Archive by Author
Op/Ed: Holiday Drama – As Usual?

by Inigo Chamerberlin As if it’s not bad enough that LL has to keep ‘updating’ or ‘maintaining’ SL on Wednesdays, thus guaranteeing that the consequent chaos continues over the weekend – because LL insists on running San Francisco office hours only, with apparently no cover outside those hours except a couple of unfortunate Grid Monkeys [...]
Full StorySimulating A Gambling Crackdown
by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Thursday Robin Linden stimulated metaverse simulated casino owners to come up with an acceptable euphemism for simulated gambling today with the announcement that the Lab will no longer “accept any classified ads, place listings, or event listings that appear to relate to simulated casino activity”. A few Second Life [...]
Full StoryFBI Investigates Metaverse Casinos

G-men to consider punishing players? by Onder Skall Reuters reports that the FBI have been snooping around Second Life’s casinos and debating what laws are being broken here. After all, playing unregulated Poker for money is illegal – which of course means that those of you who’ve been playing Poker all this time have been [...]
Full StoryHave Cock, Will Travel!

Dangerous dating in Second Life by Mariner Trilling, man of many parts When I first came to Second Life, the idea of a virtual relationship never even occurred to me. SL was a strange landscape of bizarre places to explore where I could be anything or anyone I wanted. But then after a week something [...]
Full StoryPost Sixx Pageant

calling all hott woodnymphs, drow, goreans, guys, girls, furries, and robots By popular demand, Marilyn Murphy is bringing Post Sixx competition to the masses. Marilyn has teamed up with the SL Herald and Shadow Sinners at Fox Cavern to create a weekly Post Sixx Pageant. Last week’s Post 6 Grrrl – Tavasha Martynov was the [...]
Full StoryAspire! and L’Oreal – Face of L’Oreal Paris Glamour 2007 Pageant

Fabulous photos of 14 contestants! by Tenshi Vielle, Fabulous Fashionista Following in the footsteps of much controversy, the Face of L’Oreal Paris Glamour 2007 pageant went off saturday with much less than a hitch – although it started half an hour late at 12:30pm SLT and ended a full *two hours* late at 4pm SLT. [...]
Full StoryAlien Invasion Imminent!

by Onder Skall Rumors about alien invasions have been rolling around for decades, but recently I was able to make actual contact with beings from another world and confirm the truth: we’re all doomed! The denizens of Discordia’s sky platforms have always been considered eccentric, but harmless, hard-working folk. While many have been considered “mad [...]
Full StoryObama Puppet In Teh Metaverse

audio drop outs, no Q&A from SL, and Barak’s B-cup by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk By now I should know better – but there is always the chance there will be an interesting and effective real life political event held in Second Life – someday. That day was not Saturday. John Edwards supporter – [...]
Full StoryPixeleen Mistral Liquidates SL Holdings

Former Editrix moving to Croquet By Eloise Pasteurized MarkTwain White and Pixeleen Mistral both heading in new directions In the wake of her retirement from the Herald, Pixeleen Mistral has sold her SL holdings – consisting primarily of two mainland sims – to MarkTwain White. Mr. White announced that effective immediately all pirates are banned [...]
Full StoryPR Stunts Japanese Style

Netage Purchases 150 Million Linden Dollars by Onder Skall Netage Capital Partners has joined forces with Meltingdots to create a bridge between Japanese business and the virtual world. Most companies just build an island. These guys, though… they don’t mess around. Promised services to the Japanese business community include an OEM registration page and a [...]
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