Archive for 'Announcements'
Announcement: Nightly Meditation for Troops
meditation for safety of soldiers in IraqDate: Every NightTime: 8:00PM – 9:00PM Linden Time (60 minutes) Location: Shivar (226,187) Host: Montserrat Snakeankle Category: Charity/Support Groups Cover Charge? No If you have a friend or loved one in Iraq, please come to Tenaya Cathedral at Shivar for a time of quietness and good intention towards all [...]
Full StoryHo Hum… Grid Crashed Again…Yawn
For the second time in the ever shrinking envelope of my Cristal-addled long term memory, the grid went down thanks to apparent griefer action. Or, if not griefer action, the then functional equivalent of it. As the Linden’s put it … … the grid was been taken down due to an IM object in the [...]
Full StoryDoomsday Book is Finished!!!
As uber-journalist Mark Wallace has reported on his blog, the Doomsday Book (Otherwise known as “Only a Game: Online Worlds and the Virtual Journalist who Knew too Much”) is complete — coming in at a hefty 118,819 words spread over 17 chapters, it is quite possibly the longest book on MMOs that ever has or [...]
Full StoryBook Review: Synthetic Worlds
Author Ted Castronova demonstrates approximate size of words used in his new book (photo by Cory Linden) Run, don’t walk, to (is that even possible?) and order your copy of Edward Castronova’s Synthetic Worlds: The Business and Culture of Online Games today. For anyone interested in deeper thinking about MMOs than just whether the [...]
Full StoryParty On, Grid
In case you’ve nothing better to do today, just a quick reminder: The Herald turns two this weekend, and we’re having a party! Click that link for details. The festivities begin at noon SST (that’s Server Standard Time), and continue till whenever we all get bored and go home, so even if you can’t make [...]
Full StoryParty On! The SLH is Turning Two!
Help celebrate at the second birthday party of that most august newspaper of cyberspace, the Second Life Herald! (And Jeff Brown thought we wouldn’t see our second month, tsk tsk.) Hosted by the illustrious _blacklibrary, located in Second Life‘s Furness sim, the Herald birthday party will commence on Saturday, October 22, at noon game-time (that’s [...]
Full StoryRich Content Foundation Finds Riches
A new public advocacy group, this one dedicated to “fostering richness and diversity in content and events,” has hit the Grid, and with initial funding secured, the Foundation for Rich Content will soon seek to share the wealth with “events and projects that enrich the cultural scene of Second Life. “
Full StoryGoing, Going, GOM: L$ Site to Close Doors
In news that is sure to shake up virtual commerce in Second Life for some time,, probably the single most popular site for trading L$ and the benchmark by which most smaller traders do their business, this morning announced it would shut down its L$ trading service, effective 7pm game-time on Sunday, October 2. The [...]
Full StoryHammie Jumps on the Potboiler Bandwagon
Clickable Culture clues us in to the news that Hammie Linden is going to pull his articles together to craft a book on life in Second Life. Coming on the heels of the announcement of the bockbuster book deal inked by world renowned metaverse journalists Walker Spaight and Urizenus Sklar (and given the leaked portions [...]
Full StorySlash Dotted Yet Again
The leaked pages from the forthcoming Herald potboiler have yielded yet another Slash Dotting and discussion of the leading journalists of the metaverse: me and Walker. Some comments are not so kind: “typical ignorant stuckup journalist”. Another suggests I should log into Second Life where I would learn that everyone is 25 or older. Riiiiiight. [...]
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