Archive for 'Media'
Second Life Twitter War Goes Beyond Nasty

LabRatuOut accuses Linden Lab staff of Stroker Serpentine smear campaign The long running war of words between Jumpman Lane and Stroker Serpentine took a bizarre turn over the last two days after a newly minted Twitter account named LabRatuOut first tweeted a series of warnings to Mr. Lane asking that he apologize to Serpentine by [...]
Full StoryPat the Rat rats Herald 8th Birthday

Social event of the new millenium (so far) Ponies and Pink Hands get funky at Herald birthday. Fabulous readers, what can I say except that this was the social event to end all social events on Second Life. Pixelboys, blingtards, /b/tards, and ponies mingled with robots, giant vore crazy dragons and cute little teddy bears [...]
Full StoryJumpman Lane – The “Kang” of Second Life

Last week, well-known virtual world entrepreneur Stroker Serpentine threw in the towel on Second Life after a long running series of feuds with Linden Lab and the notorious Jumpman Lane. Mr. Serpentine announced his departure in a series of tweets that caused alarm among his friends at the news that he was apparently exiting the [...]
Full StoryNext Up for Linden Lab: 2D Text Games for iPads?
At AOL’s DailyFinance site, Dawn Kawamoto reports that Linden Lab is working on a 2D game platform that seems almost completely unrelated to Second Life as we know it – except for a crowd-sourced approach to content creation. Citing sources familiar with the plans, Kawamoto tells us the new gaming platform (which some inside Linden [...]
Full StorySLCC 2011 Drama!!! Avatar Identity: Privacy and Transparency in Social Media

Mysterious threats leads to last minute SLCC program revision – a pattern of harassment? The first indication I would be playing another round of Second Life as a real life alternative reality game came a few hours before the SLCC 2011 panel discussion on Avatar Identity: Privacy and Transparency in Social Media. I was eating lunch, [...]
Full StoryThe Artemis Fate Interview: Justice League is Unnecessary and Overzealous

Longtime SL resident asks Linden Lab for statement on anti-griefer groups’ limits by Robble Rubble [In Robble Rubble's exclusive interview with Artemis Fate, Ms. Fate - a respected class-of-2003 resident - points out that the Justice League Unlimited and similar anti-griefer vigilante groups are superfluous and attract exactly the sort of behaviors they claim to [...]
Full StoryInterview With Green Lantern Excelsior of the JLU

Green Lantern Excelsior in the Bronyville sim before Bronyville was deleted (file photo) This evening I chatted with JLU spokesman Green Lantern Excelsior hoping to discover why Kalel Venkman has been unwilling to discuss the JLU’s Brainiac wiki leak situation in anything other than heavily moderated forums. While Green Lantern could only speculate on Kalel’s [...]
Full StoryPaleFire’s Open Letter to Kalel Venkman
Have griefers turned the JLU into a paranoid collective? When I approached Peter Ludlow at the Society of Cinema and Media Studies in May 2010, I never would have guessed that my research would cause so much concern among anti-griefing organizations, and by that, I mean specifically Kalel Venkman. Here’s why I am writing this [...]
Full StoryRandy Filmmaker Reveals Cyber-secrets!

Sunday screening of “My Avatar and Me” proves arrow button key to Second Life bliss!!! Actor/director Mikkel Stolt will host an online presentation of the “documentary fiction” My Avatar and Me Sunday on The film is billed as a journey into cyberspace which becomes a magic learning experience. Based on the trailer, the story seems to revolve around [...]
Full StoryNational Geographic Channel To Feature SL on ‘Taboo’

More publicity for Linden Lab – what could possibly go wrong? Second Life’s well known sex-bed entrepreneur Stroker Serpentine, his Second Life virtual family, and his real-life family are to be featured Monday May 2 on the “Fantasy Lives” episode of National Geographic Channel’s Taboo series. Stroker Serpentine and his real life typist In addition [...]
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