Archive for 'Sights and Sims'

Infonet Infiltrated! (Well, Not Really)

Squagmire Stravinsky’s Infonet (or is it the g.Net now?) only gets more and more awesome. In fact, so formidable an operation is it that the Grid’s own “innernet” has now drawn the attention of cyberpunks and VW hackers. The Herald has learned that the Infonet complex was recently the target of an infiltration exploit that [...]

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Rich Content Foundation Finds Riches

A new public advocacy group, this one dedicated to “fostering richness and diversity in content and events,” has hit the Grid, and with initial funding secured, the Foundation for Rich Content will soon seek to share the wealth with “events and projects that enrich the cultural scene of Second Life. “

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Get Thee to the Library!

Second Life resident Wandering Yaffle’s new library in the Furness sim truly deserves a better headline pun than that, but such are the deadline pressures of life at the Herald that it was all we could come up with on short notice. To really do the thing justice, you’ll have to get your virtual asses [...]

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Getting Your Burn On

Walker confronts The Man There’s still one more weekend to go before the third annual Burning Life festival gets wiped from the face of Second Life. By now, of course, you’ve missed most of the virtual hallucinogens that were being handed out on the six Burning Life sims, as well as the wild cybering we [...]

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Illuminating SL’s Spiritual Side

story and photograph by Buttery Shortbread Avatars of all denominations and spiritual beliefs have a new place to worship in Second Life, at the Interfaith Temple, built only about a month ago by Athel Richelieu, who is not yet out of his teens in his first life (though old enough for SL proper, to be [...]

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The Surrealistic Playground of Brainiac HQ

by Leon Mechanique Where the brains are There’s just something about visiting Deevyde Maelstrom’s Brainiac HQ that really gets the mind working in odd rhythm’s. When the Herald asked me to check out the new games Deevyde released in July, I thought to myself, “That sounds like fun” (and “I could make a few quick [...]

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Putting the Wind in SL’s Sails

by Eloise Pasteur Racing the winds of Second Life Last week, the Second Life Sailing Federation (SLSF) held its first large race, not around an island within a sim, but around islands over a route through several sims. “So what?” you may be thinking. “Boats have been around in SL since the very early days, [...]

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Welcome Respite: Living the Elven Life

by Seldon Metropolitan (photographry by Lexa Lawson) Standing at the top of the Serenity overlook platform, you can see nearly all of ElvenGlen. Unlike the city sims, which seem to bustle and teem with energy even when unoccupied, there is an eternal calm over the elven land, carefully engineered by its protectors to capture the [...]

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Trailer Park Trash!

The following is a public service announcement by Mrs. President Chomsky After my campaign against the culling and extermination of virtual pets on TSO (with my good friend St. Frank), I was so exhausted I was going to give up activism for a while, but this is Just. Too. Much. On a recent stroll I [...]

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The Mystery of Chicago 1900

The Chicago machine: Martin Magpie and Claire Glitterbuck in their world within a world within a world by Jill Mackenzie Chicago 1900, the vast new project headed by Martin Magpie and located in the Faded Reality sim, opened Friday to rave reviews from residents delighted to be transported to another time and place within the [...]

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