Archive for 'News from The Sims Online'
Mr-President Caught Groping Intern!

by Pat the Rat Well, I always said that our Mr-Pres was a frisky one! Here he is, caught on screen shot, groping an innocent young AVG intern in the flower of her youth. Oh well, it beats invading Islamic Countries I suppose, but there is something very 90s about the whole affair. And at [...]
Full StoryMr-President holds press conference: Welcomes Independent Investigator
In a news conference held at the Capitol on Monday night, Mr-President defended himself from charges of fixing the election with the help of Mafia boss JC Soprano, arguing that the chat logs, although accurate, were (despite appearances) elaborate ongoing jokes between Mr-President and Mr. Soprano. He also defended his relationship with Mr. Soprano, who [...]
Full StoryElections *Were* Rigged. Mr-President Exposed as Puppet of JC Soprano

by Urizenus According to high level sources in both the Alphaville Government and the Soprano Organization, and corroborated by chat log documentation, the Alphaville Government elections were rigged beginning with the primaries. In the Richardson/Galloway primary elections, for example, the Galloway votes allegedly were not fully counted, suggesting that the election scandals began at least [...]
Full StoryInterview with “Janette”
Recently I had a chance to pose a few questions to the person behind Alphaville’s current “most infamous” character. In this interview, he tells us what drove him to create “Janette,” how s/he feels about infamy, fellow Alpha’ citizens and The Sims Online.
Full StoryMr-President Cavorts at Mobster Wedding Party
By Pat the Rat Excuse me readers if I appear all aflutter, but I just got back from the social event of the year in Alphaville’s Underworld – the wedding of JC Soprano to his Consigliore, ChANCEs. I must confess that I missed the wedding, but managed to arrive fashionably late to the wedding party [...]
Full StoryNew Relationship System Creates Reward System for Griefers
Believe it or not, EA/Maxis has topped itself on the brain-dead-o-meter. In the new relationship system they rank the top 100 sims in various categories including “most infamous” and “meanest”. Well, anyone who has read John Suler’s work on griefers will know what will happen. There will be a contest among griefers/scammers to see how [...]
Full StoryIs Granny Celestie Hanging up her Robe and Slippers?
Having been stabbed in the back by her scammer friend Isabella (now Viva T), Granny Cellestie has retired from her abusive granny schtick and recreated as Ms Barbara Walters, making her first appearance in Alphaville on the Oprah Winfrey Show. In this interview she talks about her career as an abusive granny and the odd [...]
Full StoryMr-President Wins! but voting irregularities cast shadow over election
The unofficial tally from The AVG Presidential election are as follows. With 880 votes cast, Mr-President has received 469 votes (approx 53.3%) and Ashley Richardson has received 411 votes (46.7%). However, all through the day there were reports of Ashley Richard supporters that were unable to vote, and it did not inspire confidence when Alphaville [...]
Full StorySSG founder issues directive: Vote for Ashley!
Apparently incensed by Mr-President’s relationship with Mafia Boss JC Soprano, SSG co-founder PM Cruiser (one of the typists for the Mia Wallace avatar) has taken a break from his SWG pursuits and issued a directive to past and current members of the SSG: Don’t vote for Mr-President –Vote Ashley. Readers of the AVH will recall [...]
Full StoryFlorida Newspaper Organizes Ballot Stuffing Campaign!
In today’s Palm Beach Post, staff writer Rachel Sauer has encouraged residents of Palm Beach Florida to go the AVG website and vote for their favorite daughter Ashley Richardson, and we quote: “So vote for Ashley! It’s a vote for our hometown girl!” One cannot expect all newspapers to meet the high journalistic standards of [...]
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