Archive for 'Sex, Cybersex and Beyond'
Randy Filmmaker Reveals Cyber-secrets!

Sunday screening of “My Avatar and Me” proves arrow button key to Second Life bliss!!! Actor/director Mikkel Stolt will host an online presentation of the “documentary fiction” My Avatar and Me Sunday on The film is billed as a journey into cyberspace which becomes a magic learning experience. Based on the trailer, the story seems to revolve around [...]
Full StoryFascination — Post 6 Grrrrl

[When I met this week’s Post 6, I was the one with the deer-in-the-headlights look, because as you can see, she is an avatar that can literally stop traffic. I was thrilled when Fascination agreed to pose for us, and even more happy to learn that she is as nice a person as she is [...]
Full StoryWinston Omega Storm — Post 6 Grrrrl

[I had no idea that last week's post was #100 and I want to sincerely thank Senban for her research! For the 101st of Post of my Post 6 career, I thought I might hit a furry sim as we haven't featured a fur in a while. Like a noob, I was standing and gawking [...]
Full StoryTimothy Morpork — Post 6 Retrospective

This week marks my two year anniversary as the Post 6 Photographer. I am celebrating by taking a couple of weeks off and running pictures of past models that have not been previously published here. Before I do that, though, I want to run this picture, of my beautiful wife Carol and I doing out [...]
Full StoryClawtooth Aker — Post 6 Gremlin

[Clawtooth Aker contacted me a few weeks ago to tell me about Magdalenamarie Cooperstone, who was featured as a Post 6 Grrrrl, and at the shoot, I noticed that Clawtooth's avatar is fantastic and original. Plus, we've never featured a Gremlin. It's a great honor to introduce the first ever Post 6 Gremlin, and my [...]
Full StoryCliodhna Dirval — Post 6 Grrrrl

[I am doubly the luckiest avatar around, not just because it’s my job to ask beautiful avatars to take their clothes off, but also because I’m married to a wonderful woman who doesn’t mind when I ask her friends if they’d like to get naked for me. Clio is a longtime friend of ours and [...]
Full StoryMagdalenamarie Cooperstone — Post 6 Grrrrl

[The other day I got a "Hey, you should meet....she'd be a great model for you" from a reader and I followed up and had the good luck to meet Magdalenamarie Cooperstone, the beautiful and intelligent avatar to whom our reader referred me. During her shoot, I also got to meet a half dozen other [...]
Full StoryNelson Jenkins — Post 6 Furry

[I do, contrary to popular opinion, occasionally read the comments, and when I saw that Nelson Jenkins volunteered himself to pose, and it was immediately seconded and thirded, I jumped at the opportunity to feature him. Nelson was charming and a pleasure to work with, and it is an honor to introduce him as this [...]
Full StoryDontspill McGinnis — Post 6 Dwarf

[I take pride in Post 6 being a place where all sorts of Second Life residents can show off their avatar, so when it was pointed out in the comments last week that we've never featured a dwarf, I went on the hunt for one. Luckily, the person who complained that we'd never featured a [...]
Full StoryDrama Philter — Post 6 Grrrrrl

[I met Drama Philter a couple of years ago and have been enchanted ever since. I was thrilled to bump into her again the other day, and even more thrilled when she finally agreed to pose for Post 6. She is one of the most genuinely funny people I have ever met, and certainly one [...]
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