bright wit can come up with there pumpkin?
Jul 21st, 2011
Glad you do not need antidepressants. Second Life is a good enough addiction to sooth your nerves? Or cheeseburgers maybe? What’s your poison?
“we all died at the rip old age of say 30 or 40″
This is inaccurate. Tribal societies have a higher infant mortality rate (which pulls down the average age of death), but after that they generally live more healthy (physically and psychologically) lives compared to those living in industrialized societies, plus without the massive social inequality, unsustainable economic practices, and massive environmental destruction.
“What do you think Native Americans would have been if left to our own devices?”
Probably the same thing they were doing for the previous 10,000 years… raising their families, growing and hunting stuff, and singing and dancing. The last 500 years have been quite a bummer, thanks to Europe and ‘America.’
Debi Dastardly
Jul 21st, 2011
You may have a point. I admit to not knowing much about my Cherokee heritage. I do know we were one of the most advanced nations on the eastern side of the continent. And I know about Sequoya and our complex language and grammar. May be time for me to attend more classes on Cherokee history.
Senban Babii
Jul 21st, 2011
“1 you are losing whatever point it was you were pathetically trying to make.”
Actually I won my point several days ago cupcake, you weren’t paying attention and then you went into denial. And as my corollary objective was to troll you a little, I succeeded there too :3
“And 2 you aren’t as smart as you think you are.”
So the Dean keeps telling me but as my work mail continues to be addressed to “senior lecturer” I guess I can’t be that thick :3
“Also I work in Emergency services.”
I know, I never said you didn’t. Taking every single comment personally is a sign of psychological issues. Please relax and think of bunnies. We’ll let you know when you need to pay attention.
“Usually people make a post like yours before they head off for their shift on the stripper pole.”
Hehe I did used to dance a long time back. Usually discussing philosophy while I did. Famous for it ackshully
But your use of the “no you are” defence is noted and filed under hurrr durrr
“Anything else your halogen bright wit can come up with there pumpkin?”
Now, there was something ackshully. What was it now? Oh yes, I recall.
You’re into bestiality. That was it! Your profile speaks volumes my little cupcake. Now go back to nomming up your bowl of dog cum
Debi Dastardly
Jul 21st, 2011
@ Senban Babii
“So the Dean keeps telling me but as my work mail continues to be addressed to “senior lecturer” I guess I can’t be that thick :3″
So you are still learning how to maybe do something in life? And haven’t really been out there yet huh?
“Actually I won my point several days ago cupcake, you weren’t paying attention and then you went into denial. And as my corollary objective was to troll you a little, I succeeded there too :3″
You are defiantly good for SL you live your world in your imagination
“I know, I never said you didn’t. Taking every single comment personally is a sign of psychological issues. Please relax and think of bunnies. We’ll let you know when you need to pay attention.”
“Now here is a thought you never considered, after how many responses to me? Never try and troll a troll, hmmm they must not teach that at your school huh?”
“Hehe I did used to dance a long time back. Usually discussing philosophy while I did. Famous for it ackshully
I was joking but hey if fits, and another thing “ackshully” Spell check is free.
“Now, there was something ackshully. What was it now? Oh yes, I recall.
You’re into bestiality. That was it! Your profile speaks volumes my little cupcake. Now go back to nomming up your bowl of dog cum
This coming from a Neko? All you are as a neko is someone who dose not have the courage to become a furry all the way. But hey each to their own. Also idiot it’s a pixel world I can fly too! So what if I know a few guys that like to RP as dogs wolfs or whatever. A little judgmental for someone who is a stripper in RL aren’t you?
Take your mood altering pills dearie, get some rest and call Dr. Deb in the morning. It will all be better even if reality tells you different.
Jul 21st, 2011
@ senban
‘senior lecturer,’ eh? makes sense. Who else would throw around a phrase like ‘performance of identity’ ?!?
Senban Babii
Jul 21st, 2011
“Who else would throw around a phrase like ‘performance of identity’ ?!?”
/me grins and swishes her tail
“And haven’t really been out there yet huh?”
On the contrary cupcake, I returned to academia after many years out in the real world. Academia is more fun though
“You are defiantly good for SL you live your world in your imagination”
Okay, firstly the word you’re fumbling for is “definitely”, not “defiantly”. Education. It’s important.
Secondly, and you know I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before at some point so apologies to everyone else, but you do realise I no longer actually log into SL, right? I haven’t been an active user for….well, months, probably the start of 2011, I can’t even recall now. These days I’m only involved in EVE.
“Never try and troll a troll”
Oh dear.
“and another thing “ackshully” Spell check is free.”
Oh dear oh dear. Memes. The internet has many of them. This is one of them. Life’s just rolling out the surprises for you today, right?
“This coming from a Neko? All you are as a neko is someone who dose not have the courage to become a furry all the way.”
Oh dear oh dear oh dear. Never been a furry although I’ve had plenty of friends who were furries. Never had secksi tiem (don’t even bother trying to pick that one up cupcake) with them or indeed many other people. Certainly none of my four SL relationships were with dachshunds.
“A little judgmental for someone who is a stripper in RL aren’t you?”
Wow. English comprehension really isn’t your strong point is it? I used to poledance (briefly) in *Second Life*. Hehe, that was a long time ago (2008?), brings back many hilarious memories. I wonder if my picture still hangs in the Bimbo Cheerleaders place? Probably not after all this time. Oh and before you even start frothing at the brain thinking z0mgz0rz you was an whore, I never did the secksi thing at all. Three of us just joined so we could use the poles for a laugh.
Oh listen, I don’t want to draw attention to it but I think you’ve got some doggy love custard on your chin, might want to wipe that off so your next customer doesn’t realise he’s getting sloppy seconds
Senban Babii
Jul 21st, 2011
Debi, do you often milk dogs?
Red rocket! Red rocket!
Jul 21st, 2011
what is wrong with sloppy seconds???
Pappy? Did you here that? She sayin’ there somefin’ wrong wit our hobbies!!
Debi Dastardly
Jul 21st, 2011
@ Senban Babii (AKA wishes she had the courage to be a furry)
Definitely the profile of a Narcissist that is out of touch with reality. Huh Cupcake?
Eve online, what is that a social place for basement dwellers like you?
“Okay, firstly the word you’re fumbling for is “definitely”, not “defiantly”. Education. It’s important.”
Brainwashing the masses is important to someone who makes their living at it huh? Try again fool not even close!
Oh dear.
You keep answering me so, I stand by my statement.
“Oh dear oh dear. Memes. The internet has many of them. This is one of them. Life’s just rolling out the surprises for you today, right?”
The only surprise here is that someone is as thick as you are proving yourself to be.
“Oh dear oh dear oh dear. Never been a furry although I’ve had plenty of friends who were furries. Never had secksi tiem (don’t even bother trying to pick that one up cupcake) with them or indeed many other people. Certainly none of my four SL relationships were with dachshunds.”
I have friends that RP on sl as dogs and wolfs. What about this don’t you seem to get Sunshine? And once again you played as a cat/human?
“Wow. English comprehension really isn’t your strong point is it? I used to poledance (briefly) in *Second Life*. Hehe, that was a long time ago (2008?), brings back many hilarious memories. I wonder if my picture still hangs in the Bimbo Cheerleaders place? Probably not after all this time. Oh and before you even start frothing at the brain thinking z0mgz0rz you was an whore, I never did the secksi thing at all. Three of us just joined so we could use the poles for a laugh.”
Oh so you was only pretending to be a whore on sl huh? Strange a lot of people do that. What makes you so special?
What the hell is that an English thing? Once again little one, Spell Check is free.
“Oh listen, I don’t want to draw attention to it but I think you’ve got some doggy love custard on your chin, might want to wipe that off so your next customer doesn’t realise he’s getting sloppy seconds
Total fail, you lost I won so you try to call attention to what in you feeble mind thinks makes you seem superior. Once again you fail, you have no idea why I am in any of these groups.
“Debi, do you often milk dogs?
Red rocket! Red rocket!”
By the way fool Southpark is an American show. Best not let anyone know you watch it.
Once again you have confirmed to me and the rest of the world how out of touch a lot of you academics are. My advice to you Furry is to get a real job and quit living in fantasy land. CUPCAKE
You seem to be fixed on this idea of dog fucking, was you that noob I was trolling the other day?
You don’t log into sl anymore, yeah right.
You once again have proven one of my earlier points as you have so many others. We keep your types around for entertainment, otherwise we wouldn’t bother with you at all.
Now be a good circus monkey and make me laugh again with your next posting.
Get it, it really dose work.
marilyn murphy
Jul 21st, 2011
i have been thinking about the native americans. since it became some point of contention. what would they have been like if left alone. well, if you study the chrokee nation for long you will learn to hate president a. jackson i imagine. native americans have been romanticized beyond recognition. they were no better or worse than any other tribal societies. noble savage is not applicable to any peoples anywhere. as a tribal culture they didnt have jails because they used torture and execution as punishment.. it does occur to me that if a person in our society knew that if he drove drunk he would be tied to a pole and a small hole cut in his abdomen and a loop of intestine pulled out and given to the dogs, he might not do it. wars were very common amongst the tribes, for land and resources, just like the europeans. due to european diseases imported by merely sharing the same area with natives, the euros didnt have to do much more to gain control. they easily paid one tribe to spy on, steal from, and war against their neighboring tribes. none of this is any worse or better than any other hunter gatherer culture, which our ancestors all go back to.
Jul 22nd, 2011
@ Marilyn
You raise a number of good points, and it is true that violence is part of every society.
Violence in tribal societies, like the intestine example you cite, is often seen as spectacularly lurid and gruesome, and serves to distance the civilized ‘us’ from the savage ‘them’…in this case an ‘ignoble’ savage stereotype rather then the ‘noble’ one you are worried about. However, one could argue that violence in modern industrial society is even more horrific, as people are so insulated from the interpersonal consequences of their actions. We just push a button and people die gruesome deaths on the other side of the world…even more subltly, we live (in the West) a comfortable life that directly relates to the poverty and political subjugation against millions of people (look at current events in Syria and Mexico for example). Interpersonal hostility in SL and in blogs like this and the internet generally are another example, as there is rarely any face to face consequence to calling an anonymous stranger “fucking faggot” or an “emotional rapist.”
And yes, Europeans certainly did have an easy time with colonialism thanks to inside collaborators…our vices and addictions are very hard to resist for anyone.
/me gets back to ‘secksi”ing in SL. =]
Dread Judge
Jul 22nd, 2011
Birds invented flight, Americans figured out how to make it work for humans.
why u mad?
Senban Babii
Jul 22nd, 2011
I think your breathless ranting about how I’m really thick is sort of running out of steam now so it’s not worth addressing any of the pseudo points you attempted to make. I will say this though.
You posted a link for a spellchecker because you think my spelling is bad (on account of you not actually understanding internet memes such as lolspeak. But after posting your link in triumph you had this to say.
“Get it, it really dose work.”
The irony was beyond delicious.
Jul 22nd, 2011
Oookay Dred if you have to go there. Birds didnt invent flight, either God or evolution did. Depending. And as Ive told you no, Americans did little to nothing with it till Europeans were already flying.
I’m not mad, Y U retard?
Senban Babii
Jul 22nd, 2011
“native americans have been romanticized beyond recognition.”
I think this is true of many cultures. I remember growing up and listening to this song (continuing the 1980s music references).
It’s amazing how such simple things can shape our understanding of cultures and it was only years later when I read books that I realised that both sides were pretty much as bad as each other and that the ideas impressed on me at an early age were in fact flawed. It’s amazing though how difficult it can be to shift those early conceptions and replace them with facts.
Okay, couple of things I want to add.
“Eve online, what is that a social place for basement dwellers like you?”
Although I’m in it for the business simulation aspect rather than pewpew.
“You don’t log into sl anymore, yeah right.”
It really does amaze me that people can’t grasp this. I really don’t log into SL anymore. The last time I logged into SL was a few weeks ago for an hour. It was the SL8B thing and a friend of mine who I introduced to SL back in 2007 emailed me to say he’d heard it was the birthday, went to have a look and was telling me that in his opinion it was still as pants as when he first visited in 2007. I logged in to see the SL8B sims and sadly had to agree with him. So when I say I don’t log into SL any more, I really actually don’t. To everyone else, sorry to have to drag this out again.
Now, the neko thing. Do you actually know what a neko is? In anime and manga, animal characteristics are often added to a character, sometimes only for a single panel even, so as to emphasise a certain characteristic. So for example, if the artist wanted to show how a character’s behaviour was feline in some way, she might add whiskers or ears or whatever, characteristics that would help the reader identify what emotions were being expressed and so on. So when I added neko characteristics to my SL avatar (in 2009 I think), I was doing so to highlight and emphasise the cat-like nature of that period, not to say I was a human-cat crossbreed.
So now I’ve better explained that for you, why don’t you tell us why you fuck dogs Dogfucker? Actually no, don’t tell us. I don’t think any of us actually want to know.
Debi Dastardly
Jul 22nd, 2011
@ Wanna be furrie.
“Now, the neko thing. Do you actually know what a neko is? In anime and manga, animal characteristics are often added to a character, sometimes only for a single panel even, so as to emphasise a certain characteristic. So for example, if the artist wanted to show how a character’s behaviour was feline in some way, she might add whiskers or ears or whatever, characteristics that would help the reader identify what emotions were being expressed and so on. So when I added neko characteristics to my SL avatar (in 2009 I think), I was doing so to highlight and emphasise the cat-like nature of that period, not to say I was a human-cat crossbreed.”
Nekos put animal ears on their heads, wear paw boots, and have a tail shoved up their ass. (I bet you really enjoy that part of it)
All that said, I fail to see any difference in your dressing as a want to be cat and other people wearing a dog suit or a furry avatar. But you seem to think you are better than them? Oh please, talk to the hand.
“So now I’ve better explained that for you, why don’t you tell us why you fuck dogs Dogfucker? Actually no, don’t tell us. I don’t think any of us actually want to know.”
*yawn* Really I’m starting to get worried about you Cumcake. You seem to be stuck here for some reason. Are you autistic or something? Because between this and (coughs) my education you are like fucking “Rain Man” with this shit. But I guess you wouldn’t know anything of that Movie it is American as well.
You are the one saying I fuck dogs, I do not . But believe what you like. Someone as Narcissistic as you seem to be always will have a difficult time facing reality or when losing a debate try and change the subject or get emotional. My being in a group that you don’t approve of dose not bother me at all. It really dose bother you though. (I enjoy that it upsets you actually.)
“It really does amaze me that people can’t grasp this. I really don’t log into SL anymore. The last time I logged into SL was a few weeks ago for an hour. It was the SL8B thing and a friend of mine who I introduced to SL back in 2007 emailed me to say he’d heard it was the birthday, went to have a look and was telling me that in his opinion it was still as pants as when he first visited in 2007. I logged in to see the SL8B sims and sadly had to agree with him. So when I say I don’t log into SL any more, I really actually don’t. To everyone else, sorry to have to drag this out again.”
Once again who really gives a damn. News flash Cumcake, you aren’t the center of the world no matter what your little mind tells you to believe.
“Although I’m in it for the business simulation aspect rather than pewpew.”
“Business simulation” I went I looked I got bored real fast, but, hello it’s a game.
“I think your breathless ranting about how I’m really thick is sort of running out of steam now so it’s not worth addressing any of the pseudo points you attempted to make. I will say this though.”
Unlike you, I am not “running out of steam ” I did make my points quite well Sunshine, your simple minded attempts to change the subject is verification that I did.
“You posted a link for a spellchecker because you think my spelling is bad (on account of you not actually understanding internet memes such as lolspeak. But after posting your link in triumph you had this to say.
“Get it, it really dose work.”
Now (coughs) Senior lecturer Why should I know your simple minded drivel called “lolspeak”? Is this what your career as a lecture based on lecturing on “lolspeak” and “business simulation” in a game? Everyone has to make a living I guess, and when you got to fat for the stripper pole, I guess that was the next best thing, huh?
Oh I forgot you are an Academic correct my one spelling error after how many of yours? Typical Narcissist, always finds fault with others never see their own major failures.
“The irony was beyond delicious.”
The real irony is this. In your twisted view you think you are of higher intelligence than this high school educated knuckle dragging American with only an EMT. certification. Meaning me (in case your A.D.D. mind has trouble following here) Know this, I have brought you down to my level and kicked your British butt with experience. And You are a Senior lecturer? Is this why the British lost WW2?
Oh wait I forgot it was a bunch of crude uneducated knuckle dragging Americans that pulled your silly butts out of the fire. And never mind that drivel about how we showed up late. Fact is our industrial might and our natural resources kept you people from becoming north Germany long before we sent in our military.
I leave you with a quote from Orange juice Jones ” this is my world you just a squirrel trying to get a nut”
Deb out!
Senban Babii
Jul 22nd, 2011
Hehe I can’t believe I get paid to sit here drinking coffee and reading the Herald :3
Okay, let me see.
“But you seem to think you are better than them?”
Not even a tiny little bit. You can try to turn this into me looking down on furries as much as you like, it’s nonsense. I like furries. Some of my friends are furries. I used to hang out with furries, particularly early on in 2007. I never bought into the whole judging people by their avatars thing. The fact that you hang out with people who have canine avatars is not the tiniest bit of a problem. I just find it hilarious that you’re into being screwed by animals. As you’ve progressed into denial, I’m guessing that you feel shame at your choices. Oh and the fact you’re in that group doesn’t upset me, I find it hilarious. So do the people in my office who are reading this
“Once again who really gives a damn. News flash Cumcake, you aren’t the center of the world no matter what your little mind tells you to believe.”
You brought it up and said I was lying. Not me. Butthurt about being proved wrong there? Anyway I am the centre of the universe, scientific fact
““Business simulation” I went I looked I got bored real fast, but, hello it’s a game.”
Yes, EVE is an MMORPG. Just like SL. Just like FB. It’s just that in the latter two we use (supposedly) our meatlife identities as characters. Well, SL is morphing towards that at least. Stop me if I’m going too fast for you okay?
“Why should I know your simple minded drivel called “lolspeak”?”
Erm, do you actually ever look at this internet you supposedly invented? If not can I suggest you take a few minutes each day to look at the global electronic culture that has created such dialects as lolspeak, 1337 and so on? You might find your enjoyment of the product enhanced by knowing just what people are talking about.
” In your twisted view you think you are of higher intelligence than this high school educated knuckle dragging American with only an EMT. certification.”
See, this is the sad thing. Firstly, regardless of other factors, the fact that you’re an EMT technician is something to be proud of. You serve your community and do a difficult job. It wasn’t me who brought that up remember? You’re the one who began decrying education, saying it wasn’t important, whilst making fundamental errors of English language use and stating glaring errors about history. Your point about WW2 is a whole other ballgame that I could happily spend hours tearing to shreds but this isn’t the forum for that. I will make this point though.
“Fact is our industrial might and our natural resources kept you people from becoming north Germany long before we sent in our military.”
If you want to talking about American industrial might in WW2, I suggest you research how IBM’s German branches were happily supplying the German war machine with technology with one hand whilst saying you were our BFFs with the other. And don’t get me started on isolationist policies of the thirties.
Oh and let’s put a stop to one other thing too. I like Americans, I like America. I used to live there! I dated an American! So how about you drop your “everyone hates us” nonsense and start acting like a grown up?
Right, I’m off home to fly the Babii’s Revenge and wear my monocle! Have a good weekend Dogfucker
Dread Judge
Jul 22nd, 2011
According to the Smithsonian Institution and Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI), the Wrights made the first sustained, controlled, powered heavier-than-air manned flight at Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina, four miles (8 km) south of Kitty Hawk, North Carolina on December 17, 1903.
The first flight by Orville Wright, of 120 feet (37 m) in 12 seconds, was recorded in a famous photograph. In the fourth flight of the same day, Wilbur Wright flew 852 feet (260 m) in 59 seconds. The flights were witnessed by three coastal lifesaving crewmen, a local businessman, and a boy from the village, making these the first public flights and the first well-documented ones.
u mad, bro?
Senban Babii
Jul 22nd, 2011
I’m so going to hell for this day’s work…..
This is how special you are to me! I’ve just logged into SL just for *YOU* so I could do something nice for you <3
I hope you like it <3
/me grins and swishes her tail
Jul 22nd, 2011
Coincidental time of the month ladies?
marilyn murphy
Jul 22nd, 2011
i like senban. who is that other person?
@reader:: ha ha, made me laugh.
Debi Dastardly
Jul 22nd, 2011
“Not even a tiny little bit. You can try to turn this into me looking down on furries as much as you like, it’s nonsense. ”
You are the one doing the fur hate don’t deny it cumcake.
Point scored!
“I used to hang out with furries, particularly early on in 2007. I never bought into the whole judging people by their avatars thing. The fact that you hang out with people who have canine avatars is not the tiniest bit of a problem. I just find it hilarious that you’re into being screwed by animals. As you’ve progressed into denial, I’m guessing that you feel shame at your choices. Oh and the fact you’re in that group doesn’t upset me, I find it hilarious. So do the people in my office who are reading this
*Big Yawn*
Who is in denial here sweetie? I think it’s you denying your failure to keep on point.
Once again you prove me right, you do have Autism and cant seem to get past this thing your perverted mind keeps telling you.
Who cares about the other people in your office. Nothing but a bunch of tea drinking academics. SWISH I SCORE.
“You brought it up and said I was lying. Not me. Butthurt about being proved wrong there? Anyway I am the centre of the universe, scientific fact
I so score with this one too. That you even responded to it makes my point of you being a huge Narcissist. Hate to break it to you again, you are not the center of the world.
“Yes, EVE is an MMORPG. Just like SL. Just like FB. It’s just that in the latter two we use (supposedly) our meatlife identities as characters. Well, SL is morphing towards that at least. Stop me if I’m going too fast for you okay?”
Rewinding what I say spinning it and posting it again is. showing your intelligence. Also shows me you have difficulty coming up with your own original thoughts. SWISH SCORE AGAIN
“Erm, do you actually ever look at this internet you supposedly invented? ”
I never said I invented it. I said it was invented by Americans. Long week getting to you dearie?
“I suggest you take a few minutes each day to look at the global electronic culture that has created such dialects as lolspeak, 1337 and so on?”
And the point of doing this is?
“You might find your enjoyment of the product enhanced by knowing just what people are talking about.”
Weak point, moving on.
“See, this is the sad thing. Firstly, regardless of other factors, the fact that you’re an EMT technician is something to be proud of.”
I never said I wasn’t
“You’re the one who began decrying education, saying it wasn’t important, whilst making fundamental errors of English language use and stating glaring errors about history.”
I never decried education, that is the way you perceive my saying that education is relative. The fact is I know some highly educated people. That they are intelligent there is no doubt in my mind. But when faced with some of life’s more simple problems or task, they have difficulty. Dose this make them stupid? No. But I also know a lot of self educated I will say street smart people with no degree and very little formal education. There are people who think these people are of lower intelligence. Simply because of their lack of formal education. But some of these people can run circles around these formally educated snobs. And do every day. We have the ability to live life on the surface. Because we don’t have a bunch of philosophical mumbo jumbo clouding our decisions. That being said I know people with formal educations that also have the ability to see life as it is as well. Once again pay attention Pumpkin.
“Your point about WW2 is a whole other ballgame that I could happily spend hours tearing to shreds but this isn’t the forum for that. I will make this point though.”
What I say is pretty close to the truth, that’s why you cant ague this point. There are a lot of history re writers out there. You should know that.
“If you want to talking about American industrial might in WW2, I suggest you research how IBM’s German branches were happily supplying the German war machine with technology with one hand whilst saying you were our BFFs with the other.”
This may be true, I have never heard of it. But I will find out as well.
“And don’t get me started on isolationist policies of the thirties.”
We the US would have been much better off if we had kept those isolationist policies. We need to take care of our self’s here in the US kick the UN out and never mind policing the world. I vote we let the EU do that, because you people over there are so smart and have such military might.
“Oh and let’s put a stop to one other thing too. I like Americans, I like America. I used to live there! I dated an American!”
I never said you did hate Americans, but why are you so defensive about my love for my own county and slapping down an American hater? I know not everyone hates Americans, but the ones that do are very vocal about it too. Expect me to be just as vocal giving them the slap down. Why so defensive if you really don’t lean towards American hatred? Or why even step in and get your face slapped by me? OH yeah I forgot, Narcissist cant resist trying to get some attention. Well I’m giving it to you princess, are you happy?
“So how about you drop your “everyone hates us” nonsense and start acting like a grown up?”
HaHa You really need to look into becoming a stand up comedian. I am guessing from some of the things you have posted that you out date me by a few years. Now who is it again that needs to start acting as a big girl?
“Right, I’m off home to fly the Babii’s Revenge and wear my monocle! Have a good weekend Dogfucker
Huh? I don’t get any of that, is this what you British call “Queens English” All the same you have a good weekend too, in whatever garden hovel you call home over there.
Deb out
Debi Dastardly
Jul 22nd, 2011
I’m so going to hell for this day’s work…..
This is how special you are to me! I’ve just logged into SL just for *YOU* so I could do something nice for you <3
I hope you like it <3
/me grins and swishes her tail"
Like that swishing tail up your butt there Princess?
It's a good thing you don't make a living trying to be a troll. Because you suck at it.
Hope you enjoyed your can of Dog cum. Maybe you can mix it with your tea tonight.
Yes Jolly good Lass hahaha
You Brits should never make the attempt to be funny. All you do is make the rest of us feel so sorry for you. Need I say "Monty Python" O.M.G. What slop that was.
Deb out
Dread Judge
Jul 23rd, 2011
This is the best Herald article ever.
Jul 23rd, 2011
LOL is this Obama’s theme song?
Jul 23rd, 2011
To sum up this story …..
someone unimportant
Jul 25th, 2011
Wright Bros made the first sustained etc, yadda yadda flight according to…
But all that is so far beyond and beside the original claim “Americans invented flight” that I’m not even going to mention that the first flight was made years prior and the actual invention of the aircraft centuries before that even. Again. As history books clearly show. And you can even find on the internet.
The simple truth is that Americans did NOT invent flight. Or the aircraft. I know your skull is thick and that you’re trying to save face, but you’ll do a better job at that to simply say “yeah me and Debi were wrong about the flying or computer thing”
Debi herself is pretending she never said something so ridicilous and catfighting with Senban (I wish they’d do that in a mudbath and share the pics or video of that!) and making herself look less intelligent with everything she tries to throw at Senban. You could try and do that as well, but well… there’s better options.
PS Go Senban Go!
PPS I agree on that Dread Judge, this thread is pure WIN!
Jul 25th, 2011
Yeah, “someone unimportant” is me. Just to be clear.
Dread Judge
Jul 25th, 2011
Dude, really. Still going?
It looks to me like you’ve provided plenty of examples of Europeans inventing drawings of planes, and gliders, and such, but no real proof that you all did anything worth a hill of beans.
I can dream up a jet pack, or a teleporter, or a laser guided dildo, and sketch pictures of what it will look like, and build prototypes out of chicken wire and paper mache, but unless I have some sort of understanding of the technology to make it actually effing work, I might as well be just fapping on a blog somewhere.
Seriously, what you’re saying is that we should be appreciative of all the scads of Europeans who tried to build things that would fly and failed? Take credit from the Wright Brothers and give it to the guys from the blooper reals because they thought of it first?
By “inventing flight” you mean Europeans thought “I would like to do what birds do” and by “inventing aircraft” the various crashed chassis that Europeans dropped off of cliffs and rooftops? Looks like what you invented is called, “dreaming” and “failure”, my friend, and through your insistence that Americans appreciate your failure, you’ve invented “irrelevance.”
You getting the difference here? You trotted out a too long/ didn’t read list of irrelevant crap that included kites and what-not, but it wasn’t until the Wright Brothers that someone actually executed the design well enough to make it work. The key to inventing something is that the invention actually has to work.
Gliders, balloons, kites, 15th century sketches of helicopters- who gives a sh*t?
If I were you, instead of trying to get me to admit I was wrong, (which won’t happen because I still think that birds invented flight and Americans figured out how to make it work for people), I would focus my attention on celebrating Holland’s greatest invention; the wooden shoe.
Debi Dastardly
Jul 25th, 2011
@Someone unimportant (AKA FFS)
“Wright Bros made the first sustained etc, yadda yadda flight according to…”
The Wright Brothers were the first people to ever accomplish a controlled maned flight. As I have stated before, until someone can make something useable practical and accessible, Than it dose not exist in the real world.
“But all that is so far beyond and beside the original claim “Americans invented flight” that I’m not even going to mention that the first flight was made years prior and the actual invention of the aircraft centuries before that even. Again. As history books clearly show. And you can even find on the internet.”
Yes Ive seen and read all the stories of European tower jumpers and hot air balloons. And all I can say is you failed to make a controlled maned flight. That means taking off at point A. and landing at point B. Another words not practical or accessible, you didn’t invent controlled maned flight Americans did.
“The simple truth is that Americans did NOT invent flight. Or the aircraft. I know your skull is thick and that you’re trying to save face, but you’ll do a better job at that to simply say “yeah me and Debi were wrong about the flying or computer thing””
Really you are the poster boy for drug induced people who are totally out of touch with reality. As I have stated before, American made flight practical, useable, accessible. Therefore we invented it. There are no prizes for second place. Or ideas drawings or what have you.
” Debi herself is pretending she never said something so ridicilous and catfighting with Senban (I wish they’d do that in a mudbath and share the pics or video of that!) and making herself look less intelligent with everything she tries to throw at Senban. You could try and do that as well, but well… there’s better options.”
You fail and lie. I have not backed up from what I said fool. Another part of my original claims you left out as well. Americans invented the Internet. Look it up for yourself.
Last time I checked UCLA and MIT isn’t located in Europe.
Oh yeah thank you for the sexist remarks, that really shows your intelligence
Deb out.
Jul 26th, 2011
Debi, please do read my lil history lesson. A brit flew (yes, takeoff, flight and touchdown again) 12 years prior to Wright and bro. And he did it for 312 feet as opposed to the 120 feet at Kitty hawk.
So earlier, and further.
This was fun for a bit but now I’m getting bored trying to learn you dumbasses something new. I met a l9t of Americans but geez, never this uneducated and unwilling to fix that.
Im not even sure if youre trolling or just really this thick.
Dread Judge
Jul 26th, 2011
Hargrave’s compressed air airplane is so unimpressive it didn’t even make his wikipedia article. The man was hella good with kites though, woot!
Debi Dastardly
Jul 26th, 2011
“Debi, please do read my lil history lesson. A brit flew (yes, takeoff, flight and touchdown again) 12 years prior to Wright and bro. And he did it for 312 feet as opposed to the 120 feet at Kitty hawk. ”
Your (coughs) “History” is full of fallacies.
Interesting that the rest of the world dose not credit the British as being the first in flight. Also it still wasn’t a controlled powered maned flight, simpleton. Kites and hang gliders don’t count. Point A to point B stupid. No prize for second place.
“This was fun for a bit but now I’m getting bored trying to learn you dumbasses something new. I met a l9t of Americans but geez, never this uneducated and unwilling to fix that.”
That’s because we here in the US like to keep it real and don’t live in a drug induced haze. The Americans you met must be the ones that run to Europe seeking that fine European brainwashing, they refer to as education over there.
Another thing, I noticed you come up with all these ancient dreamers as your (coughs) inventor of said items. How about the internet huh? Or was their some British idiot claiming to have done that first by banging two rocks together? Oh wait he must have drew pictures of it. No no lets see, I’ll bet one said the steam from his Tea pot was the internet! Really this is just how ridiculous you sound.
Here is you, (we Europeans invented everything with rocks and sticks Americans only made it better) See how stupid you make yourself look?
“Im not even sure if youre trolling or just really this thick.”
Now there is something you can lay claim to. I will make sure you get credit for being the thickest person on the web so far. Truly this must be an original European trait.
Jul 27th, 2011
Lemme guess. You guys think you won the vietnam war too? Thanks for clearing that up for me I dont think you’re trolling anymore. Just idiots.
Jul 27th, 2011
Ironic part is that Debi originally set out to make Americans look *better*.
Orca Flotta
Jul 27th, 2011
As an uninvolved reader of this thread I must say it really doesn’t matter anymore who invented what (not as long as nobody gives a clear definition of “invention” first) but I noticed too that this Debi person is indeed argumenting from the thick side and proves her intellectual unpreparedness in every posting anew. She can’t read and write very well, neither does she comprehend what others write … so everybody doing better than her must be brainwashed??? Puh-leaze!
What she presents here is just tiring, obnoxious, bullyish, primitive, trolling. In that aspect she’s a perfect mirror of her pathetic country.
Orca Flotta
Jul 27th, 2011
BTW, as far as I know there were indeed some successful flights before the Wright bros, only that those early pioneers didn’t have a camera to set it in scene as perfectly as the Wrights.
Another thing: Birds CANNOT have invented flight. It comes natural for them as walking does for humans. And they are fucken animals! Animals don’t have the intellectual capacity to invent shit!
Orca Flotta
Jul 27th, 2011
Ooooh, and another remark about “american bashing” and “american hatred”.
Let me give you an analogy:
Imagine you have a friend, a nice and pretty girl. She does indeed great in many aspects and you often enjoy her company and the uplifting energy she oozes.
But otoh she’s also very vain, a diva if there ever was one. And now she’s slowly becoming a bit older, first wrinkles showing around her eyes and the nose, her mouth doesn’t show that perfect smile anymore and her tits are sagging. Her once beautiful singing voice became a bit brittle and her acting carreer is overshadowed by countless little scandals. Her breath stinks of cheap whiskey and she takes a lot of pills to be able to performn her daily tasks.
Still she insists being the most beautiful and talented woman ever … and in case of you pointing out her flaws she accuses you of hating her. You still love her because she’s 87% nice. Next time she throws one of her temper tantrums you still like her but her nice aspect went down to 75% … and so on and so on.
Debi Dastardly
Jul 27th, 2011
@Orca Flotta
“As an uninvolved reader of this thread I must say it really doesn’t matter anymore who invented what (not as long as nobody gives a clear definition of “invention” first) but I noticed too that this Debi person is indeed argumenting from the thick side and proves her intellectual unpreparedness in every posting anew. She can’t read and write very well, neither does she comprehend what others write … so everybody doing better than her must be brainwashed??? Puh-leaze!
What she presents here is just tiring, obnoxious, bullyish, primitive, trolling. In that aspect she’s a perfect mirror of her pathetic country.”
And I’m the one that sounds ignorant? Really why don’t you learn how to spell first. Than read some little one, learn what you are even talking about than come again. And last time I checked we are still at the top of the food chain idiot!
“Ironic part is that Debi originally set out to make Americans look *better*.
Really? My intention was not to make anything or anyone look better. My goal, which I have accomplished quite well, was to slap down you American haters.
It really dose not matter though because you American hating Europeans fail at every step. You all wish you were still world powers and hate the very nation that preserved your pathetic existence twice in the last century.
Debi Dastardly
Jul 27th, 2011
@ Orca
“Ooooh, and another remark about “american bashing” and “american hatred”.
Let me give you an analogy:
Imagine you have a friend, a nice and pretty girl. She does indeed great in many aspects and you often enjoy her company and the uplifting energy she oozes.
But otoh she’s also very vain, a diva if there ever was one. And now she’s slowly becoming a bit older, first wrinkles showing around her eyes and the nose, her mouth doesn’t show that perfect smile anymore and her tits are sagging. Her once beautiful singing voice became a bit brittle and her acting carreer is overshadowed by countless little scandals. Her breath stinks of cheap whiskey and she takes a lot of pills to be able to performn her daily tasks.
Still she insists being the most beautiful and talented woman ever … and in case of you pointing out her flaws she accuses you of hating her. You still love her because she’s 87% nice. Next time she throws one of her temper tantrums you still like her but her nice aspect went down to 75% … and so on and so on.”
Really let me give you one. You know some really nice people sometimes they are fun to be with. But every time you go out they are always broke. So you always have to pick up the check. Than they get to drunk start a fight and you always have to fight their battles because they don’t have the ability to fight the fights they start. Than they talk about you like you are shit and stab you in the back at every turn. That is the way you Europeans come off when you do this American hatred.
So next time pick up your own damn check and fight your own battles. We are to busy being the world power we are, and you are not. To be bothered with you anymore.
Anything else there little one? Step in again and get your face slapped. I got time.
Debi Dastardly
Jul 27th, 2011
@ Orca Floaty
“BTW, as far as I know there were indeed some successful flights before the Wright bros, only that those early pioneers didn’t have a camera to set it in scene as perfectly as the Wrights.”
Really? That again huh? One more time if it wasn’t assessable and practical than whoever these mythical people are did NOT invent controlled maned flight.
I know how much you must hate that!
I suppose next you will tell me that it was a European that did the first Atlantic crossing by airplane as well. Or was it a European that stepped foot on the Moon?
One more thing, we will never adopt your socialist Marxist ways here in the US. Is that really why you hate Americans so much? And yes I am a gun owner
Keep those cards and letters coming kiddies.
Orca Flotta
Jul 27th, 2011
Debi, you just proved me right! You are indeed obnoxious and thick and try to “gain points”, as if this is some competition of sorts.
OK, let me try to answer all your accusations piece by piece:
- Learn how to spell?
You can count yourself lucky I’m trying to converse with you in English and not some other language.
- Top of the food chain?
Aha, slowly you expose yourself. But please if you wanna play taht game I’m sorry I have to inform you that you’re not in the top position anymore. You should read some economic magaziens and stuff and compare your propaganda with reality.
- Slap down american haters?
Now you lost it completely it seems. Here are no american haters, aned if there were any, you failed dramatically in your approach to slap them down. Just blaring out some macho oneliners doesn’t make a good argument.
- Failing europeans?
Well, yes, if we would think like americans we’d be failures. But fortunately we’re not. Nobody in europe is tring to be a world power anymore.
- Preserved our existence twice in the last century?
in WW1 the american engagement just made the senseless war going on a while longer, nothing gained.
In WW2 you only engaged in the european front after it was clear since quiet a while that Hitler was done. In fact US engagement was against Russia more than against Germany. Invasion in the normandy is by now well-defined as the first step of the cold war.
- Pick up our own checks?
May I remind you that no european country is involved in any war, other than american sanctioned. We usually don’t start fights and we have no checks to pick up.
- Americans on the moon?
Yes, you were there first and last, while other countries didn’t even try to achieve a stupid stunt such as that. And Lindbergh was the first who crossed the atlantic by plane. Did anyone here claim anything different? But manned flight is a bit mushy, there were lots of ppl busy working on it around the early 1900s, all over the world, and most with very similar concepts. But ok, let’s give it to the Wrights, I don’t even know how such a stupid topic came up here in the first place.
- Socialist Marxist ways?
To my knowledge there is currently not a single european country with a socialist gov’ment. I’m a socialist, but why should I hate anyone for being not? And as long as most americans don’t know the difference betweeen socialists and marxists why should I bother discussing the pros and cons with some hick like you?
- Gun owner?
No, I don’t hate you for owning a gun. I pity you and find you even more unsympathetic but never would I waste such strong feelings such as hate on an insignificant person like you.
Discussion is over!
Dread Judge
Jul 27th, 2011
You also haven’t explained why the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI) gave the Wright Brothers credit for the first powered flight if all those awesome European kites were kicking gravity’s ass.
I do like your strategy of picking on Debi instead of answering actual questions. It’s exactly the kind of thing I would expect from the sort of greasy Eurotrash we see in the US. Rape a hotel maid? Sure! Defense- Blame the maid!
You don’t want to go into military history, I’d love to discuss the wonders of your Battle of Lowestoft, or what the hell your country was doing starting colonies and killing hundreds of thousands of natives in places like Java, Indonesia and Africa. Spreading dutch excellence around the globe? The world needs more wooden shoes and kiddie porn?
No, I’m under no illusions about Vietnam. Vietnam didn’t go so well for us. It was part of that whole “Containment” of communism thing we were trying. Also as part of that policy we gave your nation billions in aid to help rebuild in order to make an alliance with western capitalism more appealing than an alliance with Stalin, since we know you’re too stupid to think on your own.
Debi Dastardly
Jul 27th, 2011
@Orca Floaty
“Debi, you just proved me right! You are indeed obnoxious and thick and try to “gain points”, as if this is some competition of sorts.”
And so why do you step in at all? Are all of you Europeans Narcissist?
“- Learn how to spell?
You can count yourself lucky I’m trying to converse with you in English and not some other language.”
Am I supposed to be impressed that you are bilingual?
“- Top of the food chain?
Aha, slowly you expose yourself. But please if you wanna play taht game I’m sorry I have to inform you that you’re not in the top position anymore. You should read some economic magaziens and stuff and compare your propaganda with reality.”
We are still and will be in the future get used to it. I know full well of current events. Hey EU don’t look now but Greece is failing and others are soon behind them.
I guess those evil knuckle dragging Americans will have to bail you out again huh?
“- Slap down american haters?
Now you lost it completely it seems. Here are no american haters, aned if there were any, you failed dramatically in your approach to slap them down. Just blaring out some macho oneliners doesn’t make a good argument.”
So you say, but you are an American hater. Otherwise why even bother? SWISH I slammed that one in !
“- Failing europeans?
Well, yes, if we would think like americans we’d be failures. But fortunately we’re not. Nobody in europe is tring to be a world power anymore.”
Than why the hatred for the US?
“- Preserved our existence twice in the last century?
in WW1 the american engagement just made the senseless war going on a while longer, nothing gained.”
You need to know this or learn it. We did not want to be there in the first place. It was not our war you see. But after pressure from our (coughs) European allies we entered your stupid war. And Germany finally gave up. So nothing gained? I don’t think so.
“In WW2 you only engaged in the european front after it was clear since quiet a while that Hitler was done. In fact US engagement was against Russia more than against Germany. Invasion in the normandy is by now well-defined as the first step of the cold war.”
Really now? What about North Africa? And lets talk about the pacific wile we are at it. How is it that British subjects were being slaughtered by the dozens by the Japanese in the Pacific until we evil Americans entered the war?
“In fact US engagement was against Russia more than against Germany. Invasion in the normandy is by now well-defined as the first step of the cold war”
Against the Russians really? Sweetie you really need to read some books.
We were allied with the Soviet Union at the time against Hitler and Germany. We were also allied with the UK and France. The cold war really didn’t begin until after the war was over. When the Soviets divided Germany against the wishes of the free world at the time. The same people that helped them defeat the Nazis as well. Live in a drug induced haze much?
“- Pick up our own checks?
May I remind you that no european country is involved in any war, other than american sanctioned. We usually don’t start fights and we have no checks to pick up.”
Two of the worst wars in history started by Europeans World war one, and World war two.
And as far as picking up the check. Remember the Berlin Blockade?
This was a joint effort but we were very instrumental in saving countless Germans at the time.
“- Americans on the moon?
Yes, you were there first and last, while other countries didn’t even try to achieve a stupid stunt such as that.”
Jealous much?
“And Lindbergh was the first who crossed the atlantic by plane. Did anyone here claim anything different?”
Not yet I was waiting for someone to. Since Europeans think they did everything first I had to throw it out there.
“But manned flight is a bit mushy, there were lots of ppl busy working on it around the early 1900s, all over the world, and most with very similar concepts. But ok, let’s give it to the Wrights, I don’t even know how such a stupid topic came up here in the first place. ”
This is why it is good to know what the original discussion was about in the first place. And not jump to conclusions about what my responses are about.
“- Socialist Marxist ways?
To my knowledge there is currently not a single european country with a socialist gov’ment.”
Not from where we sit. Also Socialized health care ring any bells for you? It really should.
“I’m a socialist, but why should I hate anyone for being not?”
Excuse me than, my past experiences with socialist make me think otherwise. But maybe you are different, I don’t really know you.
“And as long as most americans don’t know the difference betweeen socialists and marxists why should I bother discussing the pros and cons with some hick like you?”
You see this statement “some hick like you?” This is why socialism and communism has always failed. You claim to be for the working man/woman you claim we are all equal. But, the people imposing the socialist IE communist doctrine are elitist. The only people who claim socialism isn’t a Marxist doctrine are themselves either deceived or deceivers.
The fact that I didn’t mention communism in my original post about this proves that you know as well as I do it is the same. And I quote myself “One more thing, we will never adopt your socialist Marxist ways here in the US.” This just proves my point. Also the real reason you don’t want to bother trying to explain the (coughs) differences. There are no differences at all Socialism is communism repackaged.
“- Gun owner?
No, I don’t hate you for owning a gun. I pity you and find you even more unsympathetic but never would I waste such strong feelings such as hate on an insignificant person like you.”
Now this is telling, so because I own a gun I am, and I quote you. “I pity you and find you even more unsympathetic” How do you know why I own a gun even? I may simply own one for sport shooting. How dose this as you say make me even more ” unsympathetic”?
Look I will just tell you why I own one and am licensed to carry concealed. I am a single woman living in the rape capitol of the US we are number three in violent murder. Yes I own this little friend as I call it, so I can blow some piece of shits head off if they try to rape or murder me! If that makes me a bad person, than whoever could think that way has a true mental disorder. I am thankful that we have a constitution in this country that allows me this right.
“but never would I waste such strong feelings such as hate on an insignificant person like you.
Discussion is over!”
So “insignificant ” you bothered to even post huh?
Now the discussion in truly over Dorca
Deb out!
Debi Dastardly
Jul 27th, 2011
@ Dread Judge
High Five !