Archive by Author
Dark Life 2 Arrives

Monsters and killers level up in SL Heartun Breaker, Monster Killing Correspondent Dark Life 2 is finally here, sort of. The much anticipated upgrade to Second Life’s longest running adventure role playing game is up and running in Istaria Prime while the game’s home sim, Navora, is being renovated to bring in new monsters and [...]
Full StoryHow Will SL Look in 5 Years?
By Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs Desk Pompo Bombacci pointed out this You Tube video of what appears to be a preview of a new Second Life client. Studying the video carefully, it is clear this is what we can expect the Second Life experience to be in the future. Yes, the future looks bright – [...]
Full StoryThe L$100,000 Scripting Lesson

Slot machine machine maker enrolled in school of hard knocks by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Bob Perry got a metaverse schooling in secure scripting The notecards and complaints arrived together in the Herald offices early one Sunday. An angry Bob Perry claimed that sly old Frosty Fox must have used an exploit in the [...]
Full StoryPost 6 Neko – Jorus Xi

[Our post 6 Neko series continue with a lithe and lively tom cat of a kitty - Jorus Xi. As always, the best avatar portraits in the metaverse come to us courtesy of Marilyn Murphy - photographer, visionary, and publisher of Players, SL’s in-world erotica magazine. Enjoy! -- the Editrix] A lot of people, mainly [...]
Full StoryVariations “Fashion Show”

by Tenshi Vielle, Fabulous Fashionista [UPDATE from Tenshi: Mistake on my end. Damn. If you can, please update my article to say not the Second Citizen show (whoopsssssssssss) but the "Variations Fashion Show" at the Second Convention Pavillion. Also, in case people want to know, the names of the designers and those involved:Clothing Designs by [...]
Full StoryFriend WaldOh Kidnapped!!!

Desperate residents scramble to find ransom money and “black liquorice jelly beans” by Yo Brewster, concerned citizen Last Saturday, Friends Fighting Cancer organized a Relay For Life Date Auction which was an amazing success (L$217,316). Unfortunately this amazing event was overshadowed by a dramatic event. At the end of the RFL Date Auction, it was [...]
Full StoryThe Business Case for Second Life

A new use for SL, and wow is it cheesy by Curious Rousselot, metaverse technology reporter We all know that the government and corporate worlds are jumping into Second Life but what are they doing with here? Sure they buy up corporate island and put up builds. Usually they have an event once in a [...]
Full StorySpeed-Paving the Metaverse

Rez a residential layout in six seconds – less than 1000 prims span the entire island sim by Tenshi Vielle, metaverse technology reporter Billie Scaggs has been in seclusion for the past two weeks while online, developing his mega-rez system that will, eventually, simplify the problems landowners experience in quickly dividing and building out suburban-style [...]
Full StoryReporters Lag Lounge, Ponder Playboy Philosophy

SL sex palaces seem safe for now by Jessica Holyoke On June 12, the Playboy island opened on Second Life. When the Herald first reported Playboy’s anticipated move to SL, the majority of responses asked what possible place the indigenous SL Sex Palaces would have with actual professionals coming in. I was one of the [...]
Full StoryThe Justice League of Second Life

Bad boyz ignore the Lindens – but stand down for Batman by peppermint fizz A little over a year ago, a couple of fans of superheroes started a group as a comic book interest group. In the time since, the group has developed into an actual security force in Second Life. The thing that makes [...]
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