Interview with Anonymous, on Alphaville’s Bondage, Discipline & Sadomasochism Community
by Alphaville Herald on 20/12/03 at 12:51 am
In this interview with Anonymous we discuss her entry into Alphaville’s Bondage, Discipline, and Sadomasochism (BDSM) community, her description of the growth (currently over 100 members) and prospects of growth for the community, as well as some of the social structures and self-organized policing mechanisms in the community. She describes some of the unique aspects of virtual (as opposed to r/l) BDSM and describes some of the activities and educational programs available in the Alphaville BDSM community. She also addresses the problem of minors in TSO, and calls for an adults-only policy in the city (or some city) to protect the minors (and to protect the adults from the minors).
Urizenus: When did you start playing TSO?
Anonymous: last June…a friend gave me the game after i started playing Sims Deluxe…and horribly burning all of my characters in kitchen fires
Urizenus: oh, that happened to me too (burned sims)
Anonymous: well, she and my husband play a lot of Everquest…so it was like 2 crackheads passing the pipe along to someone else, lol
Urizenus: ic, lol, and so then you started up in June… In alpha?
Anonymous: yes, [this] is my original sim…intended originally to be temporary…
Urizenus: Did you gravitate immediately to [the BDSM neighborhood] Rose Thorn Gardens?
Anonymous: when i first started playing.. the first couple of times i logged in, i saw all of these properties and neighborhoods that were ‘mafia’ this or ’420′ that…and i thought that i would not find a place i would feel comfortable in…
Anonymous: i lived in a vanilla house for about a week…
Anonymous: after a couple of days, i did a search on ‘submission’ and found the ‘house of submission’
Anonymous: because i did have in mind to find an online Master…though i did not know if there was a bdsm community on sims or not…
Urizenus: why did you search on ‘submission’, are you a r/l sub?
Anonymous: well…that is an interesting question…and one with a lot of political implications in the community…
Urizenus: how so?
Anonymous: before i started playing tso i would have said, ‘yes’, in RL i am a sub, because i am interested in BDSM sex play…
Anonymous: but i have learned since coming here that it is a complete lifestyle, bdsm…
Anonymous: and some people do live it 24/7…and i don’t think that i could do that…
Urizenus: ic, so you aren’t a “lifestyle sub”
Anonymous: i don’t think so
Anonymous: i’m discovering, the more i play here, that i am less and less a sub than i thought
Urizenus: LOL
Anonymous: i am emotionally very independent in RL
Urizenus: ok, we’ll come back to this in a sec…
Urizenus: Let’s stay with how you found the community for now
Urizenus: you did a search and you found this house
Anonymous: ok…well, i did a search for ‘submission’ and found the ‘house of
submission’ …
Anonymous: and visited there a couple of times, and one time i went there…i met xxxx…
Urizenus: who was xxxx?
Anonymous: he is my tso Master and husband now
Anonymous: and he was an experienced Dom in the community…
Urizenus: and he introduced you to the alpha BDSM community?
Anonymous: yes, he got me invited to live at one of the bdsm properties…
Urizenus: which one?
Anonymous: it was called Rose Thorn Money…
Anonymous: there were few roomies and few visitors…
Anonymous: i never met the owner there…
Anonymous: i visited Black Rose Castle a lot, though, (Lady Julianna’s place)…
Urizenus: yes
Anonymous: and learned a lot…i was very shy…mostly sat and studied and didn’t say much…
Anonymous: just sat back and observed…
Urizenus: studied?
Anonymous: cooking and mech, what all good subs should study
Anonymous: and watched how subs and Dom/mes interacted…
Urizenus: I see, so you were studying how to be a sub.
Anonymous: a little of both
Urizenus: is it different from r/l BDSM?
Anonymous: i don’t know if i am qualified to answer that…
Anonymous: my interest in BDSM in RL lies mainly in sex play…and not as a total lifestyle…
Anonymous: which is very un-pc to a lot of people in Rose Thorn Gardens who claim to be RL bdsm lifestylers, i think
Urizenus: ic, whereas on TSO it seems to be a lifestyle thing?
Anonymous: yes, i think that some people are offended with the idea of BDSM only being about sex and not about a complete way of life…
Anonymous: and, in a way, i do understand it…there are a lot of people who come into the community only with a view of getting their rocks off and taking advantage of subs
Urizenus: ok, say a little bit about the Rose Thorn Gardens neighborhood
Anonymous: ok..what do you want to know about it?
Urizenus: well, how large is it. How many properties, people, etc,
Anonymous: when i started playing sims in June, i think there were only about 10 houses or so in Rose Thorn Gardens…a pretty small community…
Urizenus: wow, but now…
Anonymous: now, it has really exploded as people have come to AV from other cities…
Anonymous: and also, i think there are a lot of people with multiple accounts playing…and everyone is buying simoleans from Ebay…so every 3 day old sim now has their own Gorean Castle, lol
Urizenus: LOL
Anonymous: a lot more properties…but also a more fractured community, i think
Urizenus: so how many sims are in the lifestyle do you think
Anonymous: it is really difficult to say…i used to know everybody…now it seems i know very few, because many people will get themselves in too deep, and think they can solve their problems by recreating…
Urizenus: 20, 30, more sims in the community?
Anonymous: well, of sims…there are well over a hundred, i would guess…
Urizenus: over 100?
Anonymous: the last time i counted there were about 70 properties in Rose Thorn Gardens…
Anonymous: i think there are more now…
Urizenus: is the community still growing?
Anonymous: yes, it is growing, but it is also flattening…
Urizenus: flattening?
Anonymous: there are many, many more properties with 1 or 2 sims living in them…
Urizenus: oic
Urizenus: what are the more important properties in the community?
Anonymous: well, number one has to be Rose Thorn Gardens…Lady Julianna’s place…i lived there for a while
Urizenus: what are the others?
Anonymous: Rose Thorn Cottage, owned by Lord Cougar…
Anonymous: Dark Virtues…a Gorean house owned by Maria LaVeaux
Urizenus: ok, and Bastien Dante’s place?
Anonymous: Rose Thorn Castle…owned by Bastien Dante..AV’s premier bdsm bad boy (or jerk, depending on whom you ask, lol)
Urizenus: What about Tiger Joe Franklin’s place
Anonymous: Rose Thorn Casino…owned by Tiger Joe, yes, he’s been here a long time..
Anonymous: it is so difficult to find the center of the community now…
Anonymous: every day there are new properties…
Anonymous: there are also competing bdsm neighborhoods; ‘Thorns and Petals’ and another i can’t remember or find now, lol
Urizenus: Competing for what?
Anonymous: by people who think they are ‘real’ competing against the rest they think are just ‘roleplayers’…between people who take tso bdsm seriously, and those who think it is just a game…
Anonymous: competing for prestige…bragging rights, i don’t know
Anonymous: and i think a large part of it comes from the same problems all sims have in tso…the unrelenting boredom of tso
Urizenus: so the Thorns and Petals people think the Rose Thorn people don’t take BDSM seriously enough?
Anonymous: no, i wouldn’t say that
Anonymous: people have personal conflicts sometimes and want to get away from each other, or want to start their own thing
Urizenus: ic so the division is not obviously political
Anonymous: i think a lot of it is a matter of economy, and the structure of the game…
Anonymous: anyone can buy simoleans and build their own castle…
Anonymous: so why go and visit Rose Thorn Castle? why visit Rose Thorn Casino, when you can build your own castle…
Urizenus: same problem the straights have in the game then
Anonymous: i was talking with my friend who plays Everquest about this recently..and she was saying that RL never comes into the game…they’re too busy killing dragons…
Urizenus: LOL
Anonymous: in sims…all you have to do is sit in a house and talk…so, even if you try to keep a tight reign on giving out information…you can’t help but start to form bonds and trust with people…
Anonymous: and you reveal yourself to them as they do to you…
Anonymous: and then there is also the drama
Urizenus: hmmm, so it’s like the sheer boredom of the place leads to these intense social connections and the subsequent drama
Anonymous: yes, exactly
Anonymous: i never intended on falling in love when i first loaded up tso
Urizenus: but you did?
Anonymous: yes
Urizenus: does that pose a problem for your r/l marriage or are these two separate things
Anonymous: they are separate…the person i met in tso is also married…and we share a love that is very important to both of us…but one which does not jeopardize the RL that we have
Anonymous: i think that there are a lot of very damaged people in the bdsm community of av…searching to find something to fix them…
Urizenus: well, what does it mean to love and or be married in TSO
Anonymous: well…it seems love is a cheap commodity in tso, lol
Anonymous: i can’t count how many profiles of subs and Dom/mes i’ve read where sims that just met that day are pledging undying eternal love for each other…
Anonymous: and then the next day…they love someone else…
Anonymous: and marriage, well, that is another political topic…
Urizenus: I’ve notice that too. Sim love is fickle
Urizenus: are you married or “collared”
Anonymous: i am both
Anonymous: collaring is the more common bond here in av bdsm
Urizenus: what does it mean to be collared?
Anonymous: to my mind…it is a serious thing…and not something that should be done lightly…
Anonymous: it is a commitment…similar to marriage in the vanilla community…
Anonymous: and i think it is something that should never be done immediately…
Urizenus: what’s the nature of the commitment?
Anonymous: the commitment is for the Dom/me to promise to protect, guide, teach and love the sub…
Anonymous: and for the sub to obey, love, trust
Urizenus: but what does that mean in VR?
Anonymous: well, a lot of times, very little
Anonymous: sadly
Anonymous: two sims came into my property the other day…
Anonymous: they met, chatted for about 4 minutes, and the sub left the property wearing the Dom’s collar
Urizenus: hmmmm, clear lack of commitment there
Anonymous: it made me sad, because no true Dom would collar a sub that quickly
Anonymous: and she was a new sub, ripe for being taken advantage of…
Anonymous: i tried to warn her…
Urizenus: new on tso?
Anonymous: yes, i think she was only a couple days old
Anonymous: but she just said ‘i’ve only known him for a few minutes, but he has my complete trust’
Anonymous: *rolling eyes
Anonymous: i hope she is just roleplaying
Urizenus: well, given those commitments you listed above, it sounds more like the vows from a 1950′s marriage than BDSM. Is that all there is to it? Playing house ala 1950?
Urizenus: You understand that question?
Anonymous: lol, i never thought of it that, way, but perhaps
Anonymous: which is why i think i am probably not a very good sub
Urizenus: lol
Anonymous: yes, i think that is it, but without the monogomy, lol
Anonymous: at least for the Dom/me
Urizenus: well, help us out, it’s hard to understand what an S&M scene would look like on TSO. No whips, no bondage, etc
Anonymous: well, all we have in tso are words, really
Urizenus: so the scenes are text based
Anonymous: yes
Anonymous: but, with the right person, they can be very exciting and satisfying
Urizenus: and they are often public?
Anonymous: no, not often public at all
Anonymous: i think a lot of people (vanillas) are disappointed when they come into my place…and it’s not a 24/7 orgy going on
Urizenus: lol
Anonymous: much of it is in private IM, i think
Urizenus: in IM, ic
Anonymous: i have very rarely happened into a house with open scening…
Anonymous: unless it is a planned event…
Urizenus: so there are such things
Anonymous: yes, there are scheduled ‘dungeon parties’ and ‘slave auctions’ and that sort of thing that members of the community are invited to
Urizenus: Are there political differences in how one ought to scene? Say for example between Goreans and others?
Anonymous: you know, that is one thing that i have seen very little conflict over…how people choose to scene…
Anonymous: because, like i said, i think the bulk of it happens in private…
Anonymous: ever try to get into a house and there are ‘special permission’ preventing you from entering?
Urizenus: yah
Anonymous: well, now you know what’s going on in that house
Urizenus: lol
Anonymous: or if there is a couple ‘slow dancing’ or ‘cuddling’ on a couch, lol
Urizenus: oic, here I thought they were just cuddling
Anonymous: lol
Anonymous: sure they are
Urizenus: When I visit Lady Julianna’s it is often rather quiet
Urizenus: lol
Anonymous: hehe
Anonymous: well, everyone isn’t intent on studying cooking, lol
Urizenus: ok, about the Goreans, what is that about
Urizenus: well, what is the difference between the Goreans and you for example?
Anonymous: well, i don’t know that much about Gor…
Anonymous: i read a little about it…and it wasn’t my cup of tea…
Anonymous: to me, being a submissive is because i choose to be…
Anonymous: according to Gor (from what i’ve read)…women are slaves because they just are..they are inferior…
Anonymous: and as a RL woman, that never sat right with me
Anonymous: and i can’t stand that fake Gorean language everyone spouts…”vini, vishi, va’nishi”
Urizenus: what is that? It means something?
Anonymous: to me, it’s just another clique…’oh, look what we know that you don’t…we even have our own secret language’…to me it is just silly…
Anonymous: i’ll learn Gor, just as soon as i’m done learning Elvish and then Clingon, thank you
Urizenus: rotflmao
Anonymous: it is a lifestyle based upon a set of novels
Urizenus: so are most religions
Anonymous: fantasy novels with scantily clad women on the covers and Fabio-type men…
Urizenus: are there a lot of Goreans in alpha?
Anonymous: yes, to me, Gor is a bit like a cult (though there are many who are Gor that i do respect greatly)…
Anonymous: but, i am not an expert in it…my Master and i chose to follow our own path in bdsm together…and we don’t follow other people’s rules
Urizenus: well is it a clique or a cult, there’s a difference
Anonymous: well, i think Gor is a cult…but there are definitely cliques in the av bdsm community
Urizenus: why is it a cult? is there an effort to indoctrinate others?
Urizenus: Another way to put my question: do the Goreans proselytize
Anonymous: no, no, not at all
Anonymous: i think i would describe it as a cult because the behaviors are so predetermined…
Urizenus: do you know the sim zzzz that claims the bdsm community is trying to recruit people into the lifestyle?
Anonymous: no, i never met him
Anonymous: that’s a crock of crap
Anonymous: we have more problems with vanillas coming into the community…than with bdsm people going out of it…
Anonymous: i rarely wander out of the bdsm community in sims…
Urizenus: ok, let’s hear about that. People come in to harass you?
Anonymous: when you have that you are a sub in your profile, you are open to harassment…
Anonymous: and, for a short while, i had a sim in another city that was a slave…and i got continual harassment…
Anonymous: mostly in skill houses
Anonymous: or when out shopping
Urizenus: what do people say
Anonymous: oh, things like ‘you have no self-respect’
Anonymous: ‘how could you let a man treat you like that?’
Urizenus: what about the objection that children are playing in these skill houses and they shouldn’y be exposed to some Gorean slave’s profile?
Anonymous: well, i think that when a parent allows a child to play an online game…they have to realize that their child could run into anything…
Anonymous: and should be supervised…
Anonymous: my friends have an 8 year old boy who is just dying to play online games…
Anonymous: but it is not allowed…because the parents know enough to know what is out there…
Urizenus: how old do you think a child should be to play on tso unsupervised?
Anonymous: 25, lol
Urizenus: lol
Anonymous: i think that there should be an adult’s only server on tso
Anonymous: because, as a homeowner with an 18+ house, it is a constant worry for us…
Anonymous: although there is very rarely anything going on in the house that is objectionable…
Urizenus: I know that yyyy complained to me once about having to deal with minors chasing her for cybersex…
Anonymous: there are questions about subs and Masters and BDSM…things children shouldn’t be exposed to…we try out best to make sure that children are never in our house…
Urizenus: how do you keep them out?
Anonymous: well, i always read the profiles of any incoming sims…many times minors will have their age in their profile…and they are immediately placed on the ban list and asked to leave…if they do not leave, they are booted…
Anonymous: and i and my roommates are very careful to observe and listen to all who enter…
Urizenus: suppose they don’t have their age [in their profiles]. Or suppose they type in ’18′ [in their profiles]
Anonymous: it is sometimes possible to spot the young, by the questions they ask…i’ve had sims tell me they are over 18…but i don’t believe them…they are booted and banned…
Anonymous: i am sure that we can’t protect everyone…there are some very mature 14 and 15 year olds out there…we do what we can
Urizenus: but I see why you wish Maxis would have adults-only cities. Why do you think they don’t
Anonymous: i think they don’t because they are getting by without doing it
Anonymous: they think that the user agreement protects everyone…when it really only protects maxis
Urizenus: do you really think they are deluded about that? i.e. don’t you think they know it is there to protect their asses and not the kids in alphaville?
Anonymous: i’m sure they know it
Anonymous: i’m sure they are not deluded…but it is the age old question of morality vs. legality, i suppose
Urizenus: so what’s the future for the alpha BDSM community. Will it keep growing?
Anonymous: i don’t think it will keep growing like it has
Anonymous: i know a lot of people already who are tired of all the drama in the community…
Urizenus: how many community members do you think there will be a year from now (after reading this!)
Anonymous: i think many are going to other games like ‘There’ and ‘Half-Life’ and, there’s a new adults’ only game with explicit sexual content ‘Sociolotron’ that is leeching many out of the community already…
Urizenus: so a lot have left for sociolotron?
Anonymous: i think word is spreading…Sociolotron is only in beta now…the servers are down a lot and the graphics are not very good…but as it improves, i think many in the av bdsm community will migrate over…
Urizenus: will you migrate?
Anonymous: i am already there as a beta tester…it is hard to say…i stay here because i do like the community…there are a lot of positives to it…there is a strong sense of community here…there are a lot of people here i care about…
Urizenus: oh earlier you mentioned that Bastien Dante has a rep as a pain in the ass, can you say why (or do you want to??)
Anonymous: well, he is rude and crude…he treats his subs as property…
Urizenus: how is that diff from treating them as slaves? perhaps that’s what they want
Anonymous: yes, that is exactly what they want…and they know what they will get when they go into a relationship with him…
Anonymous: like i said earlier…my Master and i find our own path in BDSM and in this game together and i don’t care if it conforms to what other people think BDSM should be…
Anonymous: so, if the subs are getting what they want out of their relationship with him…good for them
Urizenus: so say someone lands in alpha and they are in the lifestyle and want to hook up, what should they do? put something in their profile? go somewhere?
Anonymous: they should put something in their profile…they should visit the neighborhoods…visit and talk to a wide-range of people…
Anonymous: listen and learn…and, most importantly…ask questions…
Urizenus: what should they put in their profiles?
Anonymous: ‘Dom in training’ or ‘sub in training’ perhaps, or something to that effect, that they are interested in learning about the lifestyle…
Anonymous: because, for all its conflicts and its drama and its fractiousness…the bdsm av community is very open and willing to share and are, on the whole, a friendly bunch of people
Urizenus: and they can go to a place like Lady Jullianna’s and talk about the lifestyle?
Anonymous: yes, they can go to any of the bdsm properties in Rose Thorn Gardens and ask questions…
Anonymous: if someone has a genuine curiosity or desire to learn, will find plenty of knowledgeable people who are willing to help and share…
Urizenus: suppose someone was in the r/l bdsm community or was just curious about what a cyberscene would be like. Would it be possible for them, [if they presented themselves] in the right way, to find someone to experiment with?
Anonymous: well, i am sure it is possible…
Urizenus: Are there discussion groups to discuss certain bdsm books or literature?
Anonymous: at Lady Julianna’s place, she has a BDSM 101 that is very concise and informative that she is willing to share…
Anonymous: she also has a website with a “Learning Center” page that has a lot of good links:
Anonymous: there’s a site “Luther’s Gorean Scrolls” that i don’t seem to have any more, but it was useful for Gor information
Urizenus: What about bad actors and policing?
Anonymous: nobody in tso scares me
Urizenus: do you have any trouble with griefers?
Anonymous: the community is very effective in self-policing…
Anonymous: harass a sub at your skill house…face a boycott by the whole community
Urizenus: how do they accomplish that? is there a communication system for banning harassing sims?
Anonymous: come into a BDSM house to harass or cause trouble…the same…
Anonymous: it’s like any family…there is always squabbling between siblings…but when someone comes in from the outside to cause trouble…we band together…
Urizenus: so someone sends out the name of a trouble-maker and they get banned?
Anonymous: yes, we had a sim come into our house and claimed to have a relationship with one of the Doms living there…and tried to cause problems between that Dom and his sub…and had done the same at another house as well…
Anonymous: boot and ban…and pass the word along to the other house-owners in the community…
Anonymous: if i get a message from Lady Julianna about such-and-such sub being a problem and they should be banned from my property…i do it, no questions
Urizenus: does the bdsm community have recognized leaders, (like for example Lady Julianna?)
Anonymous: i think there are…it used to be more so than now…
Anonymous: but Lady Julianna is still a leading figure in the community
Urizenus: and she achieved that status through social networking and establishing a solid reputation?
Anonymous: yes, and good old fashioned advertisement, lol
Urizenus: lol
Urizenus: I think that might be it from me…
Urizenus: anything more you want to say?
Anonymous: well, i guess the only thing would be that i hope that i didn’t paint too negative a picture of the community as a whole… we have our disagreements, and our problems… and there is a certain amount of ‘popular kids table’ mentality… but on the whole…there are a lot of people here that genuinely care for one another… and there is a rich diversity within the community…from Master/sub marriages, to Dom/mes with many subs, to Gorean Master/slave relationships… some are roleplaying and some are lifestylers in RL… some, like myself, are a combination of the two… but, i think that it is, for the most part, a tolerant and open community and any with open and curious minds are welcome
Lady Julianna
Dec 28th, 2003
oops.. the url is
Lady Julianna
Dec 28th, 2003
Oh, and Dyerbrook, I complained about your comment as Lord Cheetah on my enemy link to Maxis. They thought it was bigoted and hateful. They have now replaced it with “Removed by Maxis staff.”
Dec 28th, 2003
~grins wickedly~ this girl has indeed played a little bit ~pressing her forefinger and thumb together closely~..a little bit.. at “vanilla” lots..well, ok ..a few times…sue me..~laffs hysterically~
~blows a ~dyer~ a big ole bdsm flavored kissy~
shi xo
Dec 28th, 2003
Quotes dyerbrook, “I don’t deserve either a capital A or a lower-case A in being addressed because I am free and treat others as equals.”
Freedom is in your own mind dyerbrook, freedom to be who and what you are, and to let O/others do the same. I hardly think one who spends so much time judging O/others lifestyles is free, but is rather a slave to narrow mindedness and bigotry.
“you would never have had to storm AV in as large and as intentional a community as you have.”
Storm? Hardly, I wandered into AV alone as a newbie….yes Darksoul is My first sim, felt comfortable there and stayed. I had no idea that there was a BDSM community at all here when I landed. Having been involved in the Yahoo BDSM community tho before I felt right at home. BTW, if you want a true fight on your hands, go to Yahoo and fight those folks, they won’t be nearly as polite as W/we are.
“There is unlikely to be such a vote or such a server, because Maxis would prefer to keep its head in the sand about it.
Like I said earlier, Methinks Maxis has no desire to lose several $K/month by alienating one of the largest subscriber bases in the game.
“Darksoul, do you have a learning disability or something?”
Possibly a bit of adult ADD, but other than that, nope.
“Your desire to play “gotcha” as if I was a member of your cult and enjoyed being coerced and shamed is really unseemly.”
What’s very unseemly is your desire to tilt windmills by trying to control the lives of those you can’t.
“If you have united so as to remain silent about the extreme ends of your spectrum, including Gor — unlike some of you in private conversations — then you have opened up the means by which the soccer moms or the right-wing congressmen will hang you. It won’t be my fault. I was begging you to differentiate…”
Gor is Gor, I don’t necessarily care for it, but like A/all of U/us have tried to say repeatedly, if O/one chooses to RP it or live it with consenting adults, so be it. Ask Bonewits, if you’re truly in contact with Him about this one statement “An it harm none, do as thou wilt”. Sums up life pretty well, don’t it? As far as the right wing congressmen trying to hang Me, they would probably prefer to burn Me at the stake as a witch, but that’s another matter of semantics.
I’m truly enjoying a lively debate with you dyerbrook, but alas, it seems that We’ll never agree on anything. I do want to thank you again tho for being the fabric that has united an otherwise fractured community, may you and those like you live long happy lives tilting at windmills to your heart’s content….may I suggest tho, wellbutrin……it takes the edge off things and makes you much less aggressive
LALALA, I’d like to teach the world to sing…in perfect harmony…..
Dec 28th, 2003
~looks at dyerbrook and grins~…….
~searches through her fathers closet~
~grasping his Marine uniform and puts it on~
~clearing her throat…….~
~looking directly at dyerbrook…~
~speaking in her best Jack Nicholson voice…..~
~removes the uniforn and skips happily away while grinning over her shoulder~
falara kajira toy
Billy Bob Thornton
Dec 28th, 2003
ok _yerbrook(seems how you dont want upper or lowercase…We just leave it blank
is that better?), I can see you have done what you set out to do…except not post again…lol…you have gotten your 10 mins of fame and would probably be voted # 1 closed minded idiot in AV..hell..maybe TSO in fact…I do not see U/us ..slamming the ~vanilla~(w or w out sprinkles…you choose) although..I will say…in beta days..I have been slammed harder than in a BDSM lot..and yes
w a ~vanilla~ I a recruiter for BDSM…only if people like getting their heads bit off…as I like bieng alone…when asked a question yes I try to answer it truthfully…and as far as the website you keep bringing up..castlerealm…sorry dude…never read it…and a cult…LMFAO…um Julianna the leader?…sorry I know Julianna ..and respect Her..but I follow Noones lead…as far as Darksoul…recruiting Me..LOL…hate to tell ya…I have been here just a wee bit longer…and anyone that knows Darksoul and My history..We damn near took each others heads off when We met…so scratch that one as are barking up the wrong tree…and the excuses about your ~ghost~ friends *Coughs*…ok..what ever dude…well you are entitled to your own opinion ..but as the saying goes …”opinions are like A@@holes…E/everyone has them and they A/all stink” so its best to keep them to yourself
Be Well E/everyone…oh..and you as well _yerbrook
Lady Julianna
Dec 28th, 2003
Lol Billy, I don’t think I have ever seen that side of you before! But you tell it like it is, hehe.
You mean I am not your leader Billy? *blink, blink* Put on your cheese hat and fall at my feet!
lol, and running
Dec 28th, 2003
toy got her answer finally about her invitation to Drak Virtues to have a discussion with _yerbrook/_heetah…… he has toy on ignore hehehehehehe
Dec 28th, 2003
~laffs~ this girl is happy to see that We, have yet, ~another~ forum. ~laffs~
and was wondering if ?yerbrook will be at the sim convention? perhaps?
This girl will be..leather, collar and all..~smiles sweetly as the recruiter she is~
love, shi xo
Dec 28th, 2003
hi E/everyone and Happy Holidays
gosh so many of my sisters posted on here and brother mikal im so proud of all of you
. i dont understand why Your so angry Dyerbrook. if You dont like the community or what W/we stand for just go somewhere else, its Your right its like changing a channel or picking whatever music You like.. i know of most that posted on this subject and ill like to tell Y/you this, T/they are all very nice people, brigit helped me when i needed it most she always looks out for others, Lord Cougar is awesome He will answer any question any one asks and alway ready to help A/anyone. Lord Darksoul i havent had the pleasure of meeting Him but i know His sub Naadirah and she is a wonderful person. Now Dyerbrook(notice the lower case Y) you put down Lady Julianna She is one of the most well liked People in AV She welcomes every guest and does great things for the Rose Thorn community be it questions, collarings, lessons, and if Y/you check out Her house its always full i suppose that means others enjoy her company also. i know i love visiting M’Lady and brother mikal, Master and i visit nightly and enjoy the friends W/we have met there… See W/we in the D’s community respect each other W/we meaning both Masters/Doms and submissives/slaves. If Y/you go into a house in Rose Thorn Gardens You wont hear swearing and fighting Y/you will hear conversation. And toy i would be honored to meet you one day, yours posts show that even if your 19 you are very intelligent and you love your life style
isnt that what its all about. Doing what makes Y/you happy. Dyerbrook dont put others down because you dont understand something. just because im a submissive doesnt mean my Master will wipe His dirty shoes on me or treat me unfairly, most Masters cherish Their sub/slaves. Yes we summit to Them and what we get in return is endless 
ps my Master is Lord Callaway and im honored to say Lady Julianna did O/our collaring ceremony..
Be well A/all
Tabula Rasa
Dec 28th, 2003
Greetings A/all! Nidan N/nadru!
Sorry I took so long to get back here, but I was off practicing witchcraft and becoming a lesbian.*grins*
I just wanted to clear up the whole CSI thing, I do watch the show it is very interesting and fits in with the others I watch on A & E, Discovery Channel. American Justice, City Confidential, Cold Case files, New Forensics, ect ect. Apparently I have an inquiring mind *grins*. At any rate I believe the episode he was refering to was 2.8 thats season 2 episode 8 entitled Slaves of Las Vegas, which guest stars Melinda Clarke as Lady Heather. This episode starts with a body being found in a sandbox at a park. After the body is processed they find out she has had breast augmentation which leads them to a doctor due to the serial # on them that gives them an address of the third party billing. The address then takes them to Lady Heather’s dominion. Turns out the dead girl was a Domme that had clients there, W/we then later find out She has off the book clients and She is a switch. Cutting out alot of detail so I don’t take up to much time and the episode is out on DVD so Y/you can view it Y/yourself *wink* W/we find a man who is married to a corporate litigator, who is basically pushed aside,around, and ignored by his wife, and he goes there to dominate the dead girl (while she was alive of course sillies. He uses her as a surrogate making nothing by masking her and painting her in liquid latex to strip her of her identity to make her into his wife where he ends up accidently killing her by denying her oxygen by putting his thumbs over her straws that she uses to breath thru. There was a few bits of dialogue that I think he forgot to mention or maybe he chose to ignore them as they didn’t fit into he own fantasy that W/we are all abused sexual deviantes whom troll the internet in search of fresh meat.
“That is sad if you think sexual contact is the only wasy to fulfillment”
“People are all just as twisted in their own livingrooms, the props are just different”
“The most telling thing about anyone is what scares them”
I re-watched the episode because I was trying to see where it said this community was all these things he is refering to, I htought a good episode that basically conveyed the message do not judge a book by it’s cover and sometimes W/we hold to fast to O/our preconceived notions…
Dec 29th, 2003
too tired from Disneyland to say much but did come up with a new cheer…..
_yerbrook …._yerbrook he’s our man…..if he can’t twist it ….no one can….
*jumps up in the air….waving her pom pom’s yelling*……YEAH…….GO _yerbrook…..*turns around and flips up her short cheerleader skirt and once again……MOONS..*…..
just thought you could use a little diversion _yerbrook. After all you do have a pretty sheltered life…a bit CLOSED OFF perhaps….
*smiles as she prances off swinging her pom pom’s …her hips seductivly swaying*
Lady Julianna
Dec 29th, 2003
Brigit, you always make me smile and laugh. I adore you hon! Do come and see me soon sweetie
With all this hulabaloo, _yerbrook has been my best advertiser. My house was packed last night, 20 at one time. He has only increased traffic to my house. People who had not heard of the BDSM community here hear him and are interested. It looks to me like Alphaville likes us and wants us around. The people of Alphaville made us the number 1 romance house. It keeps Mikal and I scrambling to greet and screen out the youngsters.
Oh and beware all. Dyerbrook has proclaimed himself God now (I suppose it was inevitable) and he and Dana Diehart are creating sims with religious names to tag BDSMers… Archangel Michael, St Peter, Mary Queenofheaven. Mary has three outgoing tags; she is no longer a threat. Peter has none, so put him on your ban lists. Dyer has used all his links I think so he is no threat. There are only two of them, they cannot do much damage, and what harm does a red link do anyway?
It looks to me friends like Urizenus has given an interview to Megagames, and it is not favourable. It appears that he has operated under false pretences. I know he has visited my home and he has been treated with nothing but kindness. This betrayal of that kindness does hurt and sting, more than any red tag would. Beware of him. You can see the article here:
Shame on you Uri. I would advise all not to agree to any interviews with Uri.
Dec 29th, 2003
I am puzzled by this reference to Dana DeHart(I think that’s the spelling) and these religious Sims. Neither she nor I have created any religious Sims to my knowledge. She is someone who has befriended SSG in the past and run a BDSM house so has faced my challenges in private conversations as we have known each other for some time. I don’t know why she put a green balloon on me but it was because she apparently wanted to clarify her position on SSG.
Indeed I have moved a Sim into “HeavenAbove” (go to the very top of the game and you’ll find this new neighborhood) and I personally plan to help this effort to create an alternative neighborhood free of SSG, BDSM, and griefers. If it smacks of sanctimoniousness, so be it, sometimes it takes exaggerated forms in this game to counter the other exaggerated forms. I don’t know many of the people tagged and they have’t been part of this discussion so there may be some other private vendetta being pursued.
Lady Julianna is upset that she suddenly has a full house. She IM’d me in the game and blamed my “campaign” for this, although commenting frankly on a blog is hardly a “campaign”. Her house is open, without a code, and has a come-on profile and website. Here, she acts as if it is a boon and a triumph. In her in-game IM, she complained that this was “more than she wanted” and “not what she wanted.” Well, you can always put your lot on ban or go to a quieter city in retreat.
She also said that “a child” e-mailed her site asking her about “the BDSM version of TSO” and blames *me* and “my campaign* for this development. Can you imagine?! The thought crossed my mind that Maxis itself could have sent a test e-mail like that (or the Postmaster General for that matter) to see if in fact she does distribute porn to minors.
In typical fashion, LJ says this child e-mailing her “isn’t something she or I want” as if I must take responsibility for it merely because I’ve challenged her in public. I don’t think that she should get to link her website in the game, and attract minors to it — as she has done — but is banned and my siteis banned from the game for having an open discussion about the “seamier” sides of AV. Do you see how it works? The Maxis TOS preserves the right of Lady Julianna and all the other lovely dommes and doms to link their URL in their Sim or lot description, thereby enabling and encouraging new recruits to the BDSM lifestyle, but those websites that raise the slightest concern about this lifestyle, or merely cover the public debate, are banned from the game. Go know…
She rants on and on about her site not containing pictures of nudity. But obscenity is not only about nudity. Tying and binding humans and depersonalizing them in “pony races” could also be construed as obscenity. I certainly find it a disgrace, and I imagine many people do in Canada and the United States. It’s not clear whether the Sims posed in kinkware on this site in TSO settings are the beneficiaries of an illegal patch for the game, or shot from the offline game (some items seem only available in TSO even allowing for the TSO customized objects available out there now), but it is clearly an advertisement for virtual and real-life bondage sex encounters. Does it belong in this game? I don’t think so.
When Lord Cheetah asked for an investigation of this site, in typical Maxis PC fashion, he got both an “insufficient evidence” reply to a petition and his red-tag ballon was wiped and replaced with “REMOVED BY MAXIS STAFF”. See, Lady Julianna can triumph with her violent and coercive lifestyle in this game and none dare criticize it. Maxis cannot seem to look at the larger picture of what it means to falsely advertise that their game is teen-rated and contains only mild sex and “mischief” and prefers to pick away at protests and exposures in the narrow construction of trying to fend off “reverse discrimination”. But do note that Lord Cheetah is not banned from the game for “discrimination” or for “hatred” over another’s sexual preference– he merely deleted. It will be interesting to see if Maxis will extend the notion of protection of sexual preference to include the BDSM preference involving violence and slavery. Very interesting indeed. I’m not away of any Supreme or local court decisions that will support them in that analysis.
Many people bleat on and on about how parents should watch their kids. But the parents who bought their teens this game for Christmas thought it was basically the offline game put online. They were familiar with the animations in the offline game and decided the love bed was something they could tolerate. They didn’t know they were buying a subcription to a service that helps you hook up to real-life sex rings where violent and coercive practices reign. There is a kind of social contract in buying a game and I believe Maxis has violated the public trust by not moving the hardcore violent sex play to a separate server.
(Stands back and chokes on the dust as everyone stampedes to Lady Julianna’s website to see the kinkware and figure out how they can put it in their game.)
Another theme I’d like to elaborate on is the notion of “the open mind”. As I’ve told LJ so many times, there’s no call to open your mind so far that your brains fall out! Each BDSM site tels you that you *must* have an open mind to enter their site. If you are offended by violence, slavery, depersonalization, pain, etc., well, then you must have a closed mind and be a bigot, so the logic goes. But this is the logic of the Red Queen — it is red because I say it is so.
If BDSMers used the argument “Hey, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” I wouldn’t see the need to argue with them. What they say, however, is that slavery is freedom, pain is pleasure. It is an intellectual affront and assault on truth and meaning and ought to be rebuffed by thinking people. It’s not enough that they want their own chosen diversion from the mainstream path, with some kind of tacit recognition that they are a minority and that there is a majority they must work around. I think most people would leave them alone to do as they will if that was their posture. No, they want to convert you to their perverse thinking, and get you to legitimize slavery as freedom, and pain as pleasure because *they say it is so*. Indeed, by branding everyone who does not play as they do as “vanilla” they imply they are boring and lacking in creative sex lives — as if love and sex can only be creative with the infliction of pain, the binding of freedom, and depersonalization.
That’s why I call it a cult. It aspires to a total view, perverting the mainstream view and the standards of the ages. It’s not content to say “we’re dissenters, leave us alone, tolerate us.” Instead, it has to turn meaning on its ear, and say “slavery is freedom” and say “reverse your own meaning of openness to include closedness.” A society that allows such perverse way of thinking to penetrate to its core has nurtured the seeds of its destruction. It’s like saying terrorism is just another form of freedom of expression and freedom of assembly.
Another curious idea is that asking Maxis to create an adult server is some kind of discrimination or segregation, so much so that the advocate of this position must “go to Dan’s Grove” himself. In real life, it is completely reasonable to *zone*. Adult book shops, sex shops, topless bars, S&M bars, etc. are *zoned*. The operate under certain restrictions. They aren’t allowed to be set up next to schools and keep the neighbors up all night with their partying. This is how RL communities are organized. In RL, the people in the “Hellfire Club” don’t scream that the businesses and homes on main street have “discriminated” against them because they’ve been zoned away from the main thoroughfare of everyday life. Why can’t it be that way in the Sims?
Dec 29th, 2003
“If BDSMers used the argument “Hey, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” I wouldn’t see the need to argue with them.” ~Dyerbrook, 12/29/03
“I live in the USA, we have a Declaration of Independence that says just that “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”.” ~Linderella, 12/27/03 5:15 PM
“I will repeat that as a citizen of the United States of America, I am entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This is my basic right, earned and fought for by my ancestors who were in this country during the revolution. No one is going to deny me my rights. NO ONE.” ~Linderella 12/27/03 8:42 PM
See once again what a liar you are Dyerbrook. Still you argue and not only do you have short term memory loss but you lie. We know you are behind the tagging. So does Maxis. You can deny it all you want but the truth always comes out. And we stand behind the truth while you stand behind the lie, despotic tyrant that you are.
Carmen Ray
Dec 29th, 2003
” I wouldn’t see the need to argue with them. What they say, however, is that slavery is freedom, pain is pleasure. ” ~Dyerbrook~
Dyerbrook let Me give you a bit of an anatomy lecture, the statement pain is pleasure is very true dear, when the body receives a cretin amount of pain the body releases a natural drug called endorphins, and this gives a natural high; like taking a long run, your body is naturally high with endorphins, and so it becomes pleasurable…. Now mind you there are some that just enjoy the pain of it, many feel it brings them into reality, some wish to see of how much their bodies take while their minds keep a claim like trying to achieve a Zen like state, E/everyone is different of how or why T/they enjoy it, but the fact is clear look it up in a medical book pain does release endorphins which are the body’s natural high and give the person a rush…
And as for slavery is freedom, There is a saying I might have the words not quiet exact but it is easier to hold on then to let go, in slavery there is no power you are owned and have to be able to just let go, to many the idea of letting go of everything to allow yourself to be completely owned to have no control over yourself is a frightening thing so many slave that are able to do this are truly free in many ways….
Do tell Me if there is another thing you don’t seem to grasp or understand I know MANY that will be right there to point out facts…. And rebuttal every point you have.
Lady Julianna
Dec 29th, 2003
I need to correct some of Dyer’s twisting of my words once again. I IM’d him to let him know the effect of his campaigning was to increase traffic to my property. I had 20 people on my property at one point last night. Many were underaged, and we were kept busy screening the youngsters out. I pointed out to Dyer that neither of us wanted the young to come to my property, and thought that he should be aware of the effect he was having. I accept responsibility doing my best to keep the young off my lot, but he would not, saying it was not his problem. How convenient for him.
As for the kinkware on my site… I had fun one day with Microsoft Image Composer, transposing these clothing items over my sim and Mikal’s sim, and placing a riding crop in my hand. These outfits do not exist in the game, legally or illegally (I wish they did, lol).
I asked Maxis to look at my website and tell me if I am violating TOS or offending them. I am not. But they did ask me not to advertise my url on my property description, and so I removed it from there. They did not remove it. Maxis is not treating me with any favouritism.
As for not being affiliated with St Peter or the other religiously named sims who are tagging those of us in our community… it is a lie. When you deleted Lord Cheetah, St Peter became the owner of your property. And you have friendship web linking to him. And you named your community Heaven, and your tag links refer to a war in Heaven. Come on now, we are not stupid Dyer.
I am glad you are establishing your own community where you and others who think like you can play the game your way. That is what you should have done in the first place. Put me and other BDSMers on ignore, and it will be like we do not exist for you. You have chosen to be exposed to us and come onto our properties. You and others can choose not to be exposed to us. I wish you well with this effort and give you my blessing. And I will not come onto your properties or into your community, and I will not wage war on you or tag you. The truth is, I am better than you, and I have more moral integrity than you do.
We will continue to support skill houses and money houses that welcome us with our visitor hours. If they ask us to change our behaviour or leave, we will. Almost no-one role plays on vanilla lots, and rather than hurling around vague accusations without backing them up, name names and properties in future. Otherwise, no-one will believe you. When Mikal and I are on vanilla lots, he does not call me Mistress nor ask me permission to do anything. I serve myself and clean after myself. When in the vanilla world we do as the vanilla do. We too need to go to places where the numbers exist to get top study speed and top dollar, and we have the right to do so. However, I rarely step off my own property, and when I do, rarely go outside of our community.
You are exposing yourself through this thread as a fanatic lunatic and liar, making unfounded accusations, and unable to back them up with names, dates, and property names. But all the same, I wish you well. Happy New Year Dyer.
Dec 29th, 2003
Please get your facts straight. Dyerbrook does not have any balloons linking to anybody for days because he is out of balloons. There are other Sims and as I told you, I am not all these Sims, but I do cooperate with them. Lord Cheetah is not just one person, and that person has chosen to take another route than the one I would have chosen, which would be comedy, parody, spoofing, etc. If Lord Cheetah wanted to use the stealth methods of the SSG and BDSM, obviously he wouldn’t have deleted and recreated during prime time while everyone was watching the lot name, property owner, etc. so there is no secret there (and I’m glad you have the time to watch all these comings and goings, I myself
didn’t even have all the info you have about this new group.)
Still others are cooperating with that person who don’t share my liberal values. It is to be expected. Heaven is not “my community”. My community is called Dysfunction Junction and consists of population 1, Dyerbrook. But it is the kind of exaggerated community that was surely bound to arise in response to your flaunting and taunting.
You take on vanilla ways when you go to vanilla lots. But on numerous skill lots, what is drawing dismay and ridule is those BDSMers who don’t have that courtesy — they keep on RPing with all this “Mother May I” and plate-clearing crap or even far more suggestive interactions. It is these activities that people have asked be toned down. You don’t get it.
I feel I’ve done admirably getting through this debate without resorting to the personal attacks and name-calling that all of your routinely indulge in because you can’t tell where your inner insulated world of BDSM ends and where it is no longer appropriate to use the methods of shame, humiliation, and violence. But I will say that you are verging on the lunatic fringe, Lady Julianna, when you accuse Urizenus of mispresenting your property in this Megagames interview. Get your facts straight. The bit about “child prostitution” does not refer to you, duh, it refers to Evangeline as all the avid 20 times daily readers of AV Herald can tell you. The charge was not made about you. But methinks the Lady doth protest too much…
Dec 29th, 2003
toy is more amused with each post of yours _yerbrook…. of course you have a char in that one house… and of course you will hand out enemy balloons, just as your other char has… and if you happen to get extremely licky and tag this girl she will wear it as a badge of honor… after all the christians were also persecuted as you are trying to vdo to our group
this girl keeps close watch on some houses and people who have gone over the edge mentally, and toy knows exactly when a char is deleted and a new one made, and the switching of ownerships .. toy ould say rave on about your innocence, toy knows better
perhaps a few replies toy some statements you have made in your last post…..
She rants on and on about her site not containing pictures of nudity. But obscenity is not only about nudity. Tying and binding humans and depersonalizing them in “pony races” could also be construed as obscenity.
key word here being ‘construed… toy could ‘construe’ sadism from 98% of all nursery rhymns
When Lord Cheetah asked for an investigation of this site, in typical Maxis PC fashion, he got both an “insufficient evidence” reply to a petition and his red-tag ballon was wiped and replaced with “REMOVED BY MAXIS STAFF”. See, Lady Julianna can triumph with her violent and coercive lifestyle in this game and none dare criticize it.
perhaps you, as lord cheetah broke the TOS with the idiotic ramblings in the web ring to Mistress Julianna
Many people bleat on and on about how parents should watch their kids. But the parents who bought their teens this game for Christmas thought it was basically the offline game put online.
perhaps parents shouldnt ‘assume’ as you do
No, they want to convert you to their perverse thinking, and get you to legitimize slavery as freedom, and pain as pleasure because *they say it is so*.
once again.. ~sighing deeply~ just bring forth anyone who has been ‘recruited’ there are none _yerbrook, its only your fantasy once again
That’s why I call it a cult. It aspires to a total view, perverting the mainstream view and the standards of the ages. It’s not content to say “we’re dissenters, leave us alone, tolerate us.”
once again…. over and over every member of the comunity has repeatedly stated they wish to be left alone, but know full well when attacked by we will fight back
You are fomenting a cult _yerbrook…… you have appointed yourself as a messiah to windmills in your mind
toy will be looking forward to your next post even though it seems you have ignored this girls questions and statements….. but you are now becoming a bore with the lies your now spouting
falara kajira toy
Lady Julianna
Dec 29th, 2003
Hmm Dyer.. interesting that you would think that clearing another’s plate for them is offensive.
And forget saying you are not Lord Cheetah or do not tag. You were Lord Cheetah on that day I spoke with him and told him 85% of BDSMers were abused, and you quoted me on that as Dyerbrook, so no doubt there. And it was you who tagged me as Lord Cheetah, and admitted to that, so don’t say you don’t tag people. I don’t care who else played Lord Cheetah, it was you I encountered as Lord Cheetah.
Dec 29th, 2003
It’s funny that you would ascribe to me the view that clearing a plate was offensive. Indeed, this is the chief method of the Lightsavers Liberation Partisan Movement. But clearing plates as part of an all-encompassing mode of slavery in a coerced environment created through indoctrination is not just plain plate-clearing. You are constantly trying to use the whitewash of “gentility” to cover up the soul-destroying violence of the BDSM lifestyle.
You also seem to think that other Sims don’t exchange information in the way you do on your networks, so that a factoid like “85 percent” couldn’t become common knowledge.
I stand by my quote. Dyerbrook does not tag people as a policy.
Dec 29th, 2003
Could I make a suggestion? With 169 comments, this thread has gone on so long that most people won’t follow it or even get their computers to load all of it. Could Urizenus do a follow-up interview with Anonymous to see her reaction? Or find a lot owner in the game who in fact is made uncomfortable by the BDSM presence (do a little journalistic footwork for the sake of balanced coverage). Or find someone to interview on this topic – an average parent in Flint, MI, who has just forked over money for this subscription. Or whatever (I’m not volunteering because I refuse to be interviewed as one of the professors “subjects” skewered on the mat). I would only consent to a dialogue in which both sides ask questions. But as I am already “omnipresent” like the Good Lord himself, gosh, it should hardly be necessary. But do start a fresh interview so that we can have a fresh line of comments.
Dec 29th, 2003
indeedy, he skipped all kinds of questions and missed out on..what /would/ have been “interesting” responses..~sighs deeply~ such a pity. What this girl /does/ notice is that dyer seems to only respond to a “selected” few…~smirks~..this girl can not help but, wonder…This article smacks of malicious intent and a definite ploy for attention..but, ~giggles~ it back~fired …giving Us, Our sub-culture, Our community, or even Our “cult” yet another forum. ~laffs, flickering the tongue that she ~licks~ her Master’s boots with~
Once again, Dyerbrook…this girl is a masochist..~smiles coyly~ and Pain is Pleasure!
so, how about that sim convention? ~grins wickedly~
love always,
shi ~ko ro ba~ Alphaville ~hugs, kisses, cuts~
Billy Bob Thornton
Dec 29th, 2003
Hmmm…LMFAO…the New Cult in AV…Heaven…umm…a cult does have a leader …Right _yerbrook?
swallow your lil words…and be well…and BTW..PLEASE…PLEASE Tag Me…as I LOVE the sight of Red
Be Well
Dec 29th, 2003
Me too, Dyerbrook…I am just sitting in my house waiting for a tag. Me, a good Roman Catholic girl…yes, I’ll be going to Heaven when I die. So come and get me, Dyerbrook. Your tags are a badge of honor. We all want one now
Billy Bob Thornton
Dec 29th, 2003
~weg~…umm…I am Not going to heaven…so I aint lieng there…but PLEASE…I still want a Balloon
….gotta love a good Cult leader
and he even hides behind a sign..hehe
Dec 29th, 2003
Another interview..a new line of comments/posts he says. ~laffs~ this girl knew he liked Us. ~winx~
one word comes to mind with dyers last comment..~giggles all girlish like~
~curtsies~ ~poutin~ all this red latex bein passed around and this girl hasn’t gotten any.
this girl will beg ~interlacing her fingers, her eyes pleading~
love, shi xo
Dec 29th, 2003
I know Ive been noticing that…
He only responded to one of my statements about parents… but as toy says… you obviously dont have kids… because a parent should never EVER assume anything. There are also ways for parents to put on filters.
And yes pain is pleasure… lets take a hickey for example…Everyone would agree that a hickey is a bruise…well bruises hurt right??? Well those bruises dont hurt because number one as Ma’am Carmen said endorphines are released, but also because at the same time your body is recieving pleasure. It is the same with spanking and whatever else others participate in.
Slavery… do you know what the difference is between a slave 200 yrs ago and the slave that toy is??? She CONSENTED… she WANNNNNTED to be a slave. HELLLLLLLLOOOOOO. Your boring me now and aggrivating me beyond belief.
I would also like to say… I never made a personal attack on you in any of my posts… some others might have, but some of us didnt. However the one’s who did, seems to me that they may of spoke some truth because it has bothered you so much. See because if it wasnt true, you would of let roll off your back like a duck lets water roll of his.
My soul yearns to be able to let somebody else take control, to be able to not have to make decisions, to not be concerned about what errors I’m going to make. – Slave V.
Different Loving – by Brame, Brame and Jacobs – Villard Books
Chapter 4, page 72.
This is the cry of my heart and has been for many years… I never could put it into words untill one day I stumbled onto this phrase. So see Dyer it just so happends that some women are strong enough, self confident enough, and intelligent enough… to know themselves and know what they want… and some of the women in the world want to give it all… all our emotions… all of physical bodies… all of it. So stop trying to tell me how to live my life and go figure out about yourself and what makes you happy.
Dec 29th, 2003
toy would say why an interview with some nameless entity that has a particular mindset and has already been heard from?
Dec 29th, 2003
I stand by my quote. Dyerbrook does not tag people as a policy.
toy is pleased to see you didnt deny it
nuf said
Paul "Phinehas" Schwanz
Dec 29th, 2003
Interesting read. I don’t play TSO, but after reading this forum I’ll admit to being a concerned citizen. I have to agree with Dyerbrook that not all things are profitable for society. The thought that many of the twisted ideas posted here are prevalent in a game marketed to young teens does seem to fall into the unprofitable category. I may decide to send this thread’s contents to my local Congressman, although such an approach is a bit more heavy-handed than what I typically like.
I also wanted to respond to this:
sugar> “I, ME, and my husband, noone else TEACHES him that these people suffered from horribly tradgidies…some of them probably could of prevented it… but I gaurentee most couldnt. I teach him that there are men in the world who love men… and women in the world who love women (his aunt, my 17 yr old sister is one of them) and I teach him that no matter what… God, yes I said God… because I am a born again christian and have been for 8 yrs LOVES them no matter what the world thinks… because HUMANS view points will always be warped in some way shape or form.”
If human view points will always be warped in some way shape or form (and certainly many of the thoughts expressed on this thread seem to be a testimonial to that charge), how am I to trust your view point regarding BDSM? Now God’s view point I can see trusting, since it might not be warped like a human’s, but where will I find His view point? And what if I do happen to find His view point and it isn’t exactly PC? Does that make me a bigot? Which warped human gets to decide?
Billy Bob Thornton
Dec 29th, 2003
umm..slight comment….when W/we betaed this game….under 18 was not here….so ty far as agreeing w a closed minded person…your right…and I really do hope that this is big enough to bug a congressman about..why waste O/our hard earnd tax dollars in something health care…or unemployment…lets waste their time over some group of people w a difference of opinions in a lifestyle and a game….talk about priorities….well I for one..will not change…My children are brought up to observe right and wrong….to respect the law..they goto school…have average I expose them to BDSM…NO…give Me a break..its for adults…but whatever…just because W/we have a different lifestyle doesnt make U/us evil, bad…or even abusive….one can learn much over BDSM in the (OMG YES) Public library…hint hint..if its SOOO bad…why do We share with the public?…damn…forgot…My kids go there too 
if one judges society…then All or nothing
Be Well
Lady Julianna
Dec 29th, 2003
Laughing at you Dyer, you already admitted you tagged me as Lord Cheetah. Now you are playing with words… as a policy. So why was I so offensive? I would remind you that you came onto my property, into my home, mocking a friend with your sim, and when I asked why you were insulting my friend, you tagged me. We were not on a vanilla lot. You came to me. I did not know you and did not invite you. I did not yell at you, swear at you.. I asked you a question.
So, outline the policy for me that would explain why you tagged me?
Lady Julianna
Dec 29th, 2003
Oh and Dyer, I took my website off my property description. When are you taking your website off your property description, Mr Holier Than Thou?
Dec 29th, 2003
I had to comment on this thread. I heard about it from a couple of friends. In regards to Phil who is talking about possibly sending this to his local congressman and which “warped” human gets to decide? I have this to say, I am also a Christian and an American citizen. Hmmm…I thought that in American there was freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom to be who and or what we choose to be. Like it or not, BDSM is here in America and on TSO. You either take it or leave it, but get over trying to live others lives for them. They have the freedom to choose or not choose this lifestyle, and you have the freedom to choose to stay away from it. Either way, the key word here is “choose”. Now my last word is…please leave everyone in the game to play as they see fit.
Dec 29th, 2003
toy would reply to your statement Phin…
“If human view points will always be warped in some way shape or form (and certainly many of the thoughts expressed on this thread seem to be a testimonial to that charge), how am I to trust your view point regarding BDSM? Now God’s view point I can see trusting, since it might not be warped like a human’s, but where will I find His view point? And what if I do happen to find His view point and it isn’t exactly PC? Does that make me a bigot? Which warped human gets to decide?”
exactly !!!!!!! who among us beside _yerbrook and yourself claim to have the only and correct answer? not this girl, she isnt that presumptuos to appoint herself, or annoint herself, as the only one who knows all. please do send the thread toy your congressman… this girl is speaking to her uncle this week about this who is a US Senator… he does also enjoy a good laugh
Dec 29th, 2003
My website hasn’t been on my property description for months, LJ, ever since MOMI removed it and replaced it with spam. When they removed it unilaterally– that’s how they did it back then — I left it off. I don’t know what you are talking about. I have no URL on my Sim. Brad, choice is exactly what it is about. And the problem is, you don’t have the freedom to avoid those engaged in infliction of pain and slavery under the notion of pleasure, because they are in your face on ordinary skill lots, and flaunting their profiles for every 13 year old kid in the game to page through on skill lots. They should be on an adult server.
Er, outline the policy that would explain a tag? Well, the “policy” is as follows: the game (still)lets you put red tags on people who are “enemies” — people whom you dislike, or who you feel have harmed you or the game. Absent freedom of speech on the Stratics board, and freedom to post URLs in our descriptions, it is all we have left to express our dissent. That is why it is used.
Lady Julianna
Dec 29th, 2003
I can honestly say that I have never tagged anyone Dyer, which is more than you can say.
And you do have a website advertised on your property description for anyone who would like to see it.
Now this is just a silly lie Dyer when it is so easy for anyone to look at your property and see that.
Paul "Phinehas" Schwanz
Dec 29th, 2003
toy> “exactly !!!!!!! who among us beside _yerbrook and yourself claim to have the only and correct answer? ”
Hehe. OK, let’s see who can spot the self-referential incoherence.
Are you making a claim that no one here beside Dyerbrook and myself is making a claim to have the only and correct answer? Is that the only and correct answer, or is it possible that everyone here, including yourself, is making claims about having the only and correct answer?
Think very carefully now.
The truth is that everyone here is making claims to having the only and correct answer. Sugar made claims in what she posted. You’ve made claims about what slaver is and is not. So if I say that slavery is about contempt, humility, and being used, I’ve somehow made claims about having the only and correct answer, but you haven’t? And if your answers are not correct, then how will you go about disagreeing with my claim that BDSM is morally reprehensible and degrading to society? Will you use incorrect claims to disagree with it?
The closing of the American mind indeed.
Dec 29th, 2003
“Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.”
“they learn to be idle, wandering about from house to house; and not only idle, but tattlers also and busybodies, speaking things which they ought not.”
“younger women marry, bear children, guide the house”
“Let as many servants as are under the yoke count their own masters worthy of all honour”
“And they that have believing masters, let them not despise them, because they are brethren; but rather do them service, because they are faithful and beloved, partakers of the benefit. These things teach and exhort.”
These are quotes that I found on a website dyerbrook. I think they apply to your cult of heaven, or whatever it is that you call it. It sounds much like Gor to Me.
Be well
Dec 29th, 2003
In regards to who does and does not have the correct answer, only one person can answer that. It all depends on the person. What is right for one person, isn’t right for another person. To sit here and judge isn’t for man. If a Christian and truly follow the Christian path, then stop judging and condemning your fellow person. It’s not for you to decide, but for God to decide when the time comes. Until then, it’s up to each individual to make his or her choice whether it’s right or wrong remains to be seen. But right or wrong, as I have said, it’s up to the individual to decide. Not up to one or two people. So, let’s leave it in the hands of each individual and let them answer to God when that time comes. As it’s quoted in the Bible, John 8:7 “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.” As you can see, unless you are claiming to be God or Jesus, then you have no right to judge or condemn others. Please stop all this condemnation and let each answer for their own actions.
Dec 29th, 2003
I”m on the road folks, but I agree with Dyerbrook that this thread is getting long. I’ll try to do a new interview on this topic (possibly giving the Gorean side) when I am ata fixed location. –Uri
Dec 29th, 2003
Mr. Phin…~smiles sweetly~
” Are you making a claim that no one here beside Dyerbrook and myself is making a claim to have the only and correct answer? Is that the only and correct answer, or is it possible that everyone here, including yourself, is making claims about having the only and correct answer?
Think very carefully now.
The truth is that everyone here is making claims to having the only and correct answer. Sugar made claims in what she posted.”
I, shi ,(and since you ~obviously~ do not appreciate the beauty of third person speech..~winx)… address, you…Mr. Phin..(and dyer) .. Again, I find it very strange that you and dyer “attack” only a “selected” few. You, speak of “making claims”..Well, I am making claims as a slave and a masochist…You speak of “morals” and what is “right”? Dyer speaks of “what is right for Our children????… What about what is happening right outside your front door? All the violence in this world?…All the starvation, Our beautiful Men out there fighting for what a “handful of people” decided “was best” and the “honorable thing to do for Our country..Turn on CNN..Mr. Phin…Dyer… Thats Reality! and by far..~worse~ than any “Hollywood Horror” or spanking…I give you an A for effort here…~grins~ but you have and will /not/ accomplish anything..Your “fight” is not with Us…Your “opinions” are just that..”opinions”..and Everyone has one. ~smiles~ and I would like to say ~whispering~ if One such as yourself,or dyer put as much “effort” as you guys have..perhaps you can stop the War on Drugs, as well..~smiles~ Eh? ~giggles~ I, for one, want my children to grow up to be a better person than I….and it is “MY” responsiblity to make sure that happens. ~straigtening her skirt~
Do you masturbate, Mr. Phin, Dyer? hmmm? ~smiles devilishly~….for there are “some” that would say its a sin…Is that stopping you, anyone? you ever engage yourself in looking at a man/woman’s body in unshielded beauty..naked..a naughty magazine??? and do You allow your children to watch you and yours having ” Sex “???..Do You smoke (polluting the ‘physical lungs’ of Our children).. You guys have to be kidding me. “Morals”? ~laffs~ Go ahead, send to the congressman..but (and as Master Billy has said) do you really and …”Think Carefully” ~smiles~….He will even “bother” himself with The Sims Online? I, do think your complaint is with Maxis..not the Congressman or any “political” figure that are helping the “real” issues in R-E-A-L-I-T-Y/Real World. ~grins sarcastically~. Even Maxis will toss you aside as one of them titty babies!. There is such options labeled as such..” Ignore “…”Filters” as there is on AOL and such or…X..and No one is twisting anyone’s arm to go out and ~participate~ in BDSM flavored activities or conversations, TsO, The BDSM community of AV..and the list goes on..) I, personally am amused with all of this..” I’m telling” ..Are We not all adults? My goodness…If you can’t play with the big dogs, get off the porch.” ~shaking her head~~laffing~ You guys are bullies..pickin on “females”. You guys have not picked on “shi” yet..~grins~…but this girl ~beckons the both of you, ~narrowing her eyes~.. This is a game that is of a social nature….Role-playing…I will put whatever my heart desires (and ofcourse , if Master permits..~smiles~) my bio, my friendship web, house lots..wherever. You or whomever can not change that…and this girl would say …if in fact “Anyone” tried to “remove” the BDSM sub-culture..that would indeed be, in my opinion, Discrimination. This girl doubts one can be removed just because she is a slut, and likes to be spanked and whipped..or one that gives her mind, body, and soul to one Man/Woman ..Owner/Master/Mistress as property or as a submissive.
I, ask you both to accept what you cannot change.
~pokes you both in the chest with her fingertip, her eyebrows forming a frown~…Stop pickin on people. ~steps back, kneeling deeply at her Master’s feet~
love, shi xo
Dec 29th, 2003
Nice choice of biblical names.
Quoting Numbers 25 v 6-8
” 6 And, behold, one of the children of Israel came and brought unto his brethren a Midianitish woman in the sight of Moses, and in the sight of all the congregation of the children of Israel, who were weeping before the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.
7 And when Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, saw it, he rose up from among the congregation, and took a javelin in his hand;
8 And he went after the man of Israel into the tent, and thrust both of them through, the man of Israel, and the woman through her belly.”
You named yourself after a murderer…..what an interesting insight into your personality. Which two of U/us would you like to impale with a spear?
And people say My name is dark.
Dec 29th, 2003
*claps claps at shi*
and Brad, what you said was exactly my point and is why I posted that I was christian…judging is unbecoming of human beings… we all decide what is best for us and will answer to the descions we have made in the end…
Dec 30th, 2003
good morning Master , E/everyone and Dyerbrook
i am usualy a quiet sub in Alphaville.. i love to care for my Master have fun with my F/friends and other then that be left alone, not to much to ask i think. i find it very har to be quiet these days, so this is how i feel about all of this . You Dyerbrook remind me about a “group” of ppl in my country ( Norway ) that W/we call ” best citysens” in that W/we meen those who think they are better then the rest of U/us and spent their time telling U/us how bad W/we are , W/we being ppl that stand out as different from “normal”
i am a 31 year old married woman, i am rl sub to my Husband and mother to two girls age 14 and 6 . and as i told before i had an happy childhood..and so have my daughters, neither my Husband or i brainwash O/our kids to join this lifestyle. my girls know nothing about it at all…BUT if they ask U/us about different ways of living , being D/s or other ways Wwe will explain to them in words they can understand and only what they need to know… i wish for my daughters to become anything they want to be and what feels right for them..
i love my life, my Husband and kids, and i am so very grateful to have my amazing TSO Master and the wonderful P/ppl in the D/s comunity ..
i am also a founder, and until march this year i played as “vanilla” in JP ( tho i had my beta days in alpha) spending time in TSO i met ALL kinds of wonderful ppl , including a woman from my own country, she became one of my closest friends and as A/all know friends tell each other about them self, this beautiful lady is a rl Domme by nature but She do not live out Her lifestyle , eitherway i got curius and started reading , mostly to get information about somthing i knew nothing about . i found out that this was me, i am a submissive with out doupt . and i alone not telling Her or anyone else ( exept my Husband) made a sim in Alpha and visited Sir JaxSim, the rest is history
dont you see Dyerbrook, this way of living is right for U/ makes U/us happy , just let U/us live O/our life and play O/our game please .
i hope E/everyone and Dyerbrook will have a happy new year
naadirah sub to Master Darksoul:)
Lance Sange
Dec 30th, 2003
The urge to thank Mr. Dyerbrook for bringing this diverse community together (if only in opposition to his attitude) wells up in me. I salute my too infrequently seen friends, especially toy and Darksoul. I had no idea my already enormous respect for you could grow so much.
Dec 30th, 2003
Hello A/all,
i want to thank Sir Dyerbrook for bring U/us as a community together, and letting U/us speak O/our minds. W/we have grown and matured because of Him.
Thank You Sir for helping better U/us and O/our understanding of those around U/us.
However, i grow tired of this discussion. W/we can talk this out until W/we are hoarse, have cramped hands and used all the words W/we ever learned, but it still will not change Sir Dyerbrook’s mind. i am not sure why He has yet to see the light, maybe He wasn’t hugged enough as a child or maybe He is bitter because He didn’t get a pony for Christmas one year, i just don’t know. But one thing is certain He has no love in His heart for T/those that differ from Him.
i for one have love in my heart for A/all people of all races, genders, religions, sexual orientations, personal practices and the like. So, i forgive Sir Dyerbrook. i forgive Him for being close minded and judging that which He does not know. i forgive Him for insulting and disrespecting a community of P/people that has been nothing but wonderful to A/all it encounters. i forgive Him for being flawed, goodness knows i’m not perfect.
i forgive You Sir Dyebrook for being human and simple, just like U/us.
Dec 30th, 2003
Yes, thank you ever so much dyerbrooke. I have seen the light. The light of my friends in the D/s communtiy who have made me feel welcome in game and have always given me warmth and shelter. Friends who listen to me when I ramble or put up with my silly ways. To all My F/friends thank Y/you and I love Y/you dearly.
Tabula Rasa
Dec 30th, 2003
*peeks in at the room smiles at Her little one* Greetings A/all Hello lillian *winks*
Thank you lillian for posting, aye baby tis true he thought to bring U/us at throats but instead W/we sit patiently in O/our chairs waiting a turn to speak.
It seems to Me as if Dyerbrook here is attempting Dom U/us all, & beat U/us with the bible for being naughty. He can’t wait to hear himself speak again, in fact I can bet if W/we were using voice he’d cut U/us off before W/we finished. I can just see him throwing a tantrum and coming back with witty one liners like “SO!”.
It just makes Me sad to think that in this day and age W/we are still here. That people will still knowingly discount someone solely on prejudiced thought. I have listened to your words and yet I still listen even though they do not agree with Mine. I can agree to disagree but I am not going to start a movement to have you thrown outta town. If W/we all were the same god that would be boring *scrunches nose*. The plain and simple facts are there is no recruitment process, and having your title in your bio is not recruiting thats a stretch even for you, if you have seen One actually recruit like the Army or the Scientologist saying come read our pamphlets then bring their name to Me, W/we do not possess some mind bending hypnotism that makes people wish to speak to U/us. W/we do not allow under age people on Our lots, W/we are the only group you can honestly say E/everyone makes an effort to keep the kiddies away. You want a cause to go after why not start the property in the love catagory that boldly boast no age limit where to My eyes saw openly graphic comments in room chat with of age people and under age people, I was appalled.