Interview with Anonymous, on Alphaville’s Bondage, Discipline & Sadomasochism Community
by Alphaville Herald on 20/12/03 at 12:51 am
In this interview with Anonymous we discuss her entry into Alphaville’s Bondage, Discipline, and Sadomasochism (BDSM) community, her description of the growth (currently over 100 members) and prospects of growth for the community, as well as some of the social structures and self-organized policing mechanisms in the community. She describes some of the unique aspects of virtual (as opposed to r/l) BDSM and describes some of the activities and educational programs available in the Alphaville BDSM community. She also addresses the problem of minors in TSO, and calls for an adults-only policy in the city (or some city) to protect the minors (and to protect the adults from the minors).
Urizenus: When did you start playing TSO?
Anonymous: last June…a friend gave me the game after i started playing Sims Deluxe…and horribly burning all of my characters in kitchen fires
Urizenus: oh, that happened to me too (burned sims)
Anonymous: well, she and my husband play a lot of Everquest…so it was like 2 crackheads passing the pipe along to someone else, lol
Urizenus: ic, lol, and so then you started up in June… In alpha?
Anonymous: yes, [this] is my original sim…intended originally to be temporary…
Urizenus: Did you gravitate immediately to [the BDSM neighborhood] Rose Thorn Gardens?
Anonymous: when i first started playing.. the first couple of times i logged in, i saw all of these properties and neighborhoods that were ‘mafia’ this or ’420′ that…and i thought that i would not find a place i would feel comfortable in…
Anonymous: i lived in a vanilla house for about a week…
Anonymous: after a couple of days, i did a search on ‘submission’ and found the ‘house of submission’
Anonymous: because i did have in mind to find an online Master…though i did not know if there was a bdsm community on sims or not…
Urizenus: why did you search on ‘submission’, are you a r/l sub?
Anonymous: well…that is an interesting question…and one with a lot of political implications in the community…
Urizenus: how so?
Anonymous: before i started playing tso i would have said, ‘yes’, in RL i am a sub, because i am interested in BDSM sex play…
Anonymous: but i have learned since coming here that it is a complete lifestyle, bdsm…
Anonymous: and some people do live it 24/7…and i don’t think that i could do that…
Urizenus: ic, so you aren’t a “lifestyle sub”
Anonymous: i don’t think so
Anonymous: i’m discovering, the more i play here, that i am less and less a sub than i thought
Urizenus: LOL
Anonymous: i am emotionally very independent in RL
Urizenus: ok, we’ll come back to this in a sec…
Urizenus: Let’s stay with how you found the community for now
Urizenus: you did a search and you found this house
Anonymous: ok…well, i did a search for ‘submission’ and found the ‘house of
submission’ …
Anonymous: and visited there a couple of times, and one time i went there…i met xxxx…
Urizenus: who was xxxx?
Anonymous: he is my tso Master and husband now
Anonymous: and he was an experienced Dom in the community…
Urizenus: and he introduced you to the alpha BDSM community?
Anonymous: yes, he got me invited to live at one of the bdsm properties…
Urizenus: which one?
Anonymous: it was called Rose Thorn Money…
Anonymous: there were few roomies and few visitors…
Anonymous: i never met the owner there…
Anonymous: i visited Black Rose Castle a lot, though, (Lady Julianna’s place)…
Urizenus: yes
Anonymous: and learned a lot…i was very shy…mostly sat and studied and didn’t say much…
Anonymous: just sat back and observed…
Urizenus: studied?
Anonymous: cooking and mech, what all good subs should study
Anonymous: and watched how subs and Dom/mes interacted…
Urizenus: I see, so you were studying how to be a sub.
Anonymous: a little of both
Urizenus: is it different from r/l BDSM?
Anonymous: i don’t know if i am qualified to answer that…
Anonymous: my interest in BDSM in RL lies mainly in sex play…and not as a total lifestyle…
Anonymous: which is very un-pc to a lot of people in Rose Thorn Gardens who claim to be RL bdsm lifestylers, i think
Urizenus: ic, whereas on TSO it seems to be a lifestyle thing?
Anonymous: yes, i think that some people are offended with the idea of BDSM only being about sex and not about a complete way of life…
Anonymous: and, in a way, i do understand it…there are a lot of people who come into the community only with a view of getting their rocks off and taking advantage of subs
Urizenus: ok, say a little bit about the Rose Thorn Gardens neighborhood
Anonymous: ok..what do you want to know about it?
Urizenus: well, how large is it. How many properties, people, etc,
Anonymous: when i started playing sims in June, i think there were only about 10 houses or so in Rose Thorn Gardens…a pretty small community…
Urizenus: wow, but now…
Anonymous: now, it has really exploded as people have come to AV from other cities…
Anonymous: and also, i think there are a lot of people with multiple accounts playing…and everyone is buying simoleans from Ebay…so every 3 day old sim now has their own Gorean Castle, lol
Urizenus: LOL
Anonymous: a lot more properties…but also a more fractured community, i think
Urizenus: so how many sims are in the lifestyle do you think
Anonymous: it is really difficult to say…i used to know everybody…now it seems i know very few, because many people will get themselves in too deep, and think they can solve their problems by recreating…
Urizenus: 20, 30, more sims in the community?
Anonymous: well, of sims…there are well over a hundred, i would guess…
Urizenus: over 100?
Anonymous: the last time i counted there were about 70 properties in Rose Thorn Gardens…
Anonymous: i think there are more now…
Urizenus: is the community still growing?
Anonymous: yes, it is growing, but it is also flattening…
Urizenus: flattening?
Anonymous: there are many, many more properties with 1 or 2 sims living in them…
Urizenus: oic
Urizenus: what are the more important properties in the community?
Anonymous: well, number one has to be Rose Thorn Gardens…Lady Julianna’s place…i lived there for a while
Urizenus: what are the others?
Anonymous: Rose Thorn Cottage, owned by Lord Cougar…
Anonymous: Dark Virtues…a Gorean house owned by Maria LaVeaux
Urizenus: ok, and Bastien Dante’s place?
Anonymous: Rose Thorn Castle…owned by Bastien Dante..AV’s premier bdsm bad boy (or jerk, depending on whom you ask, lol)
Urizenus: What about Tiger Joe Franklin’s place
Anonymous: Rose Thorn Casino…owned by Tiger Joe, yes, he’s been here a long time..
Anonymous: it is so difficult to find the center of the community now…
Anonymous: every day there are new properties…
Anonymous: there are also competing bdsm neighborhoods; ‘Thorns and Petals’ and another i can’t remember or find now, lol
Urizenus: Competing for what?
Anonymous: by people who think they are ‘real’ competing against the rest they think are just ‘roleplayers’…between people who take tso bdsm seriously, and those who think it is just a game…
Anonymous: competing for prestige…bragging rights, i don’t know
Anonymous: and i think a large part of it comes from the same problems all sims have in tso…the unrelenting boredom of tso
Urizenus: so the Thorns and Petals people think the Rose Thorn people don’t take BDSM seriously enough?
Anonymous: no, i wouldn’t say that
Anonymous: people have personal conflicts sometimes and want to get away from each other, or want to start their own thing
Urizenus: ic so the division is not obviously political
Anonymous: i think a lot of it is a matter of economy, and the structure of the game…
Anonymous: anyone can buy simoleans and build their own castle…
Anonymous: so why go and visit Rose Thorn Castle? why visit Rose Thorn Casino, when you can build your own castle…
Urizenus: same problem the straights have in the game then
Anonymous: i was talking with my friend who plays Everquest about this recently..and she was saying that RL never comes into the game…they’re too busy killing dragons…
Urizenus: LOL
Anonymous: in sims…all you have to do is sit in a house and talk…so, even if you try to keep a tight reign on giving out information…you can’t help but start to form bonds and trust with people…
Anonymous: and you reveal yourself to them as they do to you…
Anonymous: and then there is also the drama
Urizenus: hmmm, so it’s like the sheer boredom of the place leads to these intense social connections and the subsequent drama
Anonymous: yes, exactly
Anonymous: i never intended on falling in love when i first loaded up tso
Urizenus: but you did?
Anonymous: yes
Urizenus: does that pose a problem for your r/l marriage or are these two separate things
Anonymous: they are separate…the person i met in tso is also married…and we share a love that is very important to both of us…but one which does not jeopardize the RL that we have
Anonymous: i think that there are a lot of very damaged people in the bdsm community of av…searching to find something to fix them…
Urizenus: well, what does it mean to love and or be married in TSO
Anonymous: well…it seems love is a cheap commodity in tso, lol
Anonymous: i can’t count how many profiles of subs and Dom/mes i’ve read where sims that just met that day are pledging undying eternal love for each other…
Anonymous: and then the next day…they love someone else…
Anonymous: and marriage, well, that is another political topic…
Urizenus: I’ve notice that too. Sim love is fickle
Urizenus: are you married or “collared”
Anonymous: i am both
Anonymous: collaring is the more common bond here in av bdsm
Urizenus: what does it mean to be collared?
Anonymous: to my mind…it is a serious thing…and not something that should be done lightly…
Anonymous: it is a commitment…similar to marriage in the vanilla community…
Anonymous: and i think it is something that should never be done immediately…
Urizenus: what’s the nature of the commitment?
Anonymous: the commitment is for the Dom/me to promise to protect, guide, teach and love the sub…
Anonymous: and for the sub to obey, love, trust
Urizenus: but what does that mean in VR?
Anonymous: well, a lot of times, very little
Anonymous: sadly
Anonymous: two sims came into my property the other day…
Anonymous: they met, chatted for about 4 minutes, and the sub left the property wearing the Dom’s collar
Urizenus: hmmmm, clear lack of commitment there
Anonymous: it made me sad, because no true Dom would collar a sub that quickly
Anonymous: and she was a new sub, ripe for being taken advantage of…
Anonymous: i tried to warn her…
Urizenus: new on tso?
Anonymous: yes, i think she was only a couple days old
Anonymous: but she just said ‘i’ve only known him for a few minutes, but he has my complete trust’
Anonymous: *rolling eyes
Anonymous: i hope she is just roleplaying
Urizenus: well, given those commitments you listed above, it sounds more like the vows from a 1950′s marriage than BDSM. Is that all there is to it? Playing house ala 1950?
Urizenus: You understand that question?
Anonymous: lol, i never thought of it that, way, but perhaps
Anonymous: which is why i think i am probably not a very good sub
Urizenus: lol
Anonymous: yes, i think that is it, but without the monogomy, lol
Anonymous: at least for the Dom/me
Urizenus: well, help us out, it’s hard to understand what an S&M scene would look like on TSO. No whips, no bondage, etc
Anonymous: well, all we have in tso are words, really
Urizenus: so the scenes are text based
Anonymous: yes
Anonymous: but, with the right person, they can be very exciting and satisfying
Urizenus: and they are often public?
Anonymous: no, not often public at all
Anonymous: i think a lot of people (vanillas) are disappointed when they come into my place…and it’s not a 24/7 orgy going on
Urizenus: lol
Anonymous: much of it is in private IM, i think
Urizenus: in IM, ic
Anonymous: i have very rarely happened into a house with open scening…
Anonymous: unless it is a planned event…
Urizenus: so there are such things
Anonymous: yes, there are scheduled ‘dungeon parties’ and ‘slave auctions’ and that sort of thing that members of the community are invited to
Urizenus: Are there political differences in how one ought to scene? Say for example between Goreans and others?
Anonymous: you know, that is one thing that i have seen very little conflict over…how people choose to scene…
Anonymous: because, like i said, i think the bulk of it happens in private…
Anonymous: ever try to get into a house and there are ‘special permission’ preventing you from entering?
Urizenus: yah
Anonymous: well, now you know what’s going on in that house
Urizenus: lol
Anonymous: or if there is a couple ‘slow dancing’ or ‘cuddling’ on a couch, lol
Urizenus: oic, here I thought they were just cuddling
Anonymous: lol
Anonymous: sure they are
Urizenus: When I visit Lady Julianna’s it is often rather quiet
Urizenus: lol
Anonymous: hehe
Anonymous: well, everyone isn’t intent on studying cooking, lol
Urizenus: ok, about the Goreans, what is that about
Urizenus: well, what is the difference between the Goreans and you for example?
Anonymous: well, i don’t know that much about Gor…
Anonymous: i read a little about it…and it wasn’t my cup of tea…
Anonymous: to me, being a submissive is because i choose to be…
Anonymous: according to Gor (from what i’ve read)…women are slaves because they just are..they are inferior…
Anonymous: and as a RL woman, that never sat right with me
Anonymous: and i can’t stand that fake Gorean language everyone spouts…”vini, vishi, va’nishi”
Urizenus: what is that? It means something?
Anonymous: to me, it’s just another clique…’oh, look what we know that you don’t…we even have our own secret language’…to me it is just silly…
Anonymous: i’ll learn Gor, just as soon as i’m done learning Elvish and then Clingon, thank you
Urizenus: rotflmao
Anonymous: it is a lifestyle based upon a set of novels
Urizenus: so are most religions
Anonymous: fantasy novels with scantily clad women on the covers and Fabio-type men…
Urizenus: are there a lot of Goreans in alpha?
Anonymous: yes, to me, Gor is a bit like a cult (though there are many who are Gor that i do respect greatly)…
Anonymous: but, i am not an expert in it…my Master and i chose to follow our own path in bdsm together…and we don’t follow other people’s rules
Urizenus: well is it a clique or a cult, there’s a difference
Anonymous: well, i think Gor is a cult…but there are definitely cliques in the av bdsm community
Urizenus: why is it a cult? is there an effort to indoctrinate others?
Urizenus: Another way to put my question: do the Goreans proselytize
Anonymous: no, no, not at all
Anonymous: i think i would describe it as a cult because the behaviors are so predetermined…
Urizenus: do you know the sim zzzz that claims the bdsm community is trying to recruit people into the lifestyle?
Anonymous: no, i never met him
Anonymous: that’s a crock of crap
Anonymous: we have more problems with vanillas coming into the community…than with bdsm people going out of it…
Anonymous: i rarely wander out of the bdsm community in sims…
Urizenus: ok, let’s hear about that. People come in to harass you?
Anonymous: when you have that you are a sub in your profile, you are open to harassment…
Anonymous: and, for a short while, i had a sim in another city that was a slave…and i got continual harassment…
Anonymous: mostly in skill houses
Anonymous: or when out shopping
Urizenus: what do people say
Anonymous: oh, things like ‘you have no self-respect’
Anonymous: ‘how could you let a man treat you like that?’
Urizenus: what about the objection that children are playing in these skill houses and they shouldn’y be exposed to some Gorean slave’s profile?
Anonymous: well, i think that when a parent allows a child to play an online game…they have to realize that their child could run into anything…
Anonymous: and should be supervised…
Anonymous: my friends have an 8 year old boy who is just dying to play online games…
Anonymous: but it is not allowed…because the parents know enough to know what is out there…
Urizenus: how old do you think a child should be to play on tso unsupervised?
Anonymous: 25, lol
Urizenus: lol
Anonymous: i think that there should be an adult’s only server on tso
Anonymous: because, as a homeowner with an 18+ house, it is a constant worry for us…
Anonymous: although there is very rarely anything going on in the house that is objectionable…
Urizenus: I know that yyyy complained to me once about having to deal with minors chasing her for cybersex…
Anonymous: there are questions about subs and Masters and BDSM…things children shouldn’t be exposed to…we try out best to make sure that children are never in our house…
Urizenus: how do you keep them out?
Anonymous: well, i always read the profiles of any incoming sims…many times minors will have their age in their profile…and they are immediately placed on the ban list and asked to leave…if they do not leave, they are booted…
Anonymous: and i and my roommates are very careful to observe and listen to all who enter…
Urizenus: suppose they don’t have their age [in their profiles]. Or suppose they type in ’18′ [in their profiles]
Anonymous: it is sometimes possible to spot the young, by the questions they ask…i’ve had sims tell me they are over 18…but i don’t believe them…they are booted and banned…
Anonymous: i am sure that we can’t protect everyone…there are some very mature 14 and 15 year olds out there…we do what we can
Urizenus: but I see why you wish Maxis would have adults-only cities. Why do you think they don’t
Anonymous: i think they don’t because they are getting by without doing it
Anonymous: they think that the user agreement protects everyone…when it really only protects maxis
Urizenus: do you really think they are deluded about that? i.e. don’t you think they know it is there to protect their asses and not the kids in alphaville?
Anonymous: i’m sure they know it
Anonymous: i’m sure they are not deluded…but it is the age old question of morality vs. legality, i suppose
Urizenus: so what’s the future for the alpha BDSM community. Will it keep growing?
Anonymous: i don’t think it will keep growing like it has
Anonymous: i know a lot of people already who are tired of all the drama in the community…
Urizenus: how many community members do you think there will be a year from now (after reading this!)
Anonymous: i think many are going to other games like ‘There’ and ‘Half-Life’ and, there’s a new adults’ only game with explicit sexual content ‘Sociolotron’ that is leeching many out of the community already…
Urizenus: so a lot have left for sociolotron?
Anonymous: i think word is spreading…Sociolotron is only in beta now…the servers are down a lot and the graphics are not very good…but as it improves, i think many in the av bdsm community will migrate over…
Urizenus: will you migrate?
Anonymous: i am already there as a beta tester…it is hard to say…i stay here because i do like the community…there are a lot of positives to it…there is a strong sense of community here…there are a lot of people here i care about…
Urizenus: oh earlier you mentioned that Bastien Dante has a rep as a pain in the ass, can you say why (or do you want to??)
Anonymous: well, he is rude and crude…he treats his subs as property…
Urizenus: how is that diff from treating them as slaves? perhaps that’s what they want
Anonymous: yes, that is exactly what they want…and they know what they will get when they go into a relationship with him…
Anonymous: like i said earlier…my Master and i find our own path in BDSM and in this game together and i don’t care if it conforms to what other people think BDSM should be…
Anonymous: so, if the subs are getting what they want out of their relationship with him…good for them
Urizenus: so say someone lands in alpha and they are in the lifestyle and want to hook up, what should they do? put something in their profile? go somewhere?
Anonymous: they should put something in their profile…they should visit the neighborhoods…visit and talk to a wide-range of people…
Anonymous: listen and learn…and, most importantly…ask questions…
Urizenus: what should they put in their profiles?
Anonymous: ‘Dom in training’ or ‘sub in training’ perhaps, or something to that effect, that they are interested in learning about the lifestyle…
Anonymous: because, for all its conflicts and its drama and its fractiousness…the bdsm av community is very open and willing to share and are, on the whole, a friendly bunch of people
Urizenus: and they can go to a place like Lady Jullianna’s and talk about the lifestyle?
Anonymous: yes, they can go to any of the bdsm properties in Rose Thorn Gardens and ask questions…
Anonymous: if someone has a genuine curiosity or desire to learn, will find plenty of knowledgeable people who are willing to help and share…
Urizenus: suppose someone was in the r/l bdsm community or was just curious about what a cyberscene would be like. Would it be possible for them, [if they presented themselves] in the right way, to find someone to experiment with?
Anonymous: well, i am sure it is possible…
Urizenus: Are there discussion groups to discuss certain bdsm books or literature?
Anonymous: at Lady Julianna’s place, she has a BDSM 101 that is very concise and informative that she is willing to share…
Anonymous: she also has a website with a “Learning Center” page that has a lot of good links:
Anonymous: there’s a site “Luther’s Gorean Scrolls” that i don’t seem to have any more, but it was useful for Gor information
Urizenus: What about bad actors and policing?
Anonymous: nobody in tso scares me
Urizenus: do you have any trouble with griefers?
Anonymous: the community is very effective in self-policing…
Anonymous: harass a sub at your skill house…face a boycott by the whole community
Urizenus: how do they accomplish that? is there a communication system for banning harassing sims?
Anonymous: come into a BDSM house to harass or cause trouble…the same…
Anonymous: it’s like any family…there is always squabbling between siblings…but when someone comes in from the outside to cause trouble…we band together…
Urizenus: so someone sends out the name of a trouble-maker and they get banned?
Anonymous: yes, we had a sim come into our house and claimed to have a relationship with one of the Doms living there…and tried to cause problems between that Dom and his sub…and had done the same at another house as well…
Anonymous: boot and ban…and pass the word along to the other house-owners in the community…
Anonymous: if i get a message from Lady Julianna about such-and-such sub being a problem and they should be banned from my property…i do it, no questions
Urizenus: does the bdsm community have recognized leaders, (like for example Lady Julianna?)
Anonymous: i think there are…it used to be more so than now…
Anonymous: but Lady Julianna is still a leading figure in the community
Urizenus: and she achieved that status through social networking and establishing a solid reputation?
Anonymous: yes, and good old fashioned advertisement, lol
Urizenus: lol
Urizenus: I think that might be it from me…
Urizenus: anything more you want to say?
Anonymous: well, i guess the only thing would be that i hope that i didn’t paint too negative a picture of the community as a whole… we have our disagreements, and our problems… and there is a certain amount of ‘popular kids table’ mentality… but on the whole…there are a lot of people here that genuinely care for one another… and there is a rich diversity within the community…from Master/sub marriages, to Dom/mes with many subs, to Gorean Master/slave relationships… some are roleplaying and some are lifestylers in RL… some, like myself, are a combination of the two… but, i think that it is, for the most part, a tolerant and open community and any with open and curious minds are welcome
Dec 30th, 2003
toy has a suggestion for you dyerbrook…… while we both keep checking here, awaiting the overwhelming support of those who agree with your attack… there’s an orginazation called KAP (Kink Aware Profesionals) perhaps you could get some help there, after all, toy does find your ravings a bit kinkish
falara kajira toy
Paul "Phinehas" Schwanz
Dec 30th, 2003
Love the ad hominem attack, but have you really exhausted your capacity to address the points I’ve made so quickly? Nonetheless…
I chose the name Phinehas many years ago as my favorite RP personality, based mostly on the fact that it was familiar enough to fit into modern settings, but archaic enough to fit into medievil settings. It also contains my initials.
I’m curious, however. In your search of Scripture, did you happen to see anything noted regarding how God felt about Phinehas? Anything regarding lives being spared on his behalf?
A text without a context is a pretext. But perhaps you knew that already.
Lady Julianna
Dec 30th, 2003
I just want to post one more time here to thank all of my kind friends who spoke in my defense. It warmed my heart. I have found real friends in our community. You know me and you know my heart. One or two words from any of you mean so much more to me than the reams of words that Dyer has so carelessly thrown on the screen.
Dyerbrook is nothing and he stands alone. Well, there may be one who stands with him, this Dana, but for all we know, she may be just another of his sims that he hides behind. He has no power, and there is nothing he can do to us. He is impotent.
You my friends are gold. We stand together. We have built a community together. There are so many now that no-one has been able to count us. We are family, and like family we sometimes bicker. But in times of trouble, we come together and stand together.
Dyerbrook, you meant to do us harm. However, you have brought unity to us and done us much good. And rather than “protect” others from us, you have only drawn more attention to us.
Still have that url on your property description Dyerbrook? And don’t lie again, sheesh. I just saw it yesterday, checked to see that it was still there, and it is. It is such a stupid lie to say it is not there when everyone can look and see it.
Dec 30th, 2003
rah rah rah….sis boom bah…..
_yerbrook lost the war of this world….he failed to whip us with his words….
the thread is dead … go to bed…..
there’s thrills ahead…..there are butts not red….
so get your sleep….for there are sub/slaves who weep….
in need of the strap.. so please take a nap…..
our work is done….lets have some fun…
*looks over her shoulder at fully rounded buttocks devoid of any marks….*
Dec 30th, 2003
Quotes Phinehas
“I’m curious, however. In your search of Scripture, did you happen to see anything noted regarding how God felt about Phinehas? Anything regarding lives being spared on his behalf?”
Yes I did Phin, Yahweh killed 24k anyway with a plague that Phinehas committed murder to “stop”
And My capacity won’t be exhausted until I get bored with this thread
The attack was not ad hominem tho, just a question about using the name of a person who kills in the name of his “God”. That’s a frightening concept Phin, it really is.
Dec 30th, 2003
~does cartwheels~
~waves hands~
~whistles softly~….hey dyer..Mr. Phin….no comment red latex????? ~pouts~
ok…~pulls a costume box from her closet~ ~dying her hair ~black~, placing a mustache up above her pouty , swollen, softly parted lips~ ~assumes the name of “Darksoul~ (sorry , Sir ~giggles~)..~thinking~ maybe if she assumes the identity of One “being attacked”…she may get a response….~pouts deeper~ No fair.
sissy’s!!…~flips her hair to the side, wiggling her costume off~ ~putting her hands on her ever so smooth and curvy hips~ fine then..both of you.. my sisters fight better than you. ~laffs~
did i mention, dyer, this girl’s your neighbor..this girl wants her red latex..~smiles sadistically~ ~opens her cellphone, dialing the GPS~
love, shi xo
Dec 30th, 2003
LJ, after I pick myself up from ROFLMAO, I’ll reply. If there is or was any kind of URL on my description, I’m thinking you must mean not my web site, SimsOutofLine, which was banned and removed by Maxis months and months ago, you must mean this: I listen to Well, silly, that’s just a spoof URL to parody all those radio stations people listen to. It isn’t a real URL that goes anywhere. If you try to paste it in, you’ll go nowhere. There is nothing else of any sort on my description. The only thing I can possibly think of that could be about what you have in mind is not my site, and not something banned by Maxis, but the address to a short story I wrote which has nothing to do with this discussion at all. You were implying that I kept up a link to a TSO-related website that was banned, or that wasn’t banned but was critical of people like you, but that’s not the case.
I’m glad you all feel united in defending yourself against someone who has challenged your ethic. After all, like Maxis says, “Challenge Everything”. It makes it easier for outsiders or the skeptical to see what you’re all really about, the methods you use, and your pretenses and antics.
What’s sad abou shi ho’s post is that she absolutely no clue of life outside these United States, or really anything remotely resembling the horror of Iraq. Whatever one thinks about the war, the kinds of things she and her pals do for kicks are what were done to people in Saddam’s prisons as punishment, against their will. She and others think she has sanctified them by invoking her consent. But it’s not convincing. Why? Because of the curious sub-culture of special language, patterns of thinkings, reversals of meanings that she and others represent in their speech. Why? Because she and others appear all to willing to practice their methods of shaming, belittling, depersonalizing, personal attack, vilification, etc. on other people, outside their movement, who simply challenge their ethic. That raises the question of how voluntary anything they do really is, despite their constant yammering about it.
This fake analogizing of saying “oh, look at the violence of the world, and what a trivial thing is our spanking by contrast” is simply not persuasive coming from people who are prepared to reverse the meanings of slavery, freedom, and wil, and who compare the verbal challenges they have faced from me and a few others to “witch-hunting” or “book-burning” or “bigoty”.
Dec 30th, 2003
Let me comment on Carmen’s silly anatomy lecture, leaving the snide and hectoring way in which she has delivered it. Of course I know what endorphins are, duh. But your politics of endorphins are all skewed. Your argument about the release of endorphins as a panacea is just plain silly. It reminds me of what Transcendental Meditation claims about your heart rates, or that fundamentalist Christian preachers on TV claim about your bank account growing if you give to them. This is just the latest American snake oil, Carmen, and you can’t see it. It’s a pat little pre-fabricated argument, passed as a little meme from hand to hand in your cult, but never examined for what it is — a fraudulent claim. First of all, it belies the fact that to get endorphins to release, or to have pleasure, you can just go about having sex the normal way. That’s what I and millions of other do, and it works just fine. We don’t have to truss ourselves up or pierce our genitals in order to experience intimacy and pleasure. The default for the human body isn’t the pain-induced endorphins, but simply regular sex or closeness.
And where is your endorphin theory when you need it? When I get root canal, when I slam a finger in the car door, how come those endorphins don’t kick in for me, huh? Am I doing something wrong? Should I have said I “consent” to root canal “voluntarily”? And yet I did, when I went to the dentist’s. What you’re saying is that in the sub-culture of prescribed methods you use to indoctrinate people and establish a certain mindset or induced state, people pushing the pain limits can release endorphins. But at what risk! What if the noose slips? What if the razor cuts too hard? There wouldn’t be a million rules about all this safe, sane, consensual baloney if the terrible risk isn’t there. And you never question your extremely contorted logic for arriving at your endorphins — because it is not logic, but depends on some rarified transcendental epiphany in the BDSM scene — hence, yet another piece of evidence that it is a cult.
Once again, with the endorphins fable, we’ve been exposed to one of the BDSM lore-lets, little pieces of so-called wisdom that enables a BDSMer to practice withering scorn on the uninitiated who haven’t heard of this, or don’t buy it. They’re admonished to study, study, study, as Lenin used to say, and practice, practice, practice as my piano teacher use to say, and they might just “get it”. They are endlessly learning the arcane features of the cult. Well, guess what? As I’ve said time and again: no sale.
Dec 30th, 2003
time for another cheer from yours truly
wee wee wee wee wee
i’m behind my sister Shi
rah rah rah rah rah
Dyerbrook speaks, i hear blah blah blah
~kicks her feet in the air~
~runs off the field~
Dave Devine
Dec 30th, 2003
I have specific questions to Dyerbrook, but before I do, I would like to tell him how I became involved in the BDSM community in AV.
I started playing this game over a year ago in Blazing Falls and I ran across a house there where they were roleplaying D/s. I visited there because I found the people in the house entertaining, witty, and just plain fun to talk to. I asked them about the D/s lifestyle and they answered my questions, but never once did I feel pressured to join thier community. The only thing they asked of me was that I respect their choices, which I gladly did. When I asked about D/s, they directed me to websites were I could find information and make my own judgement. After some time, I decided that I would like to see if roleplaying in the D/s community was for me.
After getting to know some of the people in the game who were part of the D/s community, I was told that a large proportion of the D/s people liked to play in AV, so me and the person I was roleplaying D/s with at the time moved to AV and set up our own house.
Those who know me in the game, in not only my persona as Dave Devine, but also as Adam Heath and Colin Rivers, know me as an outgoing person who is not shy about talking about any topic, including sex, but I have always tried to be careful to make sure that those present when I do so are adults only. If I suspect that someone is not of age, based on their profile, or they way they talk, or their own admission, I refrain. And I do tend to stay at the BDSM houses except when skilling.
When I do go out skilling in my Adam Heath or Colin Rivers characters (who are both submissive), I will address my Domme as Mistress unless the property owner asks that I don’t. I fail to see how this hurts anyone. Asking her for permission to do something like green or if she is hungry and would like me to serve her a plate, or if she would like me to draw a bath for her is destructive exactly how? If I was her butler, I might ask her the same questions. In fact, I have often had people ask me if I was her butler. I assume you would have no objection to me pretending to be her butler.
As for BDSM being a violent cult, I don’t see it. Yes, there are people who like to be beaten in BDSM. Keyword there…like. There are those who like to be tied up. There are those who like to be spanked. So what. Just because you don’t like these things, does that make them wrong? The most important rule that I have learned from those who engage in BDSM is that activities like these should be “Safe, Sane, and Consentual”. You may argue that being whipped is not safe, but if precautions are taken to ensure that the person who is being whipped has a way to make it stop, that they are cared for once the beating is completed, and they are physically sound to begin with, then I would argue that it is safe, just like parachuting or any other high risk activity. I have seen more people seriously injured riding skateboards, inline skates, and biking than I have ever seen from BDSM. The thing to remember is that not all people who roleplay BDSM adhere to the pain is pleasure idea.
As for the idea that I or others are actively recruiting people to join in BDSM roleplaying, I fail to see how me including in my profile that I am the submissive to someone is doing that. And your oft repeated example of the friendship web comment about like Lady Julianna or we’ll beat you. Did you ever consider that this might be sarcasm or humor? I mean, come on…BDSM, beating,…sounds like BDSM humor to me (I could be wrong) even if you don’t find it funny.
I’ve rambled on enough here. I am sure that you will accuse me of just avoiding the issues and spouting the party line, which is your right. But as for me, I have met a lot of wonderful people in the BDSM community. People who are literate, creative, thoughtful, intelligent, and downright funny. Some of these include Lady Julianna, Toy, Mikal, Amy Louis, Lord Cougar, Billy Bob Thornton and the list continues to grow. There are also people in the community who I don’t care for, but that is between me and them and I won’t name them here. I would just like to say, that in the many months since I have been in this game, that all of the voilent behaviour I have experienced has been from intolerant people who close their minds to any way of thinking that doesn’t match their own, none of whom have been part of the BDSM community. People who decide that I am wrong because I chose to roleplay D/s, or because I like to tell adult jokes, or tell erotic stories. That is their right as long as they don’t try to tell me that on my own lot. On my lot, in the company of my friends and guests, I reserve the right to do as I choose.
In case you missed it in my rambling, the specific questions I had were these:
1. How is asking permission to green, to go afk, if my Mistress is hungry, or how can I be of service destructive or harmful to minors?
2. If a person wants to be beaten and finds someone who is willing to do it and who adheres to the BDSM tenets of “Safe, Sane, and Consentual”, how is that any more violent or dangerous than other high risk activities?
3. How is advertising in my bio that I am a submissive to a Domme recruiting?
4. If I roleplay D/s on my own property in TSO and have a restrictive policy on who is allowed to visit there, how is it hurting anyone?
Dec 30th, 2003
Quotes Dyerbrook:
“We don’t have to truss ourselves up or pierce our genitals in order to experience intimacy and pleasure. ”
Pierced Mine, and My nipples, and My tongue, and My labret, left ear twice, right once, oh yeah, My right eyebrow as well and know what? The endorphins were a great rush, sometimes lasting more than 24 hours. Piercing and tattooing FYI are not recent inventions of the BDSM community, but probably are as old as humanity itself. And My wife takes great pleasure in kissing me when I have My tongue ring in, not to mention the other pleasures it offers her and I love it when she pulls on My nipple rings with her teeth. Maybe you should experience these things dyer. In her words, “the piercings simply enhance the sexual experience”. Can’t get much better than that, now can we?
And as far as trussing or being trussed, never done, but a gentle tie down or handcuffs can make sex very fun.
Oops, did I hurt your virgin ears? Soooowwwwyyyyy
exhales sharply as the needle pierces the skin…..looks down…..fascinated as the jewelry is inserted…..sighs with the pleasure of another piece of stainless steel enhancing My body
Dec 30th, 2003
This is a rare post that isn’t gratuitously insulting and condescending, and actually tries to lay out authentic questions.
1. How is asking permission to green, to go afk, if my Mistress is hungry, or how can I be of service destructive or harmful to minors?
Because it is a come-on advertisement to a lifestyle that is decidedly disturbing. You’ve lost all sense of that, because you yourself have been recruited into it. In fact, it is so skillful that you don’t even mind being recruited. It is so attractive that many people fall for it. Especially young people. So it should be zoned.
When I’m at the public library, I don’t expect two people tricked out in leather to come prancing by my table and start play-acting their BDSM thing. I don’t care if they aren’t IN leather, I don’t expect them to start their A/all in A/ll stuff because it is inappropriate. Ditto my office, or my church, or my neighborhood bar. The leather scene is in a place called the Hellfire Club, down by the piers, where it exists in a zone. In my mind’s eye, there is a map of a hypothetical city. And in that city, there is a place for hardcore adult play. It’s not the library, the store, the church, the regular bar. It’s a special bar that is closed to minors and doesn’t spread out to every other institution. What BDSM is demanding zealously and aggressively is the right to roam everywhere with their big, come-on signs — signs that help people stampede to Black Rose Castle and keep it full to the brim, for example, without any regard to anything but their own hedonism. They should be zoned.
2. If a person wants to be beaten and finds someone who is willing to do it and who adheres to the BDSM tenets of “Safe, Sane, and Consentual”, how is that any more violent or dangerous than other high risk activities?
Precisely because it is so misleading. I would submit that if so much education and re-education and indoctrination must be done about safe, sane, and consensual all the time, there is a real, real problem. Why such a campaign? Why such a zealous effort to persuade everyone? Because it’s not true. And who cares about comparisons to other violent activities? What’s operative here is that at last we have a BDSM practioner who admits it IS a violent activity…and that may only be because he’s a new recruit and the inability to propagandize still hasn’t been beaten out of him… By talking about the “wants to” you once again raise the argument of “consent”. But I think that a cult that is skillful in attracting and recruiting members has many means at its disposal to get people to wave away all their natural instinctive concerns, precisely by these kinds of seductive intellectual arguments…It’s no more violent than anything else, football, say. Why, we live in a violent society that goes to war…so why is my spanking any worse than killing people in Iraq? Surely it’s a nice healthy outlet instead of killing people in Iraq…and it really releases endorphins anyway, so it really isn’t painful…and it’s something I wish to do so it really isn’t violent because violence is just something that happens without consent? You see, it’s the constant rain drip of arguments that can only be said to come straight from the Subtle One himself…
3. How is advertising in my bio that I am a submissive to a Domme recruiting?
It’s a poster. It’s an ad. It is paged through by everyone in the lot. It says “I don’t just do this privately on my lot, I come out of my lot, flaunt this on my profile, and tell the world about it.”‘
4. If I roleplay D/s on my own property in TSO and have a restrictive policy on who is allowed to visit there, how is it hurting anyone?
Much harm can be done even by consenting adults. But this is where I would have to agree, that what you do in private on your lot isn’t the business of society, it is your own conscience, but that’s my point — if you can’t keep it on your lot, if you insist on taking it all over Alphaville, you should have your own server. Because you are advertising, recruiting, expanding and flaunting a lifestyle that many find troubling, and their reaction is not one of bigotry or witch-hunting, but the natural, normal, reaction to the infliction of pain and the enslavement of other human beings. To deny the validity of their natural human instinct is the heighth of arrogance — to claim that those who experience this natural human revulsion are themselves arrogant and close-mindedn because of their revulsion is so base as to be evil.
Dec 31st, 2003
“1. How is asking permission to green, to go afk, if my Mistress is hungry, or how can I be of service destructive or harmful to minors?
Because it is a come-on advertisement to a lifestyle that is decidedly disturbing. You’ve lost all sense of that, because you yourself have been recruited into it. In fact, it is so skillful that you don’t even mind being recruited. It is so attractive that many people fall for it. Especially young people. So it should be zoned.
When I’m at the public library, I don’t expect two people tricked out in leather to come prancing by my table and start play-acting their BDSM thing. I don’t care if they aren’t IN leather, I don’t expect them to start their A/all in A/ll stuff because it is inappropriate. Ditto my office, or my church, or my neighborhood bar. The leather scene is in a place called the Hellfire Club, down by the piers, where it exists in a zone. In my mind’s eye, there is a map of a hypothetical city. And in that city, there is a place for hardcore adult play. It’s not the library, the store, the church, the regular bar. It’s a special bar that is closed to minors and doesn’t spread out to every other institution. What BDSM is demanding zealously and aggressively is the right to roam everywhere with their big, come-on signs — signs that help people stampede to Black Rose Castle and keep it full to the brim, for example, without any regard to anything but their own hedonism. They should be zoned.” ~Dyerbrook~
Again, you are talking about segregation, which is illegal in this country. The “Back of the Bus, Down by the Docks” mentality you are spouting is no longer tolerated in this society. What you are also promoting is akin to the Salem Witch Hunt. Let’s track down all those BDSMers and lock them up, like we put the American Indians on reservations, like Hitler put the Jews in concentration camps, like the US interred the Japanese during WW 2, like the South segregated the African-Americans until the Civil Rights movement. The fact that you do not see that your viewpoint is WRONG is why history repeats itself.
Dec 31st, 2003
Dyerbrook, you continue to repeat yourself over and over and convince nobody of your viewpoint. let me once again refute your last post.
“Because it is a come-on advertisement to a lifestyle that is decidedly disturbing.”
Again, it’s not advertisement or any such thing. It’s simply W/who W/we are and how W/we RP the game. W/we could care less if O/our community gets new “recruits”. If property owners are offended by this they only need to say so and W/we’ll leave. Simple as that. You’ve said earlier that they are intimidated by U/us. What? Are My pixels gonna beat up yours?
“When I’m at the public library, I don’t expect two people tricked out in leather to come prancing by my table and start play-acting their BDSM thing.”
You did say PUBLIC library, right? If I want to walk down Main Street, Anytown USA with My subbie in a collar on a leash, I can as long as neither of U/us is indecently exposed.
“I would submit that if so much education and re-education and indoctrination must be done about safe, sane, and consensual all the time, there is a real, real problem”
SS & C are a basic lesson that doesn’t need to be repeated at all Dyerbrook. It’s only repeated here so much because you accuse U/us of not being. P/people are trying to educate you about a subject that you want to discuss but have no true knowledge of.
“You see, it’s the constant rain drip of arguments that can only be said to come straight from the Subtle One himself…”
Oh please dyerbrook, can’t you do better than accusing U/us of being in league with Satan?
I, for one, am not christian if you haven’t figured it out yet. It’s hard to be in league with an entity I don’t believe in. I submit the following:
to fear an entity, spiritual or otherwise, gives it power over you. To spend all your time worrying about an evil entity is a form of worship. So therefore, who are you in league with exactly? He’s your Satan, it’s your hell, not mine, so feel free to take this accusation there, to him, with you.
“3. How is advertising in my bio that I am a submissive to a Domme recruiting?
It’s a poster. It’s an ad. It is paged through by everyone in the lot. It says “I don’t just do this privately on my lot, I come out of my lot, flaunt this on my profile, and tell the world about it.”
You tell the world about you in your bio, right? Why can’t W/we have the same freedom without being accused, ad nauseum of advertising and recruting. I’m just Me, love me, hate Me, be indifferent, I don’t care, but don’t tell me or A/anyone else how to tell the world who W/we are. To do so is asking U/us to write lies. Ain’t that “The Subtle One’s” way of doing things?
“Much harm can be done even by consenting adults.”
How? Elaborate please.
“Because you are advertising, recruiting, expanding and flaunting”
Once more for the record, NOT
“their reaction is not one of bigotry or witch-hunting”
Yours is
End of quotes. Now, Dyerbrook, I understand why you feel this way about U/us. W/we don’t fit in your view of The Way Things Should Be (TM). You’ve already said W/we shouldn’t come to your church. That’s a fine thing for a christian, who’s Messiah said to minister to the world to say. If Yeshua were alive today, do you think He would be in the modern church preaching to the converted? Nope, He’d be down on the piers ministering to U/us sinners. He certainly wouldn’t be sitting in the ivory towers of academia, yelling for U/us to be run out of town. Maybe your ivory tower is the problem Dyerbrook, come down out of it and mix with the hoi polloi and see that everything doesn’t fit in your little box. It seems so odd to see all these right wing ideas coming from a student. At one time that I can remember, academia was the center of decadence and leftism. I’m sure you’ve read of Timothy Leary, war protesters, the SDS, etc. Academia was freaky dude. It really is a shame tho, usually young people are open minded and sympathetic to O/others. What happened to you to fill you with such hate and bigotry? Were you sheltered and over-protected as a child, or abused like you assume that W/we were? I’ll shut up now, I’m actually beginning to feel sorry for you that you’re gonna miss out on the sweet idealism of youth.
Dec 31st, 2003
Once again, I find the need to comment. I have to disagree with you, Dyerbrook. You say that the only place that where you live that BDSM people go are at that bar? In that regards, you are sadly mistaken. In the real world, you can not always tell who is into BDSM. They don’t always wear the leather or talk in a manner that you can readily identify with. As far as having it listed on the bios. I do not find that an issue as you seem to. No. I’m not into BDSM. I know it’s not for me. I don’t feel that this bio is anymore a banner for recruitment than stating that one is a Marine, or in the Army, or is a dancer, etc. Unless the bio states come to my place and check us out, see what BDSM is all about, which would be an advertisement, I don’t see what the gripe is all about. Same thing about the asking if needs a plate. If the person didn’t have “submissive” or BDSM on their bio and said this on lot, would you so readily have an issue with it? I think not. As far as the endorphines and pain being pleasure issue goes, I do find, through research, that many cultures and religions, not cults, but religions, practice this pain to bring pleasure..or brings to a divine state. I have studied many cultures in regards to this issue, and it is founded. Not all members of this cultures practiced it, that’s true, but in quite a few cultures, it was highly regarded. One such example, the Sun Dance, which was banned by whites for the simple reason that it was not a “Christian” act. Yet, beheadings, hangings and such in the name of Christ was ok. As I said before, quoting the bible John 8:7 “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.” Stop judging and passing judgement, and let each decide for themselves.
Billy Bob Thornton
Dec 31st, 2003
_yerbrook do Me just a wee lil favor…BTW coming from an Ex-soldier… you..young man have No clue about war unless youve been there…so I was wondering where you get off …have you been to Iraq…to see these people..or only informed thru TV..or have you been to Dachau.and seen the shower rooms..have you ever sat on the border …wondering if you are gonna come home… are one to speak so boldly..judgement is something you should do to yourself…before you begin to look at others…like what was said before….dont pass judgement… U/us all a favor…and get a life
Be Well
Lord W.L. Royal
Dec 31st, 2003
god I read the interview then a few posts and immedialty realised that once again close minded people start shouting the loudest about stuff they Have no idea about so I may be posting a few points that have already been said.. I apologise for that in advance..
1) How in the heck can you force anyone into anything in a VR game? if you dont like it leave it… if you dont like the scene close it out please folks get real..
2) I saw a post where someone was stating that we should not have info about our lifestyle in our profiles… hmm how do you feel about people with political bumperstickers trolling the real life streets to get us to vote for their choice it is the same thing in a way except I have no choice not to read the sticker of the car in front of me but I have a choice not to read another sims profile
3)I am a Dom and trust me comparing the Dom sub roles the subs are not the weak ones it is a mutual agreement between each player to fulfill a need the other may have… it is a lifestyle pure and simple and I would rather see it here on the net/TSO allowing some to test the waters with a basic idea than have them wander the streets and end up in a bad situation.. many that I know of Switch they play both sides of the style so the power trip argument falls short as well better try another tactic..
4)Back in the days it was the color of skin that people judged by.. then it was the gay lifestyle and now it is BDSM I just wish that discrimination all together went away and let each other do as they choose.. sorry I am not a surpreme being I can not tell people what is the correct way to live but I can tell people to stop forcing thier belief’s on me and my family BDSM is a trust realtionship so in my book it is stronger tie than marraige.. too many marriages out there lack trust.. and lead to divorce so why not ban marriages then? course the catholics see Divorce as a sin when they get remarried so by their standards it is not moral. So we get to ban divorce then. all depends on your point of view.. but dont attack a lifestyle you have no earthly idea what is going on..
yes there are pretenders out there same in any orginazation just there for a thrill or a fast buck.. ya know even the cristian faith is cult like in that reguard you think Jesus would dress in wealth like the big preachers do? do you think he would shun anyone for what they did? can you tell me one commandant that the BDSM breaks? *shakes his head* I belive in a surpreme being but I do not believe in orginized religion too many subtle shades too many differenting beliefs I ask questions and I learn by doing so instead of repeating unfounded closed minded beliefs what I speak I have learned from a long life of watching asking and learning… I am not a mindless parrott that repeats what I have been told to repeat I have too much consideration to the human race to blindly spout words I have not learned myself..
as to the problem of kids getting mixed into a VR lifestyle? hmm there are ways and there are ways around it.. lets keep kids from Liquior drugs first then worry about VR role play
Dec 31st, 2003
~laffs~ i knew you’d reply you devil , you..~giggles~ Gotta love that ~Sir Darksoul costume~ ~winx teasingly~
~pulls her carving knife from her garter belt~
~disecting this now…” individualistic issue”
“What’s sad abou shi ho’s post is that she absolutely no clue of life outside these United States”
~takes sister gyrrl’s pom pom and smacks dyer over the head~ ” This girl lives in Canada ” ..Dummy! ~giggles~
“shi ho?” ~laffs~ its “this slut” this girl refuses to be called a garden tool..she loves sex not gardening…~cutely snickers~
“the kinds of things she and her pals do for kicks are what were done to people in Saddam’s prisons as punishment”
hush silly boy ~pointing her finger, giggling~..unless ofcourse, you speak from “experience”…have you, dyer experienced the pleasures of being spanked in a pretty little dungeon? Fact is…We are not ~spanked~, ~whipped~, cut~, what have you….for “torture”…Its for pleasure..for some, its discipline..pending…but for the most part..Pain is Pleasure…~laffs~ We, submissive/slaves are grabbing our ankles because we want to! girl swears if idiots could fly..”Dyers and friends home” could truly be an airport!
” Because she and others appear all to willing to practice their methods of shaming, belittling, depersonalizing, personal attack, vilification, etc. ”
~ “this girl “…~snickers~ believes you are the one that started this…..look in the mirror bubble boy…you can do it!!!….doesnt feel very nice to be ~attacked~ does it ? dyer..hmmm?
~pokes his chest a little harder than last time with her fingertip~ ..Accept what you can not change!
this girl went to your house, to, indeed introduce herself….the only thing that dyer said was ” oh no its one of them bdsm stalkers ..blah blah blah!..this girl was quite polite…as always. ~smiles~ ~taking the camera from her purse, holding up her roll of film~ ~laffing~ for this girl took pictures of dyers pal’s ~kneeling in afk posistion~ ~dyer crying of Our community “now stalking” him~…and who was tagging the members of Our community…whats the matter dyer???? this girl is a firm believer in what is good for the goose is good for the gander!..Do not dish out what you can’t receive.
by the still haven’t answered any questions…~laffing~
and you should really learn how to treat your are not nice! ~walks over~ ,~her silky, curvy hips, swaying from side to side~…~stuffs all kinds of BDSM flyers in your mail box, dusting her hands~ ha!
~kneels deeply~ by a real Man..her Master
love, shi ~blowing a bdsm flavored kissy~
Dec 31st, 2003
~prances back in~
This girl “Shi’ just wanted to let ya know dyer..that she did serve her Four years in the United States Air Force. ~smiles proudly~
howsaboutyou? ~giggles~
~skips off~
love, shi xo
The invisble goofball
Dec 31st, 2003
*makes odd face*……Read your posts I do not yes….for lack of wisdom they show….mmmmm
Makeing fool of yourself you are Dyer…Yes….
Do learn from this, and let the Farce be with you.
Dec 31st, 2003
Good morning A/all
Last night was the first night i was introduced to this site. i sat here for the longest time reading over alot of the items writen. It amazes me how much O/one P/person can seem to have such a jealousy over a Lifestyle. How much hatred T/they seem to have. Though i have seen this from P/people alot in my 30 years of life. ~sighs~
i must say though… Amazing how large AV is. It is one of the sites that now any new P/players that join may not be able to get in due to the city being locked. And yet there is only one P/person with so much hatred against the BDSM Lifestyle. Correction 2. Though i have also noticed that when the O/one writes, the O/other does not for awhile and than suddenly the O/other is never heard from in the posts again. Maybe it is because the O/other has read and seen from O/our fellow D/s family it is not what T/they thought the lifestyle was about afterall? Or that T/they were actually the same P/person as the first O/one that posts so much hatred over and over? Trying to make it look like more than O/one has hatred against U/us? W/who knows.
i personally will admit i am not good at wording things on here ~lol~ But i think i will get my point across.
i am not one to sit and point out the bad flaws of O/ones life. How T/they chose to live it. Though i am one that does not sit and watch O/one abuse the way P/people chose to live.
When i started TSO over a year ago. i lived in one of the what You call a normal regular love house. It was a number one love house in Calvins. i was the owner of it. Yes it was fun. Though got pretty boring.
. He took me under His wing. Guided me. Protected me. i must say i was very happy. And enjoyed everyday that i lived in His home.

Y/you all bring out the love in TSO….
A friend of mine in the game RL best friend out of the game introduced me to a BDSM house. One that she happen to stop in one day and really enjoyed. she continued to go there alot.
i went in there one day. At first i will admit i did not enjoy it. Though i did not bash anything. i felt it was not something for me.
i continued to play my normal vanilla lifestyle. Then created my character in BF. i met a fellow sister denali. i must say she was the greatist. i watched and learned alot of the lifestyle from her. her actions. Comments. Everything. It all seemed so real. Everyday i would learn something new on the Lifestyle. It drew me more and more into the Lifestyle. Than one day i was collared. her and i shared the same Master. O/our Master than had stopped playing in BF, due to reasons. Though my fellow sister and i continued to live there. i was than protected by the Loving Sir Cateyes. Him and sister denali means alot to me. T/they both taught me a great deal. Mind You B/both are in the BDSM lifestyle in RL as well. And B/both are wonderful T/teachers.
Yes there wasn’t many in BF that were introduced to the lifestyle. Sir Cat had alot going on in His life and therefore was unable to play as much as He would like. i was given permission to move on and enjoy. Therefore my fellow sister and i moved into AV.
i was amazed at how large the community was with the lifestyle there. i stopped into a few of the houses. One of the houses that i stopped in read my bio and saw that i too was in the lifestyle. And i was than taken to a house and introduced to a wonderful Man. A Protector. The house of Sir Darksoul.
i was taken in. Loved. And yet taught more of the lifestyle. *This is not a lifestyle that O/one can learn over night.*
Sir Darksoul was so caring, loving, and patient. Still is i must add
i met more and more fellow Dom/mes. Fellow sisters/brothers. i never knew there could be so much love. T/they never judged Y/you. Only thing T/they did was welcome Y/you and make Y/you feel loved.
i one day stopped into another house and met M’lady Starr. Something that day made me smile. i just felt complete that night when i met Her. She was the greatist thing ever. After Her and i spoke a few times i became Hers. i never thought in all my life i would have had a Mistress. Though i must say i am so glad i do.
She is there for me. Makes me smile when i am down. Helps me whenever She can. Sits and listens when i need to talk. And so much more. i have been with her many months now, and pray to be for a very long time.
i must say and get to my point. Before i met A/all these wonderful P/people in the BDSM lifestyle, i feel i was not complete. i was not happy with myself. Did not feel loved as i do now. And not only do i mean in the game but out as well. Though T/they all helped me change that.
i would have a bad day at work. Or something bad would happen at home and i would just turn on TSO and go into AV and knew my day would briten. For T/they A/all would be there for me
i also read comments on sex done in these houses. Well i have to say.. i have never walked into a BDSM house and been told from O/one of the lifestyle….A/s/l? Wanna cyber? Or anything of that sort. As that is all Y/you see or hear in one of Your *normal* love houses. And as stated. If there is scening going on in the BDSM house it is locked or T/their lot states 18+. Yes it is hard to keep out youngins. But hey i could tell You i was 30 and really be 10. W/we don’t know who the real person is behind the game. But W/we do however post what the house is like
my main point is……
i would never change the world for what i have received from the Lifestyle. i have only felt the love from A/all in it. i have never felt so welcome til i met T/them A/all.
i am sorry that You have such strong feelings against it all. Though W/we all have O/our ways of living.
Time to go to *work* blah! hehehe
Thanks Sir Cateyes…..denali….Sir Darksoul…Lady Juilian…brig….and so many more for making me feel welcomed and loved
And most of all…….Thanks M’lady Starr for loving me. Taking me in…. Your the greatist!!
P.s. Dyerbrook
You should read those sites on BDSM and You will see it is not all You think it is
Lord Gavril
Dec 31st, 2003
Good day A/all
Well now Dyer, what a suacy lass that shi is
Could you please do Me a favour? Respond to her post.
I have So much to say, yet, I think I am having more enjoyment reading the posts now. So indeed Dyer, riposte and show Us your measure!.
Be Well A/all
Dec 31st, 2003
It is O/our paycheck ~lol~
P.s.s ~hehehe~
It was also stated maybe W/we should A/all move to a city like DG that is slow?
Please look at the top 100 houses in all Cats. Majority is BDSM houses. So why should W/we move to a slower city? Seems to me maybe if You don’t like the lifestyle You should move to a city that isn’t as large of the lifestyle
~covers mouth~ Ooops sorry. It is unlike me to be so rude. But it is true. If W/we are pretty much what all the houses are in AV why should W/we move?????? And hey…. W/we A/all pay 10$ a month as well as You…. And if that is what W/we like to pay O/our money for….So be it.
Ok off to work hehehe
Paul "Phinehas" Schwanz
Dec 31st, 2003
Darksoul> ‘Yes I did Phin, Yahweh killed 24k anyway with a plague that Phinehas committed murder to “stop” ‘
You disapprove of God’s actions here? If you have a beef with God, you’ll need to take it up with Him. Though you may not like it, He gets to define what is immoral and what is not and what is murder and what is not. I realize that you want to be able to define these things for yourself, but you are just another one of us finite, imperfect, warped humans who are decidedly not God.
I am encouraged by your acknowledgement that murder is wrong, but am curious regarding how you know this is the case, especialy given your insistance that violence is OK.
Darksoul> ‘The attack was not ad hominem tho, just a question about using the name of a person who kills in the name of his “God”. That’s a frightening concept Phin, it really is.’
I’m not the one who is promoting violence here, you are. I’m sorry that my moniker offends you. I really am. I’ve explained that my RP name has nothing to do with my stand on violence or the points that I’ve made. Nonetheless, I have to wonder, in whose name do you do your violence, Darksoul?
Dec 31st, 2003
One more time Phin, I don’t promote violence, here, in game or RL. I’m a simple man who just wants to live and let live. You say i don’t get to define what is immoral and what is not. You know what pal, neither do you. That’s the whole point of this thread Methinks. Brad’s very right about that casting the first stone thing
And Phin, I don’t need a God/dess to do anything in the name of, but if I choose to invoke one, I have a choice of many God/desses from many pantheons.
In closing, may I share something with you from a decidedly non violent deity.
“Charge of the Goddess
Listen to the Words of the Great Mother, She, who of old, was also called among men Artemis, Astarte, Athena, Dione, Melusine, Aphrodite, Cerridwen, Diana, Arianrhod, Isis, Bride and by many other names:
Whenever ye have need of me, once in the month, and better it be when the moon is full, then shall ye assemble in some secret place and adore me, who am Queen of all Witches.
There shall ye assemble, ye who are fain to learn all sorcery, yet have not won its deepest secrets. To these I will teach things that are yet unknown.
And ye shall be free from slavery; and as a sign that ye are truly free, ye shall be naked in your rites.
And ye shall dance, sing, feast, make music and love, all in my presence. For mine is the ecstasy of the spirit, and mine is also joy on Earth.
Keep pure your highest ideal; Strive ever towards it; Let naught stop you or turn you aside. For I am the Gracious Goddess, who gives the gift of joy unto the heart of man.
Upon Earth, I give the knowledge of the spirit eternal; and beyond death, I give peace unutterable.
Nor do I demand aught in sacrifice.
For behold, I am the mother of all living, and my love is poured out upon the Earth. From me all things proceed, and to me all things must return.
Let my worship be within the heart that rejoiceth; for behold, all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals.
Let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you.
And thou who thinkest to seek for me, know thy seeking and yearning shall avail thee not unless thou knowest this mystery: That if that which thou seekest thou findest not within thee, then thou wilt never find it without thee.
For behold, I have been with thee from the beginning, and I am that which is attained at the end of desire.”
Written by Doreen Valiente
Blessed be A/all
Dec 31st, 2003
hmmmmm…. toy notices that she has to reply to more drivel…….
quote: “I’m glad you all feel united in defending yourself against someone who has challenged your ethic. After all, like Maxis says, “Challenge Everything”. It makes it easier for outsiders or the skeptical to see what you’re all really about, the methods you use, and your pretenses and antics.”
quote: “This fake analogizing of saying “oh, look at the violence of the world, and what a trivial thing is our spanking by contrast” is simply not persuasive coming from people who are prepared to reverse the meanings of slavery, freedom, and wil, and who compare the verbal challenges they have faced from me and a few others to “witch-hunting” or “book-burning” or “bigoty”.
toy would say study more history… did any of the witch hunters, book burners or bigots ever admit they were actually what they were Dyerbrook? Of course they didnt, just as You deny what You are
quote: “And where is your endorphin theory when you need it? When I get root canal, when I slam a finger in the car door, how come those endorphins don’t kick in for me, huh? Am I doing something wrong?”
Yours dont kick in even then Dyerbrook??? Oh my please do seek some profesional help You are in dire need of it
By attacking what she said now You once more show that You cannot accept what anyone but You or Your small group of fanatics believe in but then again toy honestly thinks You dont believe 90% of Your drivel Yourself. You have just found a medium to grasp Your 15 minutes of fame…. Watch the clock carefully, Your 15 minutes are nearing there close
quote: “When I’m at the public library, I don’t expect two people tricked out in leather to come prancing by my table and start play-acting their BDSM thing. I don’t care if they aren’t IN leather, I don’t expect them to start their A/all in A/ll stuff because it is inappropriate. Ditto my office, or my church, or my neighborhood bar. ”
hmmmm toy noticed a strong emphasis on the word ‘my’ in this last statement of Yours Dyerbrook….. the last time this girl checked almost all You mentioned are public places, not belonging to You
bah!!!!! toy could go on for hours riddling Your narrowminded ramblings but toy has better things to do
toy thinks learning about what one speaks to be foremost when trying to make a point…. Simple minded ramblings dont hold true to this girls concept. And yes, toy will admit she has it all wrong Dyerbrook for You know it all
Hmmmmm once again, rather presumptuos
You do seem to be an educated person Dyerbrook but, perhaps learning more would help
toy will return later when she has her big laugh for the day because You truely ammuse this girl
falara kajira toy
if You just ‘challenged’ all would be well, but You insisted on attacking something You know nothing about
Lady Julianna
Dec 31st, 2003
So Dyer, explain this url policy of Maxis then. As I understand it, they do not want to see any urls in game. Or you do not want to see any urls in game, or at least those that you, our self proclaimed God and moral police, decide are unacceptable.
And I notice that you did not try to provide any explanation of how you justify coming into my home and tagging me. I suppose it is because it is indefensible, even to you.
You have the moral integrity of a two-year-old. “If I like it, it is good, and if I don’t like it, it is bad.”
May God protect us from our self-proclaimed saviour.
Dec 31st, 2003
ooopsy, toy had to do a bit of editing… this girl was multi-tasking hehehehe
hmmmmm…. toy notices that she has to reply to more drivel…….
quote: “I’m glad you all feel united in defending yourself against someone who has challenged your ethic. After all, like Maxis says, “Challenge Everything”. It makes it easier for outsiders or the skeptical to see what you’re all really about, the methods you use, and your pretenses and antics.”
if You just ‘challenged’ all would be well, but You insisted on attacking something You know nothing about
quote: “This fake analogizing of saying “oh, look at the violence of the world, and what a trivial thing is our spanking by contrast” is simply not persuasive coming from people who are prepared to reverse the meanings of slavery, freedom, and wil, and who compare the verbal challenges they have faced from me and a few others to “witch-hunting” or “book-burning” or “bigoty”.
toy would say study more history… did any of the witch hunters, book burners or bigots ever admit they were actually what they were Dyerbrook? Of course they didnt, just as You deny what You are
quote: “And where is your endorphin theory when you need it? When I get root canal, when I slam a finger in the car door, how come those endorphins don’t kick in for me, huh? Am I doing something wrong?”
Yours dont kick in even then Dyerbrook??? Oh my please do seek some profesional help You are in dire need of it
By attacking what she said now You once more show that You cannot accept what anyone but You or Your small group of fanatics believe in but then again toy honestly thinks You dont believe 90% of Your drivel Yourself. You have just found a medium to grasp Your 15 minutes of fame…. Watch the clock carefully, Your 15 minutes are nearing there close
quote: “When I’m at the public library, I don’t expect two people tricked out in leather to come prancing by my table and start play-acting their BDSM thing. I don’t care if they aren’t IN leather, I don’t expect them to start their A/all in A/ll stuff because it is inappropriate. Ditto my office, or my church, or my neighborhood bar. ”
hmmmm toy noticed a strong emphasis on the word ‘my’ in this last statement of Yours Dyerbrook….. the last time this girl checked almost all You mentioned are public places, not belonging to You
bah!!!!! toy could go on for hours riddling Your narrowminded ramblings but toy has better things to do
toy thinks learning about what one speaks to be foremost when trying to make a point…. Simple minded ramblings dont hold true to this girls concept. And yes, toy will admit she has it all wrong Dyerbrook for You know it all
Hmmmmm once again, rather presumptuos
You do seem to be an educated person Dyerbrook but, perhaps learning more would help
toy will return later when she has her big laugh for the day because You truely ammuse this girl
falara kajira toy
(checks once again to make sure no mistakes)
Dec 31st, 2003
its called Accountability Avan’shea Julianna.. perhaps Dyerbrook should read this……..
Accountability. One of the basic tenets of the Gorean lifestyle. That each person, whether free or slave will be accountable for their actions. I have found that while many will speak of Accountablity, few actually comprehend the concept. Being accountable for our actions does not simply mean taking responsibility when we screw up. It also means accepting the consequences of our actions.
Take for example, the man who collars a slave. Promises her an offline relationship while knowing he has no intention of leaving his blissfully unaware wife and kids. Or the slave who accepts collars from two different men. She visits one on alternate weekends, claiming family responsibilities while visiting the other. Or the woman who is a collared slave, but logs on as a “Panthergirl” when she feels like telling off some of the free.
Usually, just as they’re about to be exposed, these people “confess their sins.” A huge dramatic scene where they spill their guts and follow that with a zillion excuses to justify their reprehensible behavior. Much the same as Death Row Inmates who find God and religion just as they’re about to get their butts fried.
We’ve all seen this. The apologies, the excuses. The “Look at what a good person I am, I’m taking responsibility for my actions.”
But that is only part of what Accountablity is. That’s the easy part. The rest of it is the part that most people just don’t understand. Accepting the consequences of those bad choices they made. That’s the tough part.
“Ok, I confessed, I said I was sorry…. Now you’re supposed to forgive me.”
Sorry, folks it doesn’t always work that way. Especially in a community of Goreans. Sometimes, you are not forgiven. Some things are unforgiveable. Oh, there will always be those who will pat you on the head and say “It’s ok, everyone makes mistakes.” But there will also be those who simply turn away and have nothing further to do with you.
It is at this point, where those who truly have understood the concept of Accountability will accept the consequences of their actions. They know and accept that the loss of that friend or partner is their own fault. They earned it by making the choices they did. There may come a time, further down the path when that person may give them another chance, after they have seen some honest contrition and change in behavior. But then again… that may not happen. Either way, one must accept responsibilty. You have caused this. No one else but you.
Those who do not fully understand the concept of Accountability will usually react in anger. “How dare you not forgive me!” But, forgiveness is not something you are entitled to in any way. Like anything else when dealing with Goreans, forgiveness is earned, it is not an automatic right. There will be those who will forgive, and those who won’t. Those who do not forgive are not to blame in any way. It is not some “flaw” in that person which makes them unable to forgive. It is their own personal standards which you have failed to meet.
The failure is not on the part of the one who will not forgive.
The failure is yours.
Accept that.
Live with it.
You’ve earned it.
falara kajira toy
Paul "Phinehas" Schwanz
Dec 31st, 2003
Darksoul> “You say i don’t get to define what is immoral and what is not. You know what pal, neither do you.”
Absolutely, and thank God for that, since I’m one of those imperfect, warped humans, as are you. (That’s why I said, “us.”)
But I’m even more curious now about why/how you claim murder is immoral. If you don’t get to define morality and neither do I, then who does? How can anything be moral or immoral?
Dec 31st, 2003
Greetings Mistress ::smiles::
Hello A/all, good day to Y/you
i am confused. i was hoping S/someone could help me out.
i am confused as to what i am suppose to feel about T/these lost souls W/whom haven’t accepted O/others openly.
am i suppose to be honored that T/they take time from T/their busy lives to judge O/our community?
am i suppose to be jealous of T/their high horses? of T/their free time to sit and condemn that which T/they do not understand?
or am i to pity T/them for not being happy enough with T/themselves that T/they must seek out O/others to put down?
i would really like to know so that when i pray for T/them i know just what it is i am praying about.
Thank Y/you A/all very much.
-Lillian, training collared sub of Mistress Tabula Rasa-
Dec 31st, 2003
do as toy does, with no apparent effect though, toy will continue to try to open blind eyes
as Phin has put it……. “But I’m even more curious now about why/how you claim murder is immoral. If you don’t get to define morality and neither do I, then who does? How can anything be moral or immoral?”
He is going to insist on arguing one idiotic point and miss the whole concept…. He will expect all to go along with Him just because of one statement….. It is easy for One to argue points that are basic common sense if One has no common sense…. accepting others is missed entirely just by His hang up now on one statement…… it is very easy to sidestep a conversation when One is blind
falara kajira toy
Dec 31st, 2003
toy has been doing a bit of reading this afternoon and came across some articles about the Nazi’s pogrom against the jews…..
toy would You Both, Dyerbrook and Phin to read this short excerpt and look inside Yourselves, honestly and tell this girl if You dont see a parallel between what You wish and what Nazi’s wished?
The pogrom was followed by administrative and legal orders issued with a fourfold object: 1) to complete the process of “Aryanization” to the benefit of the government’s disrupted revenues: 2) to expedite the Jews’ emigration: 3) to isolate the Jews completely from the general population: 4) and to abolish the still quasi- autonomous organisation of the Reichsvertretung (the National Representation of Jews in Germany) and other official Jewish institutions.
falara kajira toy
Dec 31st, 2003
I’m still waiting for someone outside the BDSM cult to come take part in this discussion, if they are not overly intimidated by its nature, which evidently they are. Lady Julianna boots from her lot even people who are not “sold” on my arguments and who are merely in my balloons…she even boots people who are in the balloons of those people, but not mine, separated by one degree of Sim-peration…Amazing, eh?
Let’s take apart her latest scribblings.
“So Dyer, explain this url policy of Maxis then. As I understand it, they do not want to see any urls in game. Or you do not want to see any urls in game, or at least those that you, our self proclaimed God and moral police, decide are unacceptable.”
Maxis has never said it wants NO URLs in the game, LJ, you just haven’t been playing it enough, I guess. For a time, they seemed to remove everything because they had this idea that anything could be called “commercial” even a non-profit Sims fan site. But obviously they don’t move the thousands of URLs that refer to Sim radio stations. They don’t remove and other SSG related sites. They don’t remove any number of BDSM sites. What they have removed are sites that they perceive violate the TOS because they criticize Sims, neighborhoods, or the game company itself in ways that they deem as “inciting hatred” or which are disparaging or “negative” as they say in their ROC interpretations. That their judgements don’t hold up to the slightest scrutiny can be seen by the valiant efforts of Cocoanut and others to keep pointing this out on the Stratics boards.
Your notion that I don’t want URLs in the game is just plain silly. I believe that URLs that hook-up to RL sex rings that involve violence and enslavement should not be permitted under the TOS. I think good language that should be in any TOS should not only involve “hate” but should involve violence and enslavement. But they don’t even have to change their current TOS to understand that this type of hardcore “entertainment” belongs on a separate city server.
“And I notice that you did not try to provide any explanation of how you justify coming into my home and tagging me. I suppose it is because it is indefensible, even to you.”
I don’t see why I need to justify anything to you. Any justification I might tediously mount will only be taunted and vilified and distorted by all your ghouls from hell. So I don’t care to waste time on it. The game lets you glove people. This Sim, run not only by me, gloved you. So be happy, you have a much-sought after glove…except I guess not for long because Lord Cheetah has been deleted. But judging from the throngs of little BDSM practioners who stalk me asking for red latex as a badge of honor, it must be in great demand.
“You have the moral integrity of a two-year-old. “If I like it, it is good, and if I don’t like it, it is bad.”"
Hmm…sounds so much like your justification of BDSM. It feels good to you, so you do it. If I don’t think society should be based on what feels good to you and others who enjoy violence, and this behavior should be zoned, then I am bad — I am bigoted, close-minded etc. Don’t say the mirror is crooked if you have a crooked face.
May God protect us from our self-proclaimed saviour.
Indeed. And that would involve protecting the population of AV from BDSM by putting it on a separate server.
Billy Bob Thornton
Dec 31st, 2003
whats up _yerbrook….~scrolls up~…I see a few names that are Not BDSM…or is this another conspiracy?….seems how W/we are A/all…a Cult…~coughs~…NOT……ummm…_yerbrook..can you PLEASE tell Me who the leader is??????….
a cult Does have a leader…damn….count Me out….I follow Noone…..But ~weg~ I do have 3 that follow Me….umm shi, rashida and daima…am I a cult leader…if I am …I am sure My girles love every min of it….umm wait how old are you _yerbrook?…I didnt quite hear….and you are more than welcome to My home…and I promise you….you show respect…you will get it… wanna tag …no I love red laytex
Be well
Billy Bob Thornton
Dec 31st, 2003
oh Wait…a seperate server..great Idea…get the kids on a safe server..I am SURE there are less kids than Adults here…god help if your kid…if you have any… goto a love lot…~weg~…good sex there..and they dont screen ages
Dec 31st, 2003
Dyerbrook, as I stated above but you failed to read, I am not into BDSM. What I do dislike is people trying to push what they perceive as right or wrong onto other people. I do agree however, if you so strongly wish, that there was an adult server, then I strongly recommend making Alphaville the adult server. I also firmly believe that there are more adults in Alphaville then there are kids, therefore it would be a smarter move to relocate the kids. Majority of the founders are adults and a lot of the houses in top 10′s on lists are BDSM houses. I agree with the statement, why should they relocate based on one or two opinions. Also, you seem to believe that everyone outside of BDSM is intimidated by them, that they are a “cult”? Quite the contrary my friend, I am not the least bit intimidated by anyone in that lifestyle. I am here stating my viewpoint am I not? To call them a “cult” is also a lie. As Billy said, to be a “cult” there has to be a leader. From what I am reading, there is no leader. Where would the leader be in the real life BDSM culture? I have seen more “cults” come about from Christianity then I have seen from anywhere else. “Cults” such as, oh well…..forgot exactly where…..I do believe in Texas…where the government had to take over. Or that cult where the leader had them all drink poison and die in the name of their cult. These were all “cults” branched off from Christianity. BDSM is not a cult. I have done some reading on the subject. Dominance and submission is a lifestyle. BDSM is what people do. Yes, some in the Dominance-submissive lifestyle do also participate in BDSM activities, but not all do. Some who do not live the Dominance-submissive lifestyle do practice BDSM in their bedroom and in private parties. Have you ever affectionately swatted your girlfriend or wife, depending on whether or not you have either, on the ass? Did she enjoy it, or was she annoyed that you’d do such a thing? Think about that the next time you do such a thing. Sometimes a swat given affectionately is all that is involved. Just a few points for you to think about. Once again, in case you didn’t see it on my last post, nor at the beginning of this post, I am not living the Dominance-submissive lifestyle nor am I involved in BDSM. So, you have your wish. Someone not involved with it, has spoken. You just don’t seem to like what I have to say.
Dec 31st, 2003
Quoting dyerbrook:
“Any justification I might tediously mount will only be taunted and vilified and distorted by all your ghouls from hell.”
What’s wrong dyerbrook, running out of steam repeating yourself over and over? Now you have to resort to name calling? Climb back up your in your academic ivory tower little boy and STFU. Adults have no need to converse with a child who can only call others names. As you said for yourself, very few outside your clones and O/our community are posting to this thread. You know what that tells Me? THAT NOBODY ELSE CARES! GET IT? YOU’RE WASTING YOUR TIME AND O/oURS! FIND ANOTHER WINDMILL TO TILT AT! CURE WORLD HUNGER! CREATE PEACE AND GOODWILL IN THE WORLD! LEAVE U/uS TO OUR LIVES TO BE WHAT AND WHO WE ARE! I’M TIRED OF TRYING TO SPEAK WITH YOU RATIONALLY AND HEARING NOTHING IN RETURN BUT HATRED.
/rant off
There dyerbrook, you’ve probably achieved what you set out to do, get a member of the community to go off on you and rant. W/we’ve A/all attempted to be polite to you but it does no good. So I’m gonna behave like you expect someone to eventually and get it over with……….FUCK YOU DYERBROOK AND YOUR SELF RIGHTEOUS WAYS. GET THE HELL OUT OF AV AND STAY THE HELL OUT OF AV IF YOU DON’T WANT TO BE INSULTED BY OUR PRESENCE. AV IS OUR HOME AND WE ARE GOING NOWHERE! THERE, YOU’VE PUSHED ME INTO LOSING MY TEMPER AND CUSSING YOU OUT. TAKE IT TO YOUR CONGRESSMAN, THE FBI, THE CIA, I DON’T FUCKING CARE!
Dec 31st, 2003
Quoting dyerbrook:
“Any justification I might tediously mount will only be taunted and vilified and distorted by all your ghouls from hell.”
What’s wrong dyerbrook, running out of steam repeating yourself over and over? Now you have to resort to name calling? Climb back up your in your academic ivory tower little boy and STFU. Adults have no need to converse with a child who can only call others names. As you said for yourself, very few outside your clones and O/our community are posting to this thread. You know what that tells Me? THAT NOBODY ELSE CARES! GET IT? YOU’RE WASTING YOUR TIME AND O/oURS! FIND ANOTHER WINDMILL TO TILT AT! CURE WORLD HUNGER! CREATE PEACE AND GOODWILL IN THE WORLD! LEAVE U/uS TO OUR LIVES TO BE WHAT AND WHO WE ARE! I’M TIRED OF TRYING TO SPEAK WITH YOU RATIONALLY AND HEARING NOTHING IN RETURN BUT HATRED.
/rant off
There dyerbrook, you’ve probably achieved what you set out to do, get a member of the community to go off on you and rant. W/we’ve A/all attempted to be polite to you but it does no good. So I’m gonna behave like you expect someone to eventually and get it over with……….FUCK YOU DYERBROOK AND YOUR SELF RIGHTEOUS WAYS. GET THE HELL OUT OF AV AND STAY THE HELL OUT OF AV IF YOU DON’T WANT TO BE INSULTED BY OUR PRESENCE. AV IS OUR HOME AND WE ARE GOING NOWHERE! THERE, YOU’VE PUSHED ME INTO LOSING MY TEMPER AND CUSSING YOU OUT. TAKE IT TO YOUR CONGRESSMAN, THE FBI, THE CIA, I DON’T FUCKING CARE!
Dec 31st, 2003
toy will always reply to Your incesant babbling Dyerbrook, toy finds You immensly humorous
I’m still waiting for someone outside the BDSM cult to come take part in this discussion, if they are not overly intimidated by its nature, which evidently they are. Lady Julianna boots from her lot even people who are not “sold” on my arguments and who are merely in my balloons…she even boots people who are in the balloons of those people, but not mine, separated by one degree of Sim-peration…Amazing, eh?
toy is also wondering where ALL who agree with You are
as far as booting people who are Your ummmm friends…. perhaps She wishes no further red balloons
for You see we arent the ones who resort to such childish behaviour…. toy doesnt worry about it though so go ahead with Your uninformed babbling and childish pranks
As far as the ‘red latex’ LOL……. your childish behaviour begets it
Please reply to this girl or does a 19 year old intimidate You?
Well perhaps simce this girl is Gorean and fears nothing.. least of all some incessant babble by One who is a self-appointed saviour…… toy still awaits any more like thinkers of Yours. perhaps they have more common sense?
You start attacking people here or in TSO and all it does is bring us closer, as has been said before…..
toy awaits more ‘brilliant’ responses from You Dyerbrook
but we both know You wont reply to toy.. perhaps You are gaining a bit of common sense afterall?
toy doesnt have to answer to anyone for who or what she is. toy also can see someplace in Your past You must have been abused… as in, not being payed enough attention to, and this is why You feel You must speak, even about something You have no knowledge with
and in closing…….
toy has spoke with her Uncle a hour ago…… He asked if there were rules for TSO… toy said Yes of course its called terms of service……
He then asked if anyone involved in BDSM in TSO breaks this TOS… toy replied, not to her knowledge..
He then replied that it was rather rediculous for anyone to complain about a group in TSO as long as they adhere to the rules set down…. and even if these rules were broken it would be a legal matter, not a congressional matter. And it would be handled as a breach of contract.
He closed in telling toy not to worry about it, the whole thing is rediculous.
So You see Dyerbrook…… You are growing more silly each day
Also Dyerbrook.. where is this screaming horde that is begging us to have a seperate server, hmmmm?
It is You and You alone who, with Your warped ideals and ideas taht want to relegate something You dont understand to ‘the back of the bus’
toy would also ask You to wake up….. BDSM is something one does it isnt what someone is
be well
falara kajira toy
Dec 31st, 2003
Hi folks, just dropped in to point out that the number of comments on this thread now exceed that of the Evangeline/cyberprostitution thread. That’s something, I guess. I also wanted to say another interview on this topic should appear in a couple days. I’ll keep you posted. Finally, not that I don’t join the back and forth here, but please also take note of the New Years Eve post on the conquest of the Kerafyrm on EQ. Happy New Year all! –Uri
Dec 31st, 2003
*appearing from around a nearby corner with a smile on her lips, she steps forward quietly. Looking around the room as her amber eyes sparkle with the love and support from her family and friends. Taking a deep breath as she gathers her thoughts, she then begins to speak.*
I have to admit that I have found this thread to be quite informative as well as entertaining.
I had to laugh at the speculation in regards to “recruitment” into the BDSM community. You can not recruit people into such a lifestyle or roleplay. People are either curious…or they are not. (Just like bull riding, or bungee jumping…it is a choice.) It really is that simple when you look at it hard enough. W/we understand though, that there will always be closed minded people who have nothing better to do that to find someone that they may berate. ((Which as most of U/us in this thread will recognize as a “struggle to power” in it’s own right))
A statement was presented earlier as to RP’ers as well as real lifer’s, etc. First of all, any RL aspect shouldn’t have any bearing whatsoever as we are discussing a game. However, I have never been one to step down based on technicalities especially since most of my statements can be applied to either or both situations. Any participation in the BDSM (or any community) is on a voluntary basis. SSC (safe, sane, and consensual) has already been addressed. “Safe” can be perceived as a misleading word. “Safe” and “pain free” are not the same thing. In a RL setting, injuries can happen. *smiles* but not only in a BDSM relationship. Personally, I know of people in “vanilla” relationships who suffer sexual injuries. (internal injuries, hickies, scratches, “carpet burn” and even falling off a surface) These are not indicitive of a partner not being well cared for. In fact, we should create a thread barring couches from living rooms. I mean, I can’t tell you how many times I have stubbed my toe on the way to the kitchen. That, I can assure you is not consensual…nor is it a pleasurable. The reason for the SSC is to create awareness for those who may have no clue what it is that they are doing. Simply put, there are Masters out there in the real world who do it only for the wrong reasons. Consensual and sane…this goes for RL as well as RP. Of course, in a RP setting, if someone is uncomfortable, they should simply close out the chat screen.
Tattoos and piercings have been brought up, but let’s re-explore this for just a moment as an example of pain. Some people believe that tattoos are painful. I would disagree with this statement…simply because I do not feel pain when receiving ink. I feel excitement. A tattoo is a permanent mark on your body (unless you go through the expense of having it removed) Not only is this a “mark” upon your flesh… it is one that you pay $$ for. Some people are frowned upon for having a tattoo…others are welcomed with open arms. Why is this? It is because it is a choice. Everyone who is of age, who has the $$ has the choice of whether or not they want a tattoo. Not everyone decides that it is right for them…. hmmmm sound familiar?
BDSM covers a very wide area. This is true both in RL and RP. For some people, it is all inclusive…whatever the master says goes. However, I don’t think this is the most common of situations. For others, they simply participate in more mild forms of BDSM as part of their sex lives.
The lifestyle is about trust. Both parties have to trust one another completely…yes, BOTH parties. Both parties discuss and set T/their limits…that is…what T/they are comfortable in doing. In RL, a safe word should be set. This word when uttered by either participant, stops ALL activity immediately. Some RP’ers also use safe words, however, in RP there are other ways to stop the RP. The needs of both D/s are met in the lifestyle. If they are not, then the relationship needs to be re-evaluated.
Now on to the subject of whether or not TSO is an adult or a child’s game. Yeah… I know it states 13 and up, but pahleese. We all know that this game is marketed towards adults. If this game was geared toward the teenage sector, then where are the baseball fields, football fields, skateboard parks, where are the RC cars and jet boats to play with? Where is is local high school? College campus visiting days, etc? Oh wait… darn, there aren’t any. Instead, what we have are casinos, taverns (alcohol), love houses with vibrating beds, etc, etc, so on and so forth. Shall we discuss sim interactions such as hot kiss, dip kiss, sexy growl, etc.
When I came to TSO, I had no idea that a BDSM community exsisted. In fact, if it weren’t for RP situations (you know…VR with words rather than actions) I probably would have cancelled my subscription. I enjoy a good RP. I enjoy good company, and I enjoy the fact that this is a strong, tight knit, community in which all the members have respect for one another in T/their own decision.
Who are we? In the real world, we are husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers. We are teachers, politicians, students, bankers, bakers, car salesmen, web designers, fishers, bowlers. We are humans…and yes, some of us participate in RL as well. Now here’s the clencher…in RL when you are at the library with us…you will have no idea for we are no different than you. If you haven’t noticed, when you are in a VR setting and you have only the use of words…this is much different that RL.
And one other point to you, dyerbrook, for once and for A/all. Get over it.
Devoted submissive to M’lord Sir Michael
Dec 31st, 2003
Very well spoken emerald. It’s good to see you here since I haven’t seen you in game often recently. Now that I’m calmed down from My tirade above, I’d like to wish each and every O/one of Y/you a happy and prosperous New Year. Remember if Y/you go out to party tonight, have a designated driver….I’d hate to lose any of Y/you. For Myself, I’m staying home and having a quiet evening with the family. Be well A/all
Dec 31st, 2003
Thank You, Sir Darksoul. Now that the holidays are over….I am sure that Y/you A/all will be seeing much more of me again! *smiles*
Happy New Year!
Dec 31st, 2003
ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) is the private (non-government) non-profit corporation with responsibility for IP address space allocation, protocol parameter assignment, domain name system management, and root server system management functions, the services previously performed by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). (ICANN is usually pronounced EYE-can, as in “I can at least try to manage the Internet.”)
In other words ICANN controls how addresses are setup on the net (.com, .net, .org, etc) Recently it was suggested that ICANN create new TLD’s (top level domains) such as .kids, .xxx, and .sex to route sites for kids and porn sites into differing domains that would be unmistakable and impossible to confuse.
Quoting the BBC:
“Last week, an Icann report on suggested suffixes was released which advised against picking a .kids domain for children or trying to corral pornographic websites into a .xxx or .sex domain.
The report warned that the problems of defining what counts as child friendly content would limit the domain’s effectiveness.
It also recommended against choosing the adult domain because it was hard to see what benefit establishing such a suffix would bring.”
ICANN has a point IMHO, even if .kids etc are created, how do you make sure a child doesn’t surf to .sex or .xxx ………not to mention the content of the sites being age appropriate. An 8 year old is a minor, and so is a 17 year old, but I bet they don’t enjoy the same websites. In TSO, W/we face the same realities, that’s why W/we have to not only ask age for unfamiliar sims landing on our properties,,,,,,,W/we have to look for behaviors and language that indicate those sims are not adults. What’s to keep kids….if an adult or kid based server were to be created, from simply lying about their age when they login? Oh right, Mommy and Daddy use their credit card to sign up for TSO. I don’t think so. The most likely scenario is, Mommy gives daughter TSO for Xmas or Bday. Daughter goes upstairs to install it on her own computer in her room. A yell is heard “Mom…..I need your card number to signup for the game.”…..”OK dear, just a sec lemme find it…it’s 2411 xxxx xxxx xxxx and the expire date is 03/07.”………”Thanks Mom!” Of course Mom never thinks that daughter is lying about her age while using the card number that Mom gave her so freely. Mom trusts daughter with the card number. Why not? Mom hands it to her occasionally to go out and do a bit of shopping with it and she’s never abused the privilege.
Maxis can only do so much, and would never be able to prevent this type of situation unless they’re gonna require every subscriber to email or snail mail a scan of their photo ID, and even if they did that, would daughter simply go in Mom’s purse and get Mom’s license, scan it and send it in?
So I think the onus lies on U/us just as it always has to require 18+ only and do O/our best to discern if someone is under age. No separate server is gonna prevent a determined teen from doing anything. What’s really needed is due vigilance on the part of parents to know what their kids are doing online. About the only thing that Maxis can truly do is voulntarily raise the rating from Teen to Mature or Adult. Question is, would Maxis voluntarily lose the revenue stream that comes from teens? Don’t think so. I guess the responsibility to monitor the actions of teens goes back to where it’s always been…the parent.
Dec 31st, 2003
If you don’t trust your kids online and really want to monitor them, don’t bother with NetNanny or Cyber Cop, both are amazingly easy to bypass. There is plenty of good keylogging software, and even hardware that runs in the background, invisibly that can capture every keystroke that is made. Some can even be found for free. Chances are that many children know more about computers that do their parents, if that’s your case and you have a prob trusting your child online, then you have only one recourse….the pawn shop…they’ll prolly give you a couple hundred bucks for the kid’s puter.
Jan 1st, 2004
~giggles~ quite appropriate she thought…
” ‘Is it wrong for the tree to be a tree, the rock a rock, the bird a bird?’ I asked.
‘No, no,’ she said.
‘Why, then,’ I asked, ‘is it wrong for a slave to be a slave?’
‘I do not know,’ she said.
‘Perhaps it is not wrong for a slave to be a slave,’ I said.”
John Norman, Explorers of Gor, p. 176
“We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.”
Sir Winston Churchill
Love, shi xo
Lady Julianna
Jan 1st, 2004
Okay Dyer, let us examine this idea of a separate server for adults. I think I can understand why Maxis is not rushing to do this. First off, there are not enough players to go around. That is why so many of the other cities have pretty much shrivelled up and died. We have an influx right now with the Christmas newbies, but I have a feeling that there are not as many this year as there were last year, and we will likely lose a lot of them around the summer, as we did last year. The cities would be even emptier if Maxis tried to divide us up.
Darksoul pointed out well that there would still be kids who are able to get onto the adult server, rather easily as a matter of fact, so they would still be exposed to sexual behaviour.
If Maxis did this, they would have to impose rules on the non-adult server and find a way to police and enforce those rules. Perhaps take away the love beds, cuddle couches.. etc. And where would you want to play? With the kiddies? Heck, even the kiddies don’t want to play with the kiddies, they want to play with the adults. Your solution would create more problems than it would solve.
The kiddies would be likely to create and do many of the same things on the kiddie only server or in other cities without us around anyway. Do you think the teens would not set up their own brothels and cyber?
I really don’t think you have fully thought this through.
Build your own community and make it thrive as we have ours. That is my challenge to you. Stay out of our community if you don’t like it. Use the ignore button to ignore us. And if you don’t like our profiles, move on.
It’s all you can do really. You can’t get rid of us, so find a way to deal with it and cope with it. We are here, like it or not, and we are not going away. You are powerless to do anything about that. Forget saving the world. The world does not want you to be its saviour. And you know what happens to saviours… they get crucified.
Make your own way. And before you try to remove the mote in my eye, remove the log in your own.
Billy Bob Thornton
Jan 1st, 2004
hmmmm a man of big words…..goes to a BDSM lot….calla a woman a bitch……then gets tagged…*remember who started the tag game* ~Grins~…then calls her a slick bitch…….then ..when IMed to ask about it….he places Me on ignore….then sends Me a ~Nice~ IM…*yes he took Me off igbore just to grace My IM*….and I do have a copy of his…um…LMAO…lil words..for A/any interested to see just what happened to his large vocabulary
…Be Well and Happy New Year E/everyone
Jan 1st, 2004
i couldn’t sleep last night and went into sims……saw a BDSM house open…had two people in it…so thought i would drop by…..OMG…two women who lived there and right in front of me landed……………dyerbrook………..*claps hands to her cheeks making the O shape with her mouth*….
and he said…..You Bitch…..this is one of those BDSM houses…..
now when he said that…i tagged him…it made me mad….the other woman said…omg who was that… now who is harrassing whom…..and after i tagged him…he ran away….and then the well spoken dyerbrook IM’ed me…..and said
You Sick Little F_ _ k……
so now who is the low life…..who is the one who has their mouth in the gutter….
i replied….oh my such language….at which point he put me on ignore……
how could Y/you not have known…Y/you small small person..(note the term person and not man which is too good for this one…)….that it was not a BDSM home…it states the desire for slaves in the bio….and there were only two people there….Y/you feign ignorance yet Y/you know exactly what Y/you do.
Perhap a quick thrill Y/you were hoping for…or maybe to sneak in and hear something outlandish
*shakes her finger back and forth in dyerbrooks direction*…..shame shame shame….oh and i took pictures of the whole thing….*winks*
i can send Y/you a copy if Y/you like….
no more cheers…none needed…case closed….
small words for a small mind….what a New Years Gift….Happy Happy Joy Joy……