Interview with Anonymous, on Alphaville’s Bondage, Discipline & Sadomasochism Community
by Alphaville Herald on 20/12/03 at 12:51 am
In this interview with Anonymous we discuss her entry into Alphaville’s Bondage, Discipline, and Sadomasochism (BDSM) community, her description of the growth (currently over 100 members) and prospects of growth for the community, as well as some of the social structures and self-organized policing mechanisms in the community. She describes some of the unique aspects of virtual (as opposed to r/l) BDSM and describes some of the activities and educational programs available in the Alphaville BDSM community. She also addresses the problem of minors in TSO, and calls for an adults-only policy in the city (or some city) to protect the minors (and to protect the adults from the minors).
Urizenus: When did you start playing TSO?
Anonymous: last June…a friend gave me the game after i started playing Sims Deluxe…and horribly burning all of my characters in kitchen fires
Urizenus: oh, that happened to me too (burned sims)
Anonymous: well, she and my husband play a lot of Everquest…so it was like 2 crackheads passing the pipe along to someone else, lol
Urizenus: ic, lol, and so then you started up in June… In alpha?
Anonymous: yes, [this] is my original sim…intended originally to be temporary…
Urizenus: Did you gravitate immediately to [the BDSM neighborhood] Rose Thorn Gardens?
Anonymous: when i first started playing.. the first couple of times i logged in, i saw all of these properties and neighborhoods that were ‘mafia’ this or ’420′ that…and i thought that i would not find a place i would feel comfortable in…
Anonymous: i lived in a vanilla house for about a week…
Anonymous: after a couple of days, i did a search on ‘submission’ and found the ‘house of submission’
Anonymous: because i did have in mind to find an online Master…though i did not know if there was a bdsm community on sims or not…
Urizenus: why did you search on ‘submission’, are you a r/l sub?
Anonymous: well…that is an interesting question…and one with a lot of political implications in the community…
Urizenus: how so?
Anonymous: before i started playing tso i would have said, ‘yes’, in RL i am a sub, because i am interested in BDSM sex play…
Anonymous: but i have learned since coming here that it is a complete lifestyle, bdsm…
Anonymous: and some people do live it 24/7…and i don’t think that i could do that…
Urizenus: ic, so you aren’t a “lifestyle sub”
Anonymous: i don’t think so
Anonymous: i’m discovering, the more i play here, that i am less and less a sub than i thought
Urizenus: LOL
Anonymous: i am emotionally very independent in RL
Urizenus: ok, we’ll come back to this in a sec…
Urizenus: Let’s stay with how you found the community for now
Urizenus: you did a search and you found this house
Anonymous: ok…well, i did a search for ‘submission’ and found the ‘house of
submission’ …
Anonymous: and visited there a couple of times, and one time i went there…i met xxxx…
Urizenus: who was xxxx?
Anonymous: he is my tso Master and husband now
Anonymous: and he was an experienced Dom in the community…
Urizenus: and he introduced you to the alpha BDSM community?
Anonymous: yes, he got me invited to live at one of the bdsm properties…
Urizenus: which one?
Anonymous: it was called Rose Thorn Money…
Anonymous: there were few roomies and few visitors…
Anonymous: i never met the owner there…
Anonymous: i visited Black Rose Castle a lot, though, (Lady Julianna’s place)…
Urizenus: yes
Anonymous: and learned a lot…i was very shy…mostly sat and studied and didn’t say much…
Anonymous: just sat back and observed…
Urizenus: studied?
Anonymous: cooking and mech, what all good subs should study
Anonymous: and watched how subs and Dom/mes interacted…
Urizenus: I see, so you were studying how to be a sub.
Anonymous: a little of both
Urizenus: is it different from r/l BDSM?
Anonymous: i don’t know if i am qualified to answer that…
Anonymous: my interest in BDSM in RL lies mainly in sex play…and not as a total lifestyle…
Anonymous: which is very un-pc to a lot of people in Rose Thorn Gardens who claim to be RL bdsm lifestylers, i think
Urizenus: ic, whereas on TSO it seems to be a lifestyle thing?
Anonymous: yes, i think that some people are offended with the idea of BDSM only being about sex and not about a complete way of life…
Anonymous: and, in a way, i do understand it…there are a lot of people who come into the community only with a view of getting their rocks off and taking advantage of subs
Urizenus: ok, say a little bit about the Rose Thorn Gardens neighborhood
Anonymous: ok..what do you want to know about it?
Urizenus: well, how large is it. How many properties, people, etc,
Anonymous: when i started playing sims in June, i think there were only about 10 houses or so in Rose Thorn Gardens…a pretty small community…
Urizenus: wow, but now…
Anonymous: now, it has really exploded as people have come to AV from other cities…
Anonymous: and also, i think there are a lot of people with multiple accounts playing…and everyone is buying simoleans from Ebay…so every 3 day old sim now has their own Gorean Castle, lol
Urizenus: LOL
Anonymous: a lot more properties…but also a more fractured community, i think
Urizenus: so how many sims are in the lifestyle do you think
Anonymous: it is really difficult to say…i used to know everybody…now it seems i know very few, because many people will get themselves in too deep, and think they can solve their problems by recreating…
Urizenus: 20, 30, more sims in the community?
Anonymous: well, of sims…there are well over a hundred, i would guess…
Urizenus: over 100?
Anonymous: the last time i counted there were about 70 properties in Rose Thorn Gardens…
Anonymous: i think there are more now…
Urizenus: is the community still growing?
Anonymous: yes, it is growing, but it is also flattening…
Urizenus: flattening?
Anonymous: there are many, many more properties with 1 or 2 sims living in them…
Urizenus: oic
Urizenus: what are the more important properties in the community?
Anonymous: well, number one has to be Rose Thorn Gardens…Lady Julianna’s place…i lived there for a while
Urizenus: what are the others?
Anonymous: Rose Thorn Cottage, owned by Lord Cougar…
Anonymous: Dark Virtues…a Gorean house owned by Maria LaVeaux
Urizenus: ok, and Bastien Dante’s place?
Anonymous: Rose Thorn Castle…owned by Bastien Dante..AV’s premier bdsm bad boy (or jerk, depending on whom you ask, lol)
Urizenus: What about Tiger Joe Franklin’s place
Anonymous: Rose Thorn Casino…owned by Tiger Joe, yes, he’s been here a long time..
Anonymous: it is so difficult to find the center of the community now…
Anonymous: every day there are new properties…
Anonymous: there are also competing bdsm neighborhoods; ‘Thorns and Petals’ and another i can’t remember or find now, lol
Urizenus: Competing for what?
Anonymous: by people who think they are ‘real’ competing against the rest they think are just ‘roleplayers’…between people who take tso bdsm seriously, and those who think it is just a game…
Anonymous: competing for prestige…bragging rights, i don’t know
Anonymous: and i think a large part of it comes from the same problems all sims have in tso…the unrelenting boredom of tso
Urizenus: so the Thorns and Petals people think the Rose Thorn people don’t take BDSM seriously enough?
Anonymous: no, i wouldn’t say that
Anonymous: people have personal conflicts sometimes and want to get away from each other, or want to start their own thing
Urizenus: ic so the division is not obviously political
Anonymous: i think a lot of it is a matter of economy, and the structure of the game…
Anonymous: anyone can buy simoleans and build their own castle…
Anonymous: so why go and visit Rose Thorn Castle? why visit Rose Thorn Casino, when you can build your own castle…
Urizenus: same problem the straights have in the game then
Anonymous: i was talking with my friend who plays Everquest about this recently..and she was saying that RL never comes into the game…they’re too busy killing dragons…
Urizenus: LOL
Anonymous: in sims…all you have to do is sit in a house and talk…so, even if you try to keep a tight reign on giving out information…you can’t help but start to form bonds and trust with people…
Anonymous: and you reveal yourself to them as they do to you…
Anonymous: and then there is also the drama
Urizenus: hmmm, so it’s like the sheer boredom of the place leads to these intense social connections and the subsequent drama
Anonymous: yes, exactly
Anonymous: i never intended on falling in love when i first loaded up tso
Urizenus: but you did?
Anonymous: yes
Urizenus: does that pose a problem for your r/l marriage or are these two separate things
Anonymous: they are separate…the person i met in tso is also married…and we share a love that is very important to both of us…but one which does not jeopardize the RL that we have
Anonymous: i think that there are a lot of very damaged people in the bdsm community of av…searching to find something to fix them…
Urizenus: well, what does it mean to love and or be married in TSO
Anonymous: well…it seems love is a cheap commodity in tso, lol
Anonymous: i can’t count how many profiles of subs and Dom/mes i’ve read where sims that just met that day are pledging undying eternal love for each other…
Anonymous: and then the next day…they love someone else…
Anonymous: and marriage, well, that is another political topic…
Urizenus: I’ve notice that too. Sim love is fickle
Urizenus: are you married or “collared”
Anonymous: i am both
Anonymous: collaring is the more common bond here in av bdsm
Urizenus: what does it mean to be collared?
Anonymous: to my mind…it is a serious thing…and not something that should be done lightly…
Anonymous: it is a commitment…similar to marriage in the vanilla community…
Anonymous: and i think it is something that should never be done immediately…
Urizenus: what’s the nature of the commitment?
Anonymous: the commitment is for the Dom/me to promise to protect, guide, teach and love the sub…
Anonymous: and for the sub to obey, love, trust
Urizenus: but what does that mean in VR?
Anonymous: well, a lot of times, very little
Anonymous: sadly
Anonymous: two sims came into my property the other day…
Anonymous: they met, chatted for about 4 minutes, and the sub left the property wearing the Dom’s collar
Urizenus: hmmmm, clear lack of commitment there
Anonymous: it made me sad, because no true Dom would collar a sub that quickly
Anonymous: and she was a new sub, ripe for being taken advantage of…
Anonymous: i tried to warn her…
Urizenus: new on tso?
Anonymous: yes, i think she was only a couple days old
Anonymous: but she just said ‘i’ve only known him for a few minutes, but he has my complete trust’
Anonymous: *rolling eyes
Anonymous: i hope she is just roleplaying
Urizenus: well, given those commitments you listed above, it sounds more like the vows from a 1950′s marriage than BDSM. Is that all there is to it? Playing house ala 1950?
Urizenus: You understand that question?
Anonymous: lol, i never thought of it that, way, but perhaps
Anonymous: which is why i think i am probably not a very good sub
Urizenus: lol
Anonymous: yes, i think that is it, but without the monogomy, lol
Anonymous: at least for the Dom/me
Urizenus: well, help us out, it’s hard to understand what an S&M scene would look like on TSO. No whips, no bondage, etc
Anonymous: well, all we have in tso are words, really
Urizenus: so the scenes are text based
Anonymous: yes
Anonymous: but, with the right person, they can be very exciting and satisfying
Urizenus: and they are often public?
Anonymous: no, not often public at all
Anonymous: i think a lot of people (vanillas) are disappointed when they come into my place…and it’s not a 24/7 orgy going on
Urizenus: lol
Anonymous: much of it is in private IM, i think
Urizenus: in IM, ic
Anonymous: i have very rarely happened into a house with open scening…
Anonymous: unless it is a planned event…
Urizenus: so there are such things
Anonymous: yes, there are scheduled ‘dungeon parties’ and ‘slave auctions’ and that sort of thing that members of the community are invited to
Urizenus: Are there political differences in how one ought to scene? Say for example between Goreans and others?
Anonymous: you know, that is one thing that i have seen very little conflict over…how people choose to scene…
Anonymous: because, like i said, i think the bulk of it happens in private…
Anonymous: ever try to get into a house and there are ‘special permission’ preventing you from entering?
Urizenus: yah
Anonymous: well, now you know what’s going on in that house
Urizenus: lol
Anonymous: or if there is a couple ‘slow dancing’ or ‘cuddling’ on a couch, lol
Urizenus: oic, here I thought they were just cuddling
Anonymous: lol
Anonymous: sure they are
Urizenus: When I visit Lady Julianna’s it is often rather quiet
Urizenus: lol
Anonymous: hehe
Anonymous: well, everyone isn’t intent on studying cooking, lol
Urizenus: ok, about the Goreans, what is that about
Urizenus: well, what is the difference between the Goreans and you for example?
Anonymous: well, i don’t know that much about Gor…
Anonymous: i read a little about it…and it wasn’t my cup of tea…
Anonymous: to me, being a submissive is because i choose to be…
Anonymous: according to Gor (from what i’ve read)…women are slaves because they just are..they are inferior…
Anonymous: and as a RL woman, that never sat right with me
Anonymous: and i can’t stand that fake Gorean language everyone spouts…”vini, vishi, va’nishi”
Urizenus: what is that? It means something?
Anonymous: to me, it’s just another clique…’oh, look what we know that you don’t…we even have our own secret language’…to me it is just silly…
Anonymous: i’ll learn Gor, just as soon as i’m done learning Elvish and then Clingon, thank you
Urizenus: rotflmao
Anonymous: it is a lifestyle based upon a set of novels
Urizenus: so are most religions
Anonymous: fantasy novels with scantily clad women on the covers and Fabio-type men…
Urizenus: are there a lot of Goreans in alpha?
Anonymous: yes, to me, Gor is a bit like a cult (though there are many who are Gor that i do respect greatly)…
Anonymous: but, i am not an expert in it…my Master and i chose to follow our own path in bdsm together…and we don’t follow other people’s rules
Urizenus: well is it a clique or a cult, there’s a difference
Anonymous: well, i think Gor is a cult…but there are definitely cliques in the av bdsm community
Urizenus: why is it a cult? is there an effort to indoctrinate others?
Urizenus: Another way to put my question: do the Goreans proselytize
Anonymous: no, no, not at all
Anonymous: i think i would describe it as a cult because the behaviors are so predetermined…
Urizenus: do you know the sim zzzz that claims the bdsm community is trying to recruit people into the lifestyle?
Anonymous: no, i never met him
Anonymous: that’s a crock of crap
Anonymous: we have more problems with vanillas coming into the community…than with bdsm people going out of it…
Anonymous: i rarely wander out of the bdsm community in sims…
Urizenus: ok, let’s hear about that. People come in to harass you?
Anonymous: when you have that you are a sub in your profile, you are open to harassment…
Anonymous: and, for a short while, i had a sim in another city that was a slave…and i got continual harassment…
Anonymous: mostly in skill houses
Anonymous: or when out shopping
Urizenus: what do people say
Anonymous: oh, things like ‘you have no self-respect’
Anonymous: ‘how could you let a man treat you like that?’
Urizenus: what about the objection that children are playing in these skill houses and they shouldn’y be exposed to some Gorean slave’s profile?
Anonymous: well, i think that when a parent allows a child to play an online game…they have to realize that their child could run into anything…
Anonymous: and should be supervised…
Anonymous: my friends have an 8 year old boy who is just dying to play online games…
Anonymous: but it is not allowed…because the parents know enough to know what is out there…
Urizenus: how old do you think a child should be to play on tso unsupervised?
Anonymous: 25, lol
Urizenus: lol
Anonymous: i think that there should be an adult’s only server on tso
Anonymous: because, as a homeowner with an 18+ house, it is a constant worry for us…
Anonymous: although there is very rarely anything going on in the house that is objectionable…
Urizenus: I know that yyyy complained to me once about having to deal with minors chasing her for cybersex…
Anonymous: there are questions about subs and Masters and BDSM…things children shouldn’t be exposed to…we try out best to make sure that children are never in our house…
Urizenus: how do you keep them out?
Anonymous: well, i always read the profiles of any incoming sims…many times minors will have their age in their profile…and they are immediately placed on the ban list and asked to leave…if they do not leave, they are booted…
Anonymous: and i and my roommates are very careful to observe and listen to all who enter…
Urizenus: suppose they don’t have their age [in their profiles]. Or suppose they type in ’18′ [in their profiles]
Anonymous: it is sometimes possible to spot the young, by the questions they ask…i’ve had sims tell me they are over 18…but i don’t believe them…they are booted and banned…
Anonymous: i am sure that we can’t protect everyone…there are some very mature 14 and 15 year olds out there…we do what we can
Urizenus: but I see why you wish Maxis would have adults-only cities. Why do you think they don’t
Anonymous: i think they don’t because they are getting by without doing it
Anonymous: they think that the user agreement protects everyone…when it really only protects maxis
Urizenus: do you really think they are deluded about that? i.e. don’t you think they know it is there to protect their asses and not the kids in alphaville?
Anonymous: i’m sure they know it
Anonymous: i’m sure they are not deluded…but it is the age old question of morality vs. legality, i suppose
Urizenus: so what’s the future for the alpha BDSM community. Will it keep growing?
Anonymous: i don’t think it will keep growing like it has
Anonymous: i know a lot of people already who are tired of all the drama in the community…
Urizenus: how many community members do you think there will be a year from now (after reading this!)
Anonymous: i think many are going to other games like ‘There’ and ‘Half-Life’ and, there’s a new adults’ only game with explicit sexual content ‘Sociolotron’ that is leeching many out of the community already…
Urizenus: so a lot have left for sociolotron?
Anonymous: i think word is spreading…Sociolotron is only in beta now…the servers are down a lot and the graphics are not very good…but as it improves, i think many in the av bdsm community will migrate over…
Urizenus: will you migrate?
Anonymous: i am already there as a beta tester…it is hard to say…i stay here because i do like the community…there are a lot of positives to it…there is a strong sense of community here…there are a lot of people here i care about…
Urizenus: oh earlier you mentioned that Bastien Dante has a rep as a pain in the ass, can you say why (or do you want to??)
Anonymous: well, he is rude and crude…he treats his subs as property…
Urizenus: how is that diff from treating them as slaves? perhaps that’s what they want
Anonymous: yes, that is exactly what they want…and they know what they will get when they go into a relationship with him…
Anonymous: like i said earlier…my Master and i find our own path in BDSM and in this game together and i don’t care if it conforms to what other people think BDSM should be…
Anonymous: so, if the subs are getting what they want out of their relationship with him…good for them
Urizenus: so say someone lands in alpha and they are in the lifestyle and want to hook up, what should they do? put something in their profile? go somewhere?
Anonymous: they should put something in their profile…they should visit the neighborhoods…visit and talk to a wide-range of people…
Anonymous: listen and learn…and, most importantly…ask questions…
Urizenus: what should they put in their profiles?
Anonymous: ‘Dom in training’ or ‘sub in training’ perhaps, or something to that effect, that they are interested in learning about the lifestyle…
Anonymous: because, for all its conflicts and its drama and its fractiousness…the bdsm av community is very open and willing to share and are, on the whole, a friendly bunch of people
Urizenus: and they can go to a place like Lady Jullianna’s and talk about the lifestyle?
Anonymous: yes, they can go to any of the bdsm properties in Rose Thorn Gardens and ask questions…
Anonymous: if someone has a genuine curiosity or desire to learn, will find plenty of knowledgeable people who are willing to help and share…
Urizenus: suppose someone was in the r/l bdsm community or was just curious about what a cyberscene would be like. Would it be possible for them, [if they presented themselves] in the right way, to find someone to experiment with?
Anonymous: well, i am sure it is possible…
Urizenus: Are there discussion groups to discuss certain bdsm books or literature?
Anonymous: at Lady Julianna’s place, she has a BDSM 101 that is very concise and informative that she is willing to share…
Anonymous: she also has a website with a “Learning Center” page that has a lot of good links:
Anonymous: there’s a site “Luther’s Gorean Scrolls” that i don’t seem to have any more, but it was useful for Gor information
Urizenus: What about bad actors and policing?
Anonymous: nobody in tso scares me
Urizenus: do you have any trouble with griefers?
Anonymous: the community is very effective in self-policing…
Anonymous: harass a sub at your skill house…face a boycott by the whole community
Urizenus: how do they accomplish that? is there a communication system for banning harassing sims?
Anonymous: come into a BDSM house to harass or cause trouble…the same…
Anonymous: it’s like any family…there is always squabbling between siblings…but when someone comes in from the outside to cause trouble…we band together…
Urizenus: so someone sends out the name of a trouble-maker and they get banned?
Anonymous: yes, we had a sim come into our house and claimed to have a relationship with one of the Doms living there…and tried to cause problems between that Dom and his sub…and had done the same at another house as well…
Anonymous: boot and ban…and pass the word along to the other house-owners in the community…
Anonymous: if i get a message from Lady Julianna about such-and-such sub being a problem and they should be banned from my property…i do it, no questions
Urizenus: does the bdsm community have recognized leaders, (like for example Lady Julianna?)
Anonymous: i think there are…it used to be more so than now…
Anonymous: but Lady Julianna is still a leading figure in the community
Urizenus: and she achieved that status through social networking and establishing a solid reputation?
Anonymous: yes, and good old fashioned advertisement, lol
Urizenus: lol
Urizenus: I think that might be it from me…
Urizenus: anything more you want to say?
Anonymous: well, i guess the only thing would be that i hope that i didn’t paint too negative a picture of the community as a whole… we have our disagreements, and our problems… and there is a certain amount of ‘popular kids table’ mentality… but on the whole…there are a lot of people here that genuinely care for one another… and there is a rich diversity within the community…from Master/sub marriages, to Dom/mes with many subs, to Gorean Master/slave relationships… some are roleplaying and some are lifestylers in RL… some, like myself, are a combination of the two… but, i think that it is, for the most part, a tolerant and open community and any with open and curious minds are welcome
Dec 27th, 2003
It’s curious to me, Lady Julianna, that you do not know of other leaders who more intentional agendas than you describe because I have direct testimony quite different from your home-spun tale of two ladies getting together to form a kind of “different” sewing-circle…
Darksoul has listed 15 recruits to the lifestyle, and yet he continues to go on barking about how there are no recruiting techniques. Huh? We’ll have to agree to disagree. On the Internet, it is impossible to know fully what you are dealing with. I have no idea whether Darksoul or any of you have ever gone to college, studied the classics, read anything besides Chomsky and your XBOX game manuals. When I say “fabric of society” I mean something that makes a society cohere, something that it aspires to, its goals and aspirations as a binding factor. Darksoul, you are mistaking the phenomena of war or violence and crime in society as somehow then “the fabric of society” when the term “fabric of society” is never used to mean “everything that happens in a human society”. Of course there is violence, crime, and war. Yet it is the value of society to curb crime, and it is not the norm or the standard to permit violence in everyday relationships. Indeed, in the last 20 years, great strides have been made in the U.S. to end the tyranny of child abuse in the private home; to end domestic violence against women; to end hazing on sports teams; to end violent hate crimes against gays. Great strides, but never enough progress. Those are the aspirations of society. Non-violence is a value. Of course, the same people who might want to end that personal violence will subscribe to the war in Iraq. Maybe they believe it is a just war, that it was designed to prevent or punish the greater violence of Saddam killing 300,000 of his own people and harming his neighbors. Maybe it isn’t a just war because a just war, in the Aquinas definition, would be a war that restored the peace *and this one has not*. These are debates rational people have in a civilized society. But they don’t claim that violence is woven into the warp and woof of society as a *value* — as you do.
What you have done with your cult is to play-act — as only spoiled, rich Americans with way too much leisure time on their hands could do– the kind of violence that my grandparents experienced in the Soviet GULAG against their will, leading to their deaths, or that other peoples’ grandparents experienced against their will as African-Americans, or as Jews during the Holocaust. You prettify it by saying it is done with consent but you are not convincing.
Again, none of you used the Bonewits test for a cult — can you delete the Sim or log off and get away from the “lifestyle”? You don’t wish to get away…Will you let others go? It remains to be seen, given the powerful binding factors you wield over their souls, virtual and real.
Brigit, far from having any kind of confirmation that this isn’t a cult — I began with a query and hoped to hear good arguments — I have even more concerns by the way in which so many of you have chosen to conduct this debate — by chanting the tenets of your indoctrination rather than reasoning by logic and sanity.
Darksoul’s comments about the Clinton era being over, and the conservative media having no role is just plain perplexing to me. The media is even more concentrated in the Bush era, and even more in the hands of conservatives. And conservative media can include USA Today and the Wall Street Journal, not sectarian papers like “The Spotlight”. I have no idea what kind of board of trustees the U of Michigan has or who they are, but I posit them as a theoretically conservative body, in at least the PC mode of thinking, hmm, maybe they don’t want a professor of their college or a server on their network to be devoted to hundreds of adulatory posts about the BDSM lifestyle. It’s just a thought.
The notion that the mainstream media ignores games, except for Salon, is silly. Time and Newsweek all featured cover stories on TSO. If it grows more in the direction of BDSM, believe me, they will be back to take a second look and we’ll see rueful editorials about the ways of human communities left to their own devices under the restrictive TOS that make it impossible to provide any kind of free discussion that empowers and enables everyone to feel they can have a stake in their community, and prevent it from turning into “The Slums” as one blogger has dubbed it.
Several have asked for names as if they are HUAC. Huh? These people who expressed dismay or discomfort to me privately about BDSM certainly don’t want to join a fight with you because they wouldn’t want to face even a tenth of the taunting and flaunting that you have subjected me to. I certainly won’t publish their names, they can speak for themselves if they ever feel they are in a permissive environment. But they are not…
There are several people who play Lord Cheetah and they may disagree about red-linking. I personally don’t believe in red-linking. Dyerbrook has only red-linked one person in his entire Sim lifetime, despite getting literally hundreds of red-links over the ages. It seems to me that particular red-link from Lord Cheetah on Lady Julianna serves a useful sociological purpose to draw others into discussion. It already has.
A Russian novelist of the 19th century, Maxim Gorky, described how villagers turned to fighting and drinking vodka in the long, boring and cold winters of Russia. Their lives were incredibly dull. Violence was a form of diversion. “A scratch embellishes an empty face,” he wrote. Indeed.
Dec 27th, 2003
“Several have asked for names as if they are HUAC. Huh? These people who expressed dismay or discomfort to me privately about BDSM certainly don’t want to join a fight with you because they wouldn’t want to face even a tenth of the taunting and flaunting that you have subjected me to. I certainly won’t publish their names, they can speak for themselves if they ever feel they are in a permissive environment. But they are not…” ~Dyerbrook~
We do not taunt nor do we flaunt. You are the one taunting us with your Lord Cheetah characterization. None of us are snooping around pretending to be vanilla to spy on you. We could care less about you or your ideals or your stupidity or your lack of education. Some time back there were a chain of Skill houses which featured Extreme in the title. They made it clear they did not want anyone from our community skilling at their houses so we quit going. We didn’t taunt them nor did we flaunt them, we just went to skill elsewhere. For you to go around telling people “if you tell the BDSMers you don’t want them in your skill house, they will taunt you or flaunt you” makes you the worst of the worst, a liar and instigator of discrimination.
“Darksoul has listed 15 recruits to the lifestyle, and yet he continues to go on barking about how there are no recruiting techniques. Huh? We’ll have to agree to disagree.” -Dyerbrook
Darksoul mentioned 15 people he knows in game. You accuse him of recruiting them. God, you are such a moron. Wake up and smell the coffee. However, the 15 people mentioned do all agree that you are an ass.
“I have no idea whether Darksoul or any of you have ever gone to college, studied the classics, read anything besides Chomsky and your XBOX game manuals.” ~Dyerbrook~
This is why you keep repeating yourself, the truth is revealed…you have short term memory loss. I stated I was an educator. You have to have a degree for that.
I am hoping that brigit will now post another own of her lovely cheers. She is such a delight. And a lovely girl.
Dec 27th, 2003
No where did I say Darksoul did the recruiting, I said he listed 15 people who had been successfully recruited to the BDSM lifestyle — by all sorts of means. I don’t have short-term memory loss, even in a debate with 101 posts. If you are an educator, you would have gone to some kind of college, but I have no idea if you ready anything other than Chomsky and its equivalent, especially since you don’t question at all the idea of an educator holding to the views you do in this lifestyle. The example you mentioned of the Extreme lots is interesting. But they probably had some stamina. Along the way, you and others no doubt accused them of being bigots and intolerant, hmmm? What did it take? And why aren’t they in business any longer? And just what was it you did on their lot besides saying “Hi A/all” and going on AFK which is what most BDSMers claim they do on vanilla lots? I would hardly characterize Lord Cheetah as “snooping around pretending to be vanilla”. If you read his profile, you would see why *within seconds* of appearing on BDSMers he was booted, especially by roomies on the lot of the object of his parody, who had no hesitation about kicking him merely because their beloved was parodied. There was no case of misunderstanding, believe me. Brigit can go on mooning me and sticking out her tongue and lifting her skirt and doing other things that people find vulgar. Once again, my request is that she, and you, and the rest of the BDSM gang establish with Maxis an agreement to have a separate adult server, and that it not be Alphaville, because that has already established neighborhoods not into BDSM. End of Story.
Dec 27th, 2003
As we stated before and I am now stating again, we are not leaving Alphaville nor will we ask Maxis to give us an adult server. If you feel we should be banned or removed from Alphaville, why don’t you tell Maxis? Oh that’s right, you already did and they ignored you…poor pitiful Dyerbrook…ignored, unwanted and uninformed.
Lady Julianna
Dec 27th, 2003
We have no intention of leaving Alphaville. We do not have to do anything just because you demand it, and we will start no such discussion with Maxis. You are the one bothered and upset, not us. We are happy where we are.
I was also a beta tester, but Julianna is not on my founder account, so forget the attempt at founder snobbery. I first started out in Alphaville, and have returned as Julianna. You have no more right to be in Alphaville than we do. We all pay for our accounts, we all have the right to play where we wish.
You are truly getting desperate if you are going to resort to academic snobbery. I have attended both college and university for your information, specializing in creative writing in college and psychology in university. I find many educated and intelligent people in our community, more so in the general sim population, and I find that in itself interesting.
I am tired of your moral superiority, founder snobbery, and academic snobbery. Oh how the self-righteous make me want to puke. Such arrogance is the hallmark of youth. You will be humbled as you grow older.
Squawk away little man. You are entertaining us well. *Putting on my cheese hat and munching on popcorn* Can you dance?
Dec 27th, 2003
Hello A/all. Just had to pop in and say hello. i also read what was said in regards to the Holocaust. Hmmm…i’m Native American and my ancestors were pushed off of our land, beaten, killed, just for being a different color. For not practicing the same religion. When my ancestors tried to live as the white man said we should, we were further ridiculed, beaten and finally pushed to live on a reservation in a land unfamiliar to my nation. Knowing that, why would i deign to change my lifestyle only to be ridiculed, beaten and again pushed out of what is my land. i was a founder, first home here in AV, and this time, i will not roll over and let others walk all over me. If you have a problem with that, then so be it. i suggest this time that you be the one to leave, for this Native American refuses to leave his land anymore.
Dec 27th, 2003
I’m a founder, I’m a founder,
I’m a founder, wooooo
So is sister lulu and Master Dante too
And Sir B, Sir Billy, Sir Roland, just to name a few
And if you check our other lots there’s plenty
more for you
I tested with the rest and learned my lessons well
Cause I know AV is heaven and Dyerbrook can go to hell
gooooooo Rose Thorn Gardens
Thorn and Petals too
Fight Fight Fight
for the Red White and Blue
Carmen Ray
Dec 27th, 2003
“I’m asking that you move to an adult server if Maxis could establish one.
I speak for many in AV who are disturbed by the spread of BDSM but are intimidated from saying or doing anything by being bullied and bludgeoned with the charge of bigotry.”
funny I have never been told that My persance in ANY home of BDSM nor vanilla was afencesive to A/any in the home.
There is or was I have not been to her home in a while, a home owner that was protective of My sub while in her home, she was vanilla and was careful of what happend in her home, I have a great deal of respect for her. It didn’t matter who was in her house she watched out for all and knew many BDSMer’s and D/s and came to her house to skill.
Oh and for those that you say are fearful of not wanting to speak up and say that they do not wish U/us at their home I have a feeling they releaise how much of an Impact this comunity has if not wanted in a perticuler lot. I know many that are not BDSM or D/s but would not go to a place that discrimiates to them nor anyone… so they would be looseing out on MANY.!
Oh and for your coments dear of the fact that many that were not in the lifestyle before came and now are even in RL, hun know this for many it is a steping stone able to venture into something T/they had ideas or interested in but not very sure, comfortable and finding a completness with in T/their self T/they venture into RL if able to.
Oh one more thought before it flutters away with the sorry exsuses of problems that you keep tring to say W/we have or bring….. Of all these others that don’t like U/us why is it that only two have shown you and the other women,???
hmmm inquiering minds with to know…
W/we many of the comunity have posted to show and give our thoughts, of this discution but it is seeming as many have already known that it is really not a larger issue but Your issue, I do hope that you will relaise this some time soon, altho I know the comunity is rather amused by this, only able to show that all your “claims” are false….
Dec 27th, 2003
Dyerbrook, what’s this about you telling My sub that you had told Me personally to keep BDSM on My own lot…….only because she greeted the house she met you at politely? Methinks that someone that is trying to be a spokesman for all of AV would at least try to be polite to those you are trying to save from the “cult”. Isn’t it the subs that you feel oh so sorry for? Remember, in being rude, you lose your chance to “win their hearts and minds”. Oh, and BTW I an NOT naadirah’s “hubby”. He happens to be another Dom in game.
Now for another dyerbrook quote: “Again, none of you used the Bonewits test for a cult” I did, scroll up about half a page, see it for yourself again in black and white, you replied to it as a matter of fact…..selective memory or short term memory loss dyerbrook?
Next : “as only spoiled, rich Americans with way too much leisure time on their hands could do–”
Hmmm, are you now privy to O/our personal finances? Most of U/us, contrary apparently to your beliefs work everyday to put bread on the table for O/our families…..and you’d be quite surprised how many in the community don’t even live in the states. A journalism teacher taught Me a long time ago to never assume anything. The meme that she used was that to ASS/U/ME makes an ASS out of U and ME.
“Xbox”? nope, don’t buy microsoft products, and before you ask, no I didn’t buy Windows XP.
“When I say “fabric of society” I mean something that makes a society cohere, something that it aspires to, its goals and aspirations as a binding factor.” For this one, I must applaud you personally dyerbrook. If you only knew what you have done for us, you’d be proud…..for several months, the community of AV D/s-M/s-Gor-BDSM has been fractured, split into little cliques for some good and some not so good reasons. You dyerbrook have done more to bring this community together, to make U/us speak with one voice than A/anyone ever has in the past. In providing U/us with a common threat, much like terrorism has the United States, you have made U/us stronger. I thank you Sir Dyerbrook. /sarcasm off
Dec 27th, 2003
dyerbrook, you are just becoming tooooo funny now
You ‘claim’ you have heard from so many that have been ‘recruited’ ‘abused’ ect. ect… by BDSM…. hmmm toy just realized you have backed off from us who are Gor. how interseting…;. but thatas beside the point.. toy wonders now why none of these so-called limitless people who have been harmed, recruited ect. ect… do not step forward to your aid? Oh. toy know expects to hear that they are in fear hehehe… but since you are the self-appointed Messiah of your cult toy can understand 
toy looks forward to your next posting but it really wouldnt be neccesary since you only copy and paste the same drvel over and over
WAKE UP!!!!! we are staying in AV
Slave’s Wish
Allow me the strength to please us both.
Allow me the spirit to feel the needs of others.
Allow me the serenity to find peace in service.
Allow me the self-love to expose myself.
Allow me the tenderness to comfort.
Allow me the light to show me the way.
Allow me the wisdom to be an asset.
Let me demonstrate, each day, my love and trust.
Let me surrender completely.
Let me accept punishment with grace.
Let me learn from my mistakes.
Teach me the perseverance to answer questions I can’t fathom.
Grant me the power to give what is asked.
Help me love myself.
For it is my greatest wish, my highest desire:
To complete Her life, as She completes mine.
falara kajira toy
BTW… toy would say she wishes she had been ‘recruited’ it would have allowed this girl to find herself much sooner than it did
Dec 27th, 2003
Darksoul, when your “sub” appeared on a vanilla skilling lot and said “Greetings A/all” I said, “I’m a free person in a free world and I don’t care to be greeted in that fashion. As I’ve told your Sim hubby, you should keep on the BDSM RP on your own lot.” Well, EXCUUUUSEEE ME if I didn’t know the difference between Sim hubby and the multiple relations of subs and doms, but the point holds. We can’t be expected to understand your arcane cult, and indeed, we could study endlessly, and we’d always be in the wrong, wouldn’t we? And that’s how you’d like to keep us, forever in your thrall, forever “in the dark” and “without knowledge” so that we can *depend on you* to enlighten us about your dark ways. Extraordinary, hmmm?
Indeed, why I could make such a comment to your sub, coming fresh from these boards, is that some of you have said in this debate that you don’t go to other lots and do keep it on your lot or at least tone it down. I find the “A/all” greeting offensive because it implies that everyone on the lot is somehow a potential candidate — a recruit? — to this lifestyle and that’s insane. I don’t deserve either a capital A or a lower-case A in being addressed because I am free and treat others as equals.
Many of you keep harping on examples of lot owners who are protective or at least not discouraging of your lifestyle. But you aren’t vanilla, and you haven’t talked to them as I have. Last night, going to skill lots, I found every single owner or roomie in charge of a dozen skill or money lots was uncomfortable, dismayed, unhappy, disturbed by the spread of BDSM. They’re not going to say that to you, duh. But they felt they could do nothing about it because “whatever floats their boats”. They felt that sometimes, they would maybe nudge someone who seemed to be RP-ing too hard and scaring away guests, but basically they did nothing *because they did not want to be accused of being bigots* consciously or unconsciously. They say “whatever floats their boats” even as they express dismay that in floating their own boats, the BDSM community has challenged the equilibrium of the whole boat of AV and indeed TSO.
If you put the matter to a free and fair vote of every citizen of AV, with privacy of the vote, even with all the subs doing what their doms and dommes told them to do, and even with all the cheerleaders, there would be a collective decision to have a separate, hardcore adult server to keep BDSM separate. There’s no question of that. If you doubt that, you would never have had to storm AV in as large and as intentional a community as you have.
There is unlikely to be such a vote or such a server, because Maxis would prefer to keep its head in the sand about it.
I’m not going to go on speaking for intimidated people in a threatened society. Let them speak for themselves, it isn’t even a requirement that they put their in-game Sim name here on this blog. If they don’t come to post, they do come to read, and they IM me in silent acquiesence. It’s enough for me.
Darksoul, do you have a learning disability or something? I myself suffer from dyslexia and disabilities but not short-term memory loss. When I said “none of you were using the Bonewits” test obviously that was a reference to Bonewits’ direct comment to me, just mentioned in the previous posts about three times over, about the ability to get out of a cult quick by logging off or deleting your Sim. It wasn’t about his overall test which you filled out, and which I filled out, in completely different manners. Your desire to play “gotcha” as if I was a member of your cult and enjoyed being coerced and shamed is really unseemly.
People said that the U.S. created a magnet for terrorists and united the terrorist world and their supporters by attacking Iraq. It may be so. Others said, OK, let them fight those magnetized beasts where they are magnetized, at least they have become more visible now and everyone can see what louses they are, willing to kill their own people to make a point.
If you have united so as to remain silent about the extreme ends of your spectrum, including Gor — unlike some of you in private conversations — then you have opened up the means by which the soccer moms or the right-wing congressmen will hang you. It won’t be my fault. I was begging you to differentiate…
Dec 27th, 2003
“Many of you keep harping on examples of lot owners who are protective or at least not discouraging of your lifestyle. But you aren’t vanilla, and you haven’t talked to them as I have. Last night, going to skill lots, I found every single owner or roomie in charge of a dozen skill or money lots was uncomfortable, dismayed, unhappy, disturbed by the spread of BDSM. They’re not going to say that to you, duh. But they felt they could do nothing about it because “whatever floats their boats”. They felt that sometimes, they would maybe nudge someone who seemed to be RP-ing too hard and scaring away guests, but basically they did nothing *because they did not want to be accused of being bigots* consciously or unconsciously. They say “whatever floats their boats” even as they express dismay that in floating their own boats, the BDSM community has challenged the equilibrium of the whole boat of AV and indeed TSO.” ~Dyerbrook~
ENOUGH! No one is complaining about U/us except YOU! If they honestly had a problem with U/us, they would say it to O/our faces as had many many many a property owner before them. We don’t flaunt, we don’t taunt and we sure as hell didn’t ask for the downfall of the Extreme lots. The fact that they fell when we stopped skilling there means only one thing ~ there are a lot more of U/us than you realize.
Darksoul’s naadirah as well as all of U/us in the community will continue to address people when W/we enter a property as “Hello A/all” not to piss you off or to annoy the everyday missionary style sims but because it is the way W/we choose to address each other. I do not believe anyone said that she was in particular addressing you. And apparently, you were the only one vocal enough to discriminate against her. Trying to put her on the back of the bus again, huh, Dyerbrook? Maybe you weren’t around in the 1960′s but when Martin Luther King Jr. spoke of His dream, He didn’t say some people should be segregated. That would be discriminatory. But you don’t see it like that, trying to send us off to some less populated place. The history books are filled with people like you, usually not spoken of very highly or well, sometimes described as a “Dictator” or “Despot” or “Tyrant”, not words with pleasant connotations, are they?
Dec 27th, 2003
I’m glad you raised Martin Luther King. One doesn’t have to be old enough to know him to appreciate his teachings. For example:
“We must forever continue our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. Again and again we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force.”
“If you sow the seeds of violence in your struggle, unborn generations will reap the whirlwind of social disintegration”
And there are many more sayings about the wrongfulness of violence. Yes, the wrongness of violence! That you believe that violence can legitimately be used in sexual play and as the basis of a entire arcane and intricate lifestyle is wrong, and I will go on saying it is wrong. The preacher Martin Luther King would never in a million years have condoned your violent, coercive lifestyle — never in a million years. Your distorted appeal to his notions of fighting discrimination as applicable to preserving the freedoms of your cult to undermine society are just pathetic, and transparently so.
To speak these obvious truths does not make me a tyrant or a dictator, but a person with some kind of moral standard based on the achievements of Judeo-Christian and other civilizations of the last 2000 years.
Going to another server to pursue your hardcore violent and coercive sexual games is hardly the equivalent of blacks being sent to the back of the bus in America, and that you would trivialize their misery in that fashion speaks volumes more about the perversity of your cult.
Others among you have asked, then, for me to go to the “back of the bus,” i.e. Dan’s Grove, so they are none too concerned about sending people to the back of the bus — Urizenus was first among them to say “why don’t YOU leave”. But let’s keep in mind that this notion of a separate, hardcore adult server is only a hypothetical option. We do not have a game company that is (yet) interested in the higher matters of community formation. All debate on this subject is censored. In the mean time, I plan to use my ignore button or boot button for those who come aggressively in pursuit, and I suggest that you do the same.
Dec 27th, 2003
hmmmmm. to quotes……. ~I find the “A/all” greeting offensive because it implies that everyone on the lot is somehow a potential candidate — a recruit? — to this lifestyle and that’s insane. I don’t deserve either a capital A or a lower-case A in being addressed because I am free and treat others as equals.~ Honestly now can you say PARANOID????? a simple greeting now is somehow a recruiting item?? toy is sorry to say this dyerbrook but you are rapidly approaching the edge of needing psychological help
Qouting again
~”Last night, going to skill lots, I found every single owner or roomie in charge of a dozen skill or money lots was uncomfortable, dismayed, unhappy, disturbed by the spread of BDSM. They’re not going to say that to you, duh. But they felt they could do nothing about it because “whatever floats their boats”.~
again. can you say PARANOID???
toy will repeat once again and will type very s-l-o-w-l-y so thay you might listen for once… why dont these hypothetical people step forward here in defense of you? Perhaps they have a bit of something that you apparently lack… “COMMON SENSE”
Quoting once again…. ~”If you put the matter to a free and fair vote of every citizen of AV, with privacy of the vote, even with all the subs doing what their doms and dommes told them to do, and even with all the cheerleaders, there would be a collective decision to have a separate, hardcore adult server to keep BDSM separate. There’s no question of that. If you doubt that, you would never have had to storm AV in as large and as intentional a community as you have.”~ ummm the last toy noticed there are numerous places to post a vote like what your saying… what is holding you back form doing so? PARANOIA????
Quoting once again
~”When I said “none of you were using the Bonewits” test obviously that was a reference to Bonewits’ direct comment to me, just mentioned in the previous posts about three times over, about the ability to get out of a cult quick by logging off or deleting your Sim. It wasn’t about his overall test which you filled out, and which I filled out, in completely different manners. Your desire to play “gotcha” as if I was a member of your cult and enjoyed being coerced and shamed is really unseemly.”~ have you taken the test while thinking of what your ideas are?? toy notices that if you did this it may be apparent that you are trying to start or foment a cult
and one final quote
~”If you have united so as to remain silent about the extreme ends of your spectrum, including Gor — unlike some of you in private conversations — then you have opened up the means by which the soccer moms or the right-wing congressmen will hang you. It won’t be my fault. I was begging you to differentiate…”~ um this is getting repetive
where is this support of yours that is screaming to be heard or recognized? toy sees no one here or in TSO who spouts the drivel that you are convinced exists… really now dyerbrook… slow down on the meds they are really starting to effect your thought process
oh excuse toy a moment the phone is ringing. perhaps its a right wing congressman that is soooo interseted in this and going to order this girl to DG
toy in all seriousness will talk to her uncle next week about this situation.. he happens to be a US Senator and he also enjoys a good laugh
falara kajira toy
Dec 27th, 2003
umm dyer…… your trying to twist a wonderful mans teachings to start your own anti-BDSM/Gor cult
sorry. but it is obvious you are becoming desperate now
toy would like to congratulate you on one item though
It seems you hve realized that sending us to the ‘back of the bus’/DG would fail
toy thanks you for backing off of th meds, see how it opens ones eyes to the obvious
falara kajira toy
Dec 27th, 2003
“And there are many more sayings about the wrongfulness of violence. Yes, the wrongness of violence!” ~Dyerbrook~
The problem here is your perception of violence. In my Webster’s, violence is defined as “physical force used so as to injure, damage or destroy, extreme roughness of action”. By this definition, the BDSM lifestyle is non-violent. The Dom is not out to cause injury or damage. It is consensual play between adults. You may not enjoy pain with your pleasure, but that does not mean we would deny you that pleasure. Nor would we tie you up and beat you to force you to learn to accept our pleasure. To each his own, we always say. We live our lives for our own sake, our own happiness and our own desires. When you try to tell us what we are doing is wrong, that means you are judging us. We never said your missionary, same as before lifestyle was wrong. It is different but it is not wrong. We will continue to let you live it with your soccer mom and your Range Rover in the driveway and your BMW in the garage. But that is not the life we choose for us. We have the right to live our life the way we want to. I live in the USA, we have a Declaration of Independence that says just that “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”. Getting spanked before sex makes me happy. Live with it.
Dec 27th, 2003
I don’t have a soccer mom, a Range Rover or a BMW, and I like it crab-style, not missionary style. ; ) That you can erase the meaning of the word “violence” by inserting the notion of consent is what is your perversity. The very term “vanilla” contains a perjorative. Couldn’t there be vanilla with sprinkles on top? The fact of the matter is, the lifestyles that you enjoy are zoned and curbed and discouraged in most communities of the U.S. There’s nothing somehow peculiar about what I believe. Even if I had a soccer mom, a BMW, etc. that would not change.
Lord Gavril
Dec 27th, 2003
Good day A/all
Tell Me Dyerbrook, why are you here, truly. You seem to be beating a dead horse. I also cant stay away from thinking, you certainly have load of time to post forth the missives you do.
You have said your points, some are valid, which folks have said as much on, but, you have a need to do this it seems. So whats your story Dyerbrook, have you decided to take the reins of leadership for these unfortunates that cant seem to cummunicate on their own behalf? I’ll give you one thing again Dyerbrook. You do have a loud voice, albeit only one.
In ending, I’ll make a comment to your point of policing My community better. Well, these folks are adults, and I do trust them to handle their affairs, themselves.
Be Well
*Burn any books lately Dyerbrook?*
Dec 27th, 2003
pure farce dyer. name one place in the US where what the following quote of yours holds true
~I don’t have a soccer mom, a Range Rover or a BMW, and I like it crab-style, not missionary style. ; ) That you can erase the meaning of the word “violence” by inserting the notion of consent is what is your perversity. The very term “vanilla” contains a perjorative. Couldn’t there be vanilla with sprinkles on top? The fact of the matter is, the lifestyles that you enjoy are zoned and curbed and discouraged in most communities of the U.S. There’s nothing somehow peculiar about what I believe. Even if I had a soccer mom, a BMW, etc. that would not change.~
as far as being called ‘vanilla’ is that any worse than You calling us cultists? toy fears not and there could be many other terms used but vanilla is one that is fitting. vanilla as in ‘straight laced’
and just what is wrong with a BMW??? hehehehe
Lady Julianna
Dec 27th, 2003
Dec 27th, 2003
Besides which, my dear toy, since I pointed out to him that by Webster’s own definition, we are not violent as he so stated, he now backpedals to say okay maybe you are not violent but you are perverse.
So let’s see what Webster’s has to say about perverse: “deviating from what is considered right or good; wrong; improper, etc. or corrupt, wicked, etc.; perverted”
Well that is a fairly open definition. What Dyerbrook considers right vs what I consider right leaves a big open window for perversity. Let’s try another definition, shall we?
Webster’s second definition of perverse is “persisting in error or fault, stubbornly contrary” and the third “obstinately disobedient or difficult; intractable”
Gee, I think Webster’s 2nd & 3rd definitions of perverse describe you, Dyerbrook. So I think you are the perverse one here, not U/us.
Dec 27th, 2003
Dear Linderella,
Webster’s definitions don’t refer to what I personally think, they refer to what is generally accepted — the standard — of the community of English-language speaking people around the world. That you would think these definitions had to do with my own personal judgement is just too hilarious! ROFLMAO! As far as stubborness, well, I know it can be a surprise to find someone who stands up to you, since you’ve been so busy standing up to everything that everyone else believes in so long. But there you have it. And far from back-pedalling, I continue to maintain that you are engaged in a violent, coercive cult. A violent, coercive cult, and that becomes more and more explicit with each succeeding post.
Dec 27th, 2003
Sometimes, you can talk and talk, and really, it will never sum up the points as well as your opponent in a debate. And here I’ve discovered this lovely little ditty on a Sim on Lady Julianna’s lot, and anthem for the BDSM crowd, a set of postulates that are breath-taking in their perversity and their violence, both to the human body, the human soul, and to meaning in general. Here they are:
Slave screams he thinks he knows what he wants
Slave screams thinks he has something to say
Slave screams he hears but doesn’t want to listen
Slave screams he’s being beaten into submission
Don’t open your eyes you won’t like what you see
The devils of truth steal the souls of the free.
Don’t open your eyes take it from me
I have found
You can find
Happiness is slavery
It’s very simple. There are some people — you all are among them — who find these lyrics inspire them and are “just fine” and are “protected speech” and are many things that make them feel warm and cosy.
And there are others who are chilled to the marrow of their bones that our society should produce such things in the name of freedom. And I will go on being one. Sometimes, life is about choices. AV also has its choices. You can choose whether you want these lyrics to be the anthem of AV or TSO, or not. I do not choose them. I have placed my stake in the ground.
Dec 27th, 2003
Okay dyerbrook please tell Me what kind of person is in to D/s, M/s, and BDSM? I would surely like to know. I don’t think I was coerced or brainwashed into joining. The only coercion I see is on your part to “save” U/us and O/others like U/us from what? O/ourselves… You know the funny thing is you are striking out at people who are very loving and kind all because you and your tender sensibilties are offended. W/we are into the Lifestyle by choice. It is Freedom of choice that frightens you ?
Or the the fact that W/we indulge in O/our fantasies or is it that you are intrigued and ashamed by the little thoughts that go through your mind?
Most of U/us know who W/we are dyerbrooke and that is what led U/us to this Lifestyle…Is it a perversion?(I will not quibble with semantics here) or is it people who live a better Real Life because they choose to Role Play something as different as D/s. As to why some one would portray a Dom/me or a sub it has to do with personalities..A person who has a very strong will and is always in control may choose to be a submissive for the very reason of giving up control to someone else. It is not just sexual but emotional as well. Oh and btw dyerbrook, I AM the vanilla with sprinkles……..I’m just your average suburban working mommy with a bit of a kink. (and Darksoul’s wifey FYI)
Dec 27th, 2003
i just had to respond to the fact that you have repeatedly said that lot owners feel threatened into allowing BDSM players onto their lot. During some investigative research, i have found that lots 1 – 15 in the skill category say that they have no problems with any member or any group coming to their property to skill. They all said that as long as don’t pick on other guests, aren’t rude, and behave they do not have a problem with their presence on the property. The same was true of the money lots. As long as don’t steal, bother other guests, nor cause trouble they do not have issues with BDSM players being on their lots. Some curious comments did come up however. Certain sim names kept creeping up, and a group called SAP was listed as unwanted on certain properties. All properties said no taggers, theifs nor liars welcome. One house supports all radio stations and all groups. Taggers are not welcome however. Every house that was asked, the same was said. All are welcome. i find it very interesting that you say they said one thing, and another vanilla sim, a sim that is not affiliated with BDSM, gets a totally different response. Hmmm….since a lot said liars aren’t welcome…….hmmmm…oh well….guess time will tell….
Lady Julianna
Dec 27th, 2003
hmm.. Good job Mikal
I am very proud of you dear. So Dyerbrook, you are a group of one? Or should we count Lord Cheetah as well as two? Where are these others you talk about? I don’t see anyone else posting with you here.
Dec 27th, 2003
Last night, as I said, I went to a dozen lots, in skills, money-making, and greening (coffee), oh, and also one in romance. I did not hit lots no. 1-15 in the top slots in skills, it is a different sample than what Mikal hit. Because Mikal has BDSM displayed on his profile and is part of your lot/circle, *of course* the lot owners are going to say they don’t have a problem with BDSM. They would take it as a polite question that they must answer politely or feel the wrath of the “mind your manners” crowd. They don’t like it, but they want to go along with the PC crowd and feel that no one can accuse them of being bigoted — they are lot owners, and they want visitors.
I’m not going to forcibly out those people who made these comments to me, nor drag them by the hand or hair to come and “testify” as you are clearly doing. I don’t use those methods of coercion. If they don’t chose to make a comment publicly, that’s their choice. I’m merely reporting to you what I found. You can take it or leave it. It is a sign of distress, but because it isn’t coded with the special arcane “uncle” word that you contract between dom and sub, you do not choose to hear it and you beat it into submission by slamming me with false charges of lying. What these people told me was from their hearts. This isn’t a lie, but what was told by one vanilla to another — that *they are made uncomfortable by your lifestyle, don’t like it, and don’t want it to take over AV*. ***They are distressed by it***. They may tolerate the presence of BDSM because they dont’ like conflict or friction in the game. Most people don’t.
Can you understand those subtleties? I think not. It doesn’t matter if you have bullied people into saying they love having you — whether subtly, with the fear of being labeled a bigot — or more harshly, with the fear of the whip. It doesn’t matter, because we know the truth. There are a great many people frankly dismayed at what you represent, which is the breakdown of society in Alphaville. Dress it up as you like, but that’s what it means.
Oh, and I heard another thing today that surprised even me. Another Sim told me knew of something like 4-5 Sims who were once in BDSM, but left.
There were too many rules. LOL.
Lady Julianna
Dec 27th, 2003
Mikal went in as another sim he has who is vanilla, no BDSM on his profile. And if you know 4 or 5 who left, then it can’t be a cult. Yes, we do have rules to protect subs and we police ourselves. Your arguments grow more hysterical and whiny little man. Give it up. You are alone, powerless, and there is not a thing you can do about our presence except whine.
Small men are like small dogs. They tend to yap a lot.
Dec 27th, 2003
Comments gathered just now from prop owners or roomies in charge of props on the top 15 skill list — oh, so different than the comments you gathered!
1. “I am ok with their presence as long as their conversations in the room dont become to graphic. If that occurs I ask them to tone it down and if they dont they they are booted and banned.”
2. “I support peoples right to choose a life whatever they want.”
3. “Explain to me what BDSM and then I’ll answer.” [Still didn't get it after several more sentences but then couldn't figure out what to think].
4. “I don’t agree with it but they never cause any problems here so why not.”
[Do you find it disturbing?] “Yes, a little. I have noticed a lot of them around.”
Let me suggest to you that this is very different sentiment than what Mikal claims to be tapping into. This is the sentiment of people who *are uncomfortable*. Can you understand that? Their discomfort might well grow. And they’ve had actual experiences where they feel the RP has gone too far, and they have asked people to leave their lots, or even booted them.
Now that would suggest that explicit RP should be kept in private on romance lots rather than flaunted on all the generic lots *as a matter of courtesy and manners*.
Dec 27th, 2003
Lady Julianna, you hope to achieve by insults what you cannot achieve by intelligent argument. This little yapping dog isn’t biting LOL.
Mikal’s vanilla sim is probably one of the less-better-kept secrets of AV and IH LOL.
Another lot owner just commented. “I tell them to tone it down.” Interesting. There is a *need* to *tone it down* perceived in the community. Will you heed it?
Dec 27th, 2003
Stop trying to coerce U/us into your violent, perverse way of thinking, you narrow-minded, narcisstic blowhard. The more you talk, the more W/we laugh at you behind O/our little sim hands.
You have your grimy little mind set and nothing anyone can say is right, only what you think is right. Think again. I will repeat that as a citizen of the United States of America, I am entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This is my basic right, earned and fought for by my ancestors who were in this country during the revolution. No one is going to deny me my rights. NO ONE. Especially not a narrow-minded BIGOT like you. I have the right to be spanked, whipped, tied up, branded, collared and to do all of those to another consenting adult whenever I want. If you don’t like it, tough! Neither you nor any other despotic tyrant will ever take away my basic freedoms as a citizen of the USA. So give it a rest!
Lady Julianna
Dec 27th, 2003
Toning it down does not apply to me since I almost never go into the vanilla community.
Dec 27th, 2003
Stop trying to coerce me into your violent, perverse way of thinking, you narrow-minded, narcissistic blowhard. The more you talk, the more I laugh at you behind my little sim hands.
NO PROOF…that your violent cult is right.
You have your grimy little mind set and nothing anyone can say is right, only what you think is right. Think again. I will repeat that as a citizen of the United States of America, I am entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This is my basic right, earned and fought for by my father who came to this country in search of freedom from political oppression, and many other old and new immigrants. No one is going to deny me my rights. NO ONE. Especially not a narrow-minded BIGOT like you. I have the right to declare that your choice to be spanked, whipped, tied up, branded, collared and to do all of those to another consenting adult whenever I want *is questionable* and *is immoral* and *is destructure to the fabric of society*. If you don’t like it, tough! Neither you nor any other despotic tyrant will ever take away my basic freedoms as a citizen of the USA. So give it a rest!
And by the way, you’re rubber, and I’m glue, and whatever you say to me bounces of me and sticks to you.
Dec 27th, 2003
You should actually read before you post. i went in, as Mistress said as a vanilla bdsm on my profile. I asked about not just BDSM, but other groups as well. If you wish i shall quote a few, leaving out the names of them for their protection, as you have also done.
“I support all radio stations and groups although taggers are not welcome”. “I do not disgrunt against any group. All are welcome at my house”. “As long as they don’t steal, bother other guests, i see no reason why they should be banned from my lot.” “All are welcome as long as they mind their manners.” ; “I have no problems with any group coming as long a don’t start trouble”, and one last one, “Scammers, SAP members are not welcome at my property.” So, just because i talked to the top lots, that means it doesn’t represent the city? But all the lots you talked to do? Hmm…sounds like someone got his undies in a knot and can’t seem to get it undone.
Dec 27th, 2003
Mikal, what part of “tone it down” didn’t you understand? And what part of “the vanilla sim is the least-best-secret” didn’t you understand? And what part of “uncomfortable” didn’t you understand? Or have you lost all reason? I talked to the very same top 15 skill lots, duh, just now. I had interesting conversations with them. I reported them faithfully, even if they didn’t represent my point of view. In fact, some of them represent your point of view. But what I captured, and which you didn’t capture, because you don’t want to hear it, is the level of discomfort people are experiencing, and the desire to tone it down. I guess we can’t expect you to “mind your manners” in the same way that you belligerently demand of all who visit your lots.
I’m just about done with this conversation. I don’t see any new points emerging. Until someone new comes along with some unsaid point, I don’t feel it is worth replying. It may be important to you always to be right, and always to have the last word. It isn’t important to me. “You have not convinced a man because you have silenced him.”
Lord Gavril
Dec 27th, 2003
Good Eve A/all
I dont want to be understood by the masses.
The fewer folks who enjoy what I do, the more pleased I am. I get a nice warm feeling knowing you truly dont get the what and why of what I do for pleasure.
Dyerbrook, some folks just arent meant to get what it is We do for fun, pleasure etc. You seem to be one of them. This in itself is fine, but you cant change people, and their curiosity to know about new things. People will come and go from bdsm, D/s, TPE relationships etc. The trick is, are you going to judge all of them for doing what they feel they must at the time?
I think what you need to ask now, is, why do We enjoy the spankings, floggings, whippings and other fun filled activities. The body is a very interesting toy, meant to be played with. When One cares to find out about it of course.
*Endorphins, a truly wonderful thing*
Be Well
Dec 27th, 2003
Hmm…seems like i stepped on someones toes just now…and seems to me like you believe that you are the only one who is right and that only what you report to be true is true. That is such a lopsided point of view that it is not even remotely funny. Only you seem to wish other groups, other than those that you deem worthy, to leave AV. rolls eyes…sheesh…i hope that i did silence you for i sure wasn’t trying to convert you….only actually show that not all are wishing U/us to leave or are uncomfortable with O/our presence. You say that i only here what i wish to hear? i believe that that would be that you only hear what you wish to hear, i am open minded and hear and listen to all….can you actually say the same about being open minded? i think not…….have a wonderful evening A/all…..i refuse to discuss this with Dyerbrook any longer as he is a close minded person who has stuck himself up on his horse and has designated himself as the only one who knows what is best for AV and all in the city.
Lady Julianna
Dec 27th, 2003
Why are you still responding? Or more importantly, where is this group you spoke to me of? Why are they not here rallying to your cause?
You are alone, powerless, only able to make loud noises. If there is to be a loser in this discussion, it is you, for you stand alone. We stand with friends and community around us. I pity you little man.
Lady Julianna
Dec 27th, 2003
Why are you still responding? Or more importantly, where is this group you spoke to me of? Why are they not here rallying to your cause?
You are alone, powerless, only able to make loud noises. If there is to be a loser in this discussion, it is you, for you stand alone. We stand with friends and community around us. I pity you little man.
Dec 27th, 2003
Regarding the group of people who are unhappy with your cult:
1. One has filed a petition against you for transmitting pornography across frontiers and publishing the URL on your profile. Why should you get to keep your URL in the game, but is banned, or for that matter, my website?
2. Another has cancelled a subscription, appalled at the spread of BDSM, and has filed a letter with Maxis asking them to create a separate adult server and to take a closer look at BDSM in the game.
3. A third has gone to play other Sims in other cities because AV has become such a low-life place.
And so on. Who cares?
Dec 27th, 2003
So you want AV to have a theme song huh dyerbrook?
I submit nickelback…….
I like your pants around your feet
And I like the dirt that’s on your knees
And I like the way you still say please
While you’re looking up at me
You’re like my favorite damn disease
Dec 27th, 2003
How about this one……
Domination’s the name of the game
In bed or in life
They’re both just the same
Except in one you’re fulfilled
At the end of the day
Master and Servant…..Depeche Mode
Lady Julianna
Dec 27th, 2003
My website url is not on my profile. Look again. It never was on my profile.
Lady Julianna
Dec 27th, 2003
I am sure Maxis is aware of my website and finds it not objectionable. There is no pornography on it, no profanity, no nudity. There is creative writing there, and general info on BDSM. None of this violates TOS.
Dec 27th, 2003
How do you transmit porn thru a game with no file transfer capability?
Lady Julianna
Dec 27th, 2003
Even my stories, BDSM theme or not, do not contain sex. There is no graphic or described sex on my website at all.
Dec 28th, 2003
Quote….from dyerbrook…8:53pst 12/27….Your rubber and i’m glue…what ever you say bounces off me and sticks to you….um nooo your glue you just said so…..duh…..
ah well i see it is easy to get ones thoughts all jumbled up isn’t it dyerbrook…..
ok cheer time
rah rah rah…..sis boom bah…..your such a prude …and really rude….while manners we keep….you act like a creep….la la la….spank my bum…..i’ll end this now….my cheer is done….
and i heard Him exclaim as He rode out of sight…..Happy spankings to all….and to all a good night……….
*sticks up finger beside the middle one at dyerbrook as she is not allowed to use the middle one*
Sir Matthews girl…………….brigit
Dec 28th, 2003
Ok Im back again… sorry was having fun with my hubby in RL today… I find it hilariously funny that I posted some very valid comments and they were ignored… Was it because I didnt attack anyone personally and actually said things that made sense??? I would certainly hope so and if thats the case *pats myself on the back*
Ive noticed that the person attacking the community is grasping at straws for argumentative material LMFAO wich is just funny in and of it self.
If you are an adult and your whole main worry was an adult server to protect the children (which was your original statement) why cant AV be the adult server??? Because you are offended by our way of life??? Are you offended by Gays and Lesbians??? D/s is an alternative lifestyle…some CHOOOOSE to get spanked, flogged, whipped, and tied up… some CHOOOSE not to do any of those BDSM kinks, rather choosing just to submit mentally and emotionally. Do you tell someone who has a foot fetish that they are a morally corrupt person??? Spankings, floggings, whippings, and being tied up are all kinks… some like one thing others like another thing… some like a combo of both. I myself like to be tied up and spanked with a ping pong paddle the most (a christmas present I gave hubby this year)*smiles big*
I have NEVER EVER gone onto a “vanilla” lot and roleplayed in anyway… and I’ve never seen anyone else from the community roleplay on a “regular” lot.
The fact that you didnt respond to things I had to say and the fact your grasping at rediculous things like trying to claim that Lady Julianna is sending porn out or has porn on her sight is just so gosh dayum hilarious and shows that you truely are in your fight against adults living thier life the way they want to live it all on your own.
*kneeling down in front of her Arianei’gi resting on her heels placing lil kisses all over His feet as she runs her hands along the back of His calves* Now this is where I love to be *smiles big*
Dec 28th, 2003
wow dyerbrook 3 nameless people you now claim. OMKG this is overwhelming toy better pack her bags and head out the door to DG
PUHLEEZE get serious dyerbrook you are putting yourself up as a complete laughing stock throughout AV
toy once again asks.. why dont these so called patriots of yours step forward or is this lil slave girl to frightening to confront?
but then again for anyone to step forward and be counted beside you would also be shown as a laughing stock so rave on dyerbrook you are nothing but entertainment and rather pathetic now
falara kajira toy
Lady Julianna
Dec 28th, 2003
All of you are invited to look at my website to see for yourselves that Dyer does not know what he is talking about. You will see that there is no pornography on it, no nudity, no profanity. Read my BDSM story there… no sex in it. As for violence, you will find more in kids’ shows on TV.