Archive by Author
Second Life Female Boxers Outnumber Men 2:1

SLB Crowns New Champions and Other Things You Didn’t Know by Jimbo Quality, Military Travel Desk Deputy Officer Punching through the lag Saturday night I was just about to plant my ass in a nice camping chair over at Parrothead Gamers (ParrotHead Cove 128, 128, 27) when someone IM’d me and asked if any of [...]
Full StorySL 4th Birthday Celebration – Nobody Does It Better!

Philip Linden locked out, Pools Closed, and other marketing best practices by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Video Linden shouts: Philip can’t get back inMorgaine Dinova shouts: Look at it from the point of view of all the people trying to join the party but stuck outside: the griefing is the only party enjoyment they [...]
Full StoryDevelopers Rule, OK?
by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Apparently standard-issue residents of Second Life are so glutting the market that it is not important for the Lab to consult with them on fundamental changes to the game metaverse monetizing platform. As far as we can tell, even concierge-level land owners – those with a sim or more [...]
Full StoryBaroness Worries Metaverse May Interfere With Sex

Telephones and television not currently a threat by Onder Skall, Mainstream Media Desk The Telegraph alerts us to dangers of excess sexiness in Second Life. Baroness Susan Greenfield (her real name), director of the Royal Institution, thinks that Second Life could replace dating in the real world. “Could it be that in the future they [...]
Full StoryAmie & Carolynn Flanagan – Post 6 Grrrrls

[this week, Marilyn Murphy has a real find - Amie & Carolynn Flanagan who are RL twins! Marilyn is, of course, the photographer and visionary behind Players, SL's super in-world erotica magazine. This week I expect our readers will be seeing double - but nobody is complaining. Enjoy! -- the Editrix] by Herald Staff Writers [...]
Full StorySinister Dagger – New Administrator of Tyros

How does an assassin end up in charge of an established city basically overnight? by Humdog, Gorean Affairs desk Sinister Dagger – black caste assassin Humdog: hi — i’m talking today with Sinister Dagger, a black caste assassin, member of the Black Hand, and the new Administrator of Tyros. Welcome Excellency, and thank You for [...]
Full StoryInnovative… Beautiful… Timeless… Ripoffs?

by Tenshi Vielle, Fabulous Fashionista Elexor Matador Jewelry has made some serious L$s lately, what with all the fan press they’re getting. Problem is, they may be ripping off Cartier and various other high-end, real-world designers. Just how much money is involved? Elexor made 25 of the faux-Cartier pieces, and is selling them for L$10k [...]
Full StoryForbes Starts Hating on Second Life
American Apparel disappointed in SL, Starwood Hotels’ Aloft sim to be sold by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs Desk Allison Fass reports that the metaverse can be a “can be a weird, chancy place for real-life brands” in a story for the July 2 issue of Forbes, and notes that avatars enjoy having sex and playing [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Seven Days in Second Life

by Inigo Chamerberlin It’s not just me, is it? I mean, being a whinger or whatever is one thing. But noticing the current state of affairs at Linden Lab is another. And unavoidable lately. Just this last week is absolutely mind boggling. Last Sunday I got an Email telling me I had no payment information [...]
Full StorySecond Convention Saturday Fashion Show

by Tenshi Vielle, Fabulous Fashionista Despite my mistake the other day, I attended the Second Convention fashion show on Saturday, and “WOW”, what a knockout. I’m not ashamed to admit it – I’m hooked on fashion shows, and this was the show I was hoping for. Nineteen designers showed as scheduled, on the usualy three-stage [...]
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