Archive for 'News from The Sims Online'
The TSO Task Squad: Stasi-styled group promises to rat out fellow players

In a disturbing and shocking development on TSO, several plays have formed a group “devoted to seeking out and reporting sims that violate the EA Terms of Service.” Called the “TSO Task Squad” the stated motive of the group is to “help restore TSO to an enjoyable and challenging game for all”. But let’s be [...]
Full StoryStuttgarter Zeitung examines Alphaville mafias
S? Iwersen, of the Stuttgarter Zeitung has just published part one of a two part article on Alphaville — this part dedicated to the golden age of Alphaville when JC Soprano of the Sim Mafia squared off agains the SSG. Lots of discussion of Piers and Jen and JC. I only have the article in [...]
Full StoryChad Thomas found innocent.

A lot happened in the week I was offline, so again apologies for being slow to report all this. One of the bigger stories of the past week has to be the trial of Chad Thomas in the AVG election-fixing saga. Chad was found innocent, which is just as well IMHO — he was just [...]
Full StoryTigger Leaving EA/Stratics

Sorry for the delay in reporting this, but both I and our main board ho, The Phantom, have been offline for a week. The news is that Tigger, basically the only EA rep that ever communicates with the 40,000 some odd TSO players is leaving EA on August 20. Among the questions this raises, of [...]
Full StoryFormer AVP Veep Marcus Forlourne Speaks Out: Mr-President Should Resign!
In this interview, former AVG member and subsequent President of the Calvin?s Creek Government Seth Galloway, talks to Marcus Forlourne, formerly the Attorney General and then the Vice President of the Alphaville Government. Although very close to Mr-President, Mr. Forlourne is concerned that the election supervisor was ?coerced? into resigning, and Forlourne now believes that [...]
Full StoryRumors of our Death are Greatly Exaggerated. Interview with Acting SSG Overlord Greg-

When the history of Alphaville is written, the Simulated Shadow Government (SSG) will figure prominently. In recent months, most of the original officers of the SSG (Mia Wallace, Snow White, etc) have moved on to other MMORPGs (SWG, City of Heroes, etc.) and the SSG has become a kind of ?Uberguild? that operates across games [...]
Full StoryWinners of Alphaville Awards Announced. Same Ol’ Same Ol’?
Winners of the 9th annual (i.e. monthly) Alphaville Awards have been announced (see below for winners), but the event has been overshadowed by charges on the Stratics boards that the event has become an exercise in cronyism. Were the winners merely the same old FOOs? (Friends Of Organizers.) Coming in the wake of controversies over [...]
Full StoryMr-President misses state of union address. Is the end near?
In two important recent stories, the Alphaville Gazette reports that Mr-President missed his scheduled state of the union address. No explanation was given by his office. Meanwhile, in an interview with Marcus Forlourne, conducted by Ian, we learn that Mr-President was in fact present when discussion of the election rigging took place. Was he AFK? [...]
Full StorySatan Returns to Alphaville
Kudos to the Alphaville Gazette for breaking this story. It seems that a new Satanic Church has opened in Alphaville, and this one seems a bit more serious than the Church of Mephistopheles, which we understand was run by some posers and not full-on Satanists. Hail Satan!
Full StorySSU Trashes AVG Capitol, AVG is crumbling

Photo courtesy of the Simulated Soviet Union In a shocking development, the Capitol Building of the Alphaville Government (AVG) has been trashed by operatives of the Simulated Soviet Union (SSU). Meanwhile we have received unconfirmed reports of widespread defections from the AVG to the SSU. By some accounts the military branch of the AVG is [...]
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