Archive for 'News from The Sims Online'
AVG Press Secretary Resigns
By Pat the Rat In a shocking new development in the soap opera that “The Alphaville Government” has become, AVG Press Secretary Ian has resigned his postion, citing a lack of challenge, and issues with Angelique Fontaine, who seems to have become the Yoko Ono of the AVG. Apparently Mr-Pres and Angelique have spent too [...]
Full StoryMonkeybear charges cj johnson with scamming
In a recent story we discussed allegations by Lead Architect that cj johnson in Alphaville had cloned him. Now we have the story of Monkeybear that cj promised to transfer several rares for him, took posession of the rares, and never delivered in the new city. Here is Monkeybear’s story.
Full StoryClones!

by Montserrat Tovar, The Phantom, and Los Clones are avatars with names that are very similar to the name of a known well-established avatar. For example a sim with a name like Johnson might be cloned by a sim named Johnson’. Clones are established for two basic purposes on tso. First, sims use them as [...]
Full StoryHacking Epidemic Sweeps Across Alphaville and TSO
by The Phantom Hacking on TSO has been with us from the beginning. Lately, however, the matter has been spinning wildly out of control, with account hacks being reported by money traders, scammers, AVG Government officials and just about anyone who could be expected to have a pile of simoleans. Not surprisingly, EA has been [...]
Full StoryFormer AVG CIA Chief Fans: Hackers Drove me Out of TSO
In this interview Fans explains why he left TSO, and alleges that it was because his account was hacked by Mr. and Mrs. President Bradley and because of continued attempted electronic intrusions by the Bradleys. He claims that he went to EA, which refused to investigate, but that he is now working with the police. [...]
Full Storyvisiting the mind of a fisher: an interview with kendra j
by m. tovar In this interview Montserrat Tovar probes the mind of one of tso’s more effective scammers ? one specializing in the ?house scam.? Why does Kendra J do it? Well, you might be surprised to learn that s/he is on a mission from God?
Full StoryIntroducing the Diamond Memorial Museum

By Ian This Saturday evening I decided to go to the “Diamond Memorial Museum”, which is located in the “SimArts” neighborhood. The owner, Craig Pierce, is brother to, David Pierce, the producer of many successful plays. I was pleasantly greeted at the door, and wanted to take a tour to see what this is all [...]
Full StoryScorned Relina: I was Mr-President’s Secret Sim Love
By I.P. Lithium with Pat the Rat Many of you will recall our story about poor Relina, winner of “The Bachelor” contest, but then but then dumped by the “bad apple” bachelor Jecht before she got to the altar. Perhaps lost in that story was the unusual presence of Mr-P at the contest. Relina now [...]
Full StoryThe Other Fixed Election: Seth Galloway Speaks
Much has been made of allegations of cheating in the final election between Ashley Richardson and Mr-President. Largely overlooked in the Alphaville Election Scandals has been the charge that final primary election between Ashley Richardson and Seth Galloway was also fixed – this time in Ashley’s favor. In this interview we talk to Seth Galloway, [...]
Full StoryInterview with a Sim Scorned
As Alphaville attempts to mirror much that can be found in reality, it may come as news to some of you that this Sim-city has even attempted to produce an equivalent to the television series “The Bachelor.” In this interview filed by our beloved pop culture guru, I.P. Lithium, we learn of one Sim’s experience [...]
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