Archive for 'Virtual Products, Services and Reviews'
Fashion Show Review: PrimAdonna
by Chipsen Queso Rarely does the debut of a modeling agency also mean the debut of clothing line. Last night’s fashion show of the PrimAdonna line by the creators of E by Estrelle and MZ Design was just that. Not only did a reported 7 outfits make their debut, but the Cloud Nine Models had [...]
Full StoryFashion Show: Jaded Visions
by Chipsen Queso This evening, I attended the Jaded Visions fashion show at the new DoveVogue runway studio. My first surprise was that I wasn’t banned from the land. After how much Palomma and I squabbled, I suppose I figured I would be. I also expected that Tipsico would be packed: once again, I was [...]
Full StoryFashion Show Review: Liz and Co.
by Matthias Zander After a bit of a break, the Herald’s fashion show reviews are back in action, starting with today’s fashion show by the SABORLATINO models of the designs by Lizzie Daguerre. Lizzie’s designs are, overall, absolutely gorgeous and simple, yet very detailed. The flowers for this wedding show were provided by Fallingwater Cellardoor [...]
Full StorySomeone’s Been Reading the Herald
Now you too can rake the muck! ValuSoft, publishers of such classic games as Tempest Tetris, Fire Tetris, and Stratosphere Tetris (and you thought Tringo was fun), is bringing out the first title from Black Lantern Studios, a game called Tabloid Tycoon, that lets you “report rumors . . . or create them!” as the [...]
Full StoryFashion Show Review – Heart’s Desire (DoveVogue)
by Chipsen Queso My final fashion show of this four day fashion streak brings me to today’s fashion show at DoveVogue for Heart’s Desire, one of SecondLife’s most revered shoe makers. They are made by Heart Wishbringer and Joe Stravinsky. Dove Vogue, I guess, seemed like a logical choice for them because of Dove’s reputation [...]
Full StoryFashion Show Review – Escade Athel (Percision)
by Chipsen Queso Well, here it is: yet another fashion show by me! Because of Matthias’ connection to the designer featured in this show, he asked me to review this one, as well. Why does it always seem that I get the bad assignments? *le sigh* Oh well. Escade Athel by Mex Thorn is one [...]
Full StoryFashion Show Review: Canimal (SABORLATINO)
by Chipsen Queso So, following in tradition with the Herald’s fashion show reviews, I went to the SABORLATINO fashion show this past Friday that featured the designs of Canimal Zephyr. Honestly, I think the picture above says it all. Since he is a member of their agency, Matthias asked me to review this show for [...]
Full StoryLaunching the SLInformation Revolution
by Walker Spaight Squagmire Stravinsky at the controls of the InfoNet R4 The information revolution comes to SL this evening when The Learning Center’s own Squagmire Stravinsky unveils her newest creation, the InfoNet R4 information network, in its new and more powerful laptop edition. Squag’s launch party starts at 9pm game-time (see Find for details). [...]
Full StoryDoveVogue Drama?
by Chipsen Queso Those who follow the fashion scene in SecondLife undoubtably know about the DoveVogue Runway Studios owned and operated by Palomma Casanova in Davvi. Over the past year, they have become a strong and leading force in the arena of fashion shows and an icon of the fashion industry in their own respect. [...]
Full StoryPushers Hit SL’s Streets as Diablo Cartel Declares Business First
by Gina Fatale Castiglione Ramona and Bebop Voxx of the Diablo Cartel Castiglione Ramona, Diablo Cartel big boss, had grown tired of seeing the proliferation of mom-and-pop mafias in SL, and requested a sit-down with the Herald to set the record straight on recent rumors of his griefing – and to boast about his brand [...]
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