Archive by Author
A Chance to Do Some Good

by peppermint fizz Second Life Herald Readers looking to take a break from reading about broadly offensive behavior might want to look into pursuing some charity work in Second Life this weekend. Want to raise a little money to fight Muscular Dystrophy and get some art at the same time? Head over to Artisan Galleria [...]
Full StoryPost 6 Grrrrl – Firiel McGann

[Courtesy of Marilyn Murphy - photographer, visionary, and publisher of Players, SL’s in-world erotica magazine is a special pet - Firiel McGann -- this week's Post 6 Grrrl. Firiel has deep blue eyes and super cute kitty ears - I'm sure our readers will find her like catnip - an intoxicating and irresistible neko. -- [...]
Full StoryMetaverse Hobo Camp in Welcome Area

“We’re here, we don’t pay tier — get used to it!” by Heartun Breaker, Senior Deadbeat Reporter Hobo camp in the Violet welcome area The normally tidy little Welcome Area of Violet erupted into a tent city full of hobo’s Thursday night. The bean eaters were protesting the recent Linden Lab decision to hijack the [...]
Full StoryGet A Life – Advice for Betty the Alt

by Heartun Breaker – syndicated advice columnist HEY HEARTUN ~ This question isn’t really for me; rather its for all those young men who think its cool to cross dress and look for lesbians. I’m a lesbian (online only) and am often recreating at the Isle of Lesbos. The other night this female avatar called [...]
Full StoryInterview With Precursor Pooraka
If you are going to a region marked “BDSM Bondage” you don’t expect the Disney store by humdog humdog: Hi — i’m here today with Precursor Pooraka, one of the forces against the abolishment of BDSM protest….hi Precursor, how are you today?Precursor Pooraka: I’m very well thank you humdog, thank you for seeing me humdog: [...]
Full StoryLinden Lab’s Job Fair in Boston – With Open Bar?
An LL wanna-be attends real life job fair – and is not impressed by JayR Cela In the 21 months that I have been a citizen of Second Life, much has changed. SL is no longer a just a RPG hang out. Real life is encroaching, and the best we can do it roll with [...]
Full StoryRobin Linden’s Broadly Offensive Behavior Office Hour
Residents question Robin Linden on “deliberately left vague” policy statement by Myrrh Massiel Since Linden Lab’s recent crackdown on ageplay expanded to include additional forms of broadly offensive behavior, several thousand residents have gathered under the banner of United Protest to seek a reversal of Linden Lab’s new policies of intolerance. Yesterday, leaders from various [...]
Full StoryFrench Watchdogs Yap at Linden Lab

More reasons for “Keeping Second Life Safe, Together”? by Onder Skall GamePolitics reported today that the parent-teacher group Familles de France (FdF), in yet another effort to avoid raising their own children, is suing Linden Lab for allowing access to pornographic material to minors. They were recently shocked to discover that the Internet has porn [...]
Full StoryMy Transformation

True story of how hermaphrodite hyena turns humans into furres via intercourse![An exclusive first hand account of how human avatars are turned into furries. Names have been changed to protect the yiffilicious from the officious. If you are (i) at work or (ii) under 18 or (iii) easily offended by things like yiffing STOP READING [...]
Full StoryHere We Come, caLLiefornia!

Top 100 MAXIM Girl opens new sim by Tenshi Vielle, Fabulous Fashionista Yesterday afternoon I had a very special opportunity to explore caLLiefornia and Dulce Del Mare pre-opening and get an inside look at the new sim that so many are excited about. Modern lines add a youthful appearance to Second Life in Kiana Dulce’s [...]
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