Archive by Author
QQ – The Skyrocketing Virtual Currency

by Onder Skall QQ finally made headlines in the Wall Street Journal. Largely ignored here in the west, the hottest virtual currency in China is the QQ. Created by Tencent Holdings Ltd, “QQ Coins” were originally invented as a means for trading virtual items in online worlds and through their popular instant messaging program. For [...]
Full StoryCopybot Infestation in Amella

Lindens suggest filing bot abuse reports one at a time – for hundreds of bots by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk When I swung by the Herald offices this evening, the red “hot tip” light was blinking, and two photographs of what appear to be avatar-copying copybots in action were in the inbox – along [...]
Full StoryWAR!

Alliance Navy and Merczateers too busy fighting each other to fight griefers by Curious Rousselot, war correspondent [UPDATE: the lost Alliance Navy pictures have been recovered from the combat-damaged laptop and added to this story. note - underscoring the dangers in covering virtual warfare, Ms. Rousselot's laptop was damaged while covering this story - we [...]
Full StoryLL Mysteries Revealed By Accidental God Mode

Lab can’t afford a legitimate site certificate for internal web server? by Inigo Chamerberlin [As reported earlier, Herald correspondent Inigo Chamerberlin was mysteriously granted game god-mode powers temporarily this Easter. Before his powers evaporated, he was able to file this report from the heavens - and take a number of screen shots - included here [...]
Full StoryAccidental God Mode – An Easter Surprise

What would Jesus do? by Inigo Chamerberlin, temporary metaverse deity Ok, so, it’s Easter Sunday, and because Spring has finally arrived on my island I’m fiddling with terrain textures, new plantings, animal and insect life, all the minutiae that go into running an attempt at a natural sim. I was also trying to track down [...]
Full StoryCasino Owners Unimpressed With Linden Crackdown

by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk While Azno Simons seems particularly eager to comply with the Linden lab staffers attempt to clean up at least the gambling aspect of Second Life – other metaverse casino owners have a different perspective. Mr. Simons may be a unique case, since he more interested in advertising his web-based [...]
Full StoryInterview with PalmVegas Honcho Azno Simons

Sim owner uses off-limits casino to promote web gambling site -lures noobies with innovative automated SL cybersex classroom by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Azno Simons on duty keeping US Citizens out of the PalmVegas Casino Hoping to explore the motivations for an SL casino owner who sent out high profile press releases to media [...]
Full StoryOrange County Choppers Builds Intel A Bike

by Onder Skall — courtesy of Second Life Games What does Intel need a bike for? Alright, I get it – it’s an illustration of the “raw power” of their new quad-core processing… whatevers. If they’re really interested in bringing this message of hardcore super-powerful computing awesomeness, though, why in the world would they want [...]
Full StoryManoa ARG Launches In Second Life

by Onder Skall — courtesy of Second Life Games Following up on a tip left by Second Life Games reader Spysect (aka Eddie Hagoromo) a new Alternate Reality Game has been discovered here in Second Life. The website Discover Manoa! details a failed colonization attempt and a mysterious disaster. From the website: The board has [...]
Full StoryUma Troell – Post 6 Grrrl

[Editrix’s note: Uma Troell’s hard work has paid off in a big way - as my super friend Marilyn Murphy - the visionary, photographer, and publisher of Players - SL’s in-world erotica magazine - will tell you. After we put the evening edition of the Herald to bed, the entire Herald staff is heading over [...]
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